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← 2015-11-15 | 2015-11-17 →
mod6: asciilifeform: i updated that rotor+V script: http://dpaste.com/15RZASM.txt
mod6: Seems to work. Next step will probably be to sign & host SSL/BDB/Boost - but what about buildroot & all of it's deps? those too?
mod6: if we did, i guess we'd have to rewrite the build script for buildroot.
asciilifeform: ;;later tell BingoBoingo http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-11-2015#1325035 << whatever happened to myostatin inhibitors ?
assbot: Logged on 16-11-2015 04:01:37; BingoBoingo: dbol is dianabol, the stuff Arnold ate like candy. drol is Superdrol which never made it as a drug because liver death, but was sold as a dietary supplement for all of 2005
gribble: The operation succeeded.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: THey are still works in progress. There's myostatin antibodies being tested in rats that... have some serious side effects. Turns out at a certain point being "muscle obese" is not that different from being "fat obese" when it comes to cardiac outcomes
assbot: Satoshi Nakamoto Public Key ... ( http://bit.ly/1PJTxmS )
asciilifeform: ^ anyone have signed material handy to see if this thing even matches it ?
asciilifeform: and did the schmuck really go with dsa + sha1 ??!!!
BingoBoingo: Oh, look who got the FPH treatment while I was sleeping https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/comments/660055
assbot: If you turn Marc Andreessen's head upside down, it would look exactly the same | fatpeoplehate ... ( http://bit.ly/1PJTLdW )
BingoBoingo: From the comments: "We mustn't let this fat fuck fork the blockchain. Death to Bitcoin XT! Long live freedom and anonymity!"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform any pubkeys purporting to be a satoshi key are disinfo.
assbot: Tracts for the times ... ( http://bit.ly/1Mwz54y )
mircea_popescu: * ben_vulpes is still planning to scrape metals off the seafloor <<< alf thinks tmsr silicon is a huge commitment, wait until he finds out about the materially-independent ocean factories.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23902 @ 0.00052825 = 12.6262 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14348 @ 0.00052779 = 7.5727 BTC [-]
adlai: ;;isup qntra.net
gribble: qntra.net is up
adlai gets DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN and http://isup.me/qntra.net says down
jurov: yep, got SERVFAIL too
jurov: from
adlai: ;;nethash
gribble: 527455049.152
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 4.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin Network Hits 1 Exahash - http://bitbet.us/bet/1228/bitcoin-network-hits-1-exahash/#b4
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8200 @ 0.0005341 = 4.3796 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35435 @ 0.00053638 = 19.0066 BTC [+] {3}
mircea_popescu: meh. dns ftw.
jurov: maybe just namecheap is just.. that cheap
jurov: i have nameservers elsewhere (even for domains reg'd at namecheap) and never had such longstanding teething problems
mircea_popescu: while i have nfi why he gets that (it's usually a busted router), the site itself is down.
mircea_popescu: well, properly speaking takes forever, but anyway.
funkenstein_: oglaf blocked by amtrakconnect :D congrats
mircea_popescu: so use a proxy lol
funkenstein_: meanwhile people-are-either-black-or-white soft porn comes through fine :)
mircea_popescu: anyway : the delegation is correct, the whole node just happens to be down. http://www.intodns.com/qntra.net
mircea_popescu: funny how you can't find people willing to pay a buck to do something, but you can find people willing to blow through thousands to try and undo something.
mircea_popescu: muy bizarre, but anyway, while attacker resources last no qntra.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26268 @ 0.00053351 = 14.0142 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34521 @ 0.00053087 = 18.3262 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: The Care and Feeding of Your Superchub — Diabetes & Gaining ... ( http://bit.ly/1H4D1g5 )
assbot: Switch to libsecp256k1-based ECDSA validation by sipa · Pull Request #6954 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1kZymlj )
assbot: Exclusive: China's Tsinghua Unigroup to invest $47 billion to build chip empire| Reuters ... ( http://bit.ly/1kZz7e3 )
assbot: DFLer abruptly quits race after saying 'ISIS isn't necessarily evil' - StarTribune.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1kZz8i4 )
assbot: Expats Worried over Passports Being Revoked for Tax Debts | Accounting Today News ... ( http://bit.ly/1kZAeKH )
trinque: "estimated to raise $398 million over 10 years" << lulz
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.50000000 BTC on 'No' - Cardano to Ship in 2015 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1100/cardano-to-ship-in-2015/#b15
mircea_popescu: so here's an idea for a decent hacker movie
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24550 @ 0.00053698 = 13.1829 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: i dunno if anyone's ever seen a watermelon field, but : in the future [like, next year ?] they have this arrangement where there's central piping out in a filed, and fat people go to live in a conected bubble. think "van camping" except without the wheels. they're marketed as you know "reduce your carbon footprint and care for the environment" etc, but basically it is is a suit with lcds and a shitpipe.
mircea_popescu: so there's fields full of these assholes, and the hacker past time is to hack the control units to make them pop, ie, explode
mircea_popescu: and then go hang out in the field (which is really just like a corn field, nobody goes there) and watch them pop.
mircea_popescu: it could be called "The Watermelon Wake." or some shit.
assbot: Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1Z2R3PW.txt )
assbot: The lowest gas prices in St. Louis : Travel ... ( http://bit.ly/1YdjDBL )
BingoBoingo: Under $1.70/gallon in places
assbot: After dog's death, an effort to ban guns to put pets down ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pw8BGn )
mircea_popescu: da fuck is wrong with ap
mircea_popescu: this is their big story ?
BingoBoingo: Seriously this is
mircea_popescu: irreelvant tardhole, wtf.
BingoBoingo: But seriously, I told you the Mizzou stuff wasn't going to be news this week.
