Hide Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2013-07-30 | 2013-08-01 →
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 43 @ 0.006209 = 0.267 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.006212 = 0.0435 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 50 @ 0.00093 = 0.0465 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0417 = 0.0834 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04186997 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006299 = 0.315 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04312 = 0.2156 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.006299 = 1.2598 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006299 = 0.315 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.261 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.0063 = 0.0189 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 72 @ 0.0063 = 0.4536 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 119 @ 0.0003 = 0.0357 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.04313 = 0.4313 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.348 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 46 @ 0.04319 = 1.9867 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 166 @ 0.006298 = 1.0455 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 18 @ 0.006299 = 0.1134 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 216 @ 0.006299 = 1.3606 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 184 @ 0.006299 = 1.159 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 1 @ 0.03162 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 70 @ 0.0063 = 0.441 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.348 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 714 @ 0.0083 = 5.9262 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.0063 = 0.0504 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 492 @ 0.0063 = 3.0996 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.0063 = 0.0504 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006387 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006388 = 0.1597 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 483 @ 0.0063 = 3.0429 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.006496 = 0.052 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 190 @ 0.006497 = 1.2344 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 96 @ 0.006498 = 0.6238 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 286 @ 0.0083 = 2.3738 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 200 @ 0.000314 = 0.0628 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.497 = 0.994 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.496 = 0.992 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4955 BTC [-]
dub: all this bbq talk deserves some sthrn beats
VanCleef: some va beats
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 20 @ 0.008406 = 0.1681 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 3 @ 0.008406 = 0.0252 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 180 @ 0.008405 = 1.5129 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 300 @ 0.008403 = 2.5209 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.008401 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 5 @ 0.008322 = 0.0416 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 27 @ 0.008303 = 0.2242 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 250 @ 0.008302 = 2.0755 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 5 @ 0.008301 = 0.0415 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 949 @ 0.0083 = 7.8767 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 5 @ 0.0083 = 0.0415 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 5 @ 0.00816 = 0.0408 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 4 @ 0.008 = 0.032 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 21 @ 0.008 = 0.168 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 40 @ 0.009999 = 0.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006315 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006315 = 0.1579 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 43 @ 0.006314 = 0.2715 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006312 = 0.3156 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.00631 = 0.631 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4557 = 0.9114 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.4556 = 1.3668 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 4 @ 0.4426 = 1.7704 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 40 @ 0.4425 = 17.7 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006449 = 0.1612 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 33 @ 0.00645 = 0.2129 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.339 BTC [-]
afrotec: this is poop
afrotec: wow gox up, what happened guys
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.339 = 8.678 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006304 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.339 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.339 = 13.017 BTC [-]
smidge: hi all
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.009981 BTC [-]
afrotec: smidge
afrotec: whats up
smidge: not much, nice morning in germany
smidge: how bout you
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 200 @ 0.008 = 1.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006306 = 0.1577 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006305 = 0.3153 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 46 @ 0.006305 = 0.29 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 17 @ 0.0063 = 0.1071 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 1 @ 0.03158 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: fuck 11 on gox
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 50 @ 0.008 = 0.4 BTC [-]
afrotec: lovely midnight in chicago
afrotec: lol, mox is taking off
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006405 = 0.1601 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 187 @ 0.006406 = 1.1979 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006408 = 0.3204 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.00641 = 1.923 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.00641 = 3.205 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2938 @ 0.00641 = 18.8326 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 25 @ 0.002937 = 0.0734 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.345 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4162 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.416 = 0.832 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 25 @ 0.4152 = 10.38 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.35 = 8.7 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.35 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006157 = 0.1539 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.006156 = 0.0369 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 13 @ 0.006155 = 0.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.006153 = 0.0369 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.35 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.04313 = 0.345 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04221 = 0.2111 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.006201 = 0.0186 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 87 @ 0.006432 = 0.5596 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006434 = 0.3217 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.006436 = 0.6436 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 109 @ 0.006448 = 0.7028 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 157 @ 0.006449 = 1.0125 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.00645 = 3.225 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 328 @ 0.006497 = 2.131 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.006498 = 0.026 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 150 @ 0.006499 = 0.9749 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 661 @ 0.0065 = 4.2965 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 354 @ 0.0065 = 2.301 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006281 = 0.157 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.04221 = 0.2955 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006281 = 0.157 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.04221 = 0.1688 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.0422 = 0.422 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0422 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 20 @ 0.008121 = 0.1624 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 28 @ 0.00812 = 0.2274 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 64 @ 0.0034 = 0.2176 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 30 @ 0.02121 = 0.6363 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.361 = 8.722 BTC [+]
smidge: 114 is current resistance from june
smidge: its bouncing back a bit
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.362 BTC [+]
smidge: after that 134 i think
smidge: from may
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.364 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006401 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.364 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006411 = 0.1603 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 301 @ 0.00641 = 1.9294 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006497 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006323 = 0.3162 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 750 @ 0.006322 = 4.7415 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.009999 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 1 @ 0.010439 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 20 @ 0.00026978 = 0.0054 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006323 = 0.1581 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1012 @ 0.006322 = 6.3979 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.006304 = 0.0315 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.006303 = 0.063 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.006211 = 1.2422 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 400 @ 0.00621 = 2.484 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 52 @ 0.00026979 = 0.014 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 85 @ 0.006108 = 0.5192 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 170 @ 0.006107 = 1.0382 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 23 @ 0.0002698 = 0.0062 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 5 @ 0.0002699 = 0.0013 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 20 @ 0.0002699 = 0.0054 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1653 @ 0.00612 = 10.1164 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006121 = 0.3061 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3347 @ 0.00612 = 20.4836 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.006051 = 0.0908 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.00605 = 0.1815 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 830 @ 0.006006 = 4.985 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 415 @ 0.006005 = 2.4921 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.005903 = 5.903 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3020 @ 0.005902 = 17.824 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1500 @ 0.005901 = 8.8515 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.005901 = 0.0708 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 81 @ 0.00613 = 0.4965 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005502 = 0.2751 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1250 @ 0.005501 = 6.8763 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2000 @ 0.0055 = 11 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 907 @ 0.0055 = 4.9885 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3000 @ 0.0053 = 15.9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005201 = 0.2601 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005196 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00511 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.005102 = 5.102 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 560 @ 0.005101 = 2.8566 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3000 @ 0.0051 = 15.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 75 @ 0.0051 = 0.3825 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1490 @ 0.00501 = 7.4649 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.0421 = 0.2947 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.005901 = 0.118 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.301 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.37 = 21.85 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.375 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 4.375 = 35 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.387 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 20 @ 4.388 = 87.76 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005401 = 0.135 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 800 @ 0.0054 = 4.32 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.00535 = 5.35 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.005206 = 0.0781 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2000 @ 0.005204 = 10.408 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005202 = 0.2601 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.005101 = 2.5505 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1711 @ 0.00501 = 8.5721 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005201 = 0.2601 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.0052 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005012 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 299 @ 0.005011 = 1.4983 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.005011 = 0.0301 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 799 @ 0.00501 = 4.003 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005005 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 193 @ 0.005 = 0.965 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000301 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 2707 @ 0.0002765 = 0.7485 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1000 @ 0.0002764 = 0.2764 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 2000 @ 0.0002762 = 0.5524 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 11 @ 0.000276 = 0.003 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1701 @ 0.0002752 = 0.4681 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 3071 @ 0.000275 = 0.8445 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 4.273 = 25.638 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.005 = 0.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.272 = 42.72 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.269 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.268 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.267 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.262 = 8.524 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.005 = 0.035 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004999 = 0.125 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.261 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2000 @ 0.004999 = 9.998 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.26 = 42.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.25 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 4.25 = 34 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.00491 = 4.91 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.0049 = 4.9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2000 @ 0.0049 = 9.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 40 @ 0.0049 = 0.196 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004899 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.0049 = 0.1225 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.359 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.0047 = 0.0235 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004999 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 44 @ 0.004701 = 0.2068 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004999 = 0.125 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1585 @ 0.004701 = 7.4511 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 270 @ 0.004701 = 1.2693 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004998 = 0.125 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004998 = 0.2499 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 125 @ 0.004999 = 0.6249 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.508 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.5078 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.5077 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004702 = 0.1176 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0076 = 0.76 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004996 = 0.1249 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 675 @ 0.004997 = 3.373 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004703 = 0.1176 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 700 @ 0.0076 = 5.32 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004996 = 0.1249 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004996 = 0.1249 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 337 @ 0.004997 = 1.684 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2000 @ 0.0055 = 11 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005564 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2222 @ 0.005795 = 12.8765 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1111 @ 0.005797 = 6.4405 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005997 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004997 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005995 = 0.1499 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005996 = 0.03 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005997 = 0.1499 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005499 = 0.1375 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.0055 = 0.1375 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005998 = 0.2999 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 831 @ 0.006199 = 5.1514 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04319 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 43 @ 0.006 = 0.258 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005215 = 0.1304 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 957 @ 0.005214 = 4.9898 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005211 = 0.2606 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.00521 = 5.21 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005208 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.0052 = 1.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005 = 0.025 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004708 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2700 @ 0.0076 = 20.52 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.3 = 8.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 47 @ 0.009981 = 0.4691 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1499 @ 0.0075 = 11.2425 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005001 = 0.125 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005001 = 0.125 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4975 @ 0.005 = 24.875 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005 = 0.125 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.004821 = 0.0241 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.004801 = 0.0288 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004799 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.00471 = 2.355 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 243 @ 0.004704 = 1.1431 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 2 @ 0.0008327 = 0.0017 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00482 = 0.1205 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 75 @ 0.004821 = 0.3616 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 650 @ 0.0002805 = 0.1823 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 17 @ 0.005992 = 0.1019 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005993 = 0.2997 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 6 @ 0.0002805 = 0.0017 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 2248 @ 0.00028 = 0.6294 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 167 @ 0.0076 = 1.2692 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.321 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004771 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.32 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0083 = 0.83 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0083 = 0.83 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 47 @ 0.0083 = 0.3901 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 490 @ 0.00028 = 0.1372 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 53 @ 0.0083 = 0.4399 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.04 = 0.12 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0397 = 0.0794 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0395 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0393 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0391 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.03906 = 0.1172 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0389 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 21 @ 0.0387101 = 0.8129 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.03871 = 0.3871 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 25 @ 0.03870009 = 0.9675 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0387 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 80 @ 0.03852 = 3.0816 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 250 @ 0.03851 = 9.6275 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.0083 = 0.083 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 3071 @ 0.00028 = 0.8599 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 192 @ 0.001801 = 0.3458 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.0018 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005397 = 0.1349 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 756 @ 0.005398 = 4.0809 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3000 @ 0.0054 = 16.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.005584 = 0.0447 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005585 = 0.2793 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 239 @ 0.005595 = 1.3372 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005596 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 296 @ 0.005597 = 1.6567 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005594 = 0.1399 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 11 @ 0.16 = 1.76 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4091 = 0.8182 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.4091 = 1.2273 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005985 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 330 @ 0.005969 = 1.9698 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.0059 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.25 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.144 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.14300001 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 5 @ 0.14200042 = 0.71 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.142 = 1.42 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.141 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.005785 = 0.0231 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 5314 @ 0.00028 = 1.4879 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [MININGCO.ETF] 2 @ 1.602 = 3.204 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.005795 = 0.0232 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.232 = 16.928 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 978 @ 0.00025405 = 0.2485 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.232 = 12.696 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 330 @ 0.005892 = 1.9444 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005893 = 0.2947 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005716 = 0.1429 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005715 = 0.1429 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005714 = 0.2857 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005892 = 0.1473 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005893 = 0.0295 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 38 @ 0.005894 = 0.224 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.005708 = 0.0685 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.0053 = 1.59 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 318 @ 0.005214 = 1.6581 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 22 @ 0.005151 = 0.1133 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 45 @ 0.00515 = 0.2318 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 44 @ 0.005101 = 0.2244 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 88 @ 0.0051 = 0.4488 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1045 @ 0.005005 = 5.2302 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.005004 = 2.502 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005302 = 0.1326 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 175 @ 0.005301 = 0.9277 BTC [-]
smidge: everyones getting out of amc, rushing into labcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.232 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.231 = 16.924 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.23 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 18 @ 0.81 = 14.58 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.21 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005887 = 0.1472 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.21 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 175 @ 0.005888 = 1.0304 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005891 = 0.2946 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.205 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005895 = 0.0295 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.005899 = 0.0472 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.202 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 34 @ 0.0059 = 0.2006 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 193 @ 0.0059 = 1.1387 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.202 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0425 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.04214 = 0.1686 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.0421 = 0.1263 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 54 @ 0.04201 = 2.2685 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.042 = 0.126 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.042 = 0.294 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.042 = 0.42 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 28 @ 0.042 = 1.176 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005899 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4296 @ 0.00080547 = 3.4603 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7304 @ 0.00080315 = 5.8662 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MG] 15000 @ 0.0002675 = 4.0125 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 17 @ 0.042 = 0.714 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.299 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.042 = 0.84 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.201 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 23 @ 0.042 = 0.966 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.042 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.042 = 0.21 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 4.45 = 26.7 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005898 = 0.0295 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.005899 = 0.0649 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 47 @ 0.005974 = 0.2808 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.005975 = 0.0896 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 80 @ 0.005977 = 0.4782 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 161 @ 0.00599 = 0.9644 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 24 @ 4.2 = 100.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.0419 = 0.838 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.2 = 8.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.2 = 12.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.2 = 21 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 932 @ 0.005352 = 4.9881 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.00535 = 0.0535 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005335 = 0.2668 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.005333 = 0.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.005314 = 0.0319 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.00531 = 0.0159 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.00522 = 0.0209 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.005006 = 2.503 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 14 @ 0.0049 = 0.0686 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.0049 = 4.9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004802 = 0.1201 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004801 = 0.2401 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 850 @ 0.00478 = 4.063 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 4.32 = 8.64 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 200 @ 0.04 = 8 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.04 = 0.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.04 = 0.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.5 = 9 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.201 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 12 @ 4.2 = 50.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 100 @ 0.00179 = 0.179 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 4.2 = 37.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004771 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.131 = 0.262 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 80 @ 0.13000101 = 10.4001 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.185 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.171 = 16.684 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.17 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.159 = 8.318 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 13 @ 4.32 = 56.16 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.15 = 41.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.132 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.0083 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04299 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.122 = 8.244 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004805 = 0.1201 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 11 @ 4.121 = 45.331 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004804 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.12 = 20.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004802 = 0.2401 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 524 @ 0.0048 = 2.5152 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: any more people looking for a "graet opportunity" ?
VanCleef: i think btcgarden are valuing themselves at around 160 million usd
dexX7: the next is labcoin
VanCleef: according to my calcs
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.0083 BTC [+]
VanCleef: labcoin around 1 million
kidkrypto: already placed my orders for labcoin, looks like it's gonna fill quick
dexX7: labcoin's ipo is > 60 % filled, trading hasn't started yet..
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.126 = 8.252 BTC [+]
VanCleef: sec is going to have a field day
ThickAsThieves: this i sabsurd
dexX7: burnside: are you here?
dexX7: or ThickAsThieves? or any other btct issuer?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.5 = 9 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.04299 = 0.2579 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.0083 = 0.0166 BTC [+]
ozbot: [LABCOIN] IPO [BTCT.CO] - Details/FAQ and Discussion (ASIC dev/sales/mining)
dexX7: ipo walls behave like regular ask orders, correct?
ThickAsThieves: why wouldnt they
ThickAsThieves: do 4600btc just got sucked out of AMC and AM to early bid on labcoin
VanCleef: oh well, all you can do is sit back and watch the madness
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.04151 = 0.166 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.2 = 8.4 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: the natives are restless
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.55 = 9.1 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004809 = 0.1202 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 33 @ 0.004808 = 0.1587 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004807 = 0.2404 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 37 @ 0.004806 = 0.1778 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.004805 = 0.024 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 86 @ 0.004801 = 0.4129 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: they complain no matter what,
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 44 @ 0.0048 = 0.2112 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1220 @ 0.0048 = 5.856 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: you announce IPO too quickly and people miss out
ThickAsThieves: you announce to early and people get bid out
dexX7: i hope trading begins soon.. replacing bids and a pre-ipo ralley would create so much rage i guess
dexX7: true
ThickAsThieves: what they dont realize, is if they bid it up before it's even live
ThickAsThieves: no one makes the money from bidding it up except the issuer
dexX7: you secure your shares
ThickAsThieves: yes, shares you are speculatively buying
ThickAsThieves: becaus eyou want them to go up
ThickAsThieves: how much up is left if everyone pays max price pre-IPO
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.15 BTC [-]
dexX7: i get your point, but what would be the best "game strategy"?
ThickAsThieves: wait til labcoin announced the IPO date
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 395 @ 0.0083 = 3.2785 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: then bid then
mircea_popescu: VanCleef lol what is btcgarden even ?
ThickAsThieves: another labcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.04151 = 0.2491 BTC [-]
VanCleef: oh mp you're going to love it
ThickAsThieves: with added chinese language and chip fsoftware screenshots
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 13 @ 0.04151 = 0.5396 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04151 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004808 = 0.2404 BTC [-]
VanCleef: i'm actually being really kind because because a 2million lost of shares will be sold for more than 0.016 btc
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.0415 = 2.075 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 35 @ 0.004807 = 0.1682 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 40 @ 0.0413 = 1.652 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.004805 = 0.024 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04125 = 0.2063 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2780 @ 0.0048 = 13.344 BTC [-]
VanCleef: at the minium based on what btc is worth today they're valuing themselves at around 160 million
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.0411 = 0.1233 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.04102 = 0.1641 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.04101 = 0.4101 BTC [-]
VanCleef: lot*
mircea_popescu: so basically everyone wants to be mpoe on their say so
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.04101 = 0.123 BTC [-]
dexX7: hehe
mircea_popescu: and why shouldn't they, because on the internet nobody can be a dog against their will
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 13 @ 0.041001 = 0.533 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.041 = 0.369 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: meanwhile all the cretinous americans buying btc for dollars and giving it to scammers are doing btc a huge disservice.
mircea_popescu: i wish more people listened back when i was saying we really DON'T want more noobs.
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 14 @ 0.008131 = 0.1138 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 4.24 = 8.48 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 4.22 = 16.88 BTC [-]
VanCleef: btct cant even issue ipo's properly
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 400 @ 0.00179 = 0.716 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 148 @ 0.001781 = 0.2636 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 300 @ 0.001781 = 0.5343 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 10 @ 0.001751 = 0.0175 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 200 @ 0.001702 = 0.3404 BTC [-]
VanCleef: rename it ebay instead
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 100 @ 0.001701 = 0.1701 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 250 @ 0.0017 = 0.425 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.0017 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.197 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00888 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: one man's properly is another's wtf
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00823 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 4.1 = 20.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.1 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3991 @ 0.0083 = 33.1253 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.12 = 12.36 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.12 = 16.48 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.12 = 8.24 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.111 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.11 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.104 = 41.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 3.9 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 69 @ 0.0387003 = 2.6703 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.03870011 = 0.1935 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 211 @ 0.0387 = 8.1657 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.105 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.189 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005264 = 0.1316 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005265 = 0.0263 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.45 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1265 @ 0.0002511 = 0.3176 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.14 = 0.28 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 8877 @ 0.00028 = 2.4856 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4033 = 0.8066 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MG] 10000 @ 0.0002675 = 2.675 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.004851 = 0.0146 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.004851 = 0.0194 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 100 @ 0.001645 = 0.1645 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 86 @ 0.04125 = 3.5475 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 26 @ 0.04125 = 1.0725 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1850 @ 0.0008028 = 1.4852 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.041 = 1.025 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.041 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 30 @ 0.041 = 1.23 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 28 @ 0.041 = 1.148 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 52 @ 0.003356 = 0.1745 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.041 = 0.287 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.106 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.041 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: ;;bcstats
ThickAsThieves: ;;estimate
gribble: Current Blocks: 249394 | Current Difficulty: 3.125696072776893E7 | Next Difficulty At Block: 249983 | Next Difficulty In: 589 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 3 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes, and 20 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
gribble: Next difficulty estimate | None based on data since last change | 41333750.3648 based on data for last three days
ThickAsThieves: ;;nethash
gribble: 295883.02488
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.0002724 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.105 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 4.105 = 32.84 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 12 @ 4.101 = 49.212 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.1 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.1 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.1 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 19 @ 4.1 = 77.9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 20 @ 0.008133 = 0.1627 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1200 @ 0.008132 = 9.7584 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 30 @ 0.00813 = 0.2439 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 4 @ 0.0081 = 0.0324 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 4 @ 0.007906 = 0.0316 BTC [-]
kidkrypto: any eta on those labcoin shares being released
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.007904 = 0.0158 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 69 @ 0.007201 = 0.4969 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1000 @ 0.0072 = 7.2 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: when you least expect them
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.002783 = 0.2783 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 50 @ 0.002782 = 0.1391 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 40 @ 0.00278 = 0.1112 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 580 @ 0.00258 = 1.4964 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 41 @ 0.002579 = 0.1057 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 41 @ 0.002444 = 0.1002 BTC [-]
dexX7: uh www.btct.to changed it's layout ;)
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.00235 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.0023 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.0022 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.0022 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.002122 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 6 @ 0.002121 = 0.0127 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 19 @ 0.4033 = 7.6627 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.4033 = 1.2099 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 12 @ 0.4032 = 4.8384 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4006 = 0.8012 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 10 @ 0.3935 = 3.935 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 10 @ 0.3932 = 3.932 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.04052 = 0.1621 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.0402 = 0.201 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 137 @ 0.00212 = 0.2904 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.0401 = 0.2005 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.07 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.0401 = 0.802 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.07 = 8.14 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.04009 = 1.0023 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.040003 = 2.0002 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.071 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 4.07 = 36.63 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.040002 = 0.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.04 = 1 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04 = 0.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 15 @ 0.04 = 0.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 4.07 = 28.49 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 13 @ 0.01377 = 0.179 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.4 BTC [+]
louong: sell EVERYTHING
louong: naoooo
ThickAsThieves: pretty much
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004964 = 0.1241 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: gotta get the labcoin pokemon
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.14 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.039 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.06 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.06 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: we should put like 3000 more btc on the labcoin orderbook
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 54 @ 0.03852 = 2.0801 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.005 = 0.5 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: make it look sold out pre-ipo
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0385 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.0384 = 0.1152 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.0384 = 0.2304 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: run up price
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.0382 = 0.955 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: then bail on IPO day
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 30 @ 0.038 = 1.14 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.03601 = 0.2161 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.036001 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.03501 = 0.2101 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.03501 = 0.7002 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.035 = 0.35 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 100 @ 0.035 = 3.5 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: i think the expression is "sell all the things"
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 30 @ 0.035 = 1.05 BTC [-]
louong: well, issue has some real names attached
louong: that's pretty amazing in the BTC world
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.035 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: how real?
mircea_popescu: names as in who ?
ThickAsThieves: like first name last name
ThickAsThieves: or people people actually know
louong: yup
louong: no edgy names
louong: or weird blogs
louong: just boring first name last names
mircea_popescu: it's so rare it bleeds what can i tell you.
mircea_popescu: you mean like me or erik or josh rossi or etc ?
louong: yeh, but it's a TEAM
ThickAsThieves: the names arent it
louong: of first name last names
mircea_popescu: lol it's a team
ThickAsThieves: people "got rich" buying AMC
ThickAsThieves: now everyone wants to get rich
ThickAsThieves: so they turn IPOs into bitcoin gems
mircea_popescu: the problem with 5000 people getting rich offa fiddy bucks
mircea_popescu: is that the first guy to spend 50 bucks has made everyone dirt poor again
ozbot: Eve Tribune
mircea_popescu: somewhat on topic
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.007104 = 0.0142 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1696 @ 0.007103 = 12.0467 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.03899 = 0.2339 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 29 @ 0.039 = 1.131 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.5 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: DMS is at 0.0014206 per mhs
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004963 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004959 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00485 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0048 = 0.48 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.004772 = 0.0095 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00477 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 16 @ 0.00472 = 0.0755 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004719 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 32 @ 0.004716 = 0.1509 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.004704 = 2.352 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 274 @ 0.004703 = 1.2886 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004703 = 0.4703 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.05 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004701 = 0.2351 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 995 @ 0.0047 = 4.6765 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.05 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.05 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 43 @ 0.004552 = 0.1957 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 208 @ 0.004551 = 0.9466 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.05 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.004551 = 4.551 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.00455 = 0.455 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.00455 = 4.55 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3200 @ 0.00452 = 14.464 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1750 @ 0.004505 = 7.8838 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1700 @ 0.004503 = 7.6551 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 65 @ 0.004502 = 0.2926 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2000 @ 0.004502 = 9.004 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004501 = 0.4501 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.0045 = 0.045 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3000 @ 0.0045 = 13.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2876 @ 0.0045 = 12.942 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: ActM on sale, haf-price!
Chaang-Noi: i think its 300% too higbh but okay
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.4957 = 1.9828 BTC [+]
ozbot: Interstellar Stock Exchange - EVE Technology Lab - EVE Online Forums
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4956 = 0.9912 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.495 BTC [-]
jurov: lmao "Stock exchanges for EVE do not exist because of lack of trust and accountability."
louong: good time learn how to be a Bitcoin Stock Exchanger Issuer
louong: time to grab popcorn
jurov: ur get fat from so much popcorn
louong: bitcoin made me fat!
louong: in more ways than one
Ukyo: mircea_popescu there?
mircea_popescu: jurov yeah.
Ukyo: I asked DT about sdice payout, he said he's been waiting for you to process his withdraw request ?
Ukyo: can you confirm that at all?
Ukyo: or at least state all payouts have been handled.
mircea_popescu: jurov basically i intend to just bridge them through 1BTC corp shares <-> s.mpoe shares
mircea_popescu: as imo any other avenue is unworkable for those reason
mircea_popescu: Ukyo last set of payouts went out ~1 hour ago. i don't see anything pending
Ukyo: thanks
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004701 = 0.1175 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 104 @ 0.0047 = 0.4888 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005197 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004501 = 0.1125 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 875 @ 0.0045 = 3.9375 BTC [-]
ozbot: What is a healthy securities portfolio?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 100 @ 0.001645 = 0.1645 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004523 = 0.1131 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 62 @ 0.004522 = 0.2804 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.00452 = 0.452 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.03900001 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.039 = 0.078 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 34 @ 0.0386 = 1.3124 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 18 @ 0.03851 = 0.6932 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00451 = 0.1128 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004501 = 0.2251 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1249 @ 0.0045 = 5.6205 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: valid q.
Ukyo: mircea_popescu: can you check for and possibly run any payouts? :P
Ukyo: sounds like someone fucked up their number of 0's hehe
Ukyo: he said he fucked up the 0's and apologizes
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 900 @ 0.0045 = 4.05 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2222 @ 0.0045 = 9.999 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0043 = 0.43 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.0042 = 1.26 BTC [-]
jurov: Ukyo, tell dt to update pympex
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.0045 = 4.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 191 @ 0.00418 = 0.7984 BTC [-]
jurov: last version does try to parse withdrawals and convert to BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 309 @ 0.00418 = 1.2916 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004125 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004201 = 0.105 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.03849 = 1.9245 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.0042 = 4.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.03849 = 1.9245 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1500 @ 0.0042 = 6.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1200 @ 0.004125 = 4.95 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 579 @ 0.004103 = 2.3756 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.0385 = 0.9625 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COG.F] 1 @ 7.1 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 75 @ 0.0385 = 2.8875 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: Ukyo aite
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 10 @ 0.0002949 = 0.0029 BTC [+]
jurov: butbutbut.. iirc, withdrawals are not supported?!
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.051 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 1 @ 0.002 BTC [+]
jurov: or just deprecated?
Ukyo: 0,o
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004301 = 0.1075 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.0043 = 0.129 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: deposits flushed.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1 @ 0.0002697 BTC [+]
kidkrypto: if i update my order, does it put me at the back of the queue?
mircea_popescu: jurov im just saying so
mircea_popescu: not actually doing anything
jurov: i know. sayin' just to improve the mood
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 20 @ 0.02219 = 0.4438 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 2 @ 0.0009399 = 0.0019 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.001797 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 20 @ 0.007211 = 0.1442 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 3980 @ 0.00721 = 28.6958 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 20 @ 0.00721 = 0.1442 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.007201 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 130 @ 0.00711 = 0.9243 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.007104 = 0.0142 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.007102 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2780 @ 0.007001 = 19.4628 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004201 = 0.105 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 250 @ 0.004201 = 1.0503 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 225 @ 0.0042 = 0.945 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.051 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 40 @ 0.03997 = 1.5988 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1025 @ 0.0042 = 4.305 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.03928 = 0.1178 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.051 = 8.102 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 750 @ 0.004535 = 3.4013 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004548 = 0.2274 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 325 @ 0.00455 = 1.4788 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 125 @ 0.00462 = 0.5775 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004619 = 0.1155 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 155 @ 0.00462 = 0.7161 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.051 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.05 = 8.1 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.006235 = 0.0374 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004615 = 0.1154 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.004613 = 0.0092 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004261 = 0.1065 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00426 = 0.1065 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004501 = 0.1125 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 275 @ 0.0045 = 1.2375 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.004616 = 0.0692 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004511 = 0.1128 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.00451 = 0.451 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.03997 = 0.1999 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.03997 = 0.3997 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.0045 = 0.009 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 68 @ 0.02219 = 1.5089 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 41 @ 0.02298 = 0.9422 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 40 @ 0.023 = 0.92 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004609 = 0.1152 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004614 = 0.2307 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 400 @ 0.004618 = 1.8472 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 28 @ 0.03997 = 1.1192 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 114 @ 0.03997 = 4.5566 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004614 = 0.2307 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004607 = 0.1152 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.039 = 0.975 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.039 = 0.156 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.039 = 0.156 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.4 = 22 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 3 @ 0.195 = 0.585 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004601 = 0.115 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.051 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.05 = 16.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 844 @ 0.0076 = 6.4144 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.00461 = 1.383 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004944 = 0.1236 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 882 @ 0.004945 = 4.3615 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 475 @ 0.00465 = 2.2088 BTC [-]
saulimus: what? activemining straight from 0.004601 to 0.0076? ... not possible
Ukyo: ell
Ukyo: ppl are selling off
Ukyo: to but labcoin
Ukyo: so they can flip it
Ukyo: and then buy activemining back cheap
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004942 = 0.1236 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: i doubt theyve thought that many layers deep
saulimus: I mean it's literally not possible as there is a lot of asks between
Ukyo: since labcoin looks to push its chips out after both activeM and asicminers first/next rounds
Ukyo: even AM droped .3btc already
Ukyo: i blame TAT
dexX7: saulismus: put option
dexX7: i think
ThickAsThieves: i blame Ukyo
ThickAsThieves: you listed AMC remember!
dexX7: yup
Ukyo: no issue with amc yet
Ukyo: hehe
Ukyo: btct listed it tooo
Ukyo: community demand
Ukyo: on both
Ukyo: so boo
saulimus: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004601 = 0.115 BTC
saulimus: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 844 @ 0.0076 = 6.4144 BTC
random_cat: you can't always get what you want
dexX7: 2013-07-31 10:46:37Put Option844฿ 0.0076฿ 6.4144
ThickAsThieves: i just mean they started this latest invetsor craze
saulimus: it can't go straight from 0.004601 to 0.0076 as there is like 24000 shares of asks in between
Ukyo: actually asicminer started it
dexX7: 2013-07-31 10:46:37 Put Option 844 B 0.0076 B 6.4144
Ukyo: amc and labcoin and gargenwhatever is jumping on
ThickAsThieves: AMC made me rich! No wait, LabCoin made me rich!
saulimus: aha, ok
saulimus: confusing.
ThickAsThieves: asicminer started it for real though
ThickAsThieves: like they actually make money
Ukyo: they just got their chip sout
Ukyo: i amc and labcoin put out chips
Ukyo: are they bad?
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.03677 = 0.3677 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.00261 BTC [+]
Ukyo: i will do my best to watch out ofr investors
Ukyo: amc gave me lots of data to proove he's trying
Ukyo: and the cumminty deanded it
Ukyo: so i allowed it
Ukyo: does that make it worth its value? no
Ukyo: the same could be same about btc. :P
saulimus: that's the stock market for you, not driven by value
Ukyo: and they do say it
ThickAsThieves: i dont blame you for crazy investors
Ukyo: ThickAsThieves: then everyime you profit, you shoudl thank me
dexX7: 7466 btc till 0.001 on labcoin.. hmm..
ThickAsThieves: i spend 20% of my day thanking you
random_cat: bitfunder logouts are a pita
Ukyo: logouts?
Ukyo: oh
Ukyo: multi-device?
random_cat: one device
Ukyo: multiple browsers?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 4 @ 0.14 = 0.56 BTC [+]
Ukyo: or ip changes?
random_cat: it is possible that i am changing ip addresses, but it feels more like a straight timeout
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.03677 = 0.3309 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 8 @ 0.145 = 1.16 BTC [+]
Ukyo: ip change will kill a session
Ukyo: to stop ses hijack
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.05 = 12.15 BTC [-]
random_cat: it makes me grumpy
random_cat: i log in about once per minute
Ukyo: ips sohouldnt change that often tho
Ukyo: 0,0
Ukyo: thats horrid
Ukyo: lets talk more tomorrow
Ukyo: and i will try to find a fix for you
Ukyo: your ip shouldnt change that often tho
Ukyo: you tor'ing ?
Ukyo: or something
random_cat: yes on tor
Ukyo: oh
random_cat: complications :\
Ukyo: then you should hear my rant about tor
Ukyo: i was debating putting extra shit
Ukyo: on tor logins
Ukyo: its caused me some major headaches lately
random_cat: what sort of extra shit?
Ukyo: dunno
random_cat: the log in every 60 seconds is already a pita :)
Ukyo: i respect ppls privacy
Ukyo: but at the same time
Ukyo: its being used to try to hurt bitfunder
Ukyo: my safeguards caught someone who managed to find a bug the other day
Ukyo: created a bunch of accounts, moved some shit around like crazy
dexX7: how is tor used to hurt bf?
Ukyo: it was a nightmare to clean up
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 10 @ 0.01019 = 0.1019 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 100 @ 0.01018 = 1.018 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 25 @ 0.01016 = 0.254 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 9 @ 0.01015 = 0.0914 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 16 @ 0.0101 = 0.1616 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 1 @ 0.0101 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 35 @ 0.01002 = 0.3507 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 100 @ 0.01001 = 1.001 BTC [-]
Ukyo: because most ppls ip's dont change that often
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 50 @ 0.01001 = 0.5005 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 2654 @ 0.010001 = 26.5427 BTC [-]
Ukyo: as cat said
Ukyo: tor changes constantly
dexX7: yea
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.15 = 1.5 BTC [+]
Ukyo: so its like a ddos
Ukyo: when someone wants to make attempts through it
Ukyo: this one guy had registered over 100 outlook.com addresses
Ukyo: and was creating accounts left and right
dexX7: i assumed real ddos would have many degrees more impact
random_cat: that seems like an expensive way to create pain, but certainly a pita for you
Ukyo: its just one example
Ukyo: of many
dexX7: well yea
dexX7: okay :)
Ukyo: i almost did block tor the other day
Ukyo: ddos come in many forms
Ukyo: pure data
Ukyo: requests
Ukyo: logs
Ukyo: log filling even
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004706 = 0.1177 BTC [-]
Ukyo: sql entry filling
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004706 = 0.1177 BTC [-]
random_cat: i've been seeing a lot of log-filling from turkish ips lately
Ukyo: and while i really do resepect ppls privacy. tor is just making it hard to do so
Ukyo: i might...
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 24 @ 0.04099998 = 0.984 BTC [+]
Ukyo: and seriously might
Ukyo: block tor
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004706 = 0.1177 BTC [-]
Ukyo: and setup a tor hidden service
Ukyo: for tor only users
Ukyo: and put some heavier restrictions on it
random_cat: well.. with a hidden service, i can deal :)
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004946 = 0.2473 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004949 = 0.1237 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 3500 @ 0.01001 = 35.035 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 1500 @ 0.010001 = 15.0015 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: a tor exchange could do well
dexX7: good idea
random_cat: i've been thinking about a tor exchange. i am just concerned about the problem from a trade bot's point of view
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004945 = 0.1236 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004946 = 0.2473 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.00495 = 0.2475 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 155 @ 0.00505 = 0.7828 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: tor can't really cope with exchange load.
