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← 2016-01-12 | 2016-01-14 →
BingoBoingo just successfully debuged clock-radio
BingoBoingo: turns out it was too close to transformer
pete_dushenski: if that's light i dun wanna be heavy
BingoBoingo: lol pete_dushenski
pete_dushenski: anyone else sombrely, slowly reading through http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-01-12.log.html#t12:05:36 with (perhaps not so) strange solemnity ?
assbot: #Eulora log for Tuesday, 2016-01-12 ... ( http://bit.ly/1RLa9fg )
pete_dushenski: rip chetty.
pete_dushenski: i guess the strange part is how unusual a window into the last few hours and minutes of a (really rather exceptional) human life it is, and how you'd never know unless you knew.
assbot: Logged on 12-01-2016 13:36:21; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-01-2016#1367861 << heh welcome to post-industrial society.
assbot: Y’know that post-industrial service economy thing ? Ya, it’s just another shitty command economy. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1RLaWg4 )
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-01-2016#1368633 << i'm with kako. seems pretty unambiguous. what bc.i lists is what determines the outcome of https://bitbet.us/bet/1217/bitcoin-main-net-block-size-to-increase-before/
assbot: Logged on 12-01-2016 22:24:10; punkman: the main chain of blockhain.info. can be problematic if blockchain.info starts displaying both 1mb and >1mb chains concurrently
assbot: BitBet - Bitcoin main net block size to increase before July 2016 :: 0.94 B (31%) on Yes, 2.09 B (69%) on No | closing in 4 months 2 weeks | weight: 64`877 (100`000 to 2`000) ... ( http://bit.ly/1RKkQi8 )
pete_dushenski: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 427.64, Best ask: 428.54, Bid-ask spread: 0.90000, Last trade: 427.84, 24 hour volume: 39860.64921575, 24 hour low: 416.0, 24 hour high: 449.98, 24 hour vwap: None
pete_dushenski: apparently usb drives still come formatted in 'fat' which doesn't seem to like files >12gb, apparently.
pete_dushenski: apparently !
pete_dushenski: 'journaled' seems to be the ticket.
pete_dushenski: can't say i've ever had to reformat a usb drive for that...
pete_dushenski: before the blockchain, that is
pete_dushenski: is there nothing bitcoin doesn't disrupt ?
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-11-2015#1334322 << i did it again, didn't i... fuckin eh...
assbot: Logged on 30-11-2015 23:20:22; mircea_popescu: alternatively, all women are the same woman, eh pete_dushenski ?
pete_dushenski: oh, i see what happened now. nvm me...
assbot: BitBet - Cardano to Ship before Xmas 2016 :: 0.07 B (8%) on Yes, 0.76 B (92%) on No | closing in 10 months 3 weeks | weight: 99`845 (100`000 to 1) ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ohtget )
BingoBoingo is thankful St Louis finally got forked off of the NFL chain so we can be done with the Inglewood rams.
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: How much longer do you plan to be awake?
pete_dushenski: maybe an hour
BingoBoingo searching for an ulbricht appeal pdf that isn't locked into scribd
BingoBoingo: scribd breaks my gas mask
pete_dushenski: "Let me start with the economy, and a basic fact: the United States of America, right now, has the strongest, most durable economy in the world. We’re in the middle of the longest streak of private-sector job creation in history."
pete_dushenski: " The United States of America is the most powerful nation on Earth. Period. It’s not even close. We spend more on our military than the next eight nations combined."
copypaste: North Korea has the most powerful economy and army in the World, as measured by The People's Bureau of Statistics of North Korea.
copypaste: yawn
copypaste: "X is the best according to X"
copypaste: And now you realize that the speeches of American presidents are now informercials
pete_dushenski: "and since no one else spent usdollars, we spent the most usdollars! combined!"
pete_dushenski: (all but last quote via, yes, bahamas)
copypaste: I could tell without an attribution, it has his typical bravado backed by nothing
pete_dushenski: you know your muppets
deedbot-: [Qntra] Ulbricht Appellate Brief Filed - http://qntra.net/2016/01/ulbricht-appellate-brief-filed/
BingoBoingo: ty goes to pete_dushenski for gopping places my gas mask clog
pete_dushenski: i might not kill enough people around here, but i know how to handle myself in harsh environments
BingoBoingo: Diaper duty will do that I am told
pete_dushenski: quite so
assbot: Two US Navy Boats And Ten Sailors In Iranian Custody | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1J2cotp )
pete_dushenski: is it just me or does joseph biden look an awful lot like karl lagerfeld with those high white dress shirt collars ? eg. http://www.contravex.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Joe-Biden-or-Karl-Lagerfeld-.png
davout: pete_dushenski: there definitely is something
pete_dushenski: must be the angle
pete_dushenski: or that biden's 8 years older than the first time i saw him, that much closer to the senior mr. l
pete_dushenski on to the next one
adlai: ;;later tell BingoBoingo http://dpaste.com/1F65SGC.txt
gribble: The operation succeeded.
adlai expresses solidarity in grief for a woman he never knew; "Poo-tee-weet?"
adlai: ;;later tell gabriel_laddel http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1368945 << if you have to ask, you've never https://archive.is/n0n34
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 01:24:02; gabriel_laddel: Why, stan, are threads a bad idea?
assbot: Matthew Veety on Twitter: "@maybekatz I've probs said this before but thank you for making chanl. It's the best thing ever." ... ( http://bit.ly/1OqmK2V )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
adlai helps the literately-challenged members of the audience: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e3/e5/9e/e3e59e8e78957abcda2a7de317c8582f.jpg (now go read the remaining #'butlast pages, it's but a shingle shitting's worth)
copypaste: Cryptsy just published a notice that it's been hacked on all pages https://archive.is/hxGqy
assbot: Cryptsy - Trade Home ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oqol8X )
adlai: what's cryptsy?
copypaste: Cryptsy is an exchange where you can trade real Bitcoins (and Pushcoins) for virtually any shitty coin imaginable, even those with no running clients.
copypaste: For example, Litecoins, "Stellar", Ethereum, and so on, but even far less known scams like "007coin" and "Aidencoin".
copypaste: In fact, I just added it up ( $('#leftbtclist>li').size() ) - you can trade 266 shitcoins on Cryptsy.
copypaste: Or at least in theory you could, before they "paused" everything a few hours ago.
adlai: !s sarchasm
assbot: 1 results for 'sarchasm' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=sarchasm
copypaste: hehehe
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3570 @ 0.0005053 = 1.8039 BTC [-]
adlai suddenly remembers MPExists, changes opinion re:tradespam, goes back to work
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5637 @ 0.0005053 = 2.8484 BTC [-]
jurov: sad news. but what a life!
jurov: and a lesson for me - i missed my best chance to meet chetty by being a wussie and not going a day sooner
jurov: (i went by train so no big deal)
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Connor McDavid will live up to the hype - http://bitbet.us/bet/1198/connor-mcdavid-will-live-up-to-the-hype/#b9
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8539 @ 0.00050835 = 4.3408 BTC [+] {2}
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 10.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin Network Hits 1 Exahash - http://bitbet.us/bet/1228/bitcoin-network-hits-1-exahash/#b19
copypaste: ;;nethash
gribble: 886939250.494
jurov: ;;later tell davout maybe i'm blind but where's paymium api, like vwap?
gribble: The operation succeeded.
jurov: advance.paymium.com does make recognizable calls like https://paymium.com//api/v1/data/eur/ticker but it's not clear whether it's daily vwap
jurov: And since I want to make an agreement with customers based on paymium price (instead of some wannabe indexes),
jurov: i'd like to see some public presentation of vwap for noobs, too, best with daily or hourly snapshot shown.
davout: jurov: vwap is 24h
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 11:02:15; jurov: i'd like to see some public presentation of vwap for noobs, too, best with daily or hourly snapshot shown.
jurov: when i will derive my price from paymium, is it possible to check that yesterday vwap was such and such?
davout: we don't archive it
davout: i'm busy integrating a brand new matching engine in our system, so that's the kind of feedback that's interesting for me
jurov: it would be very useful, thanks.
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1233/bitcoin-to-top-800-before-jul-2016/#b28
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 6.26374519 BTC on 'No' - Connor McDavid will live up to the hype - http://bitbet.us/bet/1198/connor-mcdavid-will-live-up-to-the-hype/#b10
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 9.99900000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin Network Hits 1 Exahash - http://bitbet.us/bet/1228/bitcoin-network-hits-1-exahash/#b20
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell pete_dushenski that's nice to know. thanks pete.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1368941 << you'll have to bear with me, my hair is pointy and my comprehension ponderous.