BingoBoingo: Instead it is violent lower animal put down, outrage ensues per AP
mircea_popescu: in better news than anything the associated press got today, white sluts can't dance. http://41.media.tumblr.com/374f7112ee5884a712db2cdc5c1fed13/tumblr_myucpcDqof1t158uso1_1280.jpg
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00053802 = 5.3802 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: Study Shows Direct Relationship Between Teddy Bear Size and Dilaudid Dose | GomerBlog ... ( http://bit.ly/1YdlwhM )
BingoBoingo: “A teddy bear that is one foot tall correlates exactly with a Dilaudid demand of 1 mg IV every 4 hours as needed irrespective of whether the bear is naked or wearing a matching outfit,”
mircea_popescu: lol gomer
assbot: Anti-vax, non-GMO, organic, gluten-free mother wants “strongest possible s**t” to rid her child of head lice | GomerBlog ... ( http://bit.ly/1YdlRkC )
BingoBoingo: "Her homeopathic doctor suggested mayonnaise and tea tree oil. But Tallulah’s mother refused, insisting her daughter be bathed from head to toe in the most potent, toxic insecticide available. 10 times."
mircea_popescu: third world problems.
BingoBoingo: Indeed
mircea_popescu: oh check it out, dumbass host currently hosting qntra went into the same "js app" mode that sunk namecheap.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50100 @ 0.00052779 = 26.4423 BTC [-] {3}
mircea_popescu: "ARNING: Respond.js doesn't work if you view the page via file:// -->"
mircea_popescu: things that are impossible to do online : rent hosting.
BingoBoingo: Fucking CyberNiggers
ben_vulpes: bezzle tools for bezzle plays.
trinque: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/16/us-g20-turkey-obama-strategy-idUSKCN0T51QS20151116#M8TMqlFz6KkTyBUg.97 << "Dear Islamic State, we haven't the money to fight you. Love, The United States."
assbot: Obama rules out U.S. troops on the ground to fight Islamic State| Reuters ... ( http://bit.ly/1ONhHhT )
trinque: I can't possibly believe the meta-usg theory.
trinque: this is all there is.
ben_vulpes: !up ascii_field
ben_vulpes: leakin again
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: i never once had cloak here
ben_vulpes: i...did not know that.
jurov: they know better than to mess with alf
ascii_field: ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-11-2015#1325130 << pelevin did this, literally. 'love of the three zuckerbrins'
assbot: Logged on 16-11-2015 16:01:12; mircea_popescu: i dunno if anyone's ever seen a watermelon field, but : in the future [like, next year ?] they have this arrangement where there's central piping out in a filed, and fat people go to live in a conected bubble. think "van camping" except without the wheels. they're marketed as you know "reduce your carbon footprint and care for the environment" etc, but basically it is is a suit with lcds and a shitpi
gribble: The operation succeeded.
ascii_field: ~literally~ this story
assbot: Logged on 16-11-2015 16:58:10; mircea_popescu: things that are impossible to do online : rent hosting.
assbot: Saudi Arabia declares all atheists are terrorists in new law to crack down on political dissidents | Middle East | News | The Independent ... ( http://bit.ly/1kAwvUj )
kakobrekla: o lol nvm
kakobrekla checked date too late.
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_field
assbot: The Advertising Bubble (Idle Words) ... ( http://bit.ly/1MxD0OH )
mircea_popescu: <ben_vulpes> bezzle tools for bezzle plays. <<< fucking exactly. "oh, google can do it". no, they can't.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: if one must swim in js soup, and spin 'food' from refined corn so to speak, there are worse protective suits than the jsapp.
assbot: Logged on 14-11-2015 22:51:46; jurov: btw, i have never seen 17yo able to fix problem somewhere deep in html/js/css stack, or even being able to do multicolumn design with misc resize contraints from first principles
ben_vulpes: and it's not just "misc" constraints, it's MUST LOOK GOOD AT ALL PROPORTIONS WHILE CLIENT RESIZES BROWSER WINDOW
ascii_field: in ie5
ben_vulpes: ascii_field: aha
mircea_popescu: <trinque> this is all there is. << word.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field oops, apparently having old ideas as new ones happens
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes i dunno what you just said. what's jsapp ?
ben_vulpes: that thing where there are no "web pages" on the thing, just a dynamically generated xml tree that the browser renders and rerenders in response to user input.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field here's a thought : trilema looks good at all proportions while client resizes browser window. in ie5, and in anything else.
mircea_popescu: hurr durr how is this possibru.
ascii_field: bbbut no round cornerszzzz!!11
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the problem with it is that it does not work.
mircea_popescu: as ascii_field explains. the value to me of the sort of bs it implements is 0.
mircea_popescu: if it worked i'd have not bothered to notice.
ben_vulpes: the engineering constraint is not "webshites that mircea_popescu can use" but "velocity at which bezzlebuxx are burned"
mircea_popescu: this is not my concern.
ben_vulpes: works shmerkz
mircea_popescu: but yes, reasonable litmus : if it does this, it's by idiots for idiots and i don't want to be there. so i move.
mircea_popescu: without a clear separation between people and non-people there's no practical way to exterminate the non-people ; any policy goal other than the extermination of non-people is fundamentally evil.
ben_vulpes: it's an exceptionally useful demarcation. "web tech", js and rounded corners for the bezzletron, static html for tmsr~.
ben_vulpes: if not completely static, at the very least no js.
mircea_popescu: trilema uses js!
ben_vulpes: spittoon.
ben_vulpes: doesn't *have* to.
mircea_popescu: aha. it uses js THAT DEGRADES.
ben_vulpes: btcalpha too, if i recall correctly.
mircea_popescu: it CAN be done.
ben_vulpes: never said it couldn't!
ben_vulpes: now in more tales from the trenches, people buy one of these jsapps and the "oh no my seo"
ben_vulpes: to which the "industry standard solution" is to render relevant bits of the site down into static html.
