asciilifeform: << above 2-3kW they recirculate the lasing gas per se. prolly unbeatable re cooling .
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 02:15 mircea_popescu: << this is true, and yes pretty shocking.
asciilifeform: ( if you don't recirculate -- e.g., mine, does not -- limits power greatly, because gotta exchange heat )
mircea_popescu: never heard of it.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 03:18 kanzure: have you guys laughed at the bioviva stuff yet?
mircea_popescu: still with that huh.
kanzure: except this one is hilarious
mircea_popescu: everyone's forever enamoured with the scammer-of-the-day. back in groupon times everyone was liek "groupon !!!"
mircea_popescu: thgen that dumb white bitch came up with this whole scam, everyone's her now.
asciilifeform: << if this were a universal cure , ocr error would be 0. thinkaboutit.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 02:51 mircea_popescu: << btw, cheap and obvious error correction : do once then rotate 90 degrees do again. then reconcile. is this used irl ?
mircea_popescu: the airbnb fucktards made cereal boxes, everyone wanted to make cereal boxes.
mircea_popescu: frisco "entrepreneurship" is ten layers beyond disgusting.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not universal by any means. but perhaps helpful.
asciilifeform: << see elso emperor qin shihuangdi's mercury pillz
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 04:09 kanzure:
asciilifeform: *also
mircea_popescu: i thought elso was pretty cool...
BingoBoingo: So, now there's a blockchain startup spelled "bluezelle" and pronounced "Bezzel"
BingoBoingo: per Coindesk
mircea_popescu: lol!
BingoBoingo: brb, going stargazing
asciilifeform: << >>
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 04:11 mircea_popescu: frisco "entrepreneurship" is ten layers beyond disgusting.
a111: Logged on 2017-04-02 15:50 asciilifeform: lottery winners have not merely 0 to teach, but 'learning' from them tends to make folx dumber.
mircea_popescu: right
asciilifeform: or see naggum's discussion of how 1990s consisted of series of imbeciles who 'wanted to be next microshit'
mircea_popescu: which it did.
mircea_popescu: therte's that ancient adage, "nothing's worse for a start-up than a bad money source early on".
mircea_popescu: there is something. a bad model earlier on.
mircea_popescu: << this view of cocaine is specific of the non-user. i never saw or heard of cocaine allowing more living per.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 03:22 BingoBoingo: Anyway why focus on longevity? Why not focus on solutions like cocaine that allow for more living per year?
mircea_popescu: as if i fucking need to squeeze 120% out of a party. why ? if i like it that much ima just do it again nextweek, for +100%.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: why buy the magic powder ( and dissolve yer septum ) then.
asciilifeform: whatfor.
mircea_popescu: ikr?
asciilifeform: if not for 'live for the peaks, not the area under curve' .
mircea_popescu: again, this is the theoretical view of movie cocaine. it dun work in this manner in practice.
asciilifeform not tried
mircea_popescu: actually, in biological terms sugar is a very fine comparison point.
mircea_popescu: bad for you, esp in quantities ; can have some chocolate now and again ; ruins the taste of coffee or tea.
mircea_popescu: people HAVE historically claimed it's "good for you" "better food than food" "makes you smart" etc. especially back when not most people could get it.
asciilifeform: ( most recently -- freud? )
mircea_popescu: i guess.
asciilifeform: paging gabriel_laddel !!1!
asciilifeform wonders: perhaps d00d finally got his wish : found cocaine . and hence never again heard from.
mircea_popescu: lol
asciilifeform: or was it meth, that he dreamed of.
mircea_popescu: i dun recall
asciilifeform: as i understand, all adrenergics are roughly similar ( in same way as all liquors, say ) in basic flavour of effect
asciilifeform: so not much diff
mircea_popescu: quite possible.
asciilifeform: << theoretically, a reverser of caffeine tolerance would be all the cocaine anybody could want..
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 03:30 kanzure: happened a looong time ago. ever since "bullet proof coffee" and even before that. really awful history.
asciilifeform: for some reason ( afaik ) 0 attempts in this direction, to date.
asciilifeform: there is nothing magical re tolerances. it's a physical condition, just as potentially removable as any other.
asciilifeform: so happens that i remember my first cup of coffee, very well. but to drink it again !
mircea_popescu: o really ?
mircea_popescu: i dun recall it impressing.
asciilifeform: depends on the drinker. iirc the particular locus even was found. i may even have read in kanzure's links some time last decade.
mircea_popescu: i think it might be a cultural thing. milk coffee was common breakfast kiddy thing in ro. i was amused to discover same is true in say nicaragua.
asciilifeform: i was speaking of properly lethal black coffee of course.
mircea_popescu: yeah. possibly why not.
asciilifeform: << funnily enough, exactly same as my view of computer.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 03:22 kanzure: my definition of a viable nootropic is one that helps enough to make a better nootropic. so basically they are all garbage.
mircea_popescu: << which is the better q here. why not commodify the gas, have really large gas pools for excitation.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 04:06 asciilifeform: << above 2-3kW they recirculate the lasing gas per se. prolly unbeatable re cooling .
mircea_popescu: if lab can keep an o2 tank, it can also keep an co2 laser tank
asciilifeform: entirely commodified, wat
asciilifeform: buy at welding shop.
asciilifeform: is where one gets it.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's a mix tho, co2 is trace amt in laser co2.
asciilifeform: i dun think i ever once set foot in a lab without a co2 tank
mircea_popescu: LASER co2 mix. different co2.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: you buy your particular mix.
mircea_popescu: ok then. so wtf is this "100w laser". measure it in liters instead.
asciilifeform: 100w is the tabletop item most folx have. sealed tube.
mircea_popescu: yes, but unseal the tube and use a large amt of gas.
asciilifeform: water inlet for cooling.
mircea_popescu: and cool that selfsame gas.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: that's the 20k+usd pro variant, is exactly how.
mircea_popescu: yes but dun have to be 20k usd. just get a cubic meter of gas mix, and some flexible pipe.
asciilifeform: it dun make sense at low power, to bother, so they ain't made small.
mircea_popescu: blow tube with holes in it.
mircea_popescu: my point being : you can blow your own tube, buy your own gas, hook it all up, and let it go. kitchenware.
asciilifeform: the bitch, funnily, is never the tube
asciilifeform: but the optics
mircea_popescu: reuse optics from a current piece.
asciilifeform: the alignment.
mircea_popescu: mmm.
asciilifeform: ( as for 'from current', higher power demands better optic, for obvious reason )
mircea_popescu: i guess. though you know, overclocking.
asciilifeform: me, i'd like direct diode-to-whatwe'recutting .
asciilifeform: fuck mirrors.
asciilifeform: incidentally, the 'kilowatt diode' ( and even 30W chinese item from last year's thread) are from a certain pov shams :
asciilifeform: they are aggregates
mircea_popescu: myeah.
asciilifeform: of small ( 1-5W) diodes. and they don't cohere together (because how?)
mircea_popescu: cascade them ?
asciilifeform: that won't make the waves align
mircea_popescu: whole principle of laser is that excited atom will spit out photon in phase with photon going by
asciilifeform: consider why one even cuts with laser, and not with gigantic lamp and lens
mircea_popescu: lol
asciilifeform: ( laser is possibly the least efficient known electrical light source , watt per watt in vs out )
mircea_popescu: no seriously, this is actually used. take weak laser from tube 1 through tube 2.
asciilifeform: point being, they don't align phasewise: so N W-watt diode != N*W watt tube.
asciilifeform: ( by how much it loses, i leave as exercise for readers )
mircea_popescu: well not diodes, no. but N W-watt tube is = kNW tube.
asciilifeform: and yes it is used.
asciilifeform: when no other choice.
mircea_popescu: myeah
asciilifeform: ( most obviously -- to pump a larger item )
asciilifeform: pumping is the classical recipe for 'add N lasers'
mircea_popescu: aha.
asciilifeform bbl
mircea_popescu: << a nootropic reasonably defined (such as here) is exactly a munchausen artefact
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 03:22 kanzure: my definition of a viable nootropic is one that helps enough to make a better nootropic. so basically they are all garbage.
mircea_popescu: (ie, item that'd permit any munchausen exploit from occuring)
mircea_popescu: kanzure << this is uniquely stupid. for one thing, the "conceptualization" of bitcoin as a "real number" is below sophomoric. there is no such thing as a "btc", properly speaking ; it's satoshis all the way down, and they are integers.
mircea_popescu: moreover, no, most emphatically NO there could not be subdivisions below the satoshi. in fact, not even fractions as small as the 100s of satoshis can be practically used.
mircea_popescu: there's a limited ammount of different transactions that can be indexed, and that limit is not 2.1e12.
mircea_popescu: why do these dorks imagine they're involved with bitcoin again ?
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> as if i fucking need to squeeze 120% out of a party. why ? if i like it that much ima just do it again nextweek, for +100%. << Gotta address the biohackers and their "Drugs are bad, let's edit the meat" crowd.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> as i understand, all adrenergics are roughly similar ( in same way as all liquors, say ) in basic flavour of effect << Cocaine+MAOI=death Methamphetamine+MAOI=safe-ish
BingoBoingo: From the novelty mines
spyked: <-- this might be of (very limited) interest re wintel x86 discussion. mostly for amusement
mircea_popescu: o hey
spyked: to wit: 1. dorks plant pervasive spyhole in commodity hardware, "to catch terrorists" I suppose; 2. at some point someone figures out everyone can use it, not only "agencies"; 3. at some point (much later!) dorks figure out they can be used to spy on "agencies" too; 4. dorks finally add secret method to disable spyhole.
mircea_popescu: compressed xml to boot.
spyked: hi mircea_popescu; lol yeah. also, other lulz: "There are three such cores in the new PCH: Management Engine (ME), Integrated Sensors Hub (ISH), and Innovation Engine (IE)." innovation engine!
mircea_popescu: im sure
mircea_popescu: We're Boring And Stupid doesn't quite have the same sound to it
spyked: in other innovative and artificially Intel-ligent news: when did Hillis/Sussman/Feynman play with the connection machine? ah, late '80s!
mircea_popescu: heh
shinohai: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 4525.0, vol: 14007.27309918 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 4525.1, vol: 38548.57252327 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 4532.87, vol: 6883.17248839 | Volume-weighted last average: 4525.97621775
shinohai: <<< This was amusing spyked, thx for share.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 08:34 spyked: <-- this might be of (very limited) interest re wintel x86 discussion. mostly for amusement
spyked: yw shinohai :)
shinohai: Makes me rather forlorn that ex gf threw out my spi tool thinking it was a broken usb drive xD
asciilifeform: << if you're actually convinced that 1) the published method fully and permanently disables the thing 2) it was the one and only fritzchip core in intelturd --- i got bridge to sellya.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 08:36 spyked: to wit: 1. dorks plant pervasive spyhole in commodity hardware, "to catch terrorists" I suppose; 2. at some point someone figures out everyone can use it, not only "agencies"; 3. at some point (much later!) dorks figure out they can be used to spy on "agencies" too; 4. dorks finally add secret method to disable spyhole.
asciilifeform: Just Say No to intel.
