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← 2018-08-31 | 2018-09-02 →
jurov: asciilifeform: it was not automagical clever script, but that kako made available l1/l2 as .txt list. deedbot afaik does not have this, hence ml wot is no longer updated
jurov: And yes, it's reverse cache problem. The move is in progress but this week i was mostly afk, will continue on it first thing today.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-01#1846495 << sadly i checked my postbox, still no invitation, lol
a111: Logged on 2018-09-01 03:33 mircea_popescu: sooo... go ?
asciilifeform: jurov: makes sense, ty
mats: rip terry davis
jurov: Till I set up everything, static mirror of btc-dev mailing list will be here:
jurov: (still copying atm)
asciilifeform: mats: nooooo... link??
a111: Logged on 2018-09-01 07:07 jurov: asciilifeform: it was not automagical clever script, but that kako made available l1/l2 as .txt list. deedbot afaik does not have this, hence ml wot is no longer updated
lobbesbot: mircea_popescu: Sent 1 hour and 51 minutes ago: <Mocky> yes, I'd take one of your hoes no question
mircea_popescu: !!ratings deedbot
a111: Logged on 2018-09-01 12:17 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-01#1846495 << sadly i checked my postbox, still no invitation, lol
mircea_popescu: is this how you date, also, check your fetlife profile now and again see if any subbies sent... INVITATIONS !?
mircea_popescu: iran is not doing, alf is doing.
asciilifeform: [ insert 'a: i have no megabux, can only live where there is guaranteed work' m:'fu, have better parents, eat nagant' thread here ]
mircea_popescu: "i can't go talk to girls until i get a good job and have a house and another girl whose place they'd take and children and i am dead and buried already"
BingoBoingo suspects Iran would be happy to have a alf in their cyberwank saltmines on a part time contract
mircea_popescu suspects nobody can ever find out whether yes or no till they WALK UP TO HER AND SAY HI
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: they dun seem to have a pubkey, so difficult to ask'em
mircea_popescu: fancy that wonder, you also didn't!
mircea_popescu: turned out very fucking easy to ask.
mircea_popescu: and yes, if you're too lazy to go yourself it's acceptable to send girl. and yes get better girls. and so on.
asciilifeform: pretty sure if you have usa passport, you gotta go by uboat
BingoBoingo: Miraflores 1467, 11500 Montevideo << Or take the Omníbus out to Carrasco
mircea_popescu: isn't it unfortunate, how circumstances always conspire against you.
asciilifeform: dun fughet to cackle, i hear throne rusts and caviar spoils if you neglect to , lol
mircea_popescu: i cackle inaudibly.
BingoBoingo: And looks like Iran actually has fairly respectable wall around their compound
mircea_popescu: anyway ; orig q was re qatar.
mircea_popescu: go there, start corp with a local or two, get some "regional" contracts.
asciilifeform: so what's the nifty thing in qatar, i think i missed
mircea_popescu: all the usg cumrags are angry at them
mircea_popescu: this is the sure sign of the man of valor, that all the dunces...
asciilifeform: could be temporary? or no
mircea_popescu: i thought so when it first started, but it's been ongoing for years now
mircea_popescu: like it or not, man has some responsibilities to rhodesia.
asciilifeform: how did it come about even
mircea_popescu: twas in qntra! "spat"
asciilifeform goes to reread
mircea_popescu: recall, usg had its millenial moron installed on throne of saud
mircea_popescu: dood did the hussein bahamas thing, got fucked in the ass came back home declared victory.
asciilifeform: aaah yes
BingoBoingo: Meanwhile Qatar likes their old friends Turkey et al
mircea_popescu: it's basically advanced outpost for gyaurs who can't turkey or iran.
BingoBoingo: See no reason to change friends because of fashion, and this is affront to pantsuit
mircea_popescu: "if man builds gate, it is impolite to come in through window"
mircea_popescu: i suppose "gawr" bettrer english notation of orig tc. gâvur.
mircea_popescu: speaking of being politically correct, hey Mocky ! you ever visited the near/middle east ? do you allah ?
mats: asciilifeform: sorry, no reliable sources yet
mats: spoke too soon
mats: his facebook is a memorial page now, whatever thats worth
Mocky: came a breath away from visiting Kuwait in the drivers seat of a tank, but never actually arrived. No other even near misses.
mircea_popescu: can you arabic ?
