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← 2019-07-21 | 2019-07-23 →
shrysr: diana_coman: i almost got it running. atleast had nginx running. But still dont have wordpress up yet
shrysr: diana_coman: I have my post more or less ready, but it was terribly slow to access wp @ younghands ...
diana_coman: shrysr: use for paste
diana_coman: shrysr: I think since coming on to IRC and this channel, I feel like I've learnt more in a week than a long time. hehe -> cool :)
diana_coman: shrysr: diana_coman: you know I have to zoom to 140% to be able to comfortably read your blog , as well as trilema -> the point is that it zooms well, doesn't it? how much you need to zoom or not depends on your display, it's not something I as blog owner can or should control
diana_coman: that terribly slow accessing might be worth investigating; maybe have a look and see where the bottleneck is? it might be that your motel wifi is the sort that "works well" but only to local isp/canada stuff or who knows; alternatively, if there really is a problem on pizarro end, I get something to tell them but you need to give me something more concrete than "it was terribly slow"
diana_coman: shrysr: asciilifeform is the author of; he kindly joined my channel
diana_coman: re logs, the best way to get to grips would probably be by reading a lot, but it can be a painful start,hence I did not yet set it as task - you still have loads to do
diana_coman: anyway, if you are keen on that, perhaps start from and read in parallel the actual log for those weeks, then try your own hand at summarizing what you read; note that it can be extremely time consuming
diana_coman: shrysr: you know, that is not working from here; and ugh cloudflare??? get out of that shit
diana_coman: re being 31, nice to hear; but do note that "being old enough" has nothing to do with biological age
diana_coman: this is not a 3-ring binder, checklist-ticking place - each individual is where and what they are based on what they do, not on age, height, sex, whatever else you can tick
diana_coman: if it burns, use it as motivation to learn even faster
diana_coman: "more or less ready" is top lolz - yo, either it's ready or it's not ready!
diana_coman: and since I can't see it published, therefore it is NOT READY
diana_coman: not done even.
shrysr: diana_coman: almost expected you to say investigate why the access is slow. hehe. I will explore this. Re: reading the logs - noted.
shrysr: diana_coman: omg - it was all ready!! when something takes that long to load - i usually go to troubleshooting first ! Instead, i figured i could setup the vps ....
diana_coman: shrysr: link or it ain't ready :D :D
diana_coman: and no, you publish first and *then* investigate (since publishing burns because look, one day late)
shrysr: diana_coman: :D ok! ! publish first. re: cloudflare : i will remove cloudflare ... that article on docker was funny and illuminating. ENjoyed it and have to read again. Incidentally, I was diving into docker last week and that made it even more relevant.
diana_coman: heh, good for you.
diana_coman: and you know, be a bit more prudent with what you dive in or who knows what you catch, lol.
shrysr: i totally get you. I try to remind myself everyday... That dive was before 'discovering' you on, btw. As such I find docker and the microservice concept quite exciting and it was long overdue... but as usual everything is still half done. But lol...trilema's article and your point about cloudflare opened my eyes. Why bother with cloudflare before setting up a basic server that I understand, and one
shrysr: that actually works like i want.. wtf... among many other things.
shrysr: best ... because it IS facinating and tough.. and I want to master it.
asciilifeform: shrysr: what part did you have headache understanding ? ( ftr asciilifeform wrote the linked v draft )
shrysr: asciilifeform: not yet, thank you.. i think that will help a lot. I will go through and revert. Per se - not headache. It was totally new.. and a LOT... its safe to say I did not understand anything, and will porbably have to learn a big bunch of other things first... I don't have a clear birds eye view of how things fit and what I am working on.
asciilifeform: it's <400 ln. how 'a lot' ?
shrysr: asciilifeform: i hope you know that I am not a classically trained software engg / programmer... nor do I have a strong concept about bitcoin itself. whatever little I know has been 'hacked' together. i.e I usually have not 'explored' source code on a daily basis in the past. so 400 lines or 100 this stage.. in general - I would first feel intimidated.
asciilifeform: bitcoin isn't in any way directly involved in ''
asciilifeform: shrysr: my point was -- if there is a specific routine you did not understand, i may be able to help
shrysr: asciilifeform: understood. ... i will work on it. and lol.. i will need your help.
shrysr: the formatting is a bit screwed up.... but hopefully... i will setup soon such that I can publish on WP via emacs, and that should streamline things.
asciilifeform: pretty neat, shrysr
asciilifeform: shrysr: post your notes as you eat 'v' etc
shrysr: hey asciilifeform .. oh yes.. thats the plan....
shrysr: oh lol table of contents links are not linked at all...hehe. but damn... i finally have my website up !
asciilifeform: congrats shrysr
shrysr: asciilifeform: thanks! heheee it wd have taken a few more years if not for you guys.
asciilifeform: shrysr: peek into #trilema , i think mp wants to ask you a q
← 2019-07-21 | 2019-07-23 →