asciilifeform: ( and post-'09 amd . )
asciilifeform: ( and obsessing over cpu, in a machine arch where nic has dma -- is tunnel vision. )
asciilifeform: << nn chips were sold in '80s
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 08:53 spyked: in other innovative and artificially Intel-ligent news: when did Hillis/Sussman/Feynman play with the connection machine? ah, late '80s!
asciilifeform: popular again because of surveillance cameras and 'terrorism'
asciilifeform: << oblig thread re nn
a111: Logged on 2016-01-26 17:20 ascii_butugychag: (there was a spiffy talk at shmoo, which mentioned how nn used in image recognition usually imprints on what - to a human - would be an entirely accidental cluster of pixels, and if you flip'em, it will recognize an obvious, e.g,. cat, as a refrigerator, etc)
asciilifeform: the 'alphago' stunt -- was marketing, for these.
asciilifeform: << could be ordinary stupidity, could be -- wrecking. i can easily picture the derps campaigning for 'let's have btc amts as rationals!' so that eventually a tx weighs 100MB ( in which to represent the ever-cancerously growing ratio )
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 05:59 mircea_popescu: kanzure << this is uniquely stupid. for one thing, the "conceptualization" of bitcoin as a "real number" is below sophomoric. there is no such thing as a "btc", properly speaking ; it's satoshis all the way down, and they are integers.
shinohai: Because decimals are too hard man
asciilifeform: shinohai: finite bit field ~= integer
asciilifeform: ( ieee floats are in effect a demented, drooling integer stack which ~pseudorandomly skips bits )
asciilifeform: << see also
a111: Logged on 2017-08-22 06:04 mircea_popescu: << he has a point, incidentally. the notion of ~approximating~ numeric machine is about as batshit insane as the notion of concave airplane or open-ended circulatory system.
spyked: <-- aha. or where NIC can call home arbitrarily for that matter (AFAIK this was a thing in certain cn stuff)
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 13:03 asciilifeform: ( and obsessing over cpu, in a machine arch where nic has dma -- is tunnel vision. )
asciilifeform: spyked: 'call home' is not the smart model. 'stuff random chunks of physical memory, encrypted to nsakey, into margins of outgoing packets' is a smart model
asciilifeform: as is 'listen for magic poke-arbitrary-addr packet-indistinguishable-from-icmp-ping', etc
asciilifeform: or encodes leaked mem into timings, say. use imagination.
asciilifeform: nobody 'calls home', wtf, when you have every isp on the planet realtime bugged, every wire that leaves a house is 'home'.
asciilifeform: they simply.
asciilifeform: call.
asciilifeform bbl
spyked: ^ actually, anecdote. friend of a friend ordered cheap NICs for some business. returned them immediately when he saw they were sending weird data to selected IP addresses. the whole lot.
spyked: so, very much an obvious case of "call home".
spyked: speaking of orders, asciilifeform, estimated arrival date for icestick is ~beginning of november. later than I initially expected, but eh. plenty of time to study related literature & assorted items
shinohai: Kik messenger to renamed "Kek messenger" when this SFYL occurs:
asciilifeform: << very orc / no class.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 13:34 spyked: ^ actually, anecdote. friend of a friend ordered cheap NICs for some business. returned them immediately when he saw they were sending weird data to selected IP addresses. the whole lot.
mircea_popescu: << exactly.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 13:15 asciilifeform: ( ieee floats are in effect a demented, drooling integer stack which ~pseudorandomly skips bits )
mircea_popescu: not to mention, eerily similar to demented, drooling char stack which ~pseudorandomly skips bits known as unicode.
mircea_popescu: i'm at the edge of my chair with bated breath awaiting the imperial notion of the list.
mircea_popescu: << i suspect for all these mayweather friends of crypto it's a case of "free money on the table!".
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 14:10 shinohai: Kik messenger to renamed "Kek messenger" when this SFYL occurs:
mircea_popescu: wtf does buying "their" version of the usg coin get me ? "uhhh... same as the republic's" bitch... you can't be the same as the republic. you suck ; the republioc doesn't.
shinohai: Blokechain technologee at it's finest!
mircea_popescu: "o man, the guys in finance figured out a way to get paid for selling shares without selling any" "whoa" "Technologee man. it can do anything" "can it make you shut up ?"
mircea_popescu: " With millions of users, Kik said it hopes to drive mainstream consumer adoption of Kin, potentially making it the most widely used cryptocurrency."
mircea_popescu: totally. what the fuck is kik anyway, the irrelevant nonservice that facebook didn't buy for a trillion ?
mircea_popescu: whatever happened to telegram or w/e it was the one they did buy ?
mircea_popescu: funny how these shits are OMFG HUGE IMPORTANT RA RA RA until some bagholder actually buys them, at which point they entirely disappear overnight.
mircea_popescu: how does such huge important mass manage to not have any inertia is anyone's guess ; how fucking broken everyone involved's mind must be not not realize inertialess = worthless is anyone's guess.
shinohai: Blockchain Capital is one of the "investors" that pre-purchased tokens ( a brainfart of Brock Pierce)
mircea_popescu: bitcoins to pantsuit cunts that deal was "we'll give you 10k in cash for what we imagine is 100k in publicity" "lol this 100k in publicity is maybe worth 10 bux. deal."
mircea_popescu: in case anyone wondered "How do famous athletes and child actors end up peniless", this'd be how. like those two retarded twins, what was their name, the mcgregors. "oh we're gonna buy relevancy" "yeah, totally, that's something that works"
asciilifeform: for folx without theorems to do, there will always be found someone who will 'sell relevancy'
asciilifeform: because empty skin of a man .
asciilifeform: in other lulz, 7-27:
asciilifeform: 13:01 < kanzure> i mean not for the scihub content
asciilifeform: 13:08 < fenn> why against mirroring?
asciilifeform: 13:08 < kanzure> she wants to control the access in her own way
asciilifeform: 13:08 < kanzure> why do you think we don't already have 10 copies of this shit?
asciilifeform: 7-24:
asciilifeform: 12:45 < nmz787> kanzure: so what does that mean you can do now? can I use LedgerX for some service now?
asciilifeform: 12:46 < kanzure> for now we are only offering service to institutions
asciilifeform: 12:46 < kanzure> essentially we are the first fully-regulated bitcoin options exchange + clearinghouse
shinohai: dafuq
ben_vulpes: !~later tell p0nziph0ne stop join/parting, wouldja?
jhvh1: ben_vulpes: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: ohai ben_vulpes
ben_vulpes: ohai asciilifeform
ben_vulpes: que paso
asciilifeform: currently wondering if everybody's prb takes 2 days to walletrescan, or just mine.
asciilifeform: ( i needed a prb for an experiment... )
shinohai looks askance @ asciilifeform
ben_vulpes: i have not started those experiments yet; moving entire personal workshop
asciilifeform: 'we'll butcher'em all amidst laughter and merriment -- except for a few we'll take home to experiment...' (tm)(r)(tomlehrer)
ben_vulpes hums along
asciilifeform: also ate a month+ of heathenlogz but eventually maxed dosimeter.
asciilifeform: turns out , there is only so much... academitardism, ustardism, bitcoinscalingism, regulationsmatterreallytheydoism, etc that asciilifeform can swallow before barfing.
asciilifeform: e.g. 6-28,
asciilifeform: 10:13 < kanzure> someone is complaining "$1B to fix climate change is too cheap and nobody is going to believe you"
asciilifeform: 10:14 < kanzure> meanwhile total damage has been reported to be often >$1T
asciilifeform: 11:06 < emeraldgreen> kanzure what's the proposal? genetically engineered algae, or geoengineering with special spray ?
asciilifeform: 11:07 < kanzure> well i would prefer star shades, but cloud whitening seems to be popular.
kanzure: star shades are much more practical than you might hope
asciilifeform: nuclear ablation for countries full of uppity californirasts, fortunately, just as practical.
kanzure: i am down with nuclear ablation too
asciilifeform: hey kanzure , can haz that product catalogue yet ?
kanzure: it's on ye olde todo list and your request will be answered in the order in which it was received
asciilifeform: aite.
asciilifeform: i gotta wonder, kanzure , you don't like money ? or what. ( or make it not by selling anything ? )
asciilifeform: ^ product?!
asciilifeform: !!up r0nin-
deedbot: r0nin- voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: kanzure: fucking hell, a star shade. the narcissism out of folks like you will flow over any wall but extinction, wont it.
deedbot: << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1481...2367 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <>; ' ( CL RM)
deedbot: << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1699...9987 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <>; ' ( CL RM)
ben_vulpes: hubris of ameliorating "global warming" is pretty cute, right up there with terraforming mars.
trinque: worst people ever to walk the earth, their own suicidality showing in every word.
ben_vulpes: as if the blip of geological time sapiens observed is representative, and not a transient of a transient
trinque been saying this to the "UNPRECEDENTED FLOODING" derps every chance he gets.
ben_vulpes: also gimme a break, the root cause here is the chain reaction of burning all of the stored hydrocarbons, and it ain't going to stop until all of the fuel is gone.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: 'we are the greatest people, we are the greatest nation, Nothing Like Us Ever Was, our every whim is a Global Consensus, and stfu terrorist'
ben_vulpes: also the ahistoricity of "omfg stop burning things, slow the warming". dog, the damage was done when the first nuggets of coal came out and went up.
ben_vulpes: moreover, as if cleaner diesel's going to do anything about the haze in cn, etc etc.
ben_vulpes: "but what should we dooooo?"
ben_vulpes: "how about stop confusing ought for is in your tiny little head?"