ben_vulpes did not make this would
ben_vulpes: world*
ben_vulpes would be happy to see it burn
ascii_field: i can introduce ben_vulpes to the joys of starving
mircea_popescu: i wonder how long until they realise trilema/b-a.com/qntra etc simply dominate google for this reason.
ben_vulpes: a search engine of our own would be nice.
assbot: 21.co Bitcoin Computer Now on Sale | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pwm1SK )
ben_vulpes looks around for a box with 4gb of ram
mircea_popescu: on sale as in, marked down ? to maybe 4.99 or so ?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes prolly premature.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: how do you figure?
mircea_popescu: we don't even have a cardano let alone deployed pogos
assbot: Americans, Have You Ever Considered That You Are the Abnormal Ones? ... ( http://bit.ly/1MxHuoj )
shinohai looks longingly at his little pogo on the shelf above.
adlai: you don't need cardano when you have a raspi + 50GH/s
adlai: it provides you with a constant stream so your wallet never runs empty
assbot: 21 - How 21 Mining Works ... ( http://bit.ly/1MxHBjT )
adlai: "You do not need to wait for a block to be mined. Instead, as soon as your 21 Chip connects to the 21 Pool we begin streaming you a pro-rata share of your mined bitcoin."
adlai: chickens go in, pies come out!
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: ben_vulpes, mircea_popescu: not only do we not have them, but i haven't been touching either for weeks, instead breaking my back to pay rent.
mircea_popescu: you're saying this as if this were somehow laudable.
mircea_popescu: it isn't.
ascii_field: quite opposite.
ascii_field: it's approximately as interesting or laudable as getting typhus.
assbot: Pay Us To Shut Down ... ( http://bit.ly/1MxJM71 )
mircea_popescu: who gave a shit ? what is this anyway.
mircea_popescu: did the "professional" derp with a wanna-be qntra that kept getting hit by the ridicule truck (no fault of his own! he's professional! etc) finally close the whatever-it-was-called and open a new one ?
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo you must recall, what was that dude's name ? something short and usian, bill ? joe ?
BingoBoingo: Which wanna be qntra? the coinfire one?
BingoBoingo: Mike Johnson
shinohai: He sold it to some site called 99 bitcoins
kakobrekla: adlai they reinvented pps?
adlai: kakobrekla: it gets better, they timeshift mining payouts from future coinbases. it's like national debt, but with bitcoins
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: iirc in his selling the thing letter he mentioned intending to start a general technology news thing, but I haven't seen anything out of that yet
assbot: Logged on 13-11-2014 19:06:33; asciilifeform: bip64, aside from complicating the protocol and giving relevance to the gavin shitgang, is also a jam-tomorrow chumpatronic engineering structural element
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Federal Reserve will raise interest rate at December FOMC meeting - http://bitbet.us/bet/1221/federal-reserve-will-raise-interest-rate-at-december/#b18
assbot: Anti-Virus Tycoon John McAfee Accepts Bitcoin for His New Money Pit ... ( http://bit.ly/1QqN1mE )
shinohai: !up ascii_field
mircea_popescu: a right mike
kakobrekla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-11-2015#1325170 < it doesnt matter, i can decloak anyone. its as good as plaintext ip.
assbot: Logged on 16-11-2015 17:24:50; ben_vulpes: leakin again
kakobrekla: and by "i", i mean anyone that know how to.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla not retrospectively.
kakobrekla: if you have a cloak and are connected to irc server its trivial to resolve.
mircea_popescu: yes. but if you see a name in the logs from 2013 it is not trivial to resolve.
kakobrekla: log doesnt save hosts either way
mircea_popescu: i don't mean your logs.
kakobrekla: ah you mean your own. yeah
mircea_popescu: anyway, freenode does not enjoy any degree of tmsr trust afaik.
mircea_popescu: they're, +-, the openssl folks.
kakobrekla: but why we went about wearing them in the first place
mircea_popescu: well i got mine because sponsorship. was gonna get you and i forget who else one, but then they busted right in between payment and delivery or something. i dun recall exactly.
kakobrekla: afaik the pretense was a ddos protection. but it works only for lazy ddoser.
mircea_popescu: was't there some noob autoddosing new joins at some point ?
kakobrekla: the uncloaked. because lazy.
hanbot: <ascii_field> it's approximately as interesting or laudable as getting typhus. << the tmsr~ trail: asciilifeform has contracted dysentery!
assbot: Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1NQ2SAG.txt )
mircea_popescu: !up Londe
BingoBoingo: !Up ascii_field
thestringpuller: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3t15vm/the_21_bitcoin_computer_now_shipping/cx2b8af << d00d makes me feel ashamed we graduated from the same university at times.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 40 @ 0.04185289 = 1.6741 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 37 @ 0.041997 = 1.5539 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: Fuck, a havelol asset crashed enough to make the main channel ticker again!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 27 @ 0.04185289 = 1.13 BTC [-]
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-11-2015#1325290 << 'you have died of death. please play again.'
assbot: Logged on 16-11-2015 19:25:22; hanbot: <ascii_field> it's approximately as interesting or laudable as getting typhus. << the tmsr~ trail: asciilifeform has contracted dysentery!
kakobrekla: !up TheEarthVolta
kakobrekla: TheEarthVolta this is not how ratings work, you just dont ask for one up front.
TheEarthVolta: kakobrekla, Yes, I just wanted to rate a couple of people I follow but couldn't because I haven't been rated myself yet.
BingoBoingo: TheEarthVolta: Who is yout daddy and what does he do?
TheEarthVolta: I don't have one, I'm on my own.
pete_dushenski: !gettrust TheEarthVolta
assbot: Trust relationship from user pete_dushenski to user TheEarthVolta: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=pete_dushenski&to=TheEarthVolta | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/TheEarthVolta/
kakobrekla: TheEarthVolta you cant give away something you dont have
TheEarthVolta: kakobrekla, Understood, I'll work on it.
kakobrekla: unless you are fed i guess.