Mocky: i don't allah. i pantomimed allahing in mosques in my youff when visiting family. no arabic either
mircea_popescu: how does going to qatar and trying to start a computer consultancy business in lieu of looking for job sound ?
Mocky: that sounds scary as fuck, lol
Mocky: well what, that's how it sounds
mircea_popescu: if you do get anywhere with it, i'll squeeze this beedog here to go join you, so you have a sort of "mega engineer achievement unlocked" built in. and after that i guess i'll even chip in so you buy a prepubescent wife in the countryside.
mircea_popescu: but until then, we can be partners, i'll pay for the fare.
Mocky: lets see, never been, don't speak lang, never started a business, in what way could i actually be a good partner other than willing to go?
Mocky: not fishing for compliments, just don't see how beneficial
mircea_popescu: you look like one of them.
Mocky: ok, well yes
mircea_popescu: all these white boys, they stand out like sore thumbs.
a111: Logged on 2013-12-30 07:37 mircea_popescu: so they send another spy, and... well... same deal. and then more and more. eventually they ask a defector, and the guy smikrs and says "perhaps you might try not sending black people ?"
mircea_popescu: you understand, new businesses fail at an amazing rate, perhaps only comparable to new pregnancies (btw, any of the "right of life" dorks ever stopped to consider 1% of so of all sperm+egg combos ever make it the first WEEK ?). the point's not success, at the onset, the point's a) no obvious failure causes and b) a determination to give it a fair run.
mircea_popescu: moreover, success/failure yes/no is not so much the point. pizarro bought the failed remains of the previous attempt, and so on.
Mocky: at least it's not china
mircea_popescu: aren't you lucky you don't look martian ?
Mocky: lol!
mircea_popescu: "but mp... how would i breathe there ?" "i dunno. hold it ?"
Mocky: fuck, i can't come up with a good reason not to
mircea_popescu: in fact, thinking about it, me and you might be the ONLY TO people present who've even ever been inside a mosque
mircea_popescu: only two* even
Mocky: on a side note, evidently my ex is a log reader now, got the question last month "are you in Uruguay?" now expecting to get question "you in qatar?"
mircea_popescu: why doesn't she say hi ?
mircea_popescu: Mocky what's her name ?
Mocky rates chances of her figuring out irc as low
mircea_popescu: maybe the reason you two split up is you not giving her any credit.
Mocky: na, that wasn't one of my reasons
a111: Logged on 2018-09-01 15:53 mircea_popescu: in fact, thinking about it, me and you might be the ONLY TO people present who've even ever been inside a mosque
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i'm talking cairo sandalwood mosq, built before they invented america. not bs ersatz-by-Eszterhas new world bs.
asciilifeform not been to Troo oldworld type, no
mircea_popescu: but since we're doing asides, hey Mocky what do you say, is bitcoin mmorpg even a thing ? hm ? HM ?
Mocky: it is indeed a thing
Mocky: on serious consideration, my only obstacle is that I don't have with what to make my ongoing alimony payments. I'm not going to break that promise
mircea_popescu: how much do you pay ?
Mocky: 5 benjies per week
mircea_popescu: take her with you ? or is she stuck with small children ?
Mocky: not happening
mircea_popescu: Mocky 40-60!
Mocky: what does that mean?
Mocky: I think that i can pull together enough to get me thru January
mircea_popescu: Mocky im not going to hold against you that you gotta pay alimony, you're not going to hold against me that i'm getting a larger share of our partnership! you get 40% of the thing (but work as if you had gotten 50%!!!) and alimony, i get 60% and there you go.
Mocky: holy shit, an hour ago i was eating waffles and now i'm going to qatar
BingoBoingo: Mocky: These turn arounds can happen rather quickly
asciilifeform: insh'allah
mircea_popescu: Mocky so what do you figure, leaving oct 7th ?
mircea_popescu: to quote 8.75% or so of all fetlife profiles of girls under 25, "do women seriously jump in a plane to come hang out with you???"
Mocky: oct 7 works
mircea_popescu: i figure... you get what 2 ? 3 ? months there until the first save point, see if it can be done or can't be done ?
diana_coman: congrats on the new adventure Mocky !
Mocky: thx!