Ukyo: then it would die
dexX7: but you would only need to serve a subset of users
random_cat: well, i wasn't thinking of btc/some_govt_fiat exchange
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004851 = 0.1213 BTC [-]
random_cat: i was thinking of crypto/derivative type exchange
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004851 = 0.1213 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 10 @ 0.5025 = 5.025 BTC [-]
Ukyo: random_cat: then those users
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005049 = 0.1262 BTC [+]
Ukyo: have to trust the issuers
Ukyo: who wont wanna say who they are
Ukyo: guess thats what would be expected tho
Ukyo: bigger gamble for privacy
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005049 = 0.1262 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.00505 = 0.0455 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 36 @ 0.00505 = 0.1818 BTC [+]
Ukyo: but i would expect most issuers to get funds
Ukyo: and dissapear
dexX7: i'd add a tor layer so to say but with the same endpoint instead of a seperate new trading plattform - if that makes sense
random_cat: well... really it's a matter of trusting the exchange/clearing house
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5750 @ 0.00080561 = 4.6323 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.043 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12650 @ 0.00080755 = 10.2155 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 550 @ 0.00080886 = 0.4449 BTC [+]
Ukyo: no, it would be a matter of trusting the asset issuers
Ukyo: on an all tor exchange
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.042 BTC [-]
Ukyo: issuer pops up, raises btc
Ukyo: dissapears
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.04 BTC [-]
Ukyo: no recourse at all
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.04 = 20.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.03 = 40.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.01 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 4.01 = 32.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.01 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.01 = 20.05 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.05 BTC [+]
Ukyo: no asset issuer would post any link to real entities, websites, etc
random_cat: on a derivative only exchange, the asset issuer problem is elsewhere
Ukyo: pm
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.03676 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.01 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 4.01 = 36.09 BTC [-]
random_cat: anyway, i will continue to make noise from time to time about the logouts. i think you understand the score now
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 150 @ 0.0076 = 1.14 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.00515 = 0.0618 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 16 @ 0.005149 = 0.0824 BTC [-]
dexX7: simple workaround would be an option with big security warnings to perserve the session
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.005148 = 0.0463 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.05 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005148 = 0.1287 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005149 = 0.2575 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 188 @ 0.00515 = 0.9682 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005211 = 0.0261 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.00525 = 1.05 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005288 = 0.0264 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 73 @ 0.005299 = 0.3868 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 441 @ 0.0053 = 2.3373 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 33 @ 0.005349 = 0.1765 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.00535 = 1.07 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005549 = 0.2775 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 187 @ 0.00555 = 1.0379 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005147 = 0.1287 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005148 = 0.1287 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 65 @ 0.005147 = 0.3346 BTC [-]
random_cat: that was my suggestion
random_cat: with default being operator's preferenc
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.149 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 7 @ 0.15 = 1.05 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.039 = 0.078 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 12 @ 0.03851 = 0.4621 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 101 @ 0.0076 = 0.7676 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.038 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.038 = 0.76 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005032 = 0.1258 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005031 = 0.0252 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005012 = 0.2506 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 220 @ 0.00501 = 1.1022 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005499 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.03851 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.0054 = 0.0594 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 55 @ 0.03851 = 2.1181 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 105 @ 0.03851 = 4.0436 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0389 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 75 @ 0.03851 = 2.8883 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.03851 = 0.1926 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 65 @ 0.03851 = 2.5032 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 21 @ 0.0389 = 0.8169 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0389 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 14 @ 0.007201 = 0.1008 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 20 @ 0.0072 = 0.144 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.039 = 0.351 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.144 = 8.288 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.145 = 16.58 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 5 @ 0.002857 = 0.0143 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 3 @ 0.195 = 0.585 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.09 = 8.18 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 0.15 = 0.45 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.155 = 1.55 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 15 @ 0.1575 = 2.3625 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 5 @ 0.16 = 0.8 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.174 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.175 = 0.35 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 0.176 = 0.528 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.177 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005012 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005489 = 0.1372 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 45 @ 0.00549 = 0.2471 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 46 @ 0.00549 = 0.2525 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 34 @ 0.0055 = 0.187 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0055 = 0.275 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0056 = 0.28 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0057 = 0.285 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0058 = 0.29 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 13 @ 0.0059 = 0.0767 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 250 @ 0.005928 = 1.482 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.00593 = 0.593 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3721 @ 0.005942 = 22.1102 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005941 = 0.1485 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 46 @ 0.005942 = 0.2733 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005979 = 0.1495 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.00598 = 0.1794 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 85 @ 0.005994 = 0.5095 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.005999 = 1.7997 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 57 @ 0.006 = 0.342 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2003 @ 0.006 = 12.018 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.039 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005949 = 0.1487 BTC [-]
dexX7: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 109.50341, Best ask: 109.54999, Bid-ask spread: 0.04658, Last trade: 108.42000, 24 hour volume: 44567.69916453, 24 hour low: 101.50000, 24 hour high: 111.65202, 24 hour vwap: 106.65905
ThickAsThieves: [ANNOUNCEMENT] [XBOND] Bitcoin's Only Exchangeable Bond - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=265287.0
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.00595 = 0.2975 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.00598 = 0.0299 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005998 = 0.2999 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4497 @ 0.006 = 26.982 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 220 @ 0.0076 = 1.672 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.039 = 0.351 BTC [+]
VanCleef: i bid 20btc
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005699 = 0.1425 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005699 = 0.1425 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 67 @ 0.0055 = 0.3685 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 258 @ 0.0057 = 1.4706 BTC [+]
kidkrypto: 20 btc on what
VanCleef: all the knew shit i just found out about
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005699 = 0.1425 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 42 @ 0.0057 = 0.2394 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 35 @ 0.0391 = 1.3685 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.082 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.08 = 8.16 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.05 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.05 = 20.25 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.0391 = 0.1173 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1499 @ 0.0062 = 9.2938 BTC [+]
dexX7: 20 btc on tat bonds?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 70 @ 0.006397 = 0.4478 BTC [+]
dexX7: labcoin @8535 x_x
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.00649 = 1.947 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 146 @ 0.0065 = 0.949 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 225 @ 0.00665 = 1.4963 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 800 @ 0.0067 = 5.36 BTC [+]
kidkrypto: gone 21475 for labcoin here
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.0068 = 0.17 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.0068 = 0.034 BTC [+]
dexX7: how labcoin handles this "incident" will be interesting.. holders of more than 1500 btc would be left behind already
mircea_popescu: dexX7 what incident ?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.0068 = 0.068 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 2 @ 0.195 = 0.39 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.0067 = 0.1675 BTC [-]
dexX7: well, incident is the wrong word i guess. the trading on labcoin hasn't started, but yet there is more demand than the original intended ipo
ThickAsThieves: they are victims of their own success
dexX7: their plan was to "announce a fixed date and time for the start", so it would be "fair" for everyone, but that went wrong
kidkrypto: reckon they'll release it in the next few hours and just let the market decide?
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0391 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 2 @ 0.195 = 0.39 BTC [-]
dexX7: i think the cleanest way would be to wipe the orderbook and lock placing bids for the time they intended prior the official trading start
smidge: the ipo process itself is the problem
dexX7: why?
smidge: ive pointed this out here and in the posts below https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=263445.msg2837332#msg2837332
smidge: the price could be fixed, if everyone gets the percentage of the shares ordered versus total shares ordered
smidge: there is an example 2 posts below
dexX7: good solution
dub: why not just sell into the bids, thats the 'normal' way
smidge: this is how a wall street ipo works also
dexX7: dub: that would conflict with their initial announcement
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.092 = 20.46 BTC [+]
dub: its a scam anyway who cares what is said
Namworld: What smidge says is right. IPOs should have one possibility: 1 price available only to prebid, IPO price.
smidge: if the ipo price is a bid like it is currently, it adds another problem as you can see. nobody will be able to buy at the original ipo price
dexX7: yup
dexX7: i guess those are problems which weren't really predictable
dub: yes because the market is pricing it higher
smidge: so if you distribute it via the percentage as i described, you have fair distribution, the price is the original ipo price, plus you can adjust # of shares
smidge: you set a launch time, and after that let the market decide
smidge: on the price
dexX7: yup
dub: it doesnt matter when
smidge: exactly
smidge: currently it does
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.0064 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.0391 = 0.1564 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1899 @ 0.0064 = 12.1536 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006103 = 0.1526 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006102 = 0.3051 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0061 = 0.305 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.006 = 0.6 BTC [-]
smidge: what i also find depressing is people selling any other security in order to get into the hot stocks
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1014 @ 0.005901 = 5.9836 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.0059 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.03999 = 0.16 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006377 = 0.1594 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.006378 = 0.6378 BTC [+]
dexX7: but it's an opportunity to buy those stocks cheaper
Namworld: What I find depressing is random strangers on the Internet arrive with random ASIC offer on newly registered domains and are instantly worth 10'000-50'000 BTC without anything.
dub: ^
smidge: you got it
Namworld: It feels like good ol' dotcom
dub: wait wait, I can link to a website, its legit
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 388 @ 0.006299 = 2.444 BTC [-]
Namworld: Now it's ASIC mania
dexX7: xD
dexX7: true
Namworld: Oh I know... I'll start a security called AsicMania. AM for short.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006201 = 0.155 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.0062 = 0.031 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006289 = 0.1572 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.00629 = 1.258 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.006297 = 6.297 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 526 @ 0.006298 = 3.3127 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0065 = 0.325 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 67 @ 0.0066 = 0.4422 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.0066 = 0.198 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.0066 = 0.198 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 303 @ 0.0066 = 1.9998 BTC [+]
pankkake: I'll only trust Chinese companies with no websites
pankkake: (because they're too busy actually doing stuff)
dexX7: i'd really like to see more business emerging around bitcoin.. not only finance and mining
pankkake: there's BitVPS
dexX7: yes, rock sol
dexX7: *solid, i'd say
Namworld: and pretty boring
dexX7: but it doesn't create the possibility of tons of speculative coins :)
jurov: there are some attempts in real estate.. but it's hard to compete with finance and mining
dexX7: the worst comment i've read in the kelliworth thread was something like "bah, bitcoin doesn't need real life companies"
pankkake: can't see the point of real estate investing with bitcoins
pankkake: people aren't going to pay rent in bitcoins
pankkake: and I just wouldn't invest in real estate right now, unless I really knew the local market, which I don't
jurov: not so sure, maybe we'll see such happen
jurov: paying rent in bitcoins
dub: In total, around 6,377 GH/s, expected to be fully operational in the middle of August.
pankkake: I'm already in too deep, my home is likely to lose value
dub: thats two weeks
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 575 @ 0.002498 = 1.4364 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.002499 = 0.2499 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.0025 BTC [+]
pankkake: it's an hedge against bitcoin price falling though
pankkake: haha - who?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.00658 = 0.079 BTC [-]
dub: AMC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.18 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.177 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 21 @ 0.00888 = 0.1865 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00889 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 27 @ 0.0089 = 0.2403 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 19 @ 0.00891 = 0.1693 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 8 @ 0.00891 = 0.0713 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 5 @ 0.008998 = 0.045 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 19 @ 0.00899847 = 0.171 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 100 @ 0.00028 = 0.028 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 5 @ 0.001605 = 0.008 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006001 = 0.15 BTC [-]
random_cat: what is the anticipated AM price? how many shares? i've got some bitcoin burning a hole in my knickers
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 5 @ 0.003356 = 0.0168 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006001 = 0.15 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 45 @ 0.006 = 0.27 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 7 @ 0.007206 = 0.0504 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.03999 = 0.2399 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 26 @ 0.039 = 1.014 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.085 = 8.17 BTC [-]
pankkake: give them to me
Namworld: dub... what?
Namworld: Who registered that domain?
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 15 @ 0.002399 = 0.036 BTC [-]
dub: do you like it?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005573 = 0.1393 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005572 = 0.1393 BTC [-]
Namworld: I was kinda expecting the clip of "aaand it's gone", kinda like instantostrich
Namworld: But I guess
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1 @ 0.0002697 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 200 @ 0.03715 = 7.43 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 94 @ 0.03712 = 3.4893 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005573 = 0.1393 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 2 @ 0.195 = 0.39 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 100 @ 0.03712 = 3.712 BTC [-]
TradeFortress: pwn pwn pwn.
TradeFortress: so much bitcoin sites are vulnerable.
Namworld: I thought it was a requirement
TradeFortress: Unless you are Inputs.io or coinlenders.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.087 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.086 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.085 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.085 = 12.255 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.084 = 16.336 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0372 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7716 @ 0.0008028 = 6.1944 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 199 @ 0.03712 = 7.3869 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005571 = 0.1393 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00557 = 0.1393 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0055 = 0.55 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005581 = 0.1395 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.00558 = 0.0167 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 72 @ 0.0055 = 0.396 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.1 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.084 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005999 = 0.15 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.006 = 0.03 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 100 @ 0.03713 = 3.713 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 607 @ 0.03712 = 22.5318 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.03712 = 0.0742 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.03712 = 0.0742 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 4 @ 0.4558 = 1.8232 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.005997 = 0.012 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005997 = 0.1499 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005998 = 0.15 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.394 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.03711 = 0.2969 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005997 = 0.1499 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.3932 = 1.1796 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005998 = 0.15 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 14 @ 0.0372 = 0.5208 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006299 = 0.1575 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 49 @ 0.0063 = 0.3087 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 17 @ 0.007204 = 0.1225 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 11 @ 4.4 = 48.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] [PAID] 9.07000000 BTC to 907 shares, 1000000 satoshi per share
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] [PAID] 52.00000000 BTC to 40`000 shares, 130000 satoshi per share
mircea_popescu: dexX7 you know, these things seem fascinating new stuff for you because you haven't been following mpex.
mircea_popescu: otherwise, ipos are ipos.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006294 = 0.1574 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 40 @ 0.006295 = 0.2518 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.101 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: that makes life so much easier
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.3932 = 1.966 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: "This list should help you decide which bitcoin stocks to invest in. "Potential price" shows the price of the stock if it would have the same market cap as ASICMINER. "Potential gain" is the ratio between potential price and current price (or IPO price, if the stock is not traded yet)."
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12650 @ 0.00080014 = 10.1218 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: why would something have the same mkt cap as asicminer ?!
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.455 = 0.91 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.45 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: don't tell me, "because it's also an item" ?!
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.45 = 0.9 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: they are basically smacking themselves in the face
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: no one wants to miss the next AM
mircea_popescu: need moar palms.
ThickAsThieves: and everything is the next AM
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 2 @ 0.7227 = 1.4454 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: "no one" = "no fucktard on reddit"
ThickAsThieves: too many AMs!
mircea_popescu: who was going to make AMethyst ?
ThickAsThieves: VanCleef?
mircea_popescu: a righty
saulimus: solution = buy them all.
VanCleef: yeh babe?
mircea_popescu: how's the gem
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 42 @ 0.0002697 = 0.0113 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.18 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.19 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.19 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.248 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 4.29 = 38.61 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 25 @ 4.3 = 107.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.33 = 12.99 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.345 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.35 = 8.7 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.35 = 43.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.352 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.389 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.39 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.397 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.0062 = 0.155 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006018 = 0.1505 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.112 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006017 = 0.3009 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 45 @ 0.006015 = 0.2707 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: ;;nethash
gribble: 293556.349103
ThickAsThieves: ;;estimate
gribble: Next difficulty estimate | 35983896.6787 based on data since last change | 41008722.4731 based on data for last three days
VanCleef: taaaat
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006011 = 0.1503 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.45 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.45 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006011 = 0.1503 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00601 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.4301 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006021 = 0.1505 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0405 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006022 = 0.1506 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006021 = 0.1505 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.00602 = 0.0542 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006021 = 0.1505 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 156 @ 0.00602 = 0.9391 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0407 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 33 @ 0.005997 = 0.1979 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 189 @ 0.01357 = 2.5647 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 10 @ 0.01356 = 0.1356 BTC [-]
VanCleef: just laughing at btcgarden my bad 16 million valuation not 160 million
VanCleef: lolz but still 16 million wtf
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0056 = 0.28 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 121 @ 0.005573 = 0.6743 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.35 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 91 @ 0.01352 = 1.2303 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.38 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 4.397 = 26.382 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.398 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.398 = 8.796 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.4 = 22 BTC [+]
VanCleef: asicminer back with a slap
ThickAsThieves: kinda funny how right when I wanna drop XBOND, the forum is rabid about Pre-IPO bidding
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 30 @ 0.0395 = 1.185 BTC [-]
dexX7: oh, i thought this was your reaction to this madness
ThickAsThieves: no it's been planned for more than a month
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.03992 = 0.1198 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.03992 = 0.7984 BTC [+]
VanCleef: tat just sneezes and puts together a better prospectus in 5 mins
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 30 @ 0.03992 = 1.1976 BTC [+]
pankkake: bonds are boring, can't multiply money fast enough
kidkrypto: basically you can't even get stocks at the ipo price of 0.001 now
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 53 @ 0.04 = 2.12 BTC [+]
kidkrypto: re: labcoin
VanCleef: but labcoin is worth a million dollars today
VanCleef: with no sales
VanCleef: going up against asicminer
pankkake: I should IPO my mining company
pankkake: I just need to find a chinese guy
pankkake: to appear legit
pankkake: and name him frozenhippo
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005799 BTC [+]
kidkrypto: hmm 10:30pm, do i stay up all night hoping labcoin goes live tonight or not
ThickAsThieves: [08:21] <pankkake> bonds are boring, can't multiply money fast enough <<< reinvest your daily divs, probly make more than any of these garbage pump'n'dumps, with less wasted time staying savvy for the next forum herd migration
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005799 = 0.145 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 85 @ 0.005799 = 0.4929 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005584 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005578 = 0.2789 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 210 @ 0.005577 = 1.1712 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005572 = 0.2786 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 18 @ 0.00557 = 0.1003 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.00555 = 0.111 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005504 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 140 @ 0.0055 = 0.77 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.0055 = 0.0165 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 422 @ 0.005428 = 2.2906 BTC [-]
saulimus: reinvesting something like 25% yearly div still isn't that much
pankkake: ThickAsThieves: eh, why not
pankkake: especially about wasted time
pankkake: what I have isn't worth enough to try to day or week-trade
pankkake: I should probably start a real bitcoin business with my time :)
saulimus: buy all the IPOs you can get your hands on and hold :p
ThickAsThieves: [08:26] <saulimus> reinvesting something like 25% yearly div still isn't that much <<< if you know what youre doing, no it isnt
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005429 = 0.1357 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 178 @ 0.005428 = 0.9662 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: but if you factor how much time people waste refreshing forum threads
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 47 @ 0.005151 = 0.2421 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: and how much they actually lose over a year
ThickAsThieves: there's a whole tier of "investor" that would be better off with bonds
ThickAsThieves: if not less entertained...
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3602 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 225 @ 0.005201 = 1.1702 BTC [+]
pankkake: I wonder if bonds would be better - for me - than something like just-dice
pankkake: I like the possibility to get to the money really fast
VanCleef: i think its depends on who's issuing the bond
VanCleef: it can be quite the nice safe haven
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 1 @ 0.023 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 9 @ 0.023 = 0.207 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 12 @ 0.023 = 0.276 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 58 @ 0.0235 = 1.363 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 846 @ 0.005201 = 4.4 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves i think you spotted one.
pankkake: I wonder if they're socks or just stupid
ThickAsThieves: ive marked at least 4 so far
pankkake: or socks of heavy investors maybe
VanCleef: i think those guys are professionals man
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 12 @ 0.0235 = 0.282 BTC [+]
VanCleef: anyone else tried doing that the stock would have collapse
mircea_popescu: pankkake definitely sock.
mircea_popescu: and yes, i suspect VanCleef is right. we have a team of scammers working the "investor" angle on the forum.
VanCleef: they must have a office in india or something full of 50 crypto trader trolls
pankkake: wait ok, he says "I called ken" out of the blue, first post in AMC thread
mircea_popescu: problem isn't that, problem is that there's so many idiots in btc that they'll probably make decent bank off it
pankkake: but I don't understand, even if it's "real" and they have a contract going on with easic, it's still… meh
mircea_popescu: and then there won't be an end of it, once they go strut on their somali scammer forum
mircea_popescu: pankkake who;s easic.
pankkake: their supposed asic manufacturer
ThickAsThieves: labcoin lovers already trying to run the show, when they dont even hold shares yet. this is amazine
mircea_popescu: you see my point.
ozbot: [LABCOIN] IPO [BTCT.CO] - Details/FAQ and Discussion (ASIC dev/sales/mining)
kidkrypto: as long as the shit goes up and i can sell, i don't care if it's made by nigerian asics
pankkake: the thing is that amc doesn' do anything of value, except contacting other companies
pankkake: instant free money makes people idiots I would think
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005499 = 0.1375 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: kidkrypto we're discussing finance here.
pankkake: when I talk to people about bitcoin, they instantly ask me about mining - which I never speak about
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves well it's like this : some people can do something useful. most don't. people nevertheless are hardwired to not simply give up and die, which is a cruel joke of fate.
mircea_popescu: so like it or not you'll get a bunch of gimps trying to run the marathon. not much can be done about it.
kidkrypto: was there similar shit talk about asic miner back in the day?
ThickAsThieves: you dont get it
ThickAsThieves: this isnt back in the day
mircea_popescu: asicminer ipo'd at .1, it was lauighed out of town. it stayed ~.1 forever
ThickAsThieves: this is a world where AM already exists as a force, as does BitFury
mircea_popescu: o ya, apparently bitfury also has chips is it ?
mircea_popescu: pity they blew their original bitbet date.
ThickAsThieves: i forgot Avalon too
mircea_popescu: avalon seems to be going to shit tbh
ThickAsThieves: so basically you have this arms race about unfold
ThickAsThieves: and all these little militias collecting money
mircea_popescu: either they failed to get a 2nd run going or botched it somehow, or whatever the fuck, but teh grapevine is well pissed at them.
ThickAsThieves: to get murdered
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.041 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 22 @ 0.0408947 = 0.8997 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: no one seems to notice that like 100% of ASIC creators delay repeatedly
ThickAsThieves: so when you invest in, or buy preorders for the newest contender
VanCleef: whatever you do don't ask yifu a question about your avalon, he'll spit in your face
ThickAsThieves: you are asking for trouble
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 10 @ 0.00899847 = 0.09 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 21 @ 0.0002695 = 0.0057 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: there will be no "next ASICMINER"
mircea_popescu: kidkrypto but to round out your question : look up bASIC. pretend-fab, was laughed out of town, blew up
ThickAsThieves: the "next ASICMINER" won't be a mining company at all
mircea_popescu: the people that did it moved on to hyping whatever other scam.
mircea_popescu: well, most of them. afaik tom isn't showing his face
mircea_popescu: probably waiting for the usual year.
Namworld: The fuck...
VanCleef: <---- next asicminer
Namworld: btct.co doesn't let me trade
Namworld: BTCT.co is "falling victim of it's own success"
ozbot: BitBet - There will be blood
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.0055 = 0.1375 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.005499 = 1.6497 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005499 = 0.1375 BTC [-]
VanCleef: we're already working on gen 5 products
VanCleef: 2020 release, taking preorders now
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005498 = 0.1375 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005499 = 0.1375 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005499 = 0.275 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0052 = 0.52 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 350 @ 0.00515 = 1.8025 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla nice odds on that lol
ThickAsThieves: I may submit a No bet
ThickAsThieves: needs more time
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.03851 = 0.2311 BTC [-]
Namworld: The showman in that song has a better offer than many of the new IPOs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqEmAsUXVJY
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.348 BTC [-]
dexX7: ThickAsThieves: what's wrong with the forum post ref labcoin? just trying to prevent drama ;)
ThickAsThieves: it's all wrapped up in drama
ThickAsThieves: investors have this mentality like they all run the company
ThickAsThieves: and know what "should" be done
ThickAsThieves: what the should do is research, decide, then go do something productive
ThickAsThieves: this behavior they have
ThickAsThieves: helps scammers
ThickAsThieves: the scammed get all wrapped up in details
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.041 = 0.205 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: i asked an honest question in that thread
ThickAsThieves: What do you like most about LabCoin
ThickAsThieves: most people ignored it
Rulother_: amc got people hungry for btc
Rulother_: So they see Labcoin as another early amc
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005105 = 0.2553 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005199 = 0.13 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005106 = 0.1277 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005021 = 0.2511 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.00502 = 0.0251 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 666 @ 0.005013 = 3.3387 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 204 @ 0.005012 = 1.0224 BTC [-]
pankkake: labcoin is the next amc!
VanCleef: thanks scrat
VanCleef: only 2 years.....
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005014 = 0.1254 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005013 = 0.1253 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005012 = 0.1253 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 525 @ 0.005001 = 2.6255 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.177 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: welll actually... labcoin IS the next amc.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.176 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.005001 = 0.5001 BTC [-]
Namworld: oh, must be why AMC is crashing so much
Namworld: and what mircea said
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 825 @ 0.005001 = 4.1258 BTC [-]
TradeFortress: we need a new labcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 400 @ 0.005 = 2 BTC [-]
TradeFortress: i promise ANEWMINING
pankkake: yes, that's why it's so funny
BTCOxygen: TradeFortress: lol
Rulother_: It's not really crash, it's a major pump and dump over and over again.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004999 = 0.125 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.005 = 0.05 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: i remember when we were lolling in this chan at teh bitcoin gem
mircea_popescu: was it what, 4 months ago ? if that
Namworld: AsicMania, AM for short.
VanCleef: labcoin peaked and tanked before it even got released from ipo?
Namworld: It's at 0.02 now, 20x IPO price already. BEFORE IPO!
VanCleef: lolz
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004999 = 0.125 BTC [-]
VanCleef: call it the old sandstorm classico
dexX7: "Hello! I have indeed been ASLEEP! We have NOT released the shares for sale as we promised we would give the forum a set time for the IPO to keep it as far as possible. The shares will be released AT IPO PRICE 0.001 BTC in 12 HOURS. That is 8 PM CENTRAL TIME! "
Rulother_: It's going to have a large wall
Rulother_: o my
Rulother_: So AMC's value will just drooooop hours before hand
VanCleef: did ken post bail yet?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005 = 0.125 BTC [+]
Rulother_: where's all this hubla about getting arrested or is that just you guys messing around?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 38 @ 0.0408948 = 1.554 BTC [+]
VanCleef: just messing
Namworld: See my thread, Sandstorm is 4th case: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=265172.0
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.55 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005 = 0.125 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 272 @ 0.004999 = 1.3597 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.001797 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.001632 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.001631 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0048 = 0.48 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1000 @ 0.001625 = 1.625 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 5 @ 0.001625 = 0.0081 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: Sell everything!
ThickAsThieves: Labcoin IPO tonight!
Namworld: ActiveMining is worth more than BitVPS... by a factor of 26
VanCleef: i just sold my house so i can get on the new activemining
VanCleef: aka labcoin
VanCleef: things will work out when btc goes to 1000
mircea_popescu: <VanCleef> i just sold my house so i can get on the new activemining << this is the new "i'm only 15"
kakobrekla: maybe it was second life house
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 10 @ 0.001624 = 0.0162 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 159 @ 0.001561 = 0.2482 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: they go for like 5$ a pop
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 100 @ 0.00156 = 0.156 BTC [-]
VanCleef: it was my parents reitrement house, got them in the car now
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.001551 BTC [-]
smidge: lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 2000 @ 0.00155 = 3.1 BTC [-]
ozbot: Havelock Investments
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 2000 @ 0.001518 = 3.036 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1000 @ 0.001517 = 1.517 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.001438 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 50 @ 0.0012 = 0.06 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.0048 = 2.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 350 @ 0.00471 = 1.6485 BTC [-]
kidkrypto: what a cluster fuck labcoin is goign to be in 12 hours
mircea_popescu: psa : the girl is getting >10 marriage proposals a week by now.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.55 BTC [+]
VanCleef: true
Namworld: You mean MPOE-PR?
VanCleef: is she entertaining the idea of a suitor?
dexX7: btct can't handle the load i guess
mircea_popescu: Namworld yea
ThickAsThieves: lol Labcoin is saying they might clear the orderbooks before IPO
ThickAsThieves: everyone loses!
VanCleef: oh jesus labcoin tanking
Namworld: I'll contribute. Make it 11 weekly.
VanCleef: sell labcoin now?
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves i gotta dig up the convo during the bitbet launch i think it was
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.004712 = 0.033 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.004708 = 2.354 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004705 = 0.4705 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 400 @ 0.004702 = 1.8808 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1243 @ 0.004701 = 5.8433 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: so boys and girls, i'm sitting here looking at a 500mb zipfile.
mircea_popescu: prepare yourselves for s.mg client is going to be announced imminently.
assbot: [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 6 @ 0.02864 = 0.1718 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 10 @ 0.02577 = 0.2577 BTC [-]
AndChat|52500: That's great news mircea
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004987 = 0.1247 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004988 = 0.2494 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 400 @ 0.00499 = 1.996 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.005149 = 2.5745 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0052 = 0.52 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1000 @ 0.0002889 = 0.2889 BTC [+]
mjoiii: Will it be announced in the bitcointalk.org thread?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.005 = 2.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1239 @ 0.005498 = 6.812 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 261 @ 0.005499 = 1.4352 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004989 = 0.1247 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.3 BTC [+]
Namworld: I see people commenting with short words about my "[GUIDE] The Big Guide to Common Bitcoin Investing Faux Pas" about the fact it's good... but they're posting all the time in ActiveMining threads/CoinLab...
Namworld: I'm not sure they get the point
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004715 = 0.1179 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 323 @ 0.004714 = 1.5226 BTC [-]
Namworld: I can't believe I had to buy ActiveMining shares...
Namworld: But someone put a PUT option allowing me to sell at 0.006 (0.008 - 0.002 premium)
pankkake: with all this fuss no one is talking about AM's dividends!
VanCleef: projections?
VanCleef: same as last week?
Namworld: 0.01-0.03 weekly for a while.
Namworld: Might stay stable
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004799 = 0.12 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 27 @ 0.0048 = 0.1296 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.0048 = 0.12 BTC [+]
jurov: Namworld: it's the same as trying to talk gamblers out of whatever-dice
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0408948 BTC [+]
jurov: oooh mircea_popescu... y u no 2 weeks? :D
afrotec: guys
mircea_popescu: already did it once lol
afrotec: labcoin ipo is getting crazy
VanCleef: sec is on standby
afrotec: lmao
dexX7: Namworld: you described how things are, but i don't see a conflict here
afrotec: we'll see. the thread is blowing up and theres still 11.5 hrs left
afrotec: burnside would be wise to get some more server bandwith or something
mircea_popescu: afrotec dude, srsly. nobody gives a rat's ass about the most recent forum scam.
mircea_popescu: the more people froth about it, the less we give a shit actually.
afrotec: ahh thank you for your thoughts
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 5 @ 0.0002801 = 0.0014 BTC [-]
Rulother_: That's a nice way of saying fuck you I imagine
afrotec: i was curious what the sentiment was about the whole thing
mircea_popescu: so now you know.
afrotec: that's what I took it as
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.346 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: Rulother_ not rly, in the sense i dunno who he is so i couldn't be bothered to "fuck you"
jurov: meanwhile, G.MPOE @ BF panic sells at 0.0001 ... must put moar bids
afrotec: well in other news, gox still up for now
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.56 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.25 = 42.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13300 @ 0.00080083 = 10.651 BTC [+]
VanCleef: shit
VanCleef: why did i miss out on the .0001
kakobrekla: what was the volume of that anyway
freeroute: VanCleef: of labcoin?
Rulother_: It's starting at .001
VanCleef: sorry, i ment mpoe
VanCleef: i'm buying labcoin for 1btc a share
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004802 = 0.1201 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004801 = 0.2401 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1034 @ 0.004801 = 4.9642 BTC [-]
freeroute: huh, how so? the pre-IPO price is like 0.02 right?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 395 @ 0.0048 = 1.896 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 363 @ 0.00471 = 1.7097 BTC [-]
VanCleef: aboutu 500 shares kakobrekla
Rulother_: It's .001
VanCleef: probs lil bit more, :(
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.56 BTC [+]
freeroute: Rulother_: are the pre-IPO shares meant to be bought directly?
Rulother_: Directly?
smidge: while everyone is obsessing about labcoin, im getting amc at 50% off the highs. thank you.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.005198 = 0.104 BTC [+]
freeroute: Rulother_: yeah, similar to buying pre-IPO shares from smidge :)
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004711 = 0.1178 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 52 @ 0.004711 = 0.245 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 137 @ 0.00471 = 0.6453 BTC [-]
smidge: to be more precise, while everyone is selling the more stable stuff to get into thin air
Rulother_: I have a feeling a vast majority of AMC's shareholders are just buying and selling on the short, are moving over to labcoin. I'm not sure how long it will take for amc to truly recover
smidge: smidge.com pre-ipo shares are more stable than any of these hyped stocks, you have to admit that
smidge: ^^
VanCleef: smidge is shit
freeroute: (because AFAIK there is no way currently to buy Smidge.com A shares on exchanges, rather you have to e-mail smidge and buy with packets of 2.5 BTC if I'm not mistaken)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0405 BTC [-]
smidge: and whats wrong with that freeroute? you want me to rush an ipo?
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04172 BTC [+]
freeroute: so is it similar with labcoin? or can you buy labcoin shares somewhere on an exchange?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7880 @ 0.00080014 = 6.3051 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3025 @ 0.00079943 = 2.4183 BTC [-]
freeroute: smidge: I don't think there's anything wrong with that
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 195 @ 0.00079398 = 0.1548 BTC [-]
VanCleef: jk smidge
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 60 @ 0.004702 = 0.2821 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.004702 = 2.351 BTC [-]
freeroute: or at least, I don't have enough knowledge and experience to tell whether anything might be wrong with that
ThickAsThieves: shares in TATI just keep going up
smidge: its fine atm
ThickAsThieves: investors are silent
freeroute: if anyone cares to share an explanation to why it might be wrong, then I'm all too happy to listen :)
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004702 = 0.2351 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.004701 = 0.0329 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: what are you wrong about?
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.03862 = 0.3862 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: this is getting ridiculous.
Rulother_: damn tata got that low
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 130 @ 0.004701 = 0.6111 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.004701 = 0.0235 BTC [-]
freeroute: ThickAsThieves: no I was just wondering how you could buy Labcoin pre-IPO shares, and whether it was different from buying Smidge.com A shares (which you have to buy directly from smidge). So then smidge asked what was wrong with that, so I replied by telling nothing as far as I know, but if anyone could point out otherwise I would be happy to listen.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 600 @ 0.004701 = 2.8206 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.00466 = 0.0233 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004655 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.004654 = 0.0233 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004561 = 0.4561 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: mkay. what's wrong with that in the general is that it conflates different roles,
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 400 @ 0.00456 = 1.824 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 50 @ 0.009981 = 0.4991 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 145 @ 0.004501 = 0.6526 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 342 @ 0.0045 = 1.539 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: and in the particular that nonentities do not get to fulfill fiduciary duties.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 166 @ 0.0045 = 0.747 BTC [-]
freeroute: with nonentities you mean exchanges and such?
Rulother_: lol TAT you are apparently disappointing people on the forums
Rulother_: and they want to sell their 10 shares of TAT.AM
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 72 @ 0.0045 = 0.324 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: i'll buy em back then
ThickAsThieves: s'all good
Rulother_: "You're getting harder and harder to take seriously my friend. If you continue to post childish and useless foder I am going to have to reconsider your business expertise and maturity and dump the assets of yours that I own at a considerable loss."
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 135 @ 0.0083 = 1.1205 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: lol who said that?
Rulother_: looool what
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 25 @ 0.0002889 = 0.0072 BTC [+]
Rulother_: Knybe
ThickAsThieves: i must have him on ignore for being a sock
pankkake: ignored him long time ago
pankkake: there's also another guy complaining about "kids"
ozbot: [ActiveMining] The Official Active Mining Discussion Thread
pankkake: I think he called me "son" once
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.3 = 8.6 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.0026 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 80 @ 0.0043 = 0.344 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.22 = 42.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004301 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 170 @ 0.0043 = 0.731 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 80 @ 0.0083 = 0.664 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.04 = 0.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004264 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.004261 = 0.0298 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.004207 = 0.0294 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 465 @ 0.004205 = 1.9553 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 85 @ 0.0083 = 0.7055 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.004265 = 0.0171 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004265 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.004209 = 0.1263 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 178 @ 0.004208 = 0.749 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.004205 = 0.0631 BTC [-]
Rulother_: So coinbase hired Charlie Lee?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 46 @ 0.004203 = 0.1933 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.0027 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 40 @ 0.001783 = 0.0713 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 315 @ 0.00425 = 1.3388 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 382 @ 0.004203 = 1.6055 BTC [-]
afrotec: litecoin support?
Rulother_: I suppose, that'll be nice to have
jurov: afrotec: not necessarily, coblee did more stuff than just litecoin
ThickAsThieves: vagcoin?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 772 @ 0.004203 = 3.2447 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 600 @ 0.004203 = 2.5218 BTC [-]
afrotec: Yeah he's worked on a lot of different things
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.004203 = 4.203 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2176 @ 0.0042 = 9.1392 BTC [-]
VanCleef: 7000btc for 70% is around 1 million dollars right?
VanCleef: valuation
afrotec: could be a coincidence, but still... if they were ever thinking about adding it, Lee would be the guy to have on board
afrotec: im talkin future
VanCleef: the best part is you're paying 300k to the management team
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.0002889 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.177 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: vagocoin lol
afrotec: VanCleef i noticed that too, but the management have already put 150k
mircea_popescu: freeroute no, i mean people w/o a wot
VanCleef: okey
VanCleef: i still don't get the 1miilion dollar valuation, they wont even address it
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 42 @ 0.009981 = 0.4192 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 4 @ 0.00998 = 0.0399 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 50 @ 0.009951 = 0.4976 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.00995 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 2 @ 0.00993 = 0.0199 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 20 @ 0.009901 = 0.198 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 10 @ 0.0099 = 0.099 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.55 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 571 @ 0.0099 = 5.6529 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: VanCleef stop being a kid son.
VanCleef: sorry, actually making the point its fucking stupid
afrotec: yeah they're dancing around that part. since they initially invested 150k, maybe they value that worth 300k now, thus 700k for shareholders
VanCleef: and there's proof of this 150k?
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1671 @ 0.0002889 = 0.4828 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: that's not really how it goes is it.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.176 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 3500 @ 0.000289 = 1.0115 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MG] 5000 @ 0.0002675 = 1.3375 BTC [+]
VanCleef: aww wtf
VanCleef: they banned me from their thread
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 2500 @ 0.000294 = 0.735 BTC [+]
afrotec: who did
afrotec: labcoin>?
VanCleef: labcoin guys
VanCleef: because i exposed their bs valuation
afrotec: wow seriously?
afrotec: the ipo thread?
mircea_popescu: how can they ban you from their thread
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 3088 @ 0.000295 = 0.911 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MG] 5000 @ 0.0002675 = 1.3375 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.18 = 41.8 BTC [+]
VanCleef: i went to hit replay and got this message saying notallowed to reply in it
VanCleef: da fk
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004597 = 0.1149 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.0045 BTC [-]
dexX7: what's your forum handle?
dexX7: BitHub?
VanCleef: ahh there it goes
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.496 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.495 = 0.99 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: how is that possible even lol
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.49130001 BTC [-]
afrotec: VanCleef [quote]Everything design wise, data modeling, virtual testing of cells, tape out etc. has been paid for and booked (approx $150.000) and now we need to take in capital for producing the actual chip.[/quote]
VanCleef: okey i jumpt the gun a lil bit :P probaly just logged me out
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04039968 BTC [+]
ozbot: [LABCOIN] IPO [BTCT.CO] - Details/FAQ and Discussion (ASIC dev/sales/mining)
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.182 BTC [+]
VanCleef: i wonder how much asicminer team costs
VanCleef: alot cheaper i bet
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.176 = 1.76 BTC [-]
afrotec: lol
mircea_popescu: VanCleef thety did it all on about 100k dollars in 2012 iirc
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.177 = 0.354 BTC [+]
VanCleef: ahh yeah that's right
VanCleef: 100k, wow
VanCleef: good stuff
VanCleef: so these guys want 1 million dollars (lil bit more since bitcoin price went up) and value themselves at 300k? with 700k worth going to shareholders?
VanCleef: okey i'm done breaking it down, will save it for pm mp
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.37 BTC [+]
afrotec: need a labcoin chat
VanCleef: btcgarden is still a classic at 16 million
ThickAsThieves: or a BTC-TC chan
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 378 @ 0.00422 = 1.5952 BTC [-]
afrotec: so people like mircea dont get all fussy
VanCleef: i gave a new bitfunder ipo a valuation too
afrotec: yeahhhh BTC-TC trollbox
VanCleef: some casino thing
naemsi: So basically nobody knows when the labcoin ipo will begin?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004221 = 0.1055 BTC [+]
alecpap: 8pm central i think
afrotec: 8pm central!
afrotec: lol
ThickAsThieves: "The bottom line is the .001 price for the ipo is way too cheap."
ThickAsThieves: "Then the big buyers will make multiple accounts and afterwards transfer all shares to the main account."
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 357 @ 0.00422 = 1.5065 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 75 @ 0.00422 = 0.3165 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 18 @ 0.0076 = 0.1368 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.193 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 3 @ 0.4438 = 1.3314 BTC [+]
afrotec: this shit cray
afrotec: clear the book!
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 40 @ 0.00422 = 0.1688 BTC [-]
VanCleef: i just got a sms saying "sec's assholes foaming"
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.04 = 0.12 BTC [+]
afrotec: hahah the sec can lick my foaming asshole
mircea_popescu: afrotec you know you create channels on irc by simply joining them
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04171 = 0.0834 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.04172 = 0.1669 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04172 BTC [+]
afrotec: yes i know
afrotec: currently the only one in #labcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004593 = 0.1148 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 400 @ 0.004594 = 1.8376 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 841 @ 0.004596 = 3.8652 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.004597 = 1.3791 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1200 @ 0.004598 = 5.5176 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004598 = 0.2299 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004599 = 0.4599 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.0046 = 0.0322 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 682 @ 0.004619 = 3.1502 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1388 @ 0.00462 = 6.4126 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 480 @ 0.00469 = 2.2512 BTC [+]
jcpham: afrotec why is your asshole foaming?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.00495 = 0.0248 BTC [+]
frb: wow lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 525 @ 0.00496 = 2.604 BTC [+]
Rulother_: this is the push
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 395 @ 0.00498 = 1.9671 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04 = 0.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1925 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1411 @ 0.004989 = 7.0395 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 18 @ 0.04 = 0.72 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: cost all of 10 btc lol
smidge: about time :)
jurov: i recommend #smalltimer-nonsense
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.00499 = 2.495 BTC [+]
Rulother_: After this, I am done with amc
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1925 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004549 = 0.1137 BTC [-]
frb: Rulother_: AMC = ASICMINER?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.00455 = 0.091 BTC [+]
frb: Sorry
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004959 = 0.248 BTC [+]
Rulother_: sigh
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0052 = 0.52 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005298 = 0.0265 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0054 = 0.54 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 52 @ 0.00549 = 0.2855 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 64 @ 0.005499 = 0.3519 BTC [+]
Rulother_: even more reason why I hate the company lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5000 @ 0.0055 = 27.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0056 = 0.56 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 55 @ 0.00585 = 0.3218 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.00589 = 0.0648 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.00589 = 1.178 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.005998 = 1.1996 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5000 @ 0.005999 = 29.995 BTC [+]
VanCleef: why doy ou hate asicminer?
