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← 2020-10-15 | 2020-10-18 →
thimbronion: Ugh. So much 301/302 that really should be 404
thimbronion: asciilifeform: I'm currently working on implementing fulltext search using postgres and I'm curious as to how logotron uses the pg_trgm extension. I don't see any queries using similarity() or other such related functions.
thimbronion: lekythion project status: I was able to (try to) fetch every url in the log using drakma. The quality of the results due to drakma not being "javascript enabled" render a large portion of them useless. I am considering using a headless browser to fetch urls going forward. I spent a lot of time trying to understand fulltext search in postgres as well. My results initially are that searching is much
thimbronion: slower than lucene, and that there is additional work to do wrt creating excerpts from the results, whereas this functionality is built into lucene.
← 2020-10-15 | 2020-10-18 →