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← 2020-03-18 | 2020-03-20 →
thimbronion: BingoBoingo: I find this dynamic where Chinese Govt. officials are tweeting disinfo on Twitter while Twitter is banned in China and you can't put anything on the similar platforms in China without a Chinese number and even then... - maybe worth an article or are articles postponed until new site is up?
BingoBoingo: thimbronion: Hammering on the new site, but this sounds like great fodder for your blog. Especially how you weigh what is or is not disinfo
BingoBoingo: And if you're referring to what I suspect you are, it probably isn't strictly disinfo, but A/B testing messages for how they hang the US sometime August through next year
thimbronion: If I were Chinese propaganda, I'd certainly blame it on the US.
thimbronion: If I were US propaganda, I'd blame it on China.
thimbronion: If I were US media owned by the Chinese, I would say it was racist to associate China with the virus.
thimbronion: If I were a California resident who suffered through the "chinese virus" over a month ago, I'd personally be inclined to blame the Chinese.
thimbronion: And while I find spandrell distasteful, I tend to agree with him that Chinese propaganda sucks.
thimbronion: But yes I should blog these thoughts.
asciilifeform: thimbronion: i cannot resist to ask -- how came by the distaste ?
thimbronion: asciilifeform: he doesn't have a good reason for his anti-bitcoin stance for one. Also some of his later posts like this rubbed me the wrong way, but I'd have to re-read to remember precicely why: https://spandrell.com/2019/05/12/the-reactionary-tax-code/
asciilifeform: aa apparently i quit reading him too early: had nfi he had ever mentioned btc
asciilifeform: thimbronion: do you have a link handy re subj ?
asciilifeform: thimbronion: iirc this was before you tuned in, but at one pt mp invited him to #t, and he was around for 1-2d
asciilifeform: but eventually kicked out, for insufficient revolutionary zeal (dun have the log ptr handy, but can prolly find)
thimbronion: asciilifeform: well yes he hasn't at all in is blog. I surmised his Bitcoin stance from his Twitter account: https://twitter.com/thespandrell. I don't think I could easily locate the specific tweets.
thimbronion: asciilifeform: I was there at the time possibly as gernika or thortron.
asciilifeform: ugh this explains why i had nfi. ( asciilifeform generally does not read twatter )
thimbronion: His posts on Bioleninism are classics though.
snsabot: (trilema) 2016-06-03 mircea_popescu: $up spandrell
thimbronion: asciilifeform: in case you didn't already read, he actually had some "thoughts" on Bitcoin in the article I linked: https://archive.is/8u1VP#comment-32997. I can contradict this take empirically.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: congrats on phirst ps0t
asciilifeform: thimbronion: lulzy. d00d seems to be mentally stuck in 2012 at the latest, re subj.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: ty
thimbronion: asciilifeform: it seems so
thimbronion: BingoBoingo: Congrats.
shinohai: Oh hey congrats BingoBoingo
shinohai: Nice look for the site, very clean
lobbes: congrats BingoBoingo. I'll be a reader
BingoBoingo still has to get bylines working on the theme
← 2020-03-18 | 2020-03-20 →