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← 2021-04-13 | 2021-05-01 →
billymg: BingoBoingo: that real estate site you linked to earlier now has bitcoin property listings https://www.mercadolibre.com.ar/inmuebles/blog/propiedades-en-bitcoins
billymg: at least for argentina, modifying the url to the .uy site redirects to the homepage
BingoBoingo: billymg Thank you for the heads up. Down here there are some proposals to de-dollarize the property marketm but...
asciilifeform: wouldja put btc into an argentine whateverthefuck www ? imho it'd be like sticking cock into those holes in public shitters
asciilifeform: (with the diff. that the folx who do the latter, at least sometimes get back what went in..)
billymg: asciilifeform: could use it as a starting point for cold calling. it shows a listing of properties whose owners are willing to accept btc. take down info, contact owner directly, see if any of them are willing to do business like actual humans
← 2021-04-13 | 2021-05-01 →