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: envirowhiner is not interested in 'everybody stop burning fuel'. he is interested in 'YOU non-annointed, stop eating'
asciilifeform: !#s deindustrialization
a111: 12 results for "deindustrialization",
a111: Logged on 2016-12-19 19:10 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the death of the 'fat consumer' system is not optional, it's an exponential/runaway growth hallucinatory nonsense. the lizard deindustrialization program is in re the ~controlled demolition~ of same.
trinque: runaway insecurity/narcissistic-escalation machine.
trinque: actually believe the earth is here "for them" as the motherstate of course is.
trinque: and they fuckinglovescience enough to know all the knobs and diddle.
deedbot: << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1481...3493 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <>; ' ( US CA)
deedbot: << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1750...8167 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <>; ' ( US CA)
asciilifeform: forty tonnes of jet fuel per diem for al gore and tim cook, trinque , and low-pressure showerheads and mealsquares for you an' i.
trinque: if that old cunt knows exactly how much money to print "to grow the economy" why wouldn't some other old cunt know exactly how much solar shield to build
trinque: asciilifeform: sure that too
ben_vulpes: in other unsustainability news, ben_vulpes has another mouth to feed on the way
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: this is 2nd ?
ben_vulpes: running joke is that girl is so miserable it better be 2nd and 3rd for all the damn trouble
kanzure: what is the specific complaint about a star shade other than narcissism?
ben_vulpes: lord only knows what unintended consequences it'll have, neh?
kanzure: ah good thing everyone is omniscient... what?
asciilifeform: or how about 'i didn't ask to be shaded' ?
kanzure: is it going to shade you?
asciilifeform: i can see it as a (largely fictional) weapon. against folx who have nothing with which to disagree.
kanzure: almost everything can be weaponized. that's not a good argument.
asciilifeform: i mean, it is intrinsically a weapon. like nuke.
trinque: humans fail at making predictions on far less complex systems than "lol teh whole sun/earth interaction".
trinque: so, fuck right off.
asciilifeform: i, for instance, dun agree to be shaded. and do not see it as substantially different from being bombed.
kanzure: the sun shade does not necessarily need to be used between the sun and earth. there are many potential uses for sunshades, some that even provide experimental data without loss of life ~necessarily.
asciilifeform: and hbomb can be used to mine in asteroid...
trinque: it was brought up in the context of "climate change". don't slime sideways now.
trinque: cowardly conversation tactic.
kanzure: eh, i think it would be tested before using it re: climate change.
ben_vulpes: more of the classic progressive "we'll fix the world for the poor brown people, because they can't want it for themselves"
kanzure: why would you bring the poor into this
kanzure: if we're going to talk about cowardly conversation tactics how about "omg you're going to nuke us because you're planning to deploy a sun shade"
asciilifeform: kanzure: what part of 'i don't want to be shaded' is hard to understand ?
asciilifeform: i deny this 'we' the californirasts operate with.
kanzure: what part of "why are you going to be shaded?" did you forget to reply to
asciilifeform: i ain't ever joining in this 'we'.
kanzure: ("is it going to shade you?")
asciilifeform: this includes the taxation with which kanzure et al intend to further their megalomania.
kanzure: huh?
asciilifeform: does kanzure intend to build it with own pocket money ?
kanzure: if you consider my existence to be overly taxing to you, perhaps you should drop dead
trinque: "there's no time to understand what we're doing; lives are at stake!"
kanzure: i've lost the flow of this conversation.
kanzure: so why would deploying a star shade and testing it-- perhaps not even on the earth-- preclude understanding what you're doing?
trinque: channel's logged bub, and you still haven't absorbed the implications of that.
kanzure: i haven't absorbed the implication of logged channels?
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 17:28 asciilifeform: 10:13 < kanzure> someone is complaining "$1B to fix climate change is too cheap and nobody is going to believe you"
trinque: no, you haven't
trinque: and I've dealt with enough valleytards to be familiar with the crabwalk you do in arguments.
kanzure: so, for example, there seems to be an assumption that a star shade would *have* to shade asciilifeform. why?
trinque: << meanwhile this tactic hopes the reader assumes the best, while the writer avoided making a hard statement.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 18:28 kanzure: the sun shade does not necessarily need to be used between the sun and earth. there are many potential uses for sunshades, some that even provide experimental data without loss of life ~necessarily.
trinque: you people are so awash with marketing bastards out there you speak it natively.
kanzure: why do i need to make a hard statement about a star shade deployment plan?
kanzure: isn't it a little early for me to mae such a specific proposal..?
kanzure: +k
kanzure: also: around these parts, is it sacrilege to speak about technologies that aren't at the far end of nasa's readiness scale? that might explain a lot.
ben_vulpes: << how does this even begin to work without putting a shade between earth and sol?
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2017-08-30 17:25 asciilifeform: 10:13 < kanzure> someone is complaining "$1B to fix climate change is too cheap and nobody is going to believe you"
trinque: if you can't communicate a specific model, why are you talking, other than to cast your upvote for whatever futurememe gives you a semi?
asciilifeform: how about, say, i ~like~ warmer climate, and don't want it 'mitigated' ?
asciilifeform: how'bout that ?
asciilifeform: how about nasa is a subsidy for lockheed, and oughta go away with the rest of the idiot reich ?
kanzure: trinque: i think our disagreement is regarding the level of readiness or detail of a model. your requirement is one for models that are much more mature. i think it would be better if you insist on as much upfront in the future... i'll try to keep that in mind.
kanzure: ben_vulpes: well, low-cost non-shading approaches might be <$1B but i have given those less thought. you can deploy nukes for less than $1B (like to change orbit parameters) but that also causes other problems that would be viewed as more extreme than climate change.
asciilifeform: how about 'sun shade' is an instrument of world government, and fuck world government ?
ben_vulpes: lol changing orbit parameters; this is a classic
kanzure: no that doesn't work so well; private space ventures would then also be world government instruments.
ben_vulpes: "frisky dingo:
ben_vulpes: epic cartoon btw
kanzure: asciilifeform: regarding your preference for warmer climates, is there a limit?
kanzure: upper limit
asciilifeform: i'd rather roast to death than live under amerireich.
kanzure: wouldn't roasting to death interfere with your no-suck computer goals
asciilifeform: my ultimate goal would be satisfied -- the demolition of californitardia and all it stood for.
ben_vulpes: and hey, a mere three degree increase could kill enough folks to bring the population back to a reasonable level.
kanzure: is three degrees enough for that
ben_vulpes: n degrees.
asciilifeform: at risk of digressing, i will note that it is gut-bustingly funny that people who cannot produce a comp that doesn't crash, prattle on about planet-reshaping wunderwaffen
asciilifeform: and people who cannot master the fully deterministic fucking von neumann machine, talk about usefully diddling genome
asciilifeform: your solar redirector, kanzure , what will the targeting comp run on ? same micropython as your electroporator ?? on what iron ? nsa-intel ?
a111: Logged on 2017-06-06 15:24 mircea_popescu: and if experience with the empire of "i just want to" lazy idiots is any guide, they're DEFINITELY not going to "get in trouble for buying microsoft". because "nobody could have predicted" and "they were just doing their job" which "hey man, it's just a gig, it's not my life!"
trinque: their real-me is world-terraforming godman don't ya know?
asciilifeform: it's just indescribably precious, 'i will move orbit of the earth', but can he produce so much as a thermostat that provably follows the claimed algo , rather than daotronic idiocy ?
kanzure: have i claimed that i am going to move the earth? what?
asciilifeform: not speaking of you specifically, kanzure
asciilifeform: but of the megalomania implicit in taking a serious interest in planeteering, per se
kanzure: do you have a specific problem with megalomania? or am i going to get a zen butt statement about balance in reply..
asciilifeform: people who lean to megalomania that they haven't the resources to make flesh -- i find merely boring
asciilifeform: those who proclaim intent to steal the requisite resources, by politicking -- i call the enemy.
asciilifeform: not because 'they will mutilate the earth' -- that threat will be credible some time after they can make an os that actually works
asciilifeform: but because they drop snr and make a mockery of thinking itself.
asciilifeform: the last generation of idiot-savants gave socialists the nuke. this one wants to give'em, what, death star.
asciilifeform: trinque's point re narcissism was spot on. these people see non-californirasts, who don't subscribe to the collective 'we musts', as NPCs.
asciilifeform: to be planeteered over, surveilled, dekulakized ( via, e.g., kanzure's 'well-regulated' bait-and-switch shitcointronics ) , re-dieted to mealsquares, etc.
asciilifeform: kanzure et al walk up and say, in essence, 'i own you, meat.' 'your home is my plaything' 'your labour is for me to dispose of'. thing is, if it were true, he would not have to say anything -- just as farmer does not have to say it to the cow
asciilifeform: we are looking at attempted bamboozlement, rather than true domination.
asciilifeform: and the one thing the target always CAN do -- is to withhold the cooperation.
kanzure: what value would it be to dominate a bunch of aimless folx?
asciilifeform: that's a question for kanzure .
asciilifeform: i for one have nfi what he thinks he is doing here.
kanzure: seems that you think i am here for "true domination". you said so just a moment ago..
asciilifeform: well kanzure's answer to 'no, i don't want a usa-controlled planeteering death star to exist' was not 'oh hey this 1 d00d doesn't like it, guess i won't advocate to build it'
asciilifeform: but 'fuck you, i'll do what i want'
asciilifeform: that's definitionally 'domination', neh
asciilifeform: i for one do not know ( though can make educated guess ! ) what kanzure is doing in bitcoin. but asciilifeform's interest in it is specifically in bringing this whole 'international Consensused We' to a permanent end.
asciilifeform: it is why i work on, e.g., trb, despite having scarcely any coin personally.
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 4558.72, vol: 9463.58645800 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 4555.8, vol: 19660.2295178 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 4553.75, vol: 4578.42830177 | Volume-weighted last average: 4556.34144449
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> totally. what the fuck is kik anyway, the irrelevant nonservice that facebook didn't buy for a trillion ? << Porno messenger promoted through craigslist spam
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> whatever happened to telegram or w/e it was the one they did buy ? << Whatsapp, still bringing SMS to pinoys everywhere
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> nuclear ablation for countries full of uppity californirasts, fortunately, just as practical. << Time the explosions, maybe get a couple micrometers further from sun for bonus cooling
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: and hey, ultimate ( at least theoretically ) 'star shield', neh
asciilifeform: let'em taste the medicine they prescribed for others.
BingoBoingo: <ben_vulpes> hubris of ameliorating "global warming" is pretty cute, right up there with terraforming mars. << Eh, the right weeds would prolly do most of the terraforming themselves. Probably won't make much more habitable, but still more earthlike
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 'mars' is codespeak for 'moar grantolade', strictly
asciilifeform: ( and yes, it's still grantolade if the fed prints it and gives it to elon musk et al to keep warm up his arse for a while and only then he gives it to you . )
BingoBoingo: <ben_vulpes> running joke is that girl is so miserable it better be 2nd and 3rd for all the damn trouble << Congrats on your impending 5th
BingoBoingo: <kanzure> if we're going to talk about cowardly conversation tactics how about "omg you're going to nuke us because you're planning to deploy a sun shade" << This falls under "Right to farm" Sunshade does a concrete economic harm, is an act of war
mircea_popescu: << so how is this any kind of fucking improvement.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 15:53 asciilifeform: 13:08 < kanzure> she wants to control the access in her own way
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: it's a pretty good weapon, as far as these go. ( it it existed... )
asciilifeform: *if
mircea_popescu: "oh, the blue usg has come up with some orc that'll do their dirty work of trying to steal publicly funded research from the rest of the usg"
mircea_popescu: hurr durr, who the fuck has a horse in this race.
kanzure: yeah i tried offering her money for copies of all ~50 TB but nope
kanzure: re: "right to farm", sunshade can be tiny, can be big, can be over ocean or whatever, all sorts of magic.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 17:19 asciilifeform: 'we'll butcher'em all amidst laughter and merriment -- except for a few we'll take home to experiment...' (tm)(r)(tomlehrer)
asciilifeform: just like hbomb.
kanzure: e.g. daylength can be shortened by ~1 hour by clever shading
mircea_popescu: kanzure it's empty wankery of the sort a certain kind of us-born, esl drone (aka, castrato) engages in.
asciilifeform: didja ask , say, mircea_popescu , whether he would like his day shortened ?
mircea_popescu: actually putting it in would certainly be a violation of the nonmilitarization of space convention.
kanzure: asciilifeform: does mircea_popescu live everywhere or something?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's really in the vein of "artificial implants and future intelligence will bla bla" sorta argument. one step removed from d&d.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i dun even see this 1step
mircea_popescu: well they gave up the capes. for the most part.
asciilifeform: gave up capes, but came to genuinely believe that the magic spells, work
asciilifeform: or rather -- 'will work Any Day Now'
BingoBoingo: <kanzure> no that doesn't work so well; private space ventures would then also be world government instruments. << If private space company aggresses my tomatoes with sunshade, that is a tort and an aggression. Traditionally remedy for unwanted shading is chainsaw
mircea_popescu: hey, did i mention the artificial technology future implants ?
mircea_popescu: also, qualias.
asciilifeform: don't forget tulpas.
mircea_popescu: o right, tulpas. is what i meant.
mircea_popescu: << i ran some structurizers on it. because apparently these people lived for a decade never discoveredf they want a search button ;/
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 17:21 asciilifeform: also ate a month+ of heathenlogz but eventually maxed dosimeter.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 'war was invented by people living downstream of herds'
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 17:33 asciilifeform: aite.
mircea_popescu: i take this is two weeks.
asciilifeform: lol
mircea_popescu: in other news, locally sourced undershirts of my most serene majesty are very fine cotton, but also Tres Asses brand.
mircea_popescu: it's unclear whether this means very ass or three asses, but in any case, let no one ever call me an asshole. i'm evidently a triasshole.
