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← 2018-02-14 | 2018-02-16 →
mod6: Mornin'
trinque: how goes mod6
mod6: hey trinque, alright. you?
mod6: hola shinohai
shinohai: hola mod6 .... FINALLY got gcc4.9.4 working and built proper gpg
mod6: \ o /
shinohai: I think this is the best gentoo I've put together yet .... lappy boots in < 1 minute now
mod6: congrats
shinohai: How goes on your end today?
mod6: Alright!
shinohai: Now I have like 2-3 days of logs to catch up on, been buried in man pages for past 72 hours.
mod6: werd
asciilifeform: oh congrats shinohai
asciilifeform: shinohai: this was a musltronic gcc or which
shinohai: Nah, I haven't graduated to musltronics yet unfortunately :/
asciilifeform: shinohai: what was the challenge then ? this was a box that came with an evil gcc originally ?
shinohai: Yup, had newer gcc and I was unfamiliar with gcc-config until now. Had only ever used a single instance.
mod6: !Qticker --market-al
mod6: !Qticker --market-all
mod6: !Qticker --market all
shinohai: bot lacks ticker :/
mod6: ah, alright. np
lobbes: What shinohai said. lobbesbot still lacks: ticker, google search, and translate
lobbes: But should have the rest of the usual supybot-type commands
mod6: cool lobbes. Was a shot in the dark. :]
shinohai: sbcl.org "Project web is currently offline pending the final migration of its data to our new datacenter."
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in the world of shitware, https://archive.is/NPY51 >> irssi: 'Use after free when server is disconnected during netsplits', 'Use after free when SASL messages are received in unexpected order', 'Null pointer dereference when an "empty" nick has been observed by Irssi', a few others in same spirit
asciilifeform: in other not-quite-noose, not only is zoolag unfailingly in sync, but today had personal record broken, 31 peers.
shinohai: http://archive.is/G5hdG <<< I wonder if wikileaks will leak the leaks ?
asciilifeform: complete with Framedragger's gurl, 'Manning’s friend Isis Lovecruft, a cryptographer and Tor developer, as well as a WikiLeaks critic' etc
deedbot: http://www.dianacoman.com/2018/02/15/eucrypt-chapter-10-oaep-with-keccak-a-la-tmsr/ << Ossasepia - EuCrypt Chapter 10: OAEP with Keccak a la TMSR
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/02/acute-pantsuit-inconsistency-shows-internal-disregard-for-their-illusion-of-franchise/ << Qntra - Acute Pantsuit Inconsistency Shows Internal Disregard For Their Illusion of "Franchise"
BingoBoingo: ^ ty alf
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: *in place of* meant to be bold script
asciilifeform: otherwise ok
asciilifeform: also prolly oughtta <s>"hanging chads"</s>e-ballot
asciilifeform: ( hanging chads were the feature of 2000 election )
mod6: aha
BingoBoingo: tyvm fxd
asciilifeform: ty BingoBoingo
BingoBoingo: I read your brevity as sufficient editorial to hammer the cognitive dissonance here on the subject. Well done.
ben_vulpes: also first blockquote missing a closequote
asciilifeform: !~later tell ave1 so i finally tested, exhaustively, and turns out you were completely correct re the inline pragma, gcc ~sometimes~ ( when it wants... ) inlines when it is not given in the .ads . i'ma fix this in ch12, this find deserves own chapter, with re-done timings for errything
asciilifeform: bot dead ?
shinohai: asciilifeform: will be back soon (tm)
lobbes: asciilifeform: can use !Qlater tell in meantime
asciilifeform: !Qlater tell ave1 so i finally tested, exhaustively, and turns out you were completely correct re the inline pragma, gcc ~sometimes~ ( when it wants... ) inlines when it is not given in the .ads . i'ma fix this in ch12, this find deserves own chapter, with re-done timings for errything
lobbesbot: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: ty lobbes
BingoBoingo: In other developments This week the residential bums around Montevideo Shopping have started addressing me as "Maestro" rather than "Amigo" when I walk by. The first time was Tuesday, then it happened again twice yesterday with different bums. Will advise how this situation develops.
asciilifeform: hm this could be problem, possibly yer clothes look foreign, BingoBoingo , need local rags
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Nah, my clothes are the same. Just fit looser. And these are the same bums I have been seeing since December. So far harmless except for the time in January a less frequent one got insistent beyond his station and was corrected by his fellow bums.
asciilifeform: then nfi
BingoBoingo: Could be the recent ordeals has given me a harder appearance and manner of carriage? Or possibly the lower castes of orcs are developing a mythology.
shinohai: "A gringo that it is constantly sober, his skin must be magic!"
BingoBoingo: My habitually exposed skin has actually tanned deeper here than most of the locals', but I am preserving my tan lines for the status symbol they are.
shinohai: Not that I'm going to waste time asking the schmuck how running full node lets me censor tx's
mod6: My node has been caught up for over 15 days, and looking good. I've added it to the Republican Trusted Node List; http://thebitcoin.foundation/trusted-nodes.html
shinohai: Nice mod6 !
shinohai: Now we can censor ever so many more transactions together!
mod6: haha
mod6: ty
mod6: These scammers just keep doubling down, huh.
shinohai: Sadly, they cannot make any real arguments *against* running fully-validating node. So whatever fud sticks I suppose.
mod6: Yeah, but that cocksucker from LTC too huh.
mod6: Scammers gonna scam.
shinohai: Well he has lots of experience, having worked for Conbase and creating first real shitcoin.
shinohai: At least NMC has a use somewhat.
mod6: Ahh.
shinohai: Also was a strong voice behind "Hey you Bitcoiners are gonna miss out if you don't integrate segwit" shit.
mod6: mmhmm
← 2018-02-14 | 2018-02-16 →