(trilema) nubbins`: unless they were held against their will
(trilema) nubbins`: never to return? seems unlikely
(trilema) nubbins`: humane services, most likely
(trilema) nubbins`: i guess she's not a cat woman anymore.
(trilema) nubbins`: was this the neighbour who'd been broken into?
(trilema) nubbins`: obola?
(trilema) nubbins`: asciilifeform !!
(trilema) nubbins`: tesla batteries would be great for my home, if (a) non-peak rates were offered here, or (b) net metering was an option
(trilema) nubbins` contemplates making meatballs
(trilema) nubbins`: i think she ordered the vegetarian spaghetti
(trilema) nubbins`: now that's a spicy meatball
(trilema) nubbins`: !up Guest24615
(trilema) nubbins`: i've been trying to sell a single bitcoin in -otc for three days
(trilema) nubbins`: and i'm done
(trilema) nubbins`: http://aripecola.tumblr.com/post/121184028396/obeykingafrica-short-hair-dont-care-also-i
(trilema) nubbins`: the fact that "Leah, 20." feels the education system should be the primary educator of children is telling
(trilema) nubbins`: o.O
(trilema) nubbins`: "the fact that most people won’t learn about sexual variation until COLLEGE is ... VIOLENT"
(trilema) nubbins`: how depressing
(trilema) nubbins`: imagine being so empty of purpose that you put actual energy into creating internet fat shame memes
(trilema) nubbins`: "fat people hate" = zzzz
(trilema) nubbins`: <+ascii_field> mircea_popescu: i have been to free-time-land and it was the one part of my life that was actually worth living <<< wait now, you've been getting it this whole time? :/
(trilema) nubbins`: no wonder pete has an attitude, he obv doesn't give a fuck :D
(trilema) nubbins`: clearsigned bin :0
(trilema) nubbins`: fat people hate?
(trilema) nubbins`: heh
(trilema) nubbins`: or targeting gentoo
(trilema) nubbins`: are you using the buildroot toolchain?
(trilema) nubbins`: that's a new one for me
(trilema) nubbins`: ;;ticker
(trilema) nubbins`: danielpbarron you still can
(trilema) nubbins`: i don't think so, log me up
(trilema) nubbins`: dat time when -otc failed to produce a buyer for a lowly 1btc sell and nubs had to rely on circle
(trilema) nubbins`: perry is on the left with the epic troll face
(trilema) nubbins`: http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--ruTyZPcP--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/1288837417214035347.jpg
(trilema) nubbins`: pop stars
(trilema) nubbins`: who cares
(trilema) nubbins`: there can be no doubt that in our century, this feud is number one
(trilema) nubbins`: undoubtedly.
(trilema) nubbins`: from jezebel, for example: "The Katy Perry-Taylor Swift feud is undoubtedly the feud of our century"
(trilema) nubbins`: BingoBoingo lel @ gawker and all affiliated sites in general
(trilema) nubbins`: but anyway. maybe i'll get a chance to compile eulora on osx by sunday
(trilema) nubbins`: next thing ya know a fan spins up and BAM
(trilema) nubbins`: protip: listen when your computer says you're at 5% battery
(trilema) nubbins`: woops
(trilema) nubbins`: oh, fun
(trilema) nubbins`: valid answers include "that time you used it to earn 1btc on bitbet"
(trilema) nubbins`: i've got a vague idea. why else would i take a 25btc stock warrant? ;p
(trilema) nubbins`: i'll kick your ass at mario kart 8 tho
(trilema) nubbins`: <--filthy casual
(trilema) nubbins`: lack of interest
(trilema) nubbins` does not "game"
(trilema) nubbins`: oh wow, i missed out on the eulora thing
(trilema) nubbins`: woo
(trilema) nubbins` gestures to the drugs
(trilema) nubbins`: text file sitting in the root dir
(trilema) nubbins`: fuck, right, yeah.
