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bitbot: Logged on 2022-01-08 04:05:37 whaack[asciilifeform|billymg]: asciilifeform and awt: this proggy is super neat, thanks for writing the spec/draft
whaack[asciilifeform]: morning asciilifeform
whaack[asciilifeform]: mod6: welcome!! do my messages reach you?
billymg waves to mod6
shinohai[asciilifeform]: Buenas dias #pest
shinohai[asciilifeform|billymg]: oh hai awt how goes?
awt[billymg|asciilifeform]: Going pretty good shinohai! Trying to figure out how to incorporate some bone broth into my breakfast.
shinohai[asciilifeform|billymg] is incorporating moar espresso into his breakfast right now .....
awt[billymg|asciilifeform]: nice. caffeiine is the best drug.
billymg: bone broth, nice. i need to start doing that
billymg: i added raw eggs to my diet about a month ago (12 to 18 per day), total game changer. much more energy for lifting, faster recovery
whaack[asciilifeform]: billymg: have you heard of grass fed costa rica?
whaack[asciilifeform|billymg]: i don't really cook myself anymore so i'm not using them, but they deliver quality meat and all meat related products (probably some type of bone broth) right to your door
whaack[asciilifeform|billymg]: signpost: what tool did you use to measure the mineral quality of your water?
whaack[asciilifeform]: awt: do you take collagen supplements? i've started doing that, as well with magnesium, and my hand pain has been reduced tremendously (not necessarily because of the collagen/magnesium, of course, but perhaps..)
awt[asciilifeform|billymg]: whaack: yes I do
billymg: whaack: i have not, what's that?
awt[billymg|asciilifeform]: I believe it helped me heal from a rather bad hand injury last year
billymg: lol, should really read more than the one line with the mention before responding
billymg: whaack: these guys?
billymg: ah, yeah, i actually remember seeing one of the twitter bitcoiners mention this one
whaack[asciilifeform]: billymg: yeah i'm pretty sure that's them
whaack[asciilifeform|billymg]: yup, it's quite popular with the bitcoin twitter people down in S.T.
whaack[asciilifeform]: i ate some of their meat, it was delicious, we even blind tested rib eye with some decent auto mercado meat and grass fed was the clear winner
billymg: yeah, i stopped getting steaks from auto mercado a while ago, really not that great. first switched to pricemart but now getting from an importer (US beef)
billymg: but would prefer local, so i should try these guys
whaack[asciilifeform]: absolutely would recommend
whaack[asciilifeform]: and looks like they have bone broth delivery as well as per their fb page
billymg: good deal
awt[asciilifeform]: that's a hell of a lot of eggs billymg
billymg: indeed
awt[billymg|asciilifeform]: I haven't even been able to find ribeye cuts at automercado. don't know what they're called in spanish.
billymg: ojo de bif sometimes
whaack[asciilifeform]: it's the literal translation iirc... ojo de costilla
awt[billymg|asciilifeform]: oh ok makes sense
billymg: as the article says most people will understand "ribeye" too
awt[asciilifeform|billymg]: is cola de lomo a thing? I had a cut called something like that last trip and it was really good
billymg: i haven't heard of it but image search turned up some tasty looking dishes
mod6[asciilifeform]: hi, wow. lot to catch up on here. i'm currently only peer'd with awt/thimbronion. so that may be why you all aren't seing things directly.
mod6[asciilifeform|billymg]: < whaack[awt]> mod6: welcome!! do my messages reach you? << if you sent me a dm, then no. but I did see this line in here, ofc.
mod6[billymg|asciilifeform]: got a few chores to do here. will be back in ~1 hour and can go through it closer & get more peers added. thanks! :]
signpost[asciilifeform]: << crappy little total-dissolved-solids meter that came with my "zero filters"
bitbot: Logged on 2022-01-08 16:34:04 whaack[asciilifeform|billymg]: signpost: what tool did you use to measure the mineral quality of your water?
signpost[asciilifeform]: << I take collagen every morning as part of a smoothie, has whey protein also, and "athletic greens"
bitbot: Logged on 2022-01-08 16:37:13 whaack[asciilifeform]: awt: do you take collagen supplements? i've started doing that, as well with magnesium, and my hand pain has been reduced tremendously (not necessarily because of the collagen/magnesium, of course, but perhaps..)
signpost[asciilifeform]: I also dump a hell of a lot of cacao in there, because I'm a glutton, and also somethingsomething antioxidants
signpost[asciilifeform|billymg]: anecdotally, I have zero RSI or other joint issues, no health issues of any kind. lots of different things are probably contributing to that.
signpost[asciilifeform|billymg] works out some, but oughta moar.