Mocky: 2-3 months sounds reasonable
mircea_popescu: well yes but which lol
mircea_popescu: 2 + 1 extensible ?
diana_coman: now I wonder if Mocky will keep eating waffles in Qatar
Mocky: 2 months
mircea_popescu: though also al-hazar, and there's others. like 1k others or something.
mircea_popescu: Mocky do you have any fambly however remote in or about that could be re-connected ? a local will prove invaluable, and somehow i suspect the traditional "go to local uni, pick up young filly" isn't comfortable either for you or for the place.
Mocky: I don't know of any but I will find out for sure
mircea_popescu: alright. well, that'll be the first order of business, scout the place, register company, avoid the usual "we got ourselves a sucker" traps.
Mocky: diana_coman, no matter where you put "if Mocky will keep eating waffles" it gets inlined, since it always evaluates to true
mircea_popescu: if tomorrow you still want to do it, ima send you some dough you can buy ticket and things.
mircea_popescu: i'll expect reports!
Mocky: ok
mircea_popescu: if anyone wants to buy in the 10% btw, i'll consider a minority partner. (note however that you will be assessed whatever we end up spending. which won't be a fortune, at least by the looks of it so far, but also not http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-31#1846193 )
a111: Logged on 2018-08-31 16:23 trinque: than over w/e beer money on the shared hosting
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: what exactly the partnership will do ? ( and... 10% of what )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i expect qatar is deeply starved of world class talent. what specifically will it do i don't know, but i expect something along the lines historical experience. what did the germans do in russia, the spanish in tenochtitlan, the british in india and so on.
mircea_popescu: audit the govt's computers, get the usg piezos out ? make websites that don't take FIVE SECONDS TO LOAD, like EVERY SINGLE "sales" website of EACH brick-and-mortar sex shop in chicago ?
mircea_popescu: sell lemonade, for all i care, as long as it turns a profit and he feels like doing it.
asciilifeform: aah general-purpose .
mircea_popescu: the direct cause is literally that i perceive i owe rhodesia something.
asciilifeform: i think i get it
mircea_popescu: Mocky ever had salep btw ?
Mocky: nope
mircea_popescu: ah, it's delicious!
mircea_popescu: ~ottoman lemonade, i'd guess. certainly the driver of the anglo habit.
asciilifeform: unrelatedly, lulzy phuctor thread in phuctor castle today, http://logs.bvulpes.com/asciilifeform?d=2018-9-1#422638
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-09-01 17:04 kristof: Can anyone tell me about how many broken keys phuctor has found?
mircea_popescu: dude can't read stats page or ?
asciilifeform: i have nfi. evidently
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-09-01 17:24 kristof: am I wrong to think that, you know, a responsible journalistic community would pick up on this, and the security community would henceforth start a widespread auditing effort of existing toolchains, right?
asciilifeform: !!up kristof
deedbot: kristof voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: (for the naive log reader wondering "what's with all the rhodesia references", http://trilema.com/2013/a-very-unfair-perspective/#selection-193.0-193.108 )
asciilifeform: i can entirely see the 'pocket of sanity besieged by pantsuit t-cells' angle
asciilifeform: serbia moar recent example than rhodesia
kristof: 30 minutes, only? They give me a whole hour at the brothels.
asciilifeform: kristof: if you register with deedbot, can self-voice, i'll rate you
kristof: Some other time
kristof: I'm busy at the moment
mircea_popescu: !!down kristof
asciilifeform: somehow they all do this.
mircea_popescu: cuz their stupid mothers told them they're important and matter.
asciilifeform: illusion of fleadom (tm)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and as irony has it, i supported serbia, also (though entirely for "selfish" reasons, at least if you asked 90s me)
asciilifeform: selfish how ? great satan bombed mircea_popescu's castle there ?
mircea_popescu: ah, gasoline was worth serious dough.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-01 17:12 mircea_popescu: https://www.etltravel.com/al-rifai-cairo/al-rifai-mosque-cairo/ << earlier item, btw. quite worth a visit.
asciilifeform: complete with that little platform for sultan
mircea_popescu: in unrelated news : minigame was going to work both an infinite-items and an infinite-lands update ; they kinda need the new client protocol (mostly to do on-demand content delivery) ; which is waiting for... cuntoo!
mircea_popescu: how you doin' trinque ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: how's the beta-cuntoo box working out , btw ?
asciilifeform: ( afaik the only missing piece in the beta, is the cuntooistic 'portage' )
diana_coman: asciilifeform, so far it worked good!
asciilifeform: iirc BingoBoingo has taken delivery of the samsung disks, so the box can be expanded to full size when mircea_popescu & diana_coman give the signal
asciilifeform: ( possibly waiting for release-cuntoo ? )
mircea_popescu: well yes, i thought it wise.
