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asciilifeform: 3) is theoretically r4rs compliant and can be reimplemented without rewriting payload code or replaces with another r4rs-compliant scheme at some future point.
asciilifeform: iirc google lives in the old sgi campus.
asciilifeform: (then promptly died)
asciilifeform: phf: smbx was a creature of megalomaniacal empire, like the su 'Рокот' rocket.
asciilifeform: i would buy one for a workshop but it'll get emptied as soon as i drive off.
asciilifeform: but somehow not in the 170,000 samples.
asciilifeform: somehow i am being asked to believe that the first 170,000 of Framedragger's samples contained 0 of this.
asciilifeform: 'caligula imperator si-a facut calul senator' (tm) (r) !1111
asciilifeform: can import.
asciilifeform re-read the alba y yeltes mega-piece for umpteenth time, blames mircea_popescu
asciilifeform: see also huxley's 'improved means towards deteriorated ends'
asciilifeform: we dun even ~have~ computer, really. any more than newcomen had engine.
asciilifeform: some things don't compartmentalize.
asciilifeform: plenty of attempted spmurder tho
asciilifeform: mod6: and if the miners start rejecting addrs that touched mpex ?
asciilifeform: not compliance
asciilifeform: that sit there happily drawing a femtoamp each
asciilifeform: half the point of walled aols is to corral the chumpers into custom search crapolade
asciilifeform: sorta implied original stunt's protagonist.
asciilifeform: 'Together women accomplish amazing things. Google supports #LeanInTogether' << google usa front page.
asciilifeform: it is quite impossible: boecks will appear and claim to have done each item, first!11111
asciilifeform: 'The idea behind the original Hashimoto is to use the blockchain as a dataset, performing a computation which selects N indices from the blockchain, gathers the transactions at those indices, performs an XOR of this data, and returns the hash of the result.' << sounds like braindamaged version of mircea_popescu's algo
asciilifeform: 'Mirror makes structured products designed to help private market investors get exposure and hedge risk in late-stage companies.'
asciilifeform: if the ramp ever reaches 1P, we now know how.
asciilifeform: konsoomers never notice, only poor schmucks attempting linux etc.
asciilifeform: there are 100+ wholly incompatible chipsets.
asciilifeform: just that i never turned up (despite considerable effort) a single example.
asciilifeform: let's be generous and give half a megahash (unheard of) per chump
asciilifeform: now calculate how many, say, 4GH winblowz chumps add up to 50TH.
asciilifeform spent years trawling through malware samples collected at tremendous expense, in search of ONE
asciilifeform: sorta like comparing modern bsds to systemv
asciilifeform: usg coin has 100% usg-compliant minerz? nyooz at 11.
asciilifeform: (the dope is for when you need minister of finance whateverthefuck to start spewing rubbish on camera, or jump from his window with only mild assistance, etc)
asciilifeform: recall, last bloke who (we were told) emptied 3 clips into crowded cinema, scored... 9 ?
asciilifeform: ideal weapon for bullying a crowd, guarding concentration camp, etc.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the orlando police carry h&amp;k mp5
asciilifeform: similar to the day care where 2 men in camo went in, machine gunned, left, leaving autistic tard in their place with empty rifle, then caught in the woods, 'questioned', let go.
asciilifeform: ^ the example of opposite of what i was describing.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: a good bit of aptitude in, e.g., weight lifting, i suspect, is simply having a dull sense of the pain involved in effort
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the 'under any circumstances' thing comes precisely from chump's illusion of 'maybe next year i escape'
asciilifeform: if chump ~knew~ this, he would eat nagant
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it would have had to trigger full-blown ww3 on all sides to even compare roughly with the damage from microshit alone.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: this is what i was trying to get across with the 'bad flying only kills a busful, bad program - potentially everyone' example
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: where do we buy a new you, when you spent your whole life buying computers instead of $solving.
asciilifeform: grep -i "foo" compliance plox
asciilifeform: the whole point of programming is to drive home the idea that 'i need prime p, with p-1 and p+1 having large composites, and q.... ' etc to the box.
asciilifeform: << it isn't about 'moar neurons', but simply that it requires info which the machine ~doesn't have~
asciilifeform: quite anticipatory of computer.