TheEarthVolta: Thanks, pete_dushenski
pete_dushenski: you're very welcome
TheEarthVolta: pete_dushenski: My bad, I misread what it was.
kakobrekla: he is taking the thanks back ftr
assbot: JL: ‘Impotent Sentimentalism’ ... ( http://bit.ly/1PwzABz )
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_field
BingoBoingo: TheEarthVolta: Who are you and what do you do then?
pete_dushenski: i'm taking my bienvenue back too
kakobrekla: anyone else thinks of timisoara when reads 'tmsr'? confuzzling.
TheEarthVolta: BingoBoingo: OTC trader since 2013. I like reading Qntra and Trilema which led me here. I am tired of Reddit.
BingoBoingo: <kakobrekla> anyone else thinks of timisoara when reads 'tmsr'? confuzzling. << Sometimes
ascii_field: always.
ascii_field: timisoara is still 'mecca' in my head.
kakobrekla: do you prefer tmsr over ba ? :)
ascii_field: i liked it.
ascii_field: (moar)
ascii_field: and i'd say 'nobody asked me' (tm) but kakobrekla did ask, l0l.
kakobrekla: fuckin kako messing it up
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-11-2015#1324951 << i'm sure i'm not the only one who appreciate and benefit from an expansion of this point. for myself, particularly the "cargo cult" element is one that's not immediately apparent.
assbot: Logged on 15-11-2015 23:53:26; mircea_popescu: ving away from a "frontier" worldwiew and toward a "cargo cult"/scavenger world view. consequently the notion that new things can be made is being gradually abandoned.
pete_dushenski: i see the future as fundamentally subtractive - that is, wiping off the shit in the eyes of physical and digital environments, curating only for the useful and productive aspects, which'd certainly be the "scavenger" element.
pete_dushenski: are those unable to effectively scavenge reduced to cargo cultism ? is that the divide going forward ?
pete_dushenski: was the divide ever any other way ?
pete_dushenski answers own latter question with "yes, aeons ago"
BingoBoingo: !up TheEarthVolta
BingoBoingo: TheEarthVolta: What assurances do we have that you are not a cop?
phf: да я его знаю, он в петровке под суками ходил! вали его, воры!
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: BingoBoingo: 'I didn't know that,' I said. 'No one knows everything,' he said. 'Did you know,' he said, 'that until almost this very moment nothing would have delighted me more than to prove that you were a spy, to see you shot?' 'No,' I said. 'And do you know why I don't care now if you were a spy or not?' he said. 'You could tell me now that you were a spy, and we would go on talking calmly, just as we're talking now. I
ascii_field: would let you wander off to wherever spies go when a war is over. You know why?' he said. 'No,' I said. 'Because you could never have served the enemy as well as you served us,' he said. 'I realized that almost all the ideas that I hold now, that make me unashamed of anything I may have felt or done as a Nazi, came not from Hitler, not from Goebbels, not from Himmler — but from you.' He took my hand. 'You alone kept m
ascii_field: e from concluding that Germany had gone insane.'
ascii_field: (vonnegut's 'mother night')
assbot: NVD - Detail ... ( http://bit.ly/1YdJN7w )
pete_dushenski: i got 99 problems and png ain't 1
BingoBoingo: ascii_field: lol
phf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2A2g-qRIaU well if there was a third man, were you in fact the third man? -- no i was not.
assbot: Kim Philby 1955 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1HQwoOG )
trinque: I'm putting my wager on TheEarthVolta being some 20s Texan guy with a big beard and short attention span.
trinque: also likely fan of prog-rock
pete_dushenski: trinque: how's being back in tejas btw ?
trinque: quite enjoying it
trinque: I've always preferred the people here, being that they're capable of eye contact and conversation
phf: also best burritos in the country
trinque: and I arrived for the nicest part of the year
trinque: phf: also that, love the food
trinque: can't say that I've seen a girl with stretched out earlobes since I've been back, either
pete_dushenski: trinque: v. good to hear. didja end up in one of those apartments on the water you posted a while back ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 479 @ 0.00280875 = 1.3454 BTC [+] {4}
trinque: not yet, staying with family and planning on doing some traveling soon, so I'll settle around here after the new year
trinque: I've looked at a few places in downtown Houston as well, but I hear the crime situation down there has gotten a bit worse since I lived there last.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-11-2015#1325335 << take someone like tlp's favourites : randi zuckerberg / Sheryl Sandberg. looky here : http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/images/leanin.jpg
assbot: Logged on 16-11-2015 20:28:32; pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-11-2015#1324951 << i'm sure i'm not the only one who appreciate and benefit from an expansion of this point. for myself, particularly the "cargo cult" element is one that's not immediately apparent.
mircea_popescu: these are some women that are doing no work, but going through THE MOTIONS of doing work.
mircea_popescu: it is, to them, the reality of the daytime tv drama. the scholarly term for this is, "cargo cult".
mircea_popescu: it used to be "fakle it till you make it", which is how this always starts. now there's nothing to make, on account of everyone doing the same faking.
mircea_popescu: nothing is immune from thios brain rot, but the capital investment requirements provide protection.
pete_dushenski: in other words, there's no there there
mircea_popescu: which is why the derpage started in "design" and "pr". by now oil is falling, and oil is really the highest capital investment industry out ther.e
pete_dushenski: other than asteroid mining
mircea_popescu: that is not a thing.
mircea_popescu: the problem with cargo cultism being, of course, that the only thing it produces is frustration.
mircea_popescu: (if it fails, necessarily, but also if it succeeds. especially if it succeeds.)
mircea_popescu: that frustration, being on a social rather than individuyal scale, and coherent, will find the usual debouchees.
mircea_popescu: at first, the failure is going to be the fault "of racists", like you see in missouri. like "foreign agencies" in early soviet times.
mircea_popescu: then it's going to be the blacks. immutably.
pete_dushenski: and wimminz ?
mircea_popescu: women are not a minority.