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 01:22:45; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1368904 << is the concept of impedance-mismatch-with-os unclear to mircea_popescu ?
mircea_popescu: but you should both document that lost decade and provide pointers to check what others did against it.
assbot: Assemblée nationale ~ RÉPUBLIQUE NUMÉRIQUE(no 3318) - Amendement no 92 ... ( http://bit.ly/22Z6gZc )
davout: "Les constructeurs de matériel doivent prendre en compte dans leurs constructions la nécessité de donner aux forces de l’ordre, dans le cadre d’une enquête judiciaire et après autorisation d’un juge, l’accès aux matériels."
mircea_popescu: there is such a thing as french hardware ?!
davout: some women make my wares hard
davout: and sometimes it's my hard wares that use the back doors
davout: enough of this
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1369017 << "i am the most powerful mobster in nycity. i pay more in shakedowns than anyone else! and this'll last, too, because it's a stable sort of situation!"
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 07:15:01; pete_dushenski: " The United States of America is the most powerful nation on Earth. Period. It’s not even close. We spend more on our military than the next eight nations combined."
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1369091 << guess he'll have to stop pgping on that minitel console...
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 12:36:22; davout: no more crypto for french hardware -> http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/14/amendements/3318/CION_LOIS/CL92.asp
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-01-2016#1368052 << plant foreman generally works...at plant
assbot: Logged on 12-01-2016 13:49:39; mircea_popescu: why even bother with the phone after that ?
mircea_popescu: so you're spending your youth, or at least every waking hour away from your child and his mother, to do things you wouldn't use on a platform you hate ?
mircea_popescu: do they have any words for insanity in your language ?
asciilifeform exists, possibly, to make ben_vulpes look sane
mircea_popescu: not to get facile over here or anything, but let me point out to you from bitter experience that there is generally less time than one'd reasonably have thought.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1369063 << ben_vulpes and i had the honour. we went for coffee, and chetty took us to a park on the outskirts of town where we fed little parrots
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 10:02:08; jurov: and a lesson for me - i missed my best chance to meet chetty by being a wussie and not going a day sooner
ben_vulpes: it was the most direct short on the startup market id found pre btc
mircea_popescu: i can see it ben_vulpes .
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform im pretty sure jurov and chet met, i have this memory of hanging out and smoking.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1369090 << i've been doing this since '07, publicly. but as mircea_popescu points out, memento mori (tm), there is little time, and i have been doing other things
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 12:30:08; mircea_popescu: but you should both document that lost decade and provide pointers to check what others did against it.
ben_vulpes: furthermore, it is the only cashflow positive short against the startup market.
ben_vulpes: well, *a* cashflow positive one.
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 18.64000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin Network Hits 1 Exahash - http://bitbet.us/bet/1228/bitcoin-network-hits-1-exahash/#b21
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2550 @ 0.00050659 = 1.2918 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform off to spend every waking hour away from anything he cares about to make things he wouldn't use on a broken platform...
ben_vulpes: ganbatte
mircea_popescu: "Постарайся", именно в этой форме, а не "старайся".
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell funkenstein_ http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1369054 << o shit, does this mean de gig is up ?
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 09:04:03; copypaste: In fact, I just added it up ( $('#leftbtclist>li').size() ) - you can trade 266 shitcoins on Cryptsy.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
ben_vulpes: heh the lightly-salted bootstrap on bitcoinclassic is highly amuse
ben_vulpes: "seriously we am serious with very serious footer!"
mircea_popescu: serious (r) - i can't believe it's not seriouse!
mircea_popescu: !s seriouse
assbot: 1 results for 'seriouse' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=seriouse
mircea_popescu: hmm that's odd.
ben_vulpes: ;;seen thickasthieves
gribble: thickasthieves was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 10 weeks, 0 days, 21 hours, 47 minutes, and 18 seconds ago: <ThickAsThieves> but you da boss
ben_vulpes: the self-eulogies are funny too
ben_vulpes: ;;seen artifexd
gribble: artifexd was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 37 weeks, 6 days, 14 hours, 48 minutes, and 7 seconds ago: <artifexd> I'm comfortable calling it a review. Not just of what it is but what it was and how it got to where it is.
ben_vulpes: ;;seen ninjashogun
gribble: ninjashogun was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 9 weeks, 5 days, 6 hours, 31 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: <ninjashogun> I am only interested in building real-world businesses with real income streams, not taking bitcoin investments for something and running off iwth it. (Not referencing anyone here, this was a recent case with Moolah, for example. Or at least accusation.)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform incidentally, that wasn't even the outskirts. kinda midtown, the park is two blocks down from chacarrita, the cemetery. she lived nearby. i have a place a good 6 miles further north, right on the province border. the town extends past that, arguably.
mircea_popescu: and it extends almost twice as far away from the port in the south -west than i nthe north. a town the size of a respectable country.
mircea_popescu: at least in europe, at any rate.
jurov: ;;seen chetty
gribble: chetty was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 17 weeks, 1 day, 18 hours, 55 minutes, and 18 seconds ago: <chetty> perhaps this will backlash into getting more people off windows ...nah, I dream
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1369079 << you could play observer, sign and deed it. alternatively you could just archive.is, but i suspect that'll get gnarly.
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 11:35:57; jurov: when i will derive my price from paymium, is it possible to check that yesterday vwap was such and such?
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 13:03:07; mircea_popescu: !s seriouse
assbot: 8 results for 'from:indiancandy1 seri*' - #bitcoin-assets search
mircea_popescu: oh darn. thx.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15400 @ 0.00050836 = 7.8287 BTC [+]
adlai would calculate p-values but 'math is hard'
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin Network Hits 1 Exahash - http://bitbet.us/bet/1228/bitcoin-network-hits-1-exahash/#b22
assbot: Emerging Harsh Noise Artist Revealed To Be Faulty Air Conditioning Unit - The Hard Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1KcX1ZW )
jurov: "However, sources indicate future Decondtioned releases remain in doubt after Packard’s father upgraded the garage air conditioner to a brand new Amana “Whisper Quiet” unit."
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.29182984 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1232/bitcoin-to-top-600-before-jul-2016/#b17
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: rip chetty?!
ben_vulpes: alas.
jurov: mircea_popescu: chetty was on second timisoara meeting, too?
assbot: BlackBerry PGP handsets 'cracked' by Dutch cyber cops - IT News from V3.co.uk ... ( http://bit.ly/1Rlw6mk )
mircea_popescu: jurov im pretty sure she showed up at least for some of the stuff.
jurov: because i'm sure i have missed eulora demo (again due to later arrival)
mircea_popescu: but i recall us two discussing wao, for instance.
jurov: um, that is possible
mircea_popescu: an' therefore you must've met.
mircea_popescu: "I was fired. Sometimes you find it hard just not to cry. (Said employer purged its 20% insubordinate, belligerent, ingenious, and flat-out insane employees. What remained was loyal to a fault, perfect in execution, possessed of fine silk neckties, and unemployed 18 months later when the whole company folded.)"
mircea_popescu: lol hard to not appreciate teh mazepath.
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.89167341 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $700 before Apr 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1236/bitcoin-to-top-700-before-apr-2016/#b31
mircea_popescu: "Al, you simply must call Althea Frutex at Glanders, Associates. I FAXed her your resume and she practically jumped through the phone with enthusiasm."
mircea_popescu: "This is Dr. Frutex. Yes, I heard about you! Tell me, how would you generate a microdispersion of sodium diaminodihydroxyarsenobenzenemethanesulfonate in a linear hydrophobic matrix synthesized below its glass transition temperature?"
mircea_popescu: "That should not be difficult. Use attrition technology developed for cobalt-cemented tungsten carbide and substitute about 10 mole-% of high molecular weight PVK to adsorb upon the micaceous platelet crystal surfaces. Thus when you add the dispersed phase to a pre-polymer syrup of about 50,000 centistokes viscosity, non-Fickian Type II diffusion will volumetrically plasticize the adsorbate preventing particle agglomer
mircea_popescu: "Why Mr. Schwartz, that is brilliant! We have no staff positions open at this time, but we will certainly try your idea."