BingoBoingo: <kanzure> re: "right to farm", sunshade can be tiny, can be big, can be over ocean or whatever, all sorts of magic. << Per tradition and actual law anything that interferes with farming be it a coyote, hippy vandal, or orbital umbrella is subject to correction by the farmer.
mircea_popescu: << -- >> pretty much exactly.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 17:52 trinque: kanzure: fucking hell, a star shade. the narcissism out of folks like you will flow over any wall but extinction, wont it.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: observe how he snaked smoothly from 'fix global warming!11' to 'spot-cooling of your back yard on-demand'
mircea_popescu: << how about focusing on your own fucking problems! clean up that pizza wrapper! cook for fucking once. go out and walk that misfortunate dog of yours. instead of pretending to "solve" the problems of distant others for the transparent reason that you can avoid having to confront not having done ANYTHING in a whole decade this way.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 17:58 ben_vulpes: "how about stop confusing ought for is in your tiny little head?"
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Lol, still day may come where Rural King begins stocking anti-orbital umbrella rockets next to gopher gassers
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo how about just stocking one fucking whip, and beating the stupid daughter to the point she cant fucking speak next she comes up with "But i LOVE HIM!!! daddy" nonsense.
mircea_popescu: way the fuck cheaper.
BingoBoingo: They already carry those
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: they're in aisle 15, right next to the deobumminators.
mircea_popescu: << this is actually quite on point. i've never seen any of these government-funded "ngos" propose all public employees walk or lose their job.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 17:58 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: envirowhiner is not interested in 'everybody stop burning fuel'. he is interested in 'YOU non-annointed, stop eating'
mircea_popescu: which, you know, would decongest most cities.
BingoBoingo still waiting for "public employees walk into shredder for biodiesel conversion"
asciilifeform would like to see the paypalmoolah-funded friscoites mulched first, prior to any postman
mircea_popescu: shocking how simple measures never occur, "coincidentally". really, it .. wouldn't be practical to mandate anyone on the public budget stop using fossils ? awww.
mircea_popescu: and why the fuck not.
BingoBoingo: Also the irony that the only "strong employee unions" represent "public" employees against the public
mircea_popescu: << speaking of this, wouldja like to hear the hydrological adventures of costa rica ?
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 18:02 asciilifeform: forty tonnes of jet fuel per diem for al gore and tim cook, trinque , and low-pressure showerheads and mealsquares for you an' i.
asciilifeform: aha?
mircea_popescu: so, i don't have a reservoir here. i could build one, but i don't want to, because it'd be too small (there's a minimum size of reservoir, because the algae ie "taste" is a function of surface approx, whereas volume obv matter of volume ; if your tank is not big enough it'll be flavoured.)
mircea_popescu: consequently, water is pumped.
mircea_popescu: now, the main pump is obviously pressure graded : if pressure drops it kicks into higher gear. the heating system has its own pump. which, of course, ALSO presure graded.
mircea_popescu: and the shower has a pair of buttons : if you increase the hot water debit, this drops pressure for the hot pump, which kicks in, dropping pressure for the main pump, which kicks in. and vice-versa.
mircea_popescu: because of this complicated arrangement, i can experiment with histerezis in my shower!
mircea_popescu: this is the best example of unintentional bad complexity ever.
asciilifeform: and now mircea_popescu knows how impedance mismatch in , e.g., memory allocators, worx.
asciilifeform: and, say, Bélády's anomaly .
mircea_popescu: "is a pressure graded pump better than a plain, fixed effort pump ?" "yes, of course" sayz eg kanzure :
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 02:00 kanzure: eh it also has some reprogrammable features for different waveform zapmagic
mircea_popescu: but in practice... you end up with two of these on partial circuits, and now i need a fluid flow phd to take a shower.
asciilifeform: see also the proverbial bus with 4 steering wheels.
mircea_popescu: better example of how a) commodified "All purpose" hardware plus b) best intentions all around produce an unmanageable (literally, as a physical reality) situation could not be devised.
asciilifeform: !#s flashlight crashed
a111: 3 results for "flashlight crashed",
mircea_popescu: oh and as a bonus : obviously the more complicated to be replaced is also the one that should be : the litteler pump in the heating system.
mircea_popescu: did anyone desing for this ? who, the water lizzards ?
asciilifeform: also pretty sure that growth in reservoirs is a solved problem ( circulator + uv lamp ? )
mircea_popescu: psh.
asciilifeform: cheaper than pumps.
mircea_popescu: you have no idea what jungle means. you'll find out one day.
mircea_popescu: not so.
asciilifeform would liek to find out...
mircea_popescu: for one thing, the pumps aren't going out, they'll be here no matter what. water dun climb 1k feet out of fellowship.
asciilifeform: ain't it the rain capital of the planet there ?
mircea_popescu: open air reservoir ? oh lordy.
mircea_popescu: yes, it rains a lot.
asciilifeform begins to grasp the hair-tearing depth of the problem
asciilifeform: yea i have nfi how you could make a collector that dun get clogged with 10,001 species of ???.
mircea_popescu: speaking of belady : it is actually UNBOUND
asciilifeform: ( but let's say you HAD to. i'd use something like the microporated stainless steel filter in my shop vac : 1uM pores. refrigerator coil inside. water -- condenses. when time to clean -- blow compressed air though... )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: of course unbound
mircea_popescu: you can construct reference strings for any failure count you wish.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i don't live with the situation because im lazy.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform intuitively it'd seem bound at 2x or something.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: pretty nifty undergrad exercise.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform to illustrate the "10`001" species, did i ever recount the time my toilet was clogged... by an aligator ?
asciilifeform: ( to the credit of the profs at asciilifeform's spamschule -- we had it )
asciilifeform believes
asciilifeform: iirc it is in the l0gz
mircea_popescu: must be yea. i recall recounting it.
mircea_popescu: one thing costa rica certainly is : the world capital of biodiversidad.
mircea_popescu: and yes there's such a thing as uv-algae.
ag3nt_zer0: nauseous lulz:
mircea_popescu: << randos discovering national socialism still socialism, much like soviet socialism or "progressive" socialism.
mircea_popescu: << no, that's it. "nobody asked you" and "go do something useful, wanker".
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 18:25 kanzure: what is the specific complaint about a star shade other than narcissism?
mircea_popescu: yes, but you also think openssh would be tested before using. was not. debian tested before using. was not. cisco routers tested ; not. pantsuited hilarity mail setup ; not. and so on.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 18:29 kanzure: eh, i think it would be tested before using it re: climate change.
mircea_popescu: this is commonly known as the thousand eyes of flies found on meat left out to rot in the sun. ie, open source community.
mircea_popescu: you're a bunch of idiots with nary a clue as to how anything works ; and what's worse, utterly unaware of this. "hurr durr what if we fed people through lungs" "oh noes, the food might explode". THAT is not the top of the list of problems.
kanzure: i don't think lungs are currently compatible with that idea. is it beyond understanding that such a scheme would require different components?
mircea_popescu: the fact that you don't know how to sort the list of problems DISQUALIFIES you from discussing the matter. and matters in general. children are to be seen not heard, is the idea, and yes you lot are mentally about 9yo.
mircea_popescu: so no, you won't be given any tasks of responsibility. certainly no "spending of billions" and other nonsense ion terms of "% of world gdp"
mircea_popescu: the MOST you might be trusted with would perhaps be something like a de-pdf-ing bot, which you don't want to do because you (wrongly) imagine it's beyond your level.
mircea_popescu: it's in fact far above your level.
mircea_popescu: and with that... you've kinda locked yourself out of life.
mircea_popescu: s/beyond/below/
asciilifeform: bbbbut d00d is rich !!1 ( question invites itself : what idjit's fortune did he inherit ? or esr-rich ) bbbut d00d works on immortality pills of cosmic significance and reads 400 pdfs per week!1 while dump old asciilifeform spent 3 months proving that multiplier works
mircea_popescu: there's nothing wrong with reading.
asciilifeform: is if it's all you do. or a camera lens would be a great mind.
asciilifeform: where was that mircea_popescu story, with the sheep.
asciilifeform: #!s rabinul si oaia
asciilifeform: !#s rabinul si oaia
a111: 3 results for "rabinul si oaia",
asciilifeform: theeere it is.
mircea_popescu: iirc there';s even a n english version.
mircea_popescu: not as good though.
mircea_popescu: aha\
asciilifeform: << hilarious thread btw
mircea_popescu: i dunno wtf that's all about.
asciilifeform: betcha it's the ants from that anthill you prodded earlier
mircea_popescu: which one ?
asciilifeform: #californitards or where was it.
mircea_popescu: i dunno.
asciilifeform: dun matter.
asciilifeform: 'Kafka then finally suggested Samsa look up DARPA deep brain stimulation, Neuralink, and AlphaGo, and suggested to Samsa that shit got real when Google started offering "predictions". And Google doesn't matter to Kafka or Samsa, but one day, something descended from Google and DARPA's current state will. Because Kafka and Samsa's heads are fucking supercomputers.' << winner!1!
mircea_popescu: the red thread being, that they JUST ARE. didn't jhave to do anything for it.
mircea_popescu: idle female mentality today : SIT.
mircea_popescu: they sat correctly in class, got degree. sat in office, got paid. sat on couch, got divorce settlement.
mircea_popescu: girls are much better than boys, fatter ass, more inclined to sit. brave new sitworld.
asciilifeform: the sad thing is, what we're seeing is ~correctly~ working learningmachine.
asciilifeform: they sat -- it worked...
mircea_popescu: not much of a learning machine. we're seeing a dog's mind.
mircea_popescu: really bitch, you're pavlov im spot ?
asciilifeform: well yes. stray dog works exactly like so
mircea_popescu: yes but the claim is female humans are humans, not canides.
asciilifeform: being human is a very part time thing for many.
mircea_popescu: evidently.
asciilifeform: rest of time - sow, dog, leech, take yer pick.
mircea_popescu: anyway, to make a long story short, i'd be ashamed. "oh it worked". hurr.
