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← 2019-03-29 | 2019-03-31 →
mircea_popescu: "Gawker was an American blog founded by Nick Denton and Elizabeth Spiers and based in New York City focusing on celebrities and the media industry.[3] The blog promoted itself as "the source for daily Manhattan media news and gossip." According to third-party web analytics provider SimilarWeb, the site had over 23 million visits per month as of 2015. Current status Defunct as of August 22nd, 2016"
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo ^ :D
asciilifeform: !Q later tell phf plox to snarf ch18, ty
lobbesbot: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform fixed the apparently inevitable broken link in 18
asciilifeform back to bed
BingoBoingo: Some folks mine hashes, I mine blogdeaths
BingoBoingo: Anyways, no people in NY this century
BingoBoingo: Especially not manhattan
mircea_popescu: pretty fucking lulzy to look back in the timeline and stumble over perfect calls.
BingoBoingo: Seriously. Lately I've been enjoying the private satisfaction of Colita de Cuadril passing "Suprema de Ave" as the premium protein per peso cut of critter
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in other http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-14#1896552 : smoked sprats served with penne al'olio, with vinegar pickles on the side and a sprinkling of capers is easily the most representatively venetian dish i ever had -- notwithstanding as far as i know i just invented it in my own kitchen
a111: Logged on 2019-02-14 19:28 mircea_popescu: because they're talking veneto.
mircea_popescu: must try to believe.
BingoBoingo: The seacritters to eat here... are lacking in variety
BingoBoingo: Anyways, last I checked the corpse, Hamilton Nolan still not fired because he's the op's Political Officer.
mircea_popescu: is this the dumb fat fuck from iowa ?
BingoBoingo: Nah, the wannabe muscle dude. Looks almost exactly like Stomer's Anglin in 320x240 photos
BingoBoingo: Iowa is just about all fat fucks. That's pig county
BingoBoingo: Sample of the HamNo mentality https://archive.is/WtEVs
mircea_popescu: it's how traditional marriage works, neh ? "can divorce the stupid cunt through the process of finding her a hubstitute. can also divorce prison or military service the same way"
BingoBoingo: The eniggament
BingoBoingo: Otherwise the ring budget outruns the beef budget very quickly
mircea_popescu: anyway, the derpage's misplaced, what the fuck did he think "tenure" was ?
BingoBoingo: And oddity of oddities, the link to Gawker.com resolves alive
BingoBoingo: In other undyings, apparently mozilla now exists to keep Java runtime alive https://archive.is/PhKa8
BingoBoingo: It's a mad world
mircea_popescu: billymg, some dood bought it in bankruptcy proceedings last year. "23 million '''''''''visitors''''''''' " commanded ~$1.5mn. contrasting with http://trilema.com/2011/evaluari-rationale-in-ro/#comment-86130 one can peg intervening inflation at 300% over seven years.
mircea_popescu: (which is actually quite close to reality ; certainly way the fuck close than anything reported by usg bureaucracy)
mircea_popescu: i mean BingoBoingo
BingoBoingo: What can I say, the future is autocorrupt
a111: Logged on 2019-03-30 05:41 BingoBoingo: In other undyings, apparently mozilla now exists to keep Java runtime alive https://archive.is/PhKa8
BingoBoingo: Well, we are burning shit down for ample reasons
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in olds, asciilifeform's 'xor 2 small numbers'+'say fg baud' spam filter seems to be 100% effective (a 1st?!) -- 0 spams in trap since installed ( legit comments , not many , but work -- tho there were never many )
mircea_popescu: a spam trap with 0 spams in it is not much of a trap hm ?
asciilifeform: lol reduntant heh
asciilifeform: *redundant
asciilifeform: ( it's the stock ancient-wp trap )
mircea_popescu: "since stuffing buttplugs in all the slavegirls buttholes, there's 0 HS in the toilet gastrap. and their assholes still work, i checked -- though they never saw much use before either."
asciilifeform: well no, wouldn't be interesting then, they still manage to take occasional shit
mircea_popescu: "my concubine -- just when i figured she's about to deliver, she turned out to be fulla shit."
asciilifeform: ( dozen or so actual comments since glued in )
asciilifeform: i gotta bake a 'recent comments' thing like mircea_popescu has , tho ( possibly will crib from his )
mircea_popescu: whainot.
asciilifeform: when i get a chance to fiddle with my wp again, tho, would 1st like to find & kill the uniturdation thing
asciilifeform: presently i have nfi where it is
asciilifeform: where it corrupts quotes, ellipsis, longstrokes, into uniturds
mircea_popescu: oh. lmao.
asciilifeform: i cant fathom presently why that is even in there. but possibly this q dun have a logical answr
mircea_popescu: the evil wreckers of the 90s were systematic in their dedication to destruction (called "democracy" and "humanism" whatevber bla bla in-universe)
asciilifeform: even through ~this~ lens, seems peculiar. ( what does it achieve for'em, to litter www with бнопня вхрюк
mircea_popescu: they perceive that opposition===conservative and their understanding of "conservative" is "would never break with tradition"
mircea_popescu: a mistake powered by the fact that up until they came about tradition consisted of naggum's library. so of copurse thinking man wouldn't part with it.
asciilifeform: for lack of any other hypothesis, i'ma buy
mircea_popescu: the most disconcerting thing to pantsuit is the http://trilema.com/2014/how-to-deal-with-pseudoscience/ stance.
mircea_popescu: "what do you mean, you will burn ALL the books ?!?!" "of course i will, keks."
