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← 2020-02-03 | 2020-02-06 →
shinohai: Well I see there's no end to the hostilities on *some* sides. Gloves off then.
BingoBoingo: Well, what's the behavior he's critiquing?
shinohai: It's not critique as much as it is the schadenfreude I spoke of earlier.
BingoBoingo: And what are the gloves for if not to hit harder than the hand's naturally capable of surviving.
shinohai: On another note, I wasn't quite clear from previous conversation. How are Qntra shares distributed now and when?
shinohai: Though I imagine since asciilifeform and myself are contributing to Qntra, won't be long before Caesar decides to just close up that shop.
BingoBoingo: shinohai: when the next statement is published, they'll get distributed as before. If a next statement doesn't get published or something else along those lines happen, I'll pay for the words at the same rate I've got a bid in for S.QNTR shares on MPEx. If you'd like some greater assurance of payment, we can work something out.
shinohai: Is he only doing quarterly statements now?
BingoBoingo: He made the switch last year
thimbronion: BingoBoingo: ty. Are you aware of any patches to fix stripping those particular tags?
BingoBoingo: thimbronion: In here there's a bit, but I don't know if it extends to preserving ordered lists http://btcbase.org/patches/mp-wp_html-comments-regrind
shinohai: Here's a lulzy one for ya BingoBoingo http://archive.is/iaqdg
shinohai: Iran to hang a suspected CIA spy ... quite a political news day.
← 2020-02-03 | 2020-02-06 →