BingoBoingo: Indeed drives are waiting in the bilge for instructions
asciilifeform: !!rate kristof 1 new blood, tentatively
asciilifeform: !!v 3DD643733D3945047B5CE34B01A13A03DD711908181BBAD8168F49701CB5CE09
deedbot: asciilifeform rated kristof 1 << new blood, tentatively
kristof: Success.
asciilifeform: wilkommen, kristof
asciilifeform: kristof: tell us a bit about yourself ?
kristof: grazie
kristof: I'm not worth knowing. Just an inquisitive dilettante.
kristof: Actually, as I mentioned before, I've been a long time reader of your polemics.
asciilifeform: kristof: you will prolly want to read the logs, http://btcbase.org/log/ , chances are you will find something of interest.
kristof: I like logs, I might browse them.
asciilifeform: kristof: most n00bs read logs for a while before they find that they have something to say.
kristof: I don't intend to be chatty, but I might in the future. Hopefully that doesn't sound like squatting to you.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: seems like fella was a longtime lurker at my www.
kristof: The only reason I was in #asciilifeform today was that I finally read all the phuctor phun in its entirety (yes, I was being a bonehad and didn't read the stats, sorry MP), thought "wait, that happened?" and dropped by.
asciilifeform: kristof: you will find a large cache of 'wait, that happened' material in the #t logs.
kristof: Delightful.
asciilifeform: kristof: if your main news intake was yc or some other heathen pit, it will be quite new to you.
kristof: Oh, actually, while I have your attention, I thought I would mention that I did check out Urbit twice; the first was a few years ago back when they were still "ship", the second was maybe a year ago and that time I actually chatted a bit with those folks
asciilifeform: !#s urbit
asciilifeform: ^ quite detailed discussion.
kristof: I won't even bother because I have no faith in those people at all.
mircea_popescu: where's your article about when you sold your starship or what was it ?
mircea_popescu: thjere we go.
kristof: The idea of a federated system of secure, persistent identity (where people are friendly until proven otherwise) is such a fantastic idea and they waste all of their time on a half baked walled garden.
kristof: Gulp
mircea_popescu: and yes, it developed. today you could've witnessed a guy going to qatar of all places, on the basis of exactly that system of secure & persistent pseudonimity.
kristof: Neat. I'm reading your "Most Serene Republic" quasi-manifesto now.
mircea_popescu: there's plenty to read, you won't soon run out.
asciilifeform: re old posts, my http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1352&cpage=1#comment-8427 prediction seems to have lived out.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in asciilifeform files : trump suspended joint exercises with south korea last month
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i saw, was announced to great pantsuit mooing
mircea_popescu: ah. i guess im slow.
mircea_popescu: anywya, the trump-kim pics are pretty epic.
mircea_popescu: us presidents make astonishing gimp bitches, don't they!
asciilifeform: in other noose, i have what appears to be a cured c101pa.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu phf ^ et al
BingoBoingo: Oh my!
mircea_popescu: what did it ?
asciilifeform: vendor backdoor in fw 3.9
asciilifeform: it still needs some massage, for cure to persist across powercycle
asciilifeform: and i'ma need a payload...
mircea_popescu: cuntoo ? :D
mod6: cool asciilifeform
asciilifeform: i mean, replacement payload for the fritz
mircea_popescu is looking forward to buying some of these lappies then!
asciilifeform: to properly perma-neuter
asciilifeform: but theoretically i have 'testlab mode' going
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform conceivably just use key of buyer ?
asciilifeform: conceivably
mircea_popescu: if "just wipe it" dun werk
asciilifeform: i gotta actually see that it writes 'mis-signed' fw, next
mircea_popescu: what a day.