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.4437 = 0.8874 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.43 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 7 @ 0.43 = 3.01 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.424 BTC [-]
Rulother_: Not am... amc... activemining
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.42 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.41 = 0.82 BTC [-]
naemsi: rofl, spread on AMC is 33% of share price
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 2 @ 0.0002695 = 0.0005 BTC [-]
VanCleef: i trust ken from asicminer more than friedcat from activeminer
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.41 BTC [-]
VanCleef: just wanna make mp giggle
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 9 @ 0.01042 = 0.0938 BTC [+]
jurov: me too
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.41 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 13 @ 0.4001 = 5.2013 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.4 = 0.8 BTC [-]
FabianB: 16:30 < jurov> i recommend #smalltimer-nonsense
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 6 @ 0.395 = 2.37 BTC [-]
Rulother_: hmmmm
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 2 @ 0.192 = 0.384 BTC [-]
frb: FabianB: I thought that was a real channel :)
Rulother_: It's funny the amount of people jumping ship from all kinds of stocks for the new new
FabianB: looks like a million noobs appearing today in here; backlog reads 'different' than on usual days
Rulother_: I think nearly every stock met their 30/60 day low within the past 48hrs
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 5 @ 0.4 = 2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 5 @ 0.73 = 3.65 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: FabianB i was wondering the same thing.
dexX7: announcement: i'm selling a bid place bot for btct for 15 bitcoin.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.2 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: !ticker m s.mpoe
assbot: [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00079398 / 0.000806 / 0.0008116 (256303 shares, 206.58 BTC), 7D: 0.0007725 / 0.00080393 / 0.00087344 (2330799 shares, 1,873.81 BTC), 30D: 0.0007725 / 0.00081687 / 0.00097228 (10510549 shares, 8,585.81 BTC)
dexX7: jk ;)
afrotec: what a day of chaos
mircea_popescu: Rulother_ ^
VanCleef: more to come afrotec
afrotec: i dont mind, makes it easy to not work ;)
Rulother_: I would probably pay 10 btc for a bid bot
Rulother_: for btct
Rulother_: I would have to see the coding myself
Rulother_: I could probably do it, but I got this thing called laziness
FabianB: mircea_popescu: if all days are like today here, i'll need to hire a summary girl or we need an invite only channel with a 10 btc fee
mircea_popescu: honestly i think people are trying to learn. we see.
Rulother_: Well that's a good thing too, more users the more influx of money too.
Rulother_: Patience
FabianB: Rulother_: money for what?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005724 BTC [-]
Rulother_: btct or just btc in general really
VanCleef: i would like to learn alot more
VanCleef: investopedia is okey
FabianB: there's fixed 3600 new btc daily
VanCleef: mp's blog thingy
Rulother_: I understand that :) But still more people using btc the better, and more interested in btct the better as well, at least that's the way I feel as an investor.
jcpham: money for nothing and the chicks for free?
mircea_popescu: Rulother_ it's more complicated than more people = better tho.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0403999 = 0.202 BTC [+]
FabianB: Rulother_: investing or speculating?
mircea_popescu: many people listen to britney spears, never made her any better.
Rulother_: well you got me there mp
kakobrekla: also Rulother_ what do you want the bot to do, ill take your money
afrotec: kako, buy labcoin
Rulother_: I'm still working on the details myself, been putting together an outline just in case I do end up coding one.
Rulother_: Got some research to do first
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005719 = 0.143 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 17 @ 0.005719 = 0.0972 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 17 @ 0.005718 = 0.0972 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.275 BTC [+]
VanCleef: can anyone create a script to make ipo's all day?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005621 BTC [-]
VanCleef: it starts off by posting a thread on bitcointalk
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 49 @ 0.005621 = 0.2754 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 27 @ 0.005619 = 0.1517 BTC [-]
jcpham: need to ipo the litecoin asic
VanCleef: then it creates some irc bots to talk about it in bitcoin rooms
kakobrekla: not a bad idea, ipo text generator
VanCleef: based on bitcoin agent
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 47 @ 0.0403999 = 1.8988 BTC [+]
Rulother_: Name it Ben
VanCleef: ./ipobot.sh
jurov: don't forget btct prospect generation
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005719 = 0.286 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 17 @ 0.00572 = 0.0972 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 233 @ 0.00572 = 1.3328 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.28 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005599 = 0.14 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005599 = 0.14 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.0056 = 0.028 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1438 @ 0.004856 = 6.9829 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.188 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 225 @ 0.004855 = 1.0924 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004852 = 0.2426 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1925 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.00464 = 4.64 BTC [-]
afrotec: looks like the books will stay
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 123 @ 0.004631 = 0.5696 BTC [-]
afrotec: for now
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 700 @ 0.00461 = 3.227 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.004606 = 2.303 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.0046 = 2.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 430 @ 0.004409 = 1.8959 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1500 @ 0.0043 = 6.45 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1100 @ 0.004226 = 4.6486 BTC [-]
arij: what happened to activemining
arij: dayum
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 9 @ 0.0403999 = 0.3636 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.288 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: it went up up up
mircea_popescu: in an alternative manner
arij: negative up
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 9 @ 0.002029 = 0.0183 BTC [+]
afrotec: actm sale
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005001 = 0.125 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.186 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.005 = 2.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 11 @ 0.00084 = 0.0092 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 9 @ 0.0008328 = 0.0075 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005 = 0.125 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.185 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.00441 = 0.0088 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004829 = 0.1207 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 41 @ 0.00483 = 0.198 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004999 = 0.25 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005001 = 0.125 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.03955 = 0.1582 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00483 = 0.1208 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.004829 = 0.9658 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.005001 = 0.06 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004831 = 0.1208 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1925 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 3 @ 0.195 = 0.585 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 280 @ 0.00483 = 1.3524 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004831 = 0.1208 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04199 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004787 = 0.1197 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.286 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004787 = 0.1197 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004788 = 0.2394 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.00479 = 0.0383 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 27 @ 0.004828 = 0.1304 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 80 @ 0.00483 = 0.3864 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004709 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 35 @ 0.0403999 = 1.414 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004621 = 0.1155 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 630 @ 0.00462 = 2.9106 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.00462 = 0.231 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.194 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00462 = 0.1155 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004612 = 0.2306 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004602 = 0.2301 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 250 @ 0.004602 = 1.1505 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.00462 = 0.0924 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.193 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 250 @ 0.00462 = 1.155 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.194 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.194 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004709 = 0.1177 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.00471 = 0.0518 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 70 @ 0.00483 = 0.3381 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.00505 = 0.0606 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.00451 = 0.2255 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 611 @ 0.004506 = 2.7532 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 441 @ 0.004505 = 1.9867 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 398 @ 0.004504 = 1.7926 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 6 @ 0.0403999 = 0.2424 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MG] 3333 @ 0.0002675 = 0.8916 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004947 = 0.1237 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 575 @ 0.004948 = 2.8451 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.193 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.193 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.193 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.193 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.192 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.191 = 41.91 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.184 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.183 = 8.366 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.182 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.181 = 12.543 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.178 = 8.356 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.176 = 20.88 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 4.175 = 25.05 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.15 = 41.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.11 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 11 @ 4.101 = 45.111 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 14 @ 4.101 = 57.414 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 15 @ 4.1 = 61.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.09 = 8.18 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.084 = 8.168 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.08 = 8.16 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.062 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.053 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.052 = 8.104 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 15 @ 4.051 = 60.765 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.05 = 20.25 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.01 = 12.03 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.01 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.006 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.002 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 4 = 36 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 17 @ 4 = 68 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.93 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.93 = 19.65 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 19 @ 0.004588 = 0.0872 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 19 @ 0.004589 = 0.0872 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.03957 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.03957 = 0.277 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 15 @ 0.03956 = 0.5934 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 15 @ 0.03951 = 0.5927 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 30 @ 0.0395 = 1.185 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 47 @ 0.03921 = 1.8429 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 95 @ 0.0392 = 3.724 BTC [-]
smidge: hm
VanCleef: hey smidge
VanCleef: any more development on issuing shares of the holding company that is smidge, not a fund
smidge: not atm. it doesnt make sense to sell shares of the holding when we dont have multiple funds out there (meaning successful ipos)
smidge: ok, now that i've bought almost everything cheap, can you pls cancel the labcoin ipo so that the coins move back into the other assets, kthx
VanCleef: i'm holding out for the company
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.00454 = 0.0409 BTC [-]
smidge: k, cant promise anything tho
VanCleef: i'd rather a piece of a pie than a piece of a slice
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 19 @ 0.004588 = 0.0872 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.004589 = 0.0275 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.00459 = 0.0275 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.00459 = 0.0321 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.004609 = 0.0691 BTC [+]
pankkake: or a piece of shit
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.00455 = 0.0546 BTC [-]
smidge: lets agree on a smidge of a pie?
Rulother_: now we're talking
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.00461 = 0.1383 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 270 @ 0.004694 = 1.2674 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.004693 = 0.0469 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 150 @ 0.004694 = 0.7041 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004601 = 0.115 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1500 @ 0.0046 = 6.9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.4136 = 1.2408 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 117 @ 0.004691 = 0.5488 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4137 = 0.8274 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 83 @ 0.004693 = 0.3895 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.4138 = 1.2414 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.4159 = 2.0795 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 11 @ 0.416 = 4.576 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4199 = 0.8398 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.42 = 2.1 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 12 @ 0.4241 = 5.0892 BTC [+]
afrotec: somebody sell me btc for paypal
afrotec: no funny business, I promise
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004589 = 0.1147 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.00459 = 0.0505 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004692 = 0.2346 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 117 @ 0.004693 = 0.5491 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.004694 = 0.0469 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 91 @ 0.004695 = 0.4272 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 183 @ 0.004696 = 0.8594 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.004699 = 0.0376 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 17 @ 0.0047 = 0.0799 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6500 @ 0.00079525 = 5.1691 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 14 @ 0.03913 = 0.5478 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.03913 = 1.9565 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.0391 = 0.1955 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 13 @ 0.039 = 0.507 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.03864 = 0.1159 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.004804 = 0.024 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: ;;rated afrotec
gribble: You have not yet rated user afrotec
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.071 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: ;;getrating afrotec
gribble: This user has not yet been rated. WARNING: Currently not authenticated.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.07 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.004805 = 0.0529 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: afrotec ^
ozbot: Noob MP, or how it all began pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.004879 = 0.0488 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.02 = 8.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 315 @ 0.004899 = 1.5432 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 630 @ 0.0049 = 3.087 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 245 @ 0.005189 = 1.2713 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004879 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.004898 = 0.049 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 18 @ 0.00495 = 0.0891 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 102 @ 0.00519 = 0.5294 BTC [+]
afrotec: mircea_popescu, thanks im looking into that now
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.424 = 0.848 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005185 = 0.1296 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 5 @ 0.007351 = 0.0368 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005186 = 0.2593 BTC [+]
VanCleef: i smell a scammer
afrotec: who?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.005185 = 0.0519 BTC [-]
KRS-1: sniff sniff
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.005185 = 0.0778 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 19 @ 0.005186 = 0.0985 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.0403999 = 0.404 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 23 @ 0.004811 = 0.1107 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00889 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004811 = 0.1203 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 317 @ 0.00481 = 1.5248 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005014 = 0.1254 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005015 = 0.2508 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005187 = 0.2594 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.00519 = 0.0623 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 549 @ 0.005199 = 2.8543 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 314 @ 0.0052 = 1.6328 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 20 @ 0.008899 = 0.178 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005099 = 0.1275 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.0051 = 0.0765 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005101 = 0.1275 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 33 @ 0.0051 = 0.1683 BTC [-]
ozbot: It’s called Eulora pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04097 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04097 BTC [+]
jurov: it downloads too slowly :P
pankkake: so it's linux-first? nice
pankkake: Also if you’re good with code and would like to help => is the code open?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0403999 = 0.1212 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5100 @ 0.00079398 = 4.0493 BTC [-]
pankkake: what language?
jurov: Intercal :D
mircea_popescu: pankkake mostly c. it rests on cal3d and stuiff the atomic blue peeps did
pankkake: ok. not my set of skills but not surprising for a game :)
mircea_popescu: yeah i doubt you can seriously do much w/o c
pankkake: well, some games use a scripting language inside for some stuff
Chaang-Noi: hey guys, what is a good site to post a temp pic up for, like maybe 24 hours?
Rulother_: Facebook
Rulother_: 4Chan or Reddit
Chaang-Noi: i dont have that but thanks
Rulother_: I'm joking also
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005198 BTC [+]
Rulother_: Maybe dropbox.com ?
Chaang-Noi: like lots of places have spots for text
pankkake: it's a very good question, I found one once but forgot
Chaang-Noi: i dont want to reg, just upload a pic for a bit
Chaang-Noi: it is work safe
pankkake: most don't have expirations like pastebins
Chaang-Noi: well even if it does not expire, idont care
pankkake: you can use imgur and save the delete url…
pankkake: imgur then
Chaang-Noi: i will look into that, i dont know it, thanks
VanCleef: am divs come in yet?
Chaang-Noi: oh shit is it wednesday
Vbs: ActM discussion -> #ActiveMining :)
VanCleef: i think so, not sure
Chaang-Noi: it is am day!
Chaang-Noi: w0000000000000000t
Chaang-Noi: money money
Chaang-Noi: is vbs a bot
pankkake: depends on your definition of bot
chmod755: <Chaang-Noi> hey guys, what is a good site to post a temp pic up for, like maybe 24 hours? << images.prism.nsa.gov
VanCleef: he's hired by ken
Stardust: out of curiosity Chaang-Noi, is your first name Samuel ?
Chaang-Noi: no it is akmed
chmod755: Achmed the dead terrorist?
KRS-1: lol
Chaang-Noi: mid name is muhammed
Stardust: akmed sounds legit
Chaang-Noi: no ch it is a fucking k
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 10 @ 0.000295 = 0.003 BTC [+]
chmod755: as in kkk?
Vbs: Chaang-Noi: why would I be a bot?
Chaang-Noi: vbs i guess a troll?
Vbs: what am I trolling?
Chaang-Noi: no one here cares about actmining
Chaang-Noi: AM is asic miner
Vbs: Chaang-Noi: you can speak for 149 users then?
chmod755: nobody likes visual basic script files @ Vbs
Chaang-Noi: pretty much yes
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 4 @ 0.000295 = 0.0012 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: confess. your game is actually a challenge for exploit developers
Vbs: feel free to put me in your ignore list then
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005198 = 0.13 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: think of all the fools that will run it on their bitcoind box.
Chaang-Noi: you will be lucky if not banned :)
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1898 @ 0.000295 = 0.5599 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000303 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1500 @ 0.0003075 = 0.4613 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 14 @ 0.0003149 = 0.0044 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 5000 @ 0.000315 = 1.575 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 4.7 = 37.6 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 5000 @ 0.00033 = 1.65 BTC [+]
Vbs: Chaang-Noi: banned for...?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.18 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: trolling
pankkake: asciilifeform: that was my first thought. my wallet's encrypted though, but I have much more compromising stuff!
Rulother_: Shit Labcoin has a little over 12million bids at .001+
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 64 @ 0.04097 = 2.6221 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: pankkake: an encrypted wallet does you little good when your machine is rooted and all keystrokes are logged.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004923 = 0.1231 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1000 @ 0.0003332 = 0.3332 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 22 @ 0.004922 = 0.1083 BTC [-]
pankkake: yeah
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.00492 = 0.0984 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 26 @ 0.004903 = 0.1275 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: pankkake: presumably you do at times enter the password.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 27 @ 0.004902 = 0.1324 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.005199 = 1.5597 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4234 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 463 @ 0.00521 = 2.4122 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 183 @ 0.005217 = 0.9547 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.00535 = 2.675 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 225 @ 0.005375 = 1.2094 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 23 @ 0.004902 = 0.1127 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 900 @ 0.0003332 = 0.2999 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.0049 = 0.0098 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.002934 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 50 @ 0.002935 = 0.1468 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 108 @ 0.002936 = 0.3171 BTC [+]
pankkake: it has to run continuously though, it can be caught; whereas just sending the file at a random time is more sneaky
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 41 @ 0.002937 = 0.1204 BTC [+]
Vbs: Chaang-Noi: looool
Chaang-Noi: vbs, you must be new here...
ozbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.179 = 16.716 BTC [-]
pankkake: Chaang-Noi: yes
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MG] 15000 @ 0.0002675 = 4.0125 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: took long enough for the active miner bubble to pop
Vbs: Chaang-Noi: I'm January 2012 new +/- :)
Chaang-Noi: to btc or this chan?
Vbs: btc
Chaang-Noi: i was talking about this chan...
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 6 @ 0.000333 = 0.002 BTC [-]
Vbs: you said I was trolling because I wrote 1 line of text
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.179 BTC [-]
Vbs: where's the trolling in that?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0403999 = 0.1212 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04097 BTC [+]
pankkake: if your response was following the mention of "AM", it was trolling
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 31 @ 0.0404 = 1.2524 BTC [+]
Vbs: I never mentioned "AM"
VanCleef: i'm just glad ken posted bail
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4 BTC [-]
Vbs: I said "ActM discussion -> #ActiveMining :)"
Chaang-Noi: vbs you be careful now...
ozbot: [Bitcoin Protocol Analysis] Native Two-Factor Authentication - The Genesis Block
Vbs: where's the "AM"?
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: it's spreading like a virus
Chaang-Noi: he is asking for it, should we do it?
Vbs: I would be trolling if I was somehow misleading anyone
Vbs: I'm not :)
Chaang-Noi: okay, reported
Chaang-Noi: see ya
Vbs: lol
Rulother_: reported!
Rulother_: takes me back to my wow days
Chaang-Noi: i just trolling
Chaang-Noi: but really vbs no one give a fuck
Vbs: I think it takes me back to my kindergarden days lol
Vbs: We had a journal on the wall anyone could write
Vbs: (in elementary school)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform how's an airgapped machine keylogged
mircea_popescu: and wtf would the keylogger do, scream the key ?
Rulother_: was this a recent memory?
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 50 @ 0.0008328 = 0.0416 BTC [-]
Vbs: Rulother_: what memory? I'm there right now! xD
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: your Dr. Evil mountain vault is safe. I'm talking about 'normal people' and their humble toilet-in-the-kitchen linux boxen.
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 211 @ 0.007501 = 1.5827 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 333 @ 0.0075 = 2.4975 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: normal people can very well buy a cheap 2nd hand laptop off ebay
mircea_popescu: for about the cost of a dongle
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: yeah, but how many realize that they ought to?
mircea_popescu: so the solution is, let's make retarded security theatre
mircea_popescu: instead of telling the idiots what to actually do.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: nah, the solution is to buy popcorn
mircea_popescu: cause we can't market useful, we can only market stupid.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: that's what I'll be doing
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.04 = 0.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 61 @ 0.007375 = 0.4499 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: if I were the author of the game, and struck with an inexplicable fit of compassion for noobs, I would pop up a dialog showing the user's BTC balance if the binary detects a running bitcoind on the box, saying "boo"
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.405 = 0.81 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: shit, cg at 4/
Chaang-Noi: any news?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.179 = 8.358 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 5 @ 0.000319 = 0.0016 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: your game is so massive, you could probably stuff a proper blockchain node in there, and no one would notice.
assbot: [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 15 @ 0.02522 = 0.3783 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: ha. the game client is 500mb atm
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.04095 = 0.2457 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: the blockchain 5gb ?
jurov: asciilifeform: just unpacked it and it includes .svn subdirectories
asciilifeform: wonder if anyone's though to combine a MMORPG and an altchain
jurov: that's why
jcpham: people still play games?
mircea_popescu: jurov yeah
VanCleef: btct is a good game
ThickAsThieves: i love saying it
pankkake: there's .svn in the zip. boo
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.005205 = 0.1041 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.17 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10250 @ 0.00079403 = 8.1388 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: why boo ?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.17 = 16.68 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005205 = 0.1301 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.005204 = 0.0624 BTC [-]
pankkake: I don't understand why people still use it, and end-users don't need the .svn dirs
mircea_popescu: but this is more for ppl who like to mess with things
ThickAsThieves: i wonder if the herd can be spooked enough to unfill the pre-ipo sellout of labcoin
ThickAsThieves: pre-volatility
jurov: No cigar. failed to load driver: r600. Segmentation fault ./euclient
mircea_popescu: jurov email the logstuff
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.11 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.102 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.101 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.1 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.049 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.011 = 8.022 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.01 = 12.03 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.01 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.002 = 12.006 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.002 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 4.001 = 36.009 BTC [-]
jurov: it was permission error, now it loads
jurov: New user? See Mircea for login account
ozbot: How to Register a User Name on Freenode: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
mircea_popescu: whoa it actually works ? wunderbar.
mircea_popescu: lemme hop in so i can say hi
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005198 = 0.13 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: "4,000,000 shares of BTCGARDEN,which occupies 40% of BTCSEA CO.,Ltd`s market value, will be made available to the public at btct.co. First 2,000,000 shares will be put up in value beginning at 0.016 BTC/share ,the rest of 2,000,000 shares will be issued with higher price as soon as the first 2,000,000 shares have been sold out."
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 43 @ 0.005001 = 0.215 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 55 @ 0.04093 = 2.2512 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: 'a higher price'
Rulother_: agh bfl, ffffuuuu
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005199 = 0.13 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 60 @ 0.005199 = 0.3119 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1378 @ 0.0052 = 7.1656 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves i can't decide if this is a gimped copy of mpex asset issuance process
mircea_popescu: or the guy is ignorant and would benefit from lurk moar
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 185 @ 0.005001 = 0.9252 BTC [-]
jurov: i see some other players but nobody seems online
mircea_popescu: say something
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.001 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 3.96 = 11.88 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 15 @ 0.04001 = 0.6002 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04001 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.04001 = 1.0003 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 85 @ 0.04001 = 3.4009 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: Burnside is fixing the labcoin ipo
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04 = 0.2 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: 3 PM CST/4 PM EST is the cutoff for bidding. (EDITED!)
ThickAsThieves: - Sometime shortly after that time I will lock the asset.
ThickAsThieves: - All bids below 0.001 will be thrown out.
ThickAsThieves: - All bids posted after the cutoff will be thrown out.
ThickAsThieves: - We will then add up all the bids and use the total to create a ratio of number of shares ordered to number of shares available. (eg, 9,000,000 ordered, 7,000,000 available gives us a ratio of 0.777)
ThickAsThieves: - We will multiply everyone's orders times the ratio and extract a whole number of shares on a per order basis. The orders will then be filled according to the result at 0.001 BTC. (regardless of what they actually bid.)
frb: i don't understand why everyone is jumpting ship from ASICMINER
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 85 @ 0.04 = 3.4 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: AM has had weak news
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.96 = 7.92 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: and people are hyped up
Chaang-Noi: rally?
Chaang-Noi: what did AM say?
Chaang-Noi: under 4 and wow
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.401 BTC [-]
frb: ^
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 5 @ 0.4 = 2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005004 = 0.1251 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005003 = 0.2502 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 617 @ 0.005001 = 3.0856 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: and goc at .4!
Chaang-Noi: im sending btc in!
ThickAsThieves: isnt that what it was it before you pumped it?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005002 = 0.1251 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.005001 = 0.15 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: no, was around .1 maybe .2
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 5 @ 0.73 = 3.65 BTC [+]
jurov: there is activity only in NPC channel
mircea_popescu: jurov i said hi in main
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.005002 = 0.1 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: do you see me up there ?
Chaang-Noi: mp trying to play a game
jurov: mp id on't see you. shall i publish a screenshot?
mircea_popescu: sure by all means
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.923 = 7.846 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.922 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005002 = 0.1251 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005001 = 0.125 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 87 @ 0.005 = 0.435 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4921 @ 0.005 = 24.605 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: ok sit put i come to you
mircea_popescu: lol we're in the jacuzzi
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3999 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.914 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: naked?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.913 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 90 @ 0.0002506 = 0.0226 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004861 = 0.1215 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004856 = 0.2428 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004828 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004827 = 0.4827 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 190 @ 0.004815 = 0.9149 BTC [-]
jurov: looking into inventory... "mind"?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 660 @ 0.0046 = 3.036 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004515 = 0.2258 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004515 BTC [-]
jurov: and no spells?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 670 @ 0.004511 = 3.0224 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004317 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: for to keep stuff in mind
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 390 @ 0.00425 = 1.6575 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: hahahaha when did assets chan become wow chan?
mircea_popescu: spellbook exists (c)
mircea_popescu: but not implemented yet
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.00422 = 0.0422 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2140 @ 0.004214 = 9.018 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1560 @ 0.004213 = 6.5723 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 40 @ 0.039 = 1.56 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.004212 = 4.212 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 700 @ 0.004211 = 2.9477 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.004211 = 4.211 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 775 @ 0.00421 = 3.2628 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6000 @ 0.00418 = 25.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 75 @ 0.004171 = 0.3128 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 720 @ 0.004153 = 2.9902 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 80 @ 0.004106 = 0.3285 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004104 = 0.4104 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4421 @ 0.004103 = 18.1394 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: spell book, is this dungens and dragons ?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2181 @ 0.004102 = 8.9465 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8000 @ 0.0041 = 32.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 80 @ 0.00405 = 0.324 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00405 = 0.1013 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.48 = 0.96 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.476 = 0.952 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 11 @ 0.4741 = 5.2151 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.4620001 = 2.31 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.462 = 1.848 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2374 @ 0.004 = 9.496 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.461 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004 = 0.4 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: sell it all!
mircea_popescu: who was all thankful for being able to buy activescamming on the cheap earlier ?
jurov: me in jacuzzi with mp, open inventory: http://live.coinbr.com/images/eulora2.png
Chaang-Noi: what game is this?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.913 = 7.826 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: something like "40% off all-time high is great deal"
Rulother_: There isn't any sign of panic on the forums too
Chaang-Noi: honestly it looks like you made it youselves
Chaang-Noi: gold is 40% off all time highs
mircea_popescu: what was the ath, 8 ?
jurov: Chaang-Noi: it's the S.MG one
Chaang-Noi: did he make it himself?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 3.913 = 11.739 BTC [-]
mod6: nice
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 3.911 = 35.199 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.91 = 19.55 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.905 = 19.525 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.901 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: it is good for that, but, people wont play this
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 3.9 = 11.7 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.9 = 7.8 BTC [-]
Apocalyptic: of course they won't
jurov: maybe. mircea_popescu is doing all himself,you know. changing sex where necessary.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.9 = 7.8 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: 0.01858868
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.9 = 7.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.4 BTC [+]
frb: 1 @ 4.4??
frb: lmao
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.039 = 0.39 BTC [-]
VanCleef: must be a labcoin fan
Chaang-Noi: option
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.03863 = 0.1159 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04000001 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: wow this is the first game client that I've seen REQUIRE linux libraries
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 198 @ 0.0395 = 7.821 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 490 @ 0.03862 = 18.9238 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0395 = 0.079 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 39 @ 0.03862 = 1.5062 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: cant you see the order book?
VanCleef: am divs are in
VanCleef: and they're low :(
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 3.95 = 7.9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 13 @ 3.9 = 50.7 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: i reported it already
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller so there.
Chaang-Noi: 0.01858868
thestringpuller: this must be how people feel trying to get steam games running in WINE
VanCleef: thanks chaang-noi
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.151 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.151 = 1.51 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: and low might not be the best word, this is a weekly div
mircea_popescu: if nothing else, we've extracted VENDETTA
VanCleef: its all bad chaaaaang
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000283 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 8 @ 0.15 = 1.2 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: they paid more than 105 of their ipo in this weekly div
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.039 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: they paid more than 185 of their ipo in this WEEKLY div
Chaang-Noi: im buying a new keyboard
VanCleef: lower than last week :(
thestringpuller: by what .001 btc per share?
VanCleef: yeh :(
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.84 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: horrible. sell everything.
VanCleef: exactly
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 2667 @ 0.0002806 = 0.7484 BTC [-]
VanCleef: labcoin will save us
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 125 @ 0.0002805 = 0.0351 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 250 @ 0.0002802 = 0.0701 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 10 @ 0.0002801 = 0.0028 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 18811 @ 0.00028 = 5.2671 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0387 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: MG has so much equity, no wonder it's trading so high.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.15 = 0.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MG] 3442 @ 0.0002675 = 0.9207 BTC [+]
jurov: mircea_popescu: do you hear me shouting at distance?
mircea_popescu: lol i died
Chaang-Noi: mp died
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 3.84 = 11.52 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: jurov yeah i saw you, but i can't shout myseklf cause too noob
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.83 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: this play by play is classic
jurov: needs better collision detection :D
mircea_popescu: why you say ?
thestringpuller: lol good 'ol crystal space
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.3825 = 1.1475 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: this shit brings me back
afrotec: hey mircea_popescu
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.133 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.81 = 7.62 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.81 = 7.62 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.1321 = 0.2642 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.131 = 0.262 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 7 @ 0.039 = 0.273 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.82 = 7.64 BTC [+]
jurov: can't find any corpse
jurov: to loot
mircea_popescu: i respawned
mircea_popescu: can you find me now ?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.4 = 8.8 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 7 @ 0.3825 = 2.6775 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 0.13001001 = 0.39 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: (middle button moves cam)
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.802 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1089 @ 0.00028 = 0.3049 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004012 = 0.4012 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.801 = 7.602 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 10 @ 0.00028 = 0.0028 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 400 @ 0.004001 = 1.6004 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.004799 = 0.096 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.801 = 19.005 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: sell into my cog bidz!!!!
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.801 BTC [-]
jurov: hardly. i need to come close and mouseover to see names
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 4 @ 0.3625 = 1.45 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.801 = 7.602 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: this game makes for excellent hide and seek
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 24 @ 0.03861 = 0.9266 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 40 @ 0.03861 = 1.5444 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004103 = 0.1026 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 3.805 = 34.245 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 189 @ 0.004102 = 0.7753 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.45 = 8.9 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 29 @ 0.03861 = 1.1197 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 21 @ 0.03861 = 0.8108 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.0386 = 0.386 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.0386 = 0.386 BTC [-]
jurov: lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 55 @ 0.0382 = 2.101 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.03801 = 0.3801 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004597 = 0.1149 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.038 = 0.76 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3622 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 58 @ 0.0386001 = 2.2388 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 65 @ 0.03851 = 2.5032 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: are all the libraries self contained or do I gotta install any new packages?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0385 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 51 @ 0.0385 = 1.9635 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 11 @ 0.03841 = 0.4225 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 4 @ 0.03830031 = 0.1532 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0383 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: I guess I should be asking jurov that since he just installed
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 70 @ 0.03821 = 2.6747 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 999 @ 0.0382 = 38.1618 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 14 @ 0.0386 = 0.5404 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: jurov can you hear me talk ? :D
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0381 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 125 @ 0.038 = 4.75 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller ideally should all be static
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0379 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0378 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 4 @ 0.0378 = 0.1512 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0377 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0375 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0373 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: but this is what i have you folks for
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0371 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0369 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0367 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.386 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 4 @ 0.3852 = 1.5408 BTC [-]
jurov: mircea_popescu: nope
Chaang-Noi: sell morea
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 4 @ 0.3851 = 1.5404 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3606 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: o seriously ?
Chaang-Noi: more!
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 9 @ 0.3605 = 3.2445 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: it doesn't seem to be dropping packets tho, i suppose the zoning is weird on the map
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 1 @ 0.0243 BTC [+]
jurov: thestringpuller: i have pretty standard gentoo box with opensource ati 3d driver
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7314 @ 0.00079398 = 5.8072 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3986 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.004588 = 0.0413 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 7 @ 0.375 = 2.625 BTC [-]
jurov: now in room 2. the landscape is broken
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006235 BTC [+]
Chaang-Noi: okay want to bet on s.dice, how much and what odds
mircea_popescu: there's no room 2.
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 48 @ 0.04048 = 1.943 BTC [+]
jurov: i went thru the cave and it said "you discovered npc room 2 and gained 1000 experience"
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04049 = 0.2025 BTC [+]
jurov: meanwhile, i tried to attack some npcs and it said "you can't"
mircea_popescu: be glad it didn't say you cunt.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0387 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0389 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.04049 = 2.0245 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 118 @ 0.039 = 4.602 BTC [+]
jurov: i cant even attack you.. what a shame
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 6 @ 0.375 = 2.25 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0391 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0393 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0395 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0397 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: they've linked to my eve corp.
mircea_popescu: i wonder what the guy does when he discovers mpex.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0399 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0401 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0403 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 19 @ 0.0404 = 0.7676 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 78 @ 0.0404999 = 3.159 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.876 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0404999 = 0.1215 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0404999 = 0.2025 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: jurov: did you just chmod the binary?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0404999 = 0.2025 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: or did you do something else
thestringpuller: getting your error
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0404999 = 0.2025 BTC [+]
jurov: i added the user into video group
jurov: so that it can install rootkit into my video card
thestringpuller: oh no wonder
thestringpuller: it's a 64 bit binar
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: can I just compile this shit from sourse?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0404999 = 0.2025 BTC [+]
jurov: you have 32bit system?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0404999 = 0.2025 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: Yup. I'm old school.
thestringpuller: It's 64 bit but I'm running a 32 bit os
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller you probably should be able to yes
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.03992 = 0.1198 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.375 = 1.125 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: where is the client source tree?
thestringpuller: if that is open
mircea_popescu: it's open but not published yet
mircea_popescu: should be in all those snvs and crap in the package
thestringpuller: I actually don't see the svn hooks
thestringpuller: gimme a sec I'll see if svn can find it
mircea_popescu: it's a little messy atm, will be getting cleanned up and everything
mircea_popescu: but atm teh devteam is like sleeping and drinking and whatnot
thestringpuller: i was just wondering, cause I'ma have to compile everything from source, including the libs to make it work with a 32 bit OS
thestringpuller: it will run on windows though with cygwin it looks like
mircea_popescu: or just simmer and i'llget a 32 bit thing made tomorro.next day
frb: BTCTC down for anyone else?
thestringpuller: cool. it'll be on trilema comments?
mircea_popescu: frb it's been up/down for the past...jmmm... week maybe ?
frb: I mean right now :-)
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00421 = 0.1053 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller prolly make an update on that article
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.966 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: altho, having independenty ppl compile is great tbh.
mircea_popescu: just need to sort all the codeguts out and put it in some semblance of humane fiorm
topace: mircea_popescu: just downloaded.. do i need you to make me an account?
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 28 @ 0.04049 = 1.1337 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: topace yeah
topace: well hook me up yo!
VanCleef: i cant see it on steam store
mircea_popescu: VanCleef dude, do you realise this was announced like... a month ago ?
jurov: where is the spawn point i should expect topace?
mircea_popescu: jurov no spawn ganking!
mircea_popescu: btw, let's see which one of you finds me :D
ThickAsThieves: when will the iOS version be ready?
jurov: found him. he's after you nao
topace: heh i instinctively went back to my WoW controls.. no right mouse button straffe?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 26 @ 0.3605 = 9.373 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves what's ios again ?
VanCleef: ps4?
jurov: ios is iPad/iPhone stuff
mircea_popescu: o, the webcam things
afrotec: ;;buy 3.5 btc at {mtgoxlast} PPUSD
gribble: Order id 17154 created.
mircea_popescu: this guy learns fast huh
jurov: xD
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.01353 BTC [+]
BigBitz: sup dude?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.004103 = 0.0328 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 11 @ 0.0405 = 0.4455 BTC [+]
BigBitz: activemining tanking had :(
Apocalyptic: sup Biggy
Apocalyptic: you bought this shitty share ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0371 = 0.1113 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.037 = 0.074 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: it's still avbout 5000% overpriced.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0369 = 0.0738 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0368 = 0.0736 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0367 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 92 @ 0.0366001 = 3.3672 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 121 @ 0.0366 = 4.4286 BTC [-]
BigBitz: Apocalyptic: Yeah.
BigBitz: I liked the read of it.
BigBitz: But... now... :/
jurov: trying to buy me a weapon... no cigar
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.878 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 8 @ 0.399 = 3.192 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: jurov why so violent
jurov: it's meant ust for defense
jurov: *just
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0385 = 0.077 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0366 = 0.0732 BTC [-]
Wild0wnes: peep
laque: anyone know where the gdice money is?
mircea_popescu: what's gdice
laque: satoshi dice
jurov: laque: it's in deadterra's wallet
jurov: unless he messed withdrawal again
laque: how long will it sit in his wallet?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MG] 14801 @ 0.000269 = 3.9815 BTC [+]
jurov: ask him when he goes out of hiding. even to this channel he used ukyo as middleman
mircea_popescu: o, this the pt guy who was on vacation ?
jurov: yes
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla hey is this 1st time > 150 ?
jurov: what?
jurov: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 105.00010, Best ask: 105.62010, Bid-ask spread: 0.62000, Last trade: 105.00011, 24 hour volume: 55355.75164641, 24 hour low: 101.62487, 24 hour high: 111.65202, 24 hour vwap: 107.34530
jurov: ken slaughter some 10 years ago: http://i.imgur.com/PJB613N.jpg
frb: >Livin' la video loca
frb: lol
kakobrekla: mircea_popescu ?
kakobrekla: i think no
assbot: [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 1 @ 0.003999 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: i think it was over 150 but sub 160
kakobrekla: that was above 200$
kakobrekla: at that time.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 15 @ 0.0382 = 0.573 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: btct down..
gecko_x2: wonder if this IPO will ever happen..
jurov: here it's up
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] [PAID] 11.63651368 BTC to 626 shares, 1858868 satoshi per share
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.0405 = 0.081 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: really?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] [PAID] 44.17787348 BTC to 250`172 shares, 17659 satoshi per share
dexX7: bitcointalk.org is very slow for me, too
unbalanced: Been out of touch for a while so apologies if this has been covered, but http://bitcoincharts.com/markets/currencies/ is up and I don't see mpex bot options quotes. What have I missed?
mpexbot: mircea_popescu: 103.52
mircea_popescu: seems fine ? no ?
unbalanced: I mean bid/ask on http://mpex.co/ and coinbr?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.00888 = 0.0266 BTC [-]
unbalanced: They all say n/a
jurov: empty order book
mircea_popescu: well sometimes old orders expire before new are put in
mircea_popescu: usually resolves itself within a coupla minutes
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 12 @ 0.0002693 = 0.0032 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: otherwise, it's possibnle that while the site is up, nevertheless the connection from mpexbot didn't work out. that'll put it out for ~15
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 4 @ 0.0382 = 0.1528 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0382 = 0.1146 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004101 = 0.1025 BTC [-]
unbalanced: Right, I'll check again later... thanks gentlemen.
jurov: !depth O.USD.C104T
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0382 = 0.0764 BTC [+]
jurov: $depth O.USD.C104T
mpexbot: jurov: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
jurov: lol
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0385 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 6 @ 0.002711 = 0.0163 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0385 = 0.1925 BTC [+]
Ukyo: wish i could use btct
Ukyo: been trying to place a sell for 10 minutes
Ukyo: all i get is lock error msgs
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.88 BTC [+]
Ukyo: why are other peoples orders going through
Ukyo: sigh
ThickAsThieves: he says he's switch db systems
ThickAsThieves: switching
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 2690 @ 0.0002724 = 0.7328 BTC [-]
Apocalyptic: and he doesn't halt trading and order placing ?
