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← 2015-01-18 | 2015-01-20 →
mircea_popescu: human artfulness is all male, and has horror of cunt.
mircea_popescu: because cunt fucking stains. especially corduroy.
assbot: Mousetrap Coffee Table Uses Its Victims For Fuel ... ( http://bit.ly/1wkGU4k )
decimation: asciilifeform: http://www.withouthotair.com/cD/page_284.shtml "The power per unit area of bioethanol from corn is astonishingly low. Just for fun, let’s report the numbers first in archaic units. 1 acre produces 122 bushels of corn per year, which makes 122 × 2.6 US gallons of ethanol, which at 84 000 BTU per gallon means a power per unit area of just 0.02 W/m2E – and we haven’t taken into account any of the energy losses in
assbot: Ch D Page 284: Sustainable Energy - without the hot air | David MacKay ... ( http://bit.ly/1wkGV8j )
decimation: processing!"
mats: i bet the smell is awful
asciilifeform: decimation: see also mircea_popescu's article 'the corn thing'
decimation: the same guy who popularized ldpc codes wrote that book, which details the mathematical idiocy of 'renewables'
asciilifeform: it isn't much of a secret.
decimation: it accomplished nothing politically, but it's a good sourcebook for rough calculations of this sort
kakobrekla: whoever was asking for wot db dumps http://files.bitcoin-assets.com/wot/
assbot: Index of /wot/ ... ( http://bit.ly/1wkIXFz )
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla can include a 3rd file with signed sha hashes ?
kakobrekla: dumps are done nightly
kakobrekla: having key automatically sign the thing is meh
mircea_popescu: it guards at least against mitm and other issues.
mircea_popescu: allows to verify it genuinely came from there.
kakobrekla: yeah so youll be able to point finger at innocent kako
mircea_popescu: well yes.
kakobrekla: but im innocent.
asciilifeform: signed sha hashes << unless the server lives under kakobrekla's pillow, next to his kalash, this is inviting trouble
mircea_popescu: but trouble of a particular sort
mircea_popescu: as opposed to every kind and sort.
mircea_popescu: it can be a special, delegated key for this purpose alone.
mircea_popescu: re color revolutions : this bit of propaganda signed mark twain might be interesting https://msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/i2l/kls.html
assbot: 404 Not Found ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ccz8Al )
mircea_popescu: They tell it all: how I am wiping a nation of friendless creatures out of existence by every form of murder, for my private pocket's sake. But they never say, although they know it, that I have labored in the cause of religion at the same time and all the time, and have sent missionaries there (of a "convenient stripe," as they phrase it), to teach them the error of their ways and bring them to Him who is all mercy and
mircea_popescu: love, and who is the sleepless guardian and friend of all who suffer. They tell only what is against me, they will not tell what is in my favor.
mircea_popescu: They tell how England required of me a Commission of Inquiry into Congo atrocities, and how, to quiet that meddling country, with its disagreeable Congo Reform Association, made up of earls and bishops and John Morleys and university grandees and other dudes, more interested in other people's business than their own, I appointed it. Did it stop their mouths? No, they merely pointed out that it was a commission composed
mircea_popescu: wholly of my "Congo butchers," "the very men whose acts were to be inquired into."
mircea_popescu: turns out the first gaddafi was actually the king of belgium
mircea_popescu: and it further turns out that the method has been in use for well over 150 years.
asciilifeform: invented by u.s. abolitionists, afaik.
mircea_popescu: i guess that's where it traces properly huh.
mircea_popescu: of course, before they sunk the south, they sunk the so called "tavern lobby"
asciilifeform: mr mold actually did some passable work on the subject. he ended by zipping the stratagem into a single sentence, 'kick the beast till it bites, then shoot it'
mircea_popescu: the prohibition was not merely idiocy. it was a particular sort of vindictive idiocy, where the pencildicks got upset that politics was set by men, around beer
mircea_popescu: and so kept telling the women about how politics should "properly" be set by old men around pulpits.
asciilifeform: this, afaik, is immensely well documented.
mircea_popescu: in a singular fit of stupidity, women went for it.
mircea_popescu: perhaps aided by the very homosexual attitudes of teh men at the time.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the 'kick the beast till it bites, then shoot it' observation is valid. i propose the solution is for the beast to threaten indefinitely.
asciilifeform: works, sorta, for north kr.
asciilifeform: for now.
mircea_popescu: extract compensation under threat, make sure compensation > kicking. let the cycle wear itself out.
mircea_popescu: it's actually how bismarck beat england into a pulp, and created the first germany.
mircea_popescu: just requires a lot of patience.
mircea_popescu: "they will resurrect and give new currency to such things as those, or to any other things that count against me, but they will not mention any act of mine that is in my favor. I have spent more money on art than any other monarch of my time, and they know it. Do they speak of it, do they tell about it? No, they do not. They prefer to work up what they call "ghastly statistics" into offensive kindergarten object lesson
mircea_popescu: s, whose purpose is to make sentimental people shudder, and prejudice them against me. They remark that "if the innocent blood shed in the Congo State by King Leopold were put in buckets and the buckets placed side by side, the line would stretch 2,000 miles; if the skeletons of his ten millions of starved and butchered dead could rise up and march in single file, it would take them seven months and four days to pass a
mircea_popescu: given point; if compacted together in a body, they would occupy more ground than St. Louis covers, World's Fair and all; if they should all clap their bony hands at once, the grisly crash would be heard a distance of --" Damnation, it makes me tired!"
mircea_popescu: infographs ? ted talks ? yep, about as un-novel as dirt.
mats: http://i.imgur.com/21o3yku.jpg manually cranked .bait
assbot: Norse - IPViking Live ... ( http://bit.ly/1wkKV8R )
decimation: it's a good thing the Congo is independent and thriving, now that it lacks the terrible yoke of Leopold
mircea_popescu: definitely.
mircea_popescu: congo has never done better.
mircea_popescu: had the meddlesome leopold been still involved, how was england to push south africa to abandon rhodesia, with empty promises that once the man shots his own dog, the man won't be hanged himself.
assbot: Come Back, Colonialism, All Is Forgiven - TIME ... ( http://bit.ly/1wkLIqu )
assbot: a battle ram for every asseteer who rides into battle! http://t.co/hKgjR9UY87
mats: destroy it with fire
mats: it looks like a turd
BingoBoingo: Well, they all kind of look like that.
BingoBoingo: I mean their eyes even have turd shaped pupils
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47200 @ 0.00043962 = 20.7501 BTC [+]
ben_vulpes: * asciilifeform recalls once reading that 'their' is 'obsolete,' and that the truly progressive (tm) types have made up new pronouns, 'ze', 've', fuck knows what els << i hold that "their" when used for a single entity is a crucifying offense
assbot: Baghdadi Executes 56 ISIL Members after Their Defeat in Southern Erbil | Ctv Egypt News ... ( http://bit.ly/1wkN7xh )
mircea_popescu: lul nice ram
mats: taking a page out of comrade Joseph's playbook
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes it's common usage. majesty plural.
assbot: Female soldiers OKed for Ranger School in April ... ( http://bit.ly/1wkNpEj )
assbot: Al Qaeda In India: Why We Should Pay Attention – OpEd | EMerging Equity ... ( http://bit.ly/1wkNrMh )
mircea_popescu: "Even amid the morbid decay, it comes as a shock to hear Le Blanc mourn colonialism. The venal, racist scramble by Europeans to possess Africa"
mircea_popescu: myeah, "the venal, racist scramble". right.
mircea_popescu: "They took this country by force," he says, with more than a touch of admiration. "If they came back, this time we'd give them the country for free." << there's a lot to this.
mircea_popescu: once there's enough men in #b-a, we probably COULD take over a country.
mircea_popescu: not clear anyone'd want to, or why.
assbot: CIA hatched plan to make demon toy to counter Osama bin Laden’s influence - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1wkNSqb )
assbot: U.S. Central Command | Statement from U.S. Central Command Regarding Twitter/YouTube Compromise ... ( http://bit.ly/1wkO2xC )
mircea_popescu: ok this should be good.
mircea_popescu: "TAMPA, Fla. - Earlier today, U.S. Central Command's Twitter and YouTube sites were compromised for approximately 30 minutes. These sites reside on commercial, non-Defense Department servers and both sites have been temporarily taken offline while we look into the incident further."
mircea_popescu: one paragraph in, it becomes apparent that while the us central command has no idea of wtf is going on, nevertheless us central command is willing to lie.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14700 @ 0.00044982 = 6.6124 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52300 @ 0.00045076 = 23.5747 BTC [+] {3}
mircea_popescu: !up Vexual
Vexual: mp, you were asking about what constitues 'the sticks' in oz. To my knowlegde it's anywhere with pathcy phone reception
Vexual: whereas 'back of beyond' means you wont see another soul for a week, and 'dingo bumfuck' means theres people, but they give off a wolf creek kinda vibe
Vexual: they're really all measures off the feel of a city
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71029 @ 0.00044368 = 31.5141 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7121 @ 0.00043722 = 3.1134 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 63 @ 0.12506349 = 7.879 BTC [-] {5}
Vexual: ic the freckles have already been fucked off those two
mircea_popescu: they carry freckles inside.
mircea_popescu: !up felipelalli
mircea_popescu: see on the site, MPEx Listing. see http://trilema.com/category/sqntr/ as well.
assbot: Page not found pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1yxtqtx )
felipelalli: bella illustration.
mircea_popescu: !up Neil_
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7308 @ 0.00045343 = 3.3137 BTC [+]
felipelalli: mircea_popescu: thank you. Is that possible to buy these shares on OTC or only in MPEx?
mircea_popescu: to buy anything otc you need to find a party that'll sell.
mircea_popescu: you may look into a broker for mpex, like coinbr.com
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27916 @ 0.00045475 = 12.6948 BTC [+]
felipelalli: Thank you mircea_popescu. Any relation with https://www.coinbr.net/ ?
punkman: !up Vexual
Vexual: hi
Vexual: blogs? ain't no body got time for that
Vexual: i'm saving up for an mpex acct
punkman: i had kangaroo the other day, better than I expected
Vexual: really?
mircea_popescu: "Unfortunately," I said, "at present the Hague Tribunal is not armed with the powers of an international assize court, nor is it qualified to place offenders, crowned or otherwise, in the dock. But don't you think that in the evolution of society the constitution of such a criminal court is a necessity?"
mircea_popescu: "It would be a great convenience at present," said Mr. Harris; "nor would you need one atom of evidence beyond the report of the Commission to justify the hanging of whoever is responsible for the existence and continuance of such abominations."