asciilifeform: complete with mr mold's wolfram alpha essay
asciilifeform: and yes there is a transition-to-layers-of-slime point where the programmers give up on simplification and start piling up crud
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: what specifically is contemplated here..?
asciilifeform: mechanism dun compress.
asciilifeform: $s computers you can't program
asciilifeform: and i dun think a typical chump is ever worth remotely near 4fig.
asciilifeform: hit each chump for 4fig usd of ding , for a few bux return each
asciilifeform: other reason is that most programmers don't write code in the sense that, e.g., mircea_popescu writes essays. instead, they take a shit, and strip away elements of the shit until the compiler is happy and the 'tests' pass.
asciilifeform: proggy does not compress. head does not have the handy lossy compressor, as for human text.
asciilifeform: which - whatddoyaknow - confirms that mircea_popescu was partly right, the turd broadcasts a random selection of mempool at all times...
asciilifeform: << incidentally, this is incorrect. in the current scheme, node only broadcasts new-to-it tx. so after a tx propagates, it dampens, nothing exponential happens.
asciilifeform: but, ultimately, yes - gossip mempool.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: on idiot os without meaningful composability - user is more or less stuck
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: from ui perspective, it means that it scrolls in the same window as if it were plain text. from an exploitation perspective, it means that pdf renderer run whether chumps wants it to or not, just by virtue of him reading the mailz
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is 0day in decompressor lib, per se, used in ~all linux proggies.
ascii_deadfiber: supposing that they 1) bought the coin 2) can't simply steal it back -- i can see it
ascii_deadfiber: they do not go to any of the same places, the roads are arranged such that you will never glimpse it, etc.
ascii_deadfiber: but i have some clues. homo usaticus is veeery well-bred for parochialism. easily compartmented. i learned recently that there is a trailer park 20min away from where i live. but i have never once seen it, nor any of the people in it!
ascii_deadfiber: i expect a shift of resources back to the 'corrode bitcoin' stratagem, vs the 'pump shitcoin'
ascii_deadfiber: granted when they lose coinz, said coinz are no longer available for the waterfall. at least temporarily.
ascii_deadfiber: << this is where i ???. what exactly have they lost? check out, they sent crate of printolade, pumped air right back into ethercrud, etc.
ascii_deadfiber: ty mircea_popescu. << apparently most of the samples have demented exponent
ascii_deadfiber: eh anyway idea is simple enough.
ascii_deadfiber: whoever gives a fuck - is invited to attempt this exercise.
ascii_deadfiber: if i could be arsed i'd compile it in my xilinx toolchain and see what max clock is
ascii_deadfiber: 'The MyCPU is a "Central Processing Unit" that is completely built with discrete logic gates. Over the years the project has grown...'
ascii_deadfiber: and lel, the 'braindamaged moduli' page is now an ~unreadable 15k+mods long, on account of the ssh dump
ascii_deadfiber: aviation, tanks (which use, what, 50L, simply to ~revv up~) etc.
ascii_deadfiber: btw is anyone ever gonna explain the popularity of the 'direct impingement' crapolade ?
ascii_deadfiber: comparing the warm and the soft, aren't we now.
asciilifeform: not so much excited as waiting for a compile.
asciilifeform: << lel already chumpatronic
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i found it especially entertaining how reddit folk (at least used to) believe the 'if only male birth control pill' thing would make any difference (if such thing existed, 'paternity' would simply get redefined, french style, to accomodate cuckoldry)
asciilifeform: 'The tests will potentially knock out all GPS-reliant services including WAAS, GBAS and, notably, ADS-B. The FAA also doesn’t want a lot of radio chatter about the outages and is urging pilots to report them if they need help from ATC. Operators of Embraer Phenom 300 business jets are being urged to avoid the area entirely. “Due to GPS Interference impacts potentially affecting Embraer 300 aircraft flight stability controls, FAA
asciilifeform: but by this time Research Publications, a Connecticut company, had sent it along with other microfiched documents to libraries across the country. The microfiche weren’t recalled after a government decision – it’s not clear by whom – that it would arouse attention. '
asciilifeform: 'NSC 26/2 was mistakenly declassified in 1985 by an archivist at the Truman Presidential Library which is part of the National Archives and Records Administration. A library official in a legal deposition deemed it the worst security breach in the National Archives’ history. A furious CIA demanded the archivist be fired, but he remained a library employee after losing his top-secret clearance. NSC 26/2 was reclassified top secret,
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: with current fabrication tech, the cost of fabricating any quantity of sane computer could never be earned back.
