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← 2013-12-07 | 2013-12-09 →
mircea_popescu: the20year1 "our attuneys say so and so"
mircea_popescu: guy walks in a bar, asks some other guy "hey, are you an attuney ?" "sure pal" "ok don't you agree i could build an exchange ?" "sure pal"
mircea_popescu: exchange #5893490583094 is thus born.
mircea_popescu: sorry, i mean bit5893490583094coin
KRS|gotyawallet: ;;seen vexual
gribble: vexual was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 16 hours, 10 minutes, and 38 seconds ago: <Vexual> www
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [7C] 31 @ 0.0077 = 0.2387 BTC
ozbot: SoundCloud - Share Your Sounds
KRS|gotyawallet: The robot voice in that song makes me imagine a giant doomsday alien robot on armageddon day destroying a city and killing people with laser-ray eyes and explosive charges launching from devices mounted to its hands.
KRS|gotyawallet: having a rather square body and head with smaller but long legs
KRS|gotyawallet: claudioc: anyone wanna donate some coins to me?? i have no way to payoff this 2nd mortgage now... c mon guys u have my money at least let me get 0.1 btc
Duffer1: do you have his wallet?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 2500 @ 0.00045113 = 1.1278 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.31400836 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1000 @ 0.00297525 = 2.9753 BTC [+] {7}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.32298789 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.32298789 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 871 @ 0.0030468 = 2.6538 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.3140258 = 1.2561 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1075 @ 0.0028466 = 3.0601 BTC [-] {9}
ozbot: Megion R&D: About
Kleeck: .d
ozbot: 707408283.05150 | Next Diff in 434 blocks | Estimated Change: 25.4033% in 2d 5h 47m 11s
Diablo-D3: +ticker
Diablo-D3: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 762.01529, Best ask: 769.99999, Bid-ask spread: 7.98470, Last trade: 760.23281, 24 hour volume: 48633.24355535, 24 hour low: 653.0001, 24 hour high: 860.0, 24 hour vwap: 745.14452
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 138 @ 0.00298498 = 0.4119 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 27 @ 0.31287049 = 8.4475 BTC [-] {12}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1712 @ 0.00011899 = 0.2037 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 1000 @ 0.00049998 = 0.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 8 @ 0.15249999 = 1.22 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 222 @ 0.00297619 = 0.6607 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 153 @ 0.0029 = 0.4437 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 48 @ 0.00297359 = 0.1427 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 740.0, Best ask: 745.0, Bid-ask spread: 5.00000, Last trade: 745.0, 24 hour volume: 45162.82997989, 24 hour low: 653.0001, 24 hour high: 860.0, 24 hour vwap: 731.95439
mircea_popescu: so if i google sweets for my sweet result #2 is the drifters (black ppl), #3 is the searchers (white people)
mircea_popescu: ergo white man can't sweet.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10456 @ 0.00078594 = 8.2178 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu, what the heck foo? Keeping the price from reaching pluto
mircea_popescu: maybe it has no business on pluto
thestringpuller: I think there is a correlation between an exchange's life expectancy and the quality of the "businesses" it IPO's
thestringpuller: Based on this formula, Havelock should be shutting down any day now.
mircea_popescu: there definitely is a correlation.
pankkake: I already consider what I have left in havelock as lost
pankkake: but really, fuck all this shit
Apocalyptic: you mad pankkake .
pankkake: also headeaches don't help. but anyway, yeah :(
Apocalyptic: because of BF ?
pankkake: just a general feeling that any of these guys would scam if they could
thestringpuller: scamming doesn't pay, unless you're in your death throes
thestringpuller: even then it doesn't pay
Apocalyptic: well scammers gonna scam, that's what they do, and in bitcoinland there's a ton of them
thestringpuller: send money to firstbits 1scamyou
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 6568 @ 0.00011898 = 0.7815 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: 'm with Apocalyptic
mircea_popescu: with freedom comes the horde of people who misunderstand what freedom is all about.
mircea_popescu: no way to fix that, really.
mircea_popescu: no good reason to care, tbh, their problem, let them fix it.
Apocalyptic: don't expect some random dude opening a bitcointalk post about his service to be legit
mircea_popescu: Apocalyptic you'd think that'd be obvious, you know ?
Apocalyptic: mircea, somehow it isn't, go figure
thestringpuller: or at least that's what my dead uncle told me
mircea_popescu: the cave early behaviour partially to blame. also, the first few years everyone was new by the very definition.
mircea_popescu: needed some time to create histories.
thestringpuller: start-ups don't like history
thestringpuller: because they want all the money now without providing any value
mircea_popescu: but take nanotube. he doesn't say much, but was here since before me, and he ain't scamming anyone.
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller adolescents generally don't like history.
mircea_popescu: it puts all their shortcomings in such a cruel light.
mircea_popescu: it's unfair i tell you!
thestringpuller: @_@ history is the shit
thestringpuller: it's how you know what came to be
thestringpuller: unfortunately history can be "modified" after the fact, but I think that is GPG contract's greatest assets
thestringpuller: being able to make history "truthful"
mircea_popescu: now that's an interesting way to look at it...
mircea_popescu: i guess so huh. it creates a whole new class of artifact.
mircea_popescu: pottery, stone tablets, gpg signed matter...
pankkake: it's not about issuers. yes, most of them don't care to make their investors whole
pankkake: but even the so-called investors
pankkake: pump the scam to death, praise shitty action because it profits them, etc
mircea_popescu: well inasmuch as antyone can call himself an investor...
mircea_popescu: here's an idea : if you dont have a mpex acct youre too poor to be an investor.
thestringpuller: pankkake: you can still profit on that action though even if you're a real investor
thestringpuller: i remember mircea_popescu made some 100 btc off of AM swings
thestringpuller: in a single day
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.3129 BTC [+]
pankkake: of course you can. you can even profit from altcoins, so?
pankkake: btw this scammer had a mpex account https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=144622.0
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.31299499 = 0.626 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.31299 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: DeadTerra is a scammer now?
thestringpuller: what'd he do again? he did those passthru's but what happened?