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 23 @ 0.04 = 0.92 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 8 @ 0.0385 = 0.308 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004498 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 17 @ 0.0385 = 0.6545 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 200 @ 0.022 = 4.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 9 @ 0.01011 = 0.091 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0387 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.0017 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 3 @ 0.008073 = 0.0242 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0381 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 90 @ 0.002711 = 0.244 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0391 = 0.0782 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 13 @ 0.41 = 5.33 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.9 BTC [+]
Ukyo: submitted my 14th sell request
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 68 @ 0.0002693 = 0.0183 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0395 = 0.079 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1 @ 0.0002693 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0399 = 0.0798 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: try refreshing over and over
Wild0wnes: try it now
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 20 @ 0.615 = 12.3 BTC [+]
Ukyo: still waiting on the last request to fail
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 3.9 = 15.6 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 20 @ 0.008073 = 0.1615 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2500 @ 0.0045 = 11.25 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.0381 = 0.3048 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004101 = 0.1025 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0399999 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: mine died while scheduling divs
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 3 @ 0.41 = 1.23 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.0381 = 0.1524 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 3.863 = 15.452 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 50 @ 0.02191 = 1.0955 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 1 @ 0.01011 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 24 @ 0.0045 = 0.108 BTC [+]
Ukyo: i am loosing the positions :(
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.41 = 0.82 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.863 = 19.315 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 470 @ 0.0101 = 4.747 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.004101 = 0.0246 BTC [-]
Ukyo: this is becoming costly as fuck
kakobrekla: whats that?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 25 @ 0.01006 = 0.2515 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.03802 = 0.1901 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0041 = 0.205 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 10 @ 0.01005 = 0.1005 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 90 @ 0.02191 = 1.9719 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.004031 = 0.0202 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.03802 = 0.2281 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 1 @ 0.01001 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 20 @ 0.02191 = 0.4382 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 48 @ 0.03801 = 1.8245 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.00403 = 0.0403 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.863 = 19.315 BTC [-]
Rulother_: 15.8mil orders @ .001+ so far
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 5 @ 0.0219 = 0.1095 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 15 @ 0.03751 = 0.5627 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 493 @ 0.010001 = 4.9305 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 30 @ 0.02184 = 0.6552 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.0375 = 0.9375 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: costly like DT not paying out SDICE yet?
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 40 @ 0.0217 = 0.868 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 15 @ 0.02151 = 0.3227 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 20 @ 0.0217 = 0.434 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.862 = 19.31 BTC [-]
smidge: uh, when is the btcgarden ipo starting?
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 30 @ 0.02151 = 0.6453 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.862 = 19.31 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: its dead in the water imo
ThickAsThieves: labcoin got all the attention
ThickAsThieves: and will sell out
smidge: yea
ThickAsThieves: no one will have enough brainpower or coin left
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 11 @ 3.86 = 42.46 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: for btcgarden
smidge: you got it
ThickAsThieves: and garden wants way more coin right?
kakobrekla: btcgarden? labcoin? btc powered weed grow ops to power sr?
smidge: :)
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 3.85 = 38.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 12 @ 0.352 = 4.224 BTC [-]
Anduck: isnt that labcoin highly overpriced
smidge: but is there any fixed time yet like labcoin or did i miss sth?
Chaang-Noi: i lost 20,000 on just dice
smidge: i didnt read some of the 1k pages
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00403 = 0.1008 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 40 @ 0.004029 = 0.1612 BTC [-]
Anduck: Chaang-Noi: i knew you would say that here soon
Anduck: thats why i woke up here too
Anduck: Chaang-Noi: big risks, big losses :I
Chaang-Noi: i had some bad luck
Chaang-Noi: was going for high score
kakobrekla: 20000 of what
Chaang-Noi: have 6/10 chance
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [+]
Anduck: 20k usd
jurov: ^ burnside outlined the process
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 10 @ 0.7 = 7 BTC [+]
Chaang-Noi: hit the 4/10
ozbot: [LABCOIN] IPO [BTCT.CO] - Details/FAQ and Discussion (ASIC dev/sales/mining)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.00888 = 0.0178 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 8 @ 0.352 = 2.816 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 70 @ 0.0041 = 0.287 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.83 BTC [-]
Anduck: Chaang-Noi: yeah. but it was a nice try though
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.352 = 1.056 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.83 = 7.66 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: 16000btc in bids for labcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 275 @ 0.004028 = 1.1077 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: yeah, i try to be a ledgend
Chaang-Noi: i failed today
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.351 = 0.702 BTC [-]
smidge: jurov i meant btcgarden. i know the labcoin process.
Chaang-Noi: im not going to keep going
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004027 = 0.4027 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 40 @ 0.35 = 14 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [+]
Anduck: good.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 175 @ 0.004027 = 0.7047 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: family and all
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3376 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 275 @ 0.004027 = 1.1074 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 21 @ 0.4399 = 9.2379 BTC [-]
Anduck: gambling big sums is bad
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 15 @ 0.332 = 4.98 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 35 @ 0.3311 = 11.5885 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 40 @ 0.004027 = 0.1611 BTC [-]
BigBitz: Chaang-Noi: You need a big bankroll and you can beat the variance.
Anduck: i mean, gambling for profit.. it's bad
Chaang-Noi: i dont ever do it
mircea_popescu: Wednesdays are already full days for me with ASICMINER-PT related duties and my day job.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 0.151 = 0.453 BTC [+]
BigBitz: a guy won 4700BTC with a 10K BTC deposit.
mircea_popescu: what exact am=pt duties he have ?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 8 @ 0.3201 = 2.5608 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.139 = 1.39 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00889 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.32 = 0.64 BTC [-]
Anduck: mircea_popescu: that happens when your exchange isn't automatize
Anduck: lol
ThickAsThieves: for burnside?
Anduck: eys
ThickAsThieves: waiting til night
BigBitz: what time is it CENTRAL ?
Chaang-Noi: mircea_popescu> Wednesdays are already full days for me with ASICMINER-PT related duties and my day job. how is this your job? wtf?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 797 @ 0.0041 = 3.2677 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: then sending divs
Anduck: bigbitz: approx 1 hour
ThickAsThieves: pretty easy
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.861 = 7.722 BTC [+]
Anduck: Chaang-Noi: it was a quote from bct
Chaang-Noi: mp just fails at irc
ThickAsThieves: oh he processes share xfers too
ThickAsThieves: in and out of exchange
Anduck: irc is hard when you're new
Chaang-Noi: yeah, he will get the hang of it soon
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.85 = 19.25 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 243 @ 0.004337 = 1.0539 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.004343 = 0.0434 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.004429 = 0.0221 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004431 = 0.2216 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 150 @ 0.00444 = 0.666 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00889 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 441 @ 0.004449 = 1.962 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 560 @ 0.004498 = 2.5189 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 4 @ 0.04 = 0.16 BTC [+]
Rulother_: go on
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004498 = 0.2249 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: "Labcoin started out as a privately funded experiment, managed by iTec-Pro Limited back in September/October 2012, with the aim of exploring the development of novel mining technologies."
mircea_popescu: fucken bs.
mircea_popescu: 100 post forum sock registered two months ago.
mircea_popescu: that's all that's motherfucking needed already.
Chaang-Noi: mp you are slow.
Chaang-Noi: go back to playing your game
ozbot: iTec Pro Limited | LinkedIn
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 25 @ 0.7 = 17.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.03885 = 0.3885 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 625 @ 0.004498 = 2.8113 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 18 @ 0.0002693 = 0.0048 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: so what happens in this case, the IPO deflates immediately?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 375 @ 0.004499 = 1.6871 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.03801 = 0.2661 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: i mean youve got 16000btc on a 7000btc IPO
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 12 @ 0.03801 = 0.4561 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: split proportionally
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 15 @ 0.038 = 0.57 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.03761 = 1.8805 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: "Our Company trade in well known consumer electronic brands mainly from China."
ThickAsThieves: this means a bajillion shares waiting to be flipped
mircea_popescu: seriously ?
mircea_popescu: i guess engineers cunt speal.
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 100 @ 0.0376 = 3.76 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.03752 = 0.2626 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.0375 = 0.1875 BTC [-]
BigBitz: They sell on eBay :)
BigBitz: They sell BluRays and Samsung BluRay players :D
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00889 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: BigBitz i know.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 395 @ 0.004499 = 1.7771 BTC [+]
BigBitz: They're pumping 130nm ASIC..............
mircea_popescu: only on retardtalk.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 455 @ 0.0043 = 1.9565 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 7 @ 0.0002693 = 0.0019 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.004202 = 0.1261 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1015 @ 0.0042 = 4.263 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [+]
ozbot: [LABCOIN] IPO [BTCT.CO] - Details/FAQ and Discussion (ASIC dev/sales/mining)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: someone should read that thread side by side wit hthe s.dice thread
mircea_popescu: ppl going all "o noes, too high p/e"
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 565 @ 0.004203 = 2.3747 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 13 @ 0.03749 = 0.4874 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: ok so what are the odds that like 9000btc of these bids are the issuer?
ThickAsThieves: and this was the scam all along
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves zilch.
mircea_popescu: random fuckwit does not have 9k btc
ozbot: [ANN] labcoin ASIC – v.1 @65nm/433Mhz – v.2 @65nm – European / Chinese… | Bitcoin Mining Rev
mircea_popescu: the only weay this happened is if burnisde faked bids.
Rulother_: Story of the century, burnside aids ipos with fake bits for a 25% take!
mircea_popescu: dafuck is thast spamsite dexX7 ?
Ukyo: heh
Ukyo: lets not start spreading rumors
naemsi: why is AM tanking pre-dividend?
Rulother_: Everything is
Ukyo: naemsi: a. lower divs
Ukyo: b. ppl selling to buy shit like labcoin
dexX7: see the headline? v1 65 nm/433 mhz
Ukyo: i can say i have seen a large amount of btc leave
Ukyo: in the last 30hrs
Ukyo: most everyone says for labcoin
dexX7: it's 130 nn @ 300 mhz
dexX7: *now
naemsi: glad i had the sense to sell amc at 0.0095
Ukyo: supposedly thers 17k in the buy book
naemsi: i don't always listen to my gut
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 365 @ 0.00444 = 1.6206 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 565 @ 0.004697 = 2.6538 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004698 = 0.1175 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1810 @ 0.0047 = 8.507 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 3.85 = 11.55 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004302 = 0.1076 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: so 7k will get filled
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.03900001 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: then 10k will get spent on top
ThickAsThieves: post-ipo
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.844 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 85 @ 0.0373 = 3.1705 BTC [-]
BigBitz: thoughts on that ThickAsThieves?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.843 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: this means it will be a glorious bubble and/or every other stock will go back up
BigBitz: lol
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 18 @ 0.0399999 = 0.72 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.851 = 19.255 BTC [+]
VanCleef: one for the history books
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.851 = 19.255 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: i guess this is where we see the addies with all that btc going in.
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 15 @ 0.03729 = 0.5594 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.6 = 23 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 12 @ 0.0371 = 0.4452 BTC [-]
ozbot: [IPO] [BTC-TC] [BITFUNDER] CasinoBitco.in - Raising Bankroll for Football
VanCleef: 500k ish valuation?
ThickAsThieves: i assume they are trolling
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004298 = 0.1075 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: so basicallty... everyone posting on that thread is a sock. provably so.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 17 @ 0.004299 = 0.0731 BTC [+]
frb: burnside: any comment about the missing BTC issue?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 158 @ 0.0043 = 0.6794 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.848 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 24 @ 0.03748 = 0.8995 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 3.848 = 15.392 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.845 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 3.844 = 15.376 BTC [-]
Ukyo: frb: missing btc issue?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 13 @ 0.004299 = 0.0559 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.844 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004203 = 0.1051 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.843 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.004202 = 0.1261 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.821 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 485 @ 0.0042 = 2.037 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.004112 = 0.0123 BTC [-]
frb: Ukyo: It's hard to say how many, but it seems like 20BTC+ have gone missing on BTC-TC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.811 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.00411 = 0.0206 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.81 = 19.05 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.004028 = 0.0081 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.004027 = 0.0161 BTC [-]
frb: Some people (myself including) deposited and our deposits were not credited
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.004007 = 2.0035 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004006 BTC [-]
Ukyo: 0,o
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.004006 = 4.006 BTC [-]
VanCleef: i smell someone doing a runner soon
dexX7: btct backend under too much load
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.03900001 = 0.078 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0384 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.03822 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 40 @ 0.03821 = 1.5284 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0382 BTC [-]
Ukyo: frb: when did this happen?
dexX7: delayed confirmations aren't very new
Ukyo: its not the backend
Ukyo: its the bitcoind
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.03747 BTC [-]
frb: This is the transaction that has still not been credited
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.82 BTC [+]
Ukyo: burns runs most stuff through bitcoind to track things.
Ukyo: and it just cant handle that load
Ukyo: hes been working to remove it
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004297 BTC [+]
frb: If that were the case it would see my 14 confirmations by now don't you think :)
Apocalyptic: that's a horrible way to do it
frb: I think he turned off crediting
Ukyo: Apocalyptic: yes. yes it is
frb: It showed 1/3 confirmations for a time
ozbot: [BTC-TC] Virtual Community Exchange w/ Options, DRIP, 2FA, API, CSV, etc.
Ukyo: but hes trying to fix it
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.55 = 18.2 BTC [+]
Ukyo: frb: okay, so it started today
Ukyo: a few hours ago
Ukyo: ?
frb: correct
Ukyo: not an ongoing issue from days ago?
frb: no
Ukyo: iom sure hell fix it as soon as he has time to work on btct
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.00028 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 309 @ 0.0002724 = 0.0842 BTC [-]
dexX7: bitcoind is a part of btct's backend - or at least i meant it that way. - delays happend before but not at that degree
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 200 @ 0.0002702 = 0.054 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.55 = 22.75 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 29 @ 0.03709 = 1.0756 BTC [-]
Rulother_: Dammit the activemining channel turned the cluster that the forum is too
Rulother_: turned into*
Ukyo: bitcoind prolly crashed and his script somehow didnt catch the confirms on the transactions is my guess
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 3000 @ 0.000265 = 0.795 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.038 = 0.38 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 169 @ 0.139 = 23.491 BTC [-]
VanCleef: so btcgarden getting the green light too?
VanCleef: what a day
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 253 @ 0.003357 = 0.8493 BTC [+]
VanCleef: 16 million dollar valuation
VanCleef: you wonder why sec gets involved in shit
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004014 = 0.1004 BTC [-]
Rulother_: I wouldn't say investigating one case, as getting involved.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.85 BTC [-]
VanCleef: you don't think there's going to be alot more?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.004013 = 0.0401 BTC [-]
VanCleef: including btct
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.03747 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004013 = 0.2007 BTC [-]
Rulother_: Possible of course
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004011 = 0.2006 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 95 @ 0.004001 = 0.3801 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4990 @ 0.004001 = 19.965 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.15 = 1.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004002 = 0.4002 BTC [+]
VanCleef: they're already investgating all of this, right now
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0399998 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 3.81 = 11.43 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.805 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 3.805 = 38.05 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.8 = 7.6 BTC [-]
VanCleef: just tragic really
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 3.8 = 11.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 0.14 = 0.42 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.0371 = 0.1484 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 24 @ 0.0371 = 0.8904 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004291 = 0.1073 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 27 @ 0.03709 = 1.0014 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.03701 = 0.3701 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 35 @ 0.03701 = 1.2954 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.03701 = 0.3701 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.03747 = 0.7494 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 4 @ 0.0380002 = 0.152 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.038 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0377 = 0.1131 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0373 = 0.0746 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 97 @ 0.0370001 = 3.589 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0399998 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 14 @ 0.03748 = 0.5247 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 7 @ 0.14 = 0.98 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.145 = 1.45 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: ok.. after 3/3 confirmations on btct, coins do not show up in wallet
gecko_x2: other ppl are having same issues
gecko_x2: what's up
gecko_x2: 27 mins to go :p
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 2 @ 0.001699 = 0.0034 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.03749 = 0.15 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.148 = 1.48 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: try making an order
ThickAsThieves: this might instigate a cache update
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0398 = 0.0796 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0398 = 0.1194 BTC [-]
gecko_x2: ThickAsThieves nope
gecko_x2: says i dun have the funds
gecko_x2: buddy has same issue
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0398999 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: + people on the labcoin thread
mircea_popescu: here we go.
ozbot: The anatomy of a scam. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.82 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.03749 = 0.3374 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0398999 = 0.0798 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.7 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.815 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 8 @ 0.192 = 1.536 BTC [-]
Ukyo: theissue with labcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 7 @ 0.191 = 1.337 BTC [-]
Ukyo: isnt that it could be a scam
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004299 = 0.1075 BTC [+]
Ukyo: deprived pointed out, that even he will invest into those
Ukyo: because he knows he can flip for higher
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2018 @ 0.0043 = 8.6774 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: ThickAsThieves lol, everyone is having this issue
Ukyo: and take advantage of them
gecko_x2: 23 mins to go
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.004301 = 0.043 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004301 = 0.1075 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: Ukyo irt's not a matter of it could be a scam
Ukyo: labcoin posted in the thread that burnsy is making some ustom script
VanCleef: so insider trading?
mircea_popescu: it's a scam.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1300 @ 0.0043 = 5.59 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.81 = 19.05 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004003 = 0.1001 BTC [-]
Ukyo: so it may not be in 23 min
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1895 @ 0.004002 = 7.5838 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2000 @ 0.004 = 8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 23605 @ 0.004 = 94.42 BTC [-]
gecko_x2: yeah if ppl don't have the funds because of a server issue, the IPO should be cancelled lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.004 = 0.06 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.905 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2000 @ 0.004 = 8 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: try again in 2 weeks?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.906 BTC [+]
dexX7: I also would like to urge everyone not to 'freak out' if something odd happens to order depth, placed orders or other details on BTCT.CO at freeze time. The way Burnside is handling the share-disbursement is brand new and I would just assume that it is possible that it may interfere with the way 'things look' for a few hours. << :D
ThickAsThieves: actually a 2-week announcement period would do some good
ThickAsThieves: prevent all this short-term hype
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.909 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 250 @ 0.004002 = 1.0005 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 150 @ 0.004 = 0.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.905 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.004444 = 0.0444 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.00448 = 0.224 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 79 @ 0.03748 = 2.9609 BTC [-]
jurov: oh yes, last minute coding? nothing bad can happen here
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves look into the thread. all the shiolls are either made after march 30 or bought 2011 hacked accounts.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 240 @ 0.004498 = 1.0795 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0045 = 0.225 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: this is so clearly a scam it screams.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004001 = 0.1 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 113 @ 0.004 = 0.452 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.811 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 17 @ 3.8 = 64.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 54 @ 0.0041 = 0.2214 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.79 = 7.58 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.004005 = 0.0401 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0398 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.65 = 23.25 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.008 = 0.016 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 20 @ 0.45 = 9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.7 = 18.8 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 5 @ 0.41 = 2.05 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 10 @ 0.3855 = 3.855 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4117 @ 0.004 = 16.468 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 6 @ 0.3851 = 2.3106 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.79 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 4 @ 0.3851 = 1.5404 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2500 @ 0.004001 = 10.0025 BTC [+]
VanCleef: sandstorm is holding up well
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 286 @ 0.004001 = 1.1443 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0398 = 0.0796 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.03747 = 0.2248 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 80 @ 0.037 = 2.96 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.037 = 0.37 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 18 @ 0.037 = 0.666 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 49 @ 0.03676 = 1.8012 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 586 @ 0.004001 = 2.3446 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: ThickAsThieves anything?
gecko_x2: 13 mins
saulimus: to what?
gecko_x2: labcoin lock
Rulother_: If you don't know it's too late lol
gecko_x2: btct is having issues
Rawted: burnside: you around bud?
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 12 @ 0.4 = 4.8 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: burnside must be busy as hell
ThickAsThieves: Burnside isnt around very often
ThickAsThieves: i dont work for BTCT
saulimus: why do they need to do everything in a hurry?...
Rawted: i have 11 minutes and my btc just confirmed then vanished in btct. im freaking out man! ;)O
ThickAsThieves: my deposits worked fine afaik
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 1 @ 0.001602 BTC [-]
Rawted: dont want to sell my asicminer,activeminign,cognitive shares as theyre all down due to the labcoin hypetrain
ThickAsThieves: you'll have to buy at higher prices later
Rawted: so was hoping he was here
Rawted: seems that way
gecko_x2: cancel the damn IPO
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.79 = 7.58 BTC [-]
ystarnaud_: yeah i got the same problem... 3 confirms and 0 balance
gecko_x2: this is insanity
saulimus: so labcoin is simply selling at at 0.001?
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 25 @ 0.001601 = 0.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 3.79 = 11.37 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 8 @ 0.03353 = 0.2682 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 250 @ 0.0002601 = 0.065 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 4 @ 0.00026 = 0.001 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: as i understand it,
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 100 @ 0.000255 = 0.0255 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 4 @ 0.00025 = 0.001 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 300 @ 0.0002401 = 0.072 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 400 @ 0.0002172 = 0.0869 BTC [-]
Apocalyptic: burnside is failing this so badly
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 400 @ 0.0002101 = 0.084 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1000 @ 0.00021 = 0.21 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: the bigger your bankroll, the more sares you get in proportion
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 532 @ 0.0002002 = 0.1065 BTC [-]
gecko_x2: this is not good
frb: I'm sure the problem will be fixed
frb: After the IPO
gecko_x2: 9 mins
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004002 = 0.2001 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: burnside should atleast delay
frb: It seems intentional to me
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 534 @ 0.004001 = 2.1365 BTC [-]
frb: The site is working fine, just deposits magically stopped
frb: To create more hype for the IPO
ThickAsThieves: dont invest with emotion
frb: Then, once the IPO occurs, all deposits will magically appear
ThickAsThieves: calm down
gecko_x2: ThickAsThieves can u pm burnside?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 6 @ 0.0398999 = 0.2394 BTC [+]
frb: So everyone can drive the price up higher
ThickAsThieves: you can if you like
ThickAsThieves: but he wont answer
ThickAsThieves: obv he is busy
gecko_x2: yea i understand
dexX7: i'm sure he is working on it
gecko_x2: he should delay :(
frb: Of course he is, to drive up the price higher after the IPO :3 it's pretty smart
dexX7: "Unfortunately there is ABSOLUTELY nothing I can personally do about possible issues with BTCT.CO
dexX7: I do hope everything is resolved before cut-off."
jurov: good old glbse days
jurov: are back :D
jcpham: maybe the chinese have hijacked that AS
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.004003 = 4.003 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.004003 = 4.003 BTC [+]
ystarnaud_: considering its in 5mins guess this is a bust lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1500 @ 0.004001 = 6.0015 BTC [-]
jcpham: the internet feels broken to me, let's go home
ThickAsThieves: i wonder how many scams you can fit under one scam?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0398999 = 0.0798 BTC [+]
jcpham: if no one ever discovers the first scam, the answer is many
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 3.79 = 15.16 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.79 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.191 BTC [-]
gecko_x2: fuck fuck fuck
Rawted: yup
gecko_x2: this is NOT good
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.771 = 7.542 BTC [-]
gecko_x2: ppl are gonna be PISSED
Rawted: bunch of pages of people with same issue on forums
hollywoodundead: TAT , so what is the new updated plan - still going off at 8 central time ?
jcpham: definitely let the forums get you worked up
jcpham: best idea. hands down
Rulother_: Trading starts at 8 i think
Rawted: oh well, at least i got to see my profits in activemining get cut in half overnight ;)
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 3.771 = 26.397 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: lol why is everyone asking ThickAsThieves ?
ThickAsThieves: please direct all questions, of any nature, to me
hollywoodundead: He reads the forums
mircea_popescu: that's a point.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 3.771 = 15.084 BTC [-]
jcpham: ThickAsThieves knows
Apocalyptic: he's the investment guy
jcpham: i heard it on the forum
thestringpuller: BTCTCO is going the way of glbse
gecko_x2: no shares for lots of ppl
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.771 = 7.542 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 1 @ 0.0008328 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: i havent even read the prospectus for labcoin
ThickAsThieves: i just looked at the OP
gecko_x2: burn will have to cancel this shit
ThickAsThieves: and started making fun
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.03746 = 0.0749 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.771 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3301 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.3301 = 0.9903 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004292 = 0.1073 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.76 = 7.52 BTC [-]
ystarnaud_: im a bit disappointed to have missed out but I find people losing their shit over it pretty entertaining...
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 865 @ 0.004293 = 3.7134 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 5 @ 0.41 = 2.05 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.33 BTC [-]
Rulother_: 3mins, can't wait.
ThickAsThieves: you have it wrong, burnsy is not beholden to you, nor is labcoin
jcpham: all i know is, I'm not selling these 4 million ripples until i get all my missing coins back
frb: ystarnaud_: not losing my shit, i actually only deposited to buy ASICMINER on the cheap :)
ThickAsThieves: you dont even own shares
hollywoodundead: a oversubscribed IPO does not make Burnside a scammer, or a idiot - you should look back on the Avalon orders to see pure chaos
frb: I'm just stating my opinion on the deposits not working
mircea_popescu: ystarnaud_ how long have you been in btc Jim ?
gecko_x2: "I am commenting on how everyone thinks that there are 5 minutes left, but the deadline clearly said EST, not EDT, which means there are 65 minutes left, not 5, and I am anxious to see how they resolve that difference!"
gecko_x2: whut
Rulother_: 18mil order
mircea_popescu: hollywoodundead it's not the oversubscribed that makes him a scammer. however, i do recall the original walletbit fun lol
ystarnaud_: mircea_popescu: since about oct 12
mircea_popescu: how'd you like it ?
hollywoodundead: wait it already started trading?
ystarnaud_: fun stuff
hollywoodundead: nevermind, my bad wrong screen
dexX7: "You could delay the IPO another hour or so to get things fixed before, but in that case I'd talk to burnside ASAP to ask him, if it's possible to resolve in a shorter timeframe." -> "I have messaged and emailed Ethan and I am sure he has noted the issue. I will let him answer since there is nothing I can do to resolve the issue and anything I say can/would likely be wrong."
jcpham: tango down!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0397 = 0.0794 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.004199 = 0.042 BTC [-]
chmod755: jcpham, tango?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004277 = 0.1069 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 415 @ 0.004278 = 1.7754 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004276 = 0.1069 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 523 @ 0.004277 = 2.2369 BTC [+]
jcpham: ok you go t me, it's really cash
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 582 @ 0.004275 = 2.4881 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004016 = 0.1004 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.004015 = 0.0602 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 862 @ 0.004014 = 3.4601 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004003 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.004002 = 4.002 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.004001 = 0.008 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3000 @ 0.004 = 12 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 208 @ 0.004 = 0.832 BTC [-]
jcpham: chmod755 now would be the perfect time for #hashtag BTCT.CO_News twitter account
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 15 @ 0.7 = 10.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 45 @ 0.003357 = 0.1511 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.771 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 917 @ 0.003356 = 3.0775 BTC [-]
chmod755: jcpham, i already have too many twitter accounts :P
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 4 @ 0.71 = 2.84 BTC [+]
jcpham: twitter is dead to me
jcpham: is it possible to delete
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1909 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1909 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1908 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1907 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1906 BTC [-]
hollywoodundead: so, after the 25000k bitcoins get into and fill the 7000k order book. do they all madly rush back into remaining assets?
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1905 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1904 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1903 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1902 BTC [-]
jcpham: root@root:~# rm -rf http://www.twitter.com
jcpham: rm: cannot remove `http://www.twitter.com': No such file or directory
chmod755: 25000k bitcoins?
hollywoodundead: guessing
hollywoodundead: probably more
chmod755: jcpham, oh sry
jcpham: i was root@root too
ThickAsThieves: storms, what did i miss?
chmod755: you need to be root@twitter.com and then you do rm -rf /
dexX7: hollywoodundead: the coins will probably locked till trading on lab resumes
jcpham: gotcha ;)
gecko_x2: ThickAsThieves any news?
chmod755: jcpham, change your hostname to twitter.com
gecko_x2: still not locked afaik
chmod755: then it will surely work :P
jcpham: nooooo
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.8 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: so there is another hour?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.76 BTC [-]
dexX7: "What a clusterfuck. I didn't realize BTCT was such a piece of shit. I'm going to back to using bitfunder now. See you all later."
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 2 @ 0.002935 = 0.0059 BTC [+]
Apocalyptic: the part about btct is true, however i wonder if bitfunder is better
Omen1855: so I missed most of the action, but deposited 20 BTC on bitct.co and they vanished into thin air
dexX7: really? i like how burnsides handles things
Omen1855: is this also related to the clusterfuck?
dexX7: he tries his best
gecko_x2: so there is an hour still?
gecko_x2: i dunno
dexX7: and addresses every request and question quite fast
jcpham: omg where can i go to post and complain about the things
jcpham: someone needs to hear it
ThickAsThieves: please direct all questions and complaints to me
jcpham: Dear ThickAsThieves: FUCK PISS SHIT DAMN FUCK SHIT
jcpham: Sincerely, jcpham
Omen1855: TAT, you're aware of deposits going missing on btct.co?
ThickAsThieves: I hear ya, bro
ThickAsThieves: I am, sorry about that
Omen1855: okay
Omen1855: at least the problem is known then :)
ThickAsThieves: can i help you with anything else today?
jcpham: fill my tourettes med, please
Omen1855: I'd like 2 grams of blow and a bunch of hookes
gecko_x2: locked :(
Omen1855: to keep my mind off this
gecko_x2: i transferred btc in time
gecko_x2: i think it's unfair to ppl
ThickAsThieves: Please load the Tor browser package and visit the designated .onion address for Silk Road.
jcpham: hahaha
dexX7: anyone interested in buying labcoin shares? bids accepted here or via pm :p
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 100 @ 0.02161 = 2.161 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 25 @ 0.0216 = 0.54 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 255 @ 0.02151 = 5.4851 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 11 @ 0.02121 = 0.2333 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 1 @ 0.0212 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 58 @ 0.02052 = 1.1902 BTC [-]
Omen1855: hehe
gecko_x2: "And NOW my money shows up!! Minutes after it closes.
gecko_x2: Looks like a scam to me. Maybe I should be happy I wasn't able to get involved!"
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 700 @ 0.00025 = 0.175 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: moar 100% new ppl to declare they've made deposits to btct pls.
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.002935 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: i think i need about 20 or so to actually consider it.
jcpham: Steve walks warily down the street with the brim pulled way down low
ThickAsThieves: mp should buy BTCT
ThickAsThieves: they would all cry
ystarnaud_: literally
ThickAsThieves: I will not do business with a racist!
chmod755: ThickAsThieves, that's racistist
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0397989 BTC [+]
afrotec: So I'll be getting like what... 3 shares of labcoin
afrotec: woot
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0397989 = 0.0796 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: ;;generate
gribble: Error: "generate" is not a valid command.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 2 @ 0.003999 = 0.008 BTC [-]
gribble: Error: "gen" is not a valid command.
hollywoodundead: TaT is the btct man, he got my deposits credited! Thanks love you man
thestringpuller: ;;genrate 1000
gribble: The expected generation output, at 1000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 31256960.7278, is 0.0160894247144 BTC per day and 0.000670392696434 BTC per hour.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0397989 = 0.0796 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: You're welcome
mircea_popescu: how mujch per minute!
jurov: ThickAsThieves mnt
jurov: can I hire you to do metasupport, too?
afrotec: TAT... what a guy...
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 995 @ 0.004432 = 4.4098 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: I am the herd whisperer
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 4 @ 0.3797 = 1.5188 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.894 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.3798 = 1.1394 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.3799 = 1.1397 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3819 BTC [+]
jurov: Okay. I'll escalate any issues that need it to you.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.382 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.0367 = 0.734 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000203 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.004434 = 0.0177 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 10 @ 0.0002021 = 0.002 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 66 @ 0.000201 = 0.0133 BTC [-]
hollywoodundead: WTF, now that is stupid
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004497 = 0.1124 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 20 @ 0.02519 = 0.5038 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 2 @ 0.00283 = 0.0057 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 164 @ 0.0367 = 6.0188 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 913 @ 0.0002002 = 0.1828 BTC [-]
hollywoodundead: minigame, on the day it is shown to work- sold of so someone might be able to get labcoin
frb: Go withdraw 0.01
frb: That fixeed my balance, I now have 12.09356750 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.004498 = 0.1349 BTC [+]
hollywoodundead: no, you just refreshed your screen
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.762 BTC [-]
hollywoodundead: known problem with btct balance
frb: I read it on bitcointalk
hollywoodundead: oh that makes it real then
frb: It worked for two others as well
frb: I don't care hollywoodundead, it's worth a try and it just worked for me
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 187 @ 0.0045 = 0.8415 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 3000 @ 0.0002002 = 0.6006 BTC [-]
frb: You lose nothing by trying it
ozbot: [LABCOIN] IPO [BTCT.CO] - Details/FAQ and Discussion (ASIC dev/sales/mining)
hollywoodundead: just go to the wallet and look at the balance- it does not match the main balance at the top
frb: Thanks for the sarcasm anyway
frb: It does lol
hollywoodundead: now it will, it has been that way for a long time
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 200 @ 0.0002002 = 0.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.0045 = 0.1125 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.03699 = 0.185 BTC [+]
Rawted: hollywoodundead, youre talking about something else, many are having the same issue today, including me.
frb: ^
frb: I had no balance for three hours
Rawted: frb: thank you that worked for me, unfortunately cant bid now
frb: Then I did that and it worked, also it worked for five others
saulimus: huh, is labcoin locked or not?
frb: Rawted: no problem :)
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 3 @ 0.0009398 = 0.0028 BTC [+]
Rawted: but my btc was tied up for hours
Omen1855: worked for me too, thanks frb
frb: It's amazing how quick people here rush to call you an idiot
jurov: I am offering internal transfer of 7 BTC on btct in exchange for mere 10 BTC, anyone?
ystarnaud_: hahaha thats pretty funny
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.004777 = 0.0955 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.762 BTC [-]
frb: Time to place bids for ASICMINER :)
ystarnaud_: so trying to withdraw an amount while your balance shows 0 actually refreshes your balance to what it should actually be
ystarnaud_: all this wait for nothing and missed bidding oh well
frb: yup ystarnaud_!
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 10000 @ 0.0002001 = 2.001 BTC [-]
Rawted: yeah i guess ill grab another couple asicminer and maybe some cognitive
frb: Just more proof burnside did it on purpose
frb: It was there all along, he just manipulated it gone
frb: What a shock
frb: Must have forgotten about withdrawals
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.0048 = 0.96 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.894 BTC [+]
Rawted: i dont think he is the type to do anything malicious
Rawted: its just a bad coincidence, imo.
frb: I don't think so, I think it was to create more bidders once the IPO closed
Rawted: all's possible in love and bitcoins.
frb: But it's just a theory with circumstantial evidence :)
frb: The fact that the withdraws worked though solidifies it in my mind, think what you'd like
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 80 @ 0.0048 = 0.384 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.895 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 115 @ 0.0002001 = 0.023 BTC [-]
chmod755: Rawted, where do you trade love???
gecko_x2: ThickAsThieves well, now ppl are getting their accounts show up
gecko_x2: if u do a small withdrawal
mircea_popescu: later all.
gecko_x2: but too late :(
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.004828 = 0.0966 BTC [+]
dexX7: next drama on btct: people realize there is a withdrawal limit
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.03699 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.899 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.00465 = 0.014 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.9 = 19.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 47 @ 0.00465 = 0.2186 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004827 = 0.1207 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.004827 = 0.0724 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004883 = 0.1221 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.004884 = 0.0488 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: ThickAsThieves what is your opinion? then there is the issue with timezones and daylight savings.. + all this
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 879 @ 0.0049 = 4.3071 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: you think the IPO should be cancelled?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004883 = 0.1221 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 121 @ 0.0049 = 0.5929 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004986 = 0.4986 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.03699 = 0.2219 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: LabCoin is delisted!
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.037 = 0.925 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004993 = 0.2497 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7250 @ 0.004995 = 36.2138 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: ThickAsThieves?
gecko_x2: you mean locked?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004992 = 0.1248 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 459 @ 0.004994 = 2.2922 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 741 @ 0.004995 = 3.7013 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: it's gone
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004995 = 0.2498 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 20 @ 0.00271 = 0.0542 BTC [-]
Rulother_: "Trading has been frozen on this asset by the BTC-TC admins."
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 47 @ 0.004993 = 0.2347 BTC [-]
gecko_x2: it's under the 'LOCKED' tab
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 175 @ 0.004995 = 0.8741 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.03743 = 0.1123 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 30 @ 0.0026 = 0.078 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.004995 = 0.01 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 12 @ 0.03744 = 0.4493 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.099 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2530 @ 0.004995 = 12.6374 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.1 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 16 @ 0.0367 = 0.5872 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: why are there 100,000 labcoin shares in my portfolio?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004994 = 0.1249 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.0367 = 1.835 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3975 @ 0.004995 = 19.8551 BTC [+]
Rulother_: You can xfer those to me
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 240 @ 0.004995 = 1.1988 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.1 BTC [+]
ystarnaud_: good that the IPO shitstorm is over... now ASICMINER can go back up
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.03884 = 0.1942 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.149 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.15 = 8.3 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.169 = 8.338 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004994 = 0.1249 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1875 @ 0.004995 = 9.3656 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.17 = 12.51 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004993 = 0.1248 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 657 @ 0.004995 = 3.2817 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 418 @ 0.004999 = 2.0896 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.143 = 1.43 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.17 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.03884 = 0.3884 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 16 @ 4.18 = 66.88 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.004994 = 0.025 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.03884 = 0.1165 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: ThickAsThieves whut
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 35 @ 0.004999 = 0.175 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1116 @ 0.004994 = 5.5733 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.19 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.03884 = 1.942 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 595 @ 0.004999 = 2.9744 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: this IPO was one giant clusterfuck from the beginning
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.2 = 8.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 36 @ 0.03885 = 1.3986 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 784 @ 0.004999 = 3.9192 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 17 @ 0.03999 = 0.6798 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 683 @ 0.004999 = 3.4143 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0397989 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.004999 = 0.015 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.00539 = 0.0162 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.209 BTC [+]
chsados_work: gecko_x2: butthurt much?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.21 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: burnside commented now
Rulother_: Screw labcoin I just made so much off all these bounce backs. :P
chsados_work: im assuming you are talking about labcoin, maybe not have waited for last minute?
gecko_x2: but i dunno what he means
Scrat: please everyone, direct your hate to the appropriate person
gecko_x2: chsados_work btct funds were not showing up in wallet for hundreds of ppl
gecko_x2: even though they transferred ahours ago
chsados_work: sucks!
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 47 @ 0.00539 = 0.2533 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 650 @ 0.0002001 = 0.1301 BTC [-]
chsados_work: i had my BTC ready yesterday :)
ThickAsThieves: Scrat, I'm sorry
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 313 @ 0.005399 = 1.6899 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005389 = 0.2695 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 37 @ 0.005399 = 0.1998 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 12 @ 0.03989 = 0.4787 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 186 @ 0.00545 = 1.0137 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 45 @ 0.0002001 = 0.009 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1169 @ 0.00565 = 6.6049 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.001642 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.00565 = 0.2825 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.001643 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 767 @ 0.00572 = 4.3872 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.001656 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 75 @ 0.0399 = 2.9925 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 341 @ 0.005834 = 1.9894 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 119 @ 0.001744 = 0.2075 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 531 @ 0.001745 = 0.9266 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2259 @ 0.005834 = 13.179 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: ThickAsThieves robbed me!
