Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2019-07-22 | 2019-07-24 →
diana_coman: not bad, shrysr, congrats on having a site!
diana_coman: shrysr: you say "published first blog post on" - I can't see it, where is it??
diana_coman: mac might not be the easiest host for eulora; do you work on macs only or why mac?
diana_coman: as for pgp, better focus on understanding RSA because that's the part that stays, not the whole mess otherwise (see my EuCrypt series and asciilifeform's FFA)
shrysr: diana_coman: personal laptop : mac. office > windows + Linux (virtualbox). Don't do much on windows nowadays... as such the mac is the only thing with a gfx card
shrysr: diana_coman: okay.. I will redirect towards RSA and and go through FFA + EuCrypt.
shrysr: Re: publishing on younghands - Right now >> I can directly publish from my buffer in Emacs to a Wordpress post / page etc - just a few key presses. No manual copy paste / fine tuning needed. Just the same for updating posts too.
shrysr: Switching to the WP editor (MP-WP or even the newer versions as I saw yesterday) will mean i waste a TON of time in formatting code blocks etc and just about everything, every single time.
shrysr: As such - I should be able to publish straight to younghands from Emacs and manage multiple blogs. The org2blog uses the xmlrpc.php to connect to WP. Perhaps my URL was wrong...or MP-WP is different - but I could not connect to younghands. may need to connect via SSH to poke around and understand why.It was setup without too many issues on my vps.
shrysr: diana_coman: hmm.. i see that there is an xmlrpc.php in mp-wp.
shrysr: and that xml-rpc is actually a protocol.
shrysr: diana_coman: okay - what is the url to that file, for my blog or account on younghands? believe i tried variations of
shrysr: diana_coman: why mac :D used to be a favorite question. as such, the magic trackpad, easy availability of unix tools... etc. I would opt for Linux completely - but there are some excellent mac only apps like devonthink and a bunch of others, not to mention the issue of MS office on linux. IMO though ridiculously expensive.. the mac is a better option than windows.
shrysr: also - my earlier workhorse was a 2010 macbook pro... that I got 2nd hand off a friend. Still have it... it worked trouble free for 9 damn years compared to every other laptop I've ever had (2-3 years + some problem or the other)
shrysr: of course - the old mac was damn nearless without the SSD i had to install in it.
shrysr: near useless**
shrysr: god.. i need to setup MOSH for IRC.... the lag is horrible sometimes.
← 2019-07-22 | 2019-07-24 →