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← 2019-11-18 | 2019-11-25 →
lobbes: I do like that idea. Both the resurrection of bash and the using it as a datasource for keks
BingoBoingo: Bash quotes over porno pics from the logs
BingoBoingo: Sounds like a winning gimmick
lobbes: that... I think I'm sold on exactly that lol
BingoBoingo: Granted it's still a gimmick, but once some of the fires get knocked down...
lobbes: oya, something to look forward to if there's ever the time
diana_coman: lobbes: aren't you interested in BingoBoingo's writing for qntra course?
lobbes: diana_coman: interested, absolutely. But with cuntoo work on the horizon I do not want to burn myself out by taking on more than I can chew (which is a common problem I have)
lobbes: need to see how near future folds out first
lobbes: maybe tmsr os project dies as soon as it goes under knife, in which case I've more time. otoh, if it goes well I'll be up to my eyeballs in remedial studies
BingoBoingo: lobbes: I suspect the TMSR OS project will pick up steam by the end of the year, but it may take some jostling for the project to get moving.
lobbes: BingoBoingo: yeah, I told trinque I'm ready to start Dec 1st. I think spyked and possibly ave1 have shown interest. Then of course there's dorion y jfw. But yeah, *organizing* the thing will be key (and I sure as hell ain't the person to organize it)
← 2019-11-18 | 2019-11-25 →