ThickAsThieves: I'm sorry for your loss.
thestringpuller: ThickAsThieves is ThickerThanKievs
frb: Well I mean, he DOES have "thief" in his name.
frb: :-)
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.03999 = 0.3199 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 290 @ 0.005995 = 1.7386 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.189 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 48 @ 0.03999 = 1.9195 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.19 = 12.57 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.005995 = 0.0899 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 13 @ 0.009999 = 0.13 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.04 = 0.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.04 = 1 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04048 = 0.081 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.04049 = 0.162 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 14 @ 0.04064 = 0.569 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 28 @ 0.0409 = 1.1452 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 22 @ 0.04091 = 0.9 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 35 @ 0.04094 = 1.4329 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 48 @ 0.04097 = 1.9666 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.04098 = 0.3278 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 100 @ 0.041 = 4.1 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.041 = 0.164 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3819 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.21 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.19 = 8.38 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 2667 @ 0.0002299 = 0.6131 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1000 @ 0.00023 = 0.23 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1000 @ 0.00024 = 0.24 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 223 @ 0.005995 = 1.3369 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.005995 = 0.5995 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.006 = 6 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1177 @ 0.006 = 7.062 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 2 @ 0.01352 = 0.027 BTC [-]
dub: so.. much.. drama
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005994 = 0.2997 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04022 BTC [-]
dub: Aint nobody got time for this
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.25 = 8.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 57 @ 0.008139 = 0.4639 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 23 @ 0.041 = 0.943 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.041 = 0.369 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.041 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.006 = 0.018 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3818 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 19 @ 0.041 = 0.779 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 150 @ 0.006 = 0.9 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: damnit
gecko_x2: damn damn damn
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: no sign that burnside will cancel / delay :(
Namworld: What are you complaining about? Labcoin IPO?
gecko_x2: yeah
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2000 @ 0.006 = 12 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: it's on pay-per-view
gecko_x2: between the wallet bug and the timezone shit
ThickAsThieves: aren't you watching?
Namworld: We pretty much don't care in here.
Namworld: wallet bug?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.006 = 6 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 20 @ 4.189 = 83.78 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.3818 = 1.1454 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.0415 = 0.415 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: Namworld read the thread
Namworld: I usually go on my wallet and click the "refresh" button after a deposit. It updates balance instantly.
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 12 @ 0.042 = 0.504 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 273 @ 0.005995 = 1.6366 BTC [-]
gecko_x2: read the thread
gecko_x2: too complicated to explain
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2000 @ 0.006 = 12 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.11 = 41.1 BTC [-]
gecko_x2: ppl's funds were not showing up
dub: lol
gecko_x2: before the make a small withdrawal
ThickAsThieves: "Well fuck me sideways for not being an american... I guess being accurate when running a stock exchange isn't important... fucking retarded mate."
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.101 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000285 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 13 @ 0.042 = 0.546 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.042 = 0.42 BTC [+]
dub: strewth
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.042 = 0.42 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.042 = 0.42 BTC [+]
frb: he should have put it in UTC
Rulother_: uti?
ThickAsThieves: you should have bid harder
dub: where my labcoin at
chsados_work: buncha but hurt nooblets
ozbot: BTC-TC: BTC Trading Corp - View Security
frb: dub: haha
frb: that's awesome
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.1 = 12.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 444 @ 0.00599 = 2.6596 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 4.021 = 36.189 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.005998 = 0.12 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 20 @ 4.02 = 80.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2536 @ 0.006 = 15.216 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.901 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.042 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.00598 = 0.0598 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 12 @ 3.9 = 46.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 3.9 = 11.7 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 24 @ 0.005702 = 0.1368 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: thunderstruck
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005979 = 0.1495 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.00598 = 0.1794 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 45 @ 0.005997 = 0.2699 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005702 = 0.1426 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 205 @ 0.005702 = 1.1689 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005701 = 0.2851 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1539 @ 0.005511 = 8.4814 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.00551 = 1.102 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.005013 = 0.0201 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.005012 = 0.02 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.00501 = 0.0251 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 575 @ 0.005005 = 2.8779 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005004 = 0.2502 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.005 = 0.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.005 = 5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004784 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004504 = 0.2252 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.004503 = 4.503 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04195 = 0.2098 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 195 @ 0.0045 = 0.8775 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 66 @ 0.005996 = 0.3957 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005996 = 0.1499 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1473 @ 0.005996 = 8.8321 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005997 = 0.03 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 467 @ 0.006 = 2.802 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.006 = 3 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.00602 = 0.602 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.0061 = 6.1 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.00814 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.00615 = 0.3075 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.0062 = 3.1 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0064 = 0.32 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 323 @ 0.0064 = 2.0672 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4000 @ 0.00649 = 25.96 BTC [+]
chsados_work: activemining back to the moooon
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 602 @ 0.006499 = 3.9124 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1250 @ 0.005995 = 7.4938 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 48 @ 0.04194 = 2.0131 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.0064 = 3.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04195 = 0.2098 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 3 @ 0.00814 = 0.0244 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.006497 = 0.1299 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1398 @ 0.006499 = 9.0856 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 195 @ 0.006499 = 1.2673 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 140 @ 0.0062 = 0.868 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.006498 = 6.498 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 299 @ 0.0065 = 1.9435 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3198 @ 0.0065 = 20.787 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 16 @ 0.42 = 6.72 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.42 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 50 @ 0.003999 = 0.2 BTC [-]
Omen1855: redistribution of the wealth
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.04195 = 0.1678 BTC [+]
louong: so much crying in labcoin thread the tears are tasty
Rulother_: I cant wait to see the drop when they open up again
ThickAsThieves: oh it aint gonna drop
ThickAsThieves: these people want a show
ThickAsThieves: and theyre gonna get it
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0413 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.00601 = 1.202 BTC [-]
Omen1855: I promised my wife to got to bed early this time, but this is too much of a show
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.04 = 0.4 BTC [+]
louong: About Labcoin
louong: Reference staff and contacts
louong: Fabrizio TATti
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.143 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.46 = 0.92 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.46 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0413 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.18 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.00635 = 1.27 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: I noticed ;)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: I was framed.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006201 = 0.155 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.04 = 0.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 175 @ 0.0062 = 1.085 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4304 = 0.8608 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006203 = 0.1551 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 24 @ 0.006202 = 0.1488 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006211 = 0.1553 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.00621 = 0.0621 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 26 @ 0.006202 = 0.1613 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 29 @ 0.0062 = 0.1798 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1623 @ 0.0062 = 10.0626 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [+]
Omen1855: I had enough
Omen1855: enjoy the show guys
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000286 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006201 = 0.155 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 75 @ 0.0062 = 0.465 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 192 @ 0.0062 = 1.1904 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.04 = 0.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 399 @ 0.000285 = 0.1137 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000251 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 2 @ 0.00345 = 0.0069 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04195 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.04 = 0.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 4 @ 0.4304 = 1.7216 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 333 @ 0.00024 = 0.0799 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 16 @ 0.4304 = 6.8864 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0399 = 0.0798 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 2 @ 0.0033 = 0.0066 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 11 @ 0.04195 = 0.4615 BTC [+]
kidkrypto: just woke up, can anyone give me the tldr version of labcoin thread
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000314 BTC [+]
Namworld: Asset frozen, no more bids, IPO buyers already determined
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.4772 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.48 BTC [+]
louong: lots of wailing and hairpulling in bitcointalk thread
louong: as per usual
frb: lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.008185 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.008199 = 0.0164 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.0002041 BTC [-]
kidkrypto: damn, i pulled my ipo bid before i went to bed as swede said book would likely be wiped
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 40 @ 0.0057 = 0.228 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0391 = 0.0782 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.039 = 0.195 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0389 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0388 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0387 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0387 = 0.0774 BTC [-]
louong: the people who kept their bids at 0.001 get full advantage
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0386 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0383 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0383 = 0.0766 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0381 = 0.0762 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0377 = 0.1131 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.03751 = 0.075 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.002869 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0373 = 0.0746 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0372 = 0.1116 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 78 @ 0.0371001 = 2.8938 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 29 @ 0.0371 = 1.0759 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 490 @ 0.006 = 2.94 BTC [+]
louong: as all bids below 0.001 will be thrown out
kidkrypto: and above?
chsados_work: i did 0.001212
louong: all bids above 0.001 will be suboptimal
kidkrypto: i had 22500 ordered at 0.001 last night:\
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005999 = 0.15 BTC [-]
louong: because the number of shares you get will be based on your valid number of share bids
kidkrypto: but moved it up as it appeared none of 0.001 would get filled
louong: so you bid above 0.001 you will have less share bids
louong: and therefore a lesser share of the pie
kidkrypto: oh well, you snooze you lose i guess
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.005801 = 0.0464 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 19 @ 0.143 = 2.717 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04152 = 0.2076 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04152 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 16 @ 0.147 = 2.352 BTC [+]
ozbot: Fenix. Hashing from the ashes of Bakewell.
Namworld: Someone trying to scame worthless shares?
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.0415 = 2.075 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0371 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005903 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04152 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.04152 = 0.1246 BTC [+]
louong: the main question on my mind is
louong: where are the "Reserved" posts?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.13 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005997 = 0.1499 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.147 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005997 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 13 @ 0.005998 = 0.078 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.008139 = 0.0814 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.008 = 0.016 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0398 = 0.0796 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0399 = 0.1197 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 40 @ 0.04 = 1.6 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0401 = 0.0802 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0402999 = 0.1209 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 4 @ 0.0009398 = 0.0038 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.04152 = 0.4152 BTC [+]
pankkake: it's a self-moderated topic
pankkake: you could try but it might be removed
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.0003089 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000309 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.00031 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 500 @ 0.0003146 = 0.1573 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.198 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 5000 @ 0.000315 = 1.575 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 15 @ 0.0003178 = 0.0048 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1137 @ 0.000319 = 0.3627 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 50 @ 0.0003247 = 0.0162 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 2000 @ 0.0003248 = 0.6496 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 2500 @ 0.000325 = 0.8125 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 4.273 = 25.638 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.272 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.273 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.274 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.278 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000325 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: I hope assbot is ready for the LabCoin spam
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 14 @ 0.042 = 0.588 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.042 = 0.252 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4299 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 7499 @ 0.000325 = 2.4372 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.0421 = 0.421 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 15 @ 0.0422 = 0.633 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 15 @ 0.0423 = 0.6345 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.006299 = 0.0693 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006298 = 0.1575 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.278 = 8.556 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 64 @ 0.006299 = 0.4031 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.04152 = 0.1661 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.279 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04152 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 4 @ 0.002936 = 0.0117 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006298 = 0.1575 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006299 = 0.1575 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.0063 = 1.26 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 450 @ 0.006368 = 2.8656 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1850 @ 0.00637 = 11.7845 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 3500 @ 0.000315 = 1.1025 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006103 = 0.1526 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 55 @ 0.0402 = 2.211 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006102 = 0.3051 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 200 @ 0.04011 = 8.022 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.0061 = 0.0671 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 45 @ 0.0401 = 1.8045 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006369 = 0.1592 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 40 @ 0.00637 = 0.2548 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 577 @ 0.006399 = 3.6922 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.0064 = 1.28 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006498 = 0.3249 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 975 @ 0.006499 = 6.3365 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.00625 = 1.25 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006499 = 0.1625 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 975 @ 0.0065 = 6.3375 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 550 @ 0.0065 = 3.575 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 150 @ 0.0065 = 0.975 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2900 @ 0.0065 = 18.85 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0065 = 0.65 BTC [+]
freeroute: the command "/ignore assbot" has been my savior so far
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 700 @ 0.0065 = 4.55 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.007999 = 0.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.006371 = 0.0319 BTC [-]
chsados_work: assbot is the only reason im in here :P
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.0075 = 0.075 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 165 @ 0.0065 = 1.0725 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 9 @ 0.007411 = 0.0667 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.0074 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04173 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 12 @ 0.042 = 0.504 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 24 @ 0.006373 = 0.153 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 6 @ 0.007999 = 0.048 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 37 @ 0.042 = 1.554 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.006374 = 0.0127 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006498 = 0.1625 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 377 @ 0.006499 = 2.4501 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 23 @ 0.0065 = 0.1495 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006373 = 0.1593 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4289 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 40 @ 0.0065 = 0.26 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.002936 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 40 @ 0.04022 = 1.6088 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006499 = 0.1625 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.0405 = 1.0125 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006382 = 0.1596 BTC [-]
freeroute: I wanted to say that realtime info of BTCT was my goto for stock prices... but then I was all like "ehh... nevermind"
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.00645 = 0.071 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: I will be your new go-to.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1 @ 0.000265 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006496 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 89 @ 0.006497 = 0.5782 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006498 = 0.3249 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0381 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 12 @ 0.007402 = 0.0888 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 59 @ 0.04061 = 2.396 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.25 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.04061 = 2.0305 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 800 @ 0.006499 = 5.1992 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 27 @ 0.0406 = 1.0962 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1199 @ 0.0065 = 7.7935 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.15 = 8.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.0065 = 6.5 BTC [+]
freeroute: if this shebambazam continues then I think most of the BTCT people will be your new go-to's
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0381 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.006575 = 0.1973 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.006575 = 0.1315 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.0068 = 0.068 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.0068 = 0.204 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.249 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 460 @ 0.0068 = 3.128 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 390 @ 0.0068 = 2.652 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.0068 = 3.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.0069 = 1.38 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 250 @ 0.006998 = 1.7495 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 630 @ 0.006999 = 4.4094 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 441 @ 0.007 = 3.087 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.007 = 1.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.007 = 0.7 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.007 = 7 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.007 = 3.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1079 @ 0.007 = 7.553 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.007 = 0.014 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 919 @ 0.007 = 6.433 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1 @ 0.0002693 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 781 @ 0.0071 = 5.5451 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 130 @ 0.0071 = 0.923 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.0071 = 0.0213 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0071 = 0.355 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 4 @ 0.4001 = 1.6004 BTC [-]
freeroute: I really hope people don't start confusing these with PMB's
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 36 @ 0.0071 = 0.2556 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.0072 = 1.44 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.0072 = 7.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.007297 = 7.297 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 333 @ 0.007298 = 2.4302 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0073 = 0.73 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.0074 = 0.185 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 150 @ 0.0074 = 1.11 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.00745 = 3.725 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.007479 = 0.374 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 606 @ 0.007489 = 4.5383 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 30 @ 0.42 = 12.6 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0071 = 0.355 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.039 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1480 @ 0.00079403 = 1.1752 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.249 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.25 = 12.75 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.006811 = 1.3622 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 26 @ 0.00681 = 0.1771 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.249 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.04226 = 0.3803 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.04227 = 2.1135 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.04228 = 0.4228 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 21 @ 0.04247 = 0.8919 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006832 = 0.1708 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 1 @ 0.0009398 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006833 = 0.1708 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 475 @ 0.006832 = 3.2452 BTC [-]
hollywoodundead: oh, that is not good
hollywoodundead: been hitting the sauce a little heavy
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00719 = 0.1798 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.007191 = 3.5955 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 26 @ 0.007195 = 0.1871 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.0072 = 0.072 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.007298 = 0.3649 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 389 @ 0.0073 = 2.8397 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04247 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.249 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.007298 = 0.1825 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000301 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 19 @ 0.0002801 = 0.0053 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0394 = 0.0788 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.03945 = 0.1973 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 155 @ 0.007299 = 1.1313 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 30 @ 0.002512 = 0.0754 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16500 @ 0.00080083 = 13.2137 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 130 @ 0.00033 = 0.0429 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 17 @ 0.007298 = 0.1241 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.007102 = 0.3551 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 315 @ 0.007 = 2.205 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.007 = 0.175 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9820 @ 0.007299 = 71.6762 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 9 @ 0.009999 = 0.09 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 150 @ 0.007451 = 1.1177 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.007001 = 0.175 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 9 @ 0.000265 = 0.0024 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 3 @ 0.48 = 1.44 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.5106 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.519 = 1.038 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 4 @ 0.5199 = 2.0796 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 7 @ 0.52 = 3.64 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 5 @ 0.52 = 2.6 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.522 = 1.044 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 8 @ 0.146 = 1.168 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 30 @ 0.42 = 12.6 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.42 = 1.26 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 29 @ 0.04112 = 1.1925 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 85 @ 0.000261 = 0.0222 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.007299 = 0.1825 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 135 @ 0.007299 = 0.9854 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: [18:42] <@assbot> [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001 BTC
Rulother-home: Already?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4980 @ 0.001 = 4.98 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 61619 @ 0.001 = 61.619 BTC
ThickAsThieves: probly a test
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6299 @ 0.001 = 6.299 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 370 @ 0.001 = 0.37 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.001 = 0.005 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1969 @ 0.001 = 1.969 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 109637 @ 0.001 = 109.637 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1969 @ 0.001 = 1.969 BTC
Rulother-home: get ready
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 33562 @ 0.001 = 33.562 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 9844 @ 0.001 = 9.844 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4999 @ 0.001 = 4.999 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2362 @ 0.001 = 2.362 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006999 = 0.175 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 17827 @ 0.001 = 17.827 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1802 @ 0.001 = 1.802 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 35436 @ 0.001 = 35.436 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4331 @ 0.001 = 4.331 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7875 @ 0.001 = 7.875 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3582 @ 0.001 = 3.582 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 11614 @ 0.001 = 11.614 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 31498 @ 0.001 = 31.498 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 787 @ 0.001 = 0.787 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 392 @ 0.001 = 0.392 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 276 @ 0.001 = 0.276 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1575 @ 0.001 = 1.575 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 78 @ 0.001 = 0.078 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2269 @ 0.001 = 2.269 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 119 @ 0.001 = 0.119 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 78903 @ 0.001 = 78.903 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2757 @ 0.001 = 2.757 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 250 @ 0.007 = 1.75 BTC [+]
Rulother-home: I dont think I got mine in, in time.. O well
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8147 @ 0.001 = 8.147 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006813 = 0.1703 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 78746 @ 0.001 = 78.746 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.006812 = 0.0749 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 414 @ 0.001 = 0.414 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.00681 = 0.0272 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 16143 @ 0.001 = 16.143 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1534 @ 0.006504 = 9.9771 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1181 @ 0.001 = 1.181 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2500 @ 0.006503 = 16.2575 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1964 @ 0.001 = 1.964 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 697 @ 0.001 = 0.697 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1750 @ 0.001 = 1.75 BTC
dexX7: woops
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15 @ 0.001 = 0.015 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7088 @ 0.001 = 7.088 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1574 @ 0.001 = 1.574 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4513 @ 0.001 = 4.513 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3938 @ 0.001 = 3.938 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 393 @ 0.001 = 0.393 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1792 @ 0.001 = 1.792 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 63783 @ 0.001 = 63.783 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1161 @ 0.001 = 1.161 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006989 = 0.1747 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 275 @ 0.001 = 0.275 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 66 @ 0.00699 = 0.4613 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: someone needs to make an altcoin called labcoin
ThickAsThieves: would be more confusing
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.00699 = 0.014 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6251 @ 0.001 = 6.251 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1475 @ 0.007 = 10.325 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1575 @ 0.001 = 1.575 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2061 @ 0.001 = 2.061 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 180 @ 0.0072 = 1.296 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: imho burnside handled this situation really really bad
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 590 @ 0.001 = 0.59 BTC
dexX7: lock still enabled
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 14162 @ 0.001 = 14.162 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 820 @ 0.0072 = 5.904 BTC [+]
dexX7: why?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1771 @ 0.001 = 1.771 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7701 @ 0.001 = 7.701 BTC
gecko_x2: the fucking timezone fuckup
gecko_x2: he should have given ppl more time
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4252 @ 0.001 = 4.252 BTC
gecko_x2: to resolve the wallet issue
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 394 @ 0.001 = 0.394 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2363 @ 0.001 = 2.363 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 141327 @ 0.001 = 141.327 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3070 @ 0.001 = 3.07 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15710 @ 0.001 = 15.71 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7166 @ 0.001 = 7.166 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 257 @ 0.001 = 0.257 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3 @ 0.001 = 0.003 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 41 @ 0.00699 = 0.2866 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1575 @ 0.001 = 1.575 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 16790 @ 0.001 = 16.79 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 394 @ 0.001 = 0.394 BTC
kidkrypto: swede also said likely scenario book would be wiped so i removed my order before bed and got fucked :\ oh well, i'm annoyed
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 12 @ 0.001 = 0.012 BTC
gimme_bottles: it wasn't burnside, LABCOIN said they will give a warning 16-20 hours before IPO, which they did not
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1645 @ 0.001 = 1.645 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3346 @ 0.001 = 3.346 BTC
dexX7: yeah well, but the timezone thing ... i don't now. it was edited i guess? i looked the time up and got the correct one..
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 78 @ 0.001 = 0.078 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.00699 = 0.028 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3926 @ 0.001 = 3.926 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3040 @ 0.007 = 21.28 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 29 @ 0.001 = 0.029 BTC
gimme_bottles: well, actually he said they will likely be wiped...
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 13780 @ 0.001 = 13.78 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006801 = 0.17 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 385 @ 0.001 = 0.385 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 67 @ 0.0068 = 0.4556 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 906 @ 0.001 = 0.906 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 155 @ 0.0066 = 1.023 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 40 @ 0.00653 = 0.2612 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.001 = 0.02 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006502 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 452 @ 0.001 = 0.452 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.00621 = 0.621 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 607 @ 0.001 = 0.607 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0062 = 0.62 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 765 @ 0.001 = 0.765 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3475 @ 0.0061 = 21.1975 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2000 @ 0.006001 = 12.002 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5810 @ 0.001 = 5.81 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 86 @ 0.006 = 0.516 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1182 @ 0.001 = 1.182 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2362 @ 0.001 = 2.362 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006 = 0.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15356 @ 0.001 = 15.356 BTC
kidkrypto: wonder if it will be worth buying on market or if price will go too high
freeroute: lol ThickAsThieves
gimme_bottles: yeah, timezone was a fuckup. UTC should be established on bitcointalk whenever important announcements are made
Namworld: LABCOIN and ACTIVEMINING are dancing together. What a ballet of nonsense!
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6891 @ 0.001 = 6.891 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3938 @ 0.001 = 3.938 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 55 @ 0.001 = 0.055 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1673 @ 0.001 = 1.673 BTC
freeroute: and have shares of them in bitcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 21655 @ 0.001 = 21.655 BTC
ThickAsThieves: can i mine labcoins with CPU?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 9450 @ 0.001 = 9.45 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1181 @ 0.001 = 1.181 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 114 @ 0.001 = 0.114 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.249 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7 @ 0.001 = 0.007 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10650 @ 0.001 = 10.65 BTC
louong: cha-ching, got shares
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1969 @ 0.001 = 1.969 BTC
Rulother-home: Only with an amd cpu
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6930 @ 0.001 = 6.93 BTC
freeroute: no ThickAsThieves first you buy shares for client software
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25098 @ 0.001 = 25.098 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.25 = 12.75 BTC [+]
freeroute: and then license the amount of CPU power you need to spend
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4422 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.4422 = 1.3266 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4425 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 53647 @ 0.001 = 53.647 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4554 BTC [+]
freeroute: oh wow this could be the next big coin
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10936 @ 0.001 = 10.936 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4555 = 0.911 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4877 = 0.9754 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 787 @ 0.001 = 0.787 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1653 @ 0.001 = 1.653 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2748 @ 0.001 = 2.748 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 787 @ 0.001 = 0.787 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1969 @ 0.001 = 1.969 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2492 @ 0.001 = 2.492 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7795 @ 0.001 = 7.795 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 39373 @ 0.001 = 39.373 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5906 @ 0.001 = 5.906 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10441 @ 0.001 = 10.441 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5906 @ 0.001 = 5.906 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 59060 @ 0.001 = 59.06 BTC
ThickAsThieves: can bitcoin surivive labcoin?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 53393 @ 0.001 = 53.393 BTC
Namworld: labcoin, the coin which allows you to do researches in the new civ game, Retardland. Spend your labcoins on improving your civilization of trolls! Develop new forum trolling technologies and methods!
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 26301 @ 0.001 = 26.301 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2757 @ 0.001 = 2.757 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3976 @ 0.001 = 3.976 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7875 @ 0.001 = 7.875 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7874 @ 0.001 = 7.874 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 197 @ 0.001 = 0.197 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 90558 @ 0.001 = 90.558 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 21261 @ 0.001 = 21.261 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4921 @ 0.001 = 4.921 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 43310 @ 0.001 = 43.31 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 35435 @ 0.001 = 35.435 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 394 @ 0.001 = 0.394 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1575 @ 0.001 = 1.575 BTC
ThickAsThieves: the BTC/LBC rate is pretty stable
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 3544 @ 0.0002801 = 0.9927 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 90 @ 0.001 = 0.09 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 394 @ 0.001 = 0.394 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8 @ 0.001 = 0.008 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 89725 @ 0.001 = 89.725 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 12 @ 0.001 = 0.012 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3938 @ 0.001 = 3.938 BTC
freeroute: ...for now
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 39 @ 0.001 = 0.039 BTC
Namworld: It's always the same price. Straight line.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 787 @ 0.001 = 0.787 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.04122 = 1.0305 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 14923 @ 0.001 = 14.923 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5178 @ 0.001 = 5.178 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2362 @ 0.001 = 2.362 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 576 @ 0.00028 = 0.1613 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3870 @ 0.001 = 3.87 BTC
louong: bids slowly getting filled on labcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5905 @ 0.001 = 5.905 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7481 @ 0.001 = 7.481 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 60 @ 0.001 = 0.06 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 35 @ 0.001 = 0.035 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5592 @ 0.001 = 5.592 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3938 @ 0.001 = 3.938 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3897 @ 0.001 = 3.897 BTC
ThickAsThieves: commenters commenting on labcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 275 @ 0.001 = 0.275 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20091 @ 0.001 = 20.091 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.007199 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 11551 @ 0.001 = 11.551 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 12 @ 0.001 = 0.012 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3150 @ 0.001 = 3.15 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 736 @ 0.001 = 0.736 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1968 @ 0.001 = 1.968 BTC
freeroute: I predict immediate infinite downward correction
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 19687 @ 0.001 = 19.687 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1949 @ 0.001 = 1.949 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3 @ 0.001 = 0.003 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1655 @ 0.001 = 1.655 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 11260 @ 0.001 = 11.26 BTC
ThickAsThieves: who is gonna bring labcoin to wall st?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3937 @ 0.001 = 3.937 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2355 @ 0.001 = 2.355 BTC
Namworld: Sounds about right to me, freeroute.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4 @ 0.001 = 0.004 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 14961 @ 0.001 = 14.961 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5512 @ 0.001 = 5.512 BTC
ThickAsThieves: you guys are nuts
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3189 @ 0.001 = 3.189 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 119 @ 0.001 = 0.119 BTC
ThickAsThieves: 10x easy
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2952 @ 0.001 = 2.952 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 216549 @ 0.001 = 216.549 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 26523 @ 0.001 = 26.523 BTC
Namworld: Except there was 20'000 BTC of demand for LABCOIN... and somehow I fear there was no shill bids by BTCT.co, sadly
freeroute: would be cool if there would be a stock or at least price that is infinitely volatile
louong: good time to invest in other depressed shares
Namworld: I just don't want to believe there's actually that much demand
freeroute: like... going to infinitely down and then going infinitely back up the next moment
dexX7: almost too late louong
louong: looks like script is stuck at 4958386 shares
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 11353 @ 0.001 = 11.353 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1260 @ 0.001 = 1.26 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4017 @ 0.001 = 4.017 BTC
louong: there it goes again
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1141 @ 0.001 = 1.141 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 552 @ 0.001 = 0.552 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3850 @ 0.001 = 3.85 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1574 @ 0.001 = 1.574 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 511 @ 0.001 = 0.511 BTC
dexX7: the demand before the "place as many bids as you can" announcement was something around 11-13k btc
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 53 @ 0.001 = 0.053 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 196 @ 0.001 = 0.196 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5905 @ 0.001 = 5.905 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15750 @ 0.001 = 15.75 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 19229 @ 0.001 = 19.229 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10315 @ 0.001 = 10.315 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 39 @ 0.001 = 0.039 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.001 = 0.005 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7088 @ 0.001 = 7.088 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1378 @ 0.001 = 1.378 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 26753 @ 0.001 = 26.753 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2835 @ 0.001 = 2.835 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 47445 @ 0.001 = 47.445 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.25 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 107 @ 0.001 = 0.107 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.006201 = 0.124 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3844 @ 0.001 = 3.844 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 985 @ 0.001 = 0.985 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3150 @ 0.001 = 3.15 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1418 @ 0.001 = 1.418 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 43 @ 0.001 = 0.043 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15041 @ 0.001 = 15.041 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 788 @ 0.001 = 0.788 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4606 @ 0.001 = 4.606 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 394 @ 0.001 = 0.394 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 131 @ 0.001 = 0.131 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 536 @ 0.001 = 0.536 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 144 @ 0.001 = 0.144 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 26 @ 0.001 = 0.026 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 135 @ 0.001 = 0.135 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1969 @ 0.001 = 1.969 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 456 @ 0.001 = 0.456 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 22522 @ 0.001 = 22.522 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1182 @ 0.001 = 1.182 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 19686 @ 0.001 = 19.686 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 17586 @ 0.001 = 17.586 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6394 @ 0.001 = 6.394 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 984 @ 0.001 = 0.984 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 56 @ 0.001 = 0.056 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 11576 @ 0.001 = 11.576 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15159 @ 0.001 = 15.159 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006897 = 0.1724 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 392 @ 0.001 = 0.392 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 412 @ 0.006898 = 2.842 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 394 @ 0.001 = 0.394 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 169 @ 0.001 = 0.169 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 11419 @ 0.001 = 11.419 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7329 @ 0.001 = 7.329 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6143 @ 0.001 = 6.143 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 67052 @ 0.001 = 67.052 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 17954 @ 0.001 = 17.954 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4013 @ 0.001 = 4.013 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2226 @ 0.001 = 2.226 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7 @ 0.001 = 0.007 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 61816 @ 0.001 = 61.816 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 398 @ 0.001 = 0.398 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8523 @ 0.001 = 8.523 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 16380 @ 0.001 = 16.38 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 12935 @ 0.001 = 12.935 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2362 @ 0.001 = 2.362 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20238 @ 0.001 = 20.238 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3725 @ 0.001 = 3.725 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4201 = 0.8402 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.0065 = 0.1625 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20199 @ 0.001 = 20.199 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 26 @ 0.42 = 10.92 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 11812 @ 0.001 = 11.812 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4055 @ 0.001 = 4.055 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1961 @ 0.001 = 1.961 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8771 @ 0.001 = 8.771 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 26301 @ 0.001 = 26.301 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4201 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 464 @ 0.001 = 0.464 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3543 @ 0.001 = 3.543 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4017 @ 0.001 = 4.017 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 629 @ 0.001 = 0.629 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 27561 @ 0.001 = 27.561 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7162 @ 0.001 = 7.162 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 394 @ 0.001 = 0.394 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7201 @ 0.001 = 7.201 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 40357 @ 0.001 = 40.357 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20592 @ 0.001 = 20.592 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 22148 @ 0.001 = 22.148 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 393 @ 0.001 = 0.393 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6534 @ 0.001 = 6.534 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 39314 @ 0.001 = 39.314 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.25 = 8.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 19607 @ 0.001 = 19.607 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 444 @ 0.001 = 0.444 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5769 @ 0.001 = 5.769 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 19583 @ 0.001 = 19.583 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 92294 @ 0.001 = 92.294 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 66766 @ 0.001 = 66.766 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6098 @ 0.001 = 6.098 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2388 @ 0.001 = 2.388 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 3 @ 0.53 = 1.59 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.53 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.534 BTC [+]
chsados: are these labcoin postings the script in action?
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.535 = 1.07 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.536 = 1.072 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.549 = 1.098 BTC [+]
Namworld: chsados, yes, trading locked
chsados: has it been announced what each share is at? i put in 1000 at 0.001212
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 520 @ 0.00079398 = 0.4129 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 193983 @ 0.001 = 193.983 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3917 @ 0.001 = 3.917 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 11379 @ 0.001 = 11.379 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2227 @ 0.001 = 2.227 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 66 @ 0.001 = 0.066 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 300 @ 0.001 = 0.3 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 62994 @ 0.001 = 62.994 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 118118 @ 0.001 = 118.118 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 70249 @ 0.001 = 70.249 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 852 @ 0.001 = 0.852 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5119 @ 0.001 = 5.119 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20434 @ 0.001 = 20.434 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 31499 @ 0.001 = 31.499 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4976 @ 0.001 = 4.976 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1969 @ 0.001 = 1.969 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 153 @ 0.001 = 0.153 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1574 @ 0.001 = 1.574 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15494 @ 0.001 = 15.494 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 122450 @ 0.001 = 122.45 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 787 @ 0.001 = 0.787 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2198 @ 0.001 = 2.198 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6300 @ 0.001 = 6.3 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2520 @ 0.001 = 2.52 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2363 @ 0.001 = 2.363 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 31498 @ 0.001 = 31.498 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 44885 @ 0.001 = 44.885 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 59060 @ 0.001 = 59.06 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10236 @ 0.001 = 10.236 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1299 @ 0.001 = 1.299 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 16813 @ 0.001 = 16.813 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20828 @ 0.001 = 20.828 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 30632 @ 0.001 = 30.632 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2127 @ 0.001 = 2.127 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 590 @ 0.001 = 0.59 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 11811 @ 0.001 = 11.811 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 98432 @ 0.001 = 98.432 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 85438 @ 0.001 = 85.438 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1893 @ 0.001 = 1.893 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5906 @ 0.001 = 5.906 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 179564 @ 0.001 = 179.564 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1181 @ 0.001 = 1.181 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 392 @ 0.001 = 0.392 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3913 @ 0.001 = 3.913 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 19686 @ 0.001 = 19.686 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 9371 @ 0.001 = 9.371 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3921 @ 0.001 = 3.921 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3917 @ 0.001 = 3.917 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 178 @ 0.001 = 0.178 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5906 @ 0.001 = 5.906 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 17169 @ 0.001 = 17.169 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2757 @ 0.001 = 2.757 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5894 @ 0.001 = 5.894 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 669 @ 0.001 = 0.669 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 210 @ 0.001 = 0.21 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 17717 @ 0.001 = 17.717 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 9 @ 0.001 = 0.009 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 98 @ 0.001 = 0.098 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 393 @ 0.001 = 0.393 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7541 @ 0.001 = 7.541 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4232 @ 0.001 = 4.232 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7047 @ 0.001 = 7.047 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 196863 @ 0.001 = 196.863 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 178 @ 0.001 = 0.178 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 181009 @ 0.001 = 181.009 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2142 @ 0.001 = 2.142 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20120 @ 0.001 = 20.12 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 610 @ 0.001 = 0.61 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3937 @ 0.001 = 3.937 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1968 @ 0.001 = 1.968 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3110 @ 0.001 = 3.11 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 61 @ 0.001 = 0.061 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1229 @ 0.001 = 1.229 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 945 @ 0.001 = 0.945 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 276 @ 0.001 = 0.276 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 24979 @ 0.001 = 24.979 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1211 @ 0.001 = 1.211 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1968 @ 0.001 = 1.968 BTC
laque: this is my dinner time entertainment
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 394 @ 0.001 = 0.394 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25811 @ 0.001 = 25.811 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 157 @ 0.001 = 0.157 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 143317 @ 0.001 = 143.317 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4194 @ 0.001 = 4.194 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1141 @ 0.001 = 1.141 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4490 @ 0.001 = 4.49 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7 @ 0.001 = 0.007 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 205 @ 0.001 = 0.205 BTC
Namworld: chsados, all shares will be 0.001
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 709 @ 0.001 = 0.709 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 36 @ 0.001 = 0.036 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 40 @ 0.001 = 0.04 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5118 @ 0.001 = 5.118 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 40 @ 0.001 = 0.04 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3938 @ 0.001 = 3.938 BTC
laque: is there a way to see how many shares are left
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7753 @ 0.001 = 7.753 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6536 @ 0.001 = 6.536 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 178 @ 0.001 = 0.178 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10158 @ 0.001 = 10.158 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 354 @ 0.001 = 0.354 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 12441 @ 0.001 = 12.441 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 80677 @ 0.001 = 80.677 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 665 @ 0.001 = 0.665 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10926 @ 0.001 = 10.926 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 78745 @ 0.001 = 78.745 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 197 @ 0.001 = 0.197 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2953 @ 0.001 = 2.953 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2914 @ 0.001 = 2.914 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 18567 @ 0.001 = 18.567 BTC
dexX7: left for free sale @ 0.001?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 13781 @ 0.001 = 13.781 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5119 @ 0.001 = 5.119 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 170 @ 0.0065 = 1.105 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3711 @ 0.001 = 3.711 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10252 @ 0.001 = 10.252 BTC
laque: i think they are all spoken for
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.249 = 8.498 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1780 @ 0.001 = 1.78 BTC
ThickAsThieves: BTCT will have like 15k btc volume today
ThickAsThieves: likely higher
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 777 @ 0.001 = 0.777 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5906 @ 0.001 = 5.906 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2777 @ 0.001 = 2.777 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 11222 @ 0.001 = 11.222 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3157 @ 0.001 = 3.157 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1127 @ 0.001 = 1.127 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1964 @ 0.001 = 1.964 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 157491 @ 0.001 = 157.491 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 755 @ 0.001 = 0.755 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6850 @ 0.001 = 6.85 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 41670 @ 0.001 = 41.67 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3803 @ 0.001 = 3.803 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 71855 @ 0.001 = 71.855 BTC
dexX7: there are ~3.6k left, don't have the number anymore
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1828 @ 0.001 = 1.828 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4088 @ 0.001 = 4.088 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.249 = 8.498 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 68902 @ 0.001 = 68.902 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 59060 @ 0.001 = 59.06 BTC
afrotec: Higher TAT, wait till they open the gates
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006501 = 0.1625 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 32 @ 0.001 = 0.032 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 75 @ 0.0065 = 0.4875 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 99 @ 0.001 = 0.099 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 18309 @ 0.001 = 18.309 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006899 = 0.1725 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 272 @ 0.001 = 0.272 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 711 @ 0.001 = 0.711 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5414 @ 0.001 = 5.414 BTC
afrotec: when does btcgarden go live?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 192 @ 0.001 = 0.192 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 19687 @ 0.001 = 19.687 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 16301 @ 0.001 = 16.301 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 452 @ 0.001 = 0.452 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 36 @ 0.001 = 0.036 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 146 @ 0.001 = 0.146 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 196 @ 0.001 = 0.196 BTC
ThickAsThieves: after we all get rich from labcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 23624 @ 0.001 = 23.624 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4862 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1771 @ 0.001 = 1.771 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4135 @ 0.001 = 4.135 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4016 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2295 @ 0.001 = 2.295 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3938 @ 0.001 = 3.938 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.04244 = 0.2971 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 94494 @ 0.001 = 94.494 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3295 @ 0.001 = 3.295 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 212613 @ 0.001 = 212.613 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1161 @ 0.001 = 1.161 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 392 @ 0.001 = 0.392 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 14276 @ 0.001 = 14.276 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 71856 @ 0.001 = 71.856 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 22246 @ 0.001 = 22.246 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 147 @ 0.001 = 0.147 BTC
thestringpuller: wtf is labcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 315 @ 0.001 = 0.315 BTC
thestringpuller: why is so much being bought
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 72 @ 0.001 = 0.072 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1182 @ 0.001 = 1.182 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.249 = 8.498 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 504 @ 0.001 = 0.504 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 996 @ 0.001 = 0.996 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 79927 @ 0.001 = 79.927 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3937 @ 0.001 = 3.937 BTC
dexX7: haha
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5983 @ 0.001 = 5.983 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 304469 @ 0.001 = 304.469 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 180 @ 0.001 = 0.18 BTC
ThickAsThieves: it's the new altcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1615 @ 0.001 = 1.615 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 11 @ 0.001 = 0.011 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 39727 @ 0.001 = 39.727 BTC
Namworld: The latest ASIC developer. Over 18k BTC in bids pre IPO for an IPO raising 7000 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 23900 @ 0.001 = 23.9 BTC
ThickAsThieves: you mine altcoins with bitcoins now
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15356 @ 0.001 = 15.356 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 11812 @ 0.001 = 11.812 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 19292 @ 0.001 = 19.292 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3628 @ 0.001 = 3.628 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10522 @ 0.001 = 10.522 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 18 @ 0.001 = 0.018 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 591 @ 0.001 = 0.591 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 143080 @ 0.001 = 143.08 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 389 @ 0.001 = 0.389 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3937 @ 0.001 = 3.937 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 23426 @ 0.001 = 23.426 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 9844 @ 0.001 = 9.844 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 629 @ 0.001 = 0.629 BTC
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1968 @ 0.001 = 1.968 BTC
dexX7: all issued
Rulother-home: 1hr to go
ThickAsThieves: now we wait
thestringpuller: labcoin is a scam
thestringpuller: they don't even have any mining hardware
dexX7: who cares
laque: okay
laque: does btc tc have live updating on it's page?
