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← 2020-01-12 | 2020-01-14 →
dorion: hello new_yh|6 , how goes and what brings you here ?
dorion: is that a pipe in your name ?
new_yh|6: Hey, what's up!
new_yh|6: What pipe are you talking about?
new_yh|6: I had a question to ask here, but...
new_yh|6: I forgot what it was.
dorion: the character between the h and 6 looks like | , char 124 in ascii , aka pipe.
dorion: why don't you share about yourself and maybe the question comes back to memory ?
new_yh|6: That pipe was unintentional. This username was randomly generated.
dorion: oic
new_yh|6: I'm 18yrs old. I've got time on my hands. I'm lost in life, looking for some clarity.
new_yh|6: Social skills are a little rusty. I blame my existential crisis. Excuse the shoddy lingo.
new_yh|6: Hmm... Nothing comes to mind.
new_yh|6: I think it was a question about Eulora or something...
dorion: new_yh|6 well, this ain't the worst place to end up in your search for clarity.
new_yh|6: Good to know.
new_yh|6: Have any other "lost souls" turned up here before?
dorion: new_yh|6 this is a good place to ask about Eulora , diana_coman owns this channel and is CTO.
dorion: there is also #eulora.
dorion: but new_yh|6 if you want proper help, best to get yourself a name you actually want and register an RSA key with deedbot. the latter gives people confidence they're actually talking to you.
dorion: new_yh|6 did you read younghands.club yet ?
new_yh|6: dorion, Yeah, I've been to the site.
new_yh|6: I found my way here from a link on that site
dorion: new_yh|6 nice. here's a guide to setting up a RSA key and registering with deedbot : http://www.eulorum.org/Account_Setup
new_yh|6: Cool. Thanks
new_yh|6: I gotta eat. Brb
dorion: new_yh|6 aok. and about clarity, in my experience this is one of the ~better~ places to get it.
dorion: new_yh|6!68f4e76c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. quits [Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)] << Digicel Jamaica. Right near da beach, boy !
whaack: jfw and dorion: i'm leaving my terminal, the best way to message me is here in #o but you can use try my digits as well if necessary. (Note - I will miss any pms you send me.)
jfw: safe travels whaack & we'll see you shortly!
jfw: spyked: feedbot's out
diana_coman: new_yh|6 better here than in #eulora for the time being; what's your name?
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/01/13/jfw-plan-week-of-jan-13-2020/ << Young Hands Club -- JFW plan, week of Jan 13 2020
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/01/13/jfw-review-week-of-jan-6-2020/ << Young Hands Club -- JFW review, week of Jan 6 2020
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/01/13/wh-plan-for-week-14-jan-13th-jan-19th/ << Young Hands Club -- WH Plan For Week 14 (Jan 13th - Jan 19th)
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/01/13/ejb-plan-week-4-jan-13-jan-19/ << Young Hands Club -- ejb plan: week 4 (Jan 13 - Jan 19)
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/01/13/rmd-review-jan-6th-12th-2020/ << Young Hands Club -- RMD review, Jan 6th-12th, 2020
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/01/13/ejb-review-week-3-jan-6-jan-12/ << Young Hands Club -- ejb review: week 3 (Jan 6 - Jan 12)
dorion: diana_coman this is my draft of the email reaching out to the rEFInd fellow. I'd appreciate a sanity check from you when you have a moment prior to firing it off to him.
diana_coman: dorion: why so...hm, fitful (and do use a spellchecker or something!); and give the guy first some time to react at all, first step is a more relaxed hi in and then depending on reaction, it moves forward one way or another; also, did you check with trinque as he was saying iirc he'll contact this guy, did he get around to contact him?
ossabot: (eulora) 2020-01-05 mircea_popescu: say hi ?
diana_coman: dorion: that convo linked from eulora might be of interest to you re MP's "say hi"
dorion: diana_coman I didn't use a spell checker.. do you have one to recommend ?
dorion: I'll read that #e thread.
diana_coman: dorion: sadly no, I actually don't use one really (I'm just detail-oriented whether I like it or not).
dorion: diana_coman I didn't check with trinque, as of 12/29 he said he might. In my comment friday evening I said I could today. I'll ask trinque explicitly though.
diana_coman: can't hurt and it's not like it can't wait (though I see why you'd rather have it done and not hanging like that, of course).
dorion: yeah, not a rush, but has been two weeks (tm) since it was suggested by both you and mp, so I thought why not ? trinque's churning out some really good stuff as it is. plus, if this guy actually does wanna step up to the plate, that could free spyked up for something else.
dorion: i'll see what trinque says and if he gives me the green light, dial it back.
diana_coman: dorion: sure; and I really meant just sync with trinque , nothing more.
dorion: cool, thanks.
diana_coman: anytime.
jfw: ahoy, I've again failed to get my article written; I did make good headway on organizing my loose pile of thoughts on the family, so I won't consider the time a waste.
jfw: I've noticed that one time-stretching self-delusion I'm prone to is "I haven't yet sat down and logged a start time on task X, thus I'm now 'preparing myself' or something and can drag feet and it totally doesn't count as time spent on X"
jfw: quite like the usg inflation measurement flexi-rulers huh
jfw: dorion: I also don't use spellcheckers except on occasion; my attitude is it's better to improve the brain-proofreading capacity first because spellchecker will never help with eg. "discuss with your further the cost". Perhaps they're most helpful if viewed like a teacher; they're not 'fixing for you' but pointing out mistakes so you can learn. For CLI environment I've used "aspell".
jfw: whaack: are you in yet? made contact with dorion?
jfw: hm, the above is why imho spellchecker is a permissible thing in human society but autocorrect is not (beyond the more basic problem of being a machine designed to disobey commands)
BingoBoingo: jfw: Just remember that time, like some other things doesn't inflate very well
← 2020-01-12 | 2020-01-14 →