Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2019-07-26 | 2019-07-28 →
diana_coman: hello zmk
zmk: hello diana_coman
diana_coman: why are you here zmk ?
zmk: i decided to come over and work with you on what matters before happens
zmk: no opportunity ever lasts forever
diana_coman: that much is true: it doesn't.
diana_coman: who are you, zmk ?
diana_coman: zmk: yo, did you perish *that* fast?
zmk: my name is zmk. i am a log eater. i speak english and spanish
diana_coman: well, if you go with "my name is zmk", I'll give you a name too, at least make it clear
diana_coman: what do you do other than log reading?
diana_coman: do you write online anywhere?
zmk: i work as a "software engineer" whatever that is
zmk: and no, i do not write online anywhere. i do not have an identity yet
diana_coman: zmk: fine, you get a shot at it at least, let's see what you can make out of it; make yourself a RSA key pair and register with deedbot; ping me when you're done with it and I'll make you an account on; you'll get some basic homework to get you started and then I'll see how that goes.
zmk: got it
diana_coman: zmk: you can /msg deedbot from anywhere.
zmk: i was getting deedboot: No such nick/channel
diana_coman: well yes, it's a bot not a boot
diana_coman: shrysr: you can link your key-page from deedbot, you know? (at that "connect" page on yer blog)
diana_coman: zmk: either do /msg deedbot !!register ...
diana_coman: or say it in the window/tab with deedbot
diana_coman: zmk: that's not the right thing
diana_coman: zmk: what operating system are you on?
zmk: african os
zmk: a.k.a. ubuntu
diana_coman: zmk: follow the steps from ; the may also help
zmk: diana_coman: done
diana_coman: zmk: congrats; I hope you took notes, as you'll document this part as your first post on
diana_coman: with what you did wrong first and why
zmk: yes, i did
diana_coman: good; zmk are you sure you don't already have an actual name?
zmk: yes. btw, i made rookie mistake and pasted a test key i did not set up email or comment on. can i eventually replace it?
diana_coman: zmk: email doesn't matter in the slightest and you'll survive without comment too; unlikely to change your key as such.
zmk: great then
shrysr: diana_coman: re: using key-page link from deedbot - yes, i know. I will be adding that.
shrysr: diana_coman: I'm coming along with my notes of WoT v/s linked in and understanding WoT. Will post soon.
shrysr: diana_coman: so I've rated deedbot, rated you, but I cannot find my nick/graph when I search on the deedbot site.
shrysr: i mean I don't see me in
shrysr: because i haven't recvd any ratings ?
shrysr: diana_coman: so linked in vs the WoT :
shrysr: i could add a few pictures to aid clarity.. but i haven't dug into the xml-rpc protocol and a good workflow for all that. THis was actually a lot more convenient with hugo.
shrysr: diana_coman: so that article includes the WoT writeup
shrysr: added the key-page link from deedbot on the connect page
shrysr: diana_coman: how do you handle pictures and say, later updates of a blog post? You write the content on a text editor, but do you discard that file ?
shrysr: diana_coman: why does email not matter ? the email and comment help you distinguish between keys in an easier way?
shrysr: don't matter in terms of the encryption you meant I suppose
shrysr: hehe I suppose I would not want to describe myself as a log eater. :) But it's only now that I;ve been exposed to the concept of learning from logs.
← 2019-07-26 | 2019-07-28 →