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← 2020-09-13 | 2020-09-15 →
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2020/the-magic-johnson-and-other-stories/ << Trilema -- The Magic Johnson and other stories
cruciform: deedbot, hi! thanks so much for your most recent advice!
cruciform: I may be derping, but it appears some logs are missing from the ossasepia records? For example, the last entry for July 2019 is the 19th, whereas asciilifeform's log viewer shows, eg. logs for the 30th of that month
cruciform: *diana_coman, hi! :P (greetings to deedbot, too)
diana_coman: cruciform: how is that the last entry? look http://ossasepia.com/category/logs/ossasepia/
diana_coman: and mind that dates/times are a matter of where the bot runs so they might not match (ie a line may be recorded by one bot to be on the 19th while another bot considers it on the 20th)
diana_coman: anyway, full logs for July as far as I can see e.g. http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/20/ossasepia-logs-for-20-Jul-2019/ so dunno, learn to look properly first and use that category for all it's worth?
diana_coman is away from keyboard.
jfw: looks like an out-of-order import so the next/previous links don't always work, and the ordering in the category shows as jul-aug-jul-sep.
cruciform: aha, I was indeed derping (searching for June, rather than July...) - may be more tired than I thought :P
cruciform: diana_coman, jfw - thanks for the clarification
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/09/14/ossasepia-log-notes-2/ << Young Hands Club -- Ossasepia Log Notes 2
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/09/15/dg-agenda-20200915/ << Young Hands Club -- DG Agenda 2020.09.15
← 2020-09-13 | 2020-09-15 →