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awt_akris[asciilifeform]: !ticker btc usd
awt_akris[asciilifeform]: $ticker btc usd
busybot: Current BTC price in USD: $40542.96
asciilifeform: << unlikely that anyone's aboutta repeat the bch/et al escapade -- unless they can 'fix' the 'bug' where folx are able to dump the shitcoin in trade for actual coin
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2024-01-20 17:15:49 billymg: << oh neat, miners are gonna airdrop bidencoin for us to dump? keep me posted
asciilifeform: << imho is elementarily, by definition, tru that it undermines decentralization. can debate 'how much', 'what's the practical effect', but not 'whether'
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2024-01-20 17:20:53 signpost: definitely the case that mining is a heavy industry now, not something an individual can meaningfully do. whether that undermines decentralization is an open question, though indisputably having more mining participants means more decentralization.
asciilifeform: << afaik no serious operator has yet even threatened to defect on e.g. segshit. so whoknows what other atrocity reich may be able to 'soft'-force 'consensus' for
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2024-01-20 17:23:23 signpost: (and at least the energy resources necessary to mine reside in multiple orwell-scale empires who have reason to defect on the matter of excluding transactions from blocks)
asciilifeform: segshit went in and still sits because was a) ultimately +ev for the miners (moar tx fee) and b) there's no inexpensive way to set it on fire a la bch
asciilifeform: consider for instance: instead (or even in addition) to dumping coin on the market to dampen exchrate, reich starts sending a 'phree' coin to erry miner who mines a block containing only 'kosher' tx. they've enuff to do this for 20y at least.
asciilifeform: no bans/firing squads/paid stoolies/etc req'd. 0 meaningful 'resist', 'the market'(tm)(r) will be doing their work for'em.
asciilifeform: ('kosher' could mean anyffin at all, from 'not features any of these 11 we-think-putin-wallet addrs' to 'goes from Officially-registered to Officially-registered addr' to whatever)
asciilifeform: << if he actually though this (have link to where said?) it then aint clear to asciilifeform why he bothered to get involved
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2024-01-20 17:24:34 signpost: (though if hal finney was in fact satoshi, he did see a day where bitcoin would only be held and transacted by banks, iirc, so there's reason for doubt)
asciilifeform: seems like an admission of defeat prior to any shots
asciilifeform: *thought this
asciilifeform: signpost: ty
signpost[asciilifeform]: contrary to satoshi's "digital cash" indeed
signpost[asciilifeform]: well, contrary to views espoused by a handle called satoshi
signpost[asciilifeform]: could be same guy and he changed his mind, could be finney came in with his own opinions
asciilifeform: the 'digital cash' thing was arguably an elementary arithmetic fail tho (given as errybody is stuck storing all tx 4evah, yer stuck with a reasonable limit as to their volume that is far below 'erry cup of tea')
asciilifeform: this was 1 of the key lulz in the bch story -- 'megablocks' would've given 'running a noad costs 5+figs/$/mo' -- hence why reich pushed megablox -- without remotely coming close to 'pay for erry tea cup with coin'
asciilifeform: at any rate, the 'only banks' 'dystopia' arguably is already here. i.e. some large % of all coin is in lizard hands; and there's afaik ~no actual coin-denominated commerce b/w humans.
asciilifeform: most tx, asciilifeform suspects, already for long time has been 'human -> gox', and there it tends to stay
asciilifeform: 1 interesting item -- cost of tx was even recently far too small, to the point that reich has organized a 2017-style 'stress test' (just like prev. go around, using shitcoins that feature liquishit storage in btc tx )
asciilifeform: some of'em -- only spam mempool, and in fact cost the spammers nuffin; some -- actually mineable tx
asciilifeform: all of this coupled with a rerun of 2017 'see, it's far too crowded, wouldntcha like an alt that's moar of 'electric cash'(tm) !'
asciilifeform: to date, reich continues to succeed in making actual use of btc just painful enuff so that primary use continues to be 'hodl'.
asciilifeform: creating this pain aint free, but they continue to not have any shortage of with what to pay for it.
awt_akris[asciilifeform]: $ticker btc usd
busybot: Current BTC price in USD: $39847.93
← 2024-01-20 | 2024-01-23 →