asciilifeform: nor does the effort of attempting sane os pay off, lacking stable iron.
asciilifeform: Framedragger: no slopes, slippery or otherwise. simply pointing out that the 'you can buy this machine, and 20 yrs from now you can buy 100% compatible one' does NOT exist.
asciilifeform: and moved to shit compiler, throwing away gcc
asciilifeform: likewise, slow clocks of the time made 'compilation must be a form of caching strictly' likewise unthinkable.
asciilifeform: but smbx lispm was actually a terrific crock of shit, implementation-wise
asciilifeform: Framedragger: pumping'em in...
asciilifeform: though when i exclude files, i simply move'em
asciilifeform: i always pictured ben_vulpes's flat as similar to my old 'nazi submarine' (complete with storage bulkheads in obscene places, cramming every possible ullage full of goodiez)
asciilifeform: (it appears to be impossible to get feathers-but-no-stems pillow in usa)
asciilifeform: l0l, and food - from same neighbour's dumpster ?
asciilifeform: (important component)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: lulzy re 'quantum computer miner drained mtgox'
asciilifeform: it is quite impossible imho not to think of this.
asciilifeform: normally we mention the christians as a socialist rot, but there was also the component of caste / 'dielectric insulator'
asciilifeform: 'best known fact re empires is that they pop
asciilifeform: (partly on account of their complicated 'isolate these folks from all reality', partly because they did not simultaneously pursue artillery...)
asciilifeform: jp shinto temples apparently had peculiar quasimathematical ritual
asciilifeform: can pick different example, also interesting:
asciilifeform: all of the components of everything we're now doing, from the basic maths to the semiconductor, are product of what mircea_popescu derides as 'palace wankery'
asciilifeform: same re the inca, simply the iron age 'began' late for them, had to sail across the pond.
asciilifeform: looking at the religions of the past (the selfsame inca empire, my recent kick) i've come to suspect that the overall 'belief load' typical human can carry is roughly constant
asciilifeform: if usg were bleeding turkey dollars, the successive iterations of altpump would lose vigour.
asciilifeform: in other lulz, usg is pumping air back into eth ?
asciilifeform: which is to say, the tokamak folks are about as interested in desktop, $1000 fusion (of ~whatever temperatures~) as the maths dept at your uni is interested in elementary proof of fermat, or the software 'industry' - in 'fits in head', etc.
asciilifeform: in other lulz, 'weeds must spread' apparently encompasses every possible thing:
asciilifeform: but he printed andreas because 1,000,001 chumps were ready to buy, not because prb necessarily.
asciilifeform: 'Sherpany is the first independent platform that facilitates close, personal and tangible communication between companies, boards of directors and investors. Modern companies can solidify the loyalty of investors, focus on their work in the board of directors and increase corporate governance with Sherpany.' << wat.
asciilifeform: can even go in parallel with the current sks pump.
asciilifeform: (then again it is quite possible that all of 'his' money is denominated in buffettola, and he's entirely compliant, i have nfi)
asciilifeform: trump is no moar electable than perot was, and for same reason - will try to push the buttons that aren't connected to anything, and get belligerent, and has the resources to attempt to do something about it
asciilifeform: 'I'd like to ask specifically about Fare's criticism of large jets. Since it's highly unlikely that the Hoon implementation is bug-for-bug compatible with the native markdown parser, is including that parser in a jet an "unprincipled exception" to Urbit's vision of deterministic functional purity? An even better example is the possible future inclusion of a native JS or Lua interpreter... V8 in particular is a massive project that ro
asciilifeform: 'For example, I would love to offer my own children a filtered Internet experience where I owned and controlled the filter. Ideally, that would mean an MITM proxy running on my own cloud server. I would not trust anyone else to MITM me or my children, but I feel quite comfortable MITMing my 8-year-old daughter. So that's another long-term use case.' << also mr mold
asciilifeform: 'Urbit has a very good profiler (language integration makes up for a lot of elbow grease), and our attempts to squeeze out performance are usually successful. In extremis, anything can be jetted and probably will.' << yarvin
asciilifeform: (laziness in resource-impoverished environment is adaptive. i could've sworn we did a thread re this...)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: alludes to a largely undocumented insurance chumpatron of unknown size, hence link.
