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mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo breakdown of that 19k is the paramount consideratyion here. be detailed.
BingoBoingo: I am glad to offer: 6283 (or 5150, unclear yet if VAT'd) off the shelf SA corp including lawyer, notary, and accountant fees, 1500 to set up the rack, 600 to LACNIC as a nano size ISP for IP allotment, 5335 for first month's rack rent, 341 for fiscal address and space with lock 24/7 access to coffee pot, 1200 budgeted to switch and router (actual likely closer to half that), 3200 putting Bingo in Montevideo (actual likely less budgeting
BingoBoingo: worse case). Pls to let me know if sane, other expenses to expect, or if more fat to cut.
BingoBoingo: Also 541 USd padding for surprises
mircea_popescu: jesus that's an expensive corp. 60x what rando us agent charges for a scorp ?
mircea_popescu: don't mix reserves and costs, it confuses thinking.
mircea_popescu: 3200 putting Bingo in Montevideo being what, plane ticket + what exactly ?
BingoBoingo: The goverment's fees for an SA are ~1500
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: is that a yr's worth of accountant ?
asciilifeform: or month, or wat
BingoBoingo: Plane + hotel bundle eyeballed off of expedia
mircea_popescu: don't bundle.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Transaction's worth.
mircea_popescu: iirc my argentine corp cost me about $700 or so to set up, though i was being generous with teh locals.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo is this google produced gringo scalper ? or local anything ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Gringo attorney in Montevideo.
BingoBoingo: Searching for cheaper off the shelf corps, but none yet found
mircea_popescu: it's utterly not worth paying 6k for this as it is.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo at this point i'd rather give up trying to find non-tards online, go to lawyer in uruguay have it set up there. you can internetr just as well from uruguay as from illinois or what was it.
mircea_popescu: when were you leaving, early dec was it ?
BingoBoingo: Aiming to leave between December 1st and December 4th
mircea_popescu: aite, so you land in uruguay, find yourself student girlie helper + reasonable place to dorm in, then find lawyer get corp sorted out.
mircea_popescu: dja get the tickets reserved/paid/what is it ?
BingoBoingo: Not reserved yet. This is the sanity checking before reserving things.
mircea_popescu: go ahead. how much are you getting charged ?
mircea_popescu: copa services ORD-MVD at ~1.3k fwis. not even bad. you getting that ?
BingoBoingo: I am seeing 1150-1250
mircea_popescu: plus fees. aite, so go for it. change teh patrimonial bitcoin to have cash if you need. or do you have spare cash ?
mircea_popescu: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7833.56, vol: 21452.45181747 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7849.7, vol: 96288.38088123 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7849.2, vol: 8511.81098169 | Volume-weighted last average: 7846.92383257
mircea_popescu: not even terrible.
BingoBoingo: cash reserves are low while in US
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo trade teh bitcoin out then, buy your ticket, go there with a gangsta roll.
mircea_popescu: did you check local bitcoins and whatnot to see how your cashflow promises to be there ?
mircea_popescu: montevideo + buenos aires (it's a few hours by boat/bus away sorta deal)
BingoBoingo: Looks like international wire mostly
BingoBoingo needs to check localbitcoins moar
mircea_popescu: look moar insistently lol, network that moved millions back when we were unseating the whore face couldn't have evaporated in less than a year eh.
BingoBoingo will also move on coworking space/fiscal address
mircea_popescu: cool. build your network mostly, gotta know useful locals. don't waste your time with the losers more than it takes to discover loseracy.
BingoBoingo plans to start the networking with AA meetings, leverage that seekrit society
mircea_popescu: whatsoever works. coworker space, hostel, talk to the whores, talk to the students, as long as you talk to people...
mircea_popescu: just don't do stupid shit like puting up in hotels / eating at restaurants etc. follow teh backpacker crowd around, it's where teh hustle begins.
BingoBoingo: AHA, hotel is pretty much the same wherever you hotel.
mircea_popescu: we get to find out how nimble bb is on his feet!
BingoBoingo: That we will. Maybe I even fall!
BingoBoingo: Into pretty Brazilian vacation girls
mircea_popescu: a yeah, pack a camera, you'll get to give my travel posts a run for their money eh.
BingoBoingo: A camera is has
BingoBoingo to put "2 week notice" @ BingoBoingo Store on tomorrow's do list
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: i'm in for 2
ben_vulpes: but bbl, off to do some social soldering
ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734752 << forgot to mention: unholy piles of sql too
a111: Logged on 2017-11-08 23:54 ben_vulpes: cl and legacy pyshits mostly
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: ty
trinque: BingoBoingo: idea is we'll ship servers to you once there?
