diana_coman: jfw re those postponed tasks, the question would be why did you kick them for later at "do" time? but otherwise for the quick-and-obvious, the conclusion would be not as much that you don't care about improving it but that you care more about something else there (whatever it might be); in other words, it doesn't burn
diana_coman: yet.
diana_coman: and sure, re "improvement", you'd rather have the option/keep it seemingly on; it's a thing this too, people want to have the option, not to actually do something with it.
diana_coman: as you say too, you'll "be always accosted by chores demanding attention that would have been better done earlier" but... that doesn't burn either ie you consider you'll still be able to deal with it (and you probably will, too, sure, though not without cost).
diana_coman: that cost though is in the future, while the cost of changing is in the present and so the present cost weighs more and so it goes.
jfw: *nod*
diana_coman: jfw - I'll only add that you would be able to do *so much more* and of the exact type you enjoy otherwise, for the cost of that hated change in the present; but well, saying it doesn't count anywhere near figuring it out yourself.
jfw: thanks for the saying anyway though.
jfw: "why did you kick them for later" - seems to be a matter of stealing time for things I want because I don't trust myself to make time / believe that there will be more time later if I don't
sonofawitch: 2020-02-17 15:58:38 (#ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw: thing is: overall it starts to add up to some quite successful self-tripping you got yourself there, heh; on one hand you are all "this is what needs to be done so will - glumly if need be - do it" + "there is not that much time nor need for leisure" and on the other hand - not all that surprisingly either - at any chance there is, you steal the leisure only marking it as "work", pret
diana_coman: jfw - you know, managing yourself includes making time for fun, for sure!
diana_coman: if that's really the thing, perhaps have a go at it that way - literally pick something fun as "compensation" for doing the needed not-fun and keep to both; at the end of the day, the *honesty* with yourself is really the most important part, no matter what.
diana_coman: well, not to mention that it's way more enjoyable to be on top of what happens when instead of being blown about and playing catch-up with it all, but anyways.
jfw: "nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed" (-F. Bacon, apparently) comes to mind, in the sense of staying on top like that requiring one to focus on things at the right time
whaack: billymg: I'm setting up mpwp with your new weightloss patch. When I log into my dashboard I can see all my content. But neither the homepage nor the individual pages are displaying any content. Here are the commands I ran on my server. /var/www/html is the root directory of my blog and ~/mp-wp-no-js/ is the directory of the freshly pressed mp-wp. I'll keep investigating, but maybe you have a quick
whaack: solution for my problem.
jfw: whaack: missing a link there?
whaack: jfw: yes thank you. the commands I ran => http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=A1zV
jfw: as a general practice, that should be something like "mv html html.bak" rather than "rm -rf" prior to verifying that it actually works :P
feedbot: http://ossasepia.com/2020/06/16/updating-your-old-log-links/ << Ossa Sepia -- Updating Your Old Log Links
whaack: jfw: I made a backup of everything first, but I gather that the above procedure of (of making and then removing .bak files) would help prevent against rm slip ups.
billymg: whaack: what you did looks similar to what i did (except as jfw said, moving the old directory to BAK insted of rm'ing)
billymg: my guess is file permissions
billymg: i would look and make sure all the files in there are 744
billymg: err, 644 rather for the files, 755 for the directories
billymg: do you see any errors in the apache error log?
whaack: billymg: yes, there was one error I took care of, and another one now I'm seeing when I access ztkfg through the dashboard.
billymg: whaack: do you mind pasting the error?
whaack: billymg: I made a few changes months ago to some php files to fix some problems I had with mpwp working with my local version of php. I need to find my notes that I either wrote locally, on younghands, in #o, or on ztkfg. My other plan is to press mpwp to the penultimate patch and then run diff -qr on the pressed directory with my backup directory to see what the small changes I made were.
jfw: whaack: it's not about rm slip-ups so much as optimism I suppose. "this is 99.999% going to work so I'm fine with restoring from remote backups in worst case" vs. "this is a big change I don't have much experience making so best keep a quick + known-good way to roll back if it fails"
billymg: whaack: ah, i see. i thought for ztkfg you were running on anyserver though, no?
whaack: billymg: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=YY3C
billymg: ah, i get those all the time, those are just warnings and shouldn't actually break anything (i've been meaning to fix those but just havne't gotten to it yet)
billymg: whaack: you said there's one more error that's displaying *in* the dashboard?
billymg: as in, spit out into the markup rathre than the error log
whaack: billymg: I am running on ubuntu with php 5.6.4
whaack: billymg: No, the error occurs in the apache log files when I access the dashboard. The error is: WordPress database error Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column 'ztkfgdb.wpmp_posts.post_date' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with DISTINCT for query SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(post_date) AS yyear, MONTH(post_date) AS mmonth FROM wpmp_posts WHERE
whaack: post_type = 'post' ORDER BY post_date DESC, referer: http://ztkfg.com/wp-admin/
jfw: billymg: possibly the 'fix' for the warnings etc. is 'php4 genesis' :D
jfw: one concern would be, can we find a decent manual for that, since the 'docs' are of course a php-powered living document wikihorror.
billymg: whaack: hmm, seems like a legitimate mysql error then
billymg: though i can't say i know what is causing it (and haven't seen it before myself)
billymg: i would maybe try to search for that error and see if anything comes up
jfw: the error sounds like it's from mysql so rather search for the query that causes it
billymg: jfw: good point, would be good to know the offending query
billymg: whaack: some of what i'm seeing elsewhere is that this error can be suppressed by disabling 'strict mode' in your mysql
billymg: not suggesting that's the ideal longterm solution but maybe just to get it running again for now
billymg: (confirmed that billymg.com's server's mysql is not in strict mode, so possible this is it)
whaack: billymg: sry, my connection got dropped. I'll twiddle with the file permissions and see if turning off strict mode in mysql helps
billymg: whaack: no worries
billymg: whaack: and if you do find that the case was that your fixes got blown away with the fresh install, maybe you could compile them up in a patch for mp-wp after you get it working again
ossabot: Logged on 2020-06-16 18:28:22 whaack: billymg: I made a few changes months ago to some php files to fix some problems I had with mpwp working with my local version of php. I need to find my notes that I either wrote locally, on younghands, in #o, or on ztkfg. My other plan is to press mpwp to the penultimate patch and then run diff -qr on the pressed directory with my backup directory to see what the small changes I made were.
whaack: billymg: the problem i had was fixed by setting the permissions in my themes dir to 755 for directories and 644 for files as you stated above. Maybe this problem could have been avoided by running "cp -r -perserve=all" when copying back my custom themes dir. The only other remaining weird was that I got the following error when trying to load individual pages:
whaack: [Tue Jun 16 23:35:09.402436 2020] [:error] [pid 15883] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_enqueue_script() in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/default/header.php on line 33
whaack: I commented out <?php if ( is_singular() ) wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' ); ?>
billymg: whaack: ahh, glad to hear it's working
billymg: whaack: re: the theme error, that's a good catch. the default themes had some javascript for placing comment reply boxes after the parent comment with threaded replies enabled. i chopped that out of the included themes but anyone bringing over their existing theme will likely run into this as well
billymg: diana_coman: ^ the above probably a better answer to your earlier question
sonofawitch: 2020-06-14 20:56:56 (#ossasepia) diana_coman: billymg - iirc some of your changes did touch the default theme(s) so hm, if I nuked those entirely and have my own, what do I need to port over?