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: in fact, this is recommended practice, say something in in the username string re 'this key generated by ... for ...' or the like.
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: this is in the works. (it will take a while, because it makes the thing roughly 2x more complicated)
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: contact jurov, he has a tool for this
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: where did your moduli come from ?
asciilifeform: i dun get it. chumps bought in, usg (via shill exchanges) collected usd, btc, in return for shitcoin. that is now worth 0. what does usg lose ?
asciilifeform: literally a bladder in which to temporarily store printolade while it cools down ?
asciilifeform: for instance, i know a fella who moved to a - perfectly tame little town in west virginia, and thought he was getting great deal, but it turned out that it is physically impossible to get decent net connection there (at least without paying for streets to be dug up, six figures)
asciilifeform: 'brought to an immediate halt the country's European Union referendum campaign just a week before the vote.' << that was apparently easy.
asciilifeform: incidentally i devised a way to make the thing grow ~100x faster, but still not implemented.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: does it not make sense to you that having two classes of object, whereas previously there was no need to distinguish classes, is at least 2x complexity ?
asciilifeform: thing is, pgp key includes more info than simply 'modulus, email'
asciilifeform: it will go ~slightly~ faster if i dump'em in, in bulk, but understand - i do not have the time presently to write any serious adjunct to phuctor
asciilifeform: they are stored as-found. so they can be shat back out and compared to extant key elsewhere etc.
asciilifeform: Framedragger: i have his complete worx here.
asciilifeform: for umpteenth time..
asciilifeform: ^ for compleeetness.
asciilifeform: marginal value but inflating their already bloated sense of self-importance. In response to one of these posts, the individual’s active duty Air Force chain of command, based at Wright-Patterson, placed him under investigation, barred him from his workplace, and ordered him to cease commenting on JQP.'
asciilifeform: somehow this did not damper the recruitment of new ones, every year, to shoot the crowd in new cities
asciilifeform: 'McAfee was appointed as chairman and CEO of MGT Capital in May, causing a brief 1,000% surge in the publicly traded company’s stocks. Formerly a fantasy sports enterprise, the firm is in the process of being rebranded as John McAfee Global Technologies, Inc following McAfee's addition to the team.' << wat.
asciilifeform: 'Cybersecurity expert, libertarian presidential candidate, and founder of McAfee antivirus, John McAfee is taking over as CEO at publicly-traded MGT Capital Investments, Inc., (NYSE MKT: MGT). Fresh at the helm, McAfee is already charting a new course for the company, focusing on how to secure cryptocurrencies. The company previously invested in and developed a wide array of intellectual property.'
asciilifeform: imperial subjects will drink imperial crapolade.
asciilifeform: complete with 'really this is it' and 'real time human censor'
asciilifeform: not complete, either.
asciilifeform: usg is at this very moment attempting a cleave of 'socialism fails'
asciilifeform: normally a quick stomp suffices, i haven't the patience or time to pull the wings off.
asciilifeform: did we ever do a 'postel's law not only considered harmful but a disaster of epic proportions, quite comparable to leaded petrol' thread ?
asciilifeform: and 'the implementation was the spec', at least for a long while.
asciilifeform: it simply wasn't in my example.
asciilifeform: at any rate, spec is a weak animal when it relies on promise, rather than protocol. ideally you want a simple litmus test for conformance that insta-zaps deviants
asciilifeform: all specs are maximally prescriptive. in that implication is 'if you don't do x, you are not conformant and we throw you out and buy a new you'
asciilifeform: it is sufficiently detailed and unambiguous that unrelated groups can and have implemented fully compatible compilers.
asciilifeform: have an example of correctly made spec: the ada ref+rationale.