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-11-2015#1325351 << spiffy. now who's got a poc for this one
assbot: Logged on 16-11-2015 21:04:39; pete_dushenski: in other news, https://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2015-8126#VulnChangeHistoryDiv
ascii_field: open sorez!!!111
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: what about mexicans ?
mircea_popescu: what about mexicans ?
pete_dushenski: as a potential fallguy demo.
mircea_popescu: check it out, ascii_field 's link doesn't load in the same manner the other sites discussed today don't load.
pete_dushenski: or is it "blacks because obama"
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski there was a minority of french in germany in 1930, you never heard anything about those./
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: you mean pete_dushenski's link ?
ascii_field: (re: libpng)
mircea_popescu: the blacks have nowhere to go. besides, you don't see tumblrs dedicated to "mexicans fucked my wife"
ascii_field: '11/13/2015 Multiple buffer overflows in the (1) png_set_PLTE and (2) png_get_PLTE functions in libpng before 1.0.64, 1.1.x and 1.2.x before 1.2.54, 1.3.x and 1.4.x before 1.4.17, 1.5.x before 1.5.24, and 1.6.x before 1.6.19 allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a small bit-depth value in an IHDR (aka image header) chunk in a PNG image.'
mircea_popescu: fails on trying to load 6th element.
ascii_field: ^ literally EVERYTHING of any interest from same
mircea_popescu: meanwhile the archive.ius version i can see just fgine\
mircea_popescu: so i somehow suspect perhaps this is not a simple matter of js-and-the-browser
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/1B66XYC << deobfuscated turd from same
assbot: dpaste: 1B66XYC ... ( http://bit.ly/1My0HXd )
ascii_field: on the off chance anyone gives half a fuck
shinohai: mircea_popescu: your node down ?
ascii_field: shinohai: both of mine are going, if you need a node
mircea_popescu: shinohai yeah tis in the logs.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field looks like a buggy google analytics script ?
shinohai: k thx mircea_popescu, ascii_field
shinohai: twas a busy day, haven't checked it before nau
mircea_popescu: so basically they don't want to load the page until thje script is loaded and i've nullrouted google analytics.
mircea_popescu: splendid.
ascii_field: (but we already knew this)
mircea_popescu: "Legion Estranger"
mircea_popescu: wtf is wrong with muricans already.
ascii_field: http://en.legion-etrangere.com << l0l they have an engl. site !
assbot: French Foreign Legion ... ( http://bit.ly/1PwGYwL )
ascii_field did not know this
mircea_popescu: actually most of the dudes speak english.
ascii_field: mega-unsurprise
ascii_field: most literate folk speak it
mircea_popescu: where is that song
assbot: Edith Piaf - Mon Légionnaire - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1My1oQ5 )
mircea_popescu: times hath changed.
mircea_popescu: "This presumably goes some way towards explaining why the response to this atrocity consists largely of people declaring that they will continue with their way of life/values as an act of defiance against the killers. The hope being that shopping and consuming junk culture will somehow magic away the enmity of the invaders. Or at least it might stop us from having to think about it."
assbot: Christopher Pankhurst, "After the Paris Massacre" | Counter-Currents Publishing ... ( http://bit.ly/1My1wiL )
mircea_popescu: "Europe has invited within its borders a very large number of people who have every intention of carrying out further atrocities, and decadent whining only serves to strengthen their purpose. Because their purpose is transcendent, it is to do the will of God and they are entirely willing to die in this purpose."
mircea_popescu: europe was not a fucking agent in all this.
mircea_popescu: "europe" such as this exists does the same thing for three millenia straight : once it peaks, it regresses to an infantilized state.
mircea_popescu: europe is currently a 12yo girly playing idly with her cullotes.
mircea_popescu: yes, she'll get hoisted on a fucking pole. of course.
mircea_popescu: it happens to be good for it.
ascii_field was under the impression that 'syrians' were already unloading in usa by the boatload
mircea_popescu: the notion that "the usa" is anything but an obscure, inferiority-complex-ridden province of europe is laughable.
mircea_popescu: it never became anythning, washington-les-deux-monuments.
ascii_field: it's this here landmass.
trinque: I didn't hear the dirt saying anything about USA as I drove across it.
ascii_field: trinque: over here it talks.
ascii_field: and walks.
mircea_popescu: anyway. the writhing of the castrato bois notwithstanding, europe's doing its cycle.
mircea_popescu: "Now, this is not really a reason to admire them; they should be rightly condemned as the callous killers that they are. But what we need to set in opposition to them is not a further erosion of our already crumbling sacred traditions, but a redoubling of our efforts to resanctify our own dormant traditions and, perhaps even more urgently, to create new ones."
mircea_popescu: herp. check him out.
thestringpuller: Europe where one city is built on the ruins of another.
mircea_popescu: 13yo whiteboy doesn't agree to mommy getting remarried!
mircea_popescu: he's gonna "resanctify" the casked, check him out.
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_field
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.00052827 = 5.811 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: Gawker still self destructing https://archive.is/dJXbR
assbot: On Gawker’s Problem With Women — Matter — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1My3z6n )
ascii_field: ' It’s $2.99 on Kindle, if you’d like me to Venmo you the money. As a person who not all that long ago walked away from Gawker Media, and who also grew up reading Gawker, Jezebel, and Deadspin, the little Kindle Single can actually be a delight...' << at this point my gas mask clogged and i can read no moar
mircea_popescu: "to venmo the money" ?
ascii_field: i had to look it up
ascii_field: it's a spampaypal
mircea_popescu: im not looking the shit up.
ascii_field: dont bother , it's a snore
mircea_popescu: every hipster doofus with his made up shit, trying t oget me to look it up.
mircea_popescu: casual stupid, the look for this summer.
ascii_field: i still don't grasp the proliferation of spampaypals
ascii_field: who the everliving fuck uses them, and for what
ascii_field: or is this merely another army of the undead thing
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: that doesn't need chumps in the usual sense
phf: venmo is "big" with college crowd, on account of having better "apps" support. if you're building anything for that crowd, you would carefully consider using venmo as an alternative to paypal
ascii_field: ~hrolf~
ascii_field: vomitworthy.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15769 @ 0.00053376 = 8.4169 BTC [+] {3}
phf: knowing that venmo is in or that paypal is out has no technical merit to it, it's only worthwhile if you're working in fashion industry. continuing that analogy you're building space suits, it's entirely irrelevant to you what sort of pants 20 year olds are wearing.
mircea_popescu: <ascii_field> or is this merely another army of the undead thing << it is. bitcoin killed paypal, maggots trying to get a piece.
