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← 2020-02-02 | 2020-02-04 →
BingoBoingo: shinohai: I don't know if that needs a spin
BingoBoingo: shinohai: Though if you want to try out the political beat on this, one angle of attack is that the GOP is just differently socialist and pantsuit.
shinohai: I may try it in the am ... currently writing angry email to a shitcoin community that suddenly doesn't want to pay me the 0.25 BTC I am owed for my services.
shinohai: One of the reasons I am happy not to roll in the shitpit anymore with new clients.
BingoBoingo: Well, who's defaulting in this case? Or are you still hoping they will see the light and pay?
asciilifeform: shinohai: outta curiosity, what were you doing for heathen that gave'em a credit line good for entire 0.25 ??
shinohai: Wasn't credit, was just doing a trivial boost and openssl upgrade for an older coin. (wouldn't run w/ > OpenSSL 1.1)
shinohai: All I lost was time, since code not pushed to their shithub yet
shinohai: ty BingoBoingo .... razor sharp additions :D
BingoBoingo: shinohai: thank you
BingoBoingo: took a bit of time to load the archives into the head for the linking
BingoBoingo: thimbronion: tyvm, will read and comment in a bit
shinohai: LMAO it appears Hoaxtoshi and his minions are in full force trying to erase his lies from archive.is
shinohai: Every source I try to archive has been removed "In response to a request we received from 'US Digital Millennium Copyright Act' the page is not currently available."
shinohai: I'm personally going to post this article on every pro-BSV site I can find if it gets published.
BingoBoingo: Which article?
BingoBoingo: If the failure of archive.is to archive links is blocking you from submitting and article, you can just not let it be blocking.
shinohai: Have already tried with 3 articles from different sources, I get same results
BingoBoingo: shinohai: Include the original links in your submission, and if they are all hostile sources your article will simply get published without linking out.
shinohai: heh looks like *all* links are returning that, so points to glitch on archiver and not Hoaxtoshi conspiracy.
BingoBoingo: shinohai: tyvm
shinohai: ty BingoBoingo ... aha I like the "spam" angle.
BingoBoingo: That's kinda what that sort of activity is. It is spam.
BingoBoingo: His Fork of a fork coin has thin order books, and he's probably trying to be loud for the sake of moving the flimsy market.
shinohai: I just read a few days ago where he almost admitted he and Calvin Ayre were wash trading. The recent "pump" was designed around the tulip trust news.
BingoBoingo: Well, he fucked himself into a corner
shinohai: Looks like a couple of new commenters have checked out Qntra as well.
BingoBoingo: thimbronion: replied, your comment box stripped out my <ol> and <li> tags http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=YaCc
← 2020-02-02 | 2020-02-04 →