mircea_popescu: so in their view, the fact that the uniturds ~are already there~ binds us to forever keeping them.
asciilifeform: i.e. 'dun matter that you took the sweat to write it in king's english, we're gonna throw hieroglyphs in' ?
asciilifeform: makes sense
mircea_popescu: just like in their view, the fact that they befouled science with their politico idiocy means something about science. they didn't, by their lights, made the profession of "earth scientist" nigh on impossible for the average man. they, on the contrary, are forcing my hand when it comes to such topics.
asciilifeform brb:teatime
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2019/the-saddest-thing-in-the-world/ << Trilema -- The saddest thing in the world...
asciilifeform was aboutta ask 'what's CheapWhore's mother lang' then realized the inescapable answr
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: coupla broken linx in ^ btw, in penultimate para.
mircea_popescu: o.O checking
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, which ?!
mircea_popescu: you don't mean "One time I want to draw your attention to #selection-387.154-389.22 while some other time #selection-43.21-43.46 is the point of interest." ? that's deliberate!
mircea_popescu: trilema intertextual self-reference reaching new peaks!
billymg: this was reground to go on top of hanbot's latest to fix html tags in comments from logged out users
billymg: writing blog post now...
diana_coman: " Were Trilema as small as you ever wish it to be, an ephemeride living its day of life in the shadow of the largest Egyptian pyramid, yet what would be the deepest difference between Trilema and that pyramid ? Not density, nor size, nor duration in time nor anything like that, but the one fundamental fact, that while the little insect lives, however shortly, however precariously, the pyramid does not, and never has." -> Caragiale ref spotted!
feedbot: http://billymg.com/2019/03/the-mp-wp-weightloss-program/ << billymg -- The mp-wp weightloss program
billymg: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-30#1906118 << a situation billymg is familiar with firsthand. thankfully, i'll soon be seeking asylum in the Lone Star state
a111: Logged on 2019-03-30 05:18 BingoBoingo: Anyways, no people in NY this century
BingoBoingo: In the Forever War facts stumbled upon, apparently John Walker Lindh is set to be released May 23rd.
Mocky: billymg: ok I'll have a look, thx
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-28#1905680 << same deal in NY state, very strict for autos, long list of items checked. any one fails then whole inspection fails.
a111: Logged on 2019-03-28 17:14 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, they have this testing office here, they give you a stamp that the car is up to spect technically, good for 1 year. (good measure too, the tubs these people drove before it... jesus f. even now you see trucks dead in middle of onramp cuz unmaintained engine finally croaked etc)
Mocky: a couple years ago they bumped the penalty for fake sticker up from violation to misdemeanor. and also added it to the auto-plate-scanning-database system in most cop cars so alarm goes off for cop every time a car with expired inspection in the morning database goes past.
Mocky: for motorcycles tho, they check lights and tires only. NC is not strict like NY, more like how asciilifeform describes.
BingoBoingo: I never had to get a car inspected in my corner of old country. All registered just outside the mandatory inspection zone.
Mocky: im surprised eu beat the us to the auto-speed-nag punch actually
BingoBoingo: Well, with Brexit looking more like something the EU is going to end up imposing on Britain than anything Britain is going to do... EU is getting bold.
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/03/us-faces-rising-sex-inequality-with-14-of-us-men-not-getting-any-during-2018/ << Qntra -- US Faces Rising Sex Inequality With 1/4 Of US Men Not Getting Any During 2018
mircea_popescu: diana_coman, ayup!
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-30#1906196 << is this from that one time when the usg killed like 500 random afghanis it had kidnapped and then pretended like fifty or so survived in order to give "deep cover" to various agents ?
a111: Logged on 2019-03-30 20:51 BingoBoingo: In the Forever War facts stumbled upon, apparently John Walker Lindh is set to be released May 23rd.
mircea_popescu: "oh, no, this totally isn't dork mcdorkenson, he's rakiim al fuckwit, who magically survived the concentration camp at quala-janqui, believe"
BingoBoingo: I do believe so
BingoBoingo: Being released with credit for good behavior in the "communications management unit" at Terra Haute too!
feedbot: http://bimbo.club/2019/03/philosophical-transactions-for-the-months-of-september-and-october-1715-part-iv/ << Bimbo.Club -- Philosophical Transactions. For the months of September and October, 1715 - Part IV.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-31#1906208 << it was, with 500kg bombs dropped on prison fulla hogtied d00ds , no less
a111: Logged on 2019-03-31 00:59 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-30#1906196 << is this from that one time when the usg killed like 500 random afghanis it had kidnapped and then pretended like fifty or so survived in order to give "deep cover" to various agents ?
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-30#1906193 << interestingly, at 139.2 kloc , still 1 of the heaviest proggies in civilized use; vs, e.g., trb ( http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1876053 ) ; but lighter than koch gpg ( if minus autoconf, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680705 ) or linux kern.
a111: Logged on 2019-03-30 20:20 feedbot: http://billymg.com/2019/03/the-mp-wp-weightloss-program/ << billymg -- The mp-wp weightloss program
a111: Logged on 2018-11-29 19:10 asciilifeform: ( for comparison: e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680705 ; or, current trb is ~22k loc, ~not~ incl. the dep balls )
a111: Logged on 2017-07-08 03:49 asciilifeform: i just counted gpg 1.4.10 : 156,436 loc -- and that ain't counting the autoconf liquishit, or the libs it pulls in
← 2019-03-29 | 2019-03-31 →