ThickAsThieves: left side
Rulother-home: "Realtime"
dexX7: yes, take a look at the left
assbot: [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 62 @ 0.003999 = 0.2479 BTC [-]
dexX7: by the way - Domain Name: LABCOIN.COM, Registration Date: 13-Sep-2012
dexX7: if it's scam, they didn't start the planing in march
louong: first and last names tho
ThickAsThieves: someone just linked this channel in the labcoin thread
dexX7: :D
Guest6724: Lol thats why i am Here TAT
dexX7: i'm silent now @lbc
louong: muahaha
ThickAsThieves: I have so many labcoins
ThickAsThieves: how do i spend them?
Namworld: 2012? Was probably registered by a squatter because of coinlab.
laque: are labcoins the new light coins?
Scrat: how do i into labcoin guise
Rulother-home: I believe you do an internal transfer to Rulother
gribble: The bot responds when you start a line with the ! character. A good starting point for exploring the bot is the !facts command. You can also visit the bot's website for a list of help topics and documentation: http://gribble.sourceforge.net/
assbot: List of commands:
assbot: !ticker <exchange> <ticker> (desc: returns current ticker values, supported: MPEX, HAVELOCK, BTCTCO) {short: !t}
assbot: !last <exchange> <ticker> (desc: returns last price value, supported: MPEX, HAVELOCK, BTCTCO) {short: !l}
assbot: !mp <signcrypted dpaste.com url> (desc: returns the response from MPEX order)
assbot: !rules <nick/chan> (desc: chan guidelines) {short: !r}
assbot: !exchanges <nick/chan> (desc: lists exchanges and brokers) {short: !e}
ThickAsThieves: i hear they pre-mined 7m labcoins before they let us in
laque: !pizza
laque: ! pizza
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 755 @ 0.0065 = 4.9075 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006388 BTC [-]
Scrat: ;;pet
gribble: *purrrrrrrr*
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 150 @ 0.0069 = 1.035 BTC [+]
Guest6724: I need 100000 btc for my IPO pussycoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 201 @ 0.006989 = 1.4048 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 649 @ 0.007 = 4.543 BTC [+]
laque: active!
laque: lets go!
weex: so the trollbox intermingles with the feed? interesting.
BigBitz: goooo goooo gooooo.
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.5003 = 1.0006 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: ;purchasing script still processing for labcoin?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006502 = 0.1626 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 75 @ 0.006501 = 0.4876 BTC [-]
Namworld: For a limited time only, pretrading, I offer you LABCOIN! Only 0.05 BTC per unit! Simply send funds to this blackhole address: 1Blackhole
BigBitz: LOL
weex: pizza_deliveri: i see 7311682 shares outstanding
weex: i think it's done
Namworld: If it works, you're doing something wrong.
ThickAsThieves: start a forum auction
pizza_deliveri: weez: ah yes, thx
ThickAsThieves: 20min limit
ThickAsThieves: 10000 labcoins
Namworld: lol... you do that
weex: ThickAsThieves: how much you want for 'em?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.249 = 12.747 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.249 = 8.498 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.249 = 8.498 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.25 BTC [+]
weex: i was thinking more like 1 whole BTC =P
dexX7: weex: this includes some company held shares
weex: well auction away!
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006504 = 0.1626 BTC [+]
chsados: now lets pump labcoin to 0.1 plz
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 1 @ 0.03353 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.0088 = 0.0264 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 8 @ 0.0088 = 0.0704 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006504 = 0.1626 BTC [+]
Namworld: Make an auction TaT, I want to see what happens. But do you actually have shares?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006503 = 0.1626 BTC [-]
Namworld: Anyone do? Please make an auction. I just want to see that.
pizza_deliveri: Namworld: bit early for that don't you think?
Namworld: No no no, now would be the perfect time.
Namworld: It's just perfect
Ukyo: i have shares
Namworld: Plenty missed the IPO, asset still locked
Namworld: It would be so lulzy to see an auction going right now while asset is still locked
pizza_deliveri: they are waiting to buy what they can grab @ 8
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006975 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006504 = 0.1626 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006503 = 0.1626 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 169 @ 0.0065 = 1.0985 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 353 @ 0.00621 = 2.1921 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3680 @ 0.0007936 = 2.9204 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3270 @ 0.00080083 = 2.6187 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006504 = 0.1626 BTC [+]
weex: can you transfer shares with trading locked?
weex: guess you'd want to wait for some confirmations anyway
Namworld: I think so
pizza_deliveri: internally yes
ThickAsThieves: problem is
ThickAsThieves: people will not honor their bids
Namworld: Doesn't matter TaT. I just want to see the bids rise.
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000309 BTC [+]
weex: Namworld: go take a walk, the bids will rise or the price will crash soon enough
weex: guess we'd be looking at less crashing initially
ThickAsThieves: i predict 1btc/share
Namworld: No, I mean on an auction thread, not the stock itself
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006251 = 0.1563 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: i'd rather see it play out thru assbot
Namworld: I want to see how ridiculously high it would go, just for the lulz of it
dexX7: if you want a thread, create one.. i'll offer 10k shares @ min. 0.02/sh
ThickAsThieves: an auction would likely chill the price
pizza_deliveri: you heard the man, prepare the thread :)
Namworld: Well go then, dexX7
weex: people could drop a coded deposit to prove their bid
dexX7: what deposit?
weex: each bid costs 0.01 btc with the remainder of the significant figure stating a total in millibits for the lot
weex: then the winning bidder can prove it by signing a message
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04229 = 0.2115 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006251 = 0.1563 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.006251 = 0.0375 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 53 @ 0.00625 = 0.3313 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 400 @ 0.00031 = 0.124 BTC [+]
dexX7: :D
weex: lulz acheived.
chsados: when does live trading start lol?
pizza_deliveri: Let us follow the roast cat vast cock wire counter-attack of wealth now!
weex: infinite auction!
dexX7: google translate at it's best
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.248 BTC [-]
anonce: 1 hour 22 minutes
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 75 @ 0.006251 = 0.4688 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: 8pm EST?
pizza_deliveri: I love the way it randomly interchanges grilled cat, roast cat and baked cat
chsados: it starts in 18 mins?
weex: except maybe that timer uses the local computer's time
laque: so who bought loincab shares?
pizza_deliveri: i tried to buy but there was bug on system
dexX7: imho it starts in 1:17 h
Rulother-home: well time to make dinner then
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0063 = 0.315 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 450 @ 0.0063 = 2.835 BTC [+]
weex: chsados: just change that +20:00 to +19:40
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 2 @ 0.01042 = 0.0208 BTC [+]
chsados: hehe thats a sweet gif
dexX7: yes, very useful
weex: i just saw it in the main labcoin thread
weex: :)
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04229 = 0.0846 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.006439 = 0.0708 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006252 = 0.3126 BTC [-]
chsados: lol weex
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 39 @ 0.04143 = 1.6158 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 184 @ 0.0063 = 1.1592 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.247 BTC [-]
dexX7: it's 0.002 for all 150? ;)
weex: yeah what a steal!
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 316 @ 0.0063 = 1.9908 BTC [+]
weex: musta been a case of buyer's remorse
chsados: per share lol i btter clarify that to not get screwed on some loophole
weex: lol Mabsark
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 12 @ 0.01042 = 0.125 BTC [+]
gimme_bottles: lol, they are biting :P
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.006253 = 0.0313 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: !ticker BTCTC TAT.VIRTUALMINE
assbot: [BTCT:TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1D: 0.00212 / 0.00259 / 0.002937 (2187 shares, 5.7 BTC), 7D: 0.002 / 0.00299 / 0.003448 (32020 shares, 95.8 BTC), 30D: 0.002 / 0.00378 / 0.0049 (142144 shares, 536.8 BTC)
chsados: rofl the war is on
weex: chsados: don't forget about us when you're rich
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1500 @ 0.0003299 = 0.4949 BTC [+]
chsados: haha i shalln't
weex: shornt
chsados: ill have 30 shares to spread the love if this actually works
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 42 @ 0.0088 = 0.3696 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.1419999 = 0.284 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006425 = 0.1606 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006425 = 0.1606 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: labcoin trading delayed 30min
thestringpuller: !ticker m S.MG
assbot: [MPEX:S.MG] 1D: 0.0002675 / 0.00026781 / 0.000269 (71576 shares, 19.17 BTC), 7D: 0.00023 / 0.00025935 / 0.000269 (1015316 shares, 263.33 BTC), 30D: 0.00013 / 0.00022954 / 0.0004 (2469965 shares, 566.96 BTC)
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 1 @ 0.002029 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 535 @ 0.0002683 = 0.1435 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 535 @ 0.0002683 = 0.1435 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 10 @ 0.00026839 = 0.0027 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.006425 = 0.0257 BTC [+]
chsados: pizza_deliveri, so 830 est?
dexX7: yup
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006254 = 0.1564 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 0.1419999 = 0.426 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006254 = 0.1564 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 250 @ 0.006253 = 1.5633 BTC [-]
Namworld: I imagine it's a lot easier to create an alt coin than it is to create an ASIC.
Namworld: says davecoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 18 @ 0.02298 = 0.4136 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: we're just skipping the mining parrt altogether
ThickAsThieves: just buy the labcoins
Namworld: Well it's even easier to fake about making anything
ThickAsThieves: who needs altcoins
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.171 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.17 = 8.34 BTC [-]
chsados: ThickAsThieves, are you invested in anything other than asicminer?
chsados: may i ask what?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.247 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 4.167 = 25.002 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 57 @ 0.006253 = 0.3564 BTC [-]
Canth: TaT has massive warehouses of dildos
chsados: tat.toys
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.166 = 41.66 BTC [-]
chsados: tat.bits4tits
laque_: lol what
ThickAsThieves: some other things
chsados: not activemining ;) ?
ThickAsThieves: and other sources of btc profit
ThickAsThieves: i traded some yes
ThickAsThieves: simply for the flip
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 101 @ 0.001753 = 0.1771 BTC [+]
chsados: been a great speculators asset eh
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 16 @ 0.001798 = 0.0288 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 83 @ 0.001799 = 0.1493 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 398 @ 0.006253 = 2.4887 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.006204 = 3.102 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.0062 = 3.1 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.006054 = 0.0363 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.006054 = 0.1816 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 169 @ 0.006054 = 1.0231 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 91 @ 0.14 = 12.74 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 250 @ 0.00602 = 1.505 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 350 @ 0.00602 = 2.107 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 180 @ 0.006011 = 1.082 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.006 = 1.8 BTC [-]
laque_: i got so excited but it was btct
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.006 = 3 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: While I have your attention:
ThickAsThieves: [NEW!] [XBOND] Bitcoin's Only Exchangeable Bond https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=265287.0
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.042 BTC [+]
laque_: has trading opened on btc tc
laque_: for coinlab
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.006001 = 0.06 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.03945 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 159 @ 0.006 = 0.954 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.03945 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.48 BTC [+]
Graet: lol coinlab, labcoin causing confusion, coilab tried to run a pool and when that was failing tried to move into the exchange business
Graet: last I heard they are sueing mtgox...
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.49 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005999 = 0.15 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 291 @ 0.006 = 1.746 BTC [+]
chsados: laque_, starts in about an hour and half
laque_: ty
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005999 = 0.15 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005902 = 0.1476 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.005901 = 0.0236 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 23 @ 0.005901 = 0.1357 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 285 @ 0.0059 = 1.6815 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 79 @ 0.03945 = 3.1166 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 663 @ 0.0059 = 3.9117 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.03945 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 337 @ 0.005902 = 1.989 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 400 @ 0.00582 = 2.328 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3040 @ 0.00581 = 17.6624 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 100 @ 0.001799 = 0.1799 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.17399 BTC [+]
chsados: dexX7, i offered him 150 labcoin for 250 actm rofl
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 4 @ 0.0075 = 0.03 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4101 = 0.8202 BTC [+]
dexX7: please post his answer ;)
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1763 @ 0.00581 = 10.243 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 248 @ 0.001699 = 0.4214 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.166 = 12.498 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.153 = 20.765 BTC [-]
chsados: he wont answer, obviouse troll bid lol
chsados: oh shit! he accepts!
OzzyManDies: yeah, he's been unhappy about the transfer times in the ActM thread for a while
dexX7: well.. tendershares without guarantee is a bit risky, i'd say
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.006 = 1.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005813 = 0.1453 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 48 @ 0.005812 = 0.279 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.00581 = 1.162 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 827 @ 0.0058 = 4.7966 BTC [-]
chsados: im asking for 1. a screenshot of the tender 2. a public statement of the deal and 3. a forwarded email of the email he sent to ken as well as screenshot of the email
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 75 @ 0.0058 = 0.435 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 4 @ 0.03945 = 0.1578 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005801 = 0.145 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.0058 = 0.0232 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 8 @ 0.03945 = 0.3156 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 67 @ 0.0398999 = 2.6733 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 125 @ 0.0399 = 4.9875 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 25 @ 0.04 = 1 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 9 @ 0.04 = 0.36 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0390001 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.039 = 0.117 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006385 = 0.1596 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 14 @ 0.006386 = 0.0894 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.006388 = 0.0703 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 500 @ 0.0003219 = 0.161 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 11 @ 0.04197 = 0.4617 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 15 @ 0.04198 = 0.6297 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 1 @ 0.00348 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 100 @ 0.0003219 = 0.0322 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.111 = 8.222 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.111 = 8.222 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005991 = 0.1498 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 52 @ 0.00599 = 0.3115 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.00591 = 5.91 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000311 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 25 @ 0.0003101 = 0.0078 BTC [-]
chsados: lol...got 250 actm shares for 150 labcoin shares... labcoin better not blow up
dexX7: its on
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 1100 @ 0.00348 = 3.828 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003 = 3 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 114 @ 0.00080083 = 0.0913 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002 = 2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04149 = 0.2075 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3000 @ 0.003 = 9 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 59 @ 0.003 = 0.177 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3870 @ 0.003 = 11.61 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2071 @ 0.003 = 6.213 BTC [+]
PalePhoenix: record locks already
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6929 @ 0.003 = 20.787 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.0025 = 5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.0021 = 10.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 249 @ 0.002001 = 0.4982 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002001 = 2.001 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.002001 = 20.01 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.002001 = 4.002 BTC [-]
PalePhoenix: lol site is seized up for me
kidkrypto: fuck paying 0.002
gecko_x2: WAS supposed to be after an hour!
kidkrypto: yeah i knew they'd release it early
thestringpuller: is it free floating now?
gecko_x2: fucking idiots running this IPO
kidkrypto: called it in the thread like 2 hours ago
PalePhoenix: I'd wait a bit… I've been trying to place asks since it started
gecko_x2: jesus christ what a fuckup
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 15 @ 0.41 = 6.15 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1250 @ 0.002001 = 2.5013 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.41 = 1.23 BTC [-]
dexX7: get your labcoins asap
dexX7: yes
dexX7: sell basic
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 35000 @ 0.002001 = 70.035 BTC [-]
dexX7: :D
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15000 @ 0.002001 = 30.015 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.002001 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6500 @ 0.002 = 13 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.002 = 10 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.002001 = 20.01 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2500 @ 0.002001 = 5.0025 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3565 @ 0.002001 = 7.1336 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1300 @ 0.002001 = 2.6013 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2635 @ 0.002001 = 5.2726 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 93 @ 0.4012 = 37.3116 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.002001 BTC [+]
Namworld: So much demand... wtf
weex: cant. place. order.
BigBitz: lol
PalePhoenix: damn, I got one ask up for 10k and it was gone instantly
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002001 = 2.001 BTC [+]
dexX7: Excessive wait trying to get lock on LABCOIN
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.0044 = 0.44 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.194 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2362 @ 0.0025 = 5.905 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 700 @ 0.004 = 2.8 BTC [+]
PalePhoenix: 700 @ .04 LOL
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.11 = 8.22 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2906 @ 0.0025 = 7.265 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.004 = 0.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.003 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.195 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.00251 = 0.502 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2500 @ 0.003 = 7.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.003 = 6 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 400 @ 0.0027 = 1.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 499 @ 0.003 = 1.497 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 9132 @ 0.0025 = 22.83 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 150 @ 0.003 = 0.45 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 499 @ 0.003 = 1.497 BTC [+]
afrotec: holy shit
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 751 @ 0.003 = 2.253 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1350 @ 0.003 = 4.05 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 29 @ 0.003 = 0.087 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003 = 3 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003 = 3 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1854 @ 0.003 = 5.562 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6000 @ 0.0035 = 21 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 146 @ 0.003 = 0.438 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.0033 = 1.65 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4000 @ 0.0033 = 13.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 649 @ 0.003 = 1.947 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.003 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 250 @ 0.003 = 0.75 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2200 @ 0.003 = 6.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003 = 3 BTC [-]
dexX7: i suggest to not sell into the bids
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 300 @ 0.003 = 0.9 BTC [-]
Namworld: and so it begins...
BigBitz: site dead.
BigBitz: lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 350 @ 0.0029 = 1.015 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1200 @ 0.003 = 3.6 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006347 = 0.1587 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 199 @ 0.003 = 0.597 BTC [+]
PalePhoenix: dexX7 I agree, but it's changing so fast bids show up while asks are being processed
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003 = 3 BTC [+]
dexX7: true
chsados: wtf...thought it had another 30 mins to go
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.0029 = 0.029 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0029 = 2.9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 750 @ 0.003 = 2.25 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 189 @ 0.006348 = 1.1998 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.091 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3850 @ 0.0029 = 11.165 BTC [-]
kidkrypto: what else did you expect but for them to release it early
pizza_deliveri: is this fucking joke?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.0029 = 0.58 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.002999 = 0.06 BTC [+]
scrybe: "excessive wait while trying to get lock on LABCOIN"
BigBitz: HOLD or SELL? :)
pizza_deliveri: it is live now?
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.0161 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000281 BTC [-]
weex: yes, live
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.091 = 8.182 BTC [-]
afrotec: yo TAT, 17k vol for 24hrs
scrybe: but on second try it went through
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.0029 = 29 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.0029 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 125 @ 0.000281 = 0.0351 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: are these guys taking the piss?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 249 @ 0.002999 = 0.7468 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1701 @ 0.0029 = 4.9329 BTC [-]
afrotec: fuck
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 229 @ 0.002999 = 0.6868 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7751 @ 0.003 = 23.253 BTC [+]
frb: lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 229 @ 0.002999 = 0.6868 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 300 @ 0.003 = 0.9 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 8 @ 0.0017 = 0.0136 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 75 @ 0.0029 = 0.2175 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5921 @ 0.003 = 17.763 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003 = 3 BTC [+]
scrybe: .003 is for chumps, .005 is the lowest I'm touching
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2071 @ 0.003 = 6.213 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 229 @ 0.002999 = 0.6868 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.0029 = 0.0145 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3000 @ 0.003 = 9 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00299 = 2.99 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1995 @ 0.0029 = 5.7855 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00299 = 2.99 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6 @ 0.00298 = 0.0179 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.00298 = 5.96 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00298 = 2.98 BTC [-]
PalePhoenix: I've got the whole ask wall under .00305 because it took so long I entered trades again lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 40 @ 0.00298 = 0.1192 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1005 @ 0.0029 = 2.9145 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1100 @ 0.00298 = 3.278 BTC [+]
anonce: would labcoin pass the dragons den test?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1994 @ 0.00298 = 5.9421 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.0029 = 5.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.00295 = 0.1475 BTC [+]
scrybe: ??
PalePhoenix: gotta slow it down a bit
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3005 @ 0.0029 = 8.7145 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 80 @ 0.00298 = 0.2384 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.0029 = 0.029 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006346 = 0.1587 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.0029 = 1.45 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.0029 = 5.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.00298 = 1.49 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 718 @ 0.006347 = 4.5571 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 12 @ 0.0029 = 0.0348 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.09 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006346 = 0.1587 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1994 @ 0.00298 = 5.9421 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 48 @ 0.0026 = 0.1248 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.0029 = 0.029 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 474 @ 0.00028 = 0.1327 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2505 @ 0.0029 = 7.2645 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 275 @ 0.006349 = 1.746 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1994 @ 0.00298 = 5.9421 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1406 @ 0.0029 = 4.0774 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 600 @ 0.0029 = 1.74 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3 @ 0.00251 = 0.0075 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2493 @ 0.0029 = 7.2297 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.00298 = 0.596 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6428 @ 0.0029 = 18.6412 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1900 @ 0.002899 = 5.5081 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.0029 = 1.45 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5395 @ 0.002502 = 13.4983 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8006 @ 0.002899 = 23.2094 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.00285 = 0.1425 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8 @ 0.002899 = 0.0232 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2200 @ 0.002501 = 5.5022 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 7 @ 0.00203 = 0.0142 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5017 @ 0.002899 = 14.5443 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.00289 = 0.0058 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0025 = 2.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 11 @ 0.002501 = 0.0275 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1837 @ 0.002501 = 4.5943 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.002889 = 0.0144 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.002899 = 1.4495 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 748 @ 0.00289 = 2.1617 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 250 @ 0.00289 = 0.7225 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.1 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 47 @ 0.002889 = 0.1358 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 67 @ 0.002675 = 0.1792 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 18 @ 0.006348 = 0.1143 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.002889 = 1.4445 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 400 @ 0.002889 = 1.1556 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1760 @ 0.002889 = 5.0846 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2495 @ 0.002889 = 7.2081 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.002889 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.00288 = 0.288 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2448 @ 0.002889 = 7.0723 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 700 @ 0.00285 = 1.995 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04149 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.0027 = 5.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.002507 = 0.2507 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.091 = 8.182 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.00635 = 0.3175 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2500 @ 0.002505 = 6.2625 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 425 @ 0.00285 = 1.2113 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 18 @ 0.00285 = 0.0513 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00285 = 2.85 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 4.09 = 36.81 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.00285 = 0.57 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.002504 = 12.52 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.002504 = 12.52 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 43 @ 0.04143 = 1.7815 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.002502 = 0.005 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 11 @ 0.03999 = 0.4399 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 130 @ 0.00285 = 0.3705 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4483 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 740 @ 0.002503 = 1.8522 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00285 = 2.85 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.09 = 8.18 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 130 @ 0.002502 = 0.3253 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04142 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4650 @ 0.002503 = 11.639 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1050 @ 0.002501 = 2.6261 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.09 = 12.27 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.002502 = 0.1251 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 130 @ 0.002502 = 0.3253 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 49 @ 0.0414 = 2.0286 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4483 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 16 @ 0.002501 = 0.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.002502 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.002501 = 0.005 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1300 @ 0.002504 = 3.2552 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4610 @ 0.002503 = 11.5388 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 250 @ 0.002502 = 0.6255 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 87 @ 0.002501 = 0.2176 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.002503 = 0.2503 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 32 @ 0.002503 = 0.0801 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6934 @ 0.002501 = 17.3419 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.002504 = 0.5008 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8328 @ 0.002503 = 20.845 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4231 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.002504 = 0.5008 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002504 = 2.504 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3250 @ 0.002501 = 8.1283 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 36 @ 0.0414 = 1.4904 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.002504 = 0.5008 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002503 = 2.503 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 629 @ 0.0026 = 1.6354 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15 @ 0.0026 = 0.039 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002504 = 2.504 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 650 @ 0.002504 = 1.6276 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 450 @ 0.0026 = 1.17 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 75 @ 0.00636 = 0.477 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.0413 = 2.065 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 550 @ 0.002504 = 1.3772 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.0026 = 0.013 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 371 @ 0.0026 = 0.9646 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 220 @ 0.006348 = 1.3966 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 36 @ 0.002504 = 0.0901 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1609 @ 0.0026 = 4.1834 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.0026 = 0.13 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1609 @ 0.0026 = 4.1834 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4000 @ 0.002504 = 10.016 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 55 @ 0.0026 = 0.143 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 19 @ 0.006348 = 0.1206 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 29 @ 0.0027 = 0.0783 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 920 @ 0.0026 = 2.392 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1140 @ 0.002504 = 2.8546 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 205 @ 0.0026 = 0.533 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.0026 = 0.013 BTC [+]
weex: "Excessive wait trying to get lock on LABCOIN."
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 750 @ 0.0027 = 2.025 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.0413 = 2.065 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6609 @ 0.002739 = 18.1021 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 134 @ 0.001616 = 0.2165 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3000 @ 0.002739 = 8.217 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2500 @ 0.0027 = 6.75 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 175 @ 0.00273 = 0.4778 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 800 @ 0.0027 = 2.16 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.00273 = 0.546 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 85 @ 0.0026 = 0.221 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.0027 = 0.0135 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1100 @ 0.0026 = 2.86 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1200 @ 0.0026 = 3.12 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.0027 = 0.135 BTC [+]
PalePhoenix: yeah it's a bit like shooting in the dark
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 16 @ 0.002506 = 0.0401 BTC [-]
weex: yo dawg i heard you like to gamble
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.0027 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.006345 = 3.1725 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.002506 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0026 = 2.6 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.002505 = 0.1253 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.198 = 12.594 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.041 = 0.082 BTC [-]
Ukyo: swonder if i mostly empty the buy book, if the price will stay down long enough to buy multiple x more
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 820 @ 0.002505 = 2.0541 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 35 @ 0.0026 = 0.091 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 150 @ 0.002505 = 0.3758 BTC [-]
scrybe: wallet lock failure 1616
PalePhoenix: weex me?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3500 @ 0.002505 = 8.7675 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04021 = 0.2011 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.002503 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2950 @ 0.0026 = 7.67 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 13 @ 0.006004 = 0.0781 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.0402 = 0.402 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2300 @ 0.002505 = 5.7615 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0026 = 2.6 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2950 @ 0.0026 = 7.67 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.002502 = 0.1251 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 435 @ 0.002505 = 1.0897 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.04012 = 0.8024 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3000 @ 0.0025 = 7.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.002503 = 0.1252 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2331 @ 0.0025 = 5.8275 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.04011 = 0.4011 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.002505 = 0.2505 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3021 @ 0.002505 = 7.5676 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 69 @ 0.0025 = 0.1725 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.0401 = 0.2005 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2921 @ 0.002505 = 7.3171 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 729 @ 0.002505 = 1.8261 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 42 @ 0.0025 = 0.105 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.0025 = 25 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.002505 = 0.2505 BTC [+]
PalePhoenix: ask walls are too big, gotta drag em up the hill slowly with breadcrumbs
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3500 @ 0.002505 = 8.7675 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2500 @ 0.0025 = 6.25 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.0401 = 0.2406 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 79 @ 0.002505 = 0.1979 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 350 @ 0.002505 = 0.8768 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3500 @ 0.002505 = 8.7675 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3021 @ 0.002505 = 7.5676 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 16000 @ 0.0025 = 40 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 18 @ 0.002505 = 0.0451 BTC [+]
scrybe: just lower a line, maybe put a harnes and a nookie on it
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 90 @ 0.002505 = 0.2255 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 750 @ 0.0026 = 1.95 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 79 @ 0.002505 = 0.1979 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0025 = 2.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3021 @ 0.002505 = 7.5676 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.198 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 14 @ 0.0401 = 0.5614 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.0025 = 0.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.0401 = 0.2005 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 995 @ 0.00225 = 2.2388 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 9081 @ 0.0025 = 22.7025 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7076 @ 0.0025 = 17.69 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 105 @ 0.00225 = 0.2363 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 9081 @ 0.0025 = 22.7025 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0022 = 2.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 1 @ 0.0033 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00222 = 2.22 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1157 @ 0.0025 = 2.8925 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 8 @ 0.51 = 4.08 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 250 @ 0.0021 = 0.525 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.199 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 189 @ 0.002003 = 0.3786 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.0025 = 5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.51 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 31 @ 0.00222 = 0.0688 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0025 = 2.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.0022 = 0.022 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2311 @ 0.002003 = 4.6289 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 414 @ 0.00222 = 0.9191 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1464 @ 0.002003 = 2.9324 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 331 @ 0.002003 = 0.663 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 250 @ 0.0021 = 0.525 BTC [+]
dexX7: it's crashing
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3536 @ 0.002003 = 7.0826 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.0022 = 0.22 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: it's volatile, what do you expect?
pizza_deliveri: how are people placing orders? I've tried 4 times not yet successfull
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 250 @ 0.0021 = 0.525 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: Excessive wait trying to get lock on LABCOIN.
Ukyo: hmm, down down down she goes.. where she stops.. probly low..
dexX7: i'm just kidding
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.002004 = 20.04 BTC [-]
scrybe: just got a cloudflate in the states
Namworld: it's 2x IPO price, like 30 minutes after opening... and you're like: It's crashing
scrybe: *cloudflare
Ukyo: ThickAsThieves: I am squatting
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.0021 = 0.021 BTC [+]
Ukyo: I figure once all the long-position ppl get bought in
thestringpuller: Namworld everything you say
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002003 = 2.003 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 654 @ 0.0021 = 1.3734 BTC [+]
Ukyo: it will go up
hollywoodundead: heh only 767 btc of bids
ThickAsThieves: Ukyo only follows my advice when it's bad
Ukyo: right now its small time flippers are enaction
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.199 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2346 @ 0.0021 = 4.9266 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.002005 = 4.01 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.2 = 21 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.00225 = 11.25 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.0022 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4 @ 0.00248 = 0.0099 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.00028 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.002005 = 10.025 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 30 @ 0.00248 = 0.0744 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: Excessive wait trying to get lock on LABCOIN......ufff
scrybe: is there an api, maybe that still works
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.234 = 12.702 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 9966 @ 0.00248 = 24.7157 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.0022 BTC [-]
dexX7: nope
ThickAsThieves: try stopping the page after a bit
ThickAsThieves: it worked for me
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2362 @ 0.0021 = 4.9602 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1500 @ 0.002005 = 3.0075 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.002006 = 0.2006 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.0063 = 0.063 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: let it pump for a few secs, the freeze the page load
thestringpuller: dude just use the API to place orders
thestringpuller: fucking kids trying to load webpages to trade on an exchange
thestringpuller: the fuck is wrong with you people
weex: what you think the API is like the drive-thru?
pizza_deliveri: Placed Purchase Order wahey
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2362 @ 0.0021 = 4.9602 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 10 @ 0.00348 = 0.0348 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.04009 = 0.3207 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 600 @ 0.002006 = 1.2036 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.002007 = 0.0201 BTC [+]
weex: would you like fries with that?
scrybe: yay, order places
louong: can't place orders lol too laggy
weex: yeah, take a break ;)
louong: yes let's all remember
louong: everything is virtual
scrybe: louong: keep trying, I'm having about 10% success
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 600 @ 0.002388 = 1.4328 BTC [+]
louong: it's all in beta
louong: nothing is verified
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.4437 = 0.8874 BTC [-]
louong: it's all a game ;)
pizza_deliveri: like big said it be
dexX7: Last 24h Total18,095.11 BTC << volume
weex: dexX7: that includes the issuance, no?
Namworld: Quote from TradeFortress: I have negative shares.
dexX7: it's the total of btct
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 386 @ 0.002398 = 0.9256 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25 @ 0.002398 = 0.06 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.00638 = 0.0383 BTC [+]
louong: lol really Namworld?
dexX7: last record from some days ago was ~9.5k
Namworld: Funfreakintastic
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.0021 = 0.105 BTC [-]
ozbot: [LABCOIN] IPO [BTCT.CO] - Details/FAQ and Discussion (ASIC dev/sales/mining)
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.235 = 8.47 BTC [+]
weex: it's also a bit weird when it says the error yet some shares move
Ukyo: "i have negative shares" wtf ?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3990 @ 0.002388 = 9.5281 BTC [+]
scrybe: lol
louong: cool, so you can short sell?
scrybe: buy buy!
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 63 @ 0.002398 = 0.1511 BTC [+]
Ukyo: thats what tradefortress posted
louong: trading halt in 5, 4
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 23 @ 0.04009 = 0.9221 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.002398 = 11.99 BTC [+]
Ukyo: "It would be helpful to the lag if BTC-TC and BitFunder had real-time charts. You are forced to refresh the screen to see what is happening. Its like flying blind. "
Ukyo: people who dont even use bitfunder
Ukyo: talking out of their ass
scrybe: there is a realtime ticker on the side if you expand it, best they have on btctc
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.00239 = 0.478 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6136 @ 0.00080332 = 4.9292 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15080 @ 0.0007999 = 12.0625 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.4437 BTC [-]
weex: lag really has nothing to do with static page loads, it's all about the trade engine which must lock the db
scrybe: web sockets on bitfunder updates order books on the fly too
Ukyo: and
Ukyo: i decided how to fix the chart slow-load for now
scrybe: graphs are for wimps
scrybe: ;)
Ukyo: and turn the live charts updates on
PalePhoenix: cloudflare for me
ThickAsThieves: graphs ARE for wimps
Ukyo: its a crappy fix. but good enough for a weeks worth :P
Hiro2: anybody getting their trades through btctco?
kleecksj_: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 106.75632, Best ask: 107.26351, Bid-ask spread: 0.50719, Last trade: 106.74129, 24 hour volume: 43574.56838670, 24 hour low: 103.55000, 24 hour high: 111.65202, 24 hour vwap: 108.05871
dexX7: i only use raw depth changes to trade ;)
louong: Hiro2, nope
dexX7: took 10x tries
Hiro2: louong: so much for trades starting at 9:30PM EST
scrybe: Hiro2: I'm succeding about 1 of 25 attempts right now
scrybe: been getting worse, but it works fast when it works
pizza_deliveri: cloudflare now
Hiro2: scrybe: API or manual entry?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.002398 = 0.048 BTC [+]
scrybe: manual
Hiro2: I can't believe burnside actually lied about trade start time
afrotec: negative shares
TradeFortress: same LOL
ThickAsThieves: maybe the forum auctions spooked him
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.234 BTC [-]
TradeFortress: I have -3100 shares. People actually bought them.
louong: good sell job
ThickAsThieves: that's some black belt trading right there
ThickAsThieves: next level shit
Hiro2: more lik MagicalFortress
Hiro2: selling stocks you don't have
PalePhoenix: Hiro2 he meant EDT when he said EST
ThickAsThieves: you're like the bitcoin Neo
Hiro2: PalePhoenix: he says trades will be delayed by 30
Hiro2: min
scrybe: let's hope it does not hit .005 before it gets fixed... IRL that would be BAD
PalePhoenix: then he postponed for tech prob
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.00239 = 0.478 BTC [-]
TradeFortress: is it even locked? lol
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3200 @ 0.00080521 = 2.5767 BTC [+]
TradeFortress: if there's locking I shouldn't have been able to sell more shares than I have.
scrybe: nope, just overloaded
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.002398 = 0.2398 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5703 @ 0.002388 = 13.6188 BTC [-]
TradeFortress: scrybe, locked as in db lock
scrybe: yes, I realize that
dexX7: Error: Database error.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.03999 = 0.08 BTC [+]
scrybe: actually not locking, validation
dexX7: first time seeing this
scrybe: negative shares are a coding problem, not a load one
TradeFortress: but locking should've prvented that
Hiro2: TradeFortress: are you desperately trying to buy shares right now to get out of negatives? lol
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.00837001 = 0.0167 BTC [-]
weex: sometimes the lock is put on too late or released too early
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 10 @ 0.00832001 = 0.0832 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 5 @ 0.008311 = 0.0416 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 18 @ 0.0083 = 0.1494 BTC [-]
TradeFortress: Hiro2, for a cheaper price sure
TradeFortress: free short LOL
scrybe: TF, no, locking just prevents multiple updates at the same time to the same object/row, it does not aotomagically enforce any business logic
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.002398 = 4.796 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: concurrency lock
pizza_deliveri: multiple access
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 18 @ 0.03999 = 0.7198 BTC [+]
Hiro2: I wonder how many people will stay up to pull through this...
weex: i think it's lock locked
weex: order book doesn't seem to have changed for a minute or two
Hiro2: I feel like there may be tons of sellers trying to sell but getting an error
louong: this mother is hard to get a lock on
scrybe: it's changing slowly, very very slowly
anonce_: looks like today uncovered a nasty bug
pizza_deliveri: found solution guys, go into 'my wallet' page hold down alt key then strike f4
scrybe: I have not got an order through for 2-3 minutes though
weex: hold down f4 and hit alt. got it!
scrybe: good thing I have a mac now
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 12 @ 0.03999 = 0.4799 BTC [+]
Hiro2: I think we tanked it
Hiro2: last trade 2:32 local time
PalePhoenix: realtime ticker is 5 minutes behind
louong: trading for all intents and purposes halted
weex: burnside: it's stuck
Hiro2: another ruond of mtgox
louong: well then give it a good hit!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 0.1381 = 0.4143 BTC [-]
scrybe: yep, sorry, I had a stale page I guess, 2513@2400 is static
scrybe: *2513@.00240, darn decimal point
louong: WTB, lab coin shares at 0.0024
weex: ctrl-f5, still the same
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 300 @ 0.0024 = 0.72 BTC [+]
weex: oooh
louong: omg a trade!
scrybe: I've got anti-static spray, shoul I use it on my monitor to unstick the orders?
Hiro2: meanwhile at BTCGARDEN......
dexX7: did btc garden start?
ohreally2: perfect timing
scrybe: AND the trade is reflected in the book, so just REEEEEEAAAAAAALLLLLYYYYY slow
weex: the labcoin must flow
PalePhoenix: please no
Hiro2: dexX7: they got all the approvals, I don't know what they're waiting for
Hiro2: 2M order?
louong: they'll probably delay to watch this
Hiro2: RIP.....
dexX7: time for the new trading engine
louong: labcoin killed BTCTC lol
dexX7: eta this week afaik
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.03999 = 0.08 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 690 @ 0.0007999 = 0.5519 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4360 @ 0.00079793 = 3.479 BTC [-]
scrybe: btcgarden is open for bidding, but not moving yet
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.00889 = 0.0178 BTC [+]
weex: and from that day on...nobody ever forgot their pin
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 800 @ 0.002398 = 1.9184 BTC [-]
scrybe: weex, god help me if I ver change it
scrybe: only the 1 labcoin order in the last couple min...