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ! why is this guy not here!
mircea_popescu: WHAT IS WITH PEOPLE!
mircea_popescu: the difference between the kids of today and the kids of back when it was worth meeting new kids... s/lfkdjgkjlewrhgkerhklgj/diaminodihydroxyarsenobenzenemethanesulfonate/
mircea_popescu: guy actually knows wtf he's talking about.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8100 @ 0.00050836 = 4.1177 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18600 @ 0.00050212 = 9.3394 BTC [-] {5}
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Donald Trump gets Republican Nomination - http://bitbet.us/bet/1206/donald-trump-gets-republican-nomination/#b67
assbot: US intelligence boss phone and personal email were hacked ... ( http://bit.ly/1SOwHfU )
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin main net block size to increase before July 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1217/bitcoin-main-net-block-size-to-increase-before/#b8
thestringpuller: asciilifeform off to spend every waking hour away from anything he cares about to make things he wouldn't use on a broken platform... << i'm going to use this to define "uranium mines" to people
thestringpuller: ;;nethash
gribble: 886485320.427
thestringpuller: ;;calc ( (416666666.667 / 1000 / 1000) / 4.6 ) * 1800
gribble: 163043.478261
thestringpuller: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 428.76, Best ask: 428.95, Bid-ask spread: 0.19000, Last trade: 428.95, 24 hour volume: 40576.26464751, 24 hour low: 416.0, 24 hour high: 448.1, 24 hour vwap: None
thestringpuller: ;;calc 163043.478261 / 428.76
gribble: 380.267464924
thestringpuller: ^- estimated btc for 0.5% of hashpower
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11090 @ 0.00050836 = 5.6377 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: however it looks like no new miner could break even at current prices. (Break even in: infinity days)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3100 @ 0.00050836 = 1.5759 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: retail is for suckers.
mircea_popescu: "The scientist who receives a percentage of the profits - a percentage of the gross! - generated by his own work has yet to be born, hired, or envisioned (ecept as the punchline of a joke)." << heh, alf's been making 70% of the gross for years now.
mircea_popescu: !up ascii_butugychag
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 16:09:36; mircea_popescu: "The scientist who receives a percentage of the profits - a percentage of the gross! - generated by his own work has yet to be born, hired, or envisioned (ecept as the punchline of a joke)." << heh, alf's been making 70% of the gross for years now.
mircea_popescu: you'll have to decide if you want those salesmen networking or not.
mircea_popescu: what's with all these confused broads posing for dating site profile pics WITH THEIR MOTHER.
mircea_popescu: insufficiently humiliated girlhood births monsters.
ascii_butugychag: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1369182 << he eventually wrote back, promised to generate pgp key, when finds the time...
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 14:02:14; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ! why is this guy not here!
ascii_butugychag: i think he took a look at the logs and was not able to readily distinguish us from the chirp of the frogs.
ascii_butugychag: a problem i had when first showed up, like, i suspect, many folk
mircea_popescu: i guess so, huh.
ascii_butugychag: as, possibly, taleb, et al
mircea_popescu: "this, too, shall pass."
ascii_butugychag: old timers are especially allergic to real-time anything
ascii_butugychag: i was sorta on the cusp of this.
mircea_popescu: "Uncle Al's next first job, four years later, was industrial. Uncle Al was to isolate kerogen (the "not anything like oil") in Colorado oil shale (a calcareous marlstone, not shale). Low rank coal organics are like cured epoxy. They ain't comin' out. The literature was rife with researchers who tortured oil shale then sang like vultures about presumed stuff extracted. Uncle Al dissolved the rock to leave the kerogen. (
mircea_popescu: "Orthogonal reactivity" to folks in lab coats, "idiot idea" to idiots in suits.) It was his first Personnel file Pink sheet! He wasn't supposed to succeed."
mircea_popescu: reads like the fucking soviets.
mircea_popescu: this isn't really real-time. this is "alligned apperture time".
mircea_popescu: or rather, allignable.
ascii_butugychag: and yes, it shall pass, and with it shall pass the last folks who know how to generate a microdispersion of sodium diaminodihydroxyarsenobenzenemethanesulfonate...
mircea_popescu: "The next first job was creating ophthalmic implants. How is a 5 micron diameter hole drilled through 500 microns of implantable Plexiglas contact lens? It isn't. Nothing can drill such a 100:1 aspect ratio hole. Uncle Al put about 500 7 micron diameter holes through a foot-long Plexiglas rod, the long way, and said "dice it." Holes are a stuff problem, science: vacuum cast glass wool in plastic, dice, then dissolve ou
mircea_popescu: t with aqueous NH4HF2. Engineering diddles things: computers, excimer lasers, and business lunches. It was a Pink solution."
mircea_popescu: ok this is what sheer genius is.
mircea_popescu: "turn the fucking spoon around, idjits"
ascii_butugychag: its straight out of altshuller's book
ascii_butugychag: i once sent al a scan, he appreciated.
ascii_butugychag: !s suddenly the inventor
assbot: 5 results for 'suddenly the inventor' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=suddenly+the+inventor
ascii_butugychag: thing had whole chapter on inversions
mircea_popescu: inversion being possibly the most important intellectual activity.
mircea_popescu: half the time when someone talking to me here suddenly gets that sinking feeling in his gut and rug flies out from under feet, what had just happened was precisely an inversion.
mircea_popescu: the other possibly most important intellectual activity is ironically ALSO displayed in the piece : classification
mircea_popescu: "this is a that. that is a this. stop mixing this and that idjits!"
ascii_butugychag: 'suddenly the inventor appeared' is the only actually worthwhile book on heuristics i know of.
ascii_butugychag: i was given it as a small child
mircea_popescu: having run some math... i suspect he is actually correct in the absolute. ie, nothing can for physical reasons drill 5 micron holes in half micrometer lens.
mircea_popescu: make it a few mm squared and you can etch, yes. but...
ascii_butugychag: this is well-known
ascii_butugychag: which is why, e.g., syringe needles, are drawn
mircea_popescu: well im not in fine mfging what can i sya
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Donald Trump gets Republican Nomination - http://bitbet.us/bet/1206/donald-trump-gets-republican-nomination/#b68
mircea_popescu: Do opposite shoes vacuum free fall nonidentically? << they do, actually.
mircea_popescu: difference in angular gravitational momentum
mircea_popescu: i suppose by "vacuum" one might mean "in the book universe where mass exists in points etc".
mircea_popescu: !up ascii_butugychag
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: this was the eotvos thing
ascii_butugychag: !s eotvos
assbot: 21 results for 'eotvos' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=eotvos
mircea_popescu: meanwhile i noticed the image aha
deedbot-: [Qntra] Mining Difficulty Already Up 9.12% This Year - http://qntra.net/2016/01/mining-difficulty-already-up-9-12-this-year/
BingoBoingo: <copypaste> Cryptsy just published a notice that it's been hacked on all pages https://archive.is/hxGqy << Scammer's don't get to pick their narrative
assbot: Cryptsy - Trade Home ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oqol8X )
mircea_popescu: "Economists do the economy as psychologists do the mind. A watershed of data is statistically manipulated. Miserably intricate deeply parameterized speculative theory is fit to data, protected from criticism by complexity. Extrapolations are made. Official predictions are absurd versus observed reality. Economists scream "heteroskedasticity!" and demand multi-$trillion Federal bailouts. Psychologists disdain irrelevanc
mircea_popescu: e in a discipline that is self-defined relevant."
mircea_popescu: myeah. the "global warming" bullshit is merely the more visible application of an otherwise historical pseudoscientific process
mircea_popescu: !up paparazzi
paparazzi: hello
thestringpuller: !gettrust paparazzi
assbot: paparazzi is not registered in WoT.
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Donald Trump gets Republican Nomination - http://bitbet.us/bet/1206/donald-trump-gets-republican-nomination/#b69
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: arguably same process as lysenko
paparazzi: I am still confused
ascii_butugychag: (and not, as often supposed, medieval theology - as it did not have totalitarian apparatus attached)
mircea_popescu: hardly. lysenko had... passion. these twerps just talk about it.
ascii_butugychag: the 1960s enviro-whiners who started the current wave, also had 'passion'
mircea_popescu: incidentally, anyone saw "the witches of eastwick" ? yet another of nicholson's signature porn stuff.
ascii_butugychag: modern enforcers do not, and need not
mircea_popescu: the man started in "the raven" and has been doing the same thing ever since : playing the devilishly dangerous lone male in a world of boring, twaddled middle aged women.
mircea_popescu: goes nicely with the valium for the worthless female subculture of the 80s. sort-of like stoner movies, for a different holstein.
assbot: first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets [bitcoin assets wiki] ... ( http://bit.ly/1J73Z7o )
mircea_popescu: "Thermodynamics proposes, kinetics disposes." ahahaha lovely put.
ascii_butugychag: 'first ecstacy - then laundry.' -- also al
mircea_popescu: nah that's much older.
mircea_popescu: incidentally, you read this bit with the crystals ? behold!