BingoBoingo: In other news, pickup truck flag index from is still climbing
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: fwiw i saw flag at beach in delaware, where never before in 6y did i see it.
BingoBoingo: The gadsen flag?
asciilifeform: on an ordinary 4door toyota no less
asciilifeform: no, the confederate jack
BingoBoingo: AHA
asciilifeform: or whatever it's called
BingoBoingo: General Lee's banner
asciilifeform: it.
BingoBoingo: Cool
BingoBoingo: There's plenty more out there
mircea_popescu: << actually republic works the other way. if you're spending tax money you're headed for the lime pits.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 18:32 kanzure: if you consider my existence to be overly taxing to you, perhaps you should drop dead
BingoBoingo: From the newsmines: I was like, Wow, I own half a playground now, - City loses Park
mircea_popescu: jgg!
BingoBoingo: You mean jgggG
mircea_popescu: word.
BingoBoingo: And in other returns
mircea_popescu: heh
mircea_popescu: why not .nk srsly now.
shinohai: Kudos to the `.al` tld
mircea_popescu: albania is it
mircea_popescu: pretty lulzy tho, "overpriced metal rounds magazine moves to aluminum tld."
mircea_popescu: "is it aluminum ~siding~?"
mircea_popescu can't imagine why they didn't take the right tack and "just say no to icann". shoulda used naked ip, teach their userbase to.
mircea_popescu: which one was this one ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well, they're still at least three years behind the republic
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Some dude who gave an interview apparently. Just learning of this.
BingoBoingo shocked fake news hadn't been bragging about this one
mircea_popescu: they tend to only brag about the meaningless/pointless/nonsense ones.
BingoBoingo: AH, he pepper sprayed some antifags in self defense. Turned self in when protesters filed warrant for "of illegal use of gasses and injury by caustic agent or explosive"
mircea_popescu: ahahahaha. wait, every dumb bitch with mace in her purse is facing 20 in jail ?
mircea_popescu: lulzy democracy you got there.
BingoBoingo: << And narrative is protesters filed warrant with court on their own
BingoBoingo: Seems like this is set up for Poverty Law as new, private DOJ
mircea_popescu: ahahaha
mircea_popescu: amusingly, soviets had this.
BingoBoingo: AHA
BingoBoingo: Well, antifa was sorta born as "let's be soviets, not nazis" club
BingoBoingo: in German
mircea_popescu: yeah, it5's pretty much the "brown shirts fucked our ass into such delicious gaping holes, can has again plox ?"
mircea_popescu: faggots of today heard of all the fun weimar faggots had on top of nazi dicks, licking lips in antifipation.
mircea_popescu: << around these parts it is sacrilege to talk about shit you don't understand as if you did.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 18:43 kanzure: also: around these parts, is it sacrilege to speak about technologies that aren't at the far end of nasa's readiness scale? that might explain a lot.
mircea_popescu: it is also sacrilege to imagine nasa is relevant. there's no difference between random landscaper/jailbird injecting industial silicone into trannies behind a bar and the nist/ieee/etc as far as the republic is concerned : both are operating without a license and lying about it.
BingoBoingo: Anyways, the easiest way to be unpopular in middle America is to be a protester. By keeping alt-right from protesting the antiflags are monopolizing the being protester hate
mircea_popescu: nasa isn't even there. so no, nobody gives a shit what "nasa readiness" bla bla says anymore than what tardpedia wrote on any topic.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo hey, i can honestly say i'm well entertained by the proceedings of us politics.
mircea_popescu: << the problem isn't "the model". the problem is you. it's not that "the model" is "not mature", it's that you aren't qualified to be thinking about such things.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 18:46 kanzure: trinque: i think our disagreement is regarding the level of readiness or detail of a model. your requirement is one for models that are much more mature. i think it would be better if you insist on as much upfront in the future... i'll try to keep that in mind.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: This is a wonderful time to be alive, even if the magical internet money could be ignored
mircea_popescu: and this is on the purely livresque level of "hey guise, i have a great idea for a work of fiction".
mircea_popescu: this doesn't go into how unqualified "you" are to implement such a thing. and by you i mean collectively, every monolinguistic english speaker, pantsuit, jew, etcetera.
mircea_popescu: the only reasonable move for safeguarding earth's future, is to keep you lot as far as feasible from any buttons that are connected to anything.
mircea_popescu: which is, incidentally, WHY you've nothing to show for your past decade, or the one before that.
mircea_popescu: << pretty muchy. ceteris censeo usg esse delendam, ruat caelum.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 18:49 asciilifeform: i'd rather roast to death than live under amerireich.
mircea_popescu: there may not be such a thing as the lincoln-roosevelt republic, and an end to life on earth is not sufficient cause to maintain it.
shinohai: "there is no more risk of loss to our customers than to the customers of a snack machine." <<< maybe coke machine, however
shinohai: Appears they are also moving their new "KeepKey" co out of the state as well.
mircea_popescu: << see alfie ? see how the goal bs is the tool of the enemy and no more ? see how you shapeshift them to try and survive ? and yet you can't survive the noxious nature of "goals", try as you might.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 18:50 asciilifeform: my ultimate goal would be satisfied -- the demolition of californitardia and all it stood for.
mircea_popescu: all it took was one day.
mircea_popescu: <<< nah. just another alt. their real them is like koschei's soul, in a needle in an egg in a duck in a rabbit up their ass on an island in a sea that doesn't exist.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 18:58 trinque: their real-me is world-terraforming godman don't ya know?
mircea_popescu: << you don't understand, they "undid" the etherape. so it never happened. and besides there's no proof there even was a rapist. and so...
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 19:01 asciilifeform: it's just indescribably precious, 'i will move orbit of the earth', but can he produce so much as a thermostat that provably follows the claimed algo , rather than daotronic idiocy ?
mircea_popescu: what, you can't undo fucked up orbits ?! AWW!
mircea_popescu: << yes. manias are repetitive and thereby uninteresting.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 19:02 kanzure: do you have a specific problem with megalomania? or am i going to get a zen butt statement about balance in reply..
mircea_popescu: << same value as every other borderline finds in her "relationships". feels the void inside of you, where you know that you should've really gotten a lot further with what you had and why didn't you.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 19:28 kanzure: what value would it be to dominate a bunch of aimless folx?
mircea_popescu: codependency, pantsuit-orc as a "happy" fambly. pretty obvious from the outside, at that.
mircea_popescu: << hopefully they're not that fucking stupid. AND, unlike last time around, this time they have no fucking excuse.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 19:10 asciilifeform: the last generation of idiot-savants gave socialists the nuke. this one wants to give'em, what, death star.
mircea_popescu: there was no tmsr in 1940. but there is one today.
mircea_popescu: "oh i didn't know better". maybe, but you SHOULD have known better.
mircea_popescu: << you know this happens ? human females will on occasion deliver litters. 3, 4, 5, 6 i think 7 is the record.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 19:46 BingoBoingo: <ben_vulpes> running joke is that girl is so miserable it better be 2nd and 3rd for all the damn trouble << Congrats on your impending 5th
mircea_popescu: (also, amusingly, twinning might well be african trait. certainly most prevalent in central africa)
BingoBoingo: Well, the vulpes wife is demonstrated fertile, will probably keep having babies fo another decade and a half
mircea_popescu: people eventually have enough an' stop.
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, anyone saw the 45,X0 mutation ? neckless "female".
mircea_popescu: !!up cashmoney
deedbot: cashmoney voiced for 30 minutes.
shinohai: Welcome cashmoney
cashmoney: hi
cashmoney: just heard about this going to do some reading
mircea_popescu: enjoy
BingoBoingo: cashmoney: Any hobbies?
cashmoney: linux , tech stuff
cashmoney: internet culture
mircea_popescu: you sound just like this guy i know.
ben_vulpes: "how many babies do you want?" "ZERO" "how many does she want?" "INFINITY"
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes she has a point tho, better do them all and be done with it.
mircea_popescu: also, 2-3 kids better than 1.
mircea_popescu: they keep each other busy.
ben_vulpes: well yes, and actually joking aside my original point as well.
ben_vulpes: "honey look total outlay on this is the integral of income fn for time under our roof, so let's have em fast and early while not making a whole lot of money"
mircea_popescu: kek
cashmoney: what else do you read
cashmoney: what do u think of zero hedge
mircea_popescu: sort-of like wikitropes : used to be good back when a few smart people did it. then it got famous, all the wasters looking for "brand" crowded it.
mircea_popescu: too low snr to bother by now.
mircea_popescu: = slashdot = take your pick.
cashmoney: some of the comments are funny
shinohai: cashmoney: Since you list `linux` as a hobby, have you tried yet?
mircea_popescu: depends how easily entertained you are. me, i find tiny gekkos on the wall funny. i'm easy like that.
cashmoney: shinohai ill bookmark it
shinohai: ^_____________^ @ gekkos
cashmoney: this is one of these fringe little rooms that nobody knows about
cashmoney: fuck now im probably on a list for coming in here lol
mircea_popescu: mats re our ancient "annoying yelping japanese women", rando trilema commenter produced a "jewish cuckoldress" example :
mircea_popescu: why the fuck do they do that shrill bs it's annoying.
mircea_popescu: cashmoney dun worry about it, everyone knows, nobody admits.
cashmoney: weev are u in here
cashmoney: lol
BingoBoingo: <cashmoney> fuck now im probably on a list for coming in here lol << There's only one winning move now that you are on the list...
mircea_popescu: was at some point iirc.
mircea_popescu: was that the guy with the short selling fund thing ?
BingoBoingo: cashmoney: Weev kinda chikkkened outta here
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Yeah, Troll LLC
mircea_popescu: right.
mircea_popescu: check it out my memory got like one hit in 10 fails.
cashmoney: what do u think about the Great Shuttering
mircea_popescu: the who now ?
cashmoney: Big Tech shutting down websites
BingoBoingo: cashmoney: We have our own internet
cashmoney: right wing sites getting hit, something weird is even going on with The Rebel
mircea_popescu: you mean krebs going offline ?
mircea_popescu: oh.
cashmoney: its because of Charlottesville
mircea_popescu: btw, did anyone actually buy gigaom after he quit or what happened ? i didn;'t follow the lulz.