Vexual: it's hard to do right
mircea_popescu: early history of the nurnberg courts, too.
punkman: Vexual: couple small steaks, tasted kinda like beef
assbot: Help Us Recover From an Online Scam by Kay Lusk - GoFundMe ... ( http://bit.ly/1yxB0nW )
assbot: What if Linus Torvalds is just angry because he's had to use Linux for 20 years
mircea_popescu: why should they recover ? "so we can give some other scammer money later on" ?
Vexual: thats interesting punkman
Vexual: i'd like to try souvlaki roo
mircea_popescu: "InfoSec Taylor Swift" ? seriosuly ?
mircea_popescu: is this more libertard "women in tech" ?
punkman: it's satire
punkman: but yeah dunno
Vexual: he might be a fan, they're everywhere
mircea_popescu: oh, "it's satire" i see.
mircea_popescu: "satire" is not here for these cancerous fags to hide behind.
mats: http://imgur.com/a/1PDRJ >> repost re: swift on security
assbot: Taylor Swift quotes by @SwiftOnSecurity - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1xn3v1J )
mats: some of these aren't bad
mats: " you belong on the internet of things because you're a tool"
Vexual: lol
Vexual: but still no
mircea_popescu: " These online scammers extensively preyed on my trusting nature. I was mailed a "secure, verified" check for $2750 that I deposited into my account and was promptly tricked into sending almost all of this money to "the toy shop owner" so that he could ship the toys. "
Vexual: cost me $5
mircea_popescu: "Before all of this mess we were already financially struggling. To say that we were living paycheck-to-paycheck is an understatment. My boyfriend is currently underemployed and in school. I gave up 90% of the hours at my job in order to take this fake nanny job. I tried to explain all of this to the credit union but they were very callous with us saying that our priority needed to be on finding better paying jobs so
mircea_popescu: that we could pay off this debt. "
mircea_popescu: callous eh ?
mats: heh.
mircea_popescu: banks should get fucking pillories.
Vexual: why bitcoin is better than a bank cheque
mircea_popescu: that's what i'd like. for all retail establishments to get a pillory per 1mn yearly custom. then do some customer support in the form of, if you piss anyone off while on the premises, 10 minutes' flogging.
mircea_popescu: and if you forget to thank the nice whipperperson for your lesson, 10 more.
mats: my grandmother got a phone call from 'a police sergeant' saying i was in county prison and needed to be bailed out before being inevitably deflowered
mircea_popescu: ". I asked if there were any resources to help us and they declined to mention even one. This was despite my protests that we currently do not even have enough money for rent and food.
mircea_popescu: In an attempt to restore our faith in humanity"
mircea_popescu: "humanity" owes them. because 'humanity' is daddy and daddy always paid whatever bottles they broke.
mats: she sent $2k via WU without even calling me.
mircea_popescu: wow spanish prisoner trick ?!
mircea_popescu: that's like... 6 ? 12 ? centuries old.
punkman: older for sure
punkman: although the spanish prisoner scam bets on greed. bail prisoner out so you can get that nigerian gold.
Vexual: mats, did you call the cops yet?
mircea_popescu: well at the time people tended to know if their grandkids were at the house or not
mats: money's gone n its not coming back
Vexual: wu usually has details
punkman: yeah but any bum can run a WU "office"
Vexual: gran would have a name etc
Vexual: meh 2 gran lesson
Vexual: feining a kidnap is kinda harsh tho
mats: "Sometimes... I look out the window and think... We're one cyberwar away from falling over. This can all be undone by a few lines of code. And maybe it will. Maybe then we will repent. For the arrogance that we could live so tall, with so little thought to what supports beneath."
assbot: Gentoo Hardening: Part 3: Using Checksec - InfoSec Institute ... ( http://bit.ly/1yxFL0B )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70550 @ 0.00044916 = 31.6882 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: Bill Clinton And Underage Sex Slaves – This Could Be The End For Hillary’s Presidential Run In 2016 | Markets ... ( http://bit.ly/1yxHoLI )
mats: interesting claims
mats: !up Vexual
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34200 @ 0.00043716 = 14.9509 BTC [-] {2}
Vexual: most of them are 17?
mircea_popescu: bill clinton can actually get it up ?!
Vexual: lol
Vexual: hillary can
mircea_popescu: "If it can be proven that Bill Clinton had sex with underage girls provided by Jeffrey Epstein, that could potentially destroy any chance that Hillary Clinton has of winning the presidency in 2016."
mircea_popescu: this logic...
mats: lol
Vexual: shes definately over 17
mircea_popescu: "sex slave" and "paid 15k'
mircea_popescu: i dun think these people comprehend what slave means.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81850 @ 0.00046021 = 37.6682 BTC [+] {3}
Vexual: in other news, mcafee is on the lamb again up ben10s way
Vexual: maybe he can take him in and learn sme c
Naphex: !up vexual
Naphex: morning o/
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37800 @ 0.00046895 = 17.7263 BTC [+] {4}
fluffypony: booths at Bitcoin conferences
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63550 @ 0.00046976 = 29.8532 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64000 @ 0.00047171 = 30.1894 BTC [+] {3}
Naphex: !up Vexual
Vexual: heyo
Vexual: its a thing
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20989 @ 0.00047368 = 9.9421 BTC [+]
davout: !up itkin
itkin: davout: thx gros !
davout: !down itkin
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39750 @ 0.00046203 = 18.3657 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35043 @ 0.0004607 = 16.1443 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61100 @ 0.00045576 = 27.8469 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20910 @ 0.00047385 = 9.9082 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53550 @ 0.00047291 = 25.3243 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57500 @ 0.00047454 = 27.2861 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51653 @ 0.0004801 = 24.7986 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62300 @ 0.00048242 = 30.0548 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33850 @ 0.00048396 = 16.382 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15324 @ 0.00048544 = 7.4389 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3876 @ 0.00048104 = 1.8645 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 18000 @ 0.000205 = 3.69 BTC [+]
jurov: felipelalli: no coinbr.net is completely different company
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38480 @ 0.00048402 = 18.6251 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: One BR is broker, other BR is Brazil. Nothing in common.
danielpbarron: Two blondes walk into a bar; one says to the other, "I slept with two Brazilian men last night." The other replies, "Wow! I've never even met that many people!"
fluffypony: hah hah
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41050 @ 0.00048402 = 19.869 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14150 @ 0.00048104 = 6.8067 BTC [-]
assbot: LizardStresser Hacked, Customer Details Leaked | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1uiQsCX )
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell PeterL scoopbot seems constipated again
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16577 @ 0.00048104 = 7.9742 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6744 @ 0.00048104 = 3.2441 BTC [-]
danielpbarron: ;;later tell Rozal New rating | Rozal > -10 > cazalla | SCAMMER - Stole 1 BTC from me, and is a known scammer on other nicks http://pastebin.com/ApyavW5T. DO NOT TRADE / DEAL. << pastebin is your signed OTP..
assbot: Pastebin.com Unknown Paste ID ... ( http://bit.ly/15l2MHB )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: <Rozal> h <Rozal> hi <Rozal> i hate people who abuse the rating system <Rozal - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1CGXr7N )
mats: lol
BingoBoingo: So this rating of cazalla seems to be the lamest extortion attempt ever.
danielpbarron: !gettrust Rozal
assbot: Trust relationship from user danielpbarron to user Rozal: Level 1: 0, Level 2: -1 via 5 connections. | http://w.b-a.link/trust/danielpbarron/Rozal | http://w.b-a.link/user/Rozal
chetty: lamest is getting like first/best/greatest
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13926 @ 0.00048454 = 6.7477 BTC [+] {2}
danielpbarron: oo i get to try out the new rating system
danielpbarron: log incoming
danielpbarron: !ident Rozal
danielpbarron: ;;ident Rozal
gribble: Nick 'Rozal', with hostmask 'Rozal!uid50160@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vqjwtzzpstsnaybo', is identified as user 'Rozal', with GPG key id 1C6C480917AD74D9, key fingerprint D80FB0CF5F65CDC0EC40AF051C6C480917AD74D9, and bitcoin address 1DUDE1aJyNEcV1iqKA3SUqJB3QaWUfoFNz
danielpbarron: !rate Rozal -2 contradicted himself http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=A5GMizeN
assbot: Rating should be any non zero value between 10 and -10.
kakobrekla: why u dont like -2 assbot ?
kakobrekla: imma fix
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42323 @ 0.00048595 = 20.5669 BTC [+] {2}
xanthyos: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B7uHFWUIUAAgjZQ.jpg << fuck the certain price of goods
assbot: Saudi prince: $100-a-barrel oil 'never' again ... ( http://bit.ly/15laPE3 )
assbot: Argentine prosecutor who accused Fernandez of Iran plot found dead - Yahoo News ... ( http://bit.ly/15lbpSc )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38650 @ 0.00048827 = 18.8716 BTC [+] {2}
danielpbarron: !up Rozal
Rozal: ;;unrate danielpbarron
gribble: Successfully removed your rating for danielpbarron.
Rozal: sorry danielpbarron
thestringpuller: 'danielpbarron is in channel. regenerate hp twice as fast.'
BingoBoingo: ;;rate Rozal -10 Apparently fabricates allegations of theft http://dpaste.com/2E94Q1Q
assbot: dpaste: 2E94Q1Q ... ( http://bit.ly/15lg2f3 )
danielpbarron: I forgive you Rozal, but if that was an attempt to get me to remove my rating, it was misguided
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of -10 for user Rozal has been recorded.