mircea_popescu: "Memory cannot be found because it is not localized, nor does it exist as such. One felicitous memory model is the amorphous glassy metal alloy Ce3Al. Melt-spun alloy passes all local and global tests (HRTEM, ED, XRD, 2D XRD) for random order. Load a diamond anvil cell with a 50x40x15 micron3 sample. At 3,539,000 psi it remains amorphous. At 3,626,000 psi it is a single crystal. Science 332(6036) 1404 (2011), "Long-ran
mircea_popescu: ge topological order in metallic glasses."
mircea_popescu: Devitrifying a glass into crystals is wholly unremarkable. Given the opportunity, solids will descend into their lowest energy state at equilibrium - a crystal. This offers large families of glass-ceramic wonder materials, plus sporadic glassblower loud profanity. That glasses exist at all is also unremarkable. Thermodynamics proposes, kinetics disposes. The problem is scale.
mircea_popescu: Atomic bonding does its thing at a scale of angstrom lengths. A 50x40x15 micron sample is (5x105)x(4x105)x(1.5x105) angstroms3 or 3x1016 Å3. How does random structure spontaneously quickly order in a discontinuous transition to sharp diffraction lines (XRD) and spots (2D XRD), with such mammoth amplification? There is no global information! Thermal devitrification at 200°C affords a hexagonal symmetry finely polycrys
mircea_popescu: talline product not a face-centered cubic single crystal.
mircea_popescu: The noise that was observed as random structure was not itself random. It contained topological order, a universal scale-free recipe for fitting together. Supercomputer simulation of 24,000 cerium atoms plus 8000 aluminum atoms with or without the topological footnote added is enlightening. Plot respective structure factors against the reciprocal space vector for each case. The curves are identical! Where is the inform
mircea_popescu: ation? It is everywhere, but in no particular place."
mircea_popescu: methinks the real meta-nsa might well be santa claus1
mircea_popescu: have you been good alfie ?
ascii_butugychag: !s roboclaus
assbot: 0 results for 'roboclaus' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=roboclaus
ascii_butugychag: ;;google roboclaus
mircea_popescu: honestly, i always suspected randomness is not merely "not a property of numbers", but altogether not a thing.
mircea_popescu: this is the view say danielpbarron would be held to hold anyway.
ascii_butugychag: it is a thing in the sense that 'enemy' is a thing
mircea_popescu: and no further sense than that.
ascii_butugychag: fortunately we don't need the other senses for anything
ascii_butugychag: at least ~i~ don't
mircea_popescu: whoever sits closer to the rng in the sky prints all the money.
mircea_popescu: at any rate this has been in fact the history of life on earth to date.
mircea_popescu: "a universal scale-free recipe for fitting together" << and yet he hates obama.
mircea_popescu: obviously, not altogether for the reasons the idiots who are incapable to love anything like to pretend those who could love don't.
ascii_butugychag: http://tryacl2.org << unrelated, but very nifty.
ascii_butugychag: ben_vulpes, adlai, phf, gabriel_laddel, et al ^
mircea_popescu: takes 4eva to load
ascii_butugychag: i think it just now choked
ascii_butugychag: my 'midas touch'...
mircea_popescu: !up ascii_butugychag
ascii_butugychag: apparently amd actually started proving their alu with acl2, in reaction to the intel fdiv scandal
ascii_butugychag: back in the day.
ascii_butugychag: (note that the proofs don't need to be about a commonlisp program per se, but anything that can be expressed as one)
mircea_popescu: "Genrich Altshuller, TRIZ, And Suddenly the Inventor Appeared. Orthodoxy excludes discovery. Heterodox observation falsifies assumed knowledge. Validation studies are bottle washing and button sorting. All discovery is insubordination. Management exists to kill the future, for the only trusted employee is one whose sole marketable asset is loyalty." << o look even mentions him.
mircea_popescu: but the management dig is, if perhaps justified by personal experience, nevertheless on the level of "all men are pigs".
mircea_popescu: what does it say of you, that only pigs wish to sleep with you ?
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 7.92120897 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin Network Hits 1 Exahash - http://bitbet.us/bet/1228/bitcoin-network-hits-1-exahash/#b23
mircea_popescu: "Hippies' marijuana and hallucinogens had interesting outputs; slums' opiates, crack, and crystal meth less so." << yeah, because you apriorily decided you wish to fuck a hippie chick not a filipina brothel slave. that's all.
ascii_butugychag: what's she output?
mircea_popescu: moans. just like the other.
ascii_butugychag: the other outputs also other things
mircea_popescu: name a hippie theoremist.
ascii_butugychag: or what, this only happens on my planet
mircea_popescu: what, we're going to have a franklin vs baez dispute now ?
ascii_butugychag: i can't name a philipina moanist, either..
mircea_popescu: yes, you can, because you've seen her in jackie brown.
mircea_popescu: what do you think pam grier did with her youth, pre tarantino travolting her career ?
ascii_butugychag recognized only one name in this sentence, tarantino
mircea_popescu: oh, not seen the big bird cage either ?
mircea_popescu: yes. well...
ascii_butugychag: hard to do, at the bottom of a mine shaft
mircea_popescu: how about "women in cages" ? guy ended up obsessed with the closing shot
mircea_popescu: well, they're 10 cents a pop since teh torrents, seeing how they weren't made by dosney.
phf: my condolences, mp
mircea_popescu: cancer taking the first bite off the lordship list, more fodder for the list of things no one could have predicted.
thestringpuller: !up ascii_butugychag
ascii_butugychag vaguely recalls an obituaty of some #b-a old-timer in... 2012 ?
ascii_butugychag: *obituary
ascii_butugychag: somebody from the old era
BingoBoingo: First woman on the internet's already gone, to cancer of all things.
ascii_butugychag: what just happened ?
BingoBoingo: !up X16a
BingoBoingo: No idea. buch of K-lines
copypaste: ascii_butugychag: looks like some IRCop accidentally K-lined all of IRCCloud
copypaste: Which is a web service that allows people to connect to IRC, similar to CGI:IRC and qwebirc
copypaste: But IRCCloud comes with USG spying and allows you to idle.
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 17.01875309 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin Network Hits 1 Exahash - http://bitbet.us/bet/1228/bitcoin-network-hits-1-exahash/#b24
mats: copypaste: yes but did you see irccloud evade my kline?
mats: i didn't expect my client to do that.
copypaste: mats: I'm of the opinion that any service that offers to idle on IRC for you exists for the sole purpose of spying on you
copypaste: And in the case of IRCCloud, is probably a USG front. So of course connecting at all costs is important.
copypaste: (It's also possible that the IRCop made a mistake and removed the KLine.)
mats: irc surveillance is very low on my list of priorities
copypaste: What's low on your list of priorities is probably high on your government's
mats: good
adlai: freenode exists for the purpose of spying, what more do you need?
mats: I hope the agents will enjoy reading years of trolling and arguments about trivial shit
adlai: "if it's not encrypted, it's public" is an excellent way to treat anything (even off the internet)
copypaste: Well, if that's all you do on IRC you're using it wrong
copypaste: I've conducted deals worth tens of thousands of dollars on IRC
copypaste: So speak for yourself.
mats: I mostly use it to connect to freenode graybeards
adlai: copypaste: do you also sell btc while waiting in line at starbucks?
copypaste: hahaha, no. I don't drink that crap.
adlai: or maybe at least get a table
copypaste: I imagine most of us conduct or have conducted business on IRC
adlai: !s dpaste.org
assbot: 0 results for 'dpaste.org' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=dpaste.org
mats: can pass gpg messages, sir
adlai apparently can't, oh well
mats: like folks do, with dpaste
adlai: if you're worried about metadata, encrypt your trolling or start a shill or two, it pays for itself in elizatherapy
phf: irc messages go over a loose knit federated system that's entirely outside of your control. even if you do dcc it's plaintext on the wire
phf: copypaste: the fact that your "tens of thousands of dollars" deals have not been compromised is entirely due to "uncatchable joe" factor. is russian joke, "this there is uncatchable joe. -- woah, nobody can catch him? -- no, nobody cares to"
copypaste: phf: :D
copypaste: I'm not saying they were illegal, was just demonstrating that IRC isn't just for trolling
assbot: ISIS supporter joins Ammon Bundy’s armed occupation as resident computer expert ... ( http://bit.ly/22ZRB01 )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: Logged on 18-12-2015 22:48:39; BingoBoingo: ;;later tell adlai too late. If you want a beat you can't just mention diff increase in chan without dropping an encrypted dpaste full of qntra submission.
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Donald Trump gets Republican Nomination - http://bitbet.us/bet/1206/donald-trump-gets-republican-nomination/#b70
thestringpuller: !up Quent
Quent: thanks - looks like la serene republic finds itself between a rock and a hard place
Quent: 2mb fork one one hand SW on the other
thestringpuller: you can always choose C. the world isn't necessarily always binary.
