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← 2020-06-03 | 2020-06-05 →
thimbronion: And now the generals are getting involved.
thimbronion: Only the gay ones so far tho
feedbot: http://mvdstandard.net/2020/06/civil-unrest-looting-mob-violence-join-new-normal-in-us/ << The Montevideo Standard -- Civil Unrest, Looting, Mob Violence Join "New Normal" In US
thimbronion: Great title
asciilifeform delighted to report that a raging mob utterly destroyed the local crapple shop.
asciilifeform: some of the folx who stole the contents had the chutzpah to publicly whine that the boxen were boobytrapped (this made the fishwraps, even)
shinohai: I read abt that one lol. "But we stole it fair-n-square!"
← 2020-06-03 | 2020-06-05 →