Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2019-07-28 | 2019-07-30 →
diana_coman: hello tanami , what brings you here?
tanami: asciilifeform told me to come here
diana_coman: tanami: and you didn't ask why? lol
tanami: [11:25] <+asciilifeform> tanami: if you read and find interesting, please join #ossasepia / #asciilifeform and
tanami: introduce self there.
diana_coman: ok, so introduce yourself
tanami: well, it's me -- Tanami
diana_coman: a name is not who you are...
tanami: I am the chief technology officer of an optoelectronics company and the same for a mobile app startup
tanami: and I like to talk on irc
diana_coman: sounds busy; what is it you want to get out of the "talk on irc"?
tanami: I wouldn't say that I have any particular aim when it comes to chatting on irc
tanami: I just like to see what's happening
tanami: what is Eulora?
diana_coman: well, for "see what's happening" you can simply read the logs e.g.
diana_coman: tanami: mmorpg with actual economy with currency tied to BTC
tanami: ah ok, so that is it then
tanami: I thought it might be a company with the same name
tanami: I like the declension domain name (eulora -> eulorum), very clever
diana_coman: the company producing eulora is Minigame; the eulorum wiki is community-made
tanami: indeed
tanami: anyway, I mostly just joined because I was interested in seeing a cleaner codebase for btc
tanami: I don't use cryptocurrency at all, and part of the reason why is because of the bloated and difficult-to-audit codebases running most currencies
diana_coman: the thing is that "seeing" as in not doing is not going to get you far around here; there's plenty of spectators and they are worth in the best case ~0
tanami: there seems to be a bit of a paranoid vibe going on around here, what's up with that?
tanami: I don't think there's anything wrong with people just watching something progress..
diana_coman: tanami: that is probably your own bias so not something I have to answer for; re "just watching" - sure, go read the logs.
diana_coman: don't expect people to entertain you on their own time and at their own expense though; watchers have nothing to talk about.
diana_coman: and because this is a learning place, I'll add this time for free that "just watching something progress" is pretty much the equivalent of "oh, how nice to watch you work guise, don't mind me, I'm waiting here for you to finish so I can then claim I've been along all the while and we are friends nao, right?"
diana_coman: the log is full of more detailed explanations on this and why it won't work so go read it, I won't spend any more time on it; talk back when you are ready to start doing something.
shrysr: diana_coman: well I just got mosh set up... lets see how the lag behaves henceforth.
shrysr: diana_coman: hey I've learnt a lot observing people do stuff and then imitating + improvising when I do it..
shrysr: hehe I already see a good improvement in typing speed ! I am pleased.
diana_coman: shrysr: "and then imitating + improvising" i.e. doing.
shrysr: diana_coman: how did you 'find' TMRS, and was game dev something that you were always interested in?
shrysr: *TMSR* ... i seem to get it wrong all the time.
← 2019-07-28 | 2019-07-30 →