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← 2020-04-13 | 2020-04-15 →
thimbronion: BingoBoingo: how is traffic for mvdstandard.net? I would personally be very interested to see the level of interest in any stories of mine that get published and where it comes from. Currently the only measure I have is comments.
thimbronion: In other news, I didn't happen to have enough money in the account I use to pay my mortgage this week and so the transaction failed. I go to the company website, says I paid. Can't get through to support because apparantly there's an endless queue of debtors who can't pay their mortgage this month.
BingoBoingo: thimbronion: To be honest the traffic isn't yet great, and despite spitting comments... the big referrers are all sites affiliated with the late Republic. I suspect https shennanigans may be part of why referrers don't pass
BingoBoingo: Interesting datapoint
shinohai: BingoBoingo: I'm still tuned in just haven't found any interesting material to submit. Corona-chan still rules the nyooz unfortunately.
thimbronion: I'm also curious about what your desired traffic profile is for mvdstd. I suspect it's not just n pageviews/mo where n = some percentage of all page views of all English speaking expats in or associated with Uy.
thimbronion: Seeing as how advertising isn't going to work for a non-pantsuit enterprise, even if it only works in the imagination for them anyway: http://trilema.com/2020/today-in-our-cultural-history-of-internet-marketing-choim-757-class-the-tube-site-before-the-tube-site-or-whats-a-tgp/#footnote_18_93713
thimbronion: The model everyone I follow (who seems to need money and is slightly out of alignment with the pantsuit press) post 2016 has been to put off unpersoning temporarily by moving to subscription services like subscribestar and Gumroad.
thimbronion: Including Orlol, who even appears to be still allowed on patreon, though he too now has a Subscribestar account.
BingoBoingo: thimbronion: Honestly I'm not yet sure. Too much uncertainty in the world
BingoBoingo: shinohai: That's been my big challenge too.
shinohai: I'll be glad when things return to normal a bit, I do miss writing.
BingoBoingo: Well, it is going to be a very different normal
thimbronion: Newsome is talking about requiring businesses to reconfigure their floorplans for the indefinite future.
thimbronion: Fuck that. Just stay inside like the rest of the hypchondriacs.
Vexual: Montevideo has been in the news here recently, there as a cruise liner full of aussies stuck in port
BingoBoingo: They got unloaded recently
← 2020-04-13 | 2020-04-15 →