asciilifeform: spec ain't magic. and much of what you see passing for spec is a deliberate attempt to paper over broken ~concepts~ with verbiage.
asciilifeform: if it actually works, it never needs reimplementing.
asciilifeform: trinque: you evaluate it using SAME algo as you use for 'did asciilifeform write his patches or were they given to him by a colonel at ftmeade to pass to chumps'
asciilifeform: imports by referencing the hash.
asciilifeform: imports, not MORONICALLY cut and pastes.
asciilifeform: nothing about 'let's cp this 1,000,001 times because mircea_popescu took away #include' compels intelligent rereading.
asciilifeform: (i compulsively re-read own shit)
asciilifeform: i will give example
asciilifeform: thing is, operator doesn't specifically start from anything. he specifies a press head (if that. in one variant contemplated earlier by mircea_popescu, one does not even specify press head, but instead walk longest chain having sigs S1...Sn)
asciilifeform: this idea only ever could become actually important as time marches on and things are lost.
asciilifeform: 'light cone' is simply ALL vpatches, by ANYONE, that you know about.
asciilifeform: (simply add comment in the part1 items as part of part2 patch)
asciilifeform: a genesis is simply a vpatch with no antecedents.
asciilifeform: 'Gov. Rick Scott of Florida said on Monday that he had asked Mr. Obama to issue a federal emergency declaration for his state. “Yesterday’s terror attack was an attack on our state and entire nation,” Mr. Scott said in a statement. “This morning, I have asked President Obama to declare an emergency so that the full resources of the federal government can be made available for all those impacted by this horrific massacre.” I
asciilifeform: should be able to simply... use.
asciilifeform: wtf would you impact driver wood or plastic.
asciilifeform: 'Accordingly, the Roosevelt administration, while curtly dismissing Japanese diplomatic overtures to harmonize relations, imposed a series of increasingly stringent economic sanctions on Japan. In 1939 the United States terminated the 1911 commercial treaty with Japan. “On July 2, 1940, Roosevelt signed the Export Control Act, authorizing the President to license or prohibit the export of essential defense materials.” Under this
asciilifeform: or did mircea_popescu previously think that it had been a defrocked accountant imprisoned for 40 unpad parking tickets.
asciilifeform: << she writes the crapolade ~so as~ not to be confined in an office. just like folks will hide unsheathed knives up their arse, kill guards with bare teeth, whatever, to get out of the camp
asciilifeform: recall, the shitgnomatic unified front against phuctor was exemplified by peter 'this ain't my key and go back to sleep' h anvin.
asciilifeform: hannobockism took the very effective angle of 'nobody used the keyz' but really to keep chumps' attention on what it means to 'use' a key
asciilifeform: actually instructive example, it is worth elaborating on:
asciilifeform: Framedragger: i understand it perfectly. but the baroque marlinspiked version is satanic and deliberately overcomplicated.
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mod6 'It has been well established that OOM error occurs from bastards not being freed from memory.' << not accurate. bastard tx don't enter the mempool in trb. it is mempool tx that never deallocate...
asciilifeform: apparently, there is nothing more attractive than ~empty~ swimming pool, if you ask american jurists.
asciilifeform: 'A local apartment com-munity had become a problem with unsecured vacant units, garbage, graffiti, attractive nuisances, and blight. The owner also routinely rented condemned units that had no power (cord was run from other units). Neighboring owners complained of rodents coming from the unattended landscaping and units. Squatters were found in units by the police department. Owner was cited...'
asciilifeform was unable - in spite of considerable effort - to run 'hello world' example in 'rails'.
asciilifeform: 'company D' does not exist. no sane investor knowingly funds a 'company A'; no sane engineer knowingly works for a 'company B'; nobody sane at all is interested in involving himself in a 'company C'/
asciilifeform: 'Suppose you have a company that sets out to make a widget. Let's call it Company A. Its founders are all engineers, of an uncompromising sort, and the widget they design and manufacture is of tremendous longevity, durability and overall quality.... When consumers refuse to pay so much more than they feel they have to, Company A's widget fails in the marketplace, and the company is liquidated.'
asciilifeform: have, in fact, invented a means of 'putting out' fire that simply moves it, 10x amplified, to another spot.
