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← 2019-12-27 | 2019-12-29 →
whaack: dang, my alphabetical-order channel-grabber exhausted my cl's environment allocated memory at "ZwergenIRC" , so close!
whaack: diana_coman: EOD Report: I worked a few extra hours on TheFleet project today, close to 12h. I did about 2hr of writing, no Spanish. I have some good news. I was lucky to figure out that the servers that returned IRC-ERR_NOTREGISTERED-MESSAGE in response to /list were complaining because I didn't wait for them to acknowledge my random nick. In other words, very few / no networks require you register to issue /list. I have a list of
whaack: just under 700,000 channels right now. I am missing channels from roughly 100 networks. They mostly offline, but some have a few rules that are messing up my script, such as "you must be connected for 60s before grabbing the channel list"
diana_coman: whaack: not bad; do take & keep notes re networks' various requirements, as they will surely come in handy at a later time too.
diana_coman: you'll have quite a nice article coming out of all this too.
adlai: unsolicited advice, for whaack: copying guitar tabulature is not sufficient cause for owning a dedicated printer; moreover, your musicianship will likely benefit from time spent reading and writing the scores yourself, and your finer musculature might benefit from a wider variety of cramps.
adlai wonders whether the truly manic superhackers can typeset tabulature so that the inkjet's servomotors provide appropriate percussive accompaniment while the human practices from an earlier copy
whaack: adlai: what do you mean my finer musculature would benefit from a wider variety of cramps?
trinque: he's doing his idiot adlai schtick where he breaks the fourth wall and talks to the tv audience for laughs.
whaack: ah
diana_coman: adlai: unsolicited advice is for writing on your own blog, not in here; do write in here when you have some unsolicited but useful work you want to showcase.
adlai: thank you for the admonition, lady of the oldcoloredskeletonphotochannel
whaack: trinque: do you understand how/when (format t "example") decides to flush its output to the slime repl? I had to put the form (finish-output nil) after it in one of my loops to get it to print
whaack: another q is when the debugger throws an error it has the option [*PROCESS-INPUT] Continue reading input, what is the difference between this and [ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.
← 2019-12-27 | 2019-12-29 →