signpost[asciilifeform|billymg]: << nothing beats freshly dead, no matter what food one's discussing.
bitbot: Logged on 2022-01-08 16:51:56 billymg: but would prefer local, so i should try these guys
signpost[asciilifeform|billymg]: at least in terms of health, lol. plenty of long-since-died items are good fun.
awt[asciilifeform|billymg]: signpost: been reading a book called Deep Nutrition that says exactly that
signpost[asciilifeform|billymg]: might check that out
signpost[asciilifeform] figures one's tongue is also mighty tuned, will tell you what to eat if you pay attention.
billymg: awt: i have that book sitting on a shelf somewhere too, haven't gotten to it yet. bought it along with Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, which was enlightening. published in the 1930s, studies indigenous tribes around the world and finds those on their nati
billymg: also includes data on those who grew up on their native diets then switched to the white man's diet (canned fruits, white flour, lots of sugar) later in life -- immediately start getting cavities
mod6[asciilifeform|billymg] waves at billymg[awt]
mod6[billymg|asciilifeform]: < asciilifeform[awt]> welcome to pestnet, mod6 ! << ty ty!
billymg: reading stuff like that and knowing that my parents never stood a chance given the "food pyramid" and other socialist propaganda enrages to no end
mod6[asciilifeform|billymg]: asciilifeform: ok, re-peer'd and re-key'd with you on my end. also sent you a dm, plz to verify.
mod6[asciilifeform|billymg]: howdy signpost o7
mod6[asciilifeform]: Ok signpost, I think we're good.
signpost[asciilifeform]: forgot a step on my side
signpost[asciilifeform|billymg]: I think that should be it. send another msg please?
signpost[asciilifeform]: yep, got that one directly, woot
mod6[billymg|asciilifeform]: This pest is awesome.
awt[asciilifeform]: billymg: I have the degeneration book as well, haven't yet read.
awt[billymg|asciilifeform]: billymg: yeah boomers really got rolled
signpost[asciilifeform]: fwiw nmap says asciilifeform awt and billymg have UDP ports properly open, and so do I, but my station doesn't receive from them.
signpost[asciilifeform]: checked myself also
billymg: signpost: who are you receiving from?
signpost[asciilifeform]: hm. you know what? your message just said it came from awt.
signpost[asciilifeform]: so perhaps the output of AT is wrong
signpost[asciilifeform|billymg]: I also see messages from asciilifeform above that appear to have arrived directly
signpost[asciilifeform|billymg]: not sure wtf atm, just putting these observations in the log
billymg: i'm checking the date on my pest station box now, currently: Sat Jan 8 21:09:24 -00 2022
signpost[billymg] would chuckle if for some of these a hop through an intermediary is actually faster than a direct shot
billymg: this is probably a stupid question, but how does the time synchronization requirement work with different timezones?
billymg: the req that pest stations must be within 15 mintues of each other
signpost[asciilifeform|billymg]: heh, timezone bugs are never a stupid question
signpost[asciilifeform]: it appears that blatta mostly uses time.time(), but there's at least one call in, looking at it
signpost[asciilifeform]: that one does return local time, and is a "timezone-naive" type
signpost[asciilifeform|billymg]: confirmed locally in a pyrepl
signpost[asciilifeform]: billymg: doesn't appear to be the issue between our stations, since your machine is set to utc
signpost[asciilifeform]: awt: perhaps something to fix though, to use instead datetime.utcnow() in
signpost[asciilifeform|billymg]: (time.time() always gives utc epoch, so this can otherwise be mismatched)
billymg: just tried peering with mod6, also no luck
billymg: though looking at logs it seems at first glance like it's working properly:
mod6[asciilifeform]: fwiw my clock looks spot on
signpost[asciilifeform|billymg]: yeah, had no issue peering with mod6
signpost[asciilifeform|billymg]: billymg: did you try adding that patch I made for is_duplicate?
billymg: signpost: yup, been running that since last night
bitbot: Logged on 2022-01-08 00:29:43 billymg: btw, i'm on the patched version now. will i need to redo the peering steps to fix my AT?
signpost[asciilifeform]: head scratcher
billymg: i'm going to try creating an file with everyone's peer info, blow away the db, and restart blatta
signpost[asciilifeform]: maybe save a copy of the deeb for awt
billymg: ah, good point
mod6[asciilifeform|billymg]: just holler if anyone needs any of my log info or DB. will hand over asap.
awt[asciilifeform|billymg]: signpost: at is lying rn. never updates the updated_at field
awt[billymg|asciilifeform]: you can remove the if around that code in update_at and it will fix
signpost[asciilifeform|billymg]: ah yeah, the one inside the try block?