pankkake: just being sloppy then abandonning his PTs
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.319067 = 0.9572 BTC [+] {3}
pankkake: the asicminer pt on bitfunder is still a mess
ozbot: Login
pankkake: all that trust. riiiight
kakobrekla: see my rating
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.319002 BTC [-]
pankkake: I know… but I also have TAT in my trust root
thestringpuller: my eyes are bleeding reading this thread
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.31299199 = 1.252 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.31900005 = 1.276 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.31298995 = 0.626 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.31299926 = 0.939 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.319001 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: pankkake i said investor :D
mircea_popescu: and o wow, deadterra is nao a scammer ?
mircea_popescu: only mpex account holder i ever had on ignore.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.31900605 = 1.276 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.312999 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: you may have an answer to this.
thestringpuller: what is the best system for public key distribution that enforces validity?
thestringpuller: given person A and person B have never met
pankkake: namecoin!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.3129663 = 0.9389 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.31900779 = 1.276 BTC [+] {4}
thestringpuller: can you really trust keyservers mr. pankkake ?
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller the system i now use works on the assumption either A or B are famous.
pankkake: well you should only trust the *fingerprint*, no matter how the key is distributed
mircea_popescu: i publish my key. now you know it is in fact mine. you send me yours. now i know it's yours.
pankkake: beware that the small fingerprint you often see can have collisions
mircea_popescu: pankkake that's the keyid.
mircea_popescu: the fingerprint is the whole thing.
thestringpuller: i would assume that the keyservers WoT uses will eventually encompass the bitcoin community that matters no?
thestringpuller: thus as long as the keyserver isn't compromised you can trust the key distribution?
pankkake: it's the first characters of the fingerprint or something? anyway, it shouldn't be relied on, but sadly it is
mircea_popescu: that eventually is misplaced. it originally was the case, back in 2011.
mircea_popescu: then as various ignorant noobs got added that figure they "know shit" and "have businesses" and so on...
mircea_popescu: easiest test in the book. you're not in the wot, you're not to be taken seriously. 5000 reddit votes notwithstanding.
mircea_popescu: pankkake afaik it's the last.
mircea_popescu: j'ai formater mon disque dure et j'ai perdu ma wallet et j'ai que la clé. est ce que je peut recuperer mon bitcoin a partir de la clé
mircea_popescu: o lordy.
pankkake: I usually say that the only way people learn to backup is by painful experience (like I did :|)
pankkake: bitcoin is going to make it even more painful
pankkake: hehe "unfortunately the activity in the Securities section lately seems to be dominated primarily by one of two things: 1) people trying to recover funds from an old "investment" that was poorly managed or an outright scam, or 2) people trying to attract funds for a new "investment" that is poorly managed or an outright scam"
mircea_popescu: and 3. mpoe-pr going "see here", "fuck you" and "retard"
pankkake: I read again the https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=106391.0 and it made much more sense
mircea_popescu: lessstupid.net
mircea_popescu: to quote my good friend pankkake, he said : "the only way people learn to backup is by painful experience"
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 10 @ 0.04853004 = 0.4853 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.32038333 = 3.8446 BTC [+] {4}
mircea_popescu: hahaha cool.
mircea_popescu: who runs coinonion ?
pankkake: The United States dollar, a real-life currency created by a group of revolutionaries after overthrowing the local authorities in North America, has almost doubled in value over the last 24 hours.
ozbot: Introducing: The Coinion, Bitcoin's Finest News Source Onion-clone for Bitcoin
thestringpuller: good stuff
mircea_popescu: dun dun dun
pankkake: nice
mircea_popescu: i wonder how many people realise that is actually MORE than what the average senior editor of fortune.com is paid on a per-article basis.
pankkake: depend on how much a 2015 bitcoin is worth
thestringpuller: fortune.com has an editor?
mircea_popescu: pankkake i meant today.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 30 @ 0.02716001 = 0.8148 BTC [-] {8}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 5 @ 0.02700001 = 0.135 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.1525 = 0.915 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: ;;seen jurov
gribble: jurov was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 hours, 13 minutes, and 56 seconds ago: <jurov> http://megiontechnologies.com/career.html multicultural team ftw
jurov: *rubs eyes* who keeps bothering me?
mircea_popescu: lol gmornin
jurov: mornin
jurov: $avg
mpexbot: jurov: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
mircea_popescu: i wonder if smickles reads his gribble later tells.
mircea_popescu: to state it for the record : i will never read a pdf "financial report" of something trying to call itself a bitcoin public company.
mircea_popescu: if you're publishing pdf reportsa that means that 1. you're not part of bitcoin finance and 2. the most you will get is ridicule.
Apocalyptic: mircea_popescu, what's so wrong with pdfs ? except the obvious potential security issues
pankkake: there are bigger fish to fry
pankkake: at least it's a report, beats 99% of securities
pankkake: the French say "there are other cats to flog", much better
jurov: thestringpuller pm
mircea_popescu: except ?!
nubbins`: d'autres chats!
mircea_popescu: pankkake it's a good idea to get people used to doing the right thing early.
mircea_popescu: this is a huge fish to skin, in that it costs nothing to establish correct precedent, and it'll be perfectly imossible to fix once a microsoft exists
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 3 @ 0.15333333 = 0.46 BTC [-] {3}
mircea_popescu: so please, for the love of your own future and for the love of the future of your kids and the young women you fuck and will probably survive you :
mircea_popescu: do not motherfucking read pdf "reports".
mircea_popescu: they ain't reports, they're stupidorts.
nubbins`: even if they have two-inch margins on all sides?
mircea_popescu: even if.
mircea_popescu: and the same princuople goes to the "devteam" retards implememnting pki
mircea_popescu: since we're on the topic.
jurov: send niggers.txt instead
mircea_popescu: totally.
nubbins`: interesting idea, no chip+PIN support and therefore useless
mircea_popescu: "as seen on" is the mark of failure i've noticed.
nubbins`: also gotta say i fucking hate this new "endless scroll" type of website
nubbins`: "features don't impress you? how about the new york times logo?"
mircea_popescu: at least some idiots got the "coin" name, that's a relief.
nubbins`: "all your cards. one coin. unless you live outside of the usa, in which case none of your cards."