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2017-08-30 21:36 mircea_popescu: ACTION can't imagine why they didn't take the right tack and "just say no to icann". shoulda used naked ip, teach their userbase to.
ben_vulpes: oh cool there's a bug
mircea_popescu: lol
mats: white people love black dongs
mats: video evidence
mircea_popescu: proof!
mats: just look at all of the related videos
cashmoney: whatever happened to the MtGox guy
cashmoney: is he in prison or what
mircea_popescu: he's in the usg asset list.
phf: << btw doesn't even resolve from ru, likewise is just blackholed (as opposed to periodic "blocked by ru authorities" page)
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 21:37 BingoBoingo: And in other returns
asciilifeform: phf: massive unsurprise ?
phf: incidentally btcbase log loads from moscow, which i consider a personal affront
asciilifeform: obvious-proxy-is-obvious
asciilifeform: lol
asciilifeform: phf: see also
a111: Logged on 2017-03-09 02:15 asciilifeform: re other 'sad people', asciilifeform's pet is fond of remarking 'if your work did >0, why you not yet been gassed'
asciilifeform: << it dun load here, btw
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 21:40 BingoBoingo:
asciilifeform: tcp'd to death, looks like.
asciilifeform: ( which IS what it oughta be called, imho )
cashmoney: 20 years for what?
cashmoney: what did he do exactly besides ranting
asciilifeform: !!up cashmoney
deedbot: cashmoney voiced for 30 minutes.
mats: its an opportunity for cantwell to really get to know the movement
asciilifeform: << i dun need to shift'em, they are electron probability cloud. the measurement only happens in response to the question!11
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 22:06 mircea_popescu: << see alfie ? see how the goal bs is the tool of the enemy and no more ? see how you shapeshift them to try and survive ? and yet you can't survive the noxious nature of "goals", try as you might.
mats: when he's inside he'll finally get a chance to kill some people like he talks about on camera
mats: and smuggle dope with his butt
asciilifeform: what did weev smuggle?
asciilifeform: (and in what..)
mats: who knows, but he seems to have joined the idiot brigade since he got out
phf: << i need to add you to xref
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 22:33 ben_vulpes: cashmoney:
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2017-08-30 21:36 mircea_popescu: ACTION can't imagine why they didn't take the right tack and "just say no to icann". shoulda used naked ip, teach their userbase to.
ben_vulpes: phf: would be highly neat
asciilifeform: << i'm slightly surprised this was not yet Officially banned in 'mainstream' gui wwwtrons 'for the common good of HerDemoocracy' yet
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 21:40 mircea_popescu can't imagine why they didn't take the right tack and "just say no to icann". shoulda used naked ip, teach their userbase to.
shinohai: !~ticker --market all
asciilifeform: only a terrorist would lynx
jhvh1: shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 4579.84, vol: 8978.45194292 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 4572.0, vol: 17208.61348409 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 4499.484968, vol: 14394.40640000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 4577.44, vol: 4035.19890569 | Volume-weighted last average: 4550.67460122
mats: "The day Gorbachev said to the masses in Moscow: do not be afraid of the KGB, I took a death breath. This man is a real genius, I said... He is sitting on top of a terror machine that holds the damn pile together, and he says: do not be afraid. He must have a tremendous formula to democratize. Until I met him, and I found him completely bewildered by what was happening around him. He had jumped into the deep end of the
mats: pool without learning how to swim." from an interview with Lee Kuan Yew
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes is log down ?
mircea_popescu: o nm resolution issue.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 22:45 phf: incidentally btcbase log loads from moscow, which i consider a personal affront
mircea_popescu: << or anywhere else. it's purely dead.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 22:48 asciilifeform: << it dun load here, btw
mircea_popescu: turkey, paris etc poisoning the cache as ; otherwise the ip is supposed to be
ben_vulpes: what is this bitmitigate thing
mircea_popescu: the host.
mircea_popescu: looks like they got a vpn for the lulz.
asciilifeform: returns barf
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if dig returns for you, your cache's been poisoned by teh tards over at eu nic
mats: he also reiterates a sense of usg enduring through its current debt and deficits, and i struggle to understand how he, a great builder, can believe that fiscal irresponsibility will be rewarded in the future
mircea_popescu: foir the curious.
mircea_popescu: not really worth teh trouble, but w/e.
mircea_popescu: anyway. there's a trilema about why rando doesn't talk to the press. this rando should have read it.
mircea_popescu: << which movement is this ?
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 22:52 mats: its an opportunity for cantwell to really get to know the movement
mircea_popescu: so many movements consisting of various selections of seated dorks...
mats: white nationalists / AB
mircea_popescu: << it sorta is, "security" whining about certs. then again, you have to be a special sort of retard to try and run dailystormer as a) a domain name and b) https.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 23:01 asciilifeform: << i'm slightly surprised this was not yet Officially banned in 'mainstream' gui wwwtrons 'for the common good of HerDemoocracy' yet
mircea_popescu: but then again, as mats points out : they are a very special sort of retard.
mircea_popescu: !~ud AB
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: AB :: "Aryan Brotherhood" A known prison gang consisting of neo-nazis or skinheads. [ex:] Look at my new "AB" tattoo. I got it in prison after joining the Aryan Brotherhood. [/ex] | Ass-backwards, behind the times, not modern [ex:] Man this state is AB! I can't even find a 7-11. [/ex] | Acronym for Adult Baby... see [infantilism], [adult baby] [ex:] "Hey dude, why are you wearing a (13 more messages)
mircea_popescu: o hey
asciilifeform: >>
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 23:23 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if dig returns for you, your cache's been poisoned by teh tards over at eu nic
asciilifeform: ^ which all by itself, is interesting... a null ?
mircea_popescu: your dns is even shittier than previously thought.
mircea_popescu: why are you asking ANYTHING ?
asciilifeform: because i'm hanging off a wardrived shithole prolly
asciilifeform: at any rate, worx via dulap.
mircea_popescu: how about use a better resolving scheme if you're the special sort of ... ahem that uses dns in the first place.
asciilifeform: thread was about dns, wasnnit.
mircea_popescu: like you know, the way you do your node infrastructure, triangulation etc.
asciilifeform: specifically monkeystani dns
mircea_popescu: eys but nobody obliges you to just eat google turds re the namechain.
mircea_popescu: can at the very least have a diverse herd of liars.
asciilifeform: deliberately did not bother for this example
mircea_popescu: aite then.
asciilifeform: but yes it worx ( for nao ) via the eurasian and eastasian incacitadels
asciilifeform: only oceania hiccups.
mircea_popescu: anyway. google thinks it's a-ok for them to null name adverts.
mircea_popescu: hurr durr.
asciilifeform: just like it's a-ok to solarshade uppity terrorists aha
asciilifeform: noncompliance with regulation for ethical treatment of tulpas, dontchaknow
asciilifeform: and misgendering of mealsquares.
asciilifeform: and who knows what other treasons.
mircea_popescu: << intellectual laziness. it'd be easier if the item that organised his mental life as a youth didn't go to hell in a handbasket during his life.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 23:24 mats: he also reiterates a sense of usg enduring through its current debt and deficits, and i struggle to understand how he, a great builder, can believe that fiscal irresponsibility will be rewarded in the future
mircea_popescu: cuz that way he wouldn't have a boatload of deeply baked in shit to reconsider.
mircea_popescu: also, i thought the guy was dead. did he return ?
asciilifeform: still dead afaik
mircea_popescu: mats was quoting him as if alive, or i got confused.
mircea_popescu: anyway. it seems rather obvious that after the decapitation of new york "financial" brains, the decapitation of california "tech" brains is coming up.
mircea_popescu: even odds "bay area" goes to the bottom of the sea before the decade's out.
asciilifeform: is exactly where it belongs. with 100% of crew.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-09 00:05 mircea_popescu: meanwhile in lulz for alf,
asciilifeform: lolwat
asciilifeform reads..
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: which it
asciilifeform: how long your longest run of trb on pogo, danielpbarron ?
asciilifeform: ( with 0 ooms or otherwise reset of process )
asciilifeform: didja give it massive swap or wat
asciilifeform: because even in whole 1G i never saw trb live for >week
asciilifeform: much less 256M
asciilifeform: aaaaaah lol
asciilifeform: that burns ssd like scarcely anything else
asciilifeform: if you're ready to swap them biyearly -- i suppose it's an answer, of sorts.
asciilifeform: slooow
asciilifeform: and if it falls behind ?
asciilifeform: there's an inflection point, where slow box behind by some B blox, can never catch up
asciilifeform: work it out for yours.
asciilifeform: i had a box like this, 'incitatus' (see l0gz), threw it out
asciilifeform: because worse-than-useless
asciilifeform: a trb node that's perpetually months (or yearz) behind topheight, mainly sits around rejecting tx all day long
mircea_popescu: yeah the 100 blocks thing is no good.
mod6: evenin
asciilifeform: heya mod6
mod6: how goes today?
asciilifeform: mod6: variously
asciilifeform: << ftr current zoolag runs in 2GB of physical
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 23:47 danielpbarron: oh idk, i probably reset it a few times in the process but i do that even on my 32 gig RAM box
mod6: asciilifeform: werd
mod6: went back to that .ua place kramarczuk's for lunch. had another ruban, got more sausages from the deli. couldn't resist.
asciilifeform: neato
mod6: had some chocolate royale cake.
mod6: yeah, pretty outstanding.
mircea_popescu: << o hai shinohai
shinohai: Hai mircea_popescu :D
shinohai: Iused to have a kiwi irc there too, but prefer gb
mod6: hai shinohai
shinohai: o7 mod6
mod6: how you doin?
shinohai: Not too bad here, watching it rain and reading logz, you?
mod6: same. just trying to catch up on todays stuff. working on eom stuff.
shinohai: Ah yes, time for the soba
mod6: Speaking of which, if any Republicans have any changes to their advertised node, now is the time to let me know. Thanks!
asciilifeform: mod6: mine still exactly where they were last month
mod6: tyvm alf
asciilifeform: ( zoolag still syncing , however. slowly walking through the upper 300s atm )
mod6: yeah, im doin like 400 blocks per day...
mod6: "blocks" : 463407,
trinque: deedbot's as listed, til I sign otherwise
mod6: this is not ideal hardware though, so I should add that.
asciilifeform: i dun have any 'idea' hardwares
asciilifeform: *ideal
mod6: do you have ssd?
asciilifeform: in zoolag yes
mod6: trinque: thx! how goes down there?
mod6: asciilifeform: then that's more ideal than what I'm workin with for sure.
trinque: just fine; took a drive around and really not much "inner loop" damage, cept for shitty buildings and etc.
trinque: we dump our water on the surrounding areas!
shinohai: "blocks" : 418025,
mod6: ah, werd. but you didn't need to "urban kayak" your way out the door or down the street?
shinohai: "connections" : 5,
shinohai is working on some upgrades
trinque: mod6: not once
mod6: that's good.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: briefly revisiting : i'm beginning to wonder if it was simply because of WHO asked. i can't really blame $chix for not relishing the prospect of kanzure et al riding her l337 w4r4z to stolen relevancy esr-style
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 19:49 mircea_popescu: << so how is this any kind of fucking improvement.
kanzure: well if it's true that i was the origin of her doxx (which is totally possible, i fucked up), that might color her deicsion, although her continuing to talk with me anyway doesn't add hope to that being right
asciilifeform: why would a ru chix give a shit re 'dox'
asciilifeform: she ain't a shitreich subject
kanzure: well i think she was attempting to be anonymous she was just bad at it, back in 2013 and pre-2013
kanzure: one of the problems is that there's not any high-quality seeders for any of the torrents.
asciilifeform: i thought there wasn't a torrent...?
kanzure: few kilobytes/sec when i looked a ~year ago
kanzure: well there's some stuff from libgen that is allegedly a backup or mirror if scihub
kanzure: but it's not downloadable in any reasonable human timeframe
asciilifeform: i'm not convinced there is anything valuable in there.
kanzure: it's about ~50 TB total of a large chunk of all papers
asciilifeform: ( the comp sci papers that actually mattered, plus a handful of 1990s bernsteins, are already on my hdd... )
asciilifeform: mattered -- 1980s & prior.
kanzure: reportedly 97% coverage of entire elsevier collection
asciilifeform: and if these vaporized tonight, what do we lose ? buncha publishorperish LPU liquishit, where authors concealed ~all raw data, played hanky with pvalues, all the usual nonsense
asciilifeform: i was in this racket, got out. 0 regrets.
kanzure: you have something against libraries....? i mean other than all the librarians being spineless.
asciilifeform: libraries were spiffy back when filled with actual work, by actual people
asciilifeform: but somehow not obvious that dropping snr by churning out liquishit is every bit as destructive as burning library ?
asciilifeform: ( far more so... a burned library, could be restored conceivably from copies. a liquishitted library, field, whole of academia -- try and fix ! )
asciilifeform bbl, meat
trinque: BingoBoingo: I continue to read into the history of the Houston Bayous; this will likely end up a blog post rather than quick news.
trinque: for example, I learn that a certain George HW Bush as state congressman worked against the straightening and lining with concrete of buffalo bayou!