BingoBoingo: !rate Rozal -10 Appartently fabricates allegations of theft http://dpaste.com/2E94Q1Q
assbot: Rating should be any non zero value between 10 and -10.
assbot: dpaste: 2E94Q1Q ... ( http://bit.ly/15lgdXM )
Rozal: ;;rate -10 BingoBoingo Scammer who works with Cazalla
gribble: Error: 'BingoBoingo' is not a valid integer.
danielpbarron: lol what alternate universe is this that assbot is enforcing a "postive rating only" policy
BingoBoingo: !rate -10 Rozal Apparently fabricates allegations of theft http://dpaste.com/2E94Q1Q
assbot: -10 is not registered in WoT.
assbot: dpaste: 2E94Q1Q ... ( http://bit.ly/15lgdXM )
Rozal: ;;rate danielpbarron -10 Scammer that works with danielpbarron
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of -10 for user danielpbarron has been recorded.
Rozal: ;;rate BingoBoingo -10 Scammer that works with danielpbarron
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of -10 for user BingoBoingo has been recorded.
Rozal: now we all love the trust system
danielpbarron: is that all, Rozal?
Rozal: that's it.
danielpbarron: !down Rozal
danielpbarron: nice paste, BingoBoingo
danielpbarron: i need to step up my game
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: This is serious business. If you make and sign allegations you need to support them.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67074 @ 0.00048878 = 32.7844 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: !up Rozal
mats: drama mondays
Rozal: ;;unrate danielpbarron
gribble: Successfully removed your rating for danielpbarron.
Rozal: ;;unrate BingoBoingo
gribble: Successfully removed your rating for BingoBoingo.
Rozal: ;;unrate cazalla
gribble: Successfully removed your rating for cazalla.
davout: poor log readers...
BingoBoingo: Rozal: My rating of you isn't disappearing. You made serious allegations over what seems to be a mutual dislike of each other.
Rozal: I apologize, yes im a big liar who got mad because cazalla messes up my perfect ratings
Rozal: BingoBoingo: it's okay, it's my fault
Rozal: I should just grow up
BingoBoingo: Rozal: I am fine with you rating me -10 because you dislike me, but your serious falsification... my rating of you will endure.
davout: Rozal: time to get a new wot identity I guess :-)
Rozal: so be it
Rozal: I won't return anyones negatives
teward raises an eyebrow and looks at Rozal
Rozal: teward: I was mad that 'cazalla' ruined my ratings because he didn't like my jokes
Rozal: despite showing humility, he refused to remove his ratings - so I over reacted
teward yawns
teward: Rozal: looking at the ratings log made me think "What the...?"
teward: hence my raising the eyebrow :)
teward: in other news, coffee is now overpriced on campus - someone should be funding my coffee habits
BingoBoingo: Campus coffee prices are some of the worst. Desperate population and limited vendors.
mats: use a staff break room.
mats: i musta consumed tens of thousands of dollars in beans and k-cups doing that.
BingoBoingo: ^ That was one perk of grad school. Access to break rooms.
xanthyos: !up mircea_popescu
rithm: can someone explain this rozal dram to me in a tl:dr fashion it interests me
rithm: trying to read buffer but the topic interests me
BingoBoingo: rithm: It's in this paste http://dpaste.com/2E94Q1Q
assbot: dpaste: 2E94Q1Q ... ( http://bit.ly/1ABPEFz )
mats: i guess someone squatted cazalla's nick?
rithm: ;;ratingsystem getrating rozal
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask Rozal!uid50160@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vqjwtzzpstsnaybo . User Rozal, rated since Thu Jan 17 09:32:27 2013. Cumulative rating 45, from 44 total ratings. Received ratings: 41 positive, 3 negative. Sent ratings: 43 positive, 0 negative. Details: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Rozal
BingoBoingo: rithm: He got into a neg rating war with cazalla and fabricated theft allegations.
kakobrekla: !rate -2 assbot test
assbot: -2 is not registered in WoT.
mircea_popescu: but... why ?!
kakobrekla: !rate assbot -2 test
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/3c714a5f55f151ab
mats: cazalla doesnt play well with others
rithm: fwiw i've had issues with starbucks gift cards with this user i suspected fraud
rithm: that's why i notice
rithm: it was cleared up
mircea_popescu: starbuks gift cards ?!
rithm: heavily discounted
rithm: you know what they say about things being too good to be true right
mats: rithm likes his iced skinny mocha lattes
mircea_popescu: it kinda blew my mind. probably for no good reason, objectively.
rithm: no not i the female counterpart
BingoBoingo: !rate Rozal -10 Apparently fabricates allegations of theft http://dpaste.com/2E94Q1Q admits fabrication http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-01-2015#983318
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/9108da815414d5d4
assbot: dpaste: 2E94Q1Q ... ( http://bit.ly/15lmumo )
assbot: Logged on 19-01-2015 15:27:37; Rozal: I apologize, yes im a big liar who got mad because cazalla messes up my perfect ratings
rithm: love the starbucks
mircea_popescu: just... coffee is this triviality, of no financial consequence. however, inviting oine for coffee is either sexual or whatever.
rithm: so much facepalm
mircea_popescu: so giving someone a coffee gift card is like... "go fuck yourself" ? ie, let's have a cup of coffee but without me there ?
rithm: coffe to me is trivial
rithm: coffee to others is some type of retarded status symbol
mircea_popescu: and then you paid for that ?!?!?!
mircea_popescu: but obv none of this has much if at all to do with you or teh starbux
xanthyos: starbucks is popular enough to have become a perfect money laundering system with their gift codes
rithm: i live under a rock on the internet
rithm: plz be kind.
BingoBoingo: Basically coffee gift cards are a sort of tide USD
mircea_popescu: but a bucket of tide is like 60 bux neh ?
rithm: idk where i can buy tide 50% off
xanthyos: starbucks cards are irreversible paypal
mod6: 4.43L Tide = 17.09 USD
mod6: lol, 17.09 with coupon, $17.99 retail price @ target
mircea_popescu: that's not bad.
mircea_popescu: ;;google how many cups of starbucks coffee in one gallon of tide
gribble: Folgers Mild Breakfast Blend Ground Coffee, 29.2 oz - Walmart.com: <http://www.walmart.com/ip/Folgers-Mild-Breakfast-Blend-Ground-Coffee-29.2-oz/11964636>; The Savvy Lady -: <http://thesavvylady.com/>; Travel Supplies for Europe: Small Stuff Packing List. - Enjoy-Europe: <http://www.enjoy-europe.com/hte/chap06/travelsupplies.htm>
thestringpuller: know its a bit old lol
mircea_popescu: what did the victim say to the rapist ?
mircea_popescu: Dum licet, in rebus jucundis vive beatus. Vive memor quam sis aevi brevis.
mircea_popescu: prolly Conington's got the best version. "Then take, good sir, your pleasure while you may. With life so short 'twere wrong to lose a day."
davout: much better than google translate
thestringpuller: "While it may, in the case of the delights of live happy. Live mindful of how brief your time."
davout: "all your delights are belong to the mindful brief time"
mircea_popescu: that's a little more ominous :)
mircea_popescu: but works, yes. "have fun for what it's worth, mister. your time is short."
thestringpuller: "Cause I'ma cut your dick off in your sleep."
mircea_popescu: i wonder why all these derps ranting on and on about "empathy" never manage to produce one. imagine a victim like that.
mircea_popescu: empathy is the fundament of all literature, for the reason that it's the fundament of all humanity. but empty palaver doth not an empathy make.
thestringpuller: social justice warriors are not very empathetic to begin with.
mircea_popescu: quite not.
thestringpuller: i think they are self serving "goodness".
mircea_popescu: whole pile o' ought. exactly the opposite of empathy.
thestringpuller: the kind of "more righteous than thou" crowd, but dressed up as hippies.
mircea_popescu: chiefly, the substance of boring.
mircea_popescu: myeah, we see the same one beast.
thestringpuller: as you said on trilema, "It's going the way of the sitcom"
thestringpuller: or something like that
BingoBoingo: !up bertani
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26825 @ 0.00049148 = 13.184 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: but since we're doing horatius,
mircea_popescu: "Iustum et tenacem propositi virum non civium ardor prava iubentium, non vultus instantis tyranni mente quatit solida."
mircea_popescu: true men aren't swayed by redditarded frenzy, nor by soviet pretense to power.
mircea_popescu: fluffypony who made teh cartoon ?
mircea_popescu: !s stolfi
assbot: 3 results for 'stolfi' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=stolfi
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: no clue
mircea_popescu: In late 2013 Jorge took an active interest in the economics of cryptocurrencies. He became extremely skeptical about its underlying soundness and chances of success, and has been advising the Brazilian public against investment in bitcoin.
assbot: Jorge Stolfi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1J2eGlN )
thestringpuller: jorge stolfi is a well hidden dude
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: 155934BDD16E8EAF4493CB9CB36AE9849D961AC9. This may take a few moments.
assbot: Key 9D961AC9 / "Daniel P. Barron (danielpbarron)" successfully imported.
