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← 2019-10-16 | 2019-10-29 →
PeterL: bingoboingo: I tried using the MP-WP picture uploader, and it does not work, It is giving me the error "The uploaded file could not be moved to /home/peterl/www/wp-content/uploads." Have you seen anything like this before?
BingoBoingo: PeterL: How big is the file?
PeterL: it seems to be giving me the same error on any picture file
PeterL: tried one with 81 kb
BingoBoingo: PeterL, I'll try the permissions dance
BingoBoingo: PeterL: Give it a try now
PeterL: ok, it looks like it works now, thanks
BingoBoingo: There appears to be an issue with pinging other blogs, later this week I will take a look at the LAMP setup to see if I can repair it.
← 2019-10-16 | 2019-10-29 →