asciilifeform: davout: not simply this, but that these particular firemen do very little ASIDE FROM setting fires.
asciilifeform: let's work example,
asciilifeform: aha, c existed before there 'had to be' employment for 50 million idiots.
asciilifeform: '@zenspider Mocking me? Honestly?!? And the "it works on my machine" response? I really appreciate the work people put into sharing their software with others, but you need to learn to treat people with respect who are trying to help improve your product. I need this for a new system I have inheirited. The first thing I am going to do is get rid of the dependency on your project.'
asciilifeform: (it is possible to use amp with higher slew rate and get moar bitz. but i deliberately used conservative design, with common parts)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in the use case contemplated, there ARE no problems.
asciilifeform: wot, incidentally, and contrary to popular belief - doesn't!! could, in principle, use lamport signatures.
asciilifeform: the usg circus tricks weren't cheap, and were very clearly carried out with the assumption that no one would ever discover working crypto.
asciilifeform: version of the license and then a classified addendum to the agreement. The company who seek the license will be assigned a classified compartments code name that will be "Top Secret/ESI" with the ESI standing for "Extremely Sensitive Information" as disclosure could directly lead to economic devastation to the company, and their involvement must be kept secret.'
asciilifeform: 'When any U.S. telecommunications company wishes to install a physical fiber optic connection, and that connection cross into or out of the national borders of the United States, the company which terminates the fiber, in what is called a "landing" is required under federal law to obtain an "International Landing" license, and this is done via the Federal Communications Commission, and there is ALWAYS, repeat ALWAYS, an unclassified
asciilifeform: at one point they were 'anonymous' but then merchants were usgized into collecting names, addressed; today they are largely used by lumpens who can't get normal phone (as it requires credit history)
asciilifeform: the most comical situation was of course in usgland. i was working at an army base, and there were the most titanically impressive generators i've ever seen, each easily the size of a train car, diesel cisterns two stories high, etc. BUT we still lost power in the lab. because somehow it wasn't connected to it.
asciilifeform: and for that petrol is quite irrelevant, you want doubleconverting ups with ample spare capacity and fresh battery.
asciilifeform: anyway petrol generator is 'sexy', vrooom, vroom, but actual practice is that brown-outs, spikes, <30sec blackouts, are the real itch re computer user.
asciilifeform: (my rack-mount thing also, in fact, stands on floor. in one of those '90s-era 'full tower pedestals' with the ratcheting clamp)
asciilifeform: say next year it will write not only timestamp but exe hash to log.
asciilifeform: empire is made of cocksucking satrapies who wouldn't point-encrypt if martians gave them the gear for free.
asciilifeform: 'Around 800 backbone fiber connections in the continental US (95+% of the backbone) have been tapped for data collection. Some of the telcos are aware of this, but are silently cooperating by not implementing point-to-point bulk traffic encryption. There is an extensive ghost network that connects these nodes, enabling traffic analysis and tracing in near-real time. As of recently, the passive taps are being converted to active filte
asciilifeform: one very simple solution is to recruit new nodes faster than whoever can ruin them.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: fine, make it six people. how do you find the traitor (or simple incompetent who let his nodes get hijacked by third party)
asciilifeform: as example of what NOT to do.
asciilifeform: if mircea_popescu just wants an ordinary chumpnet that is a different and far more practical convo.
asciilifeform: you rent out yer chumpnet, and some bozo installs, e.g., 'cryptolocker', on all the nodes.
asciilifeform: it is ~precisely~ the 'rent out the space inside your nose!' contemplated in one of mircea_popescu's articles.
asciilifeform has been contemplating this very subj for many, many years.
asciilifeform: the only reason it does not happen more often with garden-variety botnets is that competent folk are few and far between and no one in particular is a sufficiently-appealing target.
asciilifeform: is that a reasonably competent griefer can rent the chumpnet and ~clean it~
asciilifeform: it is certainly impossible to reliably distinguish node from pseudonode, for instance.
asciilifeform: it is in principle quite impossible to verify that the thing you wanted computed, was computed, unless it is very tangible input/output pair like mersenne primes or whatnot.