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/07fa06bebb8415a5
assbot: LizardStresser Hacked, Customer Details Leaked | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1J2f4Rr )
kakobrekla: >especially since storing user data as plaintext indicates that the group likely made further and still graver lapses in technological and operational security.
kakobrekla: thats intentional
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57449 @ 0.00048811 = 28.0414 BTC [-]
assbot: Argentine prosecutor who accused Fernandez of Iran plot found dead - Yahoo News ... ( http://bit.ly/1Cd58nJ )
asciilifeform: 'had problems.'
mircea_popescu: definitely.
mircea_popescu: "Everything indicates it was a suicide," Secretary of National Security Sergio Berni told local television. "We have to see if gunpowder is found on his hands."
mircea_popescu: so... "nothing indicates it was a suicide, but we'll lie about it."
asciilifeform: at least he didn't fellate a nailgun. or sew himself into a sack afterwards.
mircea_popescu: i mean... the circumstances are such that he'd have been killed, and dunno yet if powder residue. literlaly nothing indicates a suicide.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform suicide with a .22 ?
mircea_popescu: gimme a break.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: lol
danielpbarron: !v assbot:danielpbarron.rate.Rozal.-10:43ae443061902db3b67328f3d62f0487148cc47aaa53abcf854c7696be4ca674
assbot: Successfully added a rating of -10 for Rozal with note: http://danielpbarron.com/Rozal.asc.txt
mircea_popescu: "He was alone in the apartment," prosecutor Viviana Fein told reporters. "There are no witnesses." << probably the best reason to keep a harem ever.
asciilifeform: 'harem also suicided'
asciilifeform: from grief.
mircea_popescu: good story brah.
mircea_popescu: the pregnant 16yo also ?
mircea_popescu: "sure. prepostpartum."
mircea_popescu: "and pms"
asciilifeform: 'if ya don't believe this lie is true, ask the blind man, he saw it too'
mircea_popescu: Argentine Cabinet Chief Jorge Capitanich had said Nisman's allegations were "crazy, absurd, illogical, irrational, ridiculous, unconstitutional".
mircea_popescu: unconstitutional accusiations. capitanich sounds more like ximenez each day.
mircea_popescu: the jackie childs school of rhetorics
mircea_popescu: and all this over oil, which is now cheap.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2015/01/lizardstresser-hacked-customer-details-leaked/ << lmao epic scoop. << It's the one I've been waiting for. Anticipated the thing only meriting an epitaph.
assbot: LizardStresser Hacked, Customer Details Leaked | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1Cd5Tgy )
mircea_popescu: Rozal: I apologize, yes im a big liar who got mad because cazalla messes up my perfect ratings << wut the fuck going on there ?!
mircea_popescu: Rozal: despite showing humility, he refused to remove his ratings - so I over reacted << is this klye ?
davout: kakobrekla: so are assbot and -otc's wots completely forked or is there some sort of sync?
mircea_popescu: teward: in other news, coffee is now overpriced on campus - someone should be funding my coffee habits << job board's this way http://trilema.com/category/job-board/
assbot: Page not found pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Cd677x )
kakobrekla: no sync atm
mircea_popescu: davout tryin' to work out a sync paradigm with nanotube
davout: okidoki
davout: mircea_popescu: also i read a bit more about merged mining yesteday and today, especially how merge-mining namecoin came to be
mircea_popescu: in any case imported ratings in either wot would be marked as such
davout: which makes sense
davout: so re the merge-mining it looks like namecoin had to be hard-forked to support it
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64100 @ 0.00047861 = 30.6789 BTC [-] {3}
davout: so i don't really see how it'd be possible to merge mine two bitcoin forks
mircea_popescu: what'd be the difficulty ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Best I can tell it's a nobody. But they had a bunch of perfect ratings from tiny trades.
bertani: davout: I don't get your point, why shouldn't it?
davout: mircea_popescu: there is this auxillary proof of work notion, "Not to be confused with the "previous block". This is a block that is structured for the parent blockchain (i.e. the prev_block hash points to the prior block on the parent blockchain). The header of this block is part of the AuxPOW Block in the auxiliary blockchain. "
BingoBoingo: <davout> mircea_popescu: there is this auxillary proof of work notion, "Not to be confused with the "previous block". This is a block that is structured for the parent blockchain (i.e. the prev_block hash points to the prior block on the parent blockchain). The header of this block is part of the AuxPOW Block in the auxiliary blockchain. " << Basically this is my understanding. Both Bitcoin's would insist on being the "Parent" unl
BingoBoingo: ess gavincoin is also hardforking to allow AuxPOW
davout: bertani: because if you need one of the chains to be somehow aware of the merge mining you'd need a second hardfork after the first block size related hardfork
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo at the point prior to forking, the only difference between the two is version.
davout: well, maybe if we sell it to reddit as an opportunity to increase adoption ...
mircea_popescu: putting out blocks with both versions isn't actually putting out different blocks is it ?
BingoBoingo: Well, it is once the chains require different blocks because they've forked...
davout: the version is part of the header, so the solution for one header doesn't work for the other
mircea_popescu: i guess this "merge mining' business needs moar looking into.
kakobrekla: bitcoin merged mined with bitcoin is bad idea.
davout: i don't think the way you propose to use merge mining actually works
davout: or i mean, is actually feasible
mircea_popescu: hm. turns out i don't actually understand what merged mining actually is.
mircea_popescu: i had thought different chains had to be forked to mm because of their different origin. but that's not what happens in merged mining at all.
mircea_popescu: what happens is that a hash of a block of the lower chain is inserted in bitcoin blocks, and then the lower chain accepts this as "just as good" proof.
mircea_popescu: better ways to ruin scamcoins than merge-mine them doth not exist huh.
BingoBoingo: Basically Bitch chain depends on the Master chain.
mircea_popescu: anyway, that spec'll hafta be revised, but needs more thinking.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo yup. my cluelessness about alts is showing huh.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well, that's what the channel's for.
davout: !b 2
assbot: Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3TCKRR8.txt )
kakobrekla: hey thats insulting
mircea_popescu: check out dooglus (who isn't a gavin-approved economist, in spite of being exactly as certified&educated in the topic as the random idiots a la Oleg Andreev et all) explaining economics :
mircea_popescu: At any given time there is a certain amount of demand for a Bitcoin like currency to make transactions. That need doesn’t increase with more competition. That means that the transactional demand for Bitcoin is really the same as the transactional demand for all substantially similar forms of payment. As more currencies are competing to fill the same demand they actually reduce the demand for the other currencies as t
mircea_popescu: hey become more widely used.
mircea_popescu: This means that ultimately, to the extent that currencies are interchangeable to end users, merged mining does not increase the overall security of the networks. The demand for currencies drives the price (and thus the value of the reward). Increased demand for any given currency results in decreased demand for others, lowering the incentive to mine for the other currencies. The total incentive is a function of total d
mircea_popescu: emand for all Bitcoin like currencies.
mircea_popescu: Except now competing currencies can market themselves as “as secure as Bitcoin but with lower transaction fees.” In other words there is a race to the bottom among competing currencies to offer the lowest transaction fees, because lowering the transaction fee doesn’t hurt the security of the network in comparison to the other merged mining networks. Users, following their own self interest, will adopt the currenc
davout: so, if i understand correctly, the way this thing works is that it attracts moar miners through the bonus mechanism, which in turn contributes to killing-off gavincoin amirite
mircea_popescu: y with the lowest transaction fees as long as it has the same security of the competitors.
mircea_popescu: This will increase the price of the currency with the lowest transaction fee (because demand for the currency is higher), and decrease the price of the currencies with higher transactions fees (because demand for those currencies is dropping as it is being filled by demand for the competing currency). Because the currencies with the higher transaction fees were the ones generating the incentive to mine, overall incenti
mircea_popescu: ve to mine will diminish. As long as a currency’s mining is merged with the freeloading currency, it will be powerless to increase incentives by imposing mandatory transaction fees.
mircea_popescu: The result will be a decrease in mining incentive, a decrease in mining, and ultimately all networks that allow merged mining will become insecure.
mircea_popescu: edited Apr 6 '12 at 4:35 Chris Moore
mircea_popescu: davout was the original design.
mats: a .22 can be quite deadly
mats: just ... don't shoot the guy in the forehead. put it in an eye.
mats: the round'll tumble once it gets in there.
mircea_popescu: mats and water can be quite healthy. doesn't make it the cure for life threatening conditions does it ?
mircea_popescu: i mean, if you're going to do it, why risk you just lose an eye ? survivors even after a 12 gauge shot exist.
kakobrekla: well speaking of risk, why not a hand grenade in mouth.
mircea_popescu: because most people can't get frags.
mircea_popescu: also plenty of people are vain and want open casket funerals
mircea_popescu: (frag will leave visible kidneys)(
kakobrekla had a frag at home as a kid
mircea_popescu: well... somaliland
mircea_popescu: !up STRML_
kakobrekla: euroafrica
mircea_popescu: davout it IS perhaps possible to create some sort of equivalency tables so that "Hi this is Bitcoinblock 1 with nonce 1456546456456456" and "Hi this is Gavincoin with nonce 3489759348759834" hash-collide.
mircea_popescu: then mine both blocks as the same hash.
mats: folklore claims that the round is uniquely deadly because it loses penetrating power after passing through bone the first time, and then just bounces around blending the brain matter until it exits the skull
TomServo: Rozal | I won't return anyones negatives << Turns out, not so much. On gribble's side of the wot anyway.
TomServo: ^and this kind of sucks.
mats: whereas with a higher calibre it might just go straight through.
mircea_popescu: mats i heard that theory more about the .38 as a better suicide weapon than the .45
mircea_popescu: i never heard anyone seriously propose bb guns for the job
mircea_popescu: if you really want that effect, fill a hunting weapon with quailshot and have at it.
davout: mircea_popescu: what would be in that table?
mircea_popescu: davout i dunno, i'm no rainbow expert
mircea_popescu: "it is easy if you know what you're doing".
