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← 2020-06-04 | 2020-06-06 →
snsabot: (therealbitcoin) 2020-06-05 asciilifeform: jurov: maybe ask BingoBoingo re mirrors, as i understand he is operating a very respectable trb fleet across 4 continents, see if he wants to mirror also.
shinohai: I wish I could make a spin on story of the reddit cofounder resigning and saying "replace me with black person"
shinohai: typical reddit cuckery
asciilifeform: reddit board was still white?? outrage!1111
shinohai: Needs moar Ruby.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Catching up on logs
thimbronion: Ruby is the whitest tho. Also reddit was written in python.
shinohai: Maybe python is the new cucklang.
thimbronion: I'm not saying it's not a cuck lang. Incidentally lekythion is written in Ruby.
thimbronion: Searched to find some connection between Ruby's creator (Mormon Japanese dude with n kids) and Mishima, but sadly couldn't find anything.
shinohai: I used to dick about with ruby because of metasploit, lost interest when the sjw crowd took over the project and revisions to the "Code of conduct" became priority.
thimbronion: oh yeah it's been terrible.
thimbronion: Suddenly not regretting ever contributing to opensores.
thimbronion: *never
thimbronion: Never even heard of opal.
thimbronion: I think DHH should follow suit and resign his role at basecamp and hire a replacement of color.
shinohai: Ohanian is a nigger though, dunno why he thinks he isn't.
asciilifeform: shinohai: imho naggum's argument where prog. lang. popularity is ~directly~ proportional to certain kinds of dysfunction, was solid
asciilifeform: moreover -- has tremendous predictive power. naggum didn't live to see e.g. python3, but it logically follows from the model ('py2 was too much like a working item, too little room for 1e7 morons who want to 'make improvements'') so naturally 'evolved'.
shinohai: ^ heh I hadn't read that one asciilifeform but spot on.
asciilifeform: ruby, iirc, takes this to a kind of logical conclusion -- ultimate 'job security' lang, where it is almost impossible to actually reproduce a given setup from 0. i also suspect that it is pushed by iron vendors (or at least, was, when moore's law illusion were in better health) as the thing takes ~100x the cpu cycles to do same thing even vs. perl (i.e. plays similar role to microshit's turdware during 1990s)
asciilifeform: when you hear about a company that bought 500 servers to do 'phuctor's worth' of wwwism, and hired 'experts' to do it, almost invariably the story is about a ruby proggy
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/agriculturalsupremacy/2020-06-05#1002525 << this is the 'end of the line' on that train. at some pt item gets taken over by folx who can't even muster the elementary cunning to subtly break (and then 'fix') any kinda program at all. so it becomes about 'gendered comments' etc.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-06-05 18:37:43 shinohai: I used to dick about with ruby because of metasploit, lost interest when the sjw crowd took over the project and revisions to the "Code of conduct" became priority.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-06-05 18:34:36 thimbronion: I'm not saying it's not a cuck lang. Incidentally lekythion is written in Ruby.
thimbronion: asciilifeform: Expediency. It took me a weekend to get the crawler/indexer working as a module in a Ruby-based bot I've been running for years. If I were to have used sbcl, it would have taken me much longer.
thimbronion: incidentally I found an Ada irc bot some time ago, but, again, it would have taken me ages to write an ada crawler/indexer.
thimbronion: Now, when someone rewrites mp-wp in sbcl or ada, I'll consider rewriting the search bot in the same.
thimbronion: Also incidentally, my original blog was written in bash.
shinohai still uses bash, sed, and awk for his blog.
feedbot: http://mvdstandard.net/2020/06/new-attack-on-base-where-three-marines-killed-sunday-leads-to-shootout-involving-naval-infantry-police-and-unknown-suspect/ << The Montevideo Standard -- New Attack On Base Where Three Marines Killed Sunday Leads To Shootout Involving Naval Infantry, Police, And Unknown Suspect
feedbot: http://mvdstandard.net/2020/06/uruguayan-firm-made-record-breaking-legal-shipment-of-cannabis-to-portugal/ << The Montevideo Standard -- Uruguayan Firm Made Record Breaking "Legal" Shipment Of Cannabis To Portugal
asciilifeform: thimbronion: is roughly same process whereby asciilifeform ended up w/ various wwwistic proggies in py
asciilifeform: ( couldn't be arsed to write from 0 )
asciilifeform: thimbronion: the 'irc in ada' thing and similar, all have 1 problem, they use the atrocious 'gnat sockets'
← 2020-06-04 | 2020-06-06 →