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: did i somehow sleep through a death of the ebay monopoly ?
mircea_popescu: monopoly on what, garden gnomes ?
ascii_field: opterons.
mircea_popescu: garden gnomes is the bigger market.
ascii_field: and those are now sold for btc ?
mircea_popescu: the point is not whether garden gnomes are sold for btc or anything else.
mircea_popescu: the point is that the paypal power of the 2005s was broken, and now they're reduced to being a sort of etsy beenz, except for a slightly larger etsy called ebay.
mircea_popescu: neither carry any cultural importance, and so in this sense paypal was broken.
mircea_popescu: just like the blacksmith that made the "best steel" of 1415 is for all anyone knows/cares still in the same smoky shed down the same muddy road doing the same grumbly job of it.
mircea_popescu: the only difference is that in 1415 his workproduct could buy you the world, and in 2015 it's at best a curio.
mircea_popescu: it all comes down to that ancient "could you buy all of russia by selling apple stock".
jurov: at least that blacksmith does not go mtgox
jurov: whereby i learn only hate on paypal from all sides
jurov: they ask 2x more fees than credit card companies, yet looks like accepting money through them is much more dangerous
jurov: must be some kind of waterfall going there, too
mircea_popescu: i don't think paypal was ever liked, let alone loved.
mircea_popescu: there are of course the sort of fucktards like for instance came out of the woodwork with the blender foundation debacle who are so invested in making the world suck that they're natural allies for shit like paypal.
mircea_popescu: but hopefully isis reformats their dumb ass in short order.
ben_vulpes: not to be confused with the "hubculture" "ven"
ben_vulpes: which iirc predates bitcoin
assbot: Police Dep. seized and opened package. Legal questions : steroids ... ( http://bit.ly/1j4ayvh )
assbot: Microsoft To Provide New Encryption Algorithm For the Healthcare Sector - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1j4aATP )
mircea_popescu: i vaguely recall some atrociously hipsterish derps going on some sort of ven rampage with...
mircea_popescu: was it nefario ?
mircea_popescu: o brother it's all coming back to me
assbot: 25 results for 'ven' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=ven
BingoBoingo: Fuck, has Bitcoin been around long enough for PTSD flashbacks to set in
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo that reads to me like "ford to provide new thermodynamics for construction industry"
BingoBoingo: That's probably been a headline
assbot: After Paris, ISIS moves propaganda machine to Darknet | CSO Online ... ( http://bit.ly/1j4aKux )
BingoBoingo: Fuck, why does all the fun news have to drop during downtime
kakobrekla: what are they going to do, ddos isis?
BingoBoingo: No, spin up more tor nodes for ISIS
BingoBoingo: If they have all the nodes they get to see all the traffic
kakobrekla: yes and then what?
BingoBoingo: Then the gnomes and the underpants
BingoBoingo: Then Obama makes a poop swastika in the whitehouse and cries racism
BingoBoingo: And it ends with Charlie Sheen coming out as positive, HIV positive
mircea_popescu: oh check it out, the ants are swarming.
BingoBoingo: The watermelon field thing might happen next month for all I know
BingoBoingo: Fuck it bedtime. Hopefully news stops happening for long enough while I sleep for qntra to come back so I can catch up.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17775 @ 0.00054066 = 9.6102 BTC [+] {2}
jurov: !up TheEarthVolta
jurov: !up BTCTM
jurov: BTCTM: BTC-TC coming back from the dead?
kakobrekla: wheres the connection?
jurov: i'm asking if there is any connection
kakobrekla: based on nick length?
jurov: nm, lame joke
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14000 @ 0.00054221 = 7.5909 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: length is a good nick to have.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-11-2015#1325506 << classic 'theft of theft'. search in ciphered text is a 1990s result.
asciilifeform: but now the 'innovatorz!!111111111!!11' can claim it.
asciilifeform: because divine right of fucktards (tm) or something.
mircea_popescu: "a result" that's not used is not actually a result.
asciilifeform: does it count if i used it? l0l
asciilifeform: or does it have to be on the red square, publicly, with cameras rolling and anthems playing.
assbot: Buying $100,000 in BTC with credit cards, fleeing country : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1H5smC3 )
asciilifeform: 'In a story by the New York Times, later removed without explanation [archive], the situation in Paris was used to reignite the encryption debate.' << l0lz
mircea_popescu: check it out alf, you were here for three years, will be left holding the abandoned pieces of a usg that even the last of the class of public highschool long leeched.
asciilifeform: perhaps i can put it in the garden as compost or something
mircea_popescu: perhaps tyou can be sold at auction to pay its debts.
asciilifeform: i think i was sold already
asciilifeform: what's csoonline anyway ?
mircea_popescu: no idea.
asciilifeform: (they use archive.is ...)
asciilifeform: qntra-style
asciilifeform: waitasec
asciilifeform: that wasn't a straight rip of qntra, was it
asciilifeform hasn't seen the last 2 or 3 qntras on account of ddos
mircea_popescu: "that". what ?
asciilifeform: possibly the paragraph was lifted ?