STRML: Thanks
mircea_popescu: sure. who're you ?
kakobrekla: !up STRML
STRML: Appreciated. voicing here is a bit strange
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 2**32
gribble: 4294967296
mircea_popescu: so each ~4.3 Gh the nonce overflows. hm.
mircea_popescu: really the nonce should have been 64bit.
mircea_popescu: i guess satoshi not only ran a windows machine with c, but it was a 32bit thing
davout: mircea_popescu: for the first >1mb block you will necessarily have a different merkle root, so you can't possibly have the same block hash at any point afterwards
mircea_popescu: davout yeh i am surrendered, merging doesn't work like i thought it would.
assbot: [RFC] The Gavin Assassinsen Memorial Mining Pool Implementation pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1zrL3uu )
davout: if you remove 1. then mining gavincoin blocks can be removed from the rfc as well
mircea_popescu: the principal utility of this thing is to guarantee the general public the ability to split its coins on the two chains
davout: so if i understand correctly, the main characteristic you want for this pool, is that it prioritizes double-spends of already-confirmed gavincoins when picking which txes to put in its blocks
davout: s/gavincoins/gavincoin txes/
mircea_popescu: something like that
mircea_popescu: actually you're right huh, it doesn't need to be trustless and that "send to pool" step is gunk.
mircea_popescu: it *could* just look for dblspent txs that made it on gavinchain and prioritize them
davout: yep
mircea_popescu: course, this is not actually needed either. miners already do that, in that they look for high tx fee txn
mircea_popescu: maybe this entire pool thing actually just needs to be a website to generate raw tx for people to put in bitcoind
mircea_popescu: like a graphics aid.
davout: also, i think that if what you want to achieve is a bitcoin separator, the easiest way is simply to acquire a satoshi from eligius and use it on the input side of a transaction
mircea_popescu: im not happy with waiting the 200 blocks for the scamcoins to mature.
mircea_popescu: that sort of latency means you'll be a late comer to the "sell it into the dirt" party.
davout: since eligius pays directly from the coinbase you're guaranteed to receive a payout that's spendable on one chain but not on the other
mircea_popescu: but also guaranteed to receive it too late.
assbot: Logged on 19-01-2015 15:27:37; Rozal: I apologize, yes im a big liar who got mad because cazalla messes up my perfect ratings
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user Rozal has changed from -10 to -10.
davout: yeah, if you can't wait 120 blocks to separate coins you'll have to convince a pool to mine a crosschain double spend
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/f9de3c72f76f614e
assbot: Logged on 19-01-2015 15:27:37; Rozal: I apologize, yes im a big liar who got mad because cazalla messes up my perfect ratings
davout: poor guy will end up with a -200 global rating
BingoBoingo: !v assbot:BingoBoingo.rate.Rozal.-10:e8cff8dc4301540ac33879fdae27da2f82b391e7da5b599ef4df0db73c2eab22
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for Rozal from -10 to -10 with note: Fabricated theft allegations http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/Rozal_allegation Confessed http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-01-2015#983318 Full Indictment http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/Rozal_Indictment
davout: if he's lucky it'll overflow back to some positive rating :D
BingoBoingo: depends on how big total rating maxint is
kakobrekla: it goes up to 11
BingoBoingo: If he wants to debate this he can do it in a public channel. Given he has fabricated allegations before I want to make it unambiguously clear that I will not engage him privately.
BingoBoingo: Too high risk.
davout: BingoBoingo: what's the risk? some derp negrating you?
BingoBoingo: davout: Some Derp fabricating a scam and negrating me.
BingoBoingo: He's already negrated me. Nothing to lose there.
BingoBoingo: This time he was caught in his lie because he was sloppy. The next time he does it he probably won't be so sloppy.
thestringpuller: BingoBoingo: better or worse than flappy plane?
BingoBoingo: thestringpuller: He never PM'd me. worse than flappy plane though http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/Rozal_Indictment
BingoBoingo thinks this could have been a perfect use of deedbot
BingoBoingo: For the much stronger timestamping
danielpbarron: BingoBoingo, you are setting a v.nice standard for this sort of situation
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: I've always had this standard ready. There was jsut never a situation for it.
davout: BingoBoingo: you can already timestamp some stuff and get deedbot to accept it later as previously timestamped, that is, if the bundle structure is already defined
thestringpuller: davout: could you elaborate further?
BingoBoingo: davout: But why should we remain barbarians defining time as UTC when we can define it in terms of Block height?
ben_vulpes: good morning, jihadis
mircea_popescu: may allah's 40 cunts be upon you, ben
ben_vulpes: without reading any scrollback i agree with BB
mircea_popescu: davout how'd thatwork ?
ben_vulpes: only 40?!
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Oh, but such good drama this morning
davout: you can just sha256 your content, make an address out of that, send a bitcent there, and since that's how deedbot is supposed to work, you get your stuff deedbot-timestamped before deedbot even exists
BingoBoingo: But part of the deedbot appeal is also hosting the deeds as a stronger pastebin/dpaste alternative.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9600 @ 0.00049167 = 4.72 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: davout sure. so ?
davout: BingoBoingo: sure, but if your timestamping respects deedbot's spec just get it included along
mircea_popescu: it won't show up on its website, but supposedly you dun care
BingoBoingo: !up bitstein
davout: what matters is the way it works, not the specific implementation that actually works the way it is specified, just my 2 bitcents anyway
mircea_popescu: people should be able to sign independently of the notary, and should be able to mock its formality, sure.
davout: the notary doesn't sign does it?
davout: the way i saw it was that it'd just be a manually-made lord-signed deed, rather than one compiled by an IRC bot
mircea_popescu: unwitnessed, as it were.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37205 @ 0.00047812 = 17.7885 BTC [-] {2}
Apocalyptic: davout sounds right, deedbot can verify a payment was made to that address and hence include it retrospectively
davout: well, blockchain is the witness here, or am i missing sthg?
mircea_popescu: yes, you are.
mircea_popescu: if you come hither with a signed statement saying "the coin will fall tails" i won't particularly care
mircea_popescu: because for all i know you signed a "coin will fall heads" statement too and aren't sharing that one.
Apocalyptic: aha, I get it
mircea_popescu: the notary keeps a list of all the items it was sent a certain way.
mircea_popescu: you're free to sign whatever matter a similar way, but it won't be thus notarized. it will just be your own mock-up of the process.
mircea_popescu: which is fine, but as far as i see toothless.
davout: well, in that case it doesn't really make sense to me that the notary doesn't GPG-sign
Apocalyptic: the content has to be made public and witnessed by others at the time it's timestamped
mircea_popescu: it does make sense. because the trust does not derive from a robotic application of a gpg seal.
mircea_popescu: anyway, i got a meeting, we'll have to continue this debte in a few hours.
davout: more from the fact that folks you trust are looking at deeds being timestamped
davout: amirite
davout: also there was another thing regarding deedbot, if all deeds are simply concatenated before being hashed into a bitcoin private key, that means anyone watching the process taking place can deduce the bitcoin private key that's going to be generated, and claim the coins that'll be sent there
ben_vulpes: that's a feature, davout
BingoBoingo: !up Zarathul
davout: ben_vulpes: you might just as well spend that back to deedbot's wallet by broadcasting a second transaction at the same time
ben_vulpes: davout: talk to the specwriter, but i believe the thing acts as a btc spigot so as to incentivize auditing of its behavior.
mats: whos getting out of bed for 0.0001btc?
davout: mats: lol, a bot
davout: not that i see this as a design flaw or somesuch, jsut
davout: just wondering if there was a specific reason it wasn't mentioned in the spec
ben_vulpes: 0.001 btc is a pizza today, and a nuke sub in five decades
ben_vulpes: (or two centuries. pick your timeframe).
davout: if there's actually one deed bundle per hour that'll amount to
davout: ;;calc 0.0001*24*365
gribble: 0.876
davout: hah
undata: davout: that occurred to me as well
ben_vulpes: not bad for running a bot
mats: ;;calc .001*[ticker --last]
gribble: 0.21289
undata: I was also wondering whether one might want to salt the generated private key somehow so it's harder to guess
mats: hardly a pizza
davout: mats: you need an extra 0
davout: undata: yep, my thought too
davout: but if it's really like 1btc/year worst case you might as well consider it as burned
Apocalyptic: undata, ? the purpose is that everyone can hash the bundle and verify the address indeed matches
undata: Apocalyptic: yeah, that ruins that without later revealing the salt
davout: Apocalyptic: the idea is to reveal the salt, but only after the bitcoin has been claimed back from the bundle-related addy, not keep it secret forever
ben_vulpes: mats: "pizza", "chump change" you pedantic nerd
undata: the two transations thing seems fine
Apocalyptic: davout, claimed back by whom ?
davout: mats: 1000 btc used to also be hardly a pizza
davout: Apocalyptic: by deedbot
undata: davout: you could just wait to upload after the second transaction confirms
Apocalyptic: afaik ben_vulpes is correct, it's a feature that icentivies 3rd parties to verify
Apocalyptic: so you would not want deedbot to take it back
davout: ^ that sounds like something good
ben_vulpes: mats: do you not get the pizza reference?
undata: Apocalyptic: ah
davout: if someone pops in here one day and says "o i can't pick up deedbot's crumbs anymore" you have a problem somewhere
mats: i got it
assbot: Bill Clinton And Underage Sex Slaves – This Could Be The End For Hillary’s Presidential Run In 2016 | Markets ... ( http://bit.ly/17YWmP6 )
mats: women don't have agency, man
mats: don't you know anything
assbot: Argentine prosecutor who accused Fernandez of Iran plot found dead - Yahoo News ... ( http://bit.ly/17YWONw )
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> [] hm. turns out i don't actually understand what merged mining actually is. << welcome to my club of ignorance
mircea_popescu: !up Zarathul
mircea_popescu: <davout> just wondering if there was a specific reason it wasn't mentioned in the spec << so people can have fun.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes you don't understand, she was almost under 18 at the time and she didn't agree to switch positions!
mircea_popescu: RAPE CULTURE
mircea_popescu: lol@fuckyou.biz sez "this article is fucking stupid and i hope it was written as a joke to piss off nerds"
ben_vulpes can't cope with the constantly moving targets
mircea_popescu: apparently fuckyou is now a biznis
thestringpuller: "the right for people to freely trade with each other without anybody interfering with the transaction"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16600 @ 0.00048359 = 8.0276 BTC [+]
ben_vulpes: magit file notify doesn't work on os x.
ben_vulpes: when i'm rich and can read and fuck and code on whatever pleases me all day i'm going to write MY OWN OS
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30050 @ 0.00047296 = 14.2124 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20999 @ 0.00048359 = 10.1549 BTC [+]
assbot: Principal wants to stockpile canned foods — as weapons against intruders | New York Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1BWuSVK )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 75750 @ 0.00047292 = 35.8237 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24800 @ 0.00047284 = 11.7264 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes so like stan ?
assbot: Spammer Escalates to Murder | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1BWCck7 )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94700 @ 0.00049188 = 46.581 BTC [+] {3}
ben_vulpes: yeah, mebbe he gets to it first. he'd certainly do a better job.
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes would prolly rather prototype some chips at 1 meter process size.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49516 @ 0.0004939 = 24.456 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: Fabricating diodes in the shop.
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: lol you know me so well
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes creator of artisan chips at scale.