Quent: will you go for cover which allows you independence? or visibility which means certain invasion?
thestringpuller: this is all in the logs.
Quent: it is very binary unfortunately, in this space anyway
Quent: you see what theymos is doing - you see what centralisation does
Quent: all that applies to the real world...
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14300 @ 0.00050004 = 7.1506 BTC [+] {3}
thestringpuller: Theymos is a known scammer.
thestringpuller: !gettrust assbot theymos
assbot: Trust relationship from user assbot to user theymos: Level 1: 0, Level 2: -1 via 1 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=assbot&to=theymos | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/theymos/
Quent: my point is the masters of real world can bring their hammer down
Quent: if we dont play smart
Quent: they did it to 3-gol or whatever it was
Quent: e-gold*
Quent: you kids can say your shit in your corners
thestringpuller: !gettrust Quent
assbot: Quent is not registered in WoT.
Quent: but without the grown ups covering your shit......
Quent: you become exposed
thestringpuller: you aren't even in WoT
Quent: that's what some are agitating for
Quent: and provoking
Quent: they want the, from the masses view, extrimists to prevail...
Quent: so that the whole thing can be dismissed
Quent: we offer cover for your little corner
Quent: thats realism kids
thestringpuller: okay how about you lurk some more >> http://trilema.com/2014/interacting-with-fiat-institutions-a-guide/ when you do come back and discuss
Quent: nah, I've said too much already
Quent: your choice
Quent: oh... well... you hardly have a choice to make lol
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8760 @ 0.00049812 = 4.3635 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6640 @ 0.00049626 = 3.2952 BTC [-]
trinque: "that's what 'some' are"
trinque: "I've said too much"
trinque: wtf is this, an action movie?
trinque: Quent: why did the masters of the universe permit you to divulge such privileged information?
Quent: lmao
Quent: good to see the paranoid head pops up first ahaha
Quent: omg he *could* be an alien ahaha
Quent: anyway
Quent: I have a suggestion
Quent: how about you guys stay out of this?
Quent: you in between a rock and a hardplace
Quent: no choice you can make is good
Quent: so...
trinque: !down Quent
shinohai: da fuq? lol
shinohai: yess sah massa Quentin, we gon' stay out of it.
thestringpuller: guy is worse than mr. spam.
shinohai: Heh France. And he comes asking #b-a to surrender .....
thestringpuller: I'm actually in favor of them attempting a hard fork cause it provides war profiteering opportunities.
thestringpuller: then the guy goes off in PM how trinque censored him, when literally none of the lines he said had any value. it's like a hobo wandering in talking craziness...
shinohai: Must be e reddit person if he cries censorship. Those are the only ppl I know that do.
trinque: "just wants to" feel important
thestringpuller: that's how jgarzik amounted to not much at all. at least at red hat he was doing _something_
thestringpuller: now all he does is posts on twitter and jumps from startup to startup
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - S&P 500 to close above 2000 on December 30th - http://bitbet.us/bet/1238/s-p-500-to-close-above-2000-on-december/#b9
BingoBoingo: !up ThomasV
jurov: accept the unspecified protection of our nebulous entity or else!
jurov: ummm... between cock and hard place
BingoBoingo: What was that trilema about the cock eating rock?
shinohai: ;;gettrust lrvick
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user shinohai to user lrvick: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=shinohai&dest=lrvick | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=lrvick | Rated since: Mon Jun 27 14:19:15 2011
deedbot-: [Qntra] Coindesk Acquired By Silbert Group - http://qntra.net/2016/01/coindesk-acquired-by-silbert-group/
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell mircea_popescu ^ winning
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: Transactions and Scripts: DUP HASH160 ... EQUALVERIFY CHECKSIG ... ( http://bit.ly/201aTzK )
hdbuck: for the records.
mircea_popescu: hdbuck aha.
mircea_popescu: but this was back before.
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 18:00:55; ascii_butugychag: somebody from the old era
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1369382 << standard here seems to be dpaste, actually.
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 19:00:44; copypaste: I imagine most of us conduct or have conducted business on IRC
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1369389 << this is both why this channel is logged publicly and why the whole "oh herp derp published logs are unexpected" bloviation of EVERY OTHER irc channel is so funny.
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 19:05:14; phf: irc messages go over a loose knit federated system that's entirely outside of your control. even if you do dcc it's plaintext on the wire
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 19:19:54; assbot: ISIS supporter joins Ammon Bundy’s armed occupation as resident computer expert ... ( http://bit.ly/22ZRB01 )
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller wouldja stop upping this quent derp already. it's like reading vexual-on-stupid-drugs.
thestringpuller: yea. my b. i'm too nice.
mircea_popescu: dat feeling when random idiot used to derp in trilema comments FIVE YEARS AGO comes back. same ip. same derpage. time stood still.
mircea_popescu: how do they do this ?
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 22:38:14; deedbot-: [Qntra] Coindesk Acquired By Silbert Group - http://qntra.net/2016/01/coindesk-acquired-by-silbert-group/
mircea_popescu: hey "coinbase" - most LOSERS manage a better acquihire after FIVE YEARS. grow beards already, start entertaining at the metro let out.
mircea_popescu: so hanbot is working out. she's on one of those balls. i go "hey... silbert picks up coinbase in all-paper acquihire". she starts laughing. she can't stop laughing. eventually she lets out "that entire work-out... just warm-up for this laugh."
kakobrekla: you mean coindesk
kakobrekla: also unrelated, ex asseteer wences is now on board of director as paypal it seems
kakobrekla: at paypal*
mircea_popescu: aww, no more xapo is going to revolutionize and things ?
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla oh wait, different coin-derps ? a well. there goes a good laugh.
mircea_popescu: NO PHOTON LEFT BEHIND!
mircea_popescu: "A Proposal for Correcting Social Inequities Intrinsic to the Drunkard's Walk: No Photon Left Behind"
mircea_popescu: Classical physics demands certainty. Quantum mechanics demands probability. Diversity demands one more turn of the screw - nullity. We cannot allow the impositions of society to crush the aspirations of culture. Those who are empirically materially productive steal wealth from those who pursue transient hedonistic objectively valueless personal agendas. Diversity is admission for reason of disqualification. Ill-gotten
mircea_popescu: gains from focused efforts must be confiscated by higher authority and distributed to the deserving, less user fees.
mircea_popescu: dis dude....
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo have you read uncleal btw ? you gotta read uncleal.
kakobrekla: coindesk = 'news site' , coinbase = 'exchange'
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I prolly need to read moar Uncle Al, so far barely touched the stuff. Most of today's time was spent capping wires and Moar Batteries.
mircea_popescu: lol making the bombs ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, hearthily recommended, should prolly be on the "introductory reading materials" for new and aspiring qntra editors.
BingoBoingo: Nah, Just getting myself to a solid two or so hour uptime with storm season approaching.
BingoBoingo: And capping wires because why should outlets and switches to nowhere need power?
mircea_popescu: dja have one of those gasoline generators or "not-available-in-2nd-best-korea" ?
BingoBoingo: gasoline generator is a loud theftmagnet
mircea_popescu: http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/photons.htm << this thing's a fucking riot. "photon of color" totally makes the whole piece.
assbot: NO PHOTON LEFT BEHIND! ... ( http://bit.ly/1OrWk0B )
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo you can always bury it.
BingoBoingo: Anysort of actual generation capacity is waiting for wizard tower.
mircea_popescu: (not completely, needs air, but pretty well nevertheless)
BingoBoingo: I've see buried natural gas, uncle has one.
BingoBoingo: For wizard tower looking to do PV and FeNi batteries when the time comes. Until then just doing the off the shelf UPS deal.
mircea_popescu: also works.
pete_dushenski: mod6: you around ?
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 14:02:09; mircea_popescu: "Why Mr. Schwartz, that is brilliant! We have no staff positions open at this time, but we will certainly try your idea."
BingoBoingo also spied cheap dedi box on clearance will set up trb node on linux when datacenter gets back to me about paying them.
mircea_popescu: because of the very obvious danger this approach poses, pete_dushenski
mircea_popescu: it's the equivalent of a bug going "oh hey, there's some food here. how come ? i didn't put it there ? well... i guess i'll just have some,w hat's the worst that can happen".
mircea_popescu: if the company you manage behaves as an approximation of a cockroach, your wife needs a divorce.
pete_dushenski: *squish*
pete_dushenski: or "this tastes kinda like poi...."
mircea_popescu: and you need 100% of your production redirected away from you, through taxes, spousal support and any and all other available avenues. because omfg.
pete_dushenski: it's really only an approach for companies spending someone else's money
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1369219 << i can definitely see b-a being too fast for herr t.