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-11-2015#1325547 << afaik nobody sells with creditcard except for toy amounts
assbot: Logged on 17-11-2015 01:16:02; mircea_popescu: https://reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3sy7vg/buying_100000_in_btc_with_credit_cards_fleeing/ << meanwhile the sheeple are even starting to figure it out.
asciilifeform: not because schmucks will run to antarctica, but - elementarily - because anyone running cc for coin gets buried under an ocean of carders and the inevitable chargebacks
mircea_popescu: if you have a cc you can do a wire.
mircea_popescu: if you can do a wire you can buy bitcoin.
asciilifeform: aha but it counts as 'cash forward' in usa
asciilifeform: the credit limit for these is typically much lower than the card's 'proper' one
mircea_popescu: if you can buy bitcoin on credit in the us and ARE NOT buying bitcoin on credit in the us, you are being raped by all the people who do.
asciilifeform: normally <$1k
mircea_popescu: end of story, really.
mircea_popescu: no ifs or butts about it. the less you steal, the more is there for your neighbour to steal.
mircea_popescu: they WILL steal it.
asciilifeform: afaik the correct way to steal it is with straight cash loans (e.g. 'remortgage' etc)
mircea_popescu: exactly like last legs of soviets. every screw you didn't steal, someone else did.
asciilifeform: cards ain't it
asciilifeform: (or the monkeys would be cleaning it out)
mircea_popescu: there was no heaven and no benefit for the mass of losers that stole last.
asciilifeform: not even american monkeys, but ru carders
mircea_popescu: no, the monkeys aren't cleanning it out because mental issues. of this sort.
mircea_popescu: they are working at it.
asciilifeform: if indeed this is so, buterin must have one hell of a waterfall to keep the price three figures
mircea_popescu: there is ~no relation between numbers on websites and bitcoin price.
jurov: mircea_popescu: can i exchange you 1 btc for 1k eur next time then?
jurov: or for 10 euro, whatever
mircea_popescu: methinks you got the wrong direction.
jurov: :)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: price isn't a scalar
asciilifeform: the price on the web site happens to be the one ~i would get if i sold my pittance~
asciilifeform: so for me, yes, it is the price.
asciilifeform: for mircea_popescu buying 100,000 btc for swiss franks - price is something else, yes.
mircea_popescu: price is "300 or whatever" for nickle and dime deals which are mostly predicated on "don't make it too hard for noobs / wild eyed youths to get into bitcoin".
asciilifeform: 'Mike Morell, former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency, opened the door for more fighting about encryption by stating that a public debate was needed. "We have in a sense had a public debate. That -- that debate was defined by Edward Snowden, right, and the concern about privacy. I think we're now going to have another debate about that. It's going to be defined by what happened in Paris," he said.' <<< ahahah
asciilifeform: ahaha reichstag l0lz
asciilifeform: motherfucking corpses not even cold
asciilifeform: and we have it already.
mircea_popescu: ru carder with 10 mn is not getting 3k btc, that's for sure. nor does he want it.
mircea_popescu: nor is his purchase reflected by coinbase reporting.
asciilifeform: naturally.
mircea_popescu: so then your "<asciilifeform> not even american monkeys, but ru carders " line has 0 to do.
mircea_popescu: the point remains : like in 1986 su, in 2015 us if you don't steal yourself, your neighbour will.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i know that the 'official' price is a fiction. but this was not the evidence for my hypothesis.
mircea_popescu: it's being slowly emptied.
asciilifeform: which was that the cards simply happen not to be the vehicle for said emptying.
mircea_popescu: and it'll get faster and faster.
asciilifeform: (at least not in the form they exist on this side of the atlantic)
mircea_popescu: errything not bolted down, really. if you can steal it, you gotta steal it.
asciilifeform: rather it'll be something like 'buy mercedes on credit in usd, sell for btc to some idiot'
asciilifeform: the separation between 'chargebackable' usd and the proper kind on cc is older than bitcoin, and originally existed to keep schmucks from paying off one card with another
asciilifeform: (which would in effect be a zero-interest loan and 'nobody wants this!!1111')
asciilifeform: and yes, anything that is not bolted down, will be stolen. and whatever ~is~ bolted down, will be sawed off
assbot: ACH payments, payee able to have last 3 payments returned simply by claiming they are fraudulent? : Entrepreneur ... ( http://bit.ly/1MSaNBl )
asciilifeform: 'ach' is a kind of faux 'wire' we have in usaschwitz
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the only way you're selling that is if you drive it across the border.
asciilifeform: aha how else
asciilifeform: and/or parts.
asciilifeform: same way other stolen cars are disposed of.
mircea_popescu: i think by 95 every russian chick under 20 with boobs bigger than her mom and standing above 1.80 naked had sucked at least one cock in a mercedes that was acquired in just this way.
asciilifeform thought that sucking ~in~ the car, literally, was a thing impoverished usians did
asciilifeform finds the politics of creditcardism interesting because it is one of the places where bezzle meets actual physical reality, and the interface between the two produces some lulzy effects
mircea_popescu: myeah. the thing's visibly cancerous.
asciilifeform: folks have built, briefly, 'arse-mouth systems' in the past:
asciilifeform: at one point, iirc, the usa mint 'sold' coins using cc
asciilifeform: so a few schmucks bought'em, then deposited, paid the cc bill, and pocketed the 1-5% 'reward points'
asciilifeform: netting a few 100k usd each.
asciilifeform: or so the story went.
asciilifeform: (the hole was closed, suggesting that there was an element of truth)
mircea_popescu: myahap we see a redefinition of "consumer credit" to "only real estates and worthless chinese crap. you can't buy a plane, or a shipment of cocoa"
asciilifeform: almost there even now.
mircea_popescu: headed that way for a whiole now, EXACTLY under the pressure of "worthless dollars"
mircea_popescu: back in 1985 you could open a store with the stock on credit.
mircea_popescu: today... glwt.
