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← 2024-09-01 | 2024-09-14 →
Vex: how many gox cheques will go to the correct address?
Vex: is there a black explorer that doesn't cause chronic nausea?
Vex: *block
Vex: perhaps a suitable typo.
Vex: blockrock
Vex: want blockchained a thing? they must've priced it like pure dirt. the comments were too real
Vex: nothing's free
Vex: we haven't forgotten you 10, we can't sit in silence forever
Vex: hardtail 29 prolly stays home forever
Vex: i need a horse
Vex: and a tack shed
Vex: mebbe sone of those horse girls phf mentioned
Vex: i've fallen off some fast ones, it wasn't noones fault. I might've landed black and blue, it sure impresses cunt
← 2024-09-01 | 2024-09-14 →