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 16:20:20; ascii_butugychag: as, possibly, taleb, et al
mircea_popescu: "wavelength as a second parameter photons" ahahahaha omfg.
pete_dushenski: this is, recall, the guy who shows up to coffee dates sometimes ~hours~ early, just so he isn't late.
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 17:18:22; ascii_butugychag: !s roboclaus
assbot: She-santa brings the presents, robo-reindeer bring the pain. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1OrX4ms )
pete_dushenski: it's the reindeer that were robo
mircea_popescu: !up guest21333
BingoBoingo: So, why is the v mirror so behind on patches?
BingoBoingo: The coolest latest stuff seems to have not sync'd
mod6: <+pete_dushenski> mod6: you around ? << yup
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13058 @ 0.00050094 = 6.5413 BTC [+]
shinohai: @ BingoBoingo I still wound up patching manually :/
BingoBoingo: I'm closer to getting it to work
mod6: <+BingoBoingo> The coolest latest stuff seems to have not sync'd << because the two latest ones haven't been read or tested by me yet.
mircea_popescu: in general people should be able to make their own decision based on keys, rather than pile up on you to review neh ?
mod6: you should be able to drop those patches into your patches directory for V, and then also put the seals in your seals dir -- once that's complete doing `./v.pl f` should show you a flow with those patches in there with 'asciilifeform' as the signatory.
mod6: after this, you should be able to press out a new trb that includes the latest patches, then build from there.
BingoBoingo: So do I need to unpack a source Bitcoin tarball anywhere special?
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> in general people should be able to make their own decision based on keys, rather than pile up on you to review neh ? << i don't see a problem with doing it this way.
mod6: i can throw those in there. just a moment
shinohai: I got as far as pressing, but code doesnt change mod6 :/
mod6: were the new patches included in your 'flow' output?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24000 @ 0.00050933 = 12.2239 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: first press seems fine
BingoBoingo: Also what if you want to press 3 heads at same time?
mod6: it does a single head.
BingoBoingo: So do you press head, press other head, etc or something else
mod6: ok those two latest patches and their corresponding seals from asciilifeform are in the mirror.
mod6: you should be able to sync the whole thing now and get those ones as well.
mod6: <+BingoBoingo> So do you press head, press other head, etc or something else << no, you can just up through a given vpatch in the flow.
mod6: *press up
BingoBoingo: But I mean to get the next head do you just repeat pressing with a different head or???
BingoBoingo: So if there are three heads I want I'd press 3 times
mod6: just one press at a time. choose a new output dir to ensure clean press.
mod6: <+BingoBoingo> So if there are three heads I want I'd press 3 times << no should just be able to choose the last one in the flow output
mod6: then it should press all that come before it.
BingoBoingo: There is no single last one. There's 3 last ones.
mod6: im about to do this, just a sec.
BingoBoingo: AH, I was doing leaves, not flow
BingoBoingo: my bad
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_butugychag
BingoBoingo: Ok, I've got a everything
assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 00:01:18; kakobrekla: also unrelated, ex asseteer wences is now on board of director as paypal it seems
assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 00:19:11; pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1369219 << i can definitely see b-a being too fast for herr t.
mircea_popescu: this, unfortunately, is unfixable.
assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 00:18:25; pete_dushenski: it's really only an approach for companies spending someone else's money
mircea_popescu: it is easy for the young to ignore the outright heroic accomplishment that it is for say 60yos to just keep track of this mess.
ascii_butugychag: brb train
mircea_popescu: but... one time you'll be 60, and you'll have the opportunity to pick up teenaged chicks off the street. and you'll try, i'm sure, and manage, i'm sure. right ?
assbot: Wences whacked, Xapo zapped. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1RNOkvt )
mod6: BingoBoingo: http://dpaste.com/1MP1W10.txt & for future ref.
pete_dushenski: "Wences: Okay, I agree with that, friend ; I don’t want to offend you, so I am going to use my mom as an example." << can you spot the three tell-tale scammer hooks here ?
mod6: shinohai: see if you can get the same as me ^^ (see dpaste)
BingoBoingo: ty mod6
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_butugychag
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 21:26:30; shinohai: Heh France. And he comes asking #b-a to surrender .....
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17100 @ 0.0005003 = 8.5551 BTC [-] {3}
mod6: <+BingoBoingo> ty mod6 << np. good questions.
mircea_popescu: funny how nobody in france and generally in the "nordic model" train of euro-socialistoid train wants to remember how, by and large, french society was either supportive or indifferent of the nazis, and how "la resistance" maps almost exactly on what today would be "extreme righyt wing extremism", and how de gaulle, the exact equivalent of say arafat, got to re-write history into some delusional "all france stood behin
mircea_popescu: d us" chiefly because it served the anglo puppet masters.
mircea_popescu: "things better left unsaid", stuff like La France being a lot more a creation of militant, government-bombing activism than christianity. and so on.
mircea_popescu: heck, modern spain was built on the rape-and-pillage of more civilised, peace loving, law abiding muslims by religious zealots.
ben_vulpes: noches
BingoBoingo: !up Cristina_
ben_vulpes: > CGI:IRC << til
ben_vulpes: > vexual-on-stupid-drugs << ahahaha hey lissen LOOK HOW MUCH WORSE IT COULD BE
asciilifeform: so i didn't finish, train went in tunnel,
asciilifeform: re: surrender,
asciilifeform: what would that ~look~ like ??!
asciilifeform: is there a magic door to surrender into ?
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: computes on commute?
ben_vulpes: now /that/ is luxury
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: aha why the fuq not
asciilifeform: it's an hour+ of train
asciilifeform: don't they have gsm modems in the zimbabwe where you live ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20644 @ 0.0005036 = 10.3963 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: (in my zimbabwe we do, but tunnels have spotty reception)
ben_vulpes: i have yet to build the partial-differential-equable-actuator-standing-on-ball to haul computer along on the walk to the office
asciilifeform: why does ben_vulpes even need to ~go~ to his office
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 12:44:21; ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-01-2016#1368052 << plant foreman generally works...at plant
asciilifeform: buy one of those robots with camera and lcd ?
ben_vulpes: youthful architectural mistakes on one hand
asciilifeform: the kind that rolls around
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i actually enjoy my carbon units
asciilifeform: staff consists of pretty gurlz ? hm ok
ben_vulpes: you've seen the handwritings
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes makes women program ipNoje ?
asciilifeform: what cruelty..
ben_vulpes: make nothing, no more than mircea_popescu makes gurlz enslave themselves to him
asciilifeform: in other nyoooz,
asciilifeform: turns out ny is the mecca of clipperchipdom,
asciilifeform: who knew.
asciilifeform: 'Relates to the manufacture and sale of smartphones on and after January 1, 2016 that are capable of being decrypted and unlocked by the manufacturer or its operating system provider.'
asciilifeform: 'Recent technological advances have the potential to greatly embolden online criminals, providing new methods for abusers to avoid detection. The United States Attorney General, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and others have severely criticized the efforts of smartphone manufacturers to keep evidence immune from lawful process. Criticism, however, is not enough. In some cases, perpetrators take advantage
asciilifeform: of encryption and anonymizing technology to conceal contraband materials and disguise their locations. Andrew Weissmann, a former FBI general counsel, has publically called the use of such encryption technology outrageous. According to his analysis, even a judge's decision that there is probable cause tosuspect a crime has been committed won't get Apple or Google to help retrieve potential evidence. In essence these companies
asciilifeform: are announcing to criminals, 'use this device.''
asciilifeform: best of all,
asciilifeform: 'Justice Department officials have said that if the new systems work as advertised, they will make it virtually impossible to solve some cases,as the companies have promised customers the equivalent of a house that can't be searched, or a car trunk that could never be opened.'
asciilifeform: 2. Establishes that any smartphone manufactured after January 1, 2016 and sold or leased in New York must be capable of being decrypted by itsmanufacturer 3. Establishes the penalty to those who knowingly sell or lease smartphones that cannot be decrypted or unlocked by the manufacturer, andprovides that sellers and lessors are prohibited from passing any portion of penalty costs on to customers.
asciilifeform: in unrelated nyooz, i just came back from a party thrown by $firm, at a kind of cryptological theme park. and one of the riddles involved a skytale.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16946 @ 0.00050782 = 8.6055 BTC [+] {2}
asciilifeform: (scytale ?)
