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← 2024-07-01 | 2024-07-05 →
asciilifeform: mats: the wall radar thing was already ubiquitous in '00s-'10s, nfi wai is being pushed as 'new' atm (can prolly guess: new favourite-son contracts, 'innovation', etc...)
asciilifeform: mats: the 'find motion in shadow of wifi' thing also not new, was defo hyped in '10s
asciilifeform: (is miniature version of how 'find stealthbomber in shadow of gsm' worked)
mats: i recall reading about its use in the syrian civil war, but didn't know it was already available in the 2000s
mats: er, the war against IS in syria
mats: was it so man portable in its early iterations?
asciilifeform: mats: iirc was a box with 2 handles, held against wall by 1 gestapo d00d, 2nd -- looks at screen
asciilifeform: quite similar to what was described in linked piece
← 2024-07-01 | 2024-07-05 →