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← 2020-06-13 | 2020-06-15 →
trinque: eh I'm just going to echo a newline into these shits. god, I hate computers.
trinque: I do not wish for this idiocy to propagate into vdiff now.
trinque: (as all things wrong with *nix are born)
trinque: "gee, I can't change the decisions of others. I'd better accomodate them"
trinque: gross, that worked; musl built. now the problem is that it expects things to be +x, install failed.
trinque: asciilifeform: this is worth considering. do we want the notion of file mode in vdiffs?
trinque: my inclination is not.
trinque afk for a bit
asciilifeform: file mode as in permissions? can't picture why
trinque: asciilifeform: executable bit would be why
trinque: but I can see the argument for *not* letting things come to life just for having pressed them.
trinque: already pivoted to using `sh configure` rather than ./configure variously, can probably do the same for w/e musl wanted to be +x
← 2020-06-13 | 2020-06-15 →