BingoBoingo: trinque: That's the pricing I have figured out so far.
trinque: how many IPs per 1U?
trinque: relevant to carving up a U into VPSen for folks like lobbes
BingoBoingo: trinque: To be determined. Datacenter wants me to get IPs through LACNIC, will assist in the application process, but not guaranteeing anything
mircea_popescu: may take some finagleing, usg.dns decided to be a bitch about ips so as to force ipv6 uptake.
mircea_popescu: that it meanwhile entirely failed isn't gonna percolate to orc bureaucrat heads within the remaining lifetime of teh empire.
mircea_popescu: trinque better idea is that we have to figure out what boards/etc we're buying. a "standard box of the republic".
mircea_popescu looked at various would-be standards (earlier "libre" lulz related to this), none are worth two shits.
mircea_popescu: a v-root for proper box software (bios, grub, etc) very much in order also, twinned with box standard.
trinque: yep, I will have to do some research there myself.
trinque stopped in anger, resolved to use g4 and g5 PPCs in personal infrastructure
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> trinque better idea is that we have to figure out what boards/etc we're buying. a "standard box of the republic". << AHA, this is why cost of dedi box hosting not yet spec'd
BingoBoingo: Basic box prototype did arrive today. Has been assembled, but not really played with. Likely not too impressive for tasks requiring lots of horsepower.
BingoBoingo: Pero tiene cuatro nucleos y dieciseis GB RAM, so requires playing with
trinque: for the simple webhosting and bothosting cases, of which there oughta be many, max-spec'd machine is not necessary
BingoBoingo: Hence this is the stab at a basic box. Board widely available, has serial header, but only one ethernet port so not useful as router
BingoBoingo: For webhosting though, one has to remember that hosting typically means MP-WP which can tax a database if the traffic is there
trinque: most sensible databases amount to ramdisk stores on a db that size
BingoBoingo: Still, calls to it add up
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> may take some finagleing, usg.dns decided to be a bitch about ips so as to force ipv6 uptake. << Either way LACNIC is cheaper/(less competition for space) than APNIC
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7826.02, vol: 21892.21531492 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7814.7, vol: 102720.97707639 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7827.0, vol: 7404.02021221 | Volume-weighted last average: 7817.26700864
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740117 << you can't v-root an item containing binturds. and the only x86 bios without winturds, is for opteron or ancient (pre-2008) intels. with recent chips even binturd-containing coreboot dun work, and yer stuck with the heathen fw shipped in the box.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-17 06:10 mircea_popescu: a v-root for proper box software (bios, grub, etc) very much in order also, twinned with box standard.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740119 << similar here, with opterons. but they have the drawbacks already discussed. ( power hungry, run hot, not obtainable in arbitrary qty given as no longer made )
a111: Logged on 2017-11-17 06:15 trinque stopped in anger, resolved to use g4 and g5 PPCs in personal infrastructure
asciilifeform genuinely does not know of anything worth calling 'standard box of the republic'
asciilifeform: !~later tell trinque ever found a rack mount multicore g5?
jhvh1: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: ( g4, with its 4GB address space, i do not regard as very interesting )
asciilifeform: back to coreboot, fwiw i have a working build for 'pcengines'
asciilifeform: enough room in the eeprom for a kernel as payload, even.
diana_coman: PeterL and anyone else following along on keccak: 2 more problems found so far in the ada code namely 1. in the pi permutation it's the *output* coordinates that are calculated as Y, 2*X+3*Y based on input at X,Y and not the other way around; 2. at iota the corresponding round constant is xored into a(0,0) only, not into all the lanes of the state (following permutations will propagate the round constant)
asciilifeform: in other lulz, https://archive.is/p1RZm >> 'Chinese drone maker DJI left the private key for its dot-com's HTTPS certificate exposed on GitHub for up to four years'
trinque: asciilifeform: beefiest xserve was a dual proc 2.3ghz, tapped out at 16gb ram
asciilifeform: trinque: sounds respectable. are they obtainable ?
trinque: dwindling but I still find them in the usual places for scrap
trinque: opteron's a safer bet
asciilifeform: it had similar problems, iirc, to opteron -- ran hot
asciilifeform: i'd quite like to have some bigendian heavy iron for 'biodiversidad'/specificity-of-diddling reason, but afaik there is none to be had ( at least in the weight class of opteron, which can haz in 32cores easily enough )
asciilifeform: !!up Ingolfr_Arnarson
deedbot: Ingolfr_Arnarson voiced for 30 minutes.
asciilifeform: who might you be, Ingolfr_Arnarson ?