adlai: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-11-2015#1325619 << oh, i parsed that as "ach, my unsinkable ship got sunkened"
assbot: Logged on 17-11-2015 01:37:25; asciilifeform: 'ach' is a kind of faux 'wire' we have in usaschwitz
asciilifeform: as a student i once tried to put tuition on a cc (to claim the 'reward pts' naturally) and even this caused grumbling
asciilifeform: notice how gateways which potentially convert cc-usd to benjie-usd (e.g., 'paypal', 'square', the 1,001 spampaypals) tend to have ~very~ fascist controls)
asciilifeform: e.g., month-long withdrawal delays, etc
adlai got his internet bezzle revoked
adlai: it's fine, irl plastic works like a champ. makes me feel part of the printing press itself
asciilifeform: adlai: kicked out of paypal ?
adlai: not quite kicked out, but 'not invited to return'
adlai hopes paypal doesn't negrate him too now
asciilifeform: that'd be something
asciilifeform: can't wait for hitler to join the wot, rate people...
adlai: they let me withdraw fiat to a bank account, chargeback happened, i tried topping up the account with cc because aforementioned bank account was unavailable... and once the last cc charge went through, they locked the account
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-11-2015#1325602 << incidentally what's to stop the fella with the 10m from sybilling into a herd of 1,001 schmucks who buy at 300 ?
assbot: Logged on 17-11-2015 01:31:54; mircea_popescu: ru carder with 10 mn is not getting 3k btc, that's for sure. nor does he want it.
assbot: Logged on 13-11-2014 19:06:33; asciilifeform: bip64, aside from complicating the protocol and giving relevance to the gavin shitgang, is also a jam-tomorrow chumpatronic engineering structural element
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25272 @ 0.00053885 = 13.6178 BTC [-] {5}
asciilifeform: if the mircea_popescu-price were so much higher than the 300 plebe-price, one would see orgies of sybilling ?
asciilifeform: what am i missing ?
adlai: << Purse CEO Andrew Lee: ‘People Will Learn to Use Bitcoin Just for Our Discounts’ >>
asciilifeform: adlai: the buggers don't like bleeding money any more than you and i
asciilifeform: you poked a hole, they plugged it.
asciilifeform: simple.
adlai: this niche has emerged... so purse get closed, then its the turn of sheep and evolution
adlai: !t m s.mpoe
assbot: [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00052779 / 0.00053339 / 0.00054222 (362458 shares, 193.33 BTC), 7D: 0.00048633 / 0.00053409 / 0.00057294 (4466365 shares, 2,385.45 BTC), 30D: 0.00048485 / 0.00054042 / 0.00057294 (53375217 shares, 28,845.31 BTC)
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> incidentally what's to stop the fella <<< last time someone tried this (not even 1k) was last week.
mircea_popescu: you saw what happened.
mircea_popescu: the usg version of reality works fine for just as long nobody leans on it. like all cardboard.
asciilifeform: what i was wondering is why the leaning is as light as it is.
asciilifeform: why not same thing ~every~ week ?
kakobrekla: i just saw 1k btc buy order market price got filled
mircea_popescu: you ask me that ? i ask you that!
kakobrekla: like 1 minute ago
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla on mtgox ?
kakobrekla: the cans
adlai: MtWinx
mircea_popescu: point remains.
kakobrekla: for 1k nah. for 10k maybe.
adlai: except not quite market price, there
mircea_popescu: im not doing a numeric discussion.
asciilifeform: i suppose the trick would be to drink no faster than the waterfall refills
kakobrekla: adlai maybe so, but not 500.
mircea_popescu: you and the other 1k wanna-be bankers (or rather, wanna-stay bankers) trying this.
asciilifeform: aha it'd be as likely as lice coming to an agreement to drink this-much blood
asciilifeform: and no more
asciilifeform: (do lice have... quorum-sensing ?!! like bacteria?)
adlai: economies of scale don't, um, scale
mircea_popescu: the saudis pretend so
mircea_popescu: except it never worked in practice, but hey
mircea_popescu: actually, this would be useful for a change economics research. obviously lice agreement on lice-ing only works provided the largest lice is cutting his own throat. but by what factor ?
asciilifeform: iirc the game theory folks bashed their heads raw against this for half a century
asciilifeform aficionado
kakobrekla: the diff between 1k and 10k would be the diff between buying chinese crap and buying a plane, if you dont like numbers.
mircea_popescu: 1k is a cessna ; 10k is a coupla of good condition yugo jets.
asciilifeform: and 100k is the coke machine.
kakobrekla: you can get cessna on credit no?
mircea_popescu: try an' see.
asciilifeform: for some value of 'you'
asciilifeform: ;;isup trilema.com
gribble: trilema.com is up
assbot: Logged on 17-11-2015 01:24:21; mircea_popescu: there is ~no relation between numbers on websites and bitcoin price.
kakobrekla: down here also
assbot: Logged on 17-11-2015 01:26:33; jurov: or for 10 euro, whatever
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8500 @ 0.0005302 = 4.5067 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: it's been down since the prev discussion.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15616 @ 0.00054001 = 8.4328 BTC [-]
liquidassets: Ever feel a heartbeat in your spine MP?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12050 @ 0.00054221 = 6.5336 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16600 @ 0.00054001 = 8.9642 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform: liquidassets: is this an lsd thing...?
liquidassets: Aha! totally asciilifeform
liquidassets: I mean, were you always so sure of yourself?
liquidassets: love it, ok right, because there is right and there is wrong correct?
liquidassets: asciilifeform what kind of liquid assets did you think I have?
asciilifeform: how'd i know
liquidassets: Easier than gutting the griffin I suppose
trinque: !up TheEarthVolta
trinque: your IP already connected, not much point in using a vpn... lol
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25500 @ 0.00054221 = 13.8264 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44150 @ 0.00054223 = 23.9395 BTC [+] {4}
mircea_popescu: !up TheEarthVolta
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