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← 2021-01-01 | 2021-01-04 →
adlai|harm: Is it still possible to comment on Qntra articles?
adlai|harm supposes that only bingo and MP can give definitive answers to this; and, seeing neither logged in, won't idle.
feedbot: http://mvdstandard.net/2021/01/cerrito-man-kills-home-invader/ << The Montevideo Standard -- Cerrito Man Kills Home Invader
Vexual: second shot not necessary
Vexual: I'm guessing the old guy as aking up for a piss anyway, let go cost of 22 shell * all of em.
Vexual: Bingokun invites the reader to bring their own conclusion.
Vexual: I'll assume the old guy hit the instigator in the heart with the first shot.
Vexual: in any case. he's not getting robbed any time soon
← 2021-01-01 | 2021-01-04 →