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← 2020-09-13 | 2020-09-16 →
feedbot: http://mvdstandard.net/2020/09/ussa-man-arrested-after-shitting-in-nancy-pelosis-driveway-as-peaceful-protest/ << The Montevideo Standard -- USSA: Man Arrested After Shitting In Nancy Pelosi's Driveway As Peaceful Protest
feedbot: http://mvdstandard.net/2020/09/damage-being-assessed-after-fire-hits-archives-of-palacio-de-tribunales/ << The Montevideo Standard -- Damage Being Assessed After Fire Hits Archives Of Palacio De Tribunales
BingoBoingo: tyvm, correcting
shinohai: The Nancy Pelosi piece was lulzy also.
← 2020-09-13 | 2020-09-16 →