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← 2020-09-26 | 2020-09-28 →
thimbronion: gregorynyssa: Thanks - I had forgotten the rule about proper verbs and adverbs.
thimbronion: Forgot how much I enjoy lisp programming
thimbronion: Log indexer status: I currently have a lisp program working that iterates over all log lines in the nsabot db AND have tested out the lisp library for creating a lucene index.
thimbronion: The next step will be to add each line to the index with each line associated with a speaker and chan. The step after that will be to parse out, fetch, and index urls in lines, and associate those entries with speakers.
gregorynyssa: nice job.
thimbronion: gregorynyssa: ty.
thimbronion: I haven't yet figured out how to any kind of my own ranking. For ex. I don't know how I would produce results for a term based on the number of times used by some person.
thimbronion: For reference this introduces scoring and boosting in Lucene.
thimbronion: gregorynyssa: wrong window again?
gregorynyssa: yes. I meant to write that here. this is just not my dday.
thimbronion: Welcome shinohai.
← 2020-09-26 | 2020-09-28 →