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← 2020-09-19 | 2020-09-21 →
thimbronion: asciilifeform:
thimbronion: asciilifeform: is there a guide?
asciilifeform: thimbronion: the included readme has instructions
asciilifeform: thimbronion: don't overlook the recently included wsgi config. makes for faster operation and easier setup, simply needs the apache plugin
asciilifeform: thimbronion: also you probably know that other folx published own loggers. can try these (i haven't, hate php)
asciilifeform: fwiw mine displays chinesium correctly..
thimbronion: asciilifeform: I have my own logger as well - yours is better.
thimbronion: !ticker xbtusd
lekythion: Kraken XBTUSD: 10873.10000
adlai: is the study of mandarin the sole and primary purpose of this channel?
adlai would assume that the answer is affirmative, if the topic began with "Mandarin Chinese Study", although that being just another noun phrase leaves the ambiguities
adlai: http://thimbron.com/category/alethepedia/ is woefully cryptic, and only evokes "My child, how have you come to be so lost?", a quote that naturally tells more of my contexts than yours.
adlai: !s lekythion
lekythion: 9 results
lekythion: Lekythion Search Bot Source �� Thimbron
lekythion: I am publishing the current source for the *lekythion* search bot here for anyone who may be interested. If anyone should later be interested...
lekythion: ...happening, but the offer stands. Also, *lekythion* now gets an updated...
lekythion: Lekythion search update: additional blogs and other things �� Thimbron
lekythion: I���ve added several new blogs to *lekythion*���s search feature, including: trinque.org loper-os.org thimbron.com ossasepia.com fixpoint.welshcomputing.com billymg.com ztkfg.com qntra.net I intend to add...
lekythion: All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=_4Co
adlai: !s alethepedia
lekythion: 0 results
adlai concludes, in answer to his own question, that #alethepedia isomorphs into #lekythion-meta
asciilifeform: i see eggog glyphs btw, in the log www, in place of whatever was supposed to appear e.g. b/w 'Source' and 'Thimbron' & 3 other positions
adlai: thimbronion's blog uses supraasciiial quote characters
asciilifeform: adlai: right, but utf8 normally renders
snsabot: (trilema) 2017-07-14 asciilifeform: oblig: 'Штирлиц встал утром спозаранку и отодрал на окне занавеску. Он не знал, что Позаранку и Занавеску были румынскими разведчицами...'
adlai is still an "ascii as single charset"-tard within IRC, fwiw; and almost always has been.
adlai: iirc, didn't bother reconfiguring locales
asciilifeform: chinesium, last i saw, also renders , when properly utf8
snsabot: (trilema) 2017-07-15 asciilifeform: they wanna say 妓 -- let'em be stuck saying 32 bytes (16x16 bit matrix, more than enough for any hierohorror) rather than 2 bytes !!!
adlai: i'm fairly certain that the kolmogrov complexity of commands to the vocal apparatus, along with an interlaced tonal derivative, would be lower than "let's reimplement metafont"
adlai: e.g., a recent IPA character set fit within a single A5 printout, that was the officially recommended 'cheat sheet' for the recent 'modern linguistics for non-liberal-arts students' class that I almost failed
snsabot: (asciilifeform) 2020-09-19 snsabot: Logged on 2020-09-18 22:41:37 adlai: well there are always delusional interpretations, that often only strengthen a preexisting delusion; a sane interpretation is "ideas outlive people, similarly to how people outlive cells, provided that a process retains the structure"
adlai precisely once ate enough psilocybin to get the orthogonality of stops and nonstops collided into the conscious part of the brain. this is beyond the recommended maximal dose, although nonlethal, and the idea does outlive the person.
adlai wil lurk here for a while, primarily due to interest in the lekythion bot; babylon-samsara is already quite noisy, with studying arabic and russian simultaneously.
thimbronion: adlai: This channel is mostly about lekythion, secondarily about alethepedia, and tertially about mandarin chinese study. If gregorynyssa ever joins, there will be many great discussions of Chinese languages to be had.
thimbronion: lol tertiarily??
snsabot: Logged on 2020-09-20 14:55:52 adlai: i'm fairly certain that the kolmogrov complexity of commands to the vocal apparatus, along with an interlaced tonal derivative, would be lower than "let's reimplement metafont"
asciilifeform: iirc not even within a particular given dialect.
thimbronion: !s junger
lekythion: 0 results
thimbronion: !s lekythion
lekythion: 9 results
lekythion: Lekythion Search Bot Source « Thimbron
lekythion: I am publishing the current source for the *lekythion* search bot here for anyone who may be interested. If anyone should later be interested...
lekythion: ...happening, but the offer stands. Also, *lekythion* now gets an updated...
lekythion: Lekythion search update: additional blogs and other things « Thimbron
lekythion: I’ve added several new blogs to *lekythion*’s search feature, including: trinque.org loper-os.org thimbron.com ossasepia.com fixpoint.welshcomputing.com billymg.com ztkfg.com qntra.net I intend to add...
lekythion: All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=pfJE
thimbronion: eggog fixed ^
thimbronion: The current index only has thimbron.com, the full index is still being built.
← 2020-09-19 | 2020-09-21 →