(trilema) nubbins`: imagine
(trilema) nubbins`: right, yeah
(trilema) nubbins`: i think we reached an impasse as to what was the proper way to find one's own ip and then other nodes
(trilema) nubbins`: i recall the discussion on that
(trilema) nubbins`: actually, compiling boost w/ the buildroot toolchain is what had me stuck
(trilema) nubbins`: i just can't re-create the build ;/
(trilema) nubbins`: mircea_popescu i've had a statically built bitcoind for months now
(trilema) nubbins`: got buildroot built to my satisfaction, stalled up on actuall compiling bitcoind dependencies
(trilema) nubbins`: that's where i was stuck.
(trilema) nubbins`: mircea_popescu fwiw smart people do depression way better than idiots.
(trilema) nubbins`: or was i the only one barking up that tree
(trilema) nubbins`: did anyone ever muck about w/ a buildroot toolchain after?
(trilema) nubbins`: prolly a combination of poor memory and drug use
(trilema) nubbins` mumbles something about getting pogos running
(trilema) nubbins`: i remember being terrified at the time
(trilema) nubbins`: right yeah
(trilema) nubbins`: how'd bitnodes find so many?
(trilema) nubbins`: <6k
(trilema) nubbins`: the experiment but not the results
(trilema) nubbins`: people are gonna be really surprised some day
(trilema) nubbins`: how many times have i heard "there are only 6000 nodes"
(trilema) nubbins`: altho i guess they'd buy the bulk stuff huh.
(trilema) nubbins`: $5-8k/gallon
(trilema) nubbins`: asciilifeform too expensive!
(trilema) nubbins`: imagine passing off some of this strange to a cashier, and while you're waiting for your food, guy behind you in line receives some as change
(trilema) nubbins`: SWIM hypothetically did this in their youth for a while
(trilema) nubbins`: (hypothetically)
(trilema) nubbins`: but i'd use the epson for copying currency anyway
(trilema) nubbins`: heard of em
(trilema) nubbins`: asciilifeform no idea / who cares
(trilema) nubbins`: i slayed an $80 Brother monochrone laser
(trilema) nubbins`: ah. i've only run maybe 10-15 books through the colour one
(trilema) nubbins`: (yet)
(trilema) nubbins` has published novels on his laser printers, no belt replacement
(trilema) nubbins`: wow
(trilema) nubbins`: those have a life?!
(trilema) nubbins`: runs under all the drums?
(trilema) nubbins`: mine's white.
(trilema) nubbins`: oh, wait, right
(trilema) nubbins` has replaced 1 drum
(trilema) nubbins`: is that separate from the drum unit?
(trilema) nubbins` also runs two Brother laser printers: one b/w, one colour
(trilema) nubbins`: 123inkcartridges.ca
(trilema) nubbins`: i buy off-brand toner
(trilema) nubbins`: "toner low in following cartridges: C (cyan). Y (yellow). M (magenta)."
(trilema) nubbins`: heh.
(trilema) nubbins`: and given that i doubt you do much fine art printing...
(trilema) nubbins`: inkjets are way, waaaaaaaaaaay slower than laser
(trilema) nubbins`: altho TBF
(trilema) nubbins`: asciilifeform my cost per page is prolly lower than yours
(trilema) nubbins`: ^ for a 6-tank printer like mine
(trilema) nubbins`: a laser printer is closer to a lithograph than anything else
(trilema) nubbins`: mircea_popescu depends on the type of printer. in an inkjet it's a printhead
(trilema) nubbins`: and you should print with your printer at least once a week to keep them from drying out
(trilema) nubbins`: inkjets have heads
(trilema) nubbins`: i pay $25usd for 17oz of ink
(trilema) nubbins`: nod
(trilema) nubbins`: incredibly boring support videos but he knows the machines inside & out
(trilema) nubbins`: ^ the old man who runs this company is a wizard
(trilema) nubbins`: yes sir.
(trilema) nubbins`: protip: if you can't service your printer yourself, buy a new one when it breaks
(trilema) nubbins`: also worth noting that a replacement print head was 50% the cost of a new printer
(trilema) nubbins`: so were the 80s
(trilema) nubbins`: "she'll do things to your knob"
(trilema) nubbins`: "but you can call her bob"
(trilema) nubbins`: haha
(trilema) nubbins`: 10/10 would/did buy again
(trilema) nubbins`: mp actually these epsons are workhorses
(trilema) nubbins`: heh
(trilema) nubbins`: why run two printers when you can run three?
