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← 2022-10-22 | 2022-10-24 →
asciilifeform meanwhile still stuck on this nonsense. tried various packages, 'algorithmic', 'algorithmicx', 'algorithm2e'; they all use various crud that hevea dun support (e.g. tex's 'edef' command; or 'float')
bitbot[asciilifeform|busybot]: Logged on 2022-10-14 14:36:37 asciilifeform[5]: phf: right, got notion from hevea author (see earlier link) that 'algorithms' can be hammered into straight edibility tho
asciilifeform continues to look for algo pkg short enuff to manually civilize
asciilifeform in the end turned up this comparatively minimal textism, but even it relies on 5 diff. knobs that aint in 'hevea', grr
asciilifeform: macro soup.
asciilifeform: *texism
asciilifeform: $ticker btc usd
busybot: Current BTC price in USD: $19378.22
← 2022-10-22 | 2022-10-24 →