signpost[asciilifeform|asciilifeform|billymg]: yeah, that added a timestamp for everyone but billymg
signpost[asciilifeform]: so it seems like there's indeed an issue with our peering
whaack[asciilifeform|billymg]: mod6: added you as a peer
mod6[asciilifeform]: weird. my blatta went down.
mod6[asciilifeform]: restarted with DEBUG log level.
mod6[asciilifeform|billymg]: << Ok cool. Let me check my settings over here.
bitbot: Logged on 2022-01-08 21:54:54 whaack[asciilifeform|billymg]: mod6: added you as a peer
mod6[asciilifeform|asciilifeform|billymg]: blatta crashed again, but this time I captured the st & log snip.
mod6[asciilifeform|billymg]: Ok, crashed again when I pasted the link in here: ;; this line in particular:
bitbot: Logged on 2022-01-08 22:04:22 mod6[asciilifeform|asciilifeform|billymg]: blatta crashed again, but this time I captured the st & log snip.
mod6[asciilifeform|billymg]: Ok, didn't puke that time. The first time was kinda weird though - I do have a peer setup with whaak, and a shared key. But I did not have an addy in my AT table for him, yet. So maybe that was it. But the error says 'unknown handle or handle with no key', which didn't seem accurate.
awt[asciilifeform]: mod6: I suspect you have a badly formatted address in your at - perhaps missing a port
mod6[asciilifeform]: yeah, I think so, awt. just writing in as I see stuff. hope it's helpful.
whaack[asciilifeform|billymg]: yeah mod6, it apperas we are not peered
mod6[asciilifeform|billymg]: Hmm. Ok hit something else while I wasn't even using blatta;
mod6[asciilifeform]: I gotta run for a bit, I'll check back. Thanks all!
billymg: ok, i tried restarting with a fresh db and all peers entered manually in an file
awt[billymg]: mod6 you may need to inspect your at using sqlite3 on the db to find the bad address
billymg: ^ got that awt msg directly
signpost[asciilifeform|billymg]: billymg: still seeing ya hop through peers
billymg: ah, damn, same here for signpost
awt[asciilifeform]: billymg: perhaps another approach would be to repeer one by one and make sure each peering works before adding more
billymg: awt: yeah, it's just strange that i was able to peer with you and asciilifeform
billymg: i think i asked already but is your pest station also in asciilifeform's rack by any chance?
awt[asciilifeform]: billymg: no it's in CR
billymg: that's what i thought
asciilifeform back from dawn to dusk construction worx
asciilifeform: mod6: i still have 'no packets received' from your station
asciilifeform: but! very strangely! in fact ~working~ immediate msgs and direct msg
asciilifeform: so in fact peered w/ mod6, AT simply buggy.
billymg: asciilifeform: i believe this is the fix for the not updating AT
bitbot: Logged on 2022-01-08 21:44:21 awt[asciilifeform|billymg]: signpost: at is lying rn. never updates the updated_at field
billymg: err, rather this line, specifically:
bitbot: Logged on 2022-01-08 21:46:12 awt[billymg|asciilifeform]: you can remove the if around that code in update_at and it will fix
asciilifeform: bitbot: neato! will test (prolly tomorrow)
asciilifeform: << per spec, timezones do not matter : 'Current time shall be defined as the value of a station's 64-bit monotonic epoch clock.'
bitbot: Logged on 2022-01-08 21:10:05 billymg: this is probably a stupid question, but how does the time synchronization requirement work with different timezones?
asciilifeform: traditionally defined as 'seconds since January 1st, 1970 at UTC, excluding leap seconds.'
asciilifeform: afaik avail. on all reasonable unixlike os.
asciilifeform presently does not know whether blatta 100% conforms to this req
asciilifeform: << technically serious pest stations oughta disable icmp and nmap oughta see nuffin.
bitbot: Logged on 2022-01-08 21:07:41 signpost[asciilifeform]: fwiw nmap says asciilifeform awt and billymg have UDP ports properly open, and so do I, but my station doesn't receive from them.
asciilifeform not, obv., done this on his yet
asciilifeform: signpost: the reason you don't see asciilifeform's packets originating from the port seein in yer AT is that asciilifeform has not set up bidirectional rule (aint strictly necessary)
asciilifeform: theoretically one could, in e.g. pfsense
asciilifeform: stations which aint behind a nat, theoretically oughta be sending from same port as they receive, however
asciilifeform: (in re: icmp)
asciilifeform: << unlikely, at least re hearsays, on acct of the embargo buffer
bitbot: Logged on 2022-01-08 21:09:42 signpost[billymg]: would chuckle if for some of these a hop through an intermediary is actually faster than a direct shot
asciilifeform: (currently +1s on ea. hop)
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