(trilema) nubbins`: because HEY
(trilema) nubbins`: then shrugged and decided not to cancel the order
(trilema) nubbins`: so i bought a replacement printer 30 minutes before i fixed the thing
(trilema) nubbins`: funny thing is, i figured it was a lost cause
(trilema) nubbins`: o.O
(trilema) nubbins`: wait now, your thermal paper is fire-resistant?
(trilema) nubbins`: asciilifeform this is still a major use of dot matrix printers
(trilema) nubbins`: turns out i was popping the fuckin ribbon out of the thing while inserting.
(trilema) nubbins`: try this a couple more times.
(trilema) nubbins`: anyway. soaked the printhead in ammonia overnight. reassembled everything... it says all 6 cartridges are missing.
(trilema) nubbins`: mircea_popescu i order so much paper that the UPS guy is starting to not like me
(trilema) nubbins`: you'll need scissors and tape
(trilema) nubbins`: go ahead and try to delete a line from my log
(trilema) nubbins`: jurov STFU
(trilema) nubbins`: ah, an anthology as it were
(trilema) nubbins`: is this a serial we're talking about?
(trilema) nubbins`: ah yes the booky-wook
(trilema) nubbins`: heh. figuratively, yes
(trilema) nubbins`: so i finally got my printer straightened out.
(trilema) nubbins`: if anyone happens to know where to find such things
(trilema) nubbins`: totally would be interested in a service manual for this thing (epson 1430)
(trilema) nubbins`: oh ALSO
(trilema) nubbins`: things can get outta hand
(trilema) nubbins`: but if you print enormous amounts of heavy-coverage paper
(trilema) nubbins`: they either clog up or get broken or sold/trashed before things get to that point
(trilema) nubbins`: most consumer-level printers never get close to filling their sponge
(trilema) nubbins`: but mine was at 85%-ish when it stopped printing
(trilema) nubbins`: <+trinque> nubbins`: so this thing is just some arbitrary amount of bytes in flash somewhere that must be reset periodically? <<< the waste ink sponge eventually will overflow... unless you add an external waste ink tank.
(trilema) nubbins`: epson has a wic reset utility but it doesn't cover newer printers
(trilema) nubbins`: i need one that doesn't require the purchase of keys ;/
(trilema) nubbins`: well.
(trilema) nubbins`: no, i have one
(trilema) nubbins`: but i think this is bullshit and i don't want to pay some company $7 every time i want to reset a counter
(trilema) nubbins`: for newer printers, you generally get a free "wic reset" program and then purchase keys (~$7ea in quantity) that are good for single resets
(trilema) nubbins`: once the counter gets high enough, you can't print anymore until you reset the counter
(trilema) nubbins`: inkjet printers have waste ink counters that are incremented when you do a head cleaning
(trilema) nubbins`: got an information-finding task if anyone's up for it
(trilema) nubbins`: terminally
(trilema) nubbins`: terminally
(trilema) nubbins`: but figured i'd make an exception
(trilema) nubbins`: thanks, i generally don't take photos w/ it tucked anymore
(trilema) nubbins`: favourite type of cheese?
(trilema) nubbins`: referredbyloper: welcome
(trilema) nubbins`: heh
(trilema) nubbins`: neither did SEC, as it turns out
(trilema) nubbins`: er well i guess babydick bros now
(trilema) nubbins`: babydick bus
(trilema) nubbins`: i think it was the tracksuit guy who doused her w/ flame
(trilema) nubbins`: fluffypony :0
(trilema) nubbins`: o look, new eulora src
(trilema) nubbins`: also an acronym for content management systems that don't manage things very well
(trilema) nubbins`: CLS
(trilema) nubbins`: i figured you'd get something in motion when alf mentioned this a while back.