BingoBoingo: !up cazalla
cazalla: if it wasn't already clear, i didn't steal/recieve/transact with that Rozal guy
BingoBoingo: It's clear. He admitted to fabricating the allegation.
davout: ;;getrating Rozas
davout: fuck you gribble, when i say getrating, i mean getrating
BingoBoingo: ;;getrating Rozal
davout: ;;getrating Rozas --no-seriously
davout: ;;ident Rozas
gribble: Error: I am not seeing this user on IRC. If you want information about a registered gpg user, try the 'gpg info' command instead.
davout: ;;gpg info Rozas
gribble: No such user registered.
TomServo: Am I crazy for suggesting that assbot be subordinate to gribble until the exchange of ratings is sorted out?
davout: urgh fuck me
BingoBoingo: ;;gpg info Rozal
gribble: User 'Rozal', with keyid 1C6C480917AD74D9, fingerprint D80FB0CF5F65CDC0EC40AF051C6C480917AD74D9, and bitcoin address 1DUDE1aJyNEcV1iqKA3SUqJB3QaWUfoFNz, registered on Thu Jan 17 08:51:26 2013, last authed on Mon Jan 19 09:36:57 2015. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=Rozal . Currently authenticated from hostmask Rozal!uid50160@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vqjwtzzpstsnaybo .
BingoBoingo: ;;rated Rozal
gribble: You rated user Rozal on Mon Jan 19 12:09:29 2015, with a rating of -10, and supplied these additional notes: Fabricated theft allegations http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/Rozal_allegation Confessed http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-01-2015#983318 Full Indictment http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/Rozal_Indictment.
davout: BingoBoingo: t
davout: ty
BingoBoingo: That last letter is the hardest
davout: kek
mircea_popescu: <TomServo> Am I crazy for suggesting that assbot be subordinate to gribble until the exchange of ratings is sorted out? << why would it be ?
BingoBoingo: I've just assumed until it sorts out that rating twice is generally the best practice for most ratings
TomServo: mircea_popescu: Things seemed to be getting messy with the drama earlier. Having to rate in two places.
mircea_popescu: well obv that's optional. as the wot decentralizes, one can be part of as many / all of them.
mircea_popescu: that they talk to each other is a convenience, and i guess best practice, but not really a necessity.
mircea_popescu: actually i guess it depends on teh wisdom / celerity of teh admins currently involved if the future will hold it as best practice or just you know, that thing that might have been useful but never took off.
BingoBoingo: Sure. I for example entered the Rozal rating on both WoTs because the information is immidiately useful to both #bitcoin-assets as lulz material and #bitcoin-otc as a leper's bell around the person's neck.
mircea_popescu: makes sense
kakobrekla: basically ba wot is lulz is what you are saying
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: In this case. DOn't see the dude around here, so I only know him noa for the laffs
danielpbarron: not just lulz, Rozal can still voice himself in here
kakobrekla: correction, useless lulz!
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla ima send you alum cakes!
BingoBoingo: Well, if he does Rozal can try to argue why his slander is good like kakobrekla's slander even though kakobrekla's slander is right and Rozal's slander is lies.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15566 @ 0.00047284 = 7.3602 BTC [-]
jurov: !rated kakobrekla
assbot: You rated user kakobrekla on 22-Apr-2014, with a rating of 4, and supplied these additional notes: runs several solid btc enterprises (bit4x,bitbet,panacea,...);we met IRL.
jurov: !rate kakobrekla NaN at loss of words
assbot: Rating should be any non zero value between 10 and -10.
jurov: !rate kakobrekla -0.0 at loss of words
assbot: Rating should be any non zero value between 10 and -10.
jurov: !rate kakobrekla 4.00001 at loss of words
assbot: Rating should be any non zero value between 10 and -10.
jurov: okay
mircea_popescu: we been through this yest
jurov: i'm still in yest with the log
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66000 @ 0.00047039 = 31.0457 BTC [-] {2}
jurov: and why assbot isn't replying with these incredibly useful fortune quips?
jurov: "Invalid verfication(sic) string" is so ... 70s
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla add more slovenian to assbot!
kakobrekla: because its harder to debug
mircea_popescu: i thought slovenian ate bug.
kakobrekla: not if worm is found.
assbot: Last 7 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3DYSV1P.txt )
BingoBoingo: What about doormouse?
kakobrekla: those are out of session.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63750 @ 0.00046935 = 29.9211 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: Ah, I need to engineer sessionless doormouse sometime.
mircea_popescu: sessionless is either door or mouse
mircea_popescu: can't match them unless session
kakobrekla: and they are great to make ushanka from
mircea_popescu: i thought ushanka is made out of policewoman snatch.
kakobrekla: not here
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17450 @ 0.00047081 = 8.2156 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23779 @ 0.00047081 = 11.1954 BTC [+]
jurov: here it's done from roof hares
mircea_popescu: !up nubbins`
mircea_popescu: dja know how to voice nubs ?
nubbins`: nothin to say ;D
nubbins`: ^ from a "master wood carver" on the forums who "hand carves" his designs
nubbins`: note how the surface design is impossibly beautiful, indicating an inhumanly skilled craftsman, yet the shape of the BTC logo looks as if it was molded in play-doh by a 12yo
nubbins`: here's another hilariously mismatched one: https://i.imgur.com/HILYArv.jpg
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18000 @ 0.0004722 = 8.4996 BTC [+] {2}
jurov: handcarved by laser
fluffypony: aren't we 3D printing wood yet?
kakobrekla: so thats how you destroy good piece of wood
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59973 @ 0.00046857 = 28.1015 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14400 @ 0.00048584 = 6.9961 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62076 @ 0.00048992 = 30.4123 BTC [+] {2}
jurov: well, as i read the asswot discussion, let it be noted btc-dev mailing list will eventually need timely updates of wot database, too
jurov: also i must confess, it uses only short key ids internally
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51800 @ 0.00050254 = 26.0316 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51100 @ 0.00048602 = 24.8356 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35600 @ 0.00050324 = 17.9153 BTC [+] {3}
gribble: (seen [<channel>] <nick>) -- Returns the last time <nick> was seen and what <nick> was last seen saying. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself. <nick> may contain * as a wildcard.
thestringpuller: ;;seen nubbins`
gribble: nubbins` was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 hour, 7 minutes, and 5 seconds ago: <nubbins`> here's another hilariously mismatched one: https://i.imgur.com/HILYArv.jpg
thestringpuller: nubbins`: I have moar werk for pink eye prints
kakobrekla: !shasum wot
assbot: sha256sum wot_users.sql.gz : 1e3819c7288865d34fc73ed636fe4880ee2275ed0d85772dc2c67839a2ed47cc
assbot: sha256sum wot_ratings.sql.gz : 63fcbe8ada533bae462972e08b0a8388a924036517f3e1912415d82eba65e814
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39450 @ 0.00050336 = 19.8576 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27000 @ 0.00049866 = 13.4638 BTC [-]
ben_vulpes: oh hey that's neat kakobrekla
assbot: Need at least one argument, example: 'wot'.
davout: !rate kakobrekla 1/0 cool wot bro
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: 291237F37A2C023CADBED52513288EAB01713428. This may take a few moments.
assbot: Key 01713428 / "Paymium Support <support@paymium.com>" successfully imported.
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/0dfa4210ab9a2da2
assbot: Need at least one argument, example: 'wot'.
davout: oh noes, it took the wrong primary id
assbot: Need at least one argument, example: 'wot'.
davout: !rate kakobrekla 1/0 cool wot bro
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/1643ea22c0658764
assbot: Need at least one argument, example: 'wot'.
kakobrekla: wait whut
assbot: Need at least one argument, example: 'wot'.
davout: kakobrekla: can you force a reimport of my key?
assbot: Need at least one argument, example: 'wot'.
kakobrekla: wtf is with assbot
assbot: Need at least one argument, example: 'wot'.
kakobrekla: shut up
assbot: Need at least one argument, example: 'wot'.
davout: assbot is getting crehzy
assbot: Need at least one argument, example: 'wot'.
danielpbarron: !down assbot
assbot: Need at least one argument, example: 'wot'.
davout: s/assbot/dosbot/
davout: maybe we should bring assbot to the bot doctor
assbot: Need at least one argument, example: 'wot'.
kakobrekla: davout reimport of same key ?
davout: kakobrekla: yeah, i fucked my key up, put paymium support as primary id, fixed it and re-pushed it to key server, it's just aesthetics
kakobrekla: well i can delete it from keyring and it will be imported again next time you run command
kakobrekla: or !change key to x and from x to back to what you have now
davout: kakobrekla: if you can delete that's cool
davout: as long as the ratings stay
davout: so you have some logic to handle colliding key ids?
davout: wait no
kakobrekla: key id is presumed to be not uncollidable
davout: you already have the fingerprints from gribble amirite
kakobrekla: i mean fp
kakobrekla: i use only fp
davout: that you got from gribble
assbot: #bitcoin-otc gpg key data ... ( http://bit.ly/1xqD4Z1 )
kakobrekla: assbot> Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: 291237F37A2C023CADBED52513288EAB01713428. This may take a few moments.
davout: yea mp's link about an actual demo of key id collision attack with puppetlab's key looked pretty scary
davout: !rate kakobrekla 1/0 cool wot bro
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/a5e8c564d3f8bdc6
kakobrekla: hold on a sec
kakobrekla: i didnt remove it yet
davout: assbot: you feeling better?
assbot: a bit
davout: assbot: good
assbot: its hard work, i hardly get any sleep
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43400 @ 0.00050353 = 21.8532 BTC [+] {2}
kakobrekla: davout key cleared
davout: kakobrekla: danke schön
davout: !rate kakobrekla 1/0 cool wot bro
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: 291237F37A2C023CADBED52513288EAB01713428. This may take a few moments.
assbot: Key 01713428 / "David FRANCOIS (E-mail) <david@bitcoin-central.net>" successfully imported.
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/98431d066034acb0
davout: !v assbot:davout.rate.kakobrekla.1/0:27df5d8b4242724bfb6271ceb46ada8c7a7c443abc96a009ed9aed2b7d5f14ad
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for kakobrekla from 3 to 1/0 with note: cool wot bro
davout: so 1/0 is a valid integer nao?