BingoBoingo: trinque: cool
trinque: !!up gabriel_laddel_p
deedbot: gabriel_laddel_p voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: what's new in the life of g_l?
gabriel_laddel_p: almost died. just spent 30 days in the hospital.
trinque: what'd ya do?
gabriel_laddel_p: fell 2-3 stories directly onto my legs. shattered one.
trinque sits back for the story
gabriel_laddel_p: me goes "fuck you", stays up, codes for 2-3 days anyways.
gabriel_laddel_p: eventually forced into hospital
gabriel_laddel_p: (others)
mod6: wat
trinque: what substance was involved in this genius decision, to code while leg shattered?
gabriel_laddel_p: I'm german and don't stop for anyone.
gabriel_laddel_p: gene
gabriel_laddel_p: that aside, just masamune bs.
gabriel_laddel_p: theoretically, aside from the place I'm at now I have a room paid for without me doing anything.
gabriel_laddel_p: but am lazy and have a lispm in front of me (more or less) and want to nail this damn thing.
gabriel_laddel_p: there is supposed to be a lisp conference in sf in like 10 months I have to prepare for
gabriel_laddel_p: would like to selll 100x machines there.
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel_p: how did it come about... misadventure with parachute?
trinque: forgive me if I disbelieve the part where you shattered your leg then went "meh, time to code"
trinque: also wtf, if you're going to tell a story start at the beginning
mod6: how did you "fall" ?
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: I got preoccupied with girl on train, ended up heading to Berkley rather than Palo Alto by complete accident. oh no, 10:30!. Everything closed & I've been banned from all
gabriel_laddel_p: communities in sf / Berkley area
gabriel_laddel_p: me: "fuck you, I'm going to climb a building & code atop it till sun comes up".
trinque: ahaha
gabriel_laddel_p: this is already day 2 or 3 no sleep. little food. totally ran out of energy
asciilifeform: i had nfi it were possible to be 'banned from berkeley' - what is this, 1500s germany?
gabriel_laddel_p: (managed to climb anyways after accident). went back home after working for a few more days & scared the shit out of strangers / locals who've seen me via inability to walk
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: nonono, like all the houses of people I know in the area
gabriel_laddel_p: I've been banned from everything
gabriel_laddel_p: everywhere
gabriel_laddel_p: the "sf startup crowd" hates my guts.
asciilifeform: how'd that come about ?
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel_p threw a pie in thiel's face?
gabriel_laddel_p: I'm sane and they're unilaterally morons. I'm not coy about it.
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: actually, someone who works next to thiel day in day out got demo'd masamune. didn't get it.
gabriel_laddel_p: "how does CLIM solve the problems of layout engines?"
gabriel_laddel_p: me: "listen, that you even think a 'layout engine' is a thing means you have no future, period. conversation is over, stop wasting my time"
trinque: look man you don't go around hitting people with the dick you imagine you'll have someday
trinque: or rather, you do, and it's hilarious. keep it up.
gabriel_laddel_p: fwiw, the conversation went of the rails before that. guy is actually a moron who by complete luck was involved with google earth.
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel_p: have you considered switching geographies ?
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: I have a criminal record. prolly gotta make 20 MM or so first.
asciilifeform: how about outside of reich ?
asciilifeform: i dun think belarus gives a damn re your unpaid traffic fines etc
gabriel_laddel_p: easier to just make a bunch of money, pay off whatever.
gabriel_laddel_p: (lawyers, courts, passports)
gabriel_laddel_p: as if I'
asciilifeform: did usg actually impound yer passport, gabriel_laddel_p ?
gabriel_laddel_p: never had one.
gabriel_laddel_p: ve only lived two places. birthplace & CA.
asciilifeform: that'd be a problem.
asciilifeform: didntcha say sumthing about germany tho
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: you realize I don't like... pay bills, rent, whatever, right?
asciilifeform: in this case it's a plus
gabriel_laddel_p: like what the fuck even is paperwork
asciilifeform: can move anywhere
asciilifeform: can't get broker than broke, neh
gabriel_laddel_p: I want my goddamn lispm as of two decades ago please.
gabriel_laddel_p: (aged 5)
gabriel_laddel_p: why am /I/ doing this?
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel_p: speaking of this, while you had your misadventure, various things happened re march to lispm, e.g.,
asciilifeform: !#s ice40
a111: 28 results for "ice40",
asciilifeform: phf is in ru electron micrographing an 'ivory'
gabriel_laddel_p: !?
asciilifeform: aha.
gabriel_laddel_p: these logs will make some fun reading.
kanzure: << false.
a111: Logged on 2014-12-16 04:00 BingoBoingo: decimation: Well it is one of those BTC futures without any BTC delivery deals
mircea_popescu: oh ?
kanzure: full-collateralization only
mircea_popescu: but do you deliver ?
kanzure: i implemented that yes
mircea_popescu: not quite the same thing.
asciilifeform: promisetronium! Just As Good As btc!1!!! (Only A Terrorist would dispute!)
mircea_popescu: shinohai: "connections" : 5, << i think that's how many of the trb list are actually up atm
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform conceivably he's also not in a position to make decisions. recall
a111: Logged on 2017-08-29 00:26 kanzure: oh yeah, i'm not. ok.
asciilifeform: 'oh i was in the ss but made no gassing decisions'
asciilifeform: aaand unlike ss, shitcoinola usg.ops dun conscript nobody.
asciilifeform: involvement is strictly voluntary.
asciilifeform: d00d ain't doing it to make the rent, either.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i can see why his working for fiat lulzfest attempting to fight battle usg lost back in 2014 may not earn him any brownie points with you or trinque or anyone else
mircea_popescu: nevertheless i'm not about to declare working for the shitpiles verboten. especially if the dood is smart enoughj to take his payment in cash.
mircea_popescu: someone's gotta bleed the mits.
asciilifeform: maybe he bleeds it, maybe serves it well and with gusto. asciilifeform does not presently know.
mircea_popescu: coincidentally, i was watching underground. saw it ?
asciilifeform: nein
mircea_popescu: a, may be worth trying. kusturica film, group of ww2 partisans spend all of tito's reign in a cellar.
mircea_popescu: thinking air raids still going on and so forth.
asciilifeform: ooh hey sounds delish
asciilifeform puts on list
mircea_popescu: this ledgerx thing, very much reminiscent of crny's hand-made rifles.
mircea_popescu: "tito said he wants you for the last battle!"
mircea_popescu: "what do you mean the battle of the bulge was done by 1945 ?! we will fight it next year! 1967!"
asciilifeform: see also lt. onoda...
mircea_popescu: something like that.
BingoBoingo: <gabriel_laddel_p> this is already day 2 or 3 no sleep. little food. totally ran out of energy << cocaine or which-amphetamine
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo check them out, doods think they're central ?
mircea_popescu: << not like she fucking wrote it.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-31 00:40 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: briefly revisiting : i'm beginning to wonder if it was simply because of WHO asked. i can't really blame $chix for not relishing the prospect of kanzure et al riding her l337 w4r4z to stolen relevancy esr-style
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: who did ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well, for a couple hours they were as far as anglophone alt-right was... Until we made great great again
mircea_popescu: whoever is denoted by $chix
mircea_popescu: << nobody outside of tmsr has any servers do they.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-31 00:43 kanzure: one of the problems is that there's not any high-quality seeders for any of the torrents.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: alexandra of ru . wrote, as i understand, the snarfer and wareztron.
mircea_popescu: srsly, dailystormer dorks running out of a vps, for all the "omg ddos" pretense...
mircea_popescu: wasn't it tashkent or something ? bishkek ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i suspect this is exactly the item.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-09 15:11 asciilifeform: << it is not, and ain't going to be, i'm not especially interested in helping folx to 'embrace and extinguish' it. as far as i'm concerned, 100% of the output is verifiable with the bignum calculator of your choice (e.g. 'bc') and it is no concern of anybody's how it was obtained.
mircea_popescu: << back when i dumped the cables, i just put them on trilema. very downloadable by everyone. that's the correct approach.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-31 00:44 kanzure: few kilobytes/sec when i looked a ~year ago
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i thought the issue was access to said data, not how it was obtained.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it ain't a static blob of warez, there is l as i understand, a snarfer , proxytron, etc
asciilifeform: grabs it from the derps in real time
mircea_popescu: << ie, yes, have something against "science" as practiced by 20 and 30 something english speaking payola powered retards. which yes, is ~all the whatever collection.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-31 00:48 kanzure: you have something against libraries....? i mean other than all the librarians being spineless.
asciilifeform: it's moar of a phuctor than a usgdos cableleax.
mircea_popescu: then how could it be a torrent.
asciilifeform: kanzure et al made snapshots of some.
mircea_popescu: i suppose could be in volumes yeah.
mircea_popescu: o btw, anyone ever dug through that large sr collection ? i recall some people dlding it at some point.
mircea_popescu: keys extracted ? anything ?
mircea_popescu: about 100x more interesting i suspect. not that this means it's all that interesting.
asciilifeform: Framedragger iirc began.
mircea_popescu: o ya what happened to teh latvian.
asciilifeform: lessee when he comes back from europistan
asciilifeform: ( he warned of an extended voyage )
mircea_popescu: tru.
mircea_popescu: maybe he comes back with trins, gives ben_vulpes a run for the crown.
mircea_popescu: << should be an interesting read when done.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-31 02:06 trinque: for example, I learn that a certain George HW Bush as state congressman worked against the straightening and lining with concrete of buffalo bayou!
mircea_popescu: << naggumol. want some ?
a111: Logged on 2017-08-31 02:21 trinque: what substance was involved in this genius decision, to code while leg shattered?
asciilifeform: young fellas want to kamikaze, die with honour for the emperor's cherry blossoms, wat.
asciilifeform: not available? will fall off roof with comp...
asciilifeform: !!up gabriel_laddel_p
deedbot: gabriel_laddel_p voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: asciilifeform: so why didn't he come work for you then?
trinque: for free.
mircea_popescu: <<->> ?!
a111: Logged on 2017-08-31 02:27 gabriel_laddel_p: me: "fuck you, I'm going to climb a building & code atop it till sun comes up".