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 18 @ 0.02700001 = 0.486 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 30 @ 0.027 = 0.81 BTC [-]
Apocalyptic: man I love arch, such a neat distro
thestringpuller: are we talking about that coin card
thestringpuller: which is a joke
Apocalyptic: doesn't come with all the useless shit you'll never use anyway like in debian
thestringpuller: all the "Computer Scientist" are raving about
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 2 @ 0.14 = 0.28 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller right.
mircea_popescu: that's the other mark of failure.
nubbins`: truth sauce
nubbins`: i mean
nubbins`: i'm a "computer scientist"
nubbins`: wtf do i know about anything?
mircea_popescu: you read wired religiously.
pankkake: Apocalyptic: http://repository.headfucking.net/Images/Nerdy/distros.png http://repository.headfucking.net/Images/Nerdy/archlinux.png (though I do like Arch, the devs clearly aren't as good as Gentoo's)
thestringpuller: Gentoo takes too long to install shit on slow computers due to compile source at installation time
pankkake: I know :/ I still run it on a Celeron 500 MHz
thestringpuller: that must be painful
thestringpuller: emerge links2
thestringpuller: 30 minutes remaining
pankkake: well it doesn't have many packages and enabled features thankfully :)
Apocalyptic: thestringpuller, you do compile from source on arch too
thestringpuller: oh really?
thestringpuller: i thought pacman just brought in newest packages, and those were compiled remote
thestringpuller: i haven't used arch just gentoo so I don't know
pankkake: there is the AUR, which is basically user-contributed builds
pankkake: but for obvious security reasons they aren't allowed to distribute the binaries, only the build instructions
pankkake: it's a good idea, though the quality isn't always there ;)
mircea_popescu: has anyone so far tried to sneak malware in through ascii build ionstructions ?
pankkake: build instructions in documentation, or in scripts? I'm sure most people don't check the build scripts, even from untrusted sources
pankkake: ubuntu PPA look like they're built the right way, user uploads source, but trusted third party builds
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5550 @ 0.00078742 = 4.3702 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: doesn't ppa require you to sign the package?
thestringpuller: the third party that is
pankkake: the source package maybe? and then they sign the binary? this is just guesses, I never did it
mircea_popescu: uyah ubuntu had the right idea there.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 684 @ 0.002956 = 2.0219 BTC [+] {2}
Apocalyptic: "world's finest financial writers" // read our senior editors who have no clue
pankkake: also, that "tulip mania" thing is probably a myth
pankkake: there's only one source ever, no trace of actual losses
ozbot: How much of the legend of the 17th-Century tulipmania is true?
thestringpuller: I write better than this for papers due in school and still get points marked off, yet this gets through the editors?
thestringpuller: i don't want to live in this country anymore
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1805 @ 0.00296756 = 5.3564 BTC [+] {5}
kakobrekla: thats not a matter of country.
pankkake: it's the same everywhere. it's the planet
mircea_popescu: pankkake nah, it wasn't a myth
kakobrekla: id bet its the universe
pankkake: let's go te the moon together
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 102 @ 0.00298497 = 0.3045 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: and there are traces. for instance the aggrivied merchants petitioned the court to rule on whether people who bought on promise are liable for the value promised or for the value actual
mircea_popescu: the court ruled fuck you.
pankkake: they didn't invent bailouts yet?
mircea_popescu: anyway, the bs is funny. "none of the obsolete people have any idea of why exactly it is they're obsolete"
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1217 @ 0.00298611 = 3.6341 BTC [+] {5}
mircea_popescu: well fucking duh with pink fringe and a lemon slice on top
mircea_popescu: if they did have a clue they would be here.
mircea_popescu: pankkake no, at the time freedom was a living thing.
pankkake: I'm not that convinced Bitcoin Is The Future. actually, the feeling that is was dominated by 15-year-old gamers with GPUs made me stay away for long (well, I'd be rich if I didn't)
pankkake: but everything that was almost-working is failing
mircea_popescu: it's the future alright.
Apocalyptic: I think we agree on that
pankkake: I have no doubts that fiat is dead/dying. just doubts about bitcoin surviving it
pankkake: well, the best would be that I try to build something interesting around bitcoin instead of lamenting :)
Apocalyptic: go for it pankkake !
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1000 @ 0.003 = 3 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 52 @ 0.003 = 0.156 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 105 @ 0.003 = 0.315 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 42 @ 0.003 = 0.126 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5200 @ 0.00078742 = 4.0946 BTC [+]
Apocalyptic: mircea_popescu, what are your thoughts about protoshares ?
thestringpuller: Jun 2016: today Ben Bernanke addressed congress, "I have been replaced by a computer network, and am unfortunatley obsolete. I have no idea how this happened but I reccommend the US switch the Bitcoin standard."
KRS1: haha
kakobrekla: the next moment btc crashes
ozbot: Bitcoin Enthusiasts Thrilled After Greenspan Calls Bitcoin A 'Bubble' - FakeValley
pankkake: love the "I go all-in on anything he calls a bubble"
KRS1: Chatter everywhere says they've tracked down the elusive fontas. Here is a picture of him: http://www.strangefunkidz.com/images/content/117901.jpg
pankkake: the best haircut altcoins can buy
KRS1: seren1ty: Fontas punched my wife in the face last night. This morning she pooped bitcoins.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [7C] 30 @ 0.0077 = 0.231 BTC
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1000 @ 0.0029995 = 2.9995 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1500 @ 0.00299991 = 4.4999 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: Apocalyptic nothing good, but too soon to be definite.
mircea_popescu: i thought fontas was usagi's otherkin
thestringpuller: usagi is using a new moniker now?
thestringpuller: he still owes me 15 btc
thestringpuller: not like he could ever payt hat
Apocalyptic: what is usagi remembered for these days ,
thestringpuller: insurance fraud
thestringpuller: mining fraud
thestringpuller: fake silver
pankkake: fake silver? :o
thestringpuller: jk, that was me trolling, but he ran a btc->silver fund
thestringpuller: I'm in the middle of processing TU.SILVER holders right now, in fact I just handled a 10 oz and a 40oz redemption (the 40 is shipping out today if the post office is open). No one's silver is missing.
