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← 2020-09-08 | 2020-09-23 →
cgra: could somebody point me to the right direction on looking up further, why GetBlockValue() is how it is now? block subsidy seems to overflow eventually (while not anytime soon...), due to c-istic bit shift
cgra: i lost the scent somewhere around here. two distinct patches, related to my subject are mentioned, and apparently now-outdated link to trb source.
snsabot: (trilema) 2015-07-24 mod6: this patch was submitted: but it is /already/ applied in v0.5.3 base, we never applied this patch. Here's the spot:
asciilifeform: cgra: was , i suspect, lost in the chaos of early trb (when the concern was to get the thing to sync at all, rather than to fix all 'y2kisms') .
asciilifeform: cgra: the 'apocalypse' happens at block height ~13440000 , observe. which incidentally is ~240 yrs from nao, and looong after e.g. the 2038 32bit epoch timer rollover (which cannot even be patched w/out breaking protocol compat.)
asciilifeform: cgra: imho the idea that anything resembling the current item will be in use then, is beyond comedic. but if you wanna patch -- and test the patch, etc. -- get in the wot, make patch.
← 2020-09-08 | 2020-09-23 →