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← 2020-05-29 | 2020-05-31 →
BingoBoingo: The chaos in the USSA lead to a rather lit stream last night
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 'rodney king 2' ?
asciilifeform: ( ..3? i lost count.. )
thimbronion: shinohai: Cultural revolution 2
thimbronion: eh, sorry not sure how shinohai got in there sorry.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: The number of folks with little to do and little to lose seems to be an aggravating factor. Very ethincally and racially mised crowd from reports I have been getting.
BingoBoingo: Had to explain to the middle aged white portion of the audience the parallels to the Oregon occupation and other wypipo protests. Marching with guns doesn't mean shit if no one pulls the trigger.
asciilifeform: cultural revolution << oblig :
asciilifeform: 'Возле города Пекина / Ходят-бродят хунвейбины, / И старинные картины / Ищут-рыщут хунвейбины. / И не то чтоб хунвейбины / Любят статуи, картины — Вместо статуй будут урны / "Революции культурной".' (tm)(r)(vysotsky).
asciilifeform: ~= 'All around Pekin / to-and-fro, roam the Hun Wei-bin, / In every cranny and nook / For antique statues, paintings they look / And it isn't that Hun Wei-bin love statues, paintings / Instead of statues there will be rubbish bins / of the "Cultural Revolution."'
BingoBoingo: Some of the Brasileras that watch fpr English practice who had doubts about the extremes of US Urbanity were enlightened
BingoBoingo: Seems the white house had an incredibly close call overnight
asciilifeform: what's that look like ? icbm missed ?
BingoBoingo: Fence came down, replaced with human fence
asciilifeform: pity. would've been interesting to see whether the praetorians still have those suitcase uzis
asciilifeform: ( in the soviet copy of this item, was even better mechanism, didn't req. opening suitcase -- trigger right in the handle )
thimbronion: So the narrative is now that, yes, white nationalists have infiltrated BLM and are causing all the violence.
thimbronion: I assume it was also white nationalists attempting to overrun the whitehouse last night as well.
BingoBoingo: Lol, I saw that noise
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i keep waitin' for that glorious day when they fukkuk and print 'nationalists' in 1 fishwrap and 'putler's stooges' in another
asciilifeform: sorta like that beautiful moment when usg tv noose reported boston bomb before actually blew
BingoBoingo: Or the dancing Israelis on that September morning in 2001
asciilifeform: those -- old hat
asciilifeform: ( there were plenty of dancers. i'dve danced but was busy, iirc had exam )
BingoBoingo: Well, other odd things there
BingoBoingo: Still, curiously police seem ot only work in New York now
asciilifeform: they work in washingtonistan also
asciilifeform: and prolly errywhere else that aint designated kindling
thimbronion: asciilifeform: how many sovereigns exist in your opinion?
thimbronion: Perhaps it sounds naive, but recently I've found that thinking in terms of factions clears things up a little.
thimbronion: Particularly when considering the seemingly contradictary actions of many states.
thimbronion: I also always liked the rules the gods seem to follow in Ovid: Every god can do pretty much anything he/she wants *except* they can't undo what another god has already done.
asciilifeform: thimbronion: tougher q than seems on surface. dunno if i'd ever undertake to guess.
thimbronion: More than one?
asciilifeform: at least 2
asciilifeform: re 'gods cannot undo..' -- usg a++ undid results of 1945, in '89-93.
asciilifeform: w/out even having to set up another 1941.
thimbronion: I would say a faction tried to roll it back - but the result isn't even a shitty USSR.
asciilifeform: the result (in eastern europistan in particular) is an even sadder shithole (which hardly anyone thought to be possible)
BingoBoingo: I don't know that there are many strong soverigns in this dark age wrought by Scientist Religion
asciilifeform: e.g. bulgaria went from exporter of agri-product to whole sovokistan, to... importer
asciilifeform: (and , last i knew, busy trying to hammer ge-made reactor fuel rods into round holes )
asciilifeform: gdr & the baltics, once 'si valley' of sovok, had ~whole economy evaporate
asciilifeform: ( and , bonus, nao paying nato levies , 'smiling' )
asciilifeform: could go on, but subj extensively covered elsewhere.
asciilifeform: e.g. that same timisoara, loox like a classier detroit (albeit w/ moar polite orcs)
asciilifeform: lol 1$ ? assume that's starting bid or wat
thimbronion: BingoBoingo: I'll take it.
BingoBoingo asked on the price. Actually doesn't have a firm price, claims worth 22,000 USD but seems motivated to sell
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: can't speak definitively re orclands, but in usa bookshop is famously 'for old man to go broke very slowly'
asciilifeform: sorta like piz but w/out even sporting chance
thimbronion: I'd turn it into the bookstore equivalent of a Vietnamese Coffee Shop.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Indeed, but just boggling at what the valuation of very centrally located commercial realestate says about the rest of the pile's worth
asciilifeform hung out in bookshops for many many yrs, knew several such 'maybe 1day profit!111' old folx
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the ad mentions rent
asciilifeform: so no realestate incl.
asciilifeform: unless i misread
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Nah, the actual bookshop is renting. This is for the space the bookshop lives
BingoBoingo: Ground floor of Palacio Salvo, right on Plaza Independencia...
asciilifeform: does the thing have a garrett where could put bed ?
asciilifeform: maybe worth just for that
BingoBoingo: Has a mezzanine
thimbronion: Great place for a last stand.
BingoBoingo: 60m2 total. 45 on the ground, 15 on mezzanine
asciilifeform: for 22k i'd buy a 4walls in a heartbeat. but as you know, over here that dun even buy a parking spot. (just barely buys plot in graveyard actually)
BingoBoingo asking to see what the catch is.
asciilifeform: most likely catch 'also plz buy my 6mo of debt'
BingoBoingo: Possible he does owe back taxes or mountain of past due common expenses
asciilifeform: call him up, wainot, find out
BingoBoingo: Doing the email back and for dance digging for details
asciilifeform: afaik plagueocalypse not punctured 1 single realestate bubble in north idiotistan -- but perhaps there's hoap down south
BingoBoingo: Still waiting for pop in advertised prices, but seems to be accepted here that the tourism thing is gone for the forseeable future
asciilifeform: afaik printer still 'go brrr' tho
asciilifeform: so while that, bubble a-ok
thimbronion: DC police seem to be doing pretty well
← 2020-05-29 | 2020-05-31 →