Ingolfr_Arnarson: I was trying to find information on gossipd, followed the 'how to participate in the affairst of the republic' link on the channel automatic text you get when you enter and reached the gossipd design document.
asciilifeform: Ingolfr_Arnarson: anything in particular ?
Ingolfr_Arnarson: any recommendable log to read with more detail on the advance of the project?
Ingolfr_Arnarson: I am just curious because I mentioned the idea of getting rid of dns and someone who actually reads the logs sent me a link to the article about draining the DNS Swamp.
asciilifeform: Ingolfr_Arnarson: it isn't a complicated item, but does demand a sane rsatron
Ingolfr_Arnarson: And mentioned gossipd was the name of the actual thing.
asciilifeform: which is currently in the works,
asciilifeform: !#s ffa
asciilifeform: ( all implementations of rsa in common use, are unsuitable for real time programs, on account of leaking private key via timing side channel )
Ingolfr_Arnarson: That's good info to research for.
Ingolfr_Arnarson: thx for the logs
Ingolfr_Arnarson: !!rate asciilifeform 1 Helped me providing info and logs on gossip.
asciilifeform: !#s from:mircea_popescu gossipd
a111: 222 results for "from:mircea_popescu gossipd", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Amircea_popescu%20gossipd
asciilifeform: ^ see also.
ben_vulpes: hmac blunder also epic
asciilifeform: in other noose, https://archive.is/NI40u >> 'US Navy: Penis in sky drawn by jet trail was 'unacceptable''
BingoBoingo: In other news, there was much rejoicing at the BingoBoingo store today as rumors concerning my resignation notice circulated.
asciilifeform: oh hey congrats BingoBoingo
BingoBoingo: Departures from there, particularly to greener pastures tend to inspire much hope. I don't expect many of my fellows there wake up to a battleship in their coffee though.
BingoBoingo: Also lead time from application to LACNIC IP address assignment is ~2 weeks
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: You mean the City State of Buenos Aires + Cows
BingoBoingo: usg.red taunts usg.blue https://archive.is/Gd5DX
ben_vulpes: "it's a penis!"
ben_vulpes: in other well-trained children, $child just attempted to put himself down for a nap in the comfy chair in my office
BingoBoingo: ""It's a penis." That's the explanation! The kids will be able to handle it." << Then why all the fuss when adult women get shown penii!
ben_vulpes: anti-flirt brigade doing what it does
asciilifeform: in other butthurts, https://archive.is/nw25r >> 'For M.I.T. students, this waiver keeps us from having to pay a bill of about $50,000 every year — a staggering amount, but one that is similar to the fees at many other colleges and universities. ... But under the House’s tax bill, our waivers will be taxed. This means that M.I.T. graduate students would be responsible for paying taxes on a $80,000 annual salary, when we actually e
asciilifeform: arn $33,000 a year.'
asciilifeform: somehow it is a-ok for folx who win a toyota in a lottery to go broke, from sudden tax owed. but ohnoez, try an' tax pantsuit 'leading tech institution' dim bulb folx...
ben_vulpes: the refusal to accept that they're just playing a different lotto is so tasty
asciilifeform: ianal but there's a genuine eggog in there -- either that 50k is ~income~ for the chump^H^H^Hstudent; or it ain't, and it then also is not expenditure ( i.e. something to be written off taxables ) for mit
asciilifeform: not that usd is required to obey conservation of mass, but possibly mit is about to be struck off the list of folx having the crown privilege to make it appear and disappear on command in this way.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i don't see anyone contesting that it's not income
asciilifeform: well apparently threatens to become ordinary, rather than magically tax-exempt For Reasons, income
ben_vulpes: to take the other side for half a second, who says that i can't charge whomever i want whatever i want for services?
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: didja read the milk thing on trilema ?
ben_vulpes: yes, but apparently it did not hit?
asciilifeform: well answr to the 'who sez' is 'usg gosplan sez'
ben_vulpes: mm mhm
a111: Logged on 2016-07-17 19:58 asciilifeform: 'Mr Vancel said the men were shooting at each other before the officers arrived. "This was not a 'come at police' situation they weren't targeting the police at first - I don't assume so - because these were men out here shooting at each other in an empty parking lot until the police showed up and it turned into a gun battle," he added.' << lel
asciilifeform: ( iirc later was found that ~only~ police had been present at this particular shootout )
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: re 'other side', recall that usa a bestkorea where ~everything~ is, at least on paper, taxable -- e.g. if i work for a butcher and he pays me in the form of letting me buy 10 chickens a month for a 1 $ instead of 50 $ ea., this is considered taxable just the same as if he paid in buxxorz
asciilifeform: and the income is tallies as the market value ( per usg gosplan ) of the difference, 49bux/ea
asciilifeform: or whatever the inspectors decide they were worth, when they raid
ben_vulpes: i absolutely understand this, asciilifeform .