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: buy one of those robots with camera and lcd ? << we have one of those in our office that rolls around and shit. it's actually not bad, although don't see why a conference call can't suffice...
assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 01:23:57; assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 00:19:11; pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1369219 << i can definitely see b-a being too fast for herr t.
assbot: Quote by Nassim Nicholas Taleb: “Every social association that is not face-to-fa...” ... ( http://bit.ly/1PcovjN )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform wut surrender ?
mircea_popescu: unrelatedly, i'm starting to be real suspicious over here about plainly observable nonliniarities in the flow of time.
mircea_popescu: for instance... did you know that ~20% of women looking to hook up are 29 ?
thestringpuller: ^- yea. i think >50% of women who hook up before that age end up "regretting it"
ben_vulpes: that cuspy "ohmigaerd the fun times are about to be oooover" age
mircea_popescu: some of them don't even look 45.
thestringpuller: it's amazing what a gym membership can do
ben_vulpes: and sleep.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-01-2016#1369635 << wait, it's, to quote, "your profile is very interesting, not to mention your devilish good looks" ?
assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 02:19:37; ben_vulpes: make nothing, no more than mircea_popescu makes gurlz enslave themselves to him
ben_vulpes: i have farcial hair now, total game-changer
mircea_popescu: " According to his analysis, even a judge's decision that there is probable cause tosuspect a crime has been committed won't" << oh no, what ever more fearsome thing than when the fiction begins to fray.
thestringpuller: ben_vulpes: what level of evilness is your facial hair? >> http://i.imgur.com/PHmF5.jpg
ben_vulpes: unkempt-i-haven't-had-time-to-sleep-much-less-shave-and-no-my-farcial-hair-doesn't-have-complete-coverage-yet-thank-you-very-much
ben_vulpes: send help i have faulty genes
mircea_popescu: you're just young!
mircea_popescu: i couldn't really grow a decent beard before my 30s.
ben_vulpes: "you're not a man until you can get a girl off just by tickling her with your whiskers"
mircea_popescu: isn't that "you're not an alley cat until..." ?
thestringpuller: i thought girls hated getting scratched by beards?
mircea_popescu: but in other news : chocolate cake being in the making, i was humbly presented with spoon of ganache to lick. (yes while sitting here, ha!). and so i did and because of my beard ... the pleasant scent still floats around my nose.
ben_vulpes: > scrofula
ben_vulpes: I R INSULT
ben_vulpes: > and only two years remain before they will be having a layoff << work for other people, get fired by other people
ben_vulpes: work for clients, get fired by clients
ben_vulpes: death comes for us all
ben_vulpes: pay for your gravestone today!
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-01-2016#1369687 << i think i only paid enough for pirannhas
assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 02:47:05; ben_vulpes: pay for your gravestone today!
asciilifeform: and i bet they are already hatched, somewhere.
asciilifeform recently changed professions in a direction that probably brings them a little nearer
assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 02:39:41; mircea_popescu: isn't that "you're not an alley cat until..." ?
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-01-2016#1369573 << is somebody gonna write a full 'v' treatise ?
assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 01:20:17; BingoBoingo: There is no single last one. There's 3 last ones.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-01-2016#1369526 << there is only one Great Cockroach, and all of these folks are merely fuzz upon its antennae.
assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 00:15:32; mircea_popescu: if the company you manage behaves as an approximation of a cockroach, your wife needs a divorce.
asciilifeform: and it is an iron cockroach, and quite indifferent to poison.
asciilifeform: so it loses a sub-whisker now and again. doesn't even notice.
asciilifeform: grows ten more.
assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 00:48:18; BingoBoingo: So, why is the v mirror so behind on patches?
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-01-2016#1369522 << btw, i've actually been in this comical situation, on more than one occasion
assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 00:14:23; assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 14:02:09; mircea_popescu: "Why Mr. Schwartz, that is brilliant! We have no staff positions open at this time, but we will certainly try your idea."
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Per the latest mod6 v script, playing with all the things
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-01-2016#1369510 << they are ubiquitous where i live. i think literally everybody, other than flat-dwellers, has one
assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 00:09:39; mircea_popescu: dja have one of those gasoline generators or "not-available-in-2nd-best-korea" ?
asciilifeform: with possible exception of folks whose gen was stolen and haven't gotten around to buying a new one yet
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1369476 << somebody with an 's' name, i think... smickles ??
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 23:45:24; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1369354 << who was this ?
asciilifeform: ;;seen smickles
gribble: smickles was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 31 weeks, 0 days, 22 hours, 45 minutes, and 3 seconds ago: <smickles> easily a few more bil in things like BPOs and BPCs
asciilifeform: maybe not
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1369394 << this is what 'will is everything' looks like - a mental asylum, half full of provocateur stooges, half - of diagnosable imbeciles
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 19:19:53; shinohai: ;;later tell BingoBoingo #VanillaISIS goes actual ISIS: http://www.rawstory.com/2016/01/isis-supporter-joins-ammon-bundys-armed-occupation-as-resident-computer-expert/
asciilifeform: !s new york death ray
assbot: 12 results for 'new york death ray' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=new+york+death+ray
asciilifeform: if death ray man were not already in jail, he would find good company in oregon.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-01-2016#1369542 << there was a v mirror ?!! wut? << the only mirror at this time is http://thebitcoin.foundation
assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 00:48:18; BingoBoingo: So, why is the v mirror so behind on patches?
assbot: ..::[ The Bitcoin Foundation ]::.. ... ( http://bit.ly/1UQkfe3 )
mod6: your latest two patches & corresponding seals were added.
asciilifeform: mod6: the www ?
asciilifeform: or is there some rsync thing going
assbot: Index of /v ... ( http://bit.ly/1KTlXJl )
mod6: but you don't hvae to know the subdir to make the sync work properly. you just put the root URL of the given mirror
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu the malleus thing was a real win. nodez going strong.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-01-2016#1369573 << is somebody gonna write a full 'v' treatise ? << i think what we need is basically like an RFC of the thing to explain the overall concepts and baseline functions. this way anyone can implement their own V without having to parse mine, yours, or bens, or whomever.
assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 01:20:17; BingoBoingo: There is no single last one. There's 3 last ones.
mircea_popescu: <ben_vulpes> FIGHT ME IRL UNCLE AL << youi have to appreciate this is before your oregon was invented
mod6: I just need to get to it. lol. lot on my plate. if anyone would like to start work on this with direction from me that'd be fine too. just let me know.
mircea_popescu: (you may not know of all the 90s "urban revival" attempts that created such as modern portland etc, after a seattle blueprint)
mod6: so currently, the main thing im working on/looking at is a possible high/low-S vpatch
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-01-2016#1369526 << there is only one Great Cockroach, and all of these folks are merely fuzz upon its antennae. << it's funny how much of a judeoxtian fundamentalist you are seeing how you don't even alphabet! wouldn't something equally ridiculous like indian-whatever go better with your semiotic ideas ?
assbot: Logged on 14-01-2016 00:15:32; mircea_popescu: if the company you manage behaves as an approximation of a cockroach, your wife needs a divorce.
asciilifeform: mod6: it could make sense as a toggle flag
asciilifeform: esp. when we finally get that mine pool
mircea_popescu: mod6 basically all it needs is a test-and-substract.
mod6: was thinking that. could just have a switch for "classic" mode where you get the 50/50 action on high/low, or only low-S.
mircea_popescu: (this can be tacked on at the end, the protocol is really that shitty)
asciilifeform: or all-highS
asciilifeform: (i still fail to grasp why we are caving to the enemy on this one)
mod6: is there a reason for only high-S ?
asciilifeform: to fill our high-S-only pool, of course!111
mod6: ok, other than that?
asciilifeform: can't think of for what else
asciilifeform: thing is, like it or not, high-S is LEGITIMATELY bitcoin
asciilifeform: just as low-S
mod6: yeup, ofc.
asciilifeform: if idiot miners arbitrarily decide not to mine tx-en that are equal to 3 congruent modulo 17, what, we also will not generate these ?
mod6: but, i'd be nice to ship a bitcoinatron that actually bitcoinates without the weird shit. i'd like Mr. P. to be able to send coins without issues.
mod6: *it'd
asciilifeform: to me this reads as an argument in favour of a high-S pool
asciilifeform: rather than adding talmudistry to trb
asciilifeform: if idiot miners disregard perfectly legit tx because it tickles gavin's sphincter,
mod6: so here's a thing -- if I make a vpatch for this, one doesn't need to build with it either. but one could, and that should resolve the issue.
asciilifeform: somebody ought to be collecting those fees!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i dun think you understand how this works.
mircea_popescu: blocks aren't individual items. they are chained.
