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← 2020-02-01 | 2020-02-03 →
dorion: BingoBoingo I made a qntra comment ; though it returned that url on submission, there wasn't a mod queue message. let me know if there was any difficulty in receiving.
BingoBoingo: dorion: ty, it ended up in the spam hopper
BingoBoingo: The youtube links are what sent it to hell, comment now visible
dorion: cool, also was my first comment.
BingoBoingo: Usually that just sends it to the mod que.
dorion: aha.
BingoBoingo: Lots of spam payloads are hosted on youtube, so wide space for matching the filter on that.
shinohai: Though I haven't thought of a spin for it yet, a headline made for Qntra: "Montana lawmaker claims Constitution calls for shooting and jailing socialists"
← 2020-02-01 | 2020-02-03 →