thestringpuller: Just send me a message signed with your public withdrawal address and I'll get back to you. As you can imagine going to the post office 40 or 50 times is a little time consuming with everything else I have to do. Thx ^^
thestringpuller: or you know you could just cash settle the shares by you know liquidating the silver into BTC
thestringpuller: but who am I to judge
pankkake: I like the idea of silver or gold funds, but they don't seem to last long
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 109 @ 0.00299991 = 0.327 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: whatever happened to coinabul?
jurov: thestringpuller afaik there were problems caused by exchange rate fluctuations and undelivered packages
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 4510 @ 0.00049997 = 2.2549 BTC [+] {5}
thestringpuller: i need a gucci hoodie
thestringpuller: someone hook me up with a gucci hoodie
Kleeck: .d
ozbot: 707408283.05150 | Next Diff in 353 blocks | Estimated Change: 26.7046% in 1d 18h 58m 48s
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1000 @ 0.00299908 = 2.9991 BTC [-] {6}
thestringpuller: ;;seen jurov
gribble: jurov was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 35 minutes and 7 seconds ago: <jurov> thestringpuller afaik there were problems caused by exchange rate fluctuations and undelivered packages
mircea_popescu: pankkake usagi ran a nest of lolcompanies in 2012,
pankkake: yeah I saw that
mircea_popescu: they kept selling insurance policies to one another and then foregoing on collecting and all sorts of nutty accounting schemes
mircea_popescu: it was a texbook example of, give a kitten a computer, it's going to take a nap on it
ozbot: [IPVO] [Multiple Exchanges] Neo & Bee - LMB Holdings
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 5 @ 0.0268608 = 0.1343 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 44 @ 0.00301 = 0.1324 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: so i just took a bite out of a usb stick
mircea_popescu: because i had some chocklate on my table and i reached for it w/o looking
jcpham: it usually takes me 3 tries to plug in usb
mircea_popescu: oddly enough, into the mouth it plugs on the 1st try
jcpham: i bet
mircea_popescu: they sjould make these things sturdier thno
mircea_popescu: i fucking bent it
jcpham: all of mine ar just bare pcb's
jcpham: the plastic case always breask
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [7C] 25 @ 0.0077 = 0.1925 BTC
thestringpuller: lol on of my buddies just made a storyboard for a nice intro to gpg video
thestringpuller: that states "If you want to enter the crypto currency game, you need to use crypto!"
pankkake: but doing this (risking money just to disprove random guys) tells me it's time to step away from the computer
mircea_popescu: you know how patrick harnett got sunk right ?
pankkake: don't know who that is at all
ozbot: Scammer tag: PatrickHarnett
mircea_popescu: so i guess i'm at least 500 btc ahead of you in that game
mircea_popescu: i ain't steppin' away, i'm steppin ON.
thestringpuller: Patrick Harnett is still playing banker?!?!?
mircea_popescu: nah, but pankkake is starting down the glorious path of "here's 0.1 btc says you're fulla shit"
mircea_popescu: which, incidentally, is why god created money in the first place.
thestringpuller: that is how you busted open his scam though
pankkake: actually I linked for the replies
pankkake: why god created money? so you're satoshi?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.15 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: did you ever get any of that deposit back btw mircea_popescu ?
thestringpuller: man woe is the days of 2012
mircea_popescu: the guy, of course, claims he has been making payments, except, of course, to meanies such as me, who wouldn't lie about how he defaulted in the first place.
thestringpuller: ;;gettrust PatrickHarnett
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user PatrickHarnett: Level 1: 0, Level 2: -4 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=thestringpuller&dest=PatrickHarnett | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=PatrickHarnett | Rated since: Tue Mar 6 17:02:32 2012
mircea_popescu: which, incidentally, is pretty much the oldest trick in the scambook, try and stack the incentives so that people won't report.
thestringpuller: i wonder what these "bankers" thought they would invest in...
thestringpuller: it feels like people were taking loans to pay loans to pay loans
mircea_popescu: aka pulling yourself out of the shit by your breeches
pankkake: isn't it what people do in the fiat world?
thestringpuller: in the fiat world people take insurance out on a loan default
thestringpuller: then bribe the loanee to repay the loan late
thestringpuller: aka burning down the bar for the insurance money
ozbot: A simple example as to why fiat institutions can’t stand pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: so i got this very dry supposed horse salamy from this weird neoprotestant group that's trying to start a sort of crafts convent
mircea_popescu: this shit is so good i'm getting suspicious
thestringpuller: i think one benefit of GPG contracts in the long run is as bitcoin ages, the barrier of entry into WoT becomes much higher
pankkake: I wouldn't trust any romanian food
pankkake: well I suppose to enter the WoT you'd need older people to vouch you, and to risk a bit of their reputation
Apocalyptic: <mircea_popescu> this shit is so good i'm getting suspicious // horse salamy from Hungaria is the best
truffles: horse, the next red meat?
mircea_popescu: pankkake you kidding ? romanian food > french food.
mircea_popescu: i kid you not.
thestringpuller: pankkake: exactly, that means 1) you know someone who is reputable IRL and get rated accordingly based on business doings there, or 2) you start from the bottom which will get lower and lower
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 175 @ 0.00301 = 0.5268 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3000 @ 0.00078841 = 2.3652 BTC [+] {2}
thestringpuller: all scammers seem to do is make the distance between the bottom of the barrel and the truly trustworthy larger to traverse
truffles: chicken breast schnitzel doesnt sound like Romanian origins
pigeons: hores salamy is people
pankkake: not that I would ever eat anything from Findus
mircea_popescu: which is a valuable public service.
thestringpuller: but alas there will always be n00bs killed by the woodchipper
truffles: saami ..
nubbins`: horse is big in quebec
thestringpuller: ;;google site:trilema.com the woodchipper
gribble: The story of Pointless and Witless pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: <http://trilema.com/2013/the-story-of-pointless-and-witless/>
nubbins`: can't buy it elsewhere in canada tho
nubbins`: i'm curious to know how it tastes
nubbins`: well. i shouldn't say you "can't buy" it
nubbins`: it's just never available for sale
mircea_popescu: truffles not a matter of origins or w/e, i'm just saying, i give you and a romanian chick 100 euros each, whoever makes the best platter wins.
