Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2019-11-22 | 2019-11-24 →
trinque: jfw: I see that you have a balance of 0 in there, and key 0CBC05941D03FD95C3A47654AE0DF306025594B3 imported as you
trinque: please give it a try
trinque: if you'd like to make a deposit today, I'll be around for another hour or two, and then will return late in the evening or tomorrow
jfw: trinque: that's the correct key and received-invoices now appears encrypted correctly as well, ty. Will have to try later today.
jfw: asciilifeform: does invoicing work onw?
jfw: *now
trinque: sorry for the trouble there jfw
trinque: I'm going to have to fix the way keys propagate from deedbot to the wallet, which is separate
trinque: I might just make registration with the wallet a separate command.
trinque: at any rate ping me if any additional trouble
asciilifeform: jfw: tried it again; appears to have worked.
asciilifeform: ty trinque .
lobbes: ^ not urgent, pls read at your leisure
← 2019-11-22 | 2019-11-24 →