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← 2020-06-26 | 2020-06-28 →
jfw: BingoBoingo: is this "BlueLeaks" on your radar?
BingoBoingo: jfw: It hadn't been until now
BingoBoingo: Will peak at it
asciilifeform: folx seeding the torrent halfheartedly, mine's still going...
asciilifeform: (that or it's being sybiljammed riaa-style)
BingoBoingo: Is there an actual torrent? I've been messing with the clumsy web UI
BingoBoingo: downloading. So far unimpressed. Lots of day rosters, random fliers, photos of black people walking through doors of retail establishments
asciilifeform: up next, i expect, City Dogcatcher Leaks (tm)(r)(c), compl. w/ pounds of soap produced per quarter since '95
BingoBoingo: Some scans of fliers found in the wild
BingoBoingo: Found out my Uncle's ex wife had some sort of ID theft thing happen to her where Black people went to Target and used a card in her name
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: conceivably could contain sumthing interesting, but would prolly have to put through ocr, otherwise will take 9000 yrs for anyone to find it
BingoBoingo: The web interface to the dump seems to have some very crude OCR and indexing done.
asciilifeform: barely loads tho, 'slashdotted'
BingoBoingo: Right, list of things they indexed as "Uruguay" is for the most part cops named Maldonado
asciilifeform: lol, contains uruguayisms?!
BingoBoingo: And I'm not sure if /.'d so much as dumb
BingoBoingo: Have doubts. The www index flagged somethings a "Uruguay" without any actual mentions in the documents
asciilifeform was under impression this item were a grindingly local / city-dogcatcher-level thing
BingoBoingo: Officer named Maldonado confused with Maldonado, Uruguay. California hispanics named Betancur assumed to be Uruguayan, maybe in another document
BingoBoingo: The one I linked was flagged as "Uruguay" but saw no Uruguay
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: meanwhile over here, local orcs have gotten hold of epic stash of illicit fireworks. round-the-clock cannonade, lively.
thimbronion: wth is with this firework thing?
thimbronion: If that starts over here there are going to be lots of forest fires.
← 2020-06-26 | 2020-06-28 →