mircea_popescu: pigeons lmao
truffles: taste depends on preference
mircea_popescu: got me there.
mircea_popescu: some people for instance have no taste.
ozbot: Romanian Food For Supper (recipes included) | Gather
davout: did someone start a french vs. romanian food trell ?
truffles: think so
truffles: french win with just desserts imo
davout: french win, there isn't much more to say, romanian food is pretty good though!
davout: pankkake: all the jokes including horse meat and romanians were already made on this thread around a year ago or sthg like that
davout: s/thread/chan/
pankkake: I figured… and I probably did it once already too :/
pankkake: French cuisine is quite generic, south west and south east are already quite different
truffles: orly
mircea_popescu: davout for some values of someone
mircea_popescu: but anyway! romanian > french, strictly because the french agriculture died in the 60s
mircea_popescu: romania is still there. i can go to a peasant house and buy a "hand"smoked ham, or raw milk. it'd be half a mile away
Apocalyptic: that's awesome
mircea_popescu: you *can* get stuff of comparable quality in france, too
pankkake: do they take bitcoins?
mircea_popescu: it's just a lot more of a hassle and way more expensive.
mircea_popescu: no, they don't.
pankkake: oh, so you won't survive the global collapse anyway
mircea_popescu: yes, i will, because i will fuck their daughters and to appease me they will bring me cheese
truffles: uh dunno what agriculture has to do with who cooks best..
mircea_popescu: and all manners of leberwurst
mircea_popescu: truffles you can't be serious. where do you think food comes from.
davout: mircea_popescu: i am interested in this leberwurst you speak of
davout: also as a matter of fact i bring my kid drink raw milk directly from the cow, as in, it's not hard to go on a farm :-)
davout: it might be easier in romania tho
truffles: dunno why the products would be different when comparing, if so dont c why its a problem to obtain
mircea_popescu: well you know what it is neh ?
mircea_popescu: davout we have little automated things here, you insert 3 lei and get a liter.
jurov: yup it is
nubbins`: raw milk
nubbins`: one sec
ozbot: Ontario farmer guilty of selling raw milk - Toronto - CBC News
pankkake: I thought this was only banned in US
truffles: canada is practically US
truffles: is it the head or the rear..
davout: mircea_popescu: that is cool
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] [PAID] 2.31293253 BTC to 9`573 shares, 24161 satoshi per share
ozbot: Michael Schmidt (agriculture) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
nubbins`: ARMED COPS
nubbins`: raided his farm
dub: all cops are armed tho rite?
dub: are they going to leave their guns behind for this one job?
truffles: saw video of canadian cops shooting kid on bus..
davout: mircea_popescu: http://i.imgur.com/rAeUz3g.png <<< further questions?
mircea_popescu: dub not rly. at least here.
mircea_popescu: davout well... it's not a farm you know what i mean ?
dub: yeah, not armed here either but in ameristan
truffles: nubbins` what happened to canada!
mircea_popescu: cool and good for the kid and everything, but that cow aint happy there.
nubbins`: truffles: conservative government
davout: mircea_popescu: it's just milking time, maybe you're referring to the really old-school ones where everything's done by hand ?
mircea_popescu: show me one where a girl with nice tits and no bra, red in her cheeks, just hand milked the cow in a bucket.
davout: haha
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 54 @ 0.04153159 = 2.2427 BTC [-] {7}
davout: does it *have* to be a cow milked in the bucket?
nubbins`: whale milk is like 50% fat
mircea_popescu: jus' sayin'. you're already doing pretty good.
nubbins`: zoos are missing out
nubbins`: imagine the cheese!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 325 @ 0.003 = 0.975 BTC [-]
nubbins`: not sure what taste a plankton diet would put on it tho
dub: so there are food safety standards for a reason
mircea_popescu: algae, same thing as grass.
mircea_popescu: prolly sushi flavoured cheese.
truffles: so why's raw milk bad
dub: not to rain on a libertarian indignity parade but you can't just sell people shit that might kill them
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 170 @ 0.00232726 = 0.3956 BTC [-] {11}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 300 @ 0.003 = 0.9 BTC [-]
nubbins`: truffles: it's not.
dub: it can be
nubbins`: in the sense that raw beef isn't bad
nubbins`: but dub has it
mircea_popescu: dub everything might kill you.
nubbins`: it *can be* bad
nubbins`: and so therefore
nubbins`: it is banned
nubbins`: tyvm o milky overlords
truffles: something to do with what they feed em like mad cow?
mircea_popescu: in principle, people should be responsible for what they do.
jurov: wtf? they normally sell raw milk here from a machines, with warning you should cook it
mircea_popescu: jurov yeah.
nubbins`: jurov warnings are so european
mircea_popescu: im pretty sure it's the same principle, as this italian company begun merchandising its machinery to farmers all over.
nubbins`: the new world prefers legislation
dub: yeah you can't just warn peopl ein murica
mircea_popescu: dub it's not even prominent a warning
mircea_popescu: you could easily miss it.
jurov: the warnig is there in red
mircea_popescu: that's the machine.
dub: thats not suitable at all
dub: a) it requires the ability to read
nubbins`: okay so seriously tho
mircea_popescu: it should be written IN THE MILK
truffles: what if u make it for just ur family dub?
nubbins`: horse salami
nubbins`: is this dry salami?
nubbins`: like will it keep?
dub: truffles: thats fine
mircea_popescu: it usually is dry yes
mircea_popescu: you can have it wet too, in pepper usually.
nubbins`: i'm curious to try some
dub: b) the mobility scooter access is in question
mircea_popescu: dub lazymobile ?
nubbins`: i've been on a big tube-meat kick lately
nubbins`: but kolbasa is so pricey
truffles: since we're on safety, what about Bisphenol A !