(trilema) nubbins`: w/e
(trilema) nubbins`: aerie
(trilema) nubbins`: doesn't mean you're not a top bloke otherwise, regardless of the foolishness of your building an eyre or whatevertf
(trilema) nubbins`: sure, but in terms of being a bald eagle, you suck.
(trilema) nubbins`: flew too close to the sun on wings made of wax.
(trilema) nubbins`: sure did.
(trilema) nubbins`: 6dollarshirts.com would probably have a very hard time selling cotton by the bale, as an analogy
(trilema) nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> like the TRILLIONS of dollars a derpy website "on the deep web o.O" that couldn't sell a kilo of coke is nevertheless associated with in usg paperwork. <<< wasn't supposed to sell kilos of coke 8)
(trilema) nubbins`: BingoBoingo lul
(trilema) nubbins`: if pumpkin futures for october are through the roof, why wouldn't they be even higher just after xmas?
(trilema) nubbins`: oh, it just might
(trilema) nubbins`: heh
(trilema) nubbins`: how 'bout when you just shit yourself in the parking lot outside the funeral home?
(trilema) nubbins`: would you pay $5 for it while you're shampooing your hair?
(trilema) nubbins`: what's the value of a sheet of toilet paper while you're taking a shit, vs while you're taking a shower?
(trilema) nubbins`: put another way
(trilema) nubbins`: but not so much of a need for em later.
(trilema) nubbins`: maybe the insurance company has a very large need of biometric data when figuring out rates for a new policy program
(trilema) nubbins`: but was rad as hell in the mid 2030s
(trilema) nubbins`: maybe the lighting in Heat was too blue for audiences in the late 2010s
(trilema) nubbins`: value changes over time, too
(trilema) nubbins`: sure
(trilema) nubbins`: if it didn't have value, people wouldn't collect it, mmm?
(trilema) nubbins`: imagine those youtube pop-up text ads, but "like the sound in this scene? send satoshis to 1Rambo5SoundGuyxxx"
(trilema) nubbins`: "He proposes a two-way linking system that would point to the source of any piece of information, creating an economy of micropayments that compensates people for original material they post to the web."
(trilema) nubbins`: obv
(trilema) nubbins`: smokes weed
(trilema) nubbins`: giving pia a shot
(trilema) nubbins`: this vpn doles out a paltry 17mbit/s
(trilema) nubbins`: (the inevitable outcome, duh)
(trilema) nubbins`: especially if your department head doesn't give a fuck when/where you use your stingray
(trilema) nubbins`: but in all cases, going through official routes to get info from telco vs just turning on a piece of kit?
(trilema) nubbins`: sure, and a lot of the problems surrounding that part of the puzzle are different now
(trilema) nubbins`: it's a boon for cops
(trilema) nubbins`: go back and re-watch The Wire and see the hassle they went through tapping cell phones, and then imagine giving them a suitcase that blasts out the strongest cell signal in the projects so every phone preferentially tries to connect to it
(trilema) nubbins`: stingray would ostensibly be a single-point unit, less useful for triangulation, more of a "warmer/colder" style
(trilema) nubbins`: look, your phone's connected to x towers right now, each with a diff signal strength. basic math gives a rough location
(trilema) nubbins`: it's useful if the telco tells you to fuck off
(trilema) nubbins`: triangulating your position based on cell towers?
(trilema) nubbins`: pete_dushenski doesn't what require stingray
(trilema) nubbins`: brb testing vpn
(trilema) nubbins`: gr8 h8 m8
(trilema) nubbins`: in other news, we're prolly gonna break last year's gross income by late july
(trilema) nubbins`: looked less intimidating outdoors
(trilema) nubbins`: found a crazy one today
(trilema) nubbins`: sec, i have pix
(trilema) nubbins`: HEH
(trilema) nubbins`: i'll shake the spiders out of the remaining inventory at no extra charge
(trilema) nubbins`: woo
(trilema) nubbins`: 1CzZMzXzA9jtRDNEcG1jzfL5MfxRyVjUxD
(trilema) nubbins`: no, but:
(trilema) nubbins`: bluetooth dongle w/ fake antenna