asciilifeform: so wai not dekulakize the mit derps for 'tax on 80k'.
ben_vulpes: i'm not saying don't, i'm just being wistful about an america i never knew!
ben_vulpes: le wik maintains that baton rouge event did have a cophunter in attendance
asciilifeform: possibly it, as usually the case, lies; possibly asciilifeform was thinking of another funfest elsewhere
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: what does (others => 0) mean in an assignation statement in p?
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: it's a standard ada operator that sets an array to 0.
asciilifeform: ( or to another repeating constant value . )
asciilifeform: ( can go straight to example, Details := (1..10 => 'x', 11..13 | 21..23 | 27 | 29 => 'y', others => ' '); )
asciilifeform: when there are no other elements referenced, it applies to the entire array.
asciilifeform: see also the pertinent ARM , 4.3.3 'array aggregates', https://www2.adacore.com/gap-static/GNAT_Book/html/aarm/AA-4-3-3.html#I2421 .
asciilifeform: ( scroll straight to 'examples' if impatient. )
asciilifeform brb,meat
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: thank you
ben_vulpes: in other wonderful old technology that is not made and barely findable any more, i cannot praise the sanford "logo ii" highly enough. the original "logo" is all right, but interestingly not quite as well made as its successor.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: wassat?
ben_vulpes: mechanical pencil
ben_vulpes: i did the entire ME curriculum with the one on my desk, finally decided to get some backups.
ben_vulpes: has a very long barrel for leads, which is great for heavy writers or people who like hard leads like myself
ben_vulpes: one of the few mechanical pencils to not suffer from the retarded lead advancement while using eraser design flaw
asciilifeform: aaaand guess what didn't take long : http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/BOZaX/?raw=true << shits block archive.is
ben_vulpes: dat nasty rag
asciilifeform: in other noose, http://romdict.sourceforge.net/index.eng.php << the sad sad state of the art of opensores ro dictionaries
asciilifeform: ^ ~1000 words !
asciilifeform: http://www.free-soft.ro/everest/everest.html has nominally ~200k but is malwareware and enciphered db ( i dun currently have time to break the delphiturd and extract the key, sadly )
lobbes: update on archive-o-tron: Looks like leveraging archive.is is getting nowhere fast; according to the archive.is d00d 'download .zip is actually broken'
lobbes: I'm changing gears to creating my own archiver. Thinking of perhaps just using wget for the time-being
lobbes: more updates to come
asciilifeform: lobbes: wget will fail on ~all major enemy www ( noose sites etc ) on account of the dynamic loading idiocy
lobbes: damn
ben_vulpes: lobbes: try chromium or firefox in headless mode
lobbes: ben_vulpes, ah okay! I hadn't thought about those browsers. I was trying to script something in lynx. Problem there was intermittent 503 errors.
lobbes: (errors trying to download via archive.is, that is)
BingoBoingo: In still coaster lollers: "Thiel's departure from Y Combinator was not previously announced. It comes long after Y Combinator president Sam Altman defended Thiel's role at the accelerator, following criticism of Thiel's support of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump. A source close to Y Combinator said that the company ended its part-time partners program, which Thiel was a part of, some time last year. While some other part-time
BingoBoingo: partners moved over to a program called "experts," which provides advice to Y Combinator entrepreneurs, Thiel did not join."
shinohai: http://archive.is/07Oas <<< I guess no use going thru the trouble of shutting down the sybil nodes or w/e
ben_vulpes: somehow i missed that alibaba is in the timesharing business
shinohai: From same roll of TP: http://archive.is/MGNht
shinohai: reddit would sell it out within minutes.
BingoBoingo: And the winner to provide my ticket was... COPA
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i used it when i went to c3. be prepared for lotsa gate-changes/reschedules/misc crapola
shinohai: Vas necesitar una "copa" despues! xD
BingoBoingo: shinohai: Solo una copa de feel
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Both transfers have substantial time padding them.
asciilifeform: lemme guess, panama then bolivia ?
BingoBoingo: RoT, Panama, Uruguay
BingoBoingo: (RoT being trinque's Republic of Texas)
BingoBoingo scheduled to arrive same time one day after leaving
BingoBoingo: brb, sobertime
shinohai: One day, Maria decided to show those American teachers how it's *really* done: http://archive.is/NYiSt
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