nubbins`: truffles: banned in canada
nubbins`: er wait no
nubbins`: not banned
nubbins`: but health canada sez it's a carcinogen
dub: theres also the thing about how your gut gets used to the shit you put it through
truffles: then it wouldve been banned in US too :p
nubbins`: receipts are still coated in it, but you can't find drink containers made of it anymore
nubbins`: dub, this is why montezuma's revenge only targets whitey
nubbins`: hmmm
nubbins`: i wonder could i reasonably make salami
nubbins`: i've got a huge chunk of moose in the freezer
nubbins`: not personally
nubbins`: i have some connections tho
truffles: this will suck if BPA is in my alcohol :(
nubbins`: ^ argument for glass
nubbins`: ok supper time, seeya later
truffles: later
nubbins`: will have more questions about horse salami
nubbins`: peace
mircea_popescu: good salami is hard to make.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 150 @ 0.003 = 0.45 BTC [-]
mike_c: mircea_popescu, s.nsa november statement coming soon? i'm curious to see how much r&d cost.
mircea_popescu: yeah. no charges in nov either.
mike_c: ah, nice. a good month to not spend btc :)
mircea_popescu: which explains how it fell through the cracks ;/
mircea_popescu: ima have it published today.
jurov: you were bickering about rng whole month?
jurov: :D
mircea_popescu: jurov no, but asciilifeform is also independently wealthy, and in an uncharacteristic fashion for btc enterprises we're not charging before stuff actually works.
mircea_popescu: best possible deal for investors i guess.
jurov: wao-ender: who is gonna to forward this convo to slush&stick?
jurov: i like to ruffle their feathers
truffles: truffle their feathers :D
wao-ender: at thursday I was talking irl to their casing vendor
wao-ender: he is not that.. smiley as they are
wao-ender: #uaskweleak
mircea_popescu: mind that im not saying this is how all corps should do or anything
jurov: mkay, i'll just remind them to never publish pdf statements
jurov: cuz it's unbitcoinish
Apocalyptic: nigga.txt would do
pankkake: they'll publish .xlsx statements
pankkake: or .swf!
pankkake: punch the monkey to see our financials
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 225 @ 0.003 = 0.675 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: yeah, make it activex
pankkake: make every S.MG financial a quest
mircea_popescu: epic quest, only 1 per server.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.32294833 = 2.5836 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 3 @ 0.1066666 = 0.32 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 7 @ 0.1151 = 0.8057 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 17 @ 0.1163 = 1.9771 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.NSA] 1200 @ 0.00012 = 0.144 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 70 @ 0.33763581 = 23.6345 BTC [+] {18}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.15 = 0.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2700 @ 0.00080304 = 2.1682 BTC [+]
nubbins`: .xlsx is preferable because an old version of excel won't open it
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 648 @ 0.00301719 = 1.9551 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 2401 @ 0.00302557 = 7.2644 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 21 @ 0.02660409 = 0.5587 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 500 @ 0.0031 = 1.55 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 350 @ 0.00322012 = 1.127 BTC [+] {6}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.32666665 = 0.98 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 414 @ 0.00328529 = 1.3601 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 67 @ 0.00324646 = 0.2175 BTC [+] {4}
pankkake: I no longer have neobees
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 415 @ 0.00333 = 1.382 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: is there a neobee bubble forming?
pankkake: well you can still buy them at 0.003 if you're willing to wait for https://www.lmb-holdings.com/
mircea_popescu: pankkake did you book a profit ?
pankkake: just sold above havelock trade fee, so no profit, no loss… just tears
mircea_popescu: lol why tears ?!
pankkake: just general unhappiness [said pankkake the bitcoin emo]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 100 @ 0.003276 = 0.3276 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.1525 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16237 @ 0.00080437 = 13.0606 BTC [+] {2}
thestringpuller: someone needs to ipo a pgp carrier pigeon service
thestringpuller: that would be so gangsta
mircea_popescu: been done, but not by us
mircea_popescu: casascius coins by pigeon
pankkake: if the coin is lost you're pretty screwed
pankkake: you'd probably want to send it in two waves
dub: and mircea_popescu with a guiding hand obviously
mircea_popescu: serie: programiertips is getting a lot of mileage.
mircea_popescu: schreiben sie ein top-programm!
mircea_popescu: it can't be just a fucking program already. it's gotta be special. on a 8 bit register but nevertheless TOP!!1
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.327 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 409 @ 0.00325996 = 1.3333 BTC [+] {5}
ozbot: [IPO] Established Business With Long Term Earnings -Huge Returns For Early Birds
ozbot: [IPO] Established Business With Long Term Earnings -Huge Returns For Early Birds
mircea_popescu: pankkake is this the new ggblblb whatever that crazy guy was pushing ?
mircea_popescu: aussie something
pankkake: don't know what that is
ozbot: GBBG Bitcoin Fund
pankkake: who wouldn't trust that face!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 89 @ 0.00300001 = 0.267 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5400 @ 0.00081999 = 4.4279 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1337 @ 0.00082 = 1.0963 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: "He may have a wall street corner office but his methods are definitely from the street"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16213 @ 0.00083642 = 13.5609 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 679 @ 0.00300005 = 2.037 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.33697999 BTC [+]
javanomad: ;;seen unbalanced
gribble: unbalanced was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 days, 21 hours, and 56 seconds ago: <unbalanced> *Part Tops = what drunk people call Pop Tarts
cazalla: did predictious just copy all the bitbet prop bets and say it's a first or am i missing something
unbalanced: hey javanomad, how's it going?
pankkake: oh I didn't know predictious even existed
pankkake: you can "buy" and "sell"? that's weird
kakobrekla: bitbet:
kakobrekla: 2 weeks 6 days ago (19-11-2013)
unbalanced: Is this the one by those professors? Someone posted a link to an article last week
kakobrekla: predict: Saturday, November 30, 2013 9:00:00 PM GMT
kakobrekla: bout 11 days later
pankkake: well the option stuff isn't really new. and lol they have a quarkcoin one
kakobrekla: 10k bet: bitbet: Bet started:
kakobrekla: 1 week 1 day ago (30-11-2013)
kakobrekla: predict: Friday, December 6, 2013 8:00:00 PM GMT
kakobrekla: no doubt.
kakobrekla: they would be better off reselling bitbet positions
pankkake: well a lot of bets have no one "selling" so this kinda sucks
kakobrekla: dunno their volume seems to be about equal to average single bitbet
unbalanced: How's your headache pankkake? I'm a little behind in the logs but you seemed defeated lately... Pain will do that to ya.
