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← 2024-06-14 | 2024-06-21 →
phf: << i've stitched and fiberglassed the hull, but it's a slow gowing, because i'm also doing work on the house. right now it's a very impressive prop in the garage though, this man does things.
dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2024-06-03 Vex: hows that wee skerry coming along phf?
phf: it's not going to come out picture perfect, because the trick is not to obsess about quality too much since i don't know what i'm doing, otherwise i'm never going to finish it
phf: 􏿽 << russian visionary writer viktor pelevin keeps churning out books, the latest one of course has llms and chatgpts in it. i'm too lazy to summirize at the moment, and there's no english translation. i bought a copy on
dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2024-05-09 Vex: no. thing learned to talk by sitting with a snapshot of wikipedia and facebook for a trillion years. it's ~ cat from red dwarf. still pretty cool.
phf: 􏿽 the flight from russia, and speaking of the slav lands are as lovely as ever. somehow no roaming nkvd cars snatching people to send them to frontlines. place feels "tighter" somehow, more galvanized, all the conscientious objectors left to azerbaijan and turkey
phf: they are getting a lot of chinese imports, cars, phones, i dunno luggage, and it's not the trash americans are getting, but chinese internal market quality items close or at their original sale price. gave me some view into what chinese internal market must be like, and it's really fucking impressive
phf: 􏿽the entire trip i was thinking about propaganda, and how even when i'm aware of it, i'm not impervious to it. took me 10 minutes to get through russia passport control, and hour and a half to get through u.s. one on return. shit, it took me less time to get through turkey passport
phf: 􏿽control, because outside of u.s. they don't have job creation shamblers making the process less efficient by ineptly directing traffic. for one.
phf: and then you see the shadows of chinese internal market, and have that "oh, i guess they lied to us about this also". u.s. has become a third world, but the propaganda keeps it moving like wile e. coyote and the cliff
asciilifeform: ohey wb phf!
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2024-06-19 04:58:13 phf[jonsykkel]: 􏿽 << russian visionary writer viktor pelevin keeps churning out books, the latest one of course has llms and chatgpts in it. i'm too lazy to summirize at the moment, and there's no english translation. i bought a
dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2024-05-09 Vex: no. thing learned to talk by sitting with a snapshot of wikipedia and facebook for a trillion years. it's ~ cat from red dwarf. still pretty cool.
asciilifeform: << this yes. ( asciilifeform routinely orders directly from cn, tho under 0 illusion that he's paying anyffing close to the 'internal' price. )
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2024-06-19 05:04:10 phf[jonsykkel]: they are getting a lot of chinese imports, cars, phones, i dunno luggage, and it's not the trash americans are getting, but chinese internal market quality items close or at their original sale price. gave me some view into what chinese internal market must be like, and it's re
asciilifeform: note, however, that in erry such case, yer riding the usd exch rate. take e.g. eyeglasses, ~10x cheaper in cn than in gringolandia. but the folx who actually live & work there, for the local plebe wage, have to save pennies to buy'em
← 2024-06-14 | 2024-06-21 →