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04 = 0.08 BTC [-]
louong: this could unravel really fast - if those negative shares need to be reversed
weex: if the ipo was for 7m how come we had like 7.3m?
louong: and the people who bought the negative shares have resold them...
dexX7: weex: company shares
dexX7: not sure why, but they already sent some out
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.278 = 12.834 BTC [+]
scrybe: louong: traditionally it would result in a forced liquidation of assets by the exchange of those that sold more shares than they bought
ozbot: [LABCOIN] IPO [BTCT.CO] - Details/FAQ and Discussion (ASIC dev/sales/mining)
scrybe: even after the face it can ba raked back
Hiro2: weex: lol
scrybe: *fact
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 32 @ 0.006345 = 0.203 BTC [-]
louong: well negative shares means you are issuing more shares than there are actually
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15 @ 0.0024 = 0.036 BTC [+]
louong: so it will need to be balanced out somehow, probably a forced buy
louong: of the same security
scrybe: louong: this is a negative balance or individual traders
weex: maybe should hold some for tomorrow
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002399 = 2.399 BTC [-]
Hiro2: how many of you guys are selling vs buying?
scrybe: right, and if if you don't have the BTC the exchange operator is likely to sell some of your assets at market in a forced liquidation to balance it account
dexX7: selling/holding 50/50
weex: if there are negative shares there are more people selling than buying :)
scrybe: I'm holding 66%
weex: holding 30% against my will
scrybe: how much you want for them
louong: I'll sell for the right price
Hiro2: 0.0015?
Hiro2: no lag ;)
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4014 = 0.8028 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 20 @ 0.41 = 8.2 BTC [-]
PalePhoenix: sold 50%
weex: 2784 @ 0.00245
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4 @ 0.0024 = 0.0096 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002399 = 2.399 BTC [-]
dexX7: same here, last order went through
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2498 @ 0.002399 = 5.9927 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2200 @ 0.002398 = 5.2756 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.006377 = 0.0319 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002399 = 2.399 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4449 BTC [+]
louong: lol BUG
weex: whoa... 4294967295
PalePhoenix: 4294967295 @ .002399
dexX7: i didn't expect actm to hold 0.006+
louong: look at the ask wall
chsados: that was me
louong: wat lulz
ohreally2: ipo has been expanded ?
weex: sell -1?
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04188 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1574 @ 0.002398 = 3.7745 BTC [-]
Namworld: ActM valued at 150'000 BTC
scrybe: palephoenix, I already have more than one share, so I'll pass on the bufer overflow, thanks
dexX7: wtf
chsados: shall i take down the wall?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 402 @ 0.002399 = 0.9644 BTC [+]
Namworld: chsados, what wall?
chsados: 4294967295 @0.002399
dexX7: there is a 4294967295 !! wall on 0.002399
louong: the 4294967295 share wall
scrybe: I don't see it
weex: that's a lot of share
louong: gone now
pizza_deliveri: can someone take a pic of the bids screen?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006101 = 0.1525 BTC [-]
scrybe: dexX7: I think ACTM is a .1+
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.04187 = 0.1675 BTC [-]
scrybe: err .01
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4016 = 0.8032 BTC [-]
dexX7: maybe in a few weeks
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2494 @ 0.0024 = 5.9856 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: chsados: thx
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.04189 = 0.377 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1750 @ 0.00239 = 4.1825 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5562 @ 0.002479 = 13.7882 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: hehe 6969
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 402 @ 0.002399 = 0.9644 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6969 @ 0.00239 = 16.6559 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006103 = 0.1526 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1359 @ 0.002479 = 3.369 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6969 @ 0.00239 = 16.6559 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6562 @ 0.00080521 = 5.2838 BTC [+]
dexX7: chsados: how was that possible?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3 @ 0.002479 = 0.0074 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006103 = 0.1526 BTC [+]
chsados: lol i dunno.. glitch?
weex: chsados: i support responsible disclosure
chsados: it wasnt me :P
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 64 @ 0.0398899 = 2.553 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 80 @ 0.03989 = 3.1912 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.4016 = 1.2048 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1561 @ 0.002399 = 3.7448 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04189 BTC [+]
chsados: i just got lucky it was taken down right after i said i would lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 12 @ 0.002479 = 0.0297 BTC [+]
louong: omg order placed!
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.002488 = 12.44 BTC [+]
scrybe: me too, also got one in on BTCGARDEN
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 590 @ 0.00248 = 1.4632 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 39 @ 0.006102 = 0.238 BTC [-]
PalePhoenix: moving now
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 400 @ 0.002479 = 0.9916 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5346 @ 0.00080886 = 4.3242 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.002488 = 12.44 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 31 @ 0.007401 = 0.2294 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.0061 = 0.0305 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 590 @ 0.00248 = 1.4632 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 15 @ 0.4014 = 6.021 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 26 @ 0.002479 = 0.0645 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.00248 = 1.24 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.002488 = 12.44 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 5 @ 0.007401 = 0.037 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 590 @ 0.00248 = 1.4632 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002488 = 2.488 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.006001 = 0.06 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00248 = 2.48 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 13 @ 0.002488 = 0.0323 BTC [+]
scrybe: let the unhinging commence!
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 590 @ 0.00248 = 1.4632 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 200 @ 0.007401 = 1.4802 BTC [-]
louong: k all in now
pizza_deliveri: it's alive :))
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002488 = 2.488 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005901 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002488 = 2.488 BTC [+]
dexX7: did i mention it before? selling btct order place bot for 15 btc ;)
laque_: so what was ipo value?
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 500 @ 0.0074 = 3.7 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.00249 = 0.0498 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002488 = 2.488 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 772 @ 0.002488 = 1.9207 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.00249 = 24.9 BTC [+]
laque_: for labcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.005901 = 0.0531 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 200 @ 0.007369 = 1.4738 BTC [-]
scrybe: .01 IPO
Hiro2: 0.001
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2500 @ 0.00249 = 6.225 BTC [+]
dexX7: x 7000000
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 980 @ 0.00249 = 2.4402 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 250 @ 0.002499 = 0.6248 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.00249 = 24.9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 40 @ 0.007327 = 0.2931 BTC [-]
scrybe: thx, I can't handle a significant digit to save my life tonight
laque_: so it's doubled
Hiro2: laque_ yeap
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 464 @ 0.00249 = 1.1554 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 200 @ 0.007312 = 1.4624 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2500 @ 0.00249 = 6.225 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.002499 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.26 BTC [-]
laque_: without doing anything
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2336 @ 0.002499 = 5.8377 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 4 @ 0.007203 = 0.0288 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 126 @ 0.00249 = 0.3137 BTC [-]
Hiro2: yeap....
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4800 @ 0.00249 = 11.952 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 550 @ 0.00249 = 1.3695 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1947 @ 0.0059 = 11.4873 BTC [-]
Hiro2: that I missed because btct had issues crediting my account
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1200 @ 0.002505 = 3.006 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.0072 BTC [-]
PalePhoenix: gotta push it to 3x, this company is going places
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.002499 = 1.2495 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2336 @ 0.002499 = 5.8377 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.002499 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1410 @ 0.00249 = 3.5109 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.00249 = 24.9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6356 @ 0.00249 = 15.8264 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 294 @ 0.007153 = 2.103 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.001501 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1200 @ 0.002505 = 3.006 BTC [+]
scrybe: laque_: incorrect, they did something, they took a risk
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1200 @ 0.002505 = 3.006 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 59 @ 0.002499 = 0.1474 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 40 @ 0.0058 = 0.232 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 407 @ 0.0026 = 1.0582 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 407 @ 0.0026 = 1.0582 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.00265 = 1.325 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.005897 = 0.1179 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 250 @ 0.0026 = 0.65 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3700 @ 0.00269 = 9.953 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 407 @ 0.0026 = 1.0582 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 407 @ 0.0026 = 1.0582 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 407 @ 0.0026 = 1.0582 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.0026 = 0.026 BTC [-]
PalePhoenix: they underpriced their IPO by a mile, that's what they did lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 15 @ 0.7967 = 11.9505 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4786 @ 0.002505 = 11.9889 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.00265 = 1.325 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 23 @ 0.00265 = 0.061 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005801 = 0.145 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00269 = 2.69 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 41 @ 0.00265 = 0.1087 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.0015 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 190 @ 0.0058 = 1.102 BTC [-]
dexX7: well, they only "needed" 7k
PalePhoenix: that btcgarden is 10x as big. when I first read it I thought it was a joke. watch them get it lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1593 @ 0.0026 = 4.1418 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1093 @ 0.00269 = 2.9402 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 800 @ 0.0026 = 2.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6300 @ 0.00269 = 16.947 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6300 @ 0.00269 = 16.947 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: 26969 @ 0.002696 lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.00266 = 0.0266 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 190 @ 0.0058 = 1.102 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1630 @ 0.00269 = 4.3847 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.00269 = 0.0538 BTC [+]
dexX7: We have already taken a big risk to tapeout our first batch of 200TH directly(without sample chips & prototype) since we have enough confidence on our Layout design. Furthermore, we will order the second batch of 300TH or more immediately after we receive/test pass our first batch.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.002696 = 0.027 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 427 @ 0.0033 = 1.4091 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4000 @ 0.0027 = 10.8 BTC [+]
dub: !ticker bt labcoin
assbot: [BTCT:LABCOIN] 1D: 0.001 / 0.00113 / 0.0044 (7632802 shares, 8643.3 BTC), 7D: 0.001 / 0.00113 / 0.0044 (7632802 shares, 8643.3 BTC), 30D: 0.001 / 0.00113 / 0.0044 (7632802 shares, 8643.3 BTC)
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0027 = 2.7 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.00269 = 5.38 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1550 @ 0.002696 = 4.1788 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 106 @ 0.00269 = 0.2851 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002696 = 2.696 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005897 BTC [+]
dexX7: .0044 was the push for daily high
dexX7: 1 share ;)
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 73 @ 0.0032 = 0.2336 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: 400mh/s @ max 3.75w..who will buy the btcgarden ?
ohreally2: big things start with small steps
dexX7: *100
Wild0wnes: hey where's the .01 ln labcoon?
louong: same ppl buying labcoin
pizza_deliveri: it's worse than usb miner
PalePhoenix: couldn't they have gone to fivver and run it by an english speaker lol that "prospectus" is hilarious
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.0027 = 0.54 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 330 @ 0.002696 = 0.8897 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.0027 = 0.135 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.0027 = 13.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0027 = 2.7 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3800 @ 0.0027 = 10.26 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2500 @ 0.0058 = 14.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0027 = 2.7 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1500 @ 0.00274 = 4.11 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.0027 = 13.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4300 @ 0.0027 = 11.61 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0027 = 2.7 BTC [-]
louong: to da moon alice!
ohreally2: I liked more 35% conservative assumption of network share
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.002749 = 0.1375 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 30 @ 0.0027 = 0.081 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 990 @ 0.0058 = 5.742 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.00274 = 0.0055 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1500 @ 0.0028 = 4.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.0027 = 5.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3000 @ 0.002801 = 8.403 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.7967 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 250 @ 0.0028 = 0.7 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 238 @ 0.002889 = 0.6876 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002889 = 2.889 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 700 @ 0.0028 = 1.96 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1262 @ 0.00289 = 3.6472 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.00289 = 5.78 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.0028 = 0.14 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 446 @ 0.002889 = 1.2885 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1345 @ 0.0027 = 3.6315 BTC [-]
Hiro2: 2.8x your money in just few hours.... wow
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00274 = 2.74 BTC [+]
PalePhoenix: you mean 35% occupancy of the whole net? lol
Hiro2: sorry, btc*
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6738 @ 0.00289 = 19.4728 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 14 @ 0.002801 = 0.0392 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.0029 BTC [+]
ohreally2: it was stated in details but i can see it is changed now to 25%
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7000 @ 0.00289 = 20.23 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 24 @ 0.0029 = 0.0696 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 420 @ 0.00289 = 1.2138 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 1 @ 0.000939 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 30 @ 0.002719 = 0.0816 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3923 @ 0.00289 = 11.3375 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0029 = 2.9 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.00295 = 0.059 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 250 @ 0.00272 = 0.68 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 200 @ 0.00275 = 0.55 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.002989 = 1.4945 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 70 @ 0.002991 = 0.2094 BTC [+]
PalePhoenix: Hiro2 we aren't done :)
ohreally2: When I read that i stopped to read anymore about them. Maybe I made a mistake?? who knows!
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 57 @ 0.002991 = 0.1705 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.2 BTC [-]
PalePhoenix: yeah I'm with you there. I thought the whole thing was a troll
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 33 @ 0.002996 = 0.0989 BTC [+]
ohreally2: but I like the name. It's refreshing.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.002996 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 3 @ 0.1989 = 0.5967 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4500 @ 0.002996 = 13.482 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0058 = 0.29 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 466 @ 0.002996 = 1.3961 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 192 @ 0.0009398 = 0.1804 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.002997 = 5.994 BTC [+]
PalePhoenix: still has BTC in the name, but yeah… kinda… zen? :)
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8600 @ 0.002998 = 25.7828 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002999 = 2.999 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2634 @ 0.003 = 7.902 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 800 @ 0.003 = 2.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.003 = 30 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 65 @ 0.003 = 0.195 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: when you cancel refund, is your updated balance supposed to show?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 55 @ 0.003 = 0.165 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 18 @ 0.003001 = 0.054 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2079 @ 0.00305 = 6.341 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4917 @ 0.00305 = 14.9969 BTC [+]
Namworld: much dinero was had that day. All profit for burnside.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1189 @ 0.00305 = 3.6265 BTC [+]
Namworld: 0.2% each time
Namworld: for both
naemsi: so is labcoin another AMC? no substance yet?
Namworld: so 0.004 BTC per BTC exchanged
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1815 @ 0.00305 = 5.5358 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 1100 @ 0.0032 = 3.52 BTC [-]
Ukyo: labcoin and activeminer are going to have to equalize or come close
Ukyo: so ones going to go up, and/or ones going to go down
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 41 @ 0.00305 = 0.1251 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 134 @ 0.0058 = 0.7772 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.0032 = 6.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.00554 = 0.554 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2055 @ 0.0032 = 6.576 BTC [+]
naemsi: just because they're competing on hashrate?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 615 @ 0.005531 = 3.4016 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7 @ 0.003276 = 0.0229 BTC [+]
Ukyo: naemsi: sure why not :)
PalePhoenix: can't believe all my .003 asks got eaten so fast
louong: this is going 4/5x
Ukyo: i have a large mass of shares. i have no issues witing a while
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.003276 = 0.0066 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 5 @ 0.00348 = 0.0174 BTC [+]
louong: I'm just glad I picked up more during lagfest
Ukyo: i have enough experience watching these things and how people act to see that it will go up over time
Ukyo: i can wait.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 892 @ 0.003276 = 2.9222 BTC [+]
louong: Ukyo, what do you think as a top?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 108 @ 0.003398 = 0.367 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 392 @ 0.003398 = 1.332 BTC [+]
PalePhoenix: I like to sell all the way up
Ukyo: i expect it will hit 0.01 eventually
Ukyo: prefferbaly soon
dexX7: again options for 0.02942000
louong: wow 10x huh
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003399 = 3.399 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 146 @ 0.005531 = 0.8075 BTC [-]
PalePhoenix: and keep a little for the long haul
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003399 = 3.399 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.0034 = 34 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 29 @ 0.0035 = 0.1015 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1171 @ 0.0035 = 4.0985 BTC [+]
PalePhoenix: dexX7 I've yet to see a legit option I'd consider buying
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.0035 = 0.007 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 641 @ 0.0035 = 2.2435 BTC [+]
louong: well you gotta remember the rush of btc to the exchange
louong: and all those angry investors feeling cockblocked
naemsi: I held AM for a few months after making money on it, but got bored with it recently
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.0036 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.153 BTC [-]
naemsi: I still have some
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 800 @ 0.0036 = 2.88 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 13 @ 0.00726 = 0.0944 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1199 @ 0.0036 = 4.3164 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1199 @ 0.0036 = 4.3164 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.005799 = 0.0406 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.003699 = 1.8495 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 25 @ 0.00725 = 0.1813 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 210 @ 0.0037 = 0.777 BTC [+]
ohreally2: ukyo might be right, ipo is not as big as activemining and ipo pricing was rather low
naemsi: AM from 0.1->5 was crazy
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 30 @ 0.007154 = 0.2146 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 801 @ 0.0037 = 2.9637 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.152 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005798 = 0.145 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.1619 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 210 @ 0.003699 = 0.7768 BTC [-]
dexX7: PalePhoenix: if you need options, you may want to ask in the threads. i saw this multiple times in the am and actm threads and those requests were filled fast
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005599 = 0.14 BTC [-]
louong: lagging again
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.0037 = 18.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 797 @ 0.005598 = 4.4616 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.0037 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.0037 = 18.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.005598 = 0.0616 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 283 @ 0.0037 = 1.0471 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.003699 = 7.398 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.003699 = 1.8495 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3988 @ 0.0037 = 14.7556 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.00378 = 0.378 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 162 @ 0.0037 = 0.5994 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.003699 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 56 @ 0.0037 = 0.2072 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25 @ 0.00378 = 0.0945 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.003789 = 1.8945 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3290 @ 0.0037 = 12.173 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005597 = 0.1399 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.00379 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 439 @ 0.005598 = 2.4575 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 175 @ 0.00379 = 0.6633 BTC [+]
ohreally2: I love this video about mtgox ddos: http://youtu.be/cZkz52ryoAY
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 266 @ 0.003789 = 1.0079 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.00379 = 7.58 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.00379 = 0.379 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 700 @ 0.003789 = 2.6523 BTC [-]
dexX7: hehe me too
naemsi: so if i doubled my money in 1 hour, do I take profits or be greedy
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1709 @ 0.003789 = 6.4754 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2500 @ 0.00379 = 9.475 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1291 @ 0.003789 = 4.8916 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.00379 = 7.58 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1291 @ 0.003789 = 4.8916 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3209 @ 0.00379 = 12.1621 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 482 @ 0.0017 = 0.8194 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 509 @ 0.00379 = 1.9291 BTC [+]
Urushiol: is .004 rational for labcoin?
dexX7: why not sell some and keep some?
PalePhoenix: dexX7 thanks, I did talk to one of those guys a while back but no agreement. I hate those scam options but fat fingers must buy them
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 400 @ 0.00379 = 1.516 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 509 @ 0.00379 = 1.9291 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.005531 = 0.0553 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 680 @ 0.00379 = 2.5772 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.153 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 991 @ 0.00379 = 3.7559 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4860 @ 0.00553 = 26.8758 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1869 @ 0.003795 = 7.0929 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4015 = 0.803 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 350 @ 0.0055 = 1.925 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.0038 = 1.9 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 609 @ 0.003795 = 2.3112 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.0055 = 0.022 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.155 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003899 = 3.899 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 290 @ 0.003795 = 1.1006 BTC [-]
naemsi: dexX7: sell half on a double is what i usually do and would make sense
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1500 @ 0.003795 = 5.6925 BTC [-]
dexX7: but?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0398999 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.00379 = 1.895 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 12 @ 0.00379 = 0.0455 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1131 @ 0.003795 = 4.2921 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 400 @ 0.00379 = 1.516 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.153 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8000 @ 0.0039 = 31.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.00378 = 0.756 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2600 @ 0.00379 = 9.854 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.153 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.00378 = 0.756 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 789 @ 0.003699 = 2.9185 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.0036 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 178 @ 0.00379 = 0.6746 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00356 = 3.56 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00378 = 3.78 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00378 = 3.78 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 130 @ 0.00356 = 0.4628 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.00378 = 0.756 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4000 @ 0.003898 = 15.592 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 659 @ 0.00356 = 2.346 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 800 @ 0.003899 = 3.1192 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.003899 = 1.9495 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0039 = 3.9 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 400 @ 0.003795 = 1.518 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.0039 = 0.078 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2200 @ 0.00395 = 8.69 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00399 = 3.99 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 341 @ 0.003795 = 1.2941 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25 @ 0.00399 = 0.0998 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2836 @ 0.003996 = 11.3327 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1660 @ 0.00379 = 6.2914 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003995 = 3.995 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.003996 = 7.992 BTC [+]
Blastbob: This is crazy
Urushiol: agreed
Namworld: That's just ridiculous.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.003996 = 0.1998 BTC [+]
louong: thaaaaat's bitcoin
PalePhoenix: no one can say I didn't work for this, entering all these trades is a lot of work :)
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 458 @ 0.003995 = 1.8297 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.003996 = 7.992 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 382 @ 0.003995 = 1.5261 BTC [-]
louong: lol PalePhoenix
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.003996 = 7.992 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 26301 @ 0.003997 = 105.1251 BTC [+]
Urushiol: haha*
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.003996 = 0.7992 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 17999 @ 0.003998 = 71.96 BTC [+]
Blastbob: i made 70BTC profit already, and i am on vacation + starting getting drunk
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3857 @ 0.003998 = 15.4203 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.154 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.003999 = 0.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 800 @ 0.003996 = 3.1968 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6000 @ 0.003999 = 23.994 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 222 @ 0.0038 = 0.8436 BTC [-]
louong: wait for it
dexX7: cheers blast ;)
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3000 @ 0.003999 = 11.997 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.00379 = 7.58 BTC [-]
PalePhoenix: i have half of that .004 wall
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.003998 = 0.1999 BTC [+]
PalePhoenix: I think I take it down
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 59 @ 0.004 = 0.236 BTC [+]
louong: there it goes
louong: the first nibble
Namworld: AND IT'S GONE!
Hiro2: So how much does labcoin as a company itself really have potential?
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04187 = 0.0837 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6978 @ 0.00379 = 26.4466 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4950 @ 0.003889 = 19.2506 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04187 = 0.2094 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.003995 = 1.9975 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.44 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2774 @ 0.003995 = 11.0821 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.003995 = 39.95 BTC [+]
Blastbob: if done right, they will do good
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.152 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2316 @ 0.003995 = 9.2524 BTC [+]
Menoetius: aren't they just now start on old gen asic's
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1500 @ 0.00395 = 5.925 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.15 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.003997 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003997 = 3.997 BTC [+]
Menoetius: while everyone else is looking to 28nm
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 99 @ 0.003998 = 0.3958 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 504 @ 0.003998 = 2.015 BTC [+]
PalePhoenix: ah someone put one up at .00395, they should let it rise rise rise
Blastbob: cheap mass production also works
naemsi: wow those bids are thin
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 9 @ 0.153 = 1.377 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.003998 = 7.996 BTC [+]
naemsi: is someone hyping on the forums?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 350 @ 0.00388 = 1.358 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2396 @ 0.00388 = 9.2965 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.00379 = 0.0379 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0398999 = 0.0798 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.003701 = 18.505 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.00388 = 0.776 BTC [+]
dexX7: there is no time to place bids i guess
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2490 @ 0.0037 = 9.213 BTC [-]
dexX7: if you want shares, buy into the walls
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.0038 = 0.038 BTC [+]
Blastbob: you need to place bids high up to make them
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 300 @ 0.0038 = 1.14 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0398999 BTC [+]
Wild0wnes: heexcessive wait
Blastbob: took me a while to get more
ohreally2: taking into account that even AsicMiner have problems deploying new devices I bet all those 28nm will keep delaying
PalePhoenix: they only have a million or so market cap which is small in comparison to ActM
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.153 BTC [+]
Wild0wnes: i got your ezcessive wait right here
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04187 = 0.2094 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.0038 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 9 @ 0.02295 = 0.2066 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 400 @ 0.00388 = 1.552 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0038 = 3.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 399 @ 0.0038 = 1.5162 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15 @ 0.00388 = 0.0582 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 290 @ 0.0038 = 1.102 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 219 @ 0.0038 = 0.8322 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.132 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 250 @ 0.00388 = 0.97 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2185 @ 0.0038 = 8.303 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.131 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.13 = 16.52 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1689 @ 0.0038 = 6.4182 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 140 @ 0.0038 = 0.532 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 69 @ 0.00203 = 0.1401 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 90 @ 0.0002692 = 0.0242 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 12 @ 0.0038 = 0.0456 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.13 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 365 @ 0.0038 = 1.387 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.198 BTC [+]
dexX7: post-ipo: 696.916 shares bought vs 274.562 shares sold
dexX7: ~1 min ago
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.12 = 41.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1989 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.11 BTC [-]
dexX7: 2047 btc bought vs 772 btc sold
Ukyo: 0.0038 last?
Ukyo: keep going up plz
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04188 = 0.0838 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.111 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.111 = 16.444 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.11 = 20.55 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: !ticker btctc activeminer
assbot: I don't know those people, and they don't look very friendly.
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 2500 @ 0.00028 = 0.7 BTC [-]
PalePhoenix: orders are stuck for me again
thestringpuller: !ticker btctc activemine
assbot: I don't give a shit who saw what and who did what or who did who.
thestringpuller: !ticker btctc activemining
assbot: [BTCT:ACTIVEMINING] 1D: 0.004 / 0.00529 / 0.007489 (508351 shares, 2687.2 BTC), 7D: 0.0038 / 0.00622 / 0.009795 (1466266 shares, 9126.8 BTC), 30D: 0.0038 / 0.00622 / 0.009795 (1466266 shares, 9126.8 BTC)
Hiro2: getting reeeal quiet..
thestringpuller: !last btctc activemining
assbot: Last trade for ACTIVEMINING on BTCTC was at 0.0055 BTC [-]
assbot: List of commands:
assbot: !ticker <exchange> <ticker> (desc: returns current ticker values, supported: MPEX, HAVELOCK, BTCTCO) {short: !t}
assbot: !last <exchange> <ticker> (desc: returns last price value, supported: MPEX, HAVELOCK, BTCTCO) {short: !l}
assbot: !mp <signcrypted dpaste.com url> (desc: returns the response from MPEX order)
assbot: !rules <nick/chan> (desc: chan guidelines) {short: !r}
assbot: !exchanges <nick/chan> (desc: lists exchanges and brokers) {short: !e}
PalePhoenix: last trade 4 minutes ago
louong: stuck again
PalePhoenix: I've bought and sold 100k shares in that 4 minutes lol
dexX7: wow
PalePhoenix: but none went through :)
pizza_deliveri: call opt: strike @ 0.00002000 premum 0.02940000
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005398 = 0.135 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 160 @ 0.005399 = 0.8638 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 575 @ 0.005399 = 3.1044 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005305 = 0.1326 BTC [-]
ozbot: The anatomy of a scam. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: more in the mpoe-pr is me.
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 2 @ 0.1989 = 0.3978 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: !ticker m ^oix
assbot: [MPEX:^OIX] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: / / ( shares, BTC), 30D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC)
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: what's up with OIX?
thestringpuller: is there really no long options?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.141 = 0.282 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.138 = 1.38 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.135 = 1.35 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 6 @ 0.1300101 = 0.7801 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 20 @ 0.13001001 = 2.6002 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller yep
mircea_popescu: very thin trade.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 98 @ 0.13 = 12.74 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.0037 = 0.37 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 106.00011, Best ask: 106.48700, Bid-ask spread: 0.48689, Last trade: 106.00009, 24 hour volume: 43312.43338311, 24 hour low: 103.55000, 24 hour high: 111.65202, 24 hour vwap: 108.07822
pizza_deliveri: miercea_popescu: you post my name on your blog??
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 60 @ 0.0037 = 0.222 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.0037 = 1.85 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri what's your name ?
pizza_deliveri: dvdrewritable
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 640 @ 0.0037 = 2.368 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.003501 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1718 @ 0.0035 = 6.013 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2070 @ 0.0038 = 7.866 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.0038 = 1.9 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: how do we know it's "your" name ?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.0037 = 0.37 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.0037 = 0.185 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 149 @ 0.0037 = 0.5513 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: why wouldn't it be?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.00351 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 641 @ 0.0035 = 2.2435 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.115 = 8.23 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 792 @ 0.0035 = 2.772 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1400 @ 0.0035 = 4.9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1001 @ 0.0037 = 3.7037 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 170 @ 0.003699 = 0.6288 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.0035 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.0035 = 0.35 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.003301 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.003499 = 1.7495 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 900 @ 0.0035 = 3.15 BTC [+]
Ukyo: of ppl were smart, they wold stop trying ot low-flip labcoin and reset their asks much higher
Ukyo: for the crazy investors
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: can't tell if sarcastic
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.0037 = 0.74 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 25 @ 0.01042 = 0.2605 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.115 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.0035 = 0.7 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.003699 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.114 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.112 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.0035 = 0.35 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 350 @ 0.0033 = 1.155 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1011 @ 0.0033 = 3.3363 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.003699 = 1.8495 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: Ukyo that's the sort of smart that got nefario out.
chsados: anyone know the url to the webbased bitmessage?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.003501 = 0.035 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15 @ 0.0034 = 0.051 BTC [-]
Ukyo: mircea_popescu: lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 449 @ 0.00028 = 0.1257 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005399 = 0.027 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 2051 @ 0.00027 = 0.5538 BTC [-]
Ukyo: though, if labcoin does give results
Ukyo: withina good timeframe
Ukyo: its worth much more
mircea_popescu: no. if people were smart they'd stop pushing scams and educate noobs instead.
Ukyo: than current price
mircea_popescu: Ukyo dude. look at the forum astroturf. that thing isn't anything but a continuation of bfl.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.0035 = 1.75 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 785 @ 0.0034 = 2.669 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: no legitimate company makes a billion posts with new socks and hacked abandoned accounts.
Ukyo: i did say if :P
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15 @ 0.0034 = 0.051 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.04188 = 0.1256 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: well there's ifs and then there's ifs.
Ukyo: this wasnt my asset, so I didnt do due dilligence on it
mircea_popescu: Ukyo i didn't care either till yest, when the girl showed me how they covered her post in 10 minutes
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.113 = 8.226 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: i agree, it's a pro scam team, but still a scam team.
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 16 @ 0.04188 = 0.6701 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15 @ 0.0033 = 0.0495 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: so could you take my name off that list pls?
laque_: so conibase has as new login?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15 @ 0.0034 = 0.051 BTC [+]
laque_: scared the hell out of me
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 385 @ 0.0034 = 1.309 BTC [+]
laque_: thought i logged into a hacked site
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri <mircea_popescu> how do we know it's "your" name ?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.0034 = 1.7 BTC [+]
afrotec: chsados, frog.li?
pizza_deliveri: look at my last post, i will edit it
mircea_popescu: laque_ yeah, always a bad idea to change like that
laque_: I like how we've reverted to basic websites as the new modern standard
dexX7: well, i'm no puppet :p
mircea_popescu: ppl go "omg phishing"
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri the contention is that you bought a cracked forum account,.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 115 @ 0.0034 = 0.391 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: if you did that changing posts is about as indicative as farting in general directions.
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: cracked account lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 40 @ 0.006336 = 0.2534 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 220 @ 0.0034 = 0.748 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri yes. we keep lists of which accounts are cracked and when.
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: it's a false positive
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 280 @ 0.0034 = 0.952 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 128 @ 0.0034 = 0.4352 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 990 @ 0.00345 = 3.4155 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.003489 = 1.7445 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1355 @ 0.0035 = 4.7425 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3977 @ 0.0035 = 13.9195 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: because if you weren't you'd say so.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 722 @ 0.0036 = 2.5992 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.003669 = 18.345 BTC [+]
Wild0wnes: and back up we goooo
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.00367 = 1.835 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: mircea__popescu: what proof do you want?
mircea_popescu: sorry hon. that account is shot. make another and get on with your life.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4906 @ 0.00369 = 18.1031 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.003696 = 7.392 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 499 @ 0.003699 = 1.8458 BTC [+]
louong: cue crazty investor pump
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25 @ 0.0037 = 0.0925 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: what is wrong with you?
dexX7: how and when do you consider an account as hacked? when previous owner announces his lost?
pizza_deliveri: I heard other guys say you are a little bit cuckoo
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25 @ 0.0037 = 0.0925 BTC [+]
VanCleef: what was the ipo price again?
Urushiol: .001
mircea_popescu: read the last paragraph, for it speaks to you.
VanCleef: hehe okey
VanCleef: crazy
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 124 @ 0.0033 = 0.4092 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 240 @ 0.0033 = 0.792 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0032 = 3.2 BTC [-]
Urushiol: agreed
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 641 @ 0.003111 = 1.9942 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: if you do your homework you can see labcoin asking guys to sell their avalon on ebay
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri and it speaks to those "others", too.
VanCleef: so labcoin worth over 3 million now?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 75 @ 0.003111 = 0.2333 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: yes yes, i know, you're the kings of ebay.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1689 @ 0.003111 = 5.2545 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: like about 5000 other self employed douches the world over. allow me to fall over in amazement.
pizza_deliveri: are you crazy or what?
mircea_popescu: no, i'm just the bane of scammers.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.00311 = 6.22 BTC [-]
afrotec: lmao
Ukyo: a hah! VanCleef is being honest finally!
Ukyo: :P
afrotec: ;;auth afrotec
gribble: Request successful for user afrotec, hostmask afrotec!~afrotec@145.sub-70-194-132.myvzw.com. Your challenge string is: freenode:#bitcoin-otc:7c6ff225203256a97040b871809523e3fd09c49ab161bdf8fc6f7297
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.0031 = 0.062 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.041 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.0035 = 0.035 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1270 @ 0.00331 = 4.2037 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: which reminds me
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1815 @ 0.00305 = 5.5358 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: ;;rated tradefortress
gribble: You have not yet rated user tradefortress
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 333 @ 0.00305 = 1.0157 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: ;;eauth mircea_popescu
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.003001 BTC [-]
gribble: Request successful for user mircea_popescu, hostmask mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/8A736F0E2FB7B452
PalePhoenix: every time we get some upward movement, the record locking error rains on the parade
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 782 @ 0.003 = 2.346 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: why don't you check this out http://www.reddit.com/user/g0tavalon
mircea_popescu: ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:5bb5419737311b08efa9ae20cd1ebb33ca4e581943402fdf3a528624
gribble: You are now authenticated for user mircea_popescu with key 8A736F0E2FB7B452
thestringpuller: how can we kill this 2-factor proposal like an ill fated bill?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 12 @ 0.0033 = 0.0396 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: ;;rate tradefortress 1 he be rootin dat box yo
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user tradefortress has been recorded.
pizza_deliveri: who do you think that is mircea_popescu
thestringpuller: this is ridiculous, people really want to implement 2-factor servers as part of the PROTOCOL, this is absurd
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 6 @ 0.4014 = 2.4084 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.189 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.041 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller little hope of that, seeing how tptb really want it,
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.19 = 20.95 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.19 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.192 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.193 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.196 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: and with weak assholes like gavin what tbtp want tptb get
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.197 = 20.985 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.198 = 20.99 BTC [+]
scryb3: almost 1M shares volume above the 7M of the IPO...
scryb3: wow
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.00311 = 0.311 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: this isn't good though at all
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 5 @ 0.008889 = 0.0444 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: cat got your tongue??
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.0031 = 0.62 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.00889 = 0.0178 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003001 = 3.001 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2218 @ 0.003 = 6.654 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 800 @ 0.003 = 2.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.003 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 4 @ 0.0089 = 0.0356 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003 = 3 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: bitcoin will go the way of paypal, because if the govt. wants to seize a server, it becomes just like dns...
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.002959 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 5 @ 0.00025999 = 0.0013 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.003 = 6 BTC [+]
afrotec: so when is the btcgarden ipo
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003 = 3 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 5 @ 0.0002599 = 0.0013 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.00296 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 2000 @ 0.00025 = 0.5 BTC [-]
afrotec: im interested to see what failure can become of that one too
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 99 @ 0.00296 = 0.293 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 15 @ 0.00025 = 0.0038 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 4985 @ 0.00025 = 1.2463 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.007699 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: you say that you don't have to upgrade
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.041 = 0.369 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller nah, not really. we'll just continue to use the real btc, let the scammer-government binomial play with the fake btc till they're blue in the face.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.00291 = 0.291 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: will that cause a fork?
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 15 @ 0.01618 = 0.2427 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: ?? why my username still present on your site?
mircea_popescu: at some point it will cause a fork.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.00291 = 0.582 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 161 @ 0.00291 = 0.4685 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri dude, i'm done with you for now. if you're needed again i'll say.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 30 @ 0.00291 = 0.0873 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 392 @ 0.00291 = 1.1407 BTC [-]
Wild0wnes: i hear the labcoin has forked already thats why its going down...
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 117 @ 0.00291 = 0.3405 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: why are retards developing bitcoin?
