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← 2020-09-27 | 2020-09-29 →
shinohai: O hai thimbronion how goes?
asciilifeform: !w poll
asciilifeform: err lol wrong window
thimbronion: shinohai: notbad. You?
shinohai: All good here thimbronion ... another boring day in the land of shitcoins.
thimbronion: gregorynyssa: There's something odd about the use of 了here: 我只记得那个姑娘是个妖怪,它来找我,要杀了我。Why isn't the 了after 我?
gregorynyssa: asciilifeform: I thought I was the only one who made such mistakes.
thimbronion: It's surprising what ends up in the send buffer sometimes.
thimbronion: I recall an incident in which an employment contract was pasted in full.
gregorynyssa: thimbronion: Chinese is an SVO language. the "le" particle in a given sentence might come before or after the O, depending on habit.
gregorynyssa: in this case the "le" needs to come before the O, in order to show that it goes with "sha," not with "yao."
thimbronion: gregorynyssa: also in this case I'm not clear on what 了 indicates. It's not like the monster didn't want to kill him *before* coming to find him.
gregorynyssa: as explained by Charles Li in Reference Grammar (1989), the "le" is rather highly nuanced, and is not always used to denote past tense.
gregorynyssa: in this case, the meaning of "le" is causative. thus, the last part of the sentence means "wants to have me killed" as opposed to "wants to kill me."
← 2020-09-27 | 2020-09-29 →