unbalanced: Go troll someone to get your spirits up.
kakobrekla: no brain no tumor pankkake
pankkake: well no I don't have the mood to troll anymore
pankkake: which is telling!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 5 @ 0.09300001 = 0.465 BTC [-] {3}
unbalanced: But... the summer of George!
pankkake: kakobrekla: no but I have stuff not going on well physically in it :/
pankkake: hehe
truffles: pankkake ure sick? ;(
javanomad: unbalanced - howdy - all good
pankkake: sinuses and tooth issues
unbalanced: I mean crap
pankkake: well this explains the me-doing-nothing all day
unbalanced: Hey javanomad... looks like my package is at the border. I should be enjoying the coffee this week.
unbalanced: kakobrekla, I read you found the Ethopian you ordered to be a little... meh?
javanomad: unbalanced - yah, I checked the tracking - should be close
unbalanced: How's the business going, in say orders per week or whatever you don't mind disclosing?
kakobrekla: well, you hyped this shit to stars so its hard to keep up with the expectations then, also i only tried one flavour so far, and its not bad, but it doesnt blow my head off
javanomad: Came to a halt as soon as the rocket launched from $800. Just a couple orders since then. First two months were great though.
unbalanced: Well, I'm not a coffee guru I just know what I like.
kakobrekla: hey im all up for experimentation
kakobrekla: nothing wrong if i dont like everything
kakobrekla: and its not that i dont like it.
unbalanced: I'll opine about javanomad's Indonesian once I try it -- but you'll have to judge for yourself.
kakobrekla: are you getting unroasted beans
javanomad: most of my sales were made in Oct when BTC was around fiattissue $140 - and I just held the BTC, so pretty pleased.
unbalanced: Roasted by a pro
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla:they would be better off reselling bitbet positions << this is actually true, however,
mircea_popescu: most people making websites are into making websites, not so much into making money.
unbalanced: Yes this is the first time I've spent coins and had the exchange rate drop after. Yay me
mircea_popescu: pankkake go to the dentist ?
mircea_popescu: unbalanced wd.
unbalanced: Although I hardly checked the price this weekend, spent my little Bitcoin time reading the logs here. There's hope for me yet.
pankkake: mircea_popescu: well I'm going to expensive specialists, been going for months
unbalanced: ;;ud wd
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wd | WD. Welfare Dave- lowest form of life on earth. Eats government chesse.Wants more people to work to pay for his free gobmint chesse. Because he is to useless  ...
ozbot: Urban Dictionary: wd
mircea_popescu: pankkake they offer to take your sinuses out for you yet ?
unbalanced: I'm going to hope he meant "word"
mircea_popescu: unbalanced wd = well done.
unbalanced: You kids today with your srsly huise
unbalanced: *guise
mircea_popescu: jesus ud has pretty much become one huge injoke wrapped in its own context
pankkake: it's finally going somewhere (actual results/proof), and I stop being treated as a hypochondriac, which is certainly progress
pankkake: just mad that it took 6 months
mircea_popescu: truth. all hypochondriacs aspire to one day progress to actual sickness
mircea_popescu: if it makes you feel any better : about five years ago i thought i had a heart attack
unbalanced: good one, you made him smile
mircea_popescu: so i rushed to the hospital, explained to the admittance clerk why i'm there
unbalanced: (wish I'd hit enter a half-second sooner)
Duffer1: panic attack?
truffles: ure sick in the head?
mircea_popescu: she looked at me kinda hm ? got a doctor asap, they did the blood clotting thing
pankkake: yeah I had a few panic attacks/arithmias
mircea_popescu: i was like... perfect. doctor wanted to know what exactly gave me the idea ?!
pankkake: but that thing, no, I was pretty sure something was fucking wrong. turns out, I actually have *two* things
kakobrekla: more is better, same with shares.
mircea_popescu: apparently what i had was that a bit of inside skin got caught in between my ribs.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla one day he will have over nine things.
truffles: skin in ribs, sounds like a bit much on the kink..
Duffer1: too many camel :P
Duffer1: really though how does that even happen?
mircea_popescu: i have no idea. apparently one of the perks of being a tall skinny fuck, you can pinch your insides
mircea_popescu: the result ? sharp pain when inhaling.
jurov: sudden sharp pain behind the ribs? yea it happens occassionally to many people
jurov: i happened to find it on wikipedia... can't remember the name
Duffer1: i'm glad it was miner, or at least, not a heart attack
truffles: weird im more interested in pankkake's fake illnesses than this "sharp pain" stuff
pankkake: it's not fake :/
kakobrekla: ITS NOT WATER!!!!
pankkake: I have a sinus that is really really tight compared to the other one
pankkake: and an infection on a teeth root (probably not the correct English term but fuck it)
ozbot: Precordial catch syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
mircea_popescu: lol so take it in the other sinus.
mircea_popescu: whoa jurov! today i learn~!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 205 @ 0.34878788 = 71.5015 BTC [+] {18}
pankkake: someone likes asicminer today
nubbins`: ugh, was working on a logo for a client
nubbins`: they liked the concept sketches and had no complaints about the work as it was progressing
nubbins`: send off a final proof
nubbins`: "actually i hate this, i just didn't want to say anything because you're a nice guy"
nubbins`: "you can keep the deposit, tho"
truffles: blow to the ego eh
nubbins`: (a) no fucking shit i can keep the deposit
nubbins`: (b) what the fuck kind of way is that to work with someone?
jurov: nubbins`: give it to beggars on #-otc
nubbins`: hahaha
nubbins`: it was actually for some guy in -otc
nubbins`: so that's exactly what i'm going to do
assbot: Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/1497497/plain/)
nubbins`: lelelelelelelelel
nubbins`: is there anywhere i can host an .svg for free?
mircea_popescu: wordpress.com
nubbins`: yeah, i was about to say, fuck it, i'll do it myself on our blog
pankkake: so you can get not paid for work? harsh
nubbins`: well, i got paid half.
nubbins`: and he didn't even receive the vector files, just a medium-res png
pankkake: oh, ok
nubbins`: large enough for a website, sure
mircea_popescu: pankkake once i paid this mexican band to stfu while i eat.
