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← 2020-01-31 | 2020-02-02 →
shinohai: What a nice looking report for January. 4 contributors!
BingoBoingo: shinohai: It's a start to a start
shinohai: Well certainly better than this time last week.
BingoBoingo: Indeed
whaack: shinohai: you've been getting my diaphragm moving man, it's great to see you writing again
shinohai: ty whaack ... look forward to seeing you submit some articles.
whaack: I'm looking forward to writing some as well
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-02-01 whaack: diana_coman: EOD Report: I continued this morning reading about computer arch. Then I fixed the bug in ircbot, and I have a terse solution on top of the fix that should make the reconnect functionality more robust. I don't have a keccak vdiff tool at the moment (i can press keccak, but not actually make keccak vpatches - I may write my own as an exercise.) Lastly I spent a large amount of time trying to get my c
shinohai: I haven't had time to dedicate to a full-on lisp vdiff, but it's on the TODO list.
whaack: shinohai: is that cl keccack from http://blog.esthlos.com/esthlos-v-part-2-cl-keccak/ ?
shinohai: The same, I'm trying to keep esthlos-v preserved since his vanished and improve on it a bit. It's my favourite "V" implementation atm.
shinohai: s/his/he
whaack: shinohai: alright thanks i'll give this one a whirl today
shinohai: Sweet, lemme know if you run into any weirdness, but so far works for me. `vdiff.sh` and slightly modified Makefile are only changes I made.
whaack: shinohai: will do, thx again
← 2020-01-31 | 2020-02-02 →