asciilifeform: but more importantly, the software stack that gives you anything like smooth migration between rapidly born and dying machines, is NOT THERE
asciilifeform: choice lulz, '...The other incident raises more serious concerns regarding Tor Project’s obligation to ensure a safe and comfortable work environment, especially as regards an environment that is unwelcoming or hostile to protected classes of community members. In this case, you made statements that implied that new community members were recruited in a sexually charged manner. This was made during the course of a Tor Project-sanct
asciilifeform: what is interesting is that - as far as i can tell - no one has ever published example of finite field system from such.
asciilifeform: i discovered that mainstream finite field libs are as complicated as they are largely because they insist on growable - and, ergo, heap-allocated - nums.
asciilifeform: they will keep a man's weight's worth of empty coffee cups and other filth in there.
asciilifeform: the 'sex is the devil's temptation' idiots have easy pickings in that climate.
asciilifeform: this is on account of the well-known sequelae being largely effects of impurities, and secondarily - of lack of sleep, vs meth per se.
asciilifeform: i'm still quite unconvinced that empire is better off selling, e.g., the usual vodka, in shops, than meth.
asciilifeform: the sovietization, in the most comical sense of the word, is nearly total, complete with hruschev's corn.
asciilifeform: 'rural shithole' is simply shithole that is dark from the satellite camera.
asciilifeform: '...there are many, many people whose stock in trade is their use of violence, in offense or defense. No matter what else happens, they will be employed, or self-employed... In Russia, there was a period of years during which the police was basically not functioning: they had no equipment, no budget, and their salaries were not sufficient for survival. Murders went unsolved, muggings and burglaries were not even investigated. The pol
asciilifeform: if mircea_popescu were awake, he would probably describe the process as 'what the fuck is so surprising, gas let into an empty container will fill it' or similar. nobody is blowing up the police stations in response, so there is no back-pressure and usg can do whatever.
asciilifeform: the peculiar, imho, thing, is that somehow tradition requires american police to actually charge folks who are taken to a police station. and so it is now important to rob them ~without~ arresting.
asciilifeform: automated account emptiers. lulzy.
asciilifeform: and iirc many (most?) lottery winners go broke precisely from inept attempts to attach wings and engine to their rock.
asciilifeform: but this is not entirely applicable to btc planet - unlike fiatola, it does not evaporate at room temperature
asciilifeform: iciently many layers of isolation between him and the chumps.'
asciilifeform: ftr, what i said re voorhees's dice in feb. '13: 'Satoshi Dice is a can of worms which almost deserves its own discussion. It is, at its core, a simple “numbers game.” That is to say, an industrial-strength harvester of chump money, precisely the kind of thing which Popescu expresses his disdain for at every opportunity. But listing its stock on MPEx does not bother him, because there are suff
asciilifeform: so - complicated.
asciilifeform: or is it simply that 'civilized society' is so loathesome that ANY alternative is welcome.
asciilifeform: 'i will be a chump but if i play cards right, i will have sub-chumps...' ??
asciilifeform: a setup like scientology has no particular need to be 'ecologically clean', can work the chumps to exhaustion
asciilifeform: ... or simply too orcish to mechanize collection ?
asciilifeform: if you think about it, she pretty much has to charge x < ($usual_earth_fee + $cost_of_flight), or gurlz who aren't working as stewardesses could compete
asciilifeform: hitler can as easily emplace confession.gif there as on shitgur.
asciilifeform: btw i can hardly wait for 'compiler is kyriarchy, all strings are equally valid program'
asciilifeform: even if it were 'want to sit in hammock and sip vodka' the sentence would compile ok
asciilifeform: 'There are strong indications that the website was created by Tor Project contractors and/or employees. Today, the website says "Before launch, we had placeholder text for the initial site design which we did not expect to become public. We never meant to impersonate Jake or to trick anyone." but the original tweet button (which many people clicked) produced a tweet saying "I just read on @ioerror's homepage ..." which shows this to
asciilifeform: << maaaaany years ago i chanced across the blog of a young (university student) math chick, who appeared to GENUINELY believe that she can become 'great' by cultivating the nervous ticks, compulsions, and miscellaneous dysfunctions paul erdos was infamous for !