BingoBoingo: And there's still no confirmation on whether Terry Davis lives or dies
lobbes: question for the V experts out there: I was test pressing a vpatch genesis I created and ran into an odd barf ('Pressed file hash did not match expected!') >> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/A5d1u/?raw=true
lobbes: odd thing is, everything seems to have pressed fine. And when I manually run sha512sum on the problem file the hash matches what V was expecting >> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/SnHoK/?raw=true
lobbes: Is there something I'm missing? I pressed using mod6's V and created the vpatch using the "classic" vdiff described in http://cascadianhacker.com/07_v-tronics-101-a-gentle-introduction-to-the-most-serene-republic-of-bitcoins-cryptographically-backed-version-control-system
asciilifeform: 1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500 << wat
asciilifeform: loox like the patch was from a broken vdiff.sh ??
asciilifeform: lobbes: can you paste the complete input plox ?
asciilifeform: ( patch & all )
lobbes: asciilifeform: here's my current WIP vpatch (the one that was used to produce egogg >> http://www.lobbesblog.com/src/logbot_command_router_python/v/patches/logbot_command_router_python_genesis.vpatch
asciilifeform: lobbes: throw out yer vdiff.sh !!!!
asciilifeform: it shits timestamps
asciilifeform: look at yer patch
lobbes: asciilifeform: ahhh whoops
asciilifeform: or use phf's beta vdiff , iirc it worx correctly
lobbes: awesome. ty!
asciilifeform: bahahaha i have spi rom read/write on c101pa.
asciilifeform: i.e. enuff for 'unbrickable' encuntooation.
BingoBoingo: Congrats, I am wrestling with humble wp migrations
asciilifeform: nao i need a payload (i.e. substitute for that 8MB turd the thing comes with.) lessee what phf meanwhile came up with.
BingoBoingo: Forth interpreter?
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: thing needs a working port of uboot , that actually inits the iron
asciilifeform: google's published flashrom util dunwork, i have one patched by hand, that worx via my http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2415 snake . will eventually publish the whole shebang, once i have working payload.
asciilifeform: what all of this means, is that i can try payloads for the main fw, without needing to buy a train car full of mobos
asciilifeform: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/current_c101pa_main.bin << current contents of the W25Q64DW rom.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i dunno that i'd publish that much of the thing. what's that buy, usual amstan tards doing the republic-with-serials-filed-off innovation ?
mircea_popescu: let s.nsa sell the laptops and that'll be good enough.
mircea_popescu: let them have to spend some of the fiatola chinese give them to even evaluate the claim that it works. no free food for criminals.
mircea_popescu: cocksuckers somehow managed to conjure up imaginary millions for donations to try and drown out http://trilema.com/2014/the-public-burning-of-bob-beck/ ; i don't recall the mns in donations post phuctor, for instance.
mircea_popescu: time to learn that there's a time to grease, if one aims to avoid anal rape lubed in own blood.
BingoBoingo: At least I dun have to worry about them running down here. The price of vasoline in Uruguay is its own rape.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not sure if i get it -- what, google will sell cuntoo lappy ?!
mircea_popescu: not exactly.
asciilifeform: for my education, plox to elaborate then?
mircea_popescu: i dunno dood, they'll sell free ubuntu lappy.
mircea_popescu: made by #femen #codes
asciilifeform: sorta what they do currently, neh
asciilifeform: ( right nao, what's in there is a plagiarized gentoo )
asciilifeform: i think i get the idea tho
asciilifeform: the 'libreboot' derps would prolly crawl over it like flies on shit.
mircea_popescu: quite. and we'll have another nigglet that invented the clock. except it'd be isis thersephina-abdul or some retarded dumb shit like that.
asciilifeform can picture
mircea_popescu: well ? how EXACTLY did the entire "torzilla development community" spring up ? what the fuck is a lindsey kuper ?
asciilifeform: i actually have nfi wtf is a lindseykuper
mircea_popescu: as i was saying : pantsuit gotta learn that if it doesn't bend over and squirt ~OODLES~ of money when it has the chance, it'll be bent over and fucked with farming implements later on.
mircea_popescu: it's not a matter of "oh, we handled phuctor story" ; it's a matter of "failed to present republic with fifty virgin transsexuals and fifty million in cash post haste ? awwww..."
mircea_popescu: the time to kowtow before the golden boy is when the golden boy is seven years old. by the time he's fifteen...
BingoBoingo: Related: More missiles hitting near Damascus
BingoBoingo: No one's taken credit yet, so prolly dem old Jooz again
mircea_popescu: LAST WEEK, this.