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: not even slightly. personally, the whole "almost died" thing is from the doctors.
gabriel_laddel_p: err... the whole "almost died" thing is from the the doctors. they said this, I should have not just repeated it in logs.
gabriel_laddel_p: imho I would have been fine after a week of sleep
mircea_popescu: the black knight always triumphs!
gabriel_laddel_p: (with, admittedly a broken leg that would take some time to heal, just like now)
mircea_popescu: fractures have to be set, yo.
gabriel_laddel_p: do they?
gabriel_laddel_p: idk.
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel_p: folx who dun sleep, die like aids patients
mircea_popescu: yes. there's no cranes delivered with the muscle/bone arrangement to auto-set failures.
mircea_popescu: i wonder if they still do the whole fracture setting class for soldiers these days. prolly not.
gabriel_laddel_p: I know nothing about medicine & defer to my betters.
asciilifeform: paging mats
mircea_popescu: yes well, next time you break anything see a doctor within the hour.
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: anyways, no intent to die for anyone. however also no intent to waste even a minute more of my life on stupid nonsense, ever.
mircea_popescu: eating is not stupid nonsense.
asciilifeform: hey mats did usg schutzstaffel corps teachya to set legs ?
mircea_popescu: schutzfallafel.
asciilifeform: wunderwaffle.
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: agreed. I love eating, but my finances go from 0 to 1k back to 0... regularly
mircea_popescu: at your age that's traditional.
gabriel_laddel_p: & having been banned from the number of social circles etc etc I end up in strange positions all the time.
mircea_popescu: howdja get banned ?
gabriel_laddel_p: "what we are doing today is more important than anything the rest of this supposed startup is going to do, period. go away" (to persons gf)
gabriel_laddel_p: what we were doing was installing masamune.
mircea_popescu: why so hostile ?
gabriel_laddel_p: girl was not attractive enough for me to care, already been paid, the startup idea isn't even an idea
gabriel_laddel_p: it is so clearly and utterly obvious that I'm more important than, whatever, all of sf
gabriel_laddel_p: that they all talk about me at "parties"
trinque: folks are sometimes hesitant to pay you again after "lol fuck you bitch, got your money"
mircea_popescu: oh ? and what do they say ?
gabriel_laddel_p: which is why I have a place to stay & someone making me food right now.
mircea_popescu: is she hot ?
mircea_popescu can sorta follow the logic, "fuck it, no longer need legs now"
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: well, in this instance the (guy) in question thought I sounded important & invited me to come live for a bit. parents making dinner.
asciilifeform: he ain't named bernstein by any chance??
gabriel_laddel_p: the girl discussing me with one of my friends is super duper impressed with me, and increasingly so'
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: lol no.
mircea_popescu: is she 16 ?
kanzure: asciilifeform: there is a cache of all the papers. anything not cached is snarfed in real-time through ezproxy magic. yes.
asciilifeform was about to ask 'she ain't named tanja lange...?' lol
gabriel_laddel_p: he's unimportant, but a nice fellow & knows his place in the universe. just decent white people.
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: nah. like 20-something. I don't talk to her or anything, but, again, people run into, ban, then discuss me at lenght
kanzure: asciilifeform: the torrents are not mine; those are snapshots from either libgen or maybe scihub.
mircea_popescu: i suppose this also could go on the list, other than the teixochips and microscope : depdfizing and SELECTING the decent papers in that pile.
asciilifeform: kanzure: why dontcha simply re-create the engine ?
mircea_popescu: throw all the crap out, publish the rest as plain text/html.
mircea_popescu: could trivially throw out a large chunk by applying methodical selection criteria. "fails to include its dataset, NUKED"
kanzure: re: throwing out the crap, someone was working on 'compression' (since pdf is awful and highly redundant). he estimated the total data could be 10x reduced.
mircea_popescu: like in the old warez days.
gabriel_laddel_p: to finish that story, I was not even at this party, and don't to any of them + have started charging people to meet with me.
mircea_popescu: proper releases or go away.
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel_p sounds like shit's looking up for you then!
gabriel_laddel_p: rich kids who think they're clever hate this, apparently.
asciilifeform: kanzure: djvu in place of pdf, say, for starters
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: yes , finally.
mircea_popescu: kanzure the crap i mean, actual bad "research" papers.
mircea_popescu: optimistically 1% may be worth existing.
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: fwiw, can't wait for the 5-10 years or w/e to come meet irl at some point.
gabriel_laddel_p: sf sucks. tsmr rocks.
mircea_popescu: AND the fact of the matter is that the whole "scientific community" is a bunch of desperate teenaged cunts. all they need is a trump to pussygrab them, and they're cheering for his appearnce.
mircea_popescu: throw up MOST of the papers, establish a level they have to meet, be the king of angloscience.
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel_p so what's a plane to cr, 500 bux
kanzure: yes but the scihub person isn't do that :(
mircea_popescu: so you do it.
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: criminal record.
mircea_popescu: um.
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: can't get passport
mircea_popescu: i had nfi you're a felon. what'd you do again ?
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: I
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: I'm not a felon. trespassing & petty theft + ignored warrants for years.
mircea_popescu: afaik unless felon, can get passport. talk to a mexican lawyer.
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: will do.
asciilifeform: iirc folx with outstanding warrant get no passport in usaschwitz. but ianal.
mircea_popescu: has to be federal, which wouldn't be for "trespassing" ie i got drunk at a party.
mircea_popescu: but i have nfi what he actually did etc.
asciilifeform: tru!
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: inside research lab. at night. with no ID to be in there.
mircea_popescu: eh, all the peta dorks have passports.
gabriel_laddel_p: imho, throw money at problem, goes away like most else.
asciilifeform: phunphakt re usa inmates : most live and die passportless
mircea_popescu: well, before money, some thought.
gabriel_laddel_p: don't be poor.
mircea_popescu: << i expect it's mostly a sign of recognition. his narrative seems to confirm.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-31 02:28 asciilifeform: i had nfi it were possible to be 'banned from berkeley' - what is this, 1500s germany?
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: criuise ships don't really check ID + bribes exist. I can probably take a one way cruise, hop off & become someone else if I felt like putting in the effort/
mircea_popescu: kanzure and no fucking djavu either.
mircea_popescu: im not aware the shitpiles are allowed in here. but perhaps.
kanzure: huh? asciilifeform said djvu is yes
mircea_popescu: he's a heretic.
gabriel_laddel_p: off for a few days to heal, work & catch up on logs. nice chatting.
mircea_popescu: html of text plus img WHEN NEEDED. that's what science is.
mircea_popescu: djavu is for vampire fanfic.
kanzure: do you feel bad knowing that it's for vampire fanfic? is that something you really want to know?
mircea_popescu: um. what ?
kanzure: i haven't checked if that's the case.
asciilifeform: djvu is a nonturingcomplete item, rather like a multipage jpeg with asciitext ocrtrack (optional)
kanzure: anyway, i agree that the data is in terrible format, should be fixed before dumping 50 TB of crap on everyone
mircea_popescu: omfg my derrogatories don't even register with this guy.
asciilifeform: lol
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yes yes, it's a better turdormat.
kanzure: i called you an idiot and you gave me money. the non-registration goes both ways.
mircea_popescu: !#s idiot from:kanzure
a111: 2 results for "idiot from:kanzure",
mircea_popescu: apparently you did not ?
kanzure: hmm. that's unsettling.
mircea_popescu: inquire with teh tulpas.
asciilifeform: << example of one 'handmade' alternative to djvu & similar
asciilifeform: ( for vintage paperz )
mircea_popescu: !~calc 8 * 60 * 180
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 8 * 60 * 180 = 86400
kanzure: asciilifeform: you mean... png?
mircea_popescu: kanzure you could probably RETYPE, by your own hand, all the science worth existing being produced each day thrice over.
asciilifeform: ( it doesn't texthighlight, however )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the WHOLE POINT is to get future science to hyperlink old articles.
mircea_popescu: just like select-link to trilema/ works now
kanzure: mircea_popescu: the trick is convincing everyone to give me their science each day. most people just say "nah you'd die from information overload" but they haven't tried.
mircea_popescu: this is 100 times more valuable than "oh noes, i drew out my product symbol hurr"
mircea_popescu: for the inept "typographic" qualities you gain with dejavu and it's shittier monkistan degradations, you LOSE OUT!!! on the only important thing. the only thing that fucking matters. the hyperlinking.
mircea_popescu: it's why we even made the fucking net in the first fucking place motherfuckers.
mircea_popescu: not so idiots could "oh noes, typography, like in a book"
mircea_popescu: what, you weren't there, what the fuck happened ?
mircea_popescu: "i want my computer to lisp because i want to inspect the trees and i think science should be in acrylate slices, like the fucking horses"
asciilifeform: it ain't ever coming out of said slices except by hand entry
asciilifeform: nonzero error ocr is a nogo
mircea_popescu: he can type fast.
mircea_popescu: ALL this takes is to have a basis. it'll acrete once that is large enough.
asciilifeform: would have to separate the flies from the cutlets tho
mircea_popescu: i did say.
asciilifeform: and i suspect that there are no cutlets in there.
asciilifeform: not any moar.
mircea_popescu: but this is why i'm not telling you to do it.
mircea_popescu: he -- thinks otherwise.
asciilifeform: tru.
mircea_popescu: which should answer #hpluswhatwas it's curiosity. i can coerce, because people can't live with themselves if they don't do as i say. a lesson some learn on own skin and some intuit naturally.
asciilifeform: btw worth recalling the fate of various 'open access journal'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform in fairness, all were run by jwzs.
asciilifeform: this is so. but in the process exposed that whole edifice is a prestigefarm: 'it won't get me tenuretracked at shitbridge, why should i print there'
asciilifeform: arxive -- exists. nobody ddoses it, even. but folx who want jerbs, still fellate elsevier.
mircea_popescu: maybe he's nuts enough to actually act autonomously, who knows.
mircea_popescu: arxive is jwz through and through. most all of it is crap.
asciilifeform: 'but pray tell mr babbage, if i put into the machine the wrong figures...'
mircea_popescu: but don't put in the wrong figures.
mircea_popescu: that's whart a fucking library is for in the first place.
asciilifeform: indisputably
BingoBoingo: <gabriel_laddel_p> do they? << Yes, unless you want to be gimped for life. It's a permanent hit to your hitpoints
BingoBoingo: * asciilifeform was about to ask 'she ain't named tanja lange...?' lol << LOLOLOLOLOL
asciilifeform: re elsevier : good name imho for a journal would be ' ELSEWHERE '
asciilifeform: 'don't print at elsevier, go... ELSEWHERE '
BingoBoingo: <kanzure> mircea_popescu: the trick is convincing everyone to give me their science each day. most people just say "nah you'd die from information overload" but they haven't tried. << Have you tried building an obelisk for your science. I hear it works wonders.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not bad.
mircea_popescu: tho maybe he wants to usew you know, his own name. Bryan Bishop's Actual Science Report.