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← 2024-09-17
Vex: looks likely. hang gliders, beepers, nest thing you know some bitch is gonna fling a glass of claret and shit'll kick the fuck off
dulapbot: (pest) 2024-09-17 signpost[asciilifeform]: gonna be somehow fitting if zion blowing the balls off of a few thousand d00ds ends up being one of the ratchet clicks to ww3
Vex: one wonders if the savagest of spooks ramped up the galaxy note 7 tech to make it pop, and or added something extra. it's super clever, doods are marked
Vex: presumably coincidently the afp has reported dissecting the ghost encrypted messaging app, and also by coincidence arresting major players in the commission, purported to set the cocaine prices in sydney
Vex: lebbo names overrepresented in arrests re the latter
Vex: everyone under 30. me thinks the fishwrap smells
Vex: there was a photo in the fishwrap of a pone layed out & probed that I would have liked to have shared but I forget where I saw it
Vex: afp taking all the credit, it's quite clearly not
Vex: its acic, providing evidence to afp
Vex: they're cool but op
Vex: detectable 6 bn light years away
← 2024-09-17