BingoBoingo: Jews bomb syria, Pantsuit certain to take Mosul. Such Middle East
mircea_popescu: la lider ?
mircea_popescu: south america has a serious fucking problem.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: last week << '2 years ago' in text
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform dates approximative.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo i don't get it, so washington pereyra informs that they demolished 10 houses including one of a woman that ambiguously either (ran a non-pantsuit-sanctioned soup kitchen) or (headed a criminal gang) because it was discovered that repeatedly gangsters asked locals "not involved in ilicit activity" to sell them their houses ?!
mircea_popescu: wtf sense does this make ?!
asciilifeform: loox like old-fashioned state terror , 'kowtow to pantsuit or we salt your fields'
BingoBoingo: For some reason the Authoritits have a hard on for bulldozing shit in Casaville
BingoBoingo: But hey, the 5-0 can't do raids in the night!
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i'ma guess they saw a reportage from gaza strip once, where this 'worked' so well
BingoBoingo: Vivir en Mierda!
mircea_popescu: but doesn't it stand to reason that if indeed they demolished 10 "gangster" houses the "gangsters" in question now have all the more incentive to squeeze the pantsuit neighbours ? and if contrairy-wise, they demolished 10 pantsuit houses, thjey just did the "gangster"s one better ?!
asciilifeform: 'partizans blew a train, let's burn moar village'
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo is this a very poorly communicated "these idiots '''built''' out of packaging on squatted land" thing ?
asciilifeform: no mention of this in the link, or in the prev ones
BingoBoingo: Casaville's a big squat region yes
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform usually this is because "no need" because "everyone knows". latinos are a hopelessly fucked in the head barn animal species.
BingoBoingo: Could be normalize titles with bulldozers
asciilifeform: txt seems to imply that demolished 'because gangster', rather than 'because squat'
mircea_popescu: wtf gangstering they might've done is anyone's guess.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: This is Uruguay. Having Grandparents who squatted 75 years ago is about as gangster as it gets
mircea_popescu: they have these pieces here too, "police caught dope dealing ring, confiscated some dope and 20`000 colones in cash"
asciilifeform: at any rate, if it's a selective de-squatting, doesn't break the '1942 ss vs partizan' flavour equation
mircea_popescu: that's about 1/10 what a restaurant meal for 4 costs.
mircea_popescu: in fact, i've yet to see a piece where teh police breaking up these truly dangerous drug rings found more than ~week's pay in cash.
mircea_popescu: which points to some mindblowingly inept "gangsters" ; or i guess to some strangely inept yet very corrupt police.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in usa also when they pillage they find 'whole 20k usd' and not 20mil, for same reason
mircea_popescu: at least in the us, 20k is enough to feed the people "captured" for the day.
asciilifeform: ( the folx with 20mil, paid their usg крыша properly )
trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-01#1846672 << I'll give this some more love tomorrow and the next, and should be good to go.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-01 18:28 mircea_popescu: in unrelated news : minigame was going to work both an infinite-items and an infinite-lands update ; they kinda need the new client protocol (mostly to do on-demand content delivery) ; which is waiting for... cuntoo!
BingoBoingo: Similarly I see nothing about the police busting folks trafficking "pasta base (cocaine chaw)" but they do occasionally bust folks taking cheap marihuana paraguaya to Punta Del Este
mircea_popescu: i rather doubt there's those folks with 20 mil, at least at the level here discussed. a dime bag costs ~same here as in florida. actually, maybe slightly more expensiuve here. same as with hdds or w/e else, idiocy tax, everything costs the orcs more.
mircea_popescu: trinque nice.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: how's that work, i thought uy 'legalized'
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Uy legalized Uy marahuana, but not Para-guayuary marihuana
asciilifeform: is this like the cig smugglers in nyc ?
mircea_popescu: sounds exactly like.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: No, its Uy can't get enough brains to Oregon and they run out of domestic grown
BingoBoingo: Enterprising patriots supporting the travel industry run to paraguay to get pressed herb otherwise destined for Brasil, and...
mircea_popescu: entrepreneursheep!
BingoBoingo: Shortage averted.
BingoBoingo: Police identify smuggled paraguayo by the packaging
BingoBoingo: The folks who help cars park in the city also get Paraguay to flip
mircea_popescu: wtf, they don't even repackage ?!
mircea_popescu: 100% like ny cig smuggling.
BingoBoingo: Hard to repackage the Paraguay, its pressed for transit to Brasil
BingoBoingo: Can't exactly fluff up flowers already smashed
mircea_popescu: could macha it or w/e i guess. but yeah.
BingoBoingo: It is what it is. Uruguay legalized the stuff and yet the locals can't gorw themselves into an Oregon problem
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