PeterL: it lets you use 1/0 as a number now?
kakobrekla: shut the fuck up.
davout: !b 3
assbot: Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1S68XZ5.txt )
kakobrekla: !gettrust davout kakobrekla
assbot: Trust relationship from user davout to user kakobrekla: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 22 via 9 connections. | http://w.b-a.link/trust/davout/kakobrekla | http://w.b-a.link/user/kakobrekla
kakobrekla: [rating] => 1
davout: 1/0 is an alias for $MOON
davout: !rate kakobrekla 3 cool wot bro
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/82083d73fa5699f5
davout: !v assbot:davout.rate.kakobrekla.3:550c72dc47e3a32e0d797a9953ebb1f8bbc90308e8a7f02d95f406f6d0cc7f9e
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for kakobrekla from 1 to 3 with note: cool wot bro
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9600 @ 0.00050391 = 4.8375 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30850 @ 0.00050417 = 15.5536 BTC [+] {2}
kakobrekla: !rate assbot 1/0
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/0ecad1a5b37446fc
kakobrekla: aha it gets taken out earlier
kakobrekla: meh too lazy.
kakobrekla: otp will show correctly now.
kakobrekla: otp header
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24850 @ 0.00050418 = 12.5289 BTC [+]
assbot: Magic: the Gathering is Turing Complete ... ( http://bit.ly/1B9Elap )
assbot: The ultimate status symbol. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1B9GtPG )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45746 @ 0.00050579 = 23.1379 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3854 @ 0.00051413 = 1.9815 BTC [+]
jurov: sooo... if i need to have fresh data for btc-dev, i'm supposed to query http://w.b-a.link/trust/assbot/<nick/fingerprint>
jurov: but how i'm getting them out ouf short keyid... pull it from keyserver, i guess
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.12000001 = 1.2 BTC [-]
jurov: good riddance
kakobrekla: you should search by fp on keyserver
jurov: just to be sure, may i consider http://w.b-a.link/trust/ api stable?
jurov: why idk?
kakobrekla: well its stable as in online but if you need something changed for example i would do it if its reasonable
jurov: no such need so far. what format is it?
kakobrekla: which ?
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell MetatronOne da
gribble: The operation succeeded.
jurov: the trust output
jurov: [meta] => Array < this stuff
kakobrekla: use json
kakobrekla: to parse
kakobrekla: second link
jurov: ahh yes
mircea_popescu: <jurov> also i must confess, it uses only short key ids internally << this should be fixed, and rly shouldn't be to hard to.
mircea_popescu: <ben_vulpes> oh hey that's neat kakobrekla << werd.
jurov: !ident jurov
jurov: ^ would be good to have
kakobrekla: there is no session
mircea_popescu: <assbot> its hard work, i hardly get any sleep << sleep is for pussy!
jurov: we are assuming that whoever has voice is properly identified?
jurov: quite a shaky assumption
kakobrekla: idk who is assuming that
mircea_popescu: ahh its so great to be back in the irc seat.
jurov: so no assumptions and ask the counterparty directly for proper signature. i see
kakobrekla: if its signature worthy you ask for signature
mircea_popescu: jurov it's counterintuitive, but the session thing is not actually increasing security.
jurov: i agree, but since it's sop since -otc, needs to be said explicitly
mircea_popescu: yeh. it was and wil be repeated i m sure.
mircea_popescu: o hey, pete got a mertz ?
mircea_popescu: not bad.
pete_dushenski: same as that owned by gorbachev and hussein
pete_dushenski: good company, that
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: i can't comment on whether gorby owns one, but the photo is clearly on a wash, d.c street
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: i don't think he keeps it here.
asciilifeform: md plates, too
asciilifeform: (state of maryland)
asciilifeform: probably rental.
pete_dushenski: well the story is that he drove one on his first visit to the us
pete_dushenski: fell in love with it
pete_dushenski: and ordered a bullet-proof model, naturally, as soon as he returned to moscow
asciilifeform: iirc that one was auctioned recently ?
asciilifeform: or was that his 'zil'
pete_dushenski: hm i missed said auction
asciilifeform: lol, would have bought it ?
pete_dushenski: for the right price, i'll buy anything.
asciilifeform: for an even righter price i'll also buy anything.
pete_dushenski: you would undercut me, wouldn't you.
asciilifeform: neh, the street bum who bids a penny will undercut.
asciilifeform: all of us.
asciilifeform: (how does this work exactly.)
pete_dushenski: lol it doesn't
asciilifeform: but yes, congrats. vroom.
asciilifeform: does that thing run on ordinary petrol?
pete_dushenski: oh ya, inordinate amounts of it
mircea_popescu: http://cdn.collarspace.com/photos/2179295.jpg << lol nothing like a blonde girl with black eyebrows and landing strip.
pete_dushenski: not sure i would've sprung for it had gas been $1.2/L
pete_dushenski: i don't think i'll eke out 400 km of city driving on a 90l tank
pete_dushenski: probably more like 600-700km on the highway
asciilifeform: good car for fellow who doesn't drive.
mircea_popescu: tank isn't that big if memory serves, more like 52, and fuel economy is not that bad, more like 7ish
mircea_popescu: so you'd do ~500 km on the 50 liters in the tank
pete_dushenski: i drive about 5000km a year so almost "doesn't drive"
pete_dushenski: "23.8-gallon fuel tank"
mircea_popescu: http://www.toothycat.net/~hologram/Turing/HowItWorks.html << this person does NOT understand what "turing complete" means.
assbot: Magic: the Gathering is Turing Complete ... ( http://bit.ly/1B9NuzL )
mircea_popescu: apparently a sack of 20 different apples is "turing complete" if you provide the turing completeness separately
mircea_popescu: and allocate the apples to machine states or sumthin
asciilifeform: separately ?
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu you're probably thinking of the 300 sel, if not one of the diesels
asciilifeform: seems like the question re: the linked article is, can one have the card players compute an arbitrary function (without them knowing) by having them play out a certain position
asciilifeform: seems like it purports to show that - yes
asciilifeform has not checked the proof, just saw this turd
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform what he does is, "here's a turing machine, and here's how im painting my game on it. "
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski i was thinking of teh diesel.
mircea_popescu: this is gas ?!
pete_dushenski: you thought it was a 5.6l diesel?
pete_dushenski: it's not a 3/4 ton pickup
pete_dushenski: lol ya it's gas
mircea_popescu: yeah those had shitty fuel economy.
mircea_popescu: back in the 90s the diesels were pretty economical cause diesel was 30% off
pete_dushenski: now diesel is all over the place
pete_dushenski: often 30% more
pete_dushenski: plus, quite underpowered and they never heat up in the winter
pete_dushenski: not enough waste heat
pete_dushenski: though the diesels are known to last 1,000,000 miles
mircea_popescu: hm, nah, it'll heat alright
pete_dushenski: at -30C it'll take a while
pete_dushenski: by which time you're probably already at your destination
pete_dushenski: could take 30 min
mircea_popescu: ah yes, i guess that's a point.
mircea_popescu: doesn't get that cold in yurp
pete_dushenski: ya, it's an entirely canadian consideration
pete_dushenski: as is traction in snow, etc.
ben_vulpes: <pete_dushenski> it's not a 3/4 ton pickup << lol
ben_vulpes: nice acquisition, pete_dushenski
mircea_popescu: "Nos numerus sumus et fruges consumere nati."
pete_dushenski: not too shabby eh
mircea_popescu: "we are statistics, born to consume resources."
ben_vulpes: imma put lady v in a mercedes baby wagon here sometime
ben_vulpes: you know
ben_vulpes: the long ones
ben_vulpes: hearses
mircea_popescu: get a volvo while at it
pete_dushenski: glk ? e-something ?
mircea_popescu: and weld them top to top
pete_dushenski: i think top gear did that welding game once
pete_dushenski: ben_vulpes so when's this baby of yours due ? we've been hearing about it since, what, you tried to use it as an excuse to not go to the third conference ?
pete_dushenski: we want to send you toys!
ben_vulpes: pete_dushenski: i'm going to the third conference, foo
pete_dushenski: well now you are...
ben_vulpes: you see the girl's sister's wedding is important enough to shift babymaking around, but not con3
ben_vulpes: but can't really say yo
ben_vulpes: letting biology do its thing
pete_dushenski: that's a fun game at least :)
ben_vulpes: myeah
ben_vulpes: getting creative. it's a blast, honestly.
pete_dushenski: lol probably stressful at times but you have to roll with the punches
pete_dushenski: it's not like lady v is 35yo and it's crazy crunch time
pete_dushenski: might as well enjoy these final months/years of peaceful sleep
pete_dushenski: and dink life
ben_vulpes: dink < meh
ben_vulpes: perhaps you missed the part of the log where i disclosed that lady v is on my personal payroll
pete_dushenski: i guess it depends whether your personal payroll includes personal cheques or just payments in kind ;)
ben_vulpes: personal cheques would defeat the purpose; then i'd have to pay taxes on money i'd already have paid taxes on.
asciilifeform: what's it mean to have a pet on payroll even.
pete_dushenski: employee
pete_dushenski: professional services rendered
mats: papa vulpes
pete_dushenski: i mean, it's possible
mats: adorbs
pete_dushenski: probably -ev tho
asciilifeform: why does a pet need money.
mats: handbags.
asciilifeform: spambags ?
kakobrekla: to bring in food. at least in my case.
asciilifeform almost failed to read 'handbags' because it lodged in his skullcase's spam filter
kakobrekla hates going to the store.
asciilifeform would have pet fetch food but it would require teaching pet to drive and issuing a vehicle
ben_vulpes: yeah well there you go
ben_vulpes: mine has her own
ben_vulpes: and does the cooking too
asciilifeform: cooking - yes
ben_vulpes: easily delegable all sorts of household tasks
ben_vulpes: girl basically runs the household
ben_vulpes: no reason to not provide adequate expense accounts to ensure everything gets done
ben_vulpes: wait - skullcase?
kakobrekla: here you dont need a car to go to the store.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: srsly, how often does one see word 'handbag' outside of spam.
kakobrekla: actually it would take longer with the car than by foot.
