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← 2020-02-10 | 2020-02-14 →
thimbronion: BingoBoingo: sorry, still sick, turned into pneumonia. But this is a story I'd like to cover if someone doesn't take it first: https://m.sfgate.com/news/article/Feds-Ex-convict-extorted-college-students-for-15050332.php
BingoBoingo: thimbronion: You can give it a try, but try to thing about the Republican angle. "Independent, Active man" versus the state.
BingoBoingo: And see if you really want to cite a San Francisco source on a New York story.
thimbronion: BingoBoingo: right - the pantsuit premise is that they were diverted from productive activity - i.e. attending college.
thimbronion: BingoBoingo: and it's bad that they owed some dude some huge amount of money as opposed to - the pantsuit state
BingoBoingo: That's a nice start
← 2020-02-10 | 2020-02-14 →