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: you and your alter egos need some proffessional help
pizza_deliveri: I wondered why other guys called you a strange man
pizza_deliveri: now is very clear
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.0028 = 0.14 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005351 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 58 @ 0.0027 = 0.1566 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006337 = 0.1584 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1018 @ 0.002621 = 2.6682 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006338 = 0.3169 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.00634 = 0.038 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1300 @ 0.002602 = 3.3826 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.006381 = 0.0766 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4000 @ 0.002601 = 10.404 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006382 = 0.1596 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8000 @ 0.0026 = 20.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.006438 = 0.0644 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 700 @ 0.00257 = 1.799 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 184 @ 0.006441 = 1.1851 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: micrcea_popescu: you haven't even done your research properly, I've got more evidence against labcoin than you presented in that junk post
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.0065 = 6.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 283 @ 0.002521 = 0.7134 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006969 = 0.1742 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 300 @ 0.00252 = 0.756 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 800 @ 0.006969 = 5.5752 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.002512 = 0.2512 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 44 @ 0.00697 = 0.3067 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 140 @ 0.002511 = 0.3515 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 333 @ 0.00697 = 2.321 BTC [+]
scryb3: the buyback begins?
weex: that's an interesting pattern there assbot
scryb3: lotsa extra dosh in folks accounts too
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4051 @ 0.002511 = 10.1721 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 175 @ 0.00291 = 0.5093 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0393 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.002512 = 0.1256 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 11 @ 0.03911 = 0.4302 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri so go publish it.
pizza_deliveri: When I sell off
dexX7: ask side is thin now, rebound soon
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.039 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002603 = 2.603 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 900 @ 0.00258 = 2.322 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 400 @ 0.00258 = 1.032 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: and why don't you go and check out knc
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.002515 = 0.2515 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1450 @ 0.002512 = 3.6424 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.002512 = 2.512 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 20 @ 0.039 = 0.78 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 449 @ 0.002511 = 1.1274 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.002511 = 0.0502 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: how you havent noticed that :)
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 19681 @ 0.00251 = 49.3993 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 190 @ 0.005352 = 1.0169 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00258 = 2.58 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 15 @ 0.00025 = 0.0038 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri wait, what. you know shit that's going to mysteriously have to wait and there's other examples of scams just as poorly made ?
mircea_popescu: i don't go after your scam because it's pooere than the others. i go after it because you're good at what you do and quite brazen
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 80 @ 0.00291 = 0.2328 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: !ticker btctc tat.virtualmine
assbot: [BTCT:TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1D: 0.00212 / 0.00262 / 0.002937 (2647 shares, 6.9 BTC), 7D: 0.002 / 0.00291 / 0.003448 (26566 shares, 77.4 BTC), 30D: 0.002 / 0.00377 / 0.0049 (142649 shares, 538.1 BTC)
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.0029 = 0.0145 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: !last btctc tat.virtualmine
assbot: Last trade for TAT.VIRTUALMINE on BTCTC was at 0.00275 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: hahah my scam? omg.. im here to cash out only
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.0029 = 0.058 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 77 @ 0.00291 = 0.2241 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 451 @ 0.00291 = 1.3124 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.002978 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: that'd be the definition of it.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1500 @ 0.002998 = 4.497 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 600 @ 0.002999 = 1.7994 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1748 @ 0.002999 = 5.2423 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.0089 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.04 = 0.32 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.0083001 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: go look up fabrizio posting under 'samuel noi' and the vca downstream info
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: pizza_deliveri, just got trolled hard an u.o.e.n.o
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.04 = 0.32 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.002978 = 0.0298 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.04 = 0.16 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: what is wrong with you?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1500 @ 0.003 = 4.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.003 = 0.006 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: ;;google u.o.e.n.o
gribble: Rocko - UOENO Feat. Rick Ross & Future [Gift Of Gab 2 ... - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPHrIflaa0I>; Urban Dictionary: uoeno: <http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=uoeno>; Rocko – U.O.E.N.O Lyrics | Rap Genius: <http://rapgenius.com/Rocko-uoeno-lyrics>
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1262 @ 0.003 = 3.786 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003 = 3 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1500 @ 0.003 = 4.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.003 = 0.3 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: when you invest in something, you want the price to rise not to fall
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.239 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1200 @ 0.003 = 3.6 BTC [+]
parseval_: regardless of whether or not it's a scam, they undervalued what the market would pay for it.. I bet we'd see the same activity if they'd IPOd at .0015
mircea_popescu: scams aren't investments, pumps aren't "price rising" and etc.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 140 @ 0.002999 = 0.4199 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 829 @ 0.002999 = 2.4862 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: no "market" would pay for anything whatsoever.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.24 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 171 @ 0.003 = 0.513 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: isn't the price irrelevant if it's a scam?
mircea_popescu: stop trying to bring contextual proof, it doesn't work to the people who set the contexts.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.003 = 0.6 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.244 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: save the shit for reddit.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 800 @ 0.003 = 2.4 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: have you even covered knc + hashfast
mircea_popescu: i likely won't even bother.
pizza_deliveri: if you cant spot socks there god help you
mircea_popescu: i'm not the universal buster of bubbles. i'm the occasional buster of bubbles.
pizza_deliveri: i hope also you understand spend too much time looking for patterns and you pickup false positives
pizza_deliveri: see things that arent even there
laque_: so it coinlab going down now?
laque_: or up
pizza_deliveri: as you've done with me
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7396 @ 0.0032 = 23.6672 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: but anyway, to help you with your research : you're talking with this guy. http://trilema.com/2013/people-bitcoin-is-not-worth-100-dollars-per-stop-buying/
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 446 @ 0.003275 = 1.4607 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 920 @ 0.003276 = 3.0139 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: the price STILL IS where i say it is.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.003276 = 0.0328 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.003397 = 0.6794 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2250 @ 0.003399 = 7.6478 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2571 @ 0.0035 = 8.9985 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: what about the "n00bs learn...something something...pay for privelage"
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 170 @ 0.003399 = 0.5778 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller what, he should do no work on his own ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.133 = 1.33 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1396 @ 0.003399 = 4.745 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: laque_ once burnside is done with the fake bids it'll go exactly where that scamchange is going.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.00335 = 0.067 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006243 = 0.1561 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006244 = 0.3122 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3 @ 0.003399 = 0.0102 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: LABCOIN =? COINLAB?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 225 @ 0.003399 = 0.7648 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: labsnovo
laque_: HL3 confirmed?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.153 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.003276 = 0.3276 BTC [-]
afrotec: uh ohhhh
louong: someone should release an alt coin now called labcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 23 @ 0.003275 = 0.0753 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 100 @ 0.00027 = 0.027 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1377 @ 0.003101 = 4.2701 BTC [-]
Urushiol: haha
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.00338 = 0.676 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: if you had some respect, you'd remove my username from your blog and stop making unfounded allegations
Namworld: I don't think burnside put any fake bid. I'm afraid it's all genuine demand. And that's actually far worse.
mircea_popescu: louong inb4 the forum "company" which "We" jhas a "business plan" consisting of someone else packaging the code and launching an altcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 272 @ 0.003399 = 0.9245 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: Namworld im pretty sure no 25k btc went into his exchange past week.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.22 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7 @ 0.00345 = 0.0242 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: a point he's welcome to disprove any time he gets enough addresses together with that sort of incoming.
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri i have no respect whatsoever for scammers. pack it.
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: what a strange little man you are
Namworld: true that most funds should end up in a secure offline storage and that he should be able to show proof of it.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 116 @ 0.00345 = 0.4002 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: egotistical to boot
pizza_deliveri: I've told you already, you got the wrong guy
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri you're new here and it shows. this is all 2012 stuff.
pizza_deliveri: but your too proud or deluded to admit it
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.0035 = 7 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: stop doing reruns, do your research be original.
thestringpuller: the labcoin IPO is fuuuucked
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 130 @ 0.003499 = 0.4549 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 23 @ 0.003499 = 0.0805 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.003499 = 0.3499 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.001514 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: lol...I was around before you and your fake accounts :)
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 747 @ 0.003499 = 2.6138 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.003499 = 0.035 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 49 @ 0.001513 = 0.0741 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: right right. because claims count nao.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.0035 = 0.35 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.003499 = 0.6998 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.003519 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.003519 = 0.0352 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 26300 @ 0.003598 = 94.6274 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: you are an idiot, i was around in early 2010
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3 @ 0.003499 = 0.0105 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 47 @ 0.04189 = 1.9688 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 40 @ 0.003499 = 0.14 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: and you can prove this by...
pizza_deliveri: before your fake profiles and drama
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1107 @ 0.003499 = 3.8734 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.003499 = 0.6998 BTC [-]
Wild0wnes: i hear labcoin is going to 1 satoshi a share
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 23 @ 0.003499 = 0.0805 BTC [-]
FlyingLeap: easy to prove - post a message in your 2010-created forum profile
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 2 @ 0.01042 = 0.0208 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: The old forum was shut down
mircea_popescu: i must admit it's kind of entertaining this. confronted with muchly superior firepower the confused scammor nevertheless charges in his shield of "i'll claim stuff because idiots don't correctly insulate" and his trusty sword of "no u!!!"
mircea_popescu: FlyingLeap nope. forum profiles are shit.
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: I'm simply stating you are a weird individual who cannot grasp the truth
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 630 @ 0.003499 = 2.2044 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: i can get 2009 ones for whatever, <1 btc each
Urushiol: I don't even know what we're yelling about
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 80 @ 0.003518 = 0.2814 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 45 @ 0.04 = 1.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2192 @ 0.003597 = 7.8846 BTC [+]
FlyingLeap: pizza_deliveri , post a web irc log of your current authenticated freenode link from 2010
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04 = 0.08 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: I was mining before any pools existed
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.003598 = 7.196 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: FlyingLeap now that'd work.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.0397 = 3.97 BTC [+]
Wild0wnes: i'm thinking of buying out the company at that point...... i still have 30 bucks left... that should at least get me 51 percent of it so i can control the labchain
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003599 = 3.599 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: Wild0wnes what'd you do with it tho.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 400 @ 0.01633 = 6.532 BTC
FlyingLeap: mircea_popescu: hah people sell forum accounts, wow.
pizza_deliveri: and how do you suggest I do that when I'm on macbook purchased in 2013?
louong: btcgarden.
laque_: macbook?
Wild0wnes: i would fill my room with labcoins
mircea_popescu: FlyingLeap it's mostly that the forum has appaling security, there were a number of breaches over the years./
laque_: i just bought one!
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003649 = 3.649 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 15 @ 0.01632 = 0.2448 BTC [-]
FlyingLeap: pizza_deliveri: a macbook isn't tied to your freenode account?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003649 = 3.649 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 30 @ 0.01632 = 0.4896 BTC [-]
VanCleef: btcgarden's here, yay
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 300 @ 0.01632 = 4.896 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.003698 = 0.074 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.01632 = 1.632 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1098 @ 0.003698 = 4.0604 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.01632 = 0.0816 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: ;;estimate
gribble: Next difficulty estimate | 36677188.1972 based on data since last change | 42322793.5162 based on data for last three days
pizza_deliveri: flyingleap: I don't have a freenode account
assbot: macfages will be banned on site
VanCleef: 19 million dollar valuation go go go
thestringpuller: ;;bc,stats
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7 @ 0.00345 = 0.0242 BTC [-]
gribble: Current Blocks: 249554 | Current Difficulty: 3.125696072776893E7 | Next Difficulty At Block: 249983 | Next Difficulty In: 429 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 4 hours, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 36677188.1972 | Estimated Percent Change: 17.34087
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 60 @ 0.0163 = 0.978 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.0163 = 0.0815 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri dude i don't care how you'd do whatever. my being here since 2011 is easily verifiable matter of record.
thestringpuller: ;;genhash 1000
gribble: Error: "genhash" is not a valid command.
pizza_deliveri: I was around BEFORE 2011
mircea_popescu: the verification of your claims is YOUR problem
thestringpuller: ;;genrate 1000
gribble: The expected generation output, at 1000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 31256960.7278, is 0.0160894247144 BTC per day and 0.000670392696434 BTC per hour.
mircea_popescu: stop trying to pass a claim for a fact.
pizza_deliveri: you weird fucker
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.0163 = 3.26 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: I've told you already....you got the wrong damn guy
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3000 @ 0.003155 = 9.465 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2 @ 0.0163 = 0.0326 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 10 @ 0.0162 = 0.162 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.00315 = 0.315 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: what the hell is wrong with you
afrotec: woah garden going
pizza_deliveri: I was here BEFORE you
mircea_popescu: no. you claim to have been here before X arbitrary date.
pizza_deliveri: and unlike you i don't play weird games like a woman
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.0162 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6273 @ 0.00315 = 19.76 BTC [-]
VanCleef: did btct lose the plot or something?
pizza_deliveri: i don't make false profiles pretending to be a woman
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 437 @ 0.003399 = 1.4854 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 120 @ 0.0162 = 1.944 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: I don't plaster my MUG all over blogs
thestringpuller: pizza_deliveri: the girl is real dude
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.0161 = 3.22 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1385 @ 0.003399 = 4.7076 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: so what the hell is your game????
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.0161 = 16.1 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 16 @ 0.04189 = 0.6702 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 34 @ 0.0161 = 0.5474 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.0161 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.0419 = 0.2514 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri well you couldn't afford to. seeing how scammers kinda need to be able to go buy milk
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.0161 = 1.61 BTC [-]
Wild0wnes: i hear the first pizza was bought with 10000 labcoins..... soon that pizza will be worth 18 cents
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 61 @ 0.0161 = 0.9821 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.0161 = 3.22 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 10000 @ 0.01603 = 160.3 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: buy milk are you mad?
VanCleef: lol wild0wnes
pizza_deliveri: what is your game, i don't even understand what your trying to do
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 500 @ 0.01603 = 8.015 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 46 @ 0.003151 = 0.1449 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: I've just let you know you've listed my username on your blog
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.039 = 0.078 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.039 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5000 @ 0.01602 = 80.1 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 800 @ 0.01602 = 12.816 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 77 @ 0.0034 = 0.2618 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: yeah ywah, rehash. sure. that's how it works.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.01601 = 16.01 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 680 @ 0.0034 = 2.312 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 25 @ 0.01601 = 0.4003 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: obviously you got a bit too happy with whatever 'algo' you are looking at to detect socks
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.003151 = 0.3151 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 45 @ 0.01601 = 0.7205 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: listen, you're sorely unqualified to be participating in all this.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 800 @ 0.01601 = 12.808 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: bit too paranoid for your own good
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.01601 = 3.202 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 315 @ 0.01601 = 5.0432 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 600 @ 0.01601 = 9.606 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: i get it, it's shocking, you thought everyone's a redditard. well... not rly, not here.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 31 @ 0.01601 = 0.4963 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: now move along
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.00349 = 0.349 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.01601 = 3.202 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.01601 = 1.601 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 500 @ 0.01601 = 8.005 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 4000 @ 0.01601 = 64.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 10000 @ 0.01601 = 160.1 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: redditard,,, you weirdo
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.01601 = 0.8005 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006398 = 0.16 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 850 @ 0.01601 = 13.6085 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 207 @ 0.006399 = 1.3246 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 4000 @ 0.01601 = 64.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3 @ 0.0034 = 0.0102 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006399 = 0.16 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 125 @ 0.01601 = 2.0013 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 600 @ 0.01601 = 9.606 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006399 = 0.16 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5900 @ 0.01601 = 94.459 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: now I finally understand the problems others had with you
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 10 @ 0.01601 = 0.1601 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 130 @ 0.01601 = 2.0813 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: Namworld add whatever 20k for "btc garden". it adds up fast.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.016 = 1.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 8000 @ 0.016 = 128 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 400 @ 0.016 = 6.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 950 @ 0.016 = 15.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 38 @ 0.016 = 0.608 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri yeah. they were trying to scam and dammit!!!
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.00316 = 0.316 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 8108 @ 0.016 = 129.728 BTC [-]
VanCleef: oh jesus both tanking
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.003155 = 0.631 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1350 @ 0.016 = 21.6 BTC [-]
FlyingLeap: stereotyping redditors is... perfectly logical
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 7 @ 0.016 = 0.112 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1664 @ 0.003152 = 5.2449 BTC [-]
VanCleef: abort
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.016 = 1.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 297 @ 0.0034 = 1.0098 BTC [+]
louong: btcgarden bids are getting filled normally
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 80 @ 0.016 = 1.28 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.156 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: everyone said you are strange and conjure up conspiracy theories out of nowehre...looks like there's no smoke without fire
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 102 @ 0.003485 = 0.3555 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: FlyingLeap it sure as hell is comfortable.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 445 @ 0.01601 = 7.1245 BTC [+]
Namworld: BTCGARDEN IPOing
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 750 @ 0.016 = 12 BTC [-]
Namworld: Would you look at at.
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri pointing out you can't back up your claims is not a conspiracy theory.
scryb3: first ask up on btcg
mircea_popescu: trying to misrepresent the situation however is quite what scammers do.
pizza_deliveri: imircea_popescu: f you had an ounce of integrity: after I've explained to you that yo've got the wrong name, you'd just delete it and move on with whatever 'investigation' next
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 30 @ 0.003485 = 0.1046 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.016 = 0.08 BTC [-]
FlyingLeap: reading reddit hurts, so no sarcasm intended
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri except you lied.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2276 @ 0.016 = 36.416 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 297 @ 0.0034 = 1.0098 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 31 @ 0.01601 = 0.4963 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.003151 = 6.302 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: so what goddamn 'PROOF' do you want
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 60 @ 0.016 = 0.96 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 13727 @ 0.00315 = 43.2401 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.016 = 3.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.00311 = 0.1555 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: lied how exactly?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 70 @ 0.01601 = 1.1207 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3926 @ 0.0031 = 12.1706 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 60 @ 0.016 = 0.96 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 400 @ 0.016 = 6.4 BTC [-]
FlyingLeap: if you were "around" in 2010, what freenode nick were you?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 500 @ 0.016 = 8 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: you made a claim you can't back up. re you being here in 2010.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 140 @ 0.016 = 2.24 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: how can you 'trip me up' when I've got nothing to hide?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2058 @ 0.0031 = 6.3798 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 500 @ 0.016 = 8 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: flyingleap: I just use random nicks like 'useraiaiaoo'
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1859 @ 0.016 = 29.744 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: pizza_deliveri: were you in otc in 2010?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.155 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2327 @ 0.003151 = 7.3324 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5000 @ 0.016 = 80 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: next time get in the wot.
thestringpuller: pizza_deliveri: like in the WoT?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 54 @ 0.003399 = 0.1835 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 35 @ 0.016 = 0.56 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 645 @ 0.003589 = 2.3149 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 725 @ 0.016 = 11.6 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: I've traded with few guys before
Namworld: 10 million x 0.016 = 160,000 BTC instant valuation for BTCGARDEN.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.016 = 3.2 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: we can see when your gpg key was added
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 300 @ 0.016 = 4.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 300 @ 0.016 = 4.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.016 = 1.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.155 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.016 = 3.2 BTC [-]
Namworld: I hope you're all proud of what you did.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.153 = 8.306 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2700 @ 0.016 = 43.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 300 @ 0.016 = 4.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.016 = 0.8 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: Namworld: ROFL
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 150 @ 0.016 = 2.4 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: you know what you are a fucking weirdo
VanCleef: yep namworld, disgraceful isn't it?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.016 = 1.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 74 @ 0.04001 = 2.9607 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 534 @ 0.016 = 8.544 BTC [-]
FlyingLeap: so, "around", but not in a meaningful way? no registration of nick, no registration in otc?
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 43 @ 0.04001 = 1.7204 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 6000 @ 0.016 = 96 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: VanCleef yeah.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.016 = 3.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.016 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: what am i even wasting my time arguing with a cunt like you for
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1200 @ 0.016 = 19.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1375 @ 0.016 = 22 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.016 = 1.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.016 = 1.6 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: as if you'd even remove my name if i proved you wrong???
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.116 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 500 @ 0.016 = 8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 300 @ 0.016 = 4.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 500 @ 0.016 = 8 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri because your time isn't worth anything, basically. and because you're trying to learn, in your own retarded way.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.016 = 16 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 13770 @ 0.016 = 220.32 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 115 @ 0.016 = 1.84 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: i think your the type of person who would alwys conjure up some excuse even after proved wrong
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 250 @ 0.016 = 4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2500 @ 0.016 = 40 BTC [-]
Namworld: No love for the serious businesses that have been around since forever.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 800 @ 0.016 = 12.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2661 @ 0.016 = 42.576 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri actually that flies in the face of the record.
VanCleef: wasn't it a 19 million dollar valuation?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.016 = 16 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 22 @ 0.04001 = 0.8802 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 250 @ 0.016 = 4 BTC [-]
Wild0wnes: so forgive me ignorance. but how does one find when IPOs are about to happen?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1150 @ 0.016 = 18.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.016 = 16 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.016 = 1.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.016 = 3.2 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: Wild0wnes they watch boiler room, it's a film.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 15002 @ 0.016 = 240.032 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 340 @ 0.0035 = 1.19 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: there is always people like you in the world..love to make drama where there is none
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 10550 @ 0.016 = 168.8 BTC [-]
Wild0wnes: i thought so
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 85 @ 0.016 = 1.36 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: then they get friendly with the scammer pushing it, early on.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 450 @ 0.016 = 7.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1084 @ 0.016 = 17.344 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1090 @ 0.016 = 17.44 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: you and your weird alter egos
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2200 @ 0.016 = 35.2 BTC [-]
Namworld: Thankfully I'm starting to get private offers which are decent and not related to these awful IPOs
scryb3: bitcointalk securites subforum
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.016 = 3.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5000 @ 0.016 = 80 BTC [-]
afrotec: Wild0wnes, bitcointalk forums
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri recourse to generalities won't help you. that crap has nothing to do wiuth the discussion at hand.
afrotec: but even then its a shot in the dark basically
afrotec: as we've seen today
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 346 @ 0.0035 = 1.211 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.016 = 16 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: why do you fake a PR profile pretending to be a woman?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1500 @ 0.016 = 24 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.016 = 3.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.016 = 16 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 150 @ 0.016 = 2.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 125 @ 0.016 = 2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 500 @ 0.016 = 8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 11 @ 0.016 = 0.176 BTC [-]
FlyingLeap: <pizza_deliveri> flyingleap: I just use random nicks like 'useraiaiaoo' <pizza_deliveri> you and your weird alter egos
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 768 @ 0.016 = 12.288 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 563 @ 0.003545 = 1.9958 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 6160 @ 0.016 = 98.56 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.115 = 8.23 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 7 @ 0.016 = 0.112 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri lol dude, you're embarassing yourself. everyone here knows it's an actual woman. half the people met her ffs.
thestringpuller: pizza_deliveri: The PR person is real.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 300 @ 0.016 = 4.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 40 @ 0.0035 = 0.14 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 7290 @ 0.016 = 116.64 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: so what? I don't usually even talk on IRC
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 6000 @ 0.016 = 96 BTC [-]
Wild0wnes: thank you afrotec
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 166 @ 0.016 = 2.656 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 332 @ 0.016 = 5.312 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.016 = 16 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 27 @ 0.04001 = 1.0803 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: i just randomly come here and see you accusing me of being some scammer?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 458 @ 0.016 = 7.328 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1274 @ 0.0035 = 4.459 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.112 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 129 @ 0.016 = 2.064 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.016 = 16 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: pizza_deliveri: you're drunk go home
VanCleef: do you think sec will investigate btct after all this?
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: yes REALLY
Namworld: I'm like 99.999% sure MPOE-PR is real.
mircea_popescu: VanCleef in the quaint words of the virgin mary, fucking definitely.
FlyingLeap: <pizza_deliveri> I've traded with few guys before their nicks? they like to leave a record of that for building rep u know
VanCleef: good
VanCleef: i was right then
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 335 @ 0.016 = 5.36 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 6000 @ 0.016 = 96 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 700 @ 0.016 = 11.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 310 @ 0.016 = 4.96 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 377 @ 0.016 = 6.032 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 25000 @ 0.016 = 400 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 23 @ 0.016 = 0.368 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2900 @ 0.016 = 46.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.016 = 16 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 830 @ 0.016 = 13.28 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 55 @ 0.016 = 0.88 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 30 @ 0.016 = 0.48 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.016 = 1.6 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: rest assured karma will come to you for playing weird games like this
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1200 @ 0.016 = 19.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 500 @ 0.016 = 8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.016 = 3.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 313 @ 0.016 = 5.008 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1900 @ 0.016 = 30.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 90 @ 0.016 = 1.44 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 400 @ 0.016 = 6.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 37 @ 0.016 = 0.592 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 865 @ 0.016 = 13.84 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1880 @ 0.016 = 30.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 12450 @ 0.016 = 199.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.016 = 3.2 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: it does come to me. i get everything i ever want because i'm the sort of guy that won't go for the quick buck.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2543 @ 0.016 = 40.688 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.016 = 3.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1900 @ 0.016 = 30.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 80 @ 0.016 = 1.28 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: it's just weird, why would you do it?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.016 = 1.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2000 @ 0.016 = 32 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: where do you live?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2000 @ 0.016 = 32 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2000 @ 0.016 = 32 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: because i just don't like scammers.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1012 @ 0.016 = 16.192 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 500 @ 0.016 = 8 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: it's realyl that simple.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 138 @ 0.016 = 2.208 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 600 @ 0.016 = 9.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 735 @ 0.016 = 11.76 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: you are deluded
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.016 = 16 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.016 = 0.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2480 @ 0.016 = 39.68 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 3000 @ 0.016 = 48 BTC [-]
Namworld: Question to all, what would prevent BTCGARDEN to crash considering they're IPOing for 4 million shares at 0.016 or more when there's demand for only about 250k?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.016 = 16 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: sick in the head as has been said before...no smoke without fire
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 25 @ 0.016 = 0.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5900 @ 0.016 = 94.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 500 @ 0.016 = 8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.016 = 16 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 95 @ 0.016 = 1.52 BTC [-]
Wild0wnes: okay so what i'm seeing with BTC garden... a script again?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 150 @ 0.016 = 2.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.15 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 400 @ 0.016 = 6.4 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: ;;calc 4000000 * 0.016
gribble: 64000
Namworld: It's not even going to fulfill the IPO
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri mind giving a link or something ? where "has it been said before" ?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1140 @ 0.016 = 18.24 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: !ticker btctc btcgarden
assbot: [BTCT:BTCGARDEN] 1D: 0.016 / 0.01601 / 0.01633 (226840 shares, 3630.7 BTC), 7D: 0.016 / 0.01601 / 0.01633 (223437 shares, 3576.3 BTC), 30D: 0.016 / 0.01601 / 0.01633 (223437 shares, 3576.3 BTC)
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: you've never noticed it? your type rarely do
Namworld: and that 4 million shares is for 40% of the profits ONLY
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 82 @ 0.016 = 1.312 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 44 @ 0.04189 = 1.8432 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 124 @ 0.016 = 1.984 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 580 @ 0.003155 = 1.8299 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 23 @ 0.016 = 0.368 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri forget the generalities, back up yiour claim. link, where ?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 60 @ 0.003151 = 0.1891 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 36 @ 0.016 = 0.576 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.003101 = 3.101 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1680 @ 0.016 = 26.88 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4016 @ 0.0031 = 12.4496 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 311 @ 0.016 = 4.976 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.0031 = 0.062 BTC [-]
Namworld: For some random out of the blue chinese operation
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 7 @ 0.01601 = 0.1121 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00301 = 3.01 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 500 @ 0.016 = 8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.00301 = 0.0602 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2400 @ 0.016 = 38.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 75 @ 0.003 = 0.225 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.016 = 16 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: this is the weirdest thing
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.003 = 0.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 13 @ 0.016 = 0.208 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 463 @ 0.002951 = 1.3663 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 425 @ 0.016 = 6.8 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: who are you even??
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1031 @ 0.00295 = 3.0415 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5000 @ 0.016 = 80 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 3500 @ 0.016 = 56 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 608 @ 0.00291 = 1.7693 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0419 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.016 = 3.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1200 @ 0.00288 = 3.456 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 15 @ 0.0419 = 0.6285 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: i'm your worst fucking nightmare.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 600 @ 0.016 = 9.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.00281 = 0.0562 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: so is anyone else here beside me and mp who didnt buy labcoin ipo at all?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 165 @ 0.0028 = 0.462 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.016 = 0.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 300 @ 0.016 = 4.8 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: omg are you for real,,,,,,
pizza_deliveri: this is too much
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla wait, you missed out ?!!?!?!?!?!
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 185 @ 0.0028 = 0.518 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 300 @ 0.016 = 4.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 689 @ 0.016 = 11.024 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.0028 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1900 @ 0.016 = 30.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.0027 = 13.5 BTC [-]
Chaang-Noi: i did not buy
kakobrekla: apparently!
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1200 @ 0.0027 = 3.24 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.112 BTC [-]
Wild0wnes: i bought it at its peak
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3156 @ 0.00266 = 8.395 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: did you really use 'im your worst nightmare'
mircea_popescu: Wild0wnes wd!
Wild0wnes: i like to do things different
Chaang-Noi: why would i buy?
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: karma will come to you
Graet: kakobrekla, i havent
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.003489 = 1.7445 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: Wild0wnes they say karma helps traders that buy at peaks.
pizza_deliveri: playing these weird games
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 72 @ 0.04193 = 3.019 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.112 = 8.224 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.111 = 20.555 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: I've told you simple- wrong guy
thestringpuller: Namworld: where is that from?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.111 BTC [-]
Wild0wnes: satoshi dice helped me last time
pizza_deliveri: I don't work for labcoin or whatever shit you conjured up
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006246 = 0.1562 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 61 @ 0.006245 = 0.3809 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller history, actually
louong: Namworld, you're more effective when you don't shout
pizza_deliveri: so take my name of your little blog..
thestringpuller: oh yea on GLBSE
Wild0wnes: you can put my name on your blog
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 14000 @ 0.016 = 224 BTC [-]
Namworld: Thestringpuller, that's what ASICMINER IPOed for.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.112 = 8.224 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 300 @ 0.016 = 4.8 BTC [-]
Namworld: 200'000 USD for 50% of the company
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 91 @ 0.016 = 1.456 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: Wild0wnes why ty.
Wild0wnes: haha
pizza_deliveri: strange guy hope you get caught one day and taught some manners
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 512 @ 0.016 = 8.192 BTC [-]
Namworld: BTCGARDEN is asking for over 6 million for 40% of the company
mircea_popescu: Graet how does it feel to have missed out!
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.006399 = 0.0192 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: ;;calc 4.12 * 200000 * 2
gribble: 1648000
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri o, you gonna mess me up, scammer toughboy ?
thestringpuller: so asicminer's general valuation is like 1.6 mn?
VanCleef: 16 million dollar valuation
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2000 @ 0.016 = 32 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: can you answer me serious question.. for real here
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.0034 = 0.34 BTC [-]
Namworld: 1.6 million BTC!
Graet: dont really care mircea_popescu , i rarely buy and sell thios sort of stuff
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 250 @ 0.016 = 4 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: oh 1.6 million btc
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 25 @ 0.016 = 0.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.016 = 1.6 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: Graet yeah.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 23 @ 0.016 = 0.368 BTC [-]
Graet: amusing to watch tho, all the butthurt lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2 @ 0.016 = 0.032 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006397 = 0.1599 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 150 @ 0.016 = 2.4 BTC [-]
Namworld: 160 million valuation for ASICMINER
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: If i gave you some sure proof I am completely unrelated to labcoin or whatever story you got, would you remove my name?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.016 = 0.08 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: you can't prove a negative dumbass.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 180 @ 0.016 = 2.88 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.015 = 1.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4014 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: thats my answer
mircea_popescu: start small. back up some of the claims you've made so far.
pizza_deliveri: though o you fucking cunt
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 66 @ 0.016 = 1.056 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: the positive stuff. being here in 2010. that.
louong: wow it's getting exciting in here
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 244 @ 0.00639 = 1.5592 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2 @ 0.016 = 0.032 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: even if i give u proof you still not gonna remove it
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 310 @ 0.016 = 4.96 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.003 = 0.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.016 = 0.8 BTC [+]
louong: two IPOs and the flaming
pizza_deliveri: you clown.... what sort of person are you???
mircea_popescu: herpderp
Namworld: They've been paying out over 500'000 USD weekly
pizza_deliveri: i show you proof and that not gonna be enough for you
pizza_deliveri: so basically you just wanna play games??
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006389 = 0.1597 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2 @ 0.016 = 0.032 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: thats what it is
Namworld: That makes it fair for such a high valuation.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 6 @ 0.016 = 0.096 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: fucking always some idiots like you
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri a. you didn't show any proof ; b. you can't prove a negative ; c. stop trying to pass a duck for a doe, it doesn't wash.
pizza_deliveri: what the hell is wrong with you
Namworld: you?
pizza_deliveri: 'can't prove a negative'
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 4 @ 0.016 = 0.064 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.00311 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006389 = 0.1597 BTC [-]
Wild0wnes: hey so what does everyone use to get their millions converted to benjamins..... i only lost 10 bucks today... i'm gonna splurge
mircea_popescu: the novelty of basic logic.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25 @ 0.00339 = 0.0848 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 225 @ 0.00639 = 1.4378 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01501 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 914 @ 0.003399 = 3.1067 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 18 @ 0.016 = 0.288 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1001 @ 0.016 = 16.016 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: ;;ident Wild0wnes
gribble: Nick 'Wild0wnes', with hostmask 'Wild0wnes!~Wild0wnes@ip68-0-74-27.tu.ok.cox.net', is not identified.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 420 @ 0.016 = 6.72 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.00285 = 0.285 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: Namworld: sorry to ask again, but when does BITVPS monthly's come out again?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.016 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 600 @ 0.00275 = 1.65 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: may be an idea to get in the wot, since we're here
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3000 @ 0.00271 = 8.13 BTC [-]
Wild0wnes: i should be identified
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 198 @ 0.002705 = 0.5356 BTC [-]
Wild0wnes: wierdness
mircea_popescu: so you avoid mr pizzaboy's problem in 2015
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0027 = 2.7 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 15 @ 0.016 = 0.24 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3500 @ 0.0027 = 9.45 BTC [-]
Namworld: Somewhere within the first week of each month
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.002662 = 1.331 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 435 @ 0.002662 = 1.158 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.002661 = 13.305 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4694 @ 0.00266 = 12.486 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 700 @ 0.00265 = 1.855 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1043 @ 0.002621 = 2.7337 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00262 = 2.62 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: I trade on localbitcoins and bitbargain
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.00261 = 5.22 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 337 @ 0.002601 = 0.8765 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1350 @ 0.002601 = 3.5114 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 980 @ 0.016 = 15.68 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.002601 = 0.1301 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6496 @ 0.0026 = 16.8896 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: pizza_deliveri just stfu, make a wot, come back in a few years.
pizza_deliveri: why need gpg and spend hours sitting in irc channels
pizza_deliveri: I made a WOT already
VanCleef: i've been here since yesterday, wanna buy shares in my ipo?
mircea_popescu: ;;ident pizza_deliveri
gribble: Nick 'pizza_deliveri', with hostmask 'pizza_deliveri!5ce9498f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified.
mircea_popescu: not as far as i can see.
Wild0wnes: ;;ident paranoid
gribble: Error: I am not seeing this user on IRC. If you want information about a registered gpg user, try the 'gpg info' command instead.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 600 @ 0.016 = 9.6 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: whoa! nobody paranoid is on irc!
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.016 = 1.6 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: that's like... a first innit.
Wild0wnes: ;;ident bitmillionairs
gribble: Error: I am not seeing this user on IRC. If you want information about a registered gpg user, try the 'gpg info' command instead.
Urushiol: can someone tell me what this pseudo-argument is about?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 4 @ 0.016 = 0.064 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 31800 @ 0.016 = 508.8 BTC [+]
Urushiol: woah
laque_: wha
mircea_popescu: Urushiol just random interwebs butthurt. safe to ignore.
Wild0wnes: woulda thought
VanCleef: lol, fucking idiot
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.016 = 16 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.0032 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.016 = 3.2 BTC [+]
VanCleef: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 31800 @ 0.016 = 508.8 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 8 @ 0.016 = 0.128 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 31800 @ 0.016 = 508.8 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: look! it did it again!
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.002666 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 399 @ 0.002665 = 1.0633 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.016 = 1.6 BTC [+]
laque_: 1500btc
VanCleef: lol what a waste of 500btc
mircea_popescu: that's 1500 in three minutes! vivat fakebtc!
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.0159 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1999 @ 0.016 = 31.984 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 395 @ 0.0063 = 2.4885 BTC [-]
laque_: omg bitcoins been hacked
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 150 @ 0.016 = 2.4 BTC [+]
laque_: reddit.com/r/bitcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.0063 BTC [-]
Diablo-D3: laque_: =|
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01599 BTC [-]
laque_: joking. i blame vancleef
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 687 @ 0.01599 = 10.9851 BTC [-]
Wild0wnes: everyone must be thumbs downing the hack... can't find it haha
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 4213 @ 0.016 = 67.408 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: hacks are bad mmkay
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.003198 BTC [+]
VanCleef: i got blammed for activemining too
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5000 @ 0.016 = 80 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.003198 = 0.6396 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.016 = 16 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5312 @ 0.016 = 84.992 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: urushiol: to summarise, mircea_popescu posted some usernames on his blog, one of them belonging to myself; he claimed these were 'hacked' and part of labcoin conspiracy to defraud
Wild0wnes: until pizza showed up i thought you were the trouble maker cleef
VanCleef: damn can you maniacs stop it?
pizza_deliveri: urushiol: what he did'n'r realise is that one of those guys is me, and completely unrelated to labcoin
mircea_popescu: Wild0wnes best i can tell he just has very off-brand sarcasm.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.003195 = 0.1598 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: you don't want to get caught posting obvious lies so you just keep it online
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.016 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 21 @ 0.003195 = 0.0671 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: surprising...
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.016 = 16 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6 @ 0.003195 = 0.0192 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: Aug 01 06:11:01 <pizza_deliveri>When I sell off
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.016 = 1.6 BTC [+]
Urushiol: surely you aren't suggesting a blogger didn't do sufficient research before "reporting"
mircea_popescu: you know, at least you could keep track of what you say right here.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.016 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 7 @ 0.01401 = 0.0981 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: i mean, not being able to back any claim up is one thing. slipping up and making contradictory claims within an hour of open interview is another.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 23 @ 0.003195 = 0.0735 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 27 @ 0.003195 = 0.0863 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: maybe you're just too stupid to be here ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0397 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: mircea_popescu: you've been caught out
mircea_popescu: right, because reversal works. glwt.
pizza_deliveri: I've told you the 'expose' you posted was wrong
pizza_deliveri: yea you can't just make random accusations that I'm working for some company involved in conspiracy to defraud
mircea_popescu: anyway, enough fun for now, gotta go water my eve corp. later all.
pizza_deliveri: you fucking cunt
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 500 @ 0.016 = 8 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: I'll put effort into go after you for this
Wild0wnes: pizza.... now now
pizza_deliveri: as if you can't even admit when you've made a mistake
pizza_deliveri: I hate people like you
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.002712 = 0.2712 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 3849 @ 0.00027 = 1.0392 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: just say opps sorry, and move on
pizza_deliveri: instead you start playing a game
Urushiol: cunt is a term of endearment
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 162 @ 0.016 = 2.592 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: Ignored the stuff i told you too about labcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.014 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.016 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 41 @ 0.016 = 0.656 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: did you even check the reddit I posted, and yet you have the nerve to say I'm "shilling" for them
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 450 @ 0.016 = 7.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.003189 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 34 @ 0.00319 = 0.1085 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: I've been around for longer than you and you wanna get on your high horse just cause you waste hours in irc and making up storys on blogs
Namworld: Well it's his blog, he can pretty much write anything on it, pizza. Trying to fight against mircea is useless. Plus going after him? He's all the way over there in Romania, already having an army of troll attacking him on the forum. He does not care the least.
pizza_deliveri: he is in romania?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3638 @ 0.00080763 = 2.9382 BTC [-]
Namworld: Yeah, he's romanian.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10262 @ 0.00080626 = 8.2738 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: timasoea
dexX7_: pizza_deliveri: the people on that "list" were actually all people minus MPOE-PR from labcoin thread #38, no more, no less
thestringpuller: timasora*
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1848 @ 0.003188 = 5.8914 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25 @ 0.003189 = 0.0797 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: dexx7: actually i don't know why I'm so worked up about it
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 401 @ 0.00319 = 1.2792 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 23 @ 0.003195 = 0.0735 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 346 @ 0.003198 = 1.1065 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 9 @ 0.016 = 0.144 BTC [+]
pizza_deliveri: just thought it's a bit weird and surprised he didn't remove it after realising info is wrong
Wild0wnes: so anyone else signed up for the internet bank?
thestringpuller: cause you a scammor
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 4000 @ 0.016 = 64 BTC [+]
Urushiol: credit union?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.0159 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 119 @ 0.0159 = 1.8921 BTC [-]
pizza_deliveri: thestringpuller: ??
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 463 @ 0.003189 = 1.4765 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 37 @ 0.003189 = 0.118 BTC [-]
Urushiol: I would if it was local
Wild0wnes: was a simple form online
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 250 @ 0.016 = 4 BTC [+]
Wild0wnes: the talk they gave at the (SanFran?) bitcoin conf was pretty interesting so i thought why not try it out
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 25 @ 0.001616 = 0.0404 BTC [-]
Urushiol: they were also the ones to untuck the Bitfloor debacle
Urushiol: unfuck*
Wild0wnes: same dudes as the wayback machine
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 5 @ 0.001615 = 0.0081 BTC [-]
Wild0wnes: not that the wayback machine is proof of anything but they been around longer than dirt
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.006255 = 0.0188 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 64 @ 0.006245 = 0.3997 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.006 = 0.012 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.132 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 18 @ 0.001608 = 0.0289 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4 @ 0.0031 = 0.0124 BTC [-]
bloctoc: Wild0wnes how long to get set up, How much of your life did you spend getting signed up on the credit union?
afrotec: yeah IAFCU
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 48 @ 0.016 = 0.768 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.016 BTC [+]
afrotec: it took like 10 minutes, then they call you with account numbers and the details
Namworld: This week's flavor is circlejerking: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=265172.0
bloctoc: thanks
Wild0wnes: like 5 minutes for the online form.... who knows what happens next... perhaps they fedex me a stack of homework
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01598 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15 @ 0.0028 = 0.042 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 129 @ 0.01595 = 2.0576 BTC [-]
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