mircea_popescu: they didn't mind.
nubbins`: just kind of burns me that some asshole would just watch me make something he doesn't like
nubbins`: rather than, you know, act like an adult human :(
pankkake: yeah, I've had the itch to pay beggars to just stop a few times
truffles: that will keep em going
pankkake: yeah, that's one issue
pankkake: but some have the worst music choices ever and every day the same song (in the parisian metro)
pankkake: at least the romanian ones tell you about their 12 children starving
truffles: saw bunch of romanian beggers once, turns out theyre being forced..
truffles: step about prostitution
truffles: above*
truffles: they were rly strategic about it though, in corners
dub: nubbins`: he probably couldnt schedule a parent to make the decision for him
pankkake: locations are very important
dub: you know, gen why problems
pankkake: one saw two beggars almost fighting for a spot
dub: there are a few beggars around where I live
dub: which is annoying considering how much it costs to live here
dub: I'm toying with making a blog for them
pankkake: what do you mean, it's expensive?
truffles: u sir do brag
dub: these are teh straight, gimme money type, no singing and dancing
truffles: i give my spare's to beggers, but im fearful of doing so these days
dub: one of them is like 16-18 skinny long haired nerdy type, seen him in a acouple of neighbouring suburbs. his pitch is 'my parents are alcoholics and I've chosen not to live with them'
dub: no way this dude is homeless, he's making banque
pankkake: eh, many beggars aren't homeless
dub: a lot of them make good money
pankkake: not that there is anything wrong with that
dub: yes there is
dub: get the fuck out my hood you dirty little motherfucker
truffles: well if its tough for them at home..
truffles: ur hood?
Vexual: i think you dropped this gold ring
mike_c: nice, thanks.
KRS-: where do you live dub
mike_c: S.NSA realised no operating revenue this period, however is expected to realise operating revenue next period. << good news for yes on that shipping bitbet.
nubbins`: right on!
dub: KRS-: ballertown
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 191 @ 0.00329998 = 0.6303 BTC [+] {7}
pankkake: I want some gangsta bitcoin pics
pankkake: not sure how to do it
mircea_popescu: what's the left hemiparesis our brave chap is displaying ?
nubbins`: wallet address w/ 0.001 btc
thestringpuller: debian why you so fucked
Vexual: ak?
mircea_popescu: does it read M for Mwhyusomean ?
Vexual: sign up for militia, sell ak, get $17, profit
mircea_popescu: you know they did that a lot ion the civil war ?
truffles: so many good meme's out there
Vexual: american civil war?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32450 @ 0.00084993 = 27.5802 BTC [+]
nubbins`: you mean other countries had civil wars?
KRS-: yeah dude
KRS-: oh lol
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18200 @ 0.000851 = 15.4882 BTC [+] {2}
Vexual: imagined buying power index trending up i see
KRS-: I gotta wake up some..gawd.
ozbot: Eric Clapton- Cocaine - YouTube
KRS-: Buy Cocaine on iTunes
nubbins`: hahahahaha
pankkake: nice
KRS-: shit I've been going to the shitty part of town for that all this time..
Vexual: that kid is more gangsta than he seems, he actually sold the piece for $50, then set the rate on facebook
truffles: "Real men Do it with Bitcoins" t shirt lol
javanomad: ;;seen deadweasel
gribble: deadweasel was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 1 hour, 27 minutes, and 45 seconds ago: <deadweasel> ;;ticker
ozbot: Godfrey Bloom: The State is an Institution of Theft - YouTube
Vexual: brussels stole my pancreas!
truffles: and no riots were had
Vexual: no kraut?
ozbot: What markets are there?
kakobrekla: a fun one
Vexual: someone put their clogs on the wrong feet this morning
truffles: i think he's upsest about something
truffles: this neotrix
kakobrekla: people get annoyed when you try to debug them
kakobrekla: its a long known fact
truffles: he had some points
truffles: the message was conveyed even if the english wasnt up to par
kakobrekla: what points?
pankkake: his exchange lists only himself and two other things, one of them being a scam
pankkake: so that's almost like MPEx!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1000 @ 0.00084687 = 0.8469 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: lol pankkake
truffles: 1st paragraph
truffles: last sentences
kakobrekla: feel free to paste the part you have in mind
truffles: there were only 2 paragraphs
kakobrekla: and no sense.
truffles: i agree with his feelings on the matter, not his business related things
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6300 @ 0.00085054 = 5.3584 BTC [+]
truffles: good day
pankkake: ;;estimate
gribble: Next difficulty estimate | 906741452.688 based on data since last change | 894132728.373 based on data for last three days
mike_c: when people complain about the look of mpex.co I point them to http://nginx.org/
Duffer1: i dont see the differece
pankkake: one of the things that always attracted me to open source software was the simple, no bullshit homepages
pankkake: to the point
mike_c: exactly
mike_c: no difference, and nginx is awesome.
pankkake: but that's not true of all anymore http://openvpn.net/ = vomit
ozbot: rxvt-unicode
Vexual: budgerigar +5
mike_c: on the other hand, a consumer-focused broker like coinbr still needs that new logo we were promised
ozbot: welcome home : vim online
Vexual: hey, he bought a drill
Vexual: and judgingby all theat swarf, he's not afraid to use it
nubbins`: hey, i do logo work
Vexual: entrepenerial little fuckers, those sudanese
pankkake: not somalians?
Vexual: can you draw mermaids nubs?
nubbins`: i can't draw much, but i pay people who can
Vexual: di it on cpec
Vexual: *spec
Vexual: html 5, see more nipple when you trade more
nubbins`: spec work is for suckers
Vexual: howd that last commission go? :)
nubbins`: the one where i got stiffed for $150 or the one before that?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.34899999 = 1.396 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.34899 = 0.698 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 90 @ 0.00334382 = 0.3009 BTC [+] {5}
Vexual: i just gold oldfashioned blueprints in the mail
Vexual: what a joy
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 7 @ 0.34899 = 2.4429 BTC [-]
mike_c: where they blue?
mike_c: wer
mike_c: were
Vexual: yep, blue
Vexual: anyone interested in community title land near nimbin with network infrastucture?
← 2013-12-07 | 2013-12-09 →