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: the only thing one can reliably get to where i live, without a motor, is 'convenience stores' which largely sell recycled food
mats: must be nice living in a first world country
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: woah. colour.
kakobrekla: its sorta famous place, lots of pics.
mats: looks idyllic
kakobrekla: nuff of spamming
kakobrekla: !up felipelalli
felipelalli: Can I write an article in Portuguese to qntra.net? Someone can translate it to English to me and I make the final review?
kakobrekla: ping mircea_popescu BingoBoingo
felipelalli: ok! Thank you kakobrekla
kakobrekla: actually i was pinging them for their attention for you
kakobrekla: just sit down and wait till someone appropriate comes around
felipelalli: thank you! Let me ask another thing: wouldn't nice if this page (default 404): http://qntra.net/anything/ (where anything can be anything) was linked somewhere? Like "Search" or "Category" (without the message "Well this is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?")? This page is very useful because it shows the categories and the search. I couldn't find a link to search/category page.
assbot: Page not found | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/17ZEKCL )
kakobrekla: i think cazalla edits the wp
mike_c: why do you want to write in portuguese?
mike_c: i believe english is strongly encouraged. from what I remember when the guy wanting to write in italian showed up.
mats: i imagine its his native tongur
mats: tongue* blasted touchscreen
mike_c: reasoning is along the lines of, "the only people you are reaching is the people in italy who haven't bothered to learn english"
mats: the net must be a boring place for people who can't read the big three
kakobrekla: you mean js css and html ?
mats: ofc
mike_c: kako, when are we buying our tickets to BA for april? it's getting late.
kakobrekla: you should do comedy i think
asciilifeform: kakobrekla will go ?
mike_c: i am trying to twist his arm.
kakobrekla: !up felipelalli
felipelalli: mike_c: because it is my native language and my English is not so good. But I want to write it in Portuguese to someone translate it to me to English, and I make the final review just to see if anything was misundertood.
kakobrekla: you english seems fine
mike_c: yeah.. not sure who is going to do that translation for you
kakobrekla: i mean, fine enough for english draft at least
mike_c: ^ i agree. write it in english and get that reviewed.
felipelalli: thank you! : ) I'm gonna try it.
mike_c: !gettrust assbot felipelalli
assbot: Trust relationship from user assbot to user felipelalli: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. | http://w.b-a.link/trust/assbot/felipelalli | http://w.b-a.link/user/felipelalli
mike_c: what's the topic?
felipelalli: mike_c: why when I send this command to gribble I receive a different result?
felipelalli: 01:08:09 - felipelalli: gettrust assbot
felipelalli: 01:08:10 - gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user felipelalli to user assbot: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 2 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=felipelalli&dest=assbot | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=assbot | Rated since: Fri Apr 11 02:04:55 2014
assbot: #bitcoin-otc Web of Trust - Trust graph ... ( http://bit.ly/17ZFVlQ )
assbot: Rating Details for User 'assbot' ... ( http://bit.ly/17ZFSXg )
mike_c: you are doing it the other way
mike_c: you trust assbot, the bot doesn't yet trust you
felipelalli: mike_c: ah! Ok.
felipelalli: mike_c: I want to do an overview of the Bitcoin image in Brazil. I want to show how almost everybody here thinks it is a scam. But for this I use a professional statistical research that costs a fortune.
felipelalli: *I want to use
felipelalli: I want to hire a statistical company to make a distributed properly research.
kakobrekla: i agree, its a scam.
kakobrekla: no stat tools needed.
mike_c: not even a good scam. price goes down all the time.
kakobrekla: i dont think it ever went up
felipelalli: are you kidding, right? :)
mike_c: so, if you want to do this research but have not yet, what is the article going to say?
felipelalli: I want to write one, just like a dream. Not sure if I will accomplish.
kakobrekla: well get to work, dreams wont dream themselfs!
mike_c: ah. well, hit the streets, get 50 random brazilians to answer a survey. the results of that might be worth an article.
mike_c: heh, 50 brazilian. that's a lot.
kakobrekla: there arent that many?
felipelalli: no, I had worked in a statistical company, if you say to them that you made that, they gonna kill you! :)
felipelalli: the number doesn't matter, but the distribution.
mike_c: well, it's just a survey. confidence interval is +- 2 brazilian
TheNewDeal: ;;ident
gribble: Nick 'TheNewDeal', with hostmask 'TheNewDeal!~TheNewDea@unaffiliated/thenewdeal', is not identified.
mats: a what? >30 s'all you need
felipelalli: no. If I go to slams it will be one result, if I go to downtown, another totally different.
mike_c: 30 brazilian?
kakobrekla: i think he is saying 1 brazilian is enough
kakobrekla: and extrapolate
mats: you're not gonna let that go huh mike_c
mike_c: oh god.. the accent in my head is killing me. hilarious
TheNewDeal: ;;nethash
gribble: 324390816.001
kakobrekla: felipelalli come up with a draft and show it to qntra people is your best bet
felipelalli: kakobrekla: thank you! I'll try it.
mats: kakobrekla being surprisingly nice and helpful
kakobrekla: go fuck yourself
mats: :(
felipelalli: but maybe you are right, spend money on it can be waste of money. maybe a simple survey can give me the results I need.
kakobrekla: aww cmon mats a little joke.
mats: im sensitive
kakobrekla: then i wont hug you
mats: felipelalli: def a waste. what's software gonna do that you can't replicate by hand?
mike_c: i'll give mats a brazilian hugs
felipelalli: waste of money if I hire that company.
mats: not to say there wouldn't be a valid use case. just, what's the point?
felipelalli: I have to go, nice to meet you guys. hugs from Brazil.
kakobrekla: lol, authentic brazil hugs
kakobrekla: ok good luck
mats: adorbs
felipelalli: thank you kakobrekla
mats: this is the most touching moment ive witnessed in #b-a
mats: usually its all world domination and biodiesel
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40400 @ 0.00051321 = 20.7337 BTC [-]
TheNewDeal: ;;seen The20YearIRCloud
gribble: The20YearIRCloud was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 weeks, 0 days, 5 hours, 5 minutes, and 46 seconds ago: <The20YearIRCloud> Big thing has been to have em look over all the financial documents as we're filing taxes for 2014 next month and I didn't want to submit till they had a good idea of it.
TheNewDeal: did !s disappear
kakobrekla: !s search
assbot: 1117 results for 'search' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=search
kakobrekla: found it
mircea_popescu: <kakobrekla> from the top of the hill << o look, czechoslovenia!
mircea_popescu: i mean yugoslovakia
mircea_popescu: felipelalli so what did you want to talk about ?
mircea_popescu: mats: adorbs << lol. yeh.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes: and does the cooking too << i remember that part.
mircea_popescu: mike_c: i believe english is strongly encouraged. from what I remember when the guy wanting to write in italian showed up. << well, nobody speaks italian. brazil speaks portuguese. i don't directly see a problem with it, if the coverage's any good.
mircea_popescu: but there'd have to be some sort of serious upfront commitment to it. one article now and again isn'treally worth the hassle.
mircea_popescu: felipelalli: But I want to write it in Portuguese to someone translate it to me to English, and I make the final review just to see if anything was misundertood. << this is a non-starter. the person doing the translation can just write their own stuff directly. you're not famous or anything, why'd you imagine someone'd be bothered translating you specifically ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14240 @ 0.00051321 = 7.3081 BTC [-]
mats: http://i.imgur.com/pkzx0Mt.jpg << kek. reenlisted in a GameStop.
mircea_popescu: whassat ?
mats: vidya game store
mircea_popescu: i get that part
mats: o, hes doing a reenlistment ceremony to reup his contract
mircea_popescu: felipelalli: I want to hire a statistical company to make a distributed properly research. << there's perhaps better uses to that capital, whatever you'd be spending. seeing how the value of asnwering the "what does brazil think" on whatever topic isn't really that great. i guess it could be a useful demonstration of methodology etc, but that needs some sort of a plan, won't do much as just a shot in the dark.
mats: From the pre-close panel at Shmoocon yesterday: "We used to be smarter than the Feds, it used to be a joke, how dumb they are. The NSA and FBI have a lot of smart people working for them now, I think it may be the other way around these days."
mats: shmoocon was meh this year, though.
mats: although James Forshaw's talk was pretty good. i can't seem to find slides online...
mats: i think attendees were dazzled by the reproduced ANT tools
mats: michael ossmann is the man.
assbot: mossmann's blog: The NSA Playset ... ( http://bit.ly/1ujIWC9 )
mircea_popescu: mats: usually its all world domination and biodiesel << world biodisomination!
mats: "SEC. 104. Ensuring Authority for Courts to Shut Down Botnets ..."
mats: "(D) violating or about to violate section 1030 of this title where such conduct would affect 100 or more protected computers during any 1-year period, such as (but not limited to) by denying access to or operation of the computers, installing unwanted software on the computers, using the computers without authorization, or obtaining information from the
mats: computers without authorization"
mats: nmap is now a WMD
mircea_popescu: this entire "forget how the machines work we'll make a legal representaton of how they SHOULD work and then hold you to respect that whether you knew it or not" is such nonsense.
asciilifeform: !s monolith
assbot: 17 results for 'monolith' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=monolith
mircea_popescu: basically the proposition is that rather than writing good software, bad software will be translated into law language
assbot: Logged on 21-10-2014 01:30:35; asciilifeform: 'As progressively dumber programmers build progressively more complex systems we will see more of this kind of attempt to paper over coding mistakes with lawyers, sanctions, policies, and laws. Hollywood and the RIAA are usually the most successful at getting the government to do their bidding. Thus I predict that one day Disney will have a Web site where you can buy access to any of their movies.
mircea_popescu: except, how the fuck will that work ? here's a broken c program, make a basic version of it and then try to enforce it
mircea_popescu: BEFORE A JURY
mircea_popescu: it's ludicrous as a concept. showing that these idiots posing as "leaders" have the intellectual penetration of frogs.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: lol, have you -seen- an american jury.
mircea_popescu: i actually helped slant a couple.
mircea_popescu: !up coderwill
TheNewDeal: mp, what is the email address that would have sent out a token for trilema?
PeterL: TheNewDeal: mine came from office @ polimedia.us
TheNewDeal: gracias
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