asciilifeform: and miner gets to select ANY valid tx-en for his block
mircea_popescu: there isn't a "you do yours and i do mine" thing here. IF we decide to mine as much as one single high s block, this INVALIDATES all further work of all noncompliant miners. forever.
mircea_popescu: For. Ever.
mircea_popescu: we currently can at any point revert to high-s, or any-s.
asciilifeform: iirc nobody patched prb so that ~block~ containing high-S is invalid
mircea_popescu: they can not.
asciilifeform: only that they are not selected for blocks
asciilifeform: or relayed
mircea_popescu: yes, they did, that's what the "soft fork" debacle was all about.
asciilifeform: i thought it was only the relay and selector
asciilifeform: (and, naturally, tx generator)
mircea_popescu: bitcoin split specificallyt because miners "voted" to approve the (non controversial, even here, see logs) patch
mircea_popescu: then failed to implement it
mircea_popescu: then mined a block with high-s and the whole shebang was forked for 36 hours
mircea_popescu: this is why we do not give a rat;s ass about "voting", fundamentally : they already had a vote that indicated ~100% miner agreement that then had 0% actual support.
asciilifeform digs for the prb src
mircea_popescu: and incidentally - if it weren't cheaper to implement than to just forget it, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN DROPPED
mircea_popescu: votes or no votes.
asciilifeform: what made it cheaper ?
mircea_popescu: (non controversial, even here, see logs)
mircea_popescu: anyway, understand the strategic situation here. i can, at this and any future point, decide to revert this soft fork. they can not, they are committed to forever sticking to it.
mircea_popescu: i'm not about to lead this ace into random trick.
mircea_popescu: blockbridge!
asciilifeform: if prb considers blocks after certain height containing high-S to be invalid, in what sense was the fork soft ?
asciilifeform: i thought 'soft' forks were ones which ~only~ concerned relaying
mircea_popescu: mno. soft forks are a narrowing of the protocol.
mircea_popescu: they can be applied by convention. as the chance is still valid by everyone's rule, no changes are needed.
mircea_popescu: hard forks are a change of the protocol. as the change is NOT valid by everyone's rules, it is definitionally an alt coin.
asciilifeform: aha. so that would be if prb behaved as i believed it did, where it will still eat a block generated by 2009 rules
mircea_popescu: generally the reason power rangers keep wanting to hide the chain and the validation mechanisms is simply that
mircea_popescu: their version of bitcoin is not actually valid as per the bitcoin protocol.
mircea_popescu: barely hangs on by a mix of "grandfathering" and "don't look in this box", much like the usg that spawned them.
mircea_popescu: in this sense, building atop that shit is an excursion in insanity, which is why ONLY usg-financed "companies" do it (in the sense of pretending to do anything besides hiring more ustards and eating rubber chickens at "conferences")
ben_vulpes: i do not see the point at all in differentiating between txnen-which-are-relayed and txn-which-are-mined
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i think you are conflating the DER encoding thing with the high/low-S thing
asciilifeform: they were separate items
asciilifeform: and i am looking at prb right now, it generates low-S only, and ditto for relay, but i see nothing that would force it to reject a block CONTAINING a high-S tx
asciilifeform: what am i missing
mircea_popescu: you seem to be operating on the delusional notion miners user prb ?!
mircea_popescu: !up changenie
mircea_popescu: hi there changenie
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not speaking of miners, but of your earlier statement re:, approx, 'mining a high-S-containing block is a perma-fork'
asciilifeform: trying to figure out how this is so
mircea_popescu: and you are right, BIP66 was "strict DER".
assbot: bips/bip-0066.mediawiki at master · bitcoin/bips · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/201qFup )
asciilifeform: i am trying to grasp what, precisely, would happen, if mircea_popescu or anybody were to build a high-S miner
mircea_popescu: for some reason the whole high/low S thing is part and parcel of this in my head.
asciilifeform: 'The requirement to have signatures that comply strictly with DER has been enforced as a relay policy by the reference client since v0.8.0, and very few transactions violating it are being added to the chain as of January 2015. ' <<< ahahaha turns out i was right, even per the horse's own mouth
asciilifeform: you ~can~ miner high-S without permafork
asciilifeform: but somehow 'everybody' was persuaded not to
asciilifeform: (because ????????)
mircea_popescu: i suppose this is something we can experiment with once someone picks up the pool thing ?
asciilifeform: well certainly not with bare hands.
asciilifeform: but my earlier hypothesis was that a high (or at least nondiscriminatory)-S pool would specifically have an edge.
asciilifeform: (because 'market' for them, if you will, is under-served for no good reason)
mircea_popescu: not really. because it is trivial to malleate txn
mircea_popescu: see, miner that sees high-S tx can either reject it, or just low-S it.
asciilifeform: malleate prior to your pool seeing the original ?
asciilifeform: let'em try their luck
mircea_popescu: it's happening all the time ?
mircea_popescu: i currently send both kinds, and the mined blocks include the low-ified S all the time.
mircea_popescu: no miner rejects high S txn as such.
asciilifeform: incidentally i still don't fully grasp the point of the whole malleation thing
asciilifeform: with whom, specifically, does it screw ?
mircea_popescu: there is no fucking point. what is the point of https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/25/8b/5d/258b5d875293b906b5c97c318c92de29.jpg other than "get all these bitches lined up in thin plastic wrapped young titties so we can stroke it better" ?
mircea_popescu: that's how "states" are built, you're supposed to be aped by the awesome power of this imaginary thing that lo! it makes whole rafts of bitches to absurd shit like this
mircea_popescu: when you can't even get one to spread properly.
asciilifeform: i must be simple-minded, then
asciilifeform: because i don't see the mega-point
asciilifeform: tx malleation brings not one single hooligan a step closer to the pirannha tank.
mircea_popescu: did i just talk through you ?
asciilifeform: possibly?
asciilifeform: how is tx malleation supposed to impress anybody with the majesty of usg ?
asciilifeform: it doesn't ~do~ anything
asciilifeform: it's got no tits.
mircea_popescu: but "everyone" does it. and you want to be just like everyone, don't you ?
mircea_popescu: tits are for older boys, like they had in pre-nazi germany.
mircea_popescu: for the raft of 3yos the us is infested with, tits yet hold a different meaning than ravishment.
mircea_popescu: incidentally, i would suppose that is "child porn" by today's standards, right ? buncha fourteen year olds in clingwrap tops.
mircea_popescu: whar is teh compliance documents!11
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform to fully formulate the impedance mismatch here, because on reread this isn't satisfactory. suppose you have a chain of blocks, B1...Bn. suppose you also have a chain (different concepts) of txn , T1...Tm.
mircea_popescu: all miners, whether they be S-indiscriminate or S-selective can mine T1 necessarily. the latter as is ; the former as T1 in 50% of cases and as T1' in the remainder cases, where T1' = C-T1
mircea_popescu: should T1' be mined, then T2...TN is now invalid, and will have to be resent.
asciilifeform: well yes
mircea_popescu: it's true that this costs S-indiscriminate miners the txn fees of T2-Tn, but
asciilifeform: but the S-selection does not appear to touch block-validity-tester at all!
asciilifeform: in any known client
mircea_popescu: a) the expectation is, as you've seen, that i'll get an accountant out of bed and on my own dime fix the mess power rangers made because hey, why not, it's a decentralized protocol which means some idiots break it and the world fixes it
asciilifeform: DER-encoding thing? yes.
mircea_popescu: however more importantly b) there is NO WAY for neutral-S miners to profit from T2-Tn as-is.
mircea_popescu: so yet another aspect of the well familiar by now disaster of commons
mircea_popescu: but i must an' gladly do commend your stubborn insistence because yeah in fact i was conflating two things in mah head.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11430 @ 0.00051319 = 5.8658 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: now, if subsidy was more like 25 cents than 25 BTC, we wouldn't even have this discussion.
mircea_popescu: but sadly... it's hard to make a function to describe future human behaviour.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23902 @ 0.00051548 = 12.321 BTC [+] {4}
phf: asciilifeform: cryptological theme park, is that the spy museum or this some other facility?
asciilifeform: phf: nah, a sorta restaurant/club
asciilifeform: корпоратив.
phf: huh
asciilifeform: phf: one of those places that exists for 'team building' gymnastics
phf: aah, i see
phf: because a cryptology themed restaurant, that would be something i'd want to see. nsa contractors go there for burgers, kind of ironically, but also cause it's close to "the location". spy memorabilia, but all utterly obscure for a casual observer. cute frequency analysis problems sprinkled all over
asciilifeform: they have (had? it's been a while) colourful substitution cipher rebuses in the 'starbucks' around dc area
phf: i vaguely recall that
